How to attract traffic from social networks. How to attract traffic from social networks and the blogosphere? Traffic from social networks: preparatory stage

Good news friends, today I will tell you about a new way to get a cheap traffic flow for dumping on. For those who are in the tank, I’ll paraphrase - today I’ll tell you how to invest pennies and raise hundreds and thousands)

For social media arbitrage we will need the following:

  1. Actually, the affiliate program itself with which we will work. In my case it's
  2. The right offer from which we will earn money. We look carefully at allowed traffic sources and geotargeting.
  3. Account on , where we will buy cheap traffic. Registration will take a minute.
  4. Social account networks. In my example, this is VKontakte.
  5. At least 5 dollars in an electronic account is the minimum for depositing funds into a forum account.

All this will help us create a flow of leads for the affiliate website. For reference, lead generation is potential consumers/buyers who, by visiting the site, can take the action we need (paid for).

In general, at first I wanted to completely spoil the article here with screenshots and detailed explanations my working example of how and what to do, but then I thought about it and decided that it’s not worth it, especially since more people find out, the worse this topic will work =)

Judge for yourself - I spent some $2, but received 4 leads in a day, which already brought 500 rubles, it is quite possible that others will perform paid actions one of these days.

In addition, it is very dull when they give ready-made cases - people begin to mindlessly repeat them, and then wonder why after some time they lose their money. Therefore, I will tell you only in general terms.

How to get cheap traffic for arbitration from VK.

  1. We make a cool, catchy ad for VKontakte, for example on your wall, or in a group you created ( create business there for 5 minutes). It’s better to create a fake account for arbitrage ( I wrote about how to create it and how to make friends)
  2. In this ad we put our link to the offer, or give a link to your landing page, if you have one. There may be problems with direct links, because... VK often blacklists CPA affiliates, so most likely you will have to work through a landing page.
  3. We buy reposts on the VKontakte wall for 3-4 cents on similar services.

For 5 bucks you will get over a hundred reposts. Tens of thousands of people will see your ad in their friend feeds. And the more correctly the offer and ad are selected, the better the effect will be. You need to try hard and achieve a viral effect so that your message will continue to circulate on its own and bring you profit, without extra costs from your side.

How to achieve this? Be smart, use your imagination) Choose an interesting picture that causes controversy or heated discussion. Write catchy, provocative text.

For example, I used a video with a review of a toy to interest target audience in the game offer + attached a link to my landing page. At the same time, I recruited people into my VKontakte group, so to speak, 2 birds with one stone)

What are the disadvantages of this method of arbitrating traffic from VKontakte?

A little later I will write articles on the forum, if anyone has any difficulties, I will describe how to set up your tasks, how to check completed work, etc.

How to get traffic from social networks when there is no word about business.
As you know this winter, Facebook put a ban on
posting about business, offers, products
basically everything that, in their opinion, should be advertised
for money. Along with how posts with cats, dogs or
gags gain huge engagement, namely
reposts, likes and comments, and this is called virality
which is equal to traffic.

How to make your posts as viral as possible, how to receive
reposts, how to involve people in your posts, how to receive
free traffic from social networks, which is the most effective?
traffic method and where to lead it correctly. This is what we are talking about
Let's talk and you will receive practical recommendations.

Free traffic from social networks effective traffic scheme

In general, I don’t accept working on social networks, because it
They don’t bring the desired result, and time is wasted.
But we have worked out an excellent scheme that gives
traffic, and subscribers, and then they become partners
or clients.

Effective traffic scheme:

  1. Wrote an article
  2. Created a video and uploaded it to your channel and article
  3. Share the article on social networks (FB and VK)
  4. We launched automatic reposts (viral advertising).
  5. Sent a powerful signal to search engines about engagement

That is, people go to your articles and read them
Or maybe your blog, search engines see it
and push the article to the top of the search.

The main task of everyone on the Internet is to appear in the TOP of searches.

Free traffic from social networks analysis and facts

Every networker dreams of a good team, every entrepreneur
About loyal customers. But for everything to work out for you, you must
Be prepared, that is, have business tools and clearly
Know where, how and what to do.

Do you see now why there is no result?

Now to the point:

The ideal video length is 2-3 minutes. Best Video constructor
This is a video robot. It has everything you need and you don't have to sit over it for hours.
Created, came up with the text, visualization, edited and
All is ready. The easiest video creator example lesson.

Your post should be one sentence or a couple of phrases
And immediately go to the blog article or to the capture page,
where again there are 3 offers and a subscription, and already
Everything else is in the newsletter, subscribers read your letters,
They understand this, a desire arises and they buy.

Free traffic from social networks: how to receive reposts automatically in VK

So, let's assume you've already written an article and even shared
On social networks, but the post does not gain any reach, there is no engagement.
For this I use new platform by reposts on VKontakte,
To move an article to the top due to virality.

People on this platform get paid for reposting, so
There is direct interest, and you get access to the top and money
If desired, also automatically to your Payeer wallet.

