Biometric security systems in the life of a modern person. Biometrics as a way to control access and protect information Biometric identification security systems

The presentation for this lecture can be downloaded.

Simple personal identification. Combination of facial, voice and gesture parameters for more accurate identification. Integrating the capabilities of Intel Perceptual Computing SDK modules to implement a multi-level system information security based on biometric information.

This lecture provides an introduction to the subject of biometric information security systems, discusses the principle of operation, methods and application in practice. Review of ready-made solutions and their comparison. The main algorithms for personal identification are considered. SDK capabilities for creating biometric information security methods.

4.1. Description of the subject area

There is a wide variety of identification methods and many of them have received widespread commercial application. Today, the most common verification and identification technologies are based on the use of passwords and personal identifiers (personal identification number - PIN) or documents such as a passport or driver's license. However, such systems are too vulnerable and can easily suffer from counterfeiting, theft and other factors. Therefore, biometric identification methods are of increasing interest, making it possible to determine a person’s identity based on his physiological characteristics by recognizing them using previously stored samples.

The range of problems that can be solved using new technologies is extremely wide:

  • prevent intruders from entering protected areas and premises through forgery and theft of documents, cards, passwords;
  • limit access to information and ensure personal responsibility for its safety;
  • ensure that only certified specialists are allowed access to critical facilities;
  • the recognition process, thanks to the intuitiveness of the software and hardware interface, is understandable and accessible to people of any age and does not know language barriers;
  • avoid overhead costs associated with the operation of access control systems (cards, keys);
  • eliminate the inconvenience associated with loss, damage or simple forgetting of keys, cards, passwords;
  • organize records of employee access and attendance.

In addition, an important reliability factor is that it is absolutely independent of the user. When using password protection, a person can use a short keyword or keep a piece of paper with a hint under your computer keyboard. When using hardware keys, an unscrupulous user will not strictly monitor his token, as a result of which the device may fall into the hands of an attacker. In biometric systems, nothing depends on the person. Another factor that positively influences the reliability of biometric systems is the ease of identification for the user. The fact is that, for example, scanning a fingerprint requires less work from a person than entering a password. Therefore, this procedure can be carried out not only before starting work, but also during its execution, which, naturally, increases the reliability of protection. Particularly important in this case is the use of scanners combined with computer devices. For example, there are mice in which the user's thumb always rests on the scanner. Therefore, the system can constantly carry out identification, and the person will not only not pause the work, but will not notice anything at all. IN modern world Unfortunately, almost everything is for sale, including access to confidential information. Moreover, the person who transferred identification data to the attacker risks practically nothing. About the password, you can say that it was picked, and about the smart card, that it was pulled out of your pocket. In case of using biometric protection A similar situation will not happen again.

The choice of industries that are most promising for the introduction of biometrics, from the point of view of analysts, depends, first of all, on a combination of two parameters: safety (or security) and the feasibility of using this particular means of control or protection. The main place in compliance with these parameters is undoubtedly occupied by the financial and industrial spheres, government and military institutions, the medical and aviation industries, and closed strategic facilities. For this group of consumers of biometric security systems, it is first of all important to prevent an unauthorized user from among their employees from performing an operation that is not authorized for him, and it is also important to constantly confirm the authorship of each operation. Modern system security can no longer do without not only the usual means that guarantee the security of an object, but also without biometrics. Biometric technologies are also used to control access in computer and network systems, various information storages, data banks, etc.

Biometric methods of information security become more relevant every year. With the development of technology: scanners, photos and video cameras, the range of problems solved using biometrics is expanding, and the use of biometric methods is becoming more popular. For example, banks, credit and other financial organizations serve as a symbol of reliability and trust for their clients. To meet these expectations, financial institutions are increasingly paying attention to the identification of users and personnel, actively using biometric technologies. Some options for using biometric methods:

  • reliable identification of users of various financial services, incl. online and mobile (identification by fingerprints predominates, recognition technologies based on the pattern of veins on the palm and finger and identification by voice of clients contacting call centers are actively developing);
  • prevention of fraud and fraud with credit and debit cards and other payment instruments (replacing the PIN code with the recognition of biometric parameters that cannot be stolen, spied on, or cloned);
  • improving the quality of service and its comfort (biometric ATMs);
  • control of physical access to bank buildings and premises, as well as to depository boxes, safes, vaults (with the possibility of biometric identification of both a bank employee and a client-user of the box);
  • protection of information systems and resources of banking and other credit organizations.

4.2. Biometric information security systems

Biometric information security systems are access control systems based on the identification and authentication of a person based on biological characteristics, such as DNA structure, iris pattern, retina, facial geometry and temperature map, fingerprint, palm geometry. Also, these methods of human authentication are called statistical methods, since they are based on the physiological characteristics of a person that are present from birth to death, are with him throughout his life, and which cannot be lost or stolen. Unique dynamic biometric authentication methods are also often used - signature, keyboard handwriting, voice and gait, which are based on the behavioral characteristics of people.

The concept of "biometrics" appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. The development of technologies for image recognition based on various biometric characteristics began quite a long time ago; it began in the 60s of the last century. Significant progress in development theoretical foundations Our compatriots have achieved these technologies. However, practical results were obtained mainly in the West and very recently. At the end of the twentieth century, interest in biometrics grew significantly due to the power modern computers and improved algorithms have made it possible to create products that, in terms of their characteristics and relationships, have become accessible and interesting to a wide range of users. The branch of science has found its application in the development of new security technologies. For example, a biometric system can control access to information and storage facilities in banks; it can be used in enterprises that process valuable information, to protect computers, communications, etc.

