Fatal problems. Review of fatal errors of Yandex webmaster Briefly about how search works

Not long ago, Yandex changed its algorithms for identifying useful and useless sites. In his opinion, he marks all sites of little use as a fatal mistake.

The error message looks like this:

The site may pose a threat to the user's security, or violations of search engine rules have been detected on it. The presence of this problem negatively affects the position of the site in search results.

When you go in more detail, you can see the following:

All this sounds like a sentence and there is no reason to rejoice:

What to do?

It is quite difficult to understand what the reason is, because the error has general form and includes all sorts of special and random violations.

From Yandex there are links to instructions on what to do. There are common features and all sorts of reasons:
Less useful content
Low quality sites

It makes no sense to write support to Yandex. They answer, but with standard messages. And when you do get a human answer, it is not reassuring and often sounds like this (in your own words, a paraphrase of words of support):

That's all well and good, but sometimes it's complete nonsense and here's why. You can at least a thousand useful pages create for the site, but if it has technical flaws, all this will be in vain. Because if the site is normal and not created for spam, the reason may be technical problems site. But they will answer you in a way that you will not understand. So it’s better to focus on technical issues that often arise due to the fault of the engine and carefully double-check your site.

Removing mobile redirects

Then we look at the .htaccess file, it shouldn’t be there other sites.

This includes avoiding any mobile redirects, including on their websites. Yandex may lower the rankings for such a redirect by slapping a fatal error, mistaking it for a malicious script.

Check caching plugins. For example, the caching plugin on one of my sites added to the file .htaccess the following mobile forwarding:

RewriteCond %(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ^.*(\bCrMo\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]*\s(Mobile)?
|\bDolfin\b|Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/+|Coast\/+|Skyfire|Mobile\sSafari\/[.0-9]*\sEdge |IEMobile|MSIEMobile|fennec|firefox.*maemo|

Yandex may not like this kind of thing. It's better to avoid this.

If there are no errors visible on the site, there are no redirects or viruses, you should pay attention to the amount of advertising. Perhaps Yandex does not like the fact that several advertising blocks are visible on the same space of the monitor screen. Some ad units should be reduced.

Invalid robots.txt file

This is almost the main cause of most problems. It is very important to ban all unnecessary pages on the site. This is why we do it.

After everything was fixed. From what seemed to need to be fixed, we sent the site for verification. And we wait a month in the hope that it was a misunderstanding.

You can even do without this button. If the specific errors due to which Yandex issued the ban are corrected, the site may get out of sanctions almost a few days after the correction.

The article is aimed primarily at website owners and marketers who want to understand global fatal errors that are generally associated with the entire site. If something like this happens, it immediately affects the entire site and often very, very badly.

  • Site audit and problem monitoring.
  • Briefly about how the search works.
  • What problems might the whole site have with ranking?

Site audit and problem monitoring

When we understand any auditing or monitoring tool, we must understand how the tool works and where it gets its data from. It is clear that if we are talking about some one-time site audit that we conduct, we are talking about search global problems that currently exist.

If we are talking about constant monitoring of the site, then we are talking about the fact that at some point everything may be fine with the site, and then something happens. For example, they posted new version with a bunch of 404 errors or a bunch of duplicates, or erased robots.txt, it could be anything, and we need to monitor and understand this moment in real time.

The sources of data for our monitoring can be very, very different, and, in fact, the monitoring tools themselves can also be different. For example, we will monitor the usual behavior of users through some kind of counters, such as Metrica, and the presentation of the site in search, if we are talking about Yandex in particular, then most likely it is Yandex. Webmaster.

Yandex.Webmaster data is the data that the search has. You can see your site as the site owner, consider it the best, the most excellent, and all your pages can load in your browser, even for your developers they can load for some users.

But this does not mean that the search sees them in the same way, that they are loaded by the search, that they are available for indexing, etc. Therefore, the data that the search has, which is given, in particular, in Yandex.Webmaster, is the data that is truly of real value, because it is the primary source data.

Site diagnostics

If suddenly you are the owner of a website or a marketer, then I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Webmaster has a website diagnostic tool that allows you to understand whether everything is in order with your website in general and at the present time. Here on the slide you can see the errors that are generally output in this tool.