If you wish, you can change posts at least every day
VKontakte and promote any article in search engines
Through VKontakte reposts. These include comments and new friends.
For those who don’t have a blog, post videos from YouTube.
Watch the video review of the platform

Free traffic from social networks, how to get reposts automatically on FB

I continue to spoil you with cheap traffic from social networks.
How to get 3000 Reposts on Facebook and get to the top of the feed
The trick here is that you can repost something other than your own wall.
and to any group. We're talking about organic traffic, That
there are no markups, because we need results, not just
bare numbers. Registration

Watch the video lesson carefully.

Free traffic from social networks, your videos are in the top

What do you need to do to get your videos published on YouTube?
Immediately to the top of the search? And we solved this riddle
They simplified it to the point of impossibility, and most importantly, I tested it
Repeatedly, all my videos reached the top despite
On those shark videos that have tens of thousands of subscribers and
Hundreds of thousands of views.

The solution is simple - live broadcasts on YouTube.
But you say that we are not ready to go on air, then the voice
Not like that, then appearance, then there is no other possibility...

Don’t despair, today there is such a program:
Recorded a video, uploaded it to the program, entered all the necessary
Keys, tags, description, created and uploaded preview
And they launched the video at the appointed time and day without you.

Free traffic from social networks for pennies to get to the top

This scheme, which I wrote about, has been tested in practice and
now you appear in search engines. This is it
business automation when it moves without you.

Jul 21

Why do beginners forget about traffic from social networks? Mega social traffic - high quality!

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to give you lyuli for stopping generating social traffic! Many people still cannot understand how social networks can help you in your business, and why social traffic is of the highest quality, in some ways better than search traffic!

You understand what the point is, namely, that social traffic is really very cool! Social networks are full of live participants who often spend a lot of time on those same networks. Millions of people visit the VKontakte social network, thereby you can receive a huge amount of targeted traffic to your resource.

It’s not for nothing that all networkers use the social network VKontakte to promote some kind of weight loss product or something else. All you need in order to receive high-quality and effective social traffic is to create a VKontakte group, and additionally recruit friends to your list every day!

Having even 700 - 800 friends, you can already receive 30 - 50 visitors from the social network! Now I myself am actively collecting friends on VKontakte! For this purpose, there are various groups where you can simply leave a friendship invitation and friend requests will pour in!

What do I do after publishing a post!

Immediately after the publication of the post, I make an announcement on the social network. And almost immediately I receive traffic from the social network! Additionally, I recommend creating a group. I have a group for mutual PR, but I don’t allow additional time to run groups! But if you are a beginner, then social traffic will be exactly what will help you super! Do not exclude any traffic in promoting your resource! And don't forget to use subscribe. You can easily and quickly become a thousand-year-old, even if half of the traffic is not from search, don’t care, social traffic is also targeted + traffic from subscript can also be very high quality!

At the beginning of my journey, I talked about how, using a simple profit-partner forum, I gained 300 subscribers in 2 days, I just spammed there and that’s it))))) Use social traffic in your promotion too!! Good luck!

Let's continue talking about traffic. Today we will look at the two remaining channels: Social (social) and Paid (paid).

The user perceives social networks as an entry point to the Internet. He doesn’t need to go to every single site, he gets everything right here and now. Recent data shows that the share of transitions to a website from social networks is greatly reduced, so when planning a strategy for So

If you are ready to invest, then various advertising tools will help you. Each social network has its own:

You can turn to an agency that will do the whole complex of work for you on a turnkey basis, but again, it will be a lot of money.
In general, ask yourself the question: why do you need groups on social networks and what will you broadcast on them?

No matter how much they say this a hundred million times, only necessary and interesting content can attract an audience.

Paid or paid traffic channels

These are users who come to you through paid advertising. Let's see what types it comes in.

The cheapest cost of moving to your site!

Purchasing newsletters for the audience you need. Send an introduction to your product/website or anything to your potential clients, right down to advertising banners inside the letter.

Sorry to interrupt reading. Join my telegram channel. Fresh announcements of articles, development of digital products and growth hack, it’s all there. Waiting for you! Let's continue...

Small blocks with a small picture that look like news. In the previous material we just talked about. The same blocks can be purchased as advertising.

Great resources are no exception. The same media, entertainment portals, etc. The key question will be: is your audience there? Advertising on such sources can be varied, from special projects to native (an article mentioning a product).

How to pump up paid traffic channels?

Money, money and money again J You need to approach everything wisely. It’s always easiest to just take the money and give it to the agency.

But, if you have a little time and patience, then you can organize at least part of the paid advertising yourself. To do this, study the tools and create an advertising campaign yourself.

The same goes for other channels. Study the issue, spend a little time and you won’t regret it. At a minimum, you will understand and be able to ask the right questions to the agency if necessary.


Today we talked about Social and Paid traffic channels, this is where the basics end. Then you can find for yourself in each of them effective method attracting customers to your website. Now we need to move on to the part where we will learn how to check the operation of the channels, but more on that in the next article.

Best wishes!

I almost forgot, subscribe at the bottom right :)

Alexey A.

All articles in the series.