The essence of biometric systems comes down to the use computer systems personality recognition based on a person’s unique genetic code. Biometric security systems allow you to automatically recognize a person based on his physiological or behavioral characteristics.

Rice. 4.1.

Description of the operation of biometric systems:

All biometric systems work according to the same scheme. First, a recording process occurs, as a result of which the system remembers a sample of the biometric characteristic. Some biometric systems take multiple samples to capture a biometric characteristic in more detail. The received information is processed and converted into mathematical code. Biometric information security systems use biometric methods for identifying and authenticating users. Identification using a biometric system takes place in four stages:

  • Identifier registration - information about a physiological or behavioral characteristic is converted into a form accessible to computer technology and entered into the memory of the biometric system;
  • Selection - unique features are extracted from the newly presented identifier and analyzed by the system;
  • Comparison - information about the newly presented and previously registered identifier is compared;
  • Decision - a conclusion is made about whether the newly presented identifier matches or does not match.

The conclusion about the match/mismatch of identifiers can then be broadcast to other systems (access control, information security, etc.), which then act on the basis of the received information.

One of the most important characteristics of information security systems based on biometric technologies is high reliability, that is, the ability of the system to reliably distinguish between biometric characteristics belonging to different people and reliably find matches. In biometrics, these parameters are called the first type error (False Reject Rate, FRR) and the second type error (False Accept Rate, FAR). The first number characterizes the probability of denying access to a person who has access, the second - the probability of a false match of the biometric characteristics of two people. It is very difficult to fake the papillary pattern of a human finger or the iris of an eye. So the occurrence of “errors of the second type” (that is, granting access to a person who does not have the right to do so) is practically excluded. However, under the influence of certain factors, the biological characteristics by which a person is identified may change. For example, a person may catch a cold, as a result of which his voice will change beyond recognition. Therefore, the frequency of “type I errors” (denial of access to a person who has the right to do so) in biometric systems is quite high. The lower the FRR value for the same FAR values, the better the system. Sometimes used Comparative characteristics EER (Equal Error Rate), which determines the point at which the FRR and FAR graphs intersect. But it is not always representative. When using biometric systems, especially facial recognition systems, even when correct biometric characteristics are entered, the authentication decision is not always correct. This is due to a number of features and, first of all, due to the fact that many biometric characteristics can change. There is a certain degree of possibility of system error. Moreover, when using different technologies, the error can vary significantly. For access control systems when using biometric technologies, it is necessary to determine what is more important not to let in “strangers” or to let in all “insiders”.

Rice. 4.2.

Not only FAR and FRR determine the quality of a biometric system. If this were the only way, then the leading technology would be DNA recognition, for which FAR and FRR tend to zero. But it is obvious that this technology is not applicable at the current stage of human development. Therefore, important characteristics are resistance to dummy, speed and cost of the system. We should not forget that biometric characteristic a person can change over time, so if it is unstable, this is a significant disadvantage. Ease of use is also an important factor for users of biometric technology in security systems. The person whose characteristics are being scanned should not experience any inconvenience. In this regard, the most interesting method is, of course, facial recognition technology. True, in this case other problems arise, primarily related to the accuracy of the system.

Typically, a biometric system consists of two modules: a registration module and an identification module.

Registration module“trains” the system to identify a specific person. At the registration stage, a video camera or other sensors scan a person in order to create a digital representation of his appearance. As a result of scanning, several images are formed. Ideally, these images will have slightly different angles and facial expressions, allowing for more accurate data. A special software module processes this representation and determines the characteristic features of the individual, then creates a template. There are some parts of the face that remain virtually unchanged over time, such as the upper contours of the eye sockets, the areas surrounding the cheekbones, and the edges of the mouth. Most algorithms developed for biometric technologies can take into account possible changes in a person's hairstyle, since they do not analyze the area of ​​the face above the hairline. Each user's image template is stored in the biometric system's database.

Identification module receives an image of a person from a video camera and converts it into the same digital format in which the template is stored. The resulting data is compared with a template stored in a database to determine whether the images match each other. The degree of similarity required for verification is a threshold that can be adjusted to various types personnel, PC power, time of day and a number of other factors.

Identification can take the form of verification, authentication or recognition. During verification, the identity of the received data and the template stored in the database is confirmed. Authentication - confirms that the image received from the video camera matches one of the templates stored in the database. During recognition, if the received characteristics and one of the stored templates are the same, then the system identifies the person with the corresponding template.

4.3. Review of ready-made solutions

4.3.1. ICAR Lab: a complex of forensic research of speech phonograms

The ICAR Lab hardware and software complex is designed to solve a wide range of problems of audio information analysis, which is in demand in specialized departments of law enforcement agencies, laboratories and forensic centers, flight accident investigation services, research and training centers. The first version of the product was released in 1993 and was the result of collaboration between leading audio experts and software developers. The specialized software included in the complex provides high quality visual representation of speech phonograms. Modern voice biometric algorithms and powerful automation tools for all types of speech phonogram research allow experts to significantly increase the reliability and efficiency of examinations. The SIS II program included in the complex has unique tools for identification research: a comparative study of the speaker, whose voice and speech recordings were provided for examination, and samples of the suspect’s voice and speech. Identification phonoscopic examination is based on the theory of the uniqueness of each person's voice and speech. Anatomical factors: the structure of the organs of articulation, the shape of the vocal tract and oral cavity, as well as external factors: speech skills, regional characteristics, defects, etc.