  • Fatal problems: the site is closed for indexing in robots.txt, the main page of the site returns an error, violations or security problems are detected...
  • Critical problems: a large number of broken internal links, long server response...
  • Possible problems: errors found in Sitemap files, a large number of duplicate pages, the Host directive is not specified in the robots.txt file, there are no And <description>…</li> <li>Recommendations: the regional affiliation of the site is not set, the favicon file is missing, the site is not optimized for <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/instructions/parametry-soni-iksperiya-z-mobilnyi-telefon-sony-xperia-z-c6603-sim-karta-ispolzuetsya-v-mobiln/">mobile devices</a>…</li> </ul><p>We divide errors into fatal, critical, possible, recommendations, in order of importance, so that you understand how to quickly escape if they happen.</p> <p>And today at the webinar we will discuss exactly the most important of them, while possible problems and recommendations do not mean that they do not need to be touched and corrected.</p> <p>This simply means that your site will not fall out of the search right now, will not drop out, and will not sag in the rankings if something suddenly happens. <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/different/pochemu-sposob-oplaty-otklonen-v-app-store-kak-ustranit-problemy-s/">possible problem</a>, as opposed to fatal and critical problems.</p> <p><b>Notifications</b></p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.44.26.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>In addition to the diagnostics that are available in Webmaster, two more useful tools have been launched for working with websites, specifically from the point of view of monitoring whether everything is fine with your website.</p> <p>Firstly, these are relaunched Notifications, the main value of which is that you can choose which site to subscribe to notifications on, and what exactly you want to monitor there.</p> <p>For example, you understand that for some sites it is important for you to monitor only fatal and critical problems, which we will talk about today, you subscribe only to them.</p> <p>Or, for example, you want to receive some news about what’s new in search, what new algorithms are being launched, then you can subscribe to the news separately. Or you are wondering when the databases are updated, when any changes occur - all this can also be done in notifications, subscribe, and you can check what exactly you are currently subscribed to.</p> <p>It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in Notifications you can subscribe not only to general notifications, but also to notifications for specific pages, so that you can track important changes to specific pages.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.44.39.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>For example, you know the most converting pages that you calculated through Yandex.Metrica. These pages are definitely important to your business, and a huge amount of your traffic comes from search.</p> <p>Therefore, it is important that they are well represented in the search, that they give a response code of 200, that the robot constantly bypasses them normally, etc. There is a separate tool for such monitoring; you can always go in and try it right now.</p> <p>Please, if you already know that you have such pages, then go and use this tool. By tracking important changes, you will stay up to date.</p> <h2>Briefly about how search works</h2> <p>Now let's look at specific cases of “What if?..”. What to do if a fatal or critical error occurs? And, unfortunately, they do happen. And you know what's most interesting?</p> <p>Typically, professionals who are involved in search engine optimization believe that fatal and critical errors, in principle, cannot be made, because everyone knows what these errors are and how they happen. Not really.</p> <p>We have a huge number of requests to our support from seasoned professionals who, by some absurd coincidence, had a fatal mistake. For example, as you understand, quite recently there were May holidays.</p> <p>What kind of fatal problems do you think showed a surge in calls to our support? Indeed, during the May holidays, attendance often changes, but the characteristic surge was not associated with this.</p> <p>Baden-Baden is an interesting option, but it was earlier than the May ones. If you are interested in knowing what this is right now, you can go to our Yandex Webmasters blog and read the amazing and unique comments and description of this new algorithm.</p> <p>The fact is that on May holidays, as well as on holidays in general, people often forget to renew domains. For some reason this <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/mobile-os/skoro-novyi-god-v-kontakte-novyi-dizain-vkontakte/">New Year</a> people, in general, made sure that they had access to the site and the Internet on holidays, but not on May holidays.</p> <p>We had a huge number of requests, just a surge associated with the fact that: “We didn’t renew the domain, let’s quickly correct the situation. Yes, we know that your search robot came, and our domain has not been renewed, it’s scary, there are errors, please help us fix it.”</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.44.57.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>So, fatal errors can usually occur at any of the stages of processing your content and adding it to our search. How does the overall scheme of adding a resource to a search work? In case you don't know:</p> <ul><li>We, as a search engine, must know that a site has appeared and its new pages have appeared if we already know about the site.</li> <li>Physical access to this site. While there is no physical access to the site, we naturally cannot physically take away this content.</li> <li>Permission to allow us to show this content to people in our searches. This permission is recorded in robots.txt, we will talk about it a little later.