What does the detail of outgoing messages on Velcom look like? How can a Welcome subscriber get a detailed report on calls? Login to your account

Previously, in order to make any manipulations with your connection, you had to spend time and visit the salon of the operator that provides the services. The only thing you could do on your own was to check the balance. Today, anyone who has access to the Internet can create a personal user account in Velcom and manage communications independently, without the help of operators.

What is a “personal account”, who is it useful for and what is it for?

The Velcom Belarus personal account is an online service that allows you to check the status of your number yourself, without leaving your home. With its help, the subscriber can manage services, adjust communication settings, learn about new offers and subscribe to them. By connecting to the Welkom ISSA, you will have access to the following information:

  • About finances. This section allows you to view your payment history, Current state accounts, presence/absence of debt, you can replenish the balance and leave a request for a refund Money, if an erroneous payment was made.
  • Account details. Section contains detailed information associated with user accounts. The client has the opportunity to view invoice details and a breakdown of charges in Velcom ISSA, order invoices to be sent by e-mail, change the method of delivery of invoices or change the address to which delivery is carried out.
  • TP and Additional services. By going to the operations section with TP and services in the Welcome personal account, the subscriber will be able to independently connect/disable additional services and, if necessary, temporarily suspend number service.
  • Help. If you have any questions or difficult situations that you cannot solve on your own, you can write a request to the Velcom ISSA subscriber support service.

Registration process

Creating a personal account in Welkom Belarus begins with registