Database. Basic Data Types

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Lesson 38 computer science in 11th grade

Databases © Vyazovchenko Nataliya, 2010

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Tabular Databases

A tabular database contains a list of objects of the same type, that is, objects that have the same set of properties. It is convenient to represent such a database in the form of a two-dimensional table: in each of its rows the values ​​of the properties of one of the objects are sequentially placed; Each property value is in its own column, headed by the property name.

Slide 4

Database field

The columns of such a table are called fields; each field is characterized by its name (the name of the corresponding property) and the data type representing the values of this property. A database field is a table column that contains the values ​​of a specific property.

Slide 5

Table rows are records about an object; these records are divided into fields by table columns, so each record represents a set of values ​​contained in the fields. A database record is a table row containing a set of property values ​​located in database fields.

Database entry

Slide 6

Key field

Each table must contain at least one key field, the contents of which are unique to each record in that table. A key field allows you to uniquely identify each record in a table. A key field is a field whose value uniquely identifies a record in the table.

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The key field most often used is a field containing the counter data type. However, sometimes it is more convenient to use other fields as the key field of the table: product code, inventory number, etc.

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The type of a field is determined by the type of data it contains. Fields can contain the following main types of data:

counter - integers that are set automatically when entering records. These numbers cannot be changed by the user; text - texts containing up to 255 characters; numerical - numbers; date/time - date or time; monetary - numbers in monetary format; logical - values ​​True (Yes) or False (No); hyperlink - links to information resource on the Internet (for example, a website).

Slide 9

Field Properties

Each field type has its own set of properties. The most important properties of fields are: field size - determines the maximum length of a text or numeric field; field format - sets the data format; required field - indicates that this field must be filled in.

Slide 10

Consider, for example, the Computer database, which contains a list of objects (computers), each of which has a name. As characteristics (properties), you can consider the type of installed processor and the amount of RAM. The Name and Processor Type fields are text, RAM- numeric, and field No. - counter (Table 11.1). Moreover, each field has a specific set of properties. For example, for the RAM field the data format is set to integer.

Slide 11

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Hierarchical databases

Hierarchical databases can be graphically represented as an inverted tree consisting of objects at different levels. The top level (the root of the tree) is occupied by one object, the second - by objects of the second level, and so on. An example of a hierarchical database is Windows registry and catalog Windows folders.

Slide 14

Relationships between objects

There are connections between objects; each object can include several lower-level objects. Such objects are in a relationship between an ancestor (an object closer to the root) and a child (a lower-level object), where an ancestor object may have no or several children, while a child object necessarily has only one ancestor. Objects that have a common ancestor are called twins

Slide 15

The hierarchical database is the Windows Folder Directory, which you can work with by launching Explorer. The top level is occupied by the Desktop folder. On the second level there are the folders My Computer, My Documents, network and Recycle Bin, which are descendants of the Desktop folder, and are twins among themselves. In turn, the My Computer folder is the ancestor of third-level folders - disk folders (Disk 3.5 (A:), (C:), (D:), (E:), (F:)) and system folders (Printers, Control Panel, etc.)

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Another example of a hierarchical database is the database Domain system names of computers connected to the Internet. At the top level there is a tabular database containing a list of domains top level(264 domains in total), of which 7 are administrative, and the remaining 257 are geographical. The largest domain (data as of January 2002) is domain net(about 48 million servers), and in some domains (for example, in the zr domain) there is still not a single server registered. At the second level there are tabular databases containing a list of second-level domains for each first-level domain. At the third level there may be tabular databases containing a list of third-level domains for each second-level domain, and tables containing the IP addresses of computers located in the second-level domain

Slide 19

Slide 20

Distributed Database

The Domain Name System database must contain records of all computers connected to the Internet, that is, more than 150 million records. Placement like this huge base data on one computer would make searching for information very slow and inefficient. A solution to this problem was found by hosting individual database components on different DNS servers. Thus, the hierarchical database Domain Name System is a distributed database.