</li> <li>The process of adding content that we can show to users into our search database.</li> <li>Ranking process. Ranking is the ordering of results, the ordering of pages according to the user's request.</li> </ul><p>Currently used in Yandex search <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/setting/obuchenie-ranzhirovaniyu-sovremennye-problemy-nauki-i-obrazovaniya/">machine learning</a>, more than 1,500 thousand factors by which we weigh every document, every page of your site and the site of your competitors, and arrange them in accordance with how it seems to us that they best solve this or that user request, this or that task . Now we start primarily from the tasks of users.</p> <h2>How can you make sure search knows about your site?</h2> <p>Most often this problem happens with new sites. The robot knows quite well about old sites and indexes them well. Search services have services that are related to search, in the case of Yandex, this is Yandex.Webmaster, where you simply add your site, receive data from the search and see how it is presented there.</p> <p>What is important and what is often kept silent or forgotten to say is the delegation of rights. Yes, you need to confirm the rights to your site in order to receive data from Yandex.Webmaster. But this is done once, and then you, as the head of an Internet project, as a site owner, as a marketer who may not be directly involved in search engine optimization, can be delegated access rights to Yandex.Webmaster so that you can calmly see what has been done , what work was done, what you pay for and you can subscribe to notifications about your site.</p> <p>Thus, if something suddenly happens to him, something that will be listed in this webinar or in the next ones, you immediately knew and could react.</p> <p>The task of Yandex, including if we are talking about links between Yandex and website owners, is to give <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/windows-overview/rezhim-potrebleniya-nizkogo-kanala-brauzer-kak-umenshit-potreblenie-trafika/">good traffic</a> site owners, and the better your site, the more we want to show it to users.</p> <h2>What fatal problems occur when accessing the site?</h2> <p>The second stage is physical access to the site. What are some fatal problems here? You can watch them:</p> <ul><li>Failed to connect to the server due to a DNS error.</li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/mobile-os/yandeks-tadzhikistan-poiskovaya-sistema-kak-sdelat-glavnuyu-stranicu-yandeks/">Home page</a> site returns an error.</li> <li>Long server response.</li> </ul><h3>Failed to connect to server due to DNS error</h3> <p>The first of them is that it was not possible to connect to the server due to a DNS error, in particular due to problems with the domain, etc. What's going on here? A very simple situation is happening here. You have a certain address for your website, which is written in Cyrillic or Latin, you need to decode it, turn it into numbers in order to get machine access to it.</p> <p>If an error occurs at this moment, there is no access to your site, and, accordingly, it will not be included in the search, and, most likely, users will not get to it either.</p> <p>How can such a problem be checked? You can see it in the diagnostics, as I have already said. You have it in the site diagnostics, what should you do next?</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.45.18.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Errors of this kind are temporary, especially if you know that your domain has been renewed, the server is working and in general everything is fine. How to check if it is at the current moment in time? Very simple.</p> <p>You go to check the server response, enter the address of your site there. Checking the server response is one of the Yandex.Webmaster tools. Why is it important to look through this particular tool? Because it shows what search sees.</p> <p>There are cases, for example, when your hosting provider generally provides access to your site and its users’ servers normally, but for some reason considered search robots, for example, spam or dangerous, or creating a large load, and blocked access to them.</p> <p>An example in which some other monitoring of server responses may not show the problem, but the tool in Yandex.Webmaster will show it.</p> <p>We go into it, enter the address of our site and see how the server responds.</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.45.37.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Here we see the response status code 200 OK. As can be seen from the “OK” status, this means that everything is fine with the page, you can no longer worry and go to the diagnostics. If we found that there is a problem through diagnostics, then we need to click recheck, and soon this problem will disappear, which means that it was temporary, perhaps due to some technical work.</p> <p>If there is any other response code here, then most likely the problem is not resolved. What to do in this case? You can wait a little longer, but if you see that a lot of time has really passed, then you need to go to either the hosting or the domain registrar and figure out what exactly the problem is and at what moment.</p> <p>She is eliminated on their side. Unfortunately, writing to our support, to Webmaster support is quite pointless, because we cannot help here, we cannot change the settings of your server, the settings of your domain registrar. We can’t, no matter how much we want, so here we can only suggest where to go.</p> <h3>Home page returns error</h3> <p>Another example of fatal errors, also often associated with server operation, is when the main page returns an error. In most cases, if the main page of a site returns an error, this means that everything is bad with the site, which is why, in fact, such monitoring was created.</p> <p>If you think that not just the main page, but some other page is important to you, then add it separately to the monitoring of important pages and track it.