Biometric algorithms and expert modules make it possible to automate and formalize many processes of phonoscopic identification research, such as searching for identical words, searching for identical sounds, selecting compared sound and melodic fragments, comparing speakers by formants and pitch, auditory and linguistic types of analysis. The results for each research method are presented in the form of numerical indicators of the overall identification solution.

The program consists of a number of modules, with the help of which a comparison is made in a one-to-one mode. The Formant Comparisons module is based on the phonetics term - formant, which denotes the acoustic characteristic of speech sounds (primarily vowels), associated with the frequency level of the vocal tone and forming the timbre of the sound. The identification process using the Formant Comparisons module can be divided into two stages: first, the expert searches and selects reference sound fragments, and after the reference fragments for known and unknown speakers have been collected, the expert can begin the comparison. The module automatically calculates intra- and inter-speaker variability of formant trajectories for selected sounds and makes a decision on positive/negative identification or an indeterminate result. The module also allows you to visually compare the distribution of selected sounds on a scattergram.

The Pitch Comparison module allows you to automate the speaker identification process using the melodic contour analysis method. The method is intended for comparison of speech samples based on the parameters of the implementation of similar elements of the melodic contour structure. For analysis, there are 18 types of contour fragments and 15 parameters for their description, including the values ​​of minimum, average, maximum, rate of tone change, kurtosis, bevel, etc. The module returns the comparison results in the form of a percentage match for each parameter and makes a decision on positive/negative identification or uncertain result. All data can be exported to a text report.

The automatic identification module allows for one-to-one comparison using the following algorithms:

  • Spectral-format;
  • Pitch statistics;
  • Mixture of Gaussian distributions;

The probabilities of coincidence and differences between speakers are calculated not only for each of the methods, but also for their totality. All results of comparing speech signals in two files, obtained in the automatic identification module, are based on identifying identificationally significant features in them and calculating the measure of proximity between the resulting sets of features and calculating the measure of proximity of the resulting sets of features to each other. For each value of this proximity measure, during the training period of the automatic comparison module, the probabilities of agreement and difference of speakers whose speech was contained in the compared files were obtained. These probabilities were obtained by the developers from a large training sample of phonograms: tens of thousands of speakers, various sound recording channels, many sound recording sessions, various types of speech material. The application of statistical data to a single case of file-to-file comparison requires taking into account the possible spread of the obtained values ​​of the measure of proximity of two files and the corresponding probability of coincidence/difference of speakers depending on various details of the speech utterance situation. For such quantities in mathematical statistics it is proposed to use the concept of a confidence interval. The automatic comparison module displays numerical results taking into account confidence intervals of various levels, which allows the user to see not only the average reliability of the method, but also the worst result obtained on the training base. The high reliability of the biometric engine developed by TsRT was confirmed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) tests.

  • Some comparison methods are semi-automatic (linguistic and auditive analyses)
  • The presentation for this lecture can be downloaded.

    Simple personal identification. Combination of facial, voice and gesture parameters for more accurate identification. Integration of the capabilities of Intel Perceptual Computing SDK modules to implement a multi-level information security system based on biometric information.

    This lecture provides an introduction to the subject of biometric information security systems, discusses the principle of operation, methods and application in practice. Review of ready-made solutions and their comparison. The main algorithms for personal identification are considered. SDK capabilities for creating biometric information security methods.

    4.1. Description of the subject area

    There are a wide variety of identification methods and many of them have received widespread commercial use. Today, the most common verification and identification technologies are based on the use of passwords and personal identifiers (personal identification number - PIN) or documents such as a passport or driver's license. However, such systems are too vulnerable and can easily suffer from counterfeiting, theft and other factors. Therefore, biometric identification methods are of increasing interest, making it possible to determine a person’s identity based on his physiological characteristics by recognizing them using previously stored samples.

    The range of problems that can be solved using new technologies is extremely wide:

    • prevent intruders from entering protected areas and premises through forgery and theft of documents, cards, passwords;
    • limit access to information and ensure personal responsibility for its safety;
    • ensure that only certified specialists are allowed access to critical facilities;
    • the recognition process, thanks to the intuitiveness of the software and hardware interface, is understandable and accessible to people of any age and does not know language barriers;
    • avoid overhead costs associated with the operation of access control systems (cards, keys);
    • eliminate the inconvenience associated with loss, damage or simple forgetting of keys, cards, passwords;
    • organize records of employee access and attendance.

    In addition, an important reliability factor is that it is absolutely independent of the user. When using password protection, a person can use a short keyword or keep a piece of paper with a hint under the computer keyboard. When using hardware keys, an unscrupulous user will not strictly monitor his token, as a result of which the device may fall into the hands of an attacker. In biometric systems, nothing depends on the person. Another factor that positively influences the reliability of biometric systems is the ease of identification for the user. The fact is that, for example, scanning a fingerprint requires less work from a person than entering a password. Therefore, this procedure can be carried out not only before starting work, but also during its execution, which, naturally, increases the reliability of protection. Particularly important in this case is the use of scanners combined with computer devices. For example, there are mice in which the user's thumb always rests on the scanner. Therefore, the system can constantly carry out identification, and the person will not only not pause the work, but will not notice anything at all. In the modern world, unfortunately, almost everything is for sale, including access to confidential information. Moreover, the person who transferred identification data to the attacker risks practically nothing. About the password, you can say that it was picked, and about the smart card, that it was pulled out of your pocket. If you use biometric protection, this situation will no longer happen.