Slide 21

Searching for information in a hierarchical distributed database data

For example, we want to get acquainted with the contents of Microsoft's WWW server. First, our request containing the server domain name will be sent to our ISP's DNS server, which will forward it to the top-level DNS server in the database. The domain com of interest to us will be found in the first-level table and the request will be addressed to the second-level DNS server, which contains a list of second-level domains registered in the com domain.

Slide 22

The microsoft domain will be found in the second-level table and the request will be forwarded to the third-level DNS server. In the third level table, an entry corresponding to domain name contained in the request. Searching for information in the Domain Name System database will be completed and the search for a computer on the network will begin by its IP address.

Database (DB) - Database (DB) is a collection, in a certain way
organized information for some
For example:
Library book collection database;
Database of the institution's personnel;
Database of legislative acts in the region
criminal law;
Database of modern pop songs.

Database classification.

Databases are classified according to different criteria:
by the nature of the stored database information
are divided into factual and
According to the method of storing data, databases are divided into
centralized and distributed;
according to the structure of the database organization
classified into relational
network and hierarchical.

In factual databases

contained brief information about
described objects, presented with
strictly defined format.
1. In the library database about each book
The following information is stored: year
edition, author, title, etc.
2. Questionnaires are stored in the HR department database
employee data: full name, year of birth and

Documentary DB

contains extensive information about
various types: text, graphic,
sound, multimedia.
1. in the database of laws - the texts of the laws themselves,
2. in the pop song database – texts and notes
songs, biography of authors, information about
poets, composers and performers,
sound and video clips.

Information system

– this is the totality of the database and the entire complex
hardware and software for it
storage, modification and retrieval
information to interact with
1. ticket sales systems
passenger trains and airplanes.
2. WWW is a global information platform

Database (DB)

is a structured collection
interconnected data within
some subject area,
designed for long term
storage in external memory
computer and permanent

Can be used to store the database
to one computer, such a database
called centralized.
If different parts of the same database
stored on multiple computers
interconnected by a network, then
such a database is called
distributed database.

A database is called hierarchical,

in which information is organized
as follows: one element
records are considered the main one, the rest
Examples: file system

Family tree

The network is called a database,

in which to the vertical connections
horizontal connections are added.

Relational databases

- databases with tabular form
organizing information.
A relational database consists of one or
several interrelated
two-dimensional tables.


In relational (tabular) databases, a row is called a record, and a column is called a field.

Fields are different characteristics
(sometimes called attributes) of an object.
Field values ​​in one line
refer to the same object.
Different fields have different names.

Example 1. Organization of information in a single-table database “Cinema repertoire for the week.”

Adventures 11.00
Wait for it!

Primary (master) key of the database

is a field or group of fields, with
with which you can clearly
identify the entry. Meaning
primary key shouldn't
repeat for different records. IN
in the example discussed above
as the primary key of the database you need
take field group
cinema + time.

Field type

defines a set of values,
which this can take
field in various records.
In relational databases
There are four main types used
fields: numeric, character,
date, boolean

Numeric types have fields whose values
can only be numbers. Numbers can be
whole and real.
Character types have fields that will
character sequences are stored
(words, texts, codes, etc.).
The date type has fields containing
calendar dates in various forms.
The boolean type corresponds to the field that
can take only two values:
“yes” - “no” or “true” - “false”.

Example 2. Describe the structure of the database “Cinema repertoire for a week.”

To describe a structure means to indicate everything
table fields and their characteristics.
field name

Example 3. Given a fragment of a relational database: Specify the main key; describe the characteristics of the fields.

Number Date
departure flight
plane ticket
10/23/08 TU-154

Main key: flight number + departure date. Field descriptions:

field name
Flight number
departure date
Aircraft type
Ticket price

Example 4. Convert to tabular form the hierarchical structure shown in Fig.

Example 4. Convert hierarchical to tabular form
structure shown in Fig.
general physics
theoretical physics
organic chemistry
inorganic chemistry

Task No. 1

information to
tabular view,
defining the table name and
name of each field:
Olya, Petya, 13, singing, 14,
basketball, Vasya, Katya,
13, hockey, basketball,
football, 15.11, Kolya, 11,
dancing, Seryozha.
Table title: Employment in
Age circle
Serezha 11

Do it yourself:

The “Patient” database table contains
fields: last name, first name, patronymic, date
birth, plot number, address,
presence of chronic diseases, date
last visit to the doctor.
Determine the type and width of each

Computer science lesson in 8th grade (I.G. Semakin)

Place of work, position: Municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 27", Syktyvkar, computer science teacher Vasily Yuryevich Petrov.