</p> <p>The check here is exactly the same. If she <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/news/rel-nofollow-chto-znachit-seomaniya-i-seomarazm-teg-i-atribut-noindex-nofollow/">search robot</a> gives “200 OK”, which means everything is fine with it, if for some reason it does not give this code, this status, then it means there are problems with it. It can be solved in the same way as other server-related problems, similar to the previous point. Just go and check the server response.</p> <h3>Long server response</h3> <p>Another example of fatal server-related errors is the server taking a long time to respond. What is a long server response, and how can I view it?</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.45.37.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Likewise, we see our plate again from the server response, and we see here on the second line, notice the server response time. Then we look, if it remains for more than three seconds, this is some kind of recommendation, the problem persists, and we need to go fix it.</p> <p>The issues that can cause a server to take so long to respond can vary. You may have <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-windows/ne-udaetsya-podklyuchitsya-k-setevomu-adapteru-hamachi-reshaem-problemu/">network problems</a>, problems with the CMS, but most often problems occur with hosting, and if you have problems with the server response speed, first of all go to your hosting provider.</p> <p>Unfortunately, in this case, Yandex.Webmaster support, search support, cannot help in the same way, because we cannot change the response speed of your server, but we can tell you where to look, where to dig and what, in general, needs to be fixed.</p> <p>The next step where problems may arise when adding information to a search is whether to allow or prohibit the addition of information. In this case, it is associated with robots.txt. How to see if you have robots.txt on your site or not? The solution is very simple.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.46.11.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Go to your website, type your website, and then /robots.txt. Try this right now. You will most likely see some <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/instructions/skachat-pechatnuyu-programmu-programmy-dlya-raboty-s-tekstom-kak/">text file</a>. This is robots.txt.</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.46.39.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>You can see the following names there:</p> <ul><li>User-Agent is an appeal to any search robot. For example, User-Agent: * is a call to all search robots,</li> </ul><p>User-Agent: Yandex is an appeal specifically to Yandex.</p> <ul><li>The Allow/Disallow command, which actually means to allow or deny.</li> </ul><p>An example of what robots.txt might look like is on the slide in front of you.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.46.50.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Honestly, even very, very many professional search optimizers do not always know how to write robots.txt correctly, that is, the commands, of course, know everything, but some subtleties, for example, the priorities of disallow over allow or vice versa are often difficult to understand.</p> <p>Robots.txt is usually generated automatically and it is often difficult to understand whether it was generated correctly or not. Therefore, in order to check whether your site or its main pages are also allowed to be indexed, there is a tool in Webmaster called “Robots.txt Analysis”.</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.47.02.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>How does he work? It’s very simple, just add your site there in the same way or add robots.txt directly, and then check whether there are errors in it or not. Because if there are errors, this is a reason to think about how the search engine processes these errors. Next, we check specific pages.</p> <p>If it is important for us to understand why <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/office/pechat-veb-stranicy-v-pdf-varianty-sohraneniya-dannyh-veb-stranicy/">this page</a> or a given site is not indexed or indexed poorly, usually, if it is prohibited for indexing, naturally, it is not indexed, then we simply add a specific page to our tool. We see in this case that the resulting green checkmark means that this page is allowed to be indexed. If a page is not allowed to be indexed, it is highlighted in red.</p> <p>I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the ban on indexing is done not only in robots.txt, it can also be done through noindex, and in some other ways. In this case, we are going through exactly the part that is associated with prohibiting indexing of the entire site, and, usually, this is still robots.txt, when the entire site is prohibited.</p> <p>How can it even happen that your entire site suddenly becomes banned in robots.txt? For example, when rolling out, you erased the old robots.txt and rolled out, for example, the old version of robots.txt when your site was not yet open. Naturally, it was not yet allowed for indexing, because you did not want to give a half-empty site for indexing; in general, it is being tested there, and the texts may not be just any, but test ones. Accidentally replaced <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/safety/samyi-staryi-yandeks-brauzer-vernut-staruyu-versiyu-yandeks-brauzera-mozhno-tremya-sposobami-pereklyuchen/">old version</a>, everything is already a tragedy, something is already wrong.</p> <p>During this check, by the way, it is worth checking whether pages that you do not want to be included in the search, for example, some client data, are prohibited from indexing. It is clear that you will also protect them on the server side, but at the same time it is important that, just in case, in robots.txt they are also prohibited from indexing.