    The choice of industries that are most promising for the introduction of biometrics, from the point of view of analysts, depends, first of all, on a combination of two parameters: safety (or security) and the feasibility of using this particular means of control or protection. The main place in compliance with these parameters is undoubtedly occupied by the financial and industrial spheres, government and military institutions, the medical and aviation industries, and closed strategic facilities. For this group of consumers of biometric security systems, it is first of all important to prevent an unauthorized user from among their employees from performing an operation that is not authorized for him, and it is also important to constantly confirm the authorship of each operation. A modern security system can no longer do without not only the usual means that guarantee the security of an object, but also without biometrics. Biometric technologies are also used to control access in computer and network systems, various information storages, data banks, etc.

    Biometric methods of information security become more relevant every year. With the development of technology: scanners, photos and video cameras, the range of problems solved using biometrics is expanding, and the use of biometric methods is becoming more popular. For example, banks, credit and other financial organizations serve as a symbol of reliability and trust for their clients. To meet these expectations, financial institutions are increasingly paying attention to the identification of users and personnel, actively using biometric technologies. Some options for using biometric methods:

    • reliable identification of users of various financial services, incl. online and mobile (identification by fingerprints predominates, recognition technologies based on the pattern of veins on the palm and finger and identification by voice of clients contacting call centers are actively developing);
    • prevention of fraud and fraud with credit and debit cards and other payment instruments (replacing the PIN code with the recognition of biometric parameters that cannot be stolen, spied on, or cloned);
    • improving the quality of service and its comfort (biometric ATMs);
    • control of physical access to bank buildings and premises, as well as to depository boxes, safes, vaults (with the possibility of biometric identification of both a bank employee and a client-user of the box);
    • protection of information systems and resources of banking and other credit organizations.

    4.2. Biometric information security systems

    Biometric information security systems are access control systems based on the identification and authentication of a person based on biological characteristics, such as DNA structure, iris pattern, retina, facial geometry and temperature map, fingerprint, palm geometry. Also, these methods of human authentication are called statistical methods, since they are based on the physiological characteristics of a person that are present from birth to death, are with him throughout his life, and which cannot be lost or stolen. Unique dynamic biometric authentication methods are also often used - signature, keyboard handwriting, voice and gait, which are based on the behavioral characteristics of people.

    The concept of "biometrics" appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. The development of technologies for image recognition based on various biometric characteristics began quite a long time ago; it began in the 60s of the last century. Our compatriots have achieved significant success in developing the theoretical foundations of these technologies. However, practical results were obtained mainly in the West and very recently. At the end of the twentieth century, interest in biometrics grew significantly due to the fact that the power of modern computers and improved algorithms made it possible to create products that, in terms of their characteristics and relationships, became accessible and interesting to a wide range of users. The branch of science has found its application in the development of new security technologies. For example, a biometric system can control access to information and storage facilities in banks; it can be used in enterprises that process valuable information, to protect computers, communications, etc.

    The essence of biometric systems comes down to the use of computer personality recognition systems based on a person’s unique genetic code. Biometric security systems allow you to automatically recognize a person based on his physiological or behavioral characteristics.

    Rice. 4.1.

    Description of the operation of biometric systems:

    All biometric systems work according to the same scheme. First, a recording process occurs, as a result of which the system remembers a sample of the biometric characteristic. Some biometric systems take multiple samples to capture a biometric characteristic in more detail. The received information is processed and converted into mathematical code. Biometric information security systems use biometric methods for identifying and authenticating users. Identification using a biometric system takes place in four stages:

    • Identifier registration - information about a physiological or behavioral characteristic is converted into a form accessible to computer technology and entered into the memory of the biometric system;
    • Selection - unique features are extracted from the newly presented identifier and analyzed by the system;
    • Comparison - information about the newly presented and previously registered identifier is compared;
    • Decision - a conclusion is made about whether the newly presented identifier matches or does not match.

    The conclusion about the match/mismatch of identifiers can then be broadcast to other systems (access control, information security, etc.), which then act on the basis of the received information.

    One of the most important characteristics of information security systems based on biometric technologies is high reliability, that is, the ability of the system to reliably distinguish between biometric characteristics belonging to different people and reliably find matches. In biometrics, these parameters are called the first type error (False Reject Rate, FRR) and the second type error (False Accept Rate, FAR). The first number characterizes the probability of denying access to a person who has access, the second - the probability of a false match of the biometric characteristics of two people. It is very difficult to fake the papillary pattern of a human finger or the iris of an eye. So the occurrence of “errors of the second type” (that is, granting access to a person who does not have the right to do so) is practically excluded. However, under the influence of certain factors, the biological characteristics by which a person is identified may change. For example, a person may catch a cold, as a result of which his voice will change beyond recognition. Therefore, the frequency of “type I errors” (denial of access to a person who has the right to do so) in biometric systems is quite high. The lower the FRR value for the same FAR values, the better the system. Sometimes the comparative characteristic EER (Equal Error Rate) is used, which determines the point at which the FRR and FAR graphs intersect. But it is not always representative. When using biometric systems, especially facial recognition systems, even when correct biometric characteristics are entered, the authentication decision is not always correct. This is due to a number of features and, first of all, due to the fact that many biometric characteristics can change. There is a certain degree of possibility of system error. Moreover, when using different technologies, the error can vary significantly. For access control systems when using biometric technologies, it is necessary to determine what is more important not to let in “strangers” or to let in all “insiders”.