Region: Komi Republic

Level of education: basic general education

Grade(s): 8th grade

Subject(s): Computer Science

Objective of the lesson: To become familiar with the concept of a database, its types, and organization.

Lesson type: Lesson on learning new material.

Students per class: 10-20

Equipment used: computer, projector, slides.

Lesson summary.

Topic: The concept of an information system, database, DBMS.

Objective of the lesson: to become familiar with the types of databases and the organization of data in them.


1. Educational

Learn to distinguish databases by type;

Provide techniques for reading tables as relational databases.

2. Developmental

Develop interest in structuring information;

To develop children's analytical thinking, their creative abilities, and the ability to work with various types of information.

3. Educational

Cultivate hard work, perseverance, and patience.

4. Personality-oriented

Creating communication situations in the classroom that allow each student to show initiative and independence.

Equipment: computer, projector.

Program part: presentation Microsoft Office Power Point.


Organizing time.

Analysis of the studied material.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Bottom line.

During the classes

Organizing time.

We prepared notebooks, pens, and paid attention to the board.

Analysis of the studied material.

Before we get to the topic of the lesson, let's remember what we studied in the previous lessons. Answer: information models: tabular, graphical, etc. You and I analyzed them independently, without using computer equipment. Modern means allow you to process data on a computer in large volumes.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Let's talk about databases. (Slide No. 1)

Main conversation

Let's talk about structuring information, its collection and storage (Slide No. 2).

Processing information using computer technology will be called information system. (Slide No. 3).

We give the concept of a DATABASE taking into account the available information (Slide No. 4).

Let's classify databases by type. We involve students in work through direct communication (Slide No. 5). Discussion.

We study each type of database in detail (Slides No. 6,7,8).

Let's get acquainted with relational databases, recall tabular information models (slide No. 9).

We turn to the key of relational databases. We talk about the uniqueness of each entry (slide No. 10).

We recall the types of information according to the form of presentation and talk about what data we can store in databases (Slide No. 11).

7. Lesson summary. (slide 19,20)

Our lesson is coming to an end. You worked so well today! What do you remember? What have you learned?

List of sources used

Computer science: textbook for 8th grade / I.G. Semakin, L.A.

  1. Introduction to Databases
    PPTX / 2.43 MB

    Zalogova, S.V. Rusakova, L.V. Shestakova. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014. - 176 p. : ill.

    The concept of a DBMS -

Elements of a tabular database A database field is a table column containing the values ​​of a specific property A database record is a table row containing a set of property values ​​located in database fields A key field is a field whose value uniquely identifies a record in the table

Basic data types Counter – integers that are set automatically when entering records. These numbers cannot be changed by the user Text - texts containing up to 255 characters Numeric - numbers Date/Time - date or time Currency - numbers in monetary format Boolean - values ​​True (Yes) or False (No) Hyperlink - links to an information resource in Internet (for example, website)

Database objects Table Queries Forms Reports Macros Modules (for detailed information click on the entry) Next >>> Next >>> >> Next >>>"> >> Next >>>"> >> Next >>>" title="Database Objects Table Queries Forms Reports Macros Modules (for detailed information, click on the entry) Next >> > Next >>>"> title="Database objects Table Queries Forms Reports Macros Modules (for detailed information, click on the entry) Next >>> Next >>>"> !}

Table In databases, all information is stored in two-dimensional tables. This is the base database object; all other objects are created based on existing tables (derived objects). Next >>> >>"> >>"> >>" title="Table In databases, all information is stored in two-dimensional tables. This is the basic database object; all other objects are created based on existing tables (derived objects). Next >> >"> title="Table In databases, all information is stored in two-dimensional tables. This is the base database object; all other objects are created based on existing tables (derived objects). Next >>>"> !}