</p> <h3>Correct and check again</h3> <p>The solution here is also very simple, that is, we check through our tool whether everything is fine with the robots.txt of your site. If we see that there are no errors and the necessary pages are allowed to be indexed, we simply click “recheck” in our diagnostics and make sure that everything is fine again.</p> <h2>What problems might your site have with ranking?</h2> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.48.04.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>The next stage is related to ranking.</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.48.23.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Let's look at the first block related to ranking problems - problems with violations and problems with security.</p> <p>Such problems can arise externally and internally to your website operation. An example of a problem arising from the outside is related to security. Your site was hacked and they began to post viruses, bad advertising, adult advertising or something else on it. Because it infects users, for example, it is marked as unsafe.</p> <p>The reasons are clear. It’s clear that you didn’t want to do this, but that’s what happened to you. Because you may have slightly neglected the basics of ensuring the security of your site, or the hackers turned out to be very skillful and really wanted to hack your delicious site. That's what happened here too. It is important to fix the infection problem as quickly as possible so that your site is unmarked as unsafe.</p> <p>Such a mark appears not only in the Webmaster, in the Webmaster it is precisely a notification so that you understand that the search considers your site dangerous, and for users this will be expressed in the search, where there will be a big warning that the site may pose a threat to the computer, and in the browser.</p> <p>In questions of this type, you can always contact our support, we will try to give you examples of how it was infected, where it was reflected, what needs to be repaired, how to fix it. It is also very important for us that your good site becomes good and safe again, because our task is to solve the problems of users, including showing them good answers on your site.</p> <p>The other part, related to violations, very often occurs when the risks were underestimated. It is clear that there are some spam attempts to influence users or <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-of-smartphones-tablets/kak-polzovatsya-poiskovoi-sistemoi-gugl-hrom-google-poiskovaya-sistema/">search engine</a>, or take over user data. Naturally, whenever this happens, the search very clearly and quickly tries to catch it.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.48.40.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Because whenever they want to harm our users, no matter how, for example, phishing, collecting passwords, providing them with terrible texts or something else, collecting their data <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/different/odnoklassniki---moya-stranica-vhod-v-socialnuyu-set/">social networks</a> without their permission, our job is to protect users.</p> <p>Therefore, such sites quickly fall into violations, and certain measures are applied to them to worsen their ranking, sometimes even to the point of being excluded from the search, so that users do not get to such sites until the violation or threat has been eliminated.</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-08-13.48.51.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Here are examples of some violations that may be behind the site. An example of a violation, in particular, occurred in the Baden-Baden chat - this is our new algorithm, which was launched quite recently, and it is associated with the fight against over-optimized texts.</p> <p>Over-optimized texts are usually written not for users, but for search engines, and often look like “buy washing machine, buy washing machine Moscow, delivery, fast, free, high quality,” or something like that.</p> <p>These may be more perverted texts, there may be more water there. But the fact is that the user doesn’t really need them. The user does not need to know that you are the most <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/mobile-os/luchshie-ofisnye-prilozheniya-dlya-iphone-i-ipad-kak-svyazatsya-s-russkoi/">best company</a> in the world twenty times and washing machines.</p> <p>The user needs specific listings of the characteristics of this <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/reviews/shema-stiralnoi-mashiny-ardo-ustroistvo-stiralnoi-mashiny-ardo/">washing machine</a> or anything like that. Such texts may be considered low quality. If there are relatively few such texts on the site, then this will simply be reflected in the ranking of such pages, and if the pages are not useful, then, naturally, there is no particular point in showing them to users. Or it may be considered a violation if the site abuses such texts, and will affect its entire ranking.</p> <p>Useful:</p> <p>Source (video): <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux6a0mQ5Dr0">Search engine optimization of a website: the basics of website diagnostics</a>— Elena Pershina</p> <p>Magomed Cherbizhev</p> <p>This section contains solutions to common problems in the “Fatal” category, identified during site diagnostics in Yandex.Webmaster. Problems in this category lead to the exclusion of individual pages or an entire site from search results.</p> <h2>The main page of the site returns an error</h2> <p>If you receive this message, do the following:</p> <p>After making changes, wait until the next robot visit. You can also send the page for crawling - the robot will crawl it within two weeks.</p> <p>If, as a result of the scan, the page responds with code 200 OK and there are no problems with content availability, then the warning in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.</p> <h2>Failed to connect to server due to DNS error</h2> <p>Once a day, the indexing robot contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address of the server on which the site is located. If DNS records are configured incorrectly on a site, the robot does not receive the site's IP address. Therefore, the site cannot be indexed and added to search results.