    Rice. 4.2.

    Not only FAR and FRR determine the quality of a biometric system. If this were the only way, then the leading technology would be DNA recognition, for which FAR and FRR tend to zero. But it is obvious that this technology is not applicable at the current stage of human development. Therefore, important characteristics are resistance to dummy, speed and cost of the system. We should not forget that a person’s biometric characteristic can change over time, so if it is unstable, this is a significant disadvantage. Ease of use is also an important factor for users of biometric technology in security systems. The person whose characteristics are being scanned should not experience any inconvenience. In this regard, the most interesting method is, of course, facial recognition technology. True, in this case other problems arise, primarily related to the accuracy of the system.

    Typically, a biometric system consists of two modules: a registration module and an identification module.

    Registration module“trains” the system to identify a specific person. At the registration stage, a video camera or other sensors scan a person in order to create a digital representation of his appearance. As a result of scanning, several images are formed. Ideally, these images will have slightly different angles and facial expressions, allowing for more accurate data. A special software module processes this representation and determines the characteristic features of the individual, then creates a template. There are some parts of the face that remain virtually unchanged over time, such as the upper contours of the eye sockets, the areas surrounding the cheekbones, and the edges of the mouth. Most algorithms developed for biometric technologies can take into account possible changes in a person's hairstyle, since they do not analyze the area of ​​the face above the hairline. Each user's image template is stored in the biometric system's database.

    Identification module receives an image of a person from a video camera and converts it into the same digital format in which the template is stored. The resulting data is compared with a template stored in a database to determine whether the images match each other. The degree of similarity required for verification is a certain threshold that can be adjusted for different types of personnel, PC power, time of day and a number of other factors.

    Identification can take the form of verification, authentication or recognition. During verification, the identity of the received data and the template stored in the database is confirmed. Authentication - confirms that the image received from the video camera matches one of the templates stored in the database. During recognition, if the received characteristics and one of the stored templates are the same, then the system identifies the person with the corresponding template.

    4.3. Review of ready-made solutions

    4.3.1. ICAR Lab: a complex of forensic research of speech phonograms

    The ICAR Lab hardware and software complex is designed to solve a wide range of problems of audio information analysis, which is in demand in specialized departments of law enforcement agencies, laboratories and forensic centers, flight accident investigation services, research and training centers. The first version of the product was released in 1993 and was the result of collaboration between leading audio experts and software developers. The specialized software included in the complex ensures high quality visual representation of speech phonograms. Modern voice biometric algorithms and powerful automation tools for all types of speech phonogram research allow experts to significantly increase the reliability and efficiency of examinations. The SIS II program included in the complex has unique tools for identification research: a comparative study of the speaker, whose voice and speech recordings were provided for examination, and samples of the suspect’s voice and speech. Identification phonoscopic examination is based on the theory of the uniqueness of each person's voice and speech. Anatomical factors: the structure of the organs of articulation, the shape of the vocal tract and oral cavity, as well as external factors: speech skills, regional characteristics, defects, etc.

    Biometric algorithms and expert modules make it possible to automate and formalize many processes of phonoscopic identification research, such as searching for identical words, searching for identical sounds, selecting compared sound and melodic fragments, comparing speakers by formants and pitch, auditory and linguistic types of analysis. The results for each research method are presented in the form of numerical indicators of the overall identification solution.

    The program consists of a number of modules, with the help of which a comparison is made in a one-to-one mode. The Formant Comparisons module is based on the phonetics term - formant, which denotes the acoustic characteristic of speech sounds (primarily vowels), associated with the frequency level of the vocal tone and forming the timbre of the sound. The identification process using the Formant Comparisons module can be divided into two stages: first, the expert searches and selects reference sound fragments, and after the reference fragments for known and unknown speakers have been collected, the expert can begin the comparison. The module automatically calculates intra- and inter-speaker variability of formant trajectories for selected sounds and makes a decision on positive/negative identification or an indeterminate result. The module also allows you to visually compare the distribution of selected sounds on a scattergram.

    The Pitch Comparison module allows you to automate the speaker identification process using the melodic contour analysis method. The method is intended for comparison of speech samples based on the parameters of the implementation of similar elements of the melodic contour structure. For analysis, there are 18 types of contour fragments and 15 parameters for their description, including the values ​​of minimum, average, maximum, rate of tone change, kurtosis, bevel, etc. The module returns the comparison results in the form of a percentage match for each parameter and makes a decision on positive/negative identification or uncertain result. All data can be exported to a text report.

    The automatic identification module allows for one-to-one comparison using the following algorithms:

    • Spectral-format;
    • Pitch statistics;
    • Mixture of Gaussian distributions;

    The probabilities of coincidence and differences between speakers are calculated not only for each of the methods, but also for their totality. All results of comparing speech signals in two files, obtained in the automatic identification module, are based on identifying identificationally significant features in them and calculating the measure of proximity between the resulting sets of features and calculating the measure of proximity of the resulting sets of features to each other. For each value of this proximity measure, during the training period of the automatic comparison module, the probabilities of agreement and difference of speakers whose speech was contained in the compared files were obtained. These probabilities were obtained by the developers from a large training sample of phonograms: tens of thousands of speakers, various sound recording channels, many sound recording sessions, various types of speech material. The application of statistical data to a single case of file-to-file comparison requires taking into account the possible spread of the obtained values ​​of the measure of proximity of two files and the corresponding probability of coincidence/difference of speakers depending on various details of the speech utterance situation. For such quantities in mathematical statistics it is proposed to use the concept of a confidence interval. The automatic comparison module displays numerical results taking into account confidence intervals of various levels, which allows the user to see not only the average reliability of the method, but also the worst result obtained on the training base. The high reliability of the biometric engine developed by TsRT was confirmed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) tests.

