How to turn off notifications on Android phone. How to disable pop-up notifications from apps on Android

You have an Android smartphone and suddenly it displays a notification about a system update. Not all updates are good - some may have a negative effect on your phone and you choose to ignore them.

However, the phone keeps you busy and still displays updates. How to disable it?

While for high-end smartphones the system upgrades are quite well thought out (although updates like Lollipop for the Galaxy S5 are not very well received there), in the case of low- or mid-range phones, upgrades to new version can lead to large device slowdowns.

No wonder some people want to ignore updates and use current version android. How to remove this?

Method one - disable update notification without interfering with the system kernel

As a general rule, in most cases it will likely require kernel intervention to disable Android system update notifications.

However, users of some smartphones confirm that they disable these messages in a phone without root rights (for example, in the LG G3).

The solution is to disable the display for two system applications — « Google Services Play" and "Google Services Framework".

To do this, go to Settings and select Applications. Now move your finger to the side to view all applications or click “application manager” (top first in the list) - depends on the version of Android.

If you selected the second item, then click “Options” at the top right and select the line “show system applications”

Let's start with the Google Services Framework. Find it and click on it.

Now click on the Notifications section.

After going to it, move the slider to the left or uncheck the box next to the “allow notifications” parameter

That's not all. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and move the slider to the right or check the box next to the “Hide notifications” option or disable it (also depends on the Android version).

Now we return to the list of applications and do the same for “Software Update” and “Services” Google Play"- turn off notifications in both.

  • ATTENTION: you can also disable application updates, not just notifications about them.

Now restart your device. If the message still remains, then the device needs to be rooted.

Method two - disable update notifications

The second solution is to disable the system service that is running in background and is responsible for updating the Android system.

To do this, you need to obtain root rights and install the “Disable Service” application. Launch the application and go to “System” (on the right) to display system applications.

In the list, look for the “Google Services Framework” application and select it. Now, at the top left, select show all services running within the application.

At the bottom we should find the “SystemUpdateService” service. To disable it, simply uncheck the box next to it in the list. Update messages should no longer appear. Good luck.

Nowadays, digital stores are simply overcrowded. different types and models of devices on the Android platform, so you can get lost in the huge selection. By purchasing devices on Android platform, everyone wants to configure this device for convenient use. But sometimes they encounter certain difficulties. One of these is disabling notifications on Android.

Why do we need notifications on Android?

Notifications in phones on the Android platform are a very convenient and necessary function that will not allow you to miss an event that is very important to you, or improve the performance of your portable device. People who use Android-based devices have more than once encountered such a problem as notification panel overload due to the large number of installed applications. This is very annoying, as constantly pop-up notifications interfere with the full functionality of the device. Exists a large number of ways to turn off notifications, the main ones are presented below.

How to turn off notifications

There are three main ways to turn off notifications on Android.

Method 1 - setting up the necessary applications

When Android 4.1 first came out, turning off notifications became very simple and convenient. To turn off notifications you need to do simple steps: In the settings menu, select the application menu - that's it. Select those applications and games from which you do not require notifications, and disable the checkbox in the item - display notifications. The same can be done with message settings and calls.

But, sometimes it is not known what application issues such an annoying notification; to do this, you will have to contact a specialized communication salon, where you will be provided with high-quality assistance completely free of charge.

Method 2 - remove annoying notifications

If you see an unnecessary notification appear. To do this, you need to lower the panel that shows the notification menu, it is located at the top of the screen, press this notification and hold for a few seconds, soon the inscription “about the application” will appear. Click on this inscription. After clicking on the inscription “about the application” information opened that shows everything about this application, in which the “enable notifications” tab is located, uncheck the box next to this inscription, then a confirmation will pop up, “Are you sure you want to turn off the notification?”, click OK. Now, the notification that constantly interfered will no longer pop up.

Method 3 - install the Notifications Off application

This method is suitable for those models that do not disable notifications in the settings. In order to turn off unnecessary notifications, you can use the Notifications Off program. Working with this program is very easy and simple. After launch, this program will show all installed applications on your Android device. Then you will need to uncheck the applications that you do not need, and the notifications that constantly interfered with your work will never pop up. If all notifications bother you, you can turn them off all at once by clicking the Clear all button.

You can save the settings you have made using the save changes button. You can also turn off notifications yourself on applications that you will install on your device in the future. In order to enable this feature, go to the program settings and click the Disable notificatoins for new apps button, and notifications will be turned off automatically. To work with this program, you must first. Download this program You can simply go to Google Play Market.

If your Andoid smartphone or tablet has many different programs and games installed, then this is good. There is always something to do or just kill time. But there is also “the other side of the coin”.

A large percentage of all installed applications bother the user with various advertisements or various kinds of notifications that often pop up on the device screen. Sometimes it is very annoying and annoying.

So today let’s look at the question: “How to disable pop-up notifications from applications on Android?”

Completing this task, like many similar ones, does not require special skills or abilities. For example, we will disable pop-up notifications on the screen from popular game"Angry Birds".

To disable these notifications so that they do not appear on the screen at all, you need to do the following. Go to the general “Settings” of our device. Then we look for “Applications” and go to the “All” tab.

We scroll through the list of all installed applications and find the one whose notifications we want to turn off. This means our game “Angry Birds”. They found it and tapped it with their finger. will appear service menu. In it we look for the “Enable notifications” button and uncheck (uncheck) it.

The smartphone or tablet will ask: “Turn off notifications? If notifications are turned off in this app's settings, you may miss important alerts and updates." Click "OK".

All. This set of actions will completely disable pop-up notifications from a game or program on the screen of any Android device.