</p> <p>Check the correctness of the server's response to the indexing robot. If the site is still unavailable, contact your hosting provider to adjust your domain's DNS records. When access to the site appears, the information in Yandex.Webmaster will be updated within a few days.</p> <p>The problem with accessing the site may be short-lived. If you re-check the server response and no errors are found, wait for the information to be updated in the Webmaster; this should happen within a few days.</p> <p>If <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/internet/domennoe-imya-hosting-chto-takoe-hosting-i-domen-prostymi/">Domain name</a> was not renewed on time, the site becomes unavailable for indexing. Renew your domain registration. After this, the message in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.</p> <h2>The site is closed for indexing in the robots.txt file</h2> <p>Several times a day, the indexing robot requests the robots.txt file and updates information about it in its database. If during the next call the robot received a prohibiting directive, a corresponding warning appears in Yandex.Webmaster.</p> <p>Check the contents of the robots.txt file. If the ban is still present, remove it from the file. If you can't do this yourself, contact your hosting provider or domain name registrar. After the ban is lifted, the data in Yandex.Webmaster is updated within a few days.</p> <p>If the domain name was not renewed on time, the robots.txt file will contain disallowing directives for the robot. Renew your domain registration. After this, the message in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.</p> <h2>Violations or security issues detected</h2>If a search rule violation is found If a security threat is found <p>On the page <span>Diagnostics → <span>Security and violations</span> do the following:</p> <p>When you solve the problem:</p> <ol><p>Verify that the problem is resolved. If the service detects a threat again during the scan, you will be able to report its elimination only after a month. Further this period will increase and may reach three months.</p> <p>In the Yandex.Webmaster interface on the page <span>Diagnostics → <span>Security and violations</span> Click the I fixed it button. This will give an additional signal to Yandex algorithms that the site needs to be rechecked. If the review is completed successfully, the restrictions will be lifted over time and information about violations will no longer be displayed.</p> </ol> <p>Since September 2017, the number of notifications in the Yandex Webmaster panel about a fatal error has sharply increased, and often sites that have nothing to do under the search conspiracy theory filter are subject to sanctions. What is this... where did the chieftain get his money and how to get rid of the filter? Let's start by diving into the depths of the problem:</p> <blockquote> <p>Violations or security issues detected</p> </blockquote> <h2>The root cause of the sanctions</h2> <p>Over the past years, Platon Shchukin and Co. have repeatedly organized St. Bartholomew's Night for webmasters. It all started with a struggle with links and over time grew into something more that required immersion in the basics of the business.</p> <p>Yandex is a commercial company and shareholders want, at best, to make a profit, and at worst, to see innovations from management. The best case was closely intertwined with the worst, and under the banner of the fight for the quality of search results, Yandex began to take 80% of the profits from website creators. Since commercial projects are richer, we started with them, convincingly explaining without using violence that Direct is good for business.</p> <p>Links have gone into oblivion by 90%, commerce with its head bowed low has gone to Direct and the time has come for information sites. It will not be possible to attract them into contextual advertising en masse, but the holes in the budget must be closed, if not with profit, then with activity (read above). The massive appearance of a fatal error in the panel indicates that the search results are being cleaned up. What's the profit here? It's simple - <b>sites with small and medium traffic are being cut down, they are being replaced by flawed portals like</b><b>fb.</b><b>ru, who themselves eat from Direct’s table and feed him</b>.</p> <h2>Formal cause of fatal error</h2> <p>Yasha’s ranking algorithms take into account thousands of different factors, so there will always be a cockroach outside the door that the site owner did not manage to kill with a slipper. Bots scurry around sites and if the resource does not have a roof in the form of high traffic and Direct advertising, then the resource receives a fatal error.</p> <p>Remember “if only there were a person, there would be an article”? Yandex uses the saying 100%, adding only the twist “stranger”.</p> <p>So, a fatal error appears in 90% of cases due to:</p> <ol><li>Google ads in the first window,</li> <li>Large % of pages with a small amount of information,</li> <li>Webmaster's life karma,</li> <li>Just.</li> </ol><p>If you saw in the panel:</p> <blockquote> <p>The site's position in search results has been lowered</p> </blockquote> <p>Then the sad clown came to your street.</p> <p>Signs of sanctions are a drop in traffic by 40-80% and a rollback of positions by 20-30 places in the search depth.</p> <h2>We are being treated</h2> <p>It’s hard to be treated if the doctor came up with a diagnosis for you on the fly, but life requires a heartbeat, so you have to try to get rid of Yasha’s fatality. Here is a list of actions that can help with sanctions:</p> <ol><li>Shooting advertising from the first screen,</li> <li>Removing or disallowing small pages (of little use),</li> <li>Formatting large but casual pages,</li> <li>Healthy sleep.