  • Some comparison methods are semi-automatic (linguistic and auditive analyses)
  • Biometric methods of protection - section Computer Science, Information and Computer Science Most Clearly Provide Protection for Personal Identification Using...

    Biometric systems make it possible to identify a person by his specific characteristics, that is, by his static (fingerprints, cornea, shape of hand and face, genetic code, smell, etc.) and dynamic (voice, handwriting, behavior, etc.) characteristics. Unique biological, physiological and behavioral characteristics, individual for each person. They're called human biological code.

    The first biometric systems used fingerprint. Approximately one thousand years BC. in China and Babylon they knew about the uniqueness of fingerprints. They were placed under legal documents. However, fingerprinting began to be used in England in 1897, and in the USA in 1903. An example of a modern fingerprint reader is shown in Fig. 5.6.

    The advantage of biological identification systems, compared to traditional ones (for example, PIN codes, password access), is the identification not of external objects belonging to a person, but of the person himself. The analyzed characteristics of a person cannot be lost, transferred, forgotten and extremely difficult to fake. They are practically not subject to wear and do not require replacement or restoration. Therefore, in various countries (including Russia) they include biometric characteristics in international passports and other personal identifying documents.

    With the help of biometric systems, the following is carried out:

    1) restricting access to information and ensuring personal responsibility for its safety;

    2) ensuring access to certified specialists;

    3) preventing intruders from entering protected areas and premises due to forgery and (or) theft of documents (cards, passwords);

    4) organization of recording of access and attendance of employees, and also solves a number of other problems.

    One of the most reliable ways counts human eye identification(Fig. 5.7): identification of the iris pattern or scanning of the fundus (retina). This is due to the excellent balance between identification accuracy and ease of use of the equipment. The iris image is digitized and stored in the system as a code. The code obtained as a result of reading a person’s biometric parameters is compared with the one registered in the system. If they match, the system removes the access block. Scanning time does not exceed two seconds.

    New biometric technologies include three-dimensional personal identification , using three-dimensional personal identification scanners with a parallax method for registering images of objects and television image registration systems with an ultra-large angular field of view. It is expected that such systems will be used to identify individuals, whose three-dimensional images will be included in identity cards and other documents.

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    Information and computer science

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    All topics in this section:

    Information, data, information, messages and knowledge
    As soon as people appeared on Earth, they began to collect, comprehend, process, store and transmit a variety of information. Humanity (society) constantly deals with information.

    Information Properties
    Information has various properties. To systematize them, different variants of its division (classification) are used. Classification - dividing objects into classes

    Computer science
    Centuries-old communication of people with information, the study of its types, properties and application possibilities led to the creation of the science of computer science. The term “Informatics” (French “informatique”

    Information Technology
    The abilities and capabilities of people to process information are limited, especially in the face of ever-increasing arrays (volumes) of information. Therefore, there was a need to use storage methods

    Evolution of information technology
    Although information Technology have existed since the formation of human mental and physical activity, the evolution of information technology is usually considered from the moment of its invention in Geography

    Information technology platform
    This term does not have a clear definition. A platform is a functional block whose interface and service are defined by a certain standard. To the platform (English: “Platform”) or ba

    The role of information technology in the development of the economy and society
    The development of the economy is closely related to the development of any society because it is impossible to consider any economic tasks and problems outside of society. In any society, both

    Life cycle of information. Information sphere
    Information can exist briefly (for example, in the memory of a calculator during calculations carried out on it), for some time (for example, when preparing a certificate), or

    Negative consequences of the introduction of information technology
    Along with the “digital divide” and “virtual barrier”, changes in information technology of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.), involving

    Types of information technologies
    Any information technology is usually needed so that users can obtain the information they need on a specific storage medium. When considering information technology, you

    Information retrieval technology
    Search is an important information process. The possibilities of organizing and conducting a search depend on the availability of information, its accessibility, as well as the means and skills of organizing the search. The purpose of any search

    Types of information technologies used in various subject areas
    Technology as a process is ubiquitous in our lives. Modern information technologies are used in almost all areas, environments and areas of human activity. About

    Information technology management
    In most cases, information technology is in one way or another connected with providing management and making management decisions in various subject areas.

    Information technologies of expert systems
    Solving special problems requires special knowledge. Technologies including expert Information Systems, allow specialists to quickly receive expert advice on the problems they

    Implementation of information technologies in various subject areas
    The first historically established information technology that used computers was centralized information processing carried out in computer centers. To implement it, cereals were created

    Electronic documents
    Electronic document- a document presented in electronic form (digitized or prepared on a computer), having electronic signature, identifying (confirming

    EBook is a type of book stored in electronic form on any machine-readable electronic media and including special navigation tools in it.

    Electronic libraries
    Digital library(from the English “digital library” - “digital library”) - a type of, as a rule, publicly accessible automated information system

    Electronic office
    Almost in any organizations, enterprises, institutions, departments, firms, educational institutions, etc. various information flows operate. If the activities of such organizations mean

    Information model and modeling of information processes
    Model is one of the main categories of the theory of knowledge. In a broad sense, a model is any image (image, map, description, diagram, drawing, graph, plan, etc.) of any object, process or phenomenon.