Queries In a DBMS, queries are the most important tool. The main purpose of queries is to select data based on specified conditions. Using a query from the database, you can select information that satisfies certain conditions Next >>> >>"> >>"> >>" title="Queries In a DBMS, queries are the most important tool. The main purpose of queries is to select data based on specified conditions. Using a query from a database, you can select information that satisfies certain conditions Next >>>"> title="Queries In a DBMS, queries are the most important tool. The main purpose of queries is to select data based on specified conditions. Using a query from the database, you can select information that satisfies certain conditions Next >>>"> !}

Forms Forms allow you to display data contained in tables or queries in a more readable form. Using forms, you can add new data to tables, as well as edit or delete existing ones. The form may contain pictures, graphs, and other embedded objects. Next >>> >>">

Reports Reports are designed to print the data contained in tables and queries in a beautifully formatted manner. Next >>> >>"> >>"> >>" title="Reports Reports are designed to print the data contained in tables and queries in a beautifully designed form. Next >>>"> title="Reports Reports are designed to print the data contained in tables and queries in a beautifully formatted manner. Next >>>"> !}

Macros Macros are used to automate repetitive operations. Recording a macro is done in the same way as in other applications, for example, in MS Word. Next >>> >>"> >>"> >>" title="Macros Macros are used to automate repetitive operations. Recording a macro is done in the same way as in other applications, for example, in MS Word Next >>>"> title="Macros Macros are used to automate repetitive operations. Recording a macro is done in the same way as in other applications, for example, in MS Word. Next >>>"> !}

Modules Modules also serve to automate work with the database. Modules are also called event handling procedures and are written in VBA. Next >>> >>"> >>"> >>" title="Modules Modules are also used to automate work with the database. Modules are also called event processing procedures and are written in VBA. Next >>>"> title="Modules Modules also serve to automate work with the database. Modules are also called event handling procedures and are written in VBA. Next >>>"> !}

Stage 1 Create a new database in the Access application using the command: [File – Create Database...] Next > "> "> " title=" Stage 1 Create a new database in the Access application using the command: [File – Create Database…] Next >"> title="Stage 1 Create a new database in the Access application using the command: [File – Create Database...] Next >"> !}

Stage 2 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Tables group of objects, then Create a table in design mode Continue > "> "> " title=" stage 2 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Tables group of objects, then Create a table in design mode Next >"> title="Stage 2 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Tables group of objects, then Create a table in design mode Continue >"> !}


Stage 4 After creating the table, its name is added to the database window and it can be easily opened either in Design mode (Design button) or in Table mode (Open button) Next work > "> "> " title="4th stage After creating a table, its name is added to the database window and it can be easily opened either in Design mode (Design button) or in Table mode (Open button) Next work >"> title="Stage 4 After creating the table, its name is added to the database window and it can be easily opened either in Design mode (Design button) or in Table mode (Open button) Next work >"> !}

Stage 1 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Forms group of objects. Select Create a form using the wizard Next > "> "> " title=" Stage 1 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Forms group of objects. Select Create a form using the wizard Next >"> title="Stage 1 In the Internet Providers: Database window, select the Forms group of objects. Select Create a form using the wizard Next >"> !}

Stage 2 In the Create Forms panel that appears, select the source table in the Tables and Queries window, and in the Available Fields window: - fields for the Form. Click the Next button Next >Next > Next >>> Next >>> Next >> title=" stage 2 In the Create Forms panel that appears, select the source table in the Tables and Queries window, and in the Available Fields window: - fields for the Form. Click on the Next Next button >Next >"> title="Stage 2 In the Create Forms panel that appears, select the source table in the Tables and Queries window, and in the Available Fields window: - fields for the Form. Click the Next button Next >Next >"> !}

Stage 3 In the next panel that appears, use the switches to select the method of placing fields on the Form (for example, in one column). Click the Next button Next >Next > Next >>> Next >>> Next >> title=" Stage 3 In the next panel that appears, use the switches to select the method of placing fields on the Form (for example, in one column). Click the Next Next >Next button"> title="Stage 3 In the next panel that appears, use the switches to select the method of placing fields on the Form (for example, in one column). Click the Next button Next >Next >"> !}