</li> </ol><p>In 2 cases out of 5, the error disappears when the site is resubmitted for verification without any further action. In another case, filming advertising helps. At the end of October 2017, I can’t say what will help in the 2 remaining cases, perhaps Yandex itself will understand that if you cut down the forest like this, you will soon have to live among the stumps and will roll back the sanctions, restoring hope to the webmaster.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/zegeberg.ru/images/fatalnaya_oshibka3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>I also advise you not to be sad if you make a fatal mistake, because life is much broader than the loss of a third of your traffic and the mark of a sanctioner on your forehead.</p> <h2>Yandex Webmaster Panel - what is it?</h2> <p>Every person who promotes websites should know why Yandex Webmaster is needed.</p> <p>Yandex Webmaster - free webmaster account for analytics, collecting statistics, finding errors and others <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-of-smartphones-tablets/uskoryaem-rabotu-v-word-poleznye-sovety-funkcii-bystrye-klavishi-video/">useful functions</a>. In the Yandex Webmaster panel you can monitor the indexing of pages in the Yandex search engine.</p> <h2>The history of the Webmaster</h2> <p>The first version of the Webmaster panel became available on October 19, 2007. Alexander Sadovsky (head of the web search department, Yandex) spoke about the launch of the service at a meeting of the SEO club. Access to the service for closed beta testing was provided by invitation. The official opening date of the service for a wide audience is December 21, 2007.</p> <p>If I'm not confusing anything, it looked something like this at that time:</p> <p>And in 2015, a beta version of the new Yandex Webmaster was released:</p> <h2>Yandex Webmaster Service</h2> <p>The lack of data in the “My Sites” section will not prevent us from examining the functionality of the service.</p> <h2>Feature overview</h2> <h4>Fatal errors</h4> <p>Fatal errors include the most serious problems that directly affect website promotion. Such as:</p> <ol><li>The site is closed for indexing in the robots.txt file; <br>A ban on indexing the entire site has been detected in your robots..txt file. This line will look like this: “Disallow: /” or “Disallow: *”. Perhaps this was done on purpose while the site is being developed, the main thing is not to forget to remove it later :)</li> <li>Failed to connect to the server due to a DNS error; <br>The server has crashed or the DNS settings have gone wrong. Maybe you were poking around somewhere? 🙂</li> <li>The main page of the site returns an error; <br>There may be a problem with the hosting or with the files on the server.</li> <li>Violations or security issues have been detected. <br>Yandex found some kind of danger on the site, for example, they caught some kind of virus, which is a threat to the site visitor. Not cool, in short.</li> </ol><h4>Critical errors</h4> <ol><li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/reviews/realnoe-kolichestvo-podpischikov-na-yutube-otchet-dannye-v-realnom-vremeni-chto/">A large number of</a> broken internal links; <br>Check the functionality of the links on the site, some of them do not work. You can find them using the Sreaming Frog SEO Spider.</li> <li>Long server response. <br>See if you have any plugins that are putting a lot of stress on your hosting? Perhaps the traffic to your resource has increased sharply and you should think about changing your hosting plan. By the way, I use beget.ru :)</li> </ol><h4>Possible problems</h4> <ol><li>None used by the robot ;Create a Sitemap.xml file or upload it to <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/reviews/sozdanie-sitemap-detalnoe-rukovodstvo-po-failu-sitemap-sdelat-fail-sitemap/">Sitemaps</a> in the "Indexing" section.</li> <li>Errors detected in Sitemap files; Check your files for errors. There may be 404 pages or other problems.</li> <li>The display of non-existent files and pages is configured incorrectly; The site is likely incorrectly configured to return the HTTP code 404 <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/mobile-os/oshibki-kotorye-my-lyubim-oshibki-kotorye-my-lyubim-chto-oznachaet-na/">Not Found</a>.</li> <li>Errors in the robots.txt file; There may be a lot of errors here, check the file using robots.txt analysis in the “Tools” section.</li> <li>The main page redirects to another site; No comments... :)</li> <li>A large number of duplicate pages; Yandex found duplicates. We need to work on the quality of the site. Find <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/security/chto-to-poshlo-ne-tak-platezh-ne-proshel-iz-za-tehnicheskoi-oshibki-chto/">technical errors</a> or close pages in robots.txt.</li> <li>The robots.txt file was not found; Find it urgently and show it to Yandex Webmaster :)</li> <li>Tags are missing <title>;Urgently fill in these tags. It is better to fill out based on requests.</li> <li>None <description>;Fill in too. It is important.</li> <li>Sitemap files have not been updated for a long time; Are you not posting posts? Then don’t care 🙂 Otherwise, check the Sitemap.xml settings.</li> <li>Advertising formats do not comply with IAB Russia recommendations. Advertising may interfere with users' experience with your resource.</li> </ol> <ol><li>The regional affiliation of the site is not specified;</li> <li>The site is not registered with Yandex. Directory;</li> <li>Favicon file not found;</li> <li>The site is not optimized for mobile devices;</li> <li>Yandex.Metrica counter error.</li> </ol><h3>Security and violations</h3> <p>Yandex regularly checks security and violations on websites.</p> <p>Table of filters by group:</p> <p>You can also configure filters:</p> <ul><li>region;</li> <li>device;</li> <li>date of;</li> <li>index. <ul><li>general indicators;</li> <li>impressions on positions;</li> <li>clicks from positions;</li> <li>CTR on positions;</li> <li>average display position in TOPs;</li> <li>average click position in TOPs.