    Systematic approach to solving functional problems
    The most effective modeling is carried out using the general principles of the systems approach, which underlies systems theory. It arose in the process of studying various objects

    Life cycle of information products and services
    The concept of the life cycle of a product or service implies that it is limited, at least in time. The product life cycle is defined as a movement pattern

    Information technology life cycle
    The life cycle of information technologies is a model of their creation and use, reflecting the various states of information technologies, starting from the moment of their emergence

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: basic terms in this area; what safety and security are and how they are implemented; what are the types of unauthorized

    General information protection provisions
    Almost all modern information is prepared or can be quite easily converted into machine-readable form. A characteristic feature of such information is the possibility of unauthorized persons

    The main types and causes of unauthorized impacts on information, buildings, premises and people
    Unauthorized actions on information, buildings, premises and people can be caused by various reasons and carried out using various methods impact. Such actions may be

    Impact on information, buildings, premises, personal safety of the user and operating personnel
    Typical causes of security violations at a facility are: 1) individual errors or inaccurate actions; 2) malfunction and (or) failure of the equipment used;

    Basic means and methods of information protection
    Information security tools and methods are usually divided into two large groups: organizational and technical. Sub-organizational refers to legislative, administrative

    Cryptographic methods of information protection
    Cryptography is secret writing, a system for changing information in order to protect it from unauthorized influences, as well as ensure the reliability of transmitted data.

    Network protection methods
    To protect information in information computer networks use special software, hardware and software-hardware tools. In order to protect networks and control access to them, they use

    Measures to ensure safety and protection
    Comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and protection of information, objects and people include organizational, physical, socio-psychological measures and engineering and technical means

    Application of information technology
    Let us highlight the most important areas of application of information technology: 1. Focus on active and effective use information resources societies that are important

    Text information processing
    Text information may arise from various sources and have varying degrees of complexity in the form of presentation. Depending on the form of representation, text messages are processed using

    Processing tabular data
    Users in the process of work often have to deal with tabular data when creating and maintaining accounting books, bank accounts, estimates, statements, when drawing up plans and distributions.

    Processing of economic and statistical information
    Economic information is used mainly in the sphere of material production. It serves as a production management tool and is divided according to management functions into: forecasting,

    Office equipment and printing tools for copying and reproducing information
    A type of information technology is copying and replication of information, including the production and processing, copying and replication of information. Since ancient times

    Methods for copying and reproducing information
    Widely used KMT tools use reprography and operational printing methods, the composition of which is presented in Fig. 7.1. The reprography method is intended for direct

    Screen, offset and hectographic printing
    In printing (including operational printing), equipment and methods are used that ensure high quality printing and significant circulations of issued documents through the use of printing forms - stencils.

    Copying and duplicating equipment
    According to the principle of operation, KMTs are divided into: blueprinting, electrographic, thermographic; using screen and offset printing methods with wet, semi-dry and dry forming methods

    Office equipment
    Office equipment used at a specific workplace is called “small office equipment”. In addition to the so-called “office stuff” (pencils, pens, erasers, hole punches, staplers, glue, paper clips)

    Document processing tools
    Document processing facilities consist of: folding, scoring and paper cutting machines (folders); sheet-picking and sorting machines and devices;

    Paper cutting equipment
    Paper cutting machines (cutters) are used at any stage of work, for example, cutting rolled or other paper. With their help, printed sheets are cut before stitching or circulation, if for each

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: what a computer program is and what it is needed for computer programs; what types of computer information software are there?

    Information technology software
    The set of programs used when working on a computer constitutes its software. Software –

    Open systems
    Computer technology has developed rapidly. As a result, many devices and programs for them were created. Such an abundance of different software, hardware and systems has led to incompatible

    Distributed Databases
    Distributed databases (English: "Distributed DataBase", DDB) represent databases interconnected in a certain way, distributed over a certain area.

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: who are the users (consumers) of information technologies and resources; what is the user interface for? How would you rate it?

    User interface
    Interacting with devices computer technology, users seem to be talking to them (conducting a dialogue). The computer's response to user requests and commands is formal. Therefore prog

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: how graphic information displayed on a computer display screen and what is a graphical user interface; what IP

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: what hypertext and hypertext information technologies are; how and what languages ​​are used for hypertext markup of documents;

    Multimedia technologies
    Multimedia (English "multimedia" from Latin "multum" - a lot and "media", "medium" - focus; means) is an electronic

    Projection equipment. Multimedia projectors
    In general

    The main means of information are various answering machines, stands and displays. The simplest answering machines are audio reproducing devices (tape recorders-set-top boxes) connected to

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: about automated systems and automated information systems, their types; about the basic principles of information automation

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: what network information technologies include; what types of network information technologies are there; like a collective slave

    They are usually divided by territorial basis into regional and global networks
    Regional networks usually cover the administrative territory of a city, region, etc., as well as production and other associations located in several areas

    The rules for working with data packets are called the TCP protocol
    The TCP protocol (Transmission Control Protocol) is used to organize reliable full-duplex communication between endpoints (nodes) of information exchange on the Internet. It converts messages

    Web technologies
    “Web” (hereinafter referred to as the web) is built on the basis of the use of hypertext. With its help, web pages are created and placed on websites. Thus, web technologies are largely

    Electronic bulletin board (English: “Bulletin Board System”, BBS). This is usually the name given to small dial-up systems intended for local users.