</li> </ul></li> </ul> <p>Filtering by queries from the top 1:</p> <h3>All requests and groups</h3> <p>The section presents <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/setting/yazyk-poiskovyh-zaprosov-yandeksa-kak-iskat-v-yandekse-i-google/">search queries</a>, according to which the site is located in the first 50 positions of Yandex search results. Indicators are averaged over the last 7 days.</p> <p>For each request you can see:</p> <ul><li>shows;</li> <li>clicks;</li> <li>position;</li> </ul><p>In addition to request statistics, you can add your own requests, for example, for which you plan to promote the site.</p> <p>You can add queries in two ways:</p> <ul><li>handles;</li> <li>file.</li> </ul> <p>Yandex Webmaster can select search queries that match the theme of your site to attract additional traffic. <br>The proposed queries can be used as targeting conditions when conducting advertising.</p> <h2>Indexing in Yandex Webmaster</h2> <p>The section contains:</p> <ul><li>Bypass statistics;</li> <li>Pages in search;</li> <li>Site structure;</li> <li>Check URL status;</li> <li>Important pages;</li> <li>Re-crawling pages;</li> <li> <h3>Pages in search</h3> <p>The section displays site pages that participate in Yandex search.</p> <p>A page may not be included in the search results if it duplicates the content of another page, contains spam or viruses, redirects to another URL, or an error occurred while downloading it.</p> <h3>Site structure</h3> <p>The service displays sections of the site that contain at least 10 pages and account for more than 1% of <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/news/administrativnaya-ustanovka-1s-8-3-ustanovka-i-obnovlenie-platformy-na-bolshom/">total number</a> pages loaded into the search database.</p> <p>When a user section is deleted from the site structure, information about it is retained in the search database.</p> <p>I added the site section /yandex-webmaster/ manually. You can add up to 5 sections yourself.</p> <h3>Check URL status</h3> <p>You can check whether the robot knows about a specific page of the site for which you have verified the rights.</p> <p>In field <b>URL</b> you can enter the full <a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/mobile-os/kak-v-mozilla-firefox-sohranit-stranicu-v-pdf-url-v-pdf---sohranit/">Page URL</a> or a path from the site root starting with “/”.</p> <p>As a rule, collecting and processing information takes up to 2 minutes. Sometimes this may take several hours. Once data processing is complete, the verification status will change to "verified".</p> <p>My page is crawled by a robot and appears in searches.</p> <h3>Monitoring important pages</h3> <p>You can monitor the indexing of the most important pages of the site and the most popular ones - recommended by Yandex.Webmaster. You can set notifications for these pages.</p> <p>The article is not completed. I’ll continue writing later :)</p></li></ul> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> <div id="rulus31"></div> <ol class="rul32"> <li> <div id="rulus32"></div><a style="text-align: right;" id="contact-mail4" href="#" target="_blank"></a></li> <li> <div id="rulus33"></div><a style="text-align: right;" id="contact-mail5" href="#" target="_blank"></a></li> </ol> <script async src="/css/9.js"></script> <div id="text-6"> <div class="textwidget"></div> </div> <script> (function($) { $(document).ready(function() {}); })(jQuery); </script> </main> <aside class="sidebar sidebar_midle"> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-3"> </div> <div class="section section_widget toc_widget" id="toc-widget-7"> <div class="title">Popular</div> <ul class="toc_widget_list no_bullets"> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-of-smartphones-tablets/proshivka-smartfona-huawei-g610-u20-proshivka-smartfona-huawei-g610-u20-huawei-g610-u20-proshivka/">Firmware for smartphone Huawei G610-U20 Huawei g610 u20 firmware flashtool</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-windows/magnitola-ne-chitaet-fleshku-v-mashine-kak-ispravit-magnitola-ne-chitaet-fleshku/">The radio does not read the flash drive (note to motorists) Dvd does not see the movie on the flash drive</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/overview-linux/vosstanovlenie-dannyh-posle-formatirovaniya-mac-os-kak-pereustanovit-os-x/">Recovering data after formatting mac os</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/safety/kak-proverit-licenzionnost-programm-1s-provedenie-anketirovaniya-i/">Conducting questionnaires and surveys The registration form is lost, what should I do?</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/internet/navedenie-ili-otkrytie-2-shchelchka-myshi-otkryt-odnim-shchelchkom-programmnye/">Hover or open 2 clicks</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/miscellaneous/kakoi-obem-ssd-nuzhen-dlya-windows-optimizaciya-raboty-ssd-diska-pod-windows-ssd-diska/">Optimizing the operation of an SSD disk under Windows SSD disk 10</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/internet/kak-pravilno-skanirovat-dokumenty-problema-pri-skanirovanii-na-mfu/">Problem when scanning to Canon MF4410 MFP</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/internet/korrektirovka-achh-akustiki-passivnymi-filtrami-principy-korrektirovaniya-achh-naznachenie-korrektiru/">Principles of frequency response correction</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/instructions/obzor-smartfona-mini-ot-tele2-pozhalui-samyi-nedorogoi-mobilnyi/">Perhaps the most inexpensive mobile phone on Android Cheap smartphone tele2</a></li> <li><a href="https://royalprice.ru/en/game-console/graficheskii-planshet-intuos-pen-touch-small-oblegchaem-zhizn-fotografa-planshety-wacom/">Making the life of a photographer easier</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-18"> </div> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-7"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </div> </aside> <script async src="/css/all-p.js"></script> </div> <footer class="footer"><img class="footer-logo" src="/logo/logo.png" alt="All about Windows. 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