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: why information technology integration is needed; how it is carried out and what is its basis; about corporate information

    Results of mastering the topic
    By studying this topic, you will know: what a geographic information system is and how it is built; what technologies exist for disseminating information; about methods address

    Note 1

    Biometric principle is one of the most reliable methods of user authentication. This principle uses some stable biometric indicators of a person, for example, the rhythm of pressing keyboard keys, the pattern of the eye lens, fingerprints, etc. To take biometric indicators, it is necessary to use special devices that must be installed on computers of the highest security levels. Checking the rhythm of work on the keyboard when entering information is carried out on a regular computer keyboard and, according to the results of experiments carried out in this area, it is quite stable and reliable. Even if you spy on a user typing a key phrase, the identification of an attacker will not be guaranteed if he tries to copy all the actions when typing a phrase.

    Today, to protect against unauthorized access to information, they are increasingly using biometric identification systems.

    The characteristics that are used in biometric systems are inherent qualities of each user and therefore cannot be lost or counterfeited.

    Biometric information security systems are based on identifying the following characteristics:

    • fingerprints;
    • characteristics of speech;
    • iris;
    • facial images;
    • drawing of the palm of the hand.

    Fingerprint identification

    Iris identification

    A unique biometric characteristic of each user is the iris of the eye. A special barcode mask is superimposed on the eye image, which is extracted from the face image. As a result, a matrix is ​​obtained that is individual for each person.

    Special scanners for iris recognition are connected to a computer.

    Identification by facial image

    Identification of a person by face occurs at a distance.

    When identifying by face, its shape, color and hair color are taken into account. Important features also include the coordinates of facial points in places that correspond to changes in contrast (nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, ears and oval).

    Note 2

    At this stage of development of information technology, they are experimenting with the issuance of new international passports, the microcircuit of which stores a digital photograph of the owner.

    Palm identification

    When identifying by palm of the hand, biometric characteristics of the simple geometry of the hand are used - size and shape, and some information signs on the back of the hand are monitored (patterns of the location of blood vessels, folds on the bends between the phalanges of the fingers).

    Palm identification scanners are installed in some banks, airports and nuclear power plants.

    The problem of personal identification when accessing classified information or an object has always been key. Magnetic cards, electronic passes, encrypted radio messages can be forged, keys can be lost, and even appearance can be changed if desired. But a number of biometric parameters are absolutely unique to a person.

    Where is biometric security used?

    Modern biometric systems provide high reliability of object authentication. Provide access control in the following areas:

    • Transfer and receipt of confidential information of a personal or commercial nature;
    • Registration and login to the electronic workplace;
    • Carrying out remote banking operations;
    • Protection of databases and any confidential information on electronic media;
    • Access systems for premises with limited access.

    The level of security threat from terrorists and criminal elements has led to the widespread use of biometric security and access control management systems not only in government organizations or large corporations, but also among private individuals. In everyday life, such equipment is most widely used in access systems and control technologies such as “smart home”.

    The biometric security system includes

    Biometric characteristics are a very convenient way to authenticate a person, as they have a high degree of security (difficult to fake) and cannot be stolen, forgotten or lost. All modern biometric authentication methods can be divided into two categories:

    1. Statistical, these include unique physiological characteristics that are invariably present with a person throughout his life. The most common parameter is a fingerprint;
    2. Dynamic– based on acquired behavioral characteristics. As a rule, they are expressed in subconscious, repeated movements when reproducing any process. The most common are graphological parameters (individuality of handwriting).

    Statistical methods

    IMPORTANT! Based on this, it was established that, unlike the iris, the retina can change significantly throughout a person’s life.

    Retinal scanner, manufactured by LG

    Dynamic Methods

    • A fairly simple method that does not require specialized equipment. Often used in smart home systems as a command interface. To build voice patterns, frequency or statistical parameters of the voice are used: intonation, pitch, voice modulation, etc. To increase the level of security, a combination of parameters is used.

    The system has a number of significant disadvantages that make its widespread use impractical. The main disadvantages include:

    • The ability for attackers to record a voice password using a directional microphone;
    • Low variability of identification. Every person’s voice changes not only with age, but also due to health conditions, under the influence of mood, etc.

    In smart home systems, it is advisable to use voice identification to control access to premises with an average level of security or control various devices: lighting, heating system, control of curtains and blinds, etc.

    • Graphological authentication. Based on analysis of handwriting. The key parameter is the reflex movement of the hand when signing a document. To obtain information, special styluses are used that have sensitive sensors that record pressure on the surface. Depending on the required level of protection, the following parameters can be compared:
    • Signature template— the picture itself is checked against the one in the device’s memory;
    • Dynamic parameters– the signature speed is compared with the available statistical information.

    IMPORTANT! As a rule, in modern security systems and ICS, several methods are used for identification. For example, fingerprinting with simultaneous measurement of hand parameters. This method significantly increases the reliability of the system and prevents the possibility of counterfeiting.

    Video - How to secure biometric identification systems?

    Manufacturers of information security systems

    At the moment, several companies are leading the market for biometric systems that the average user can afford.

    ZK7500 biometric USB fingerprint reader is used for PC access control

    The use of biometric systems in business will not only significantly increase the level of security, but also help strengthen labor discipline in an enterprise or office. In everyday life, biometric scanners are used much less frequently due to their high cost, but with an increase in supply, most of these devices will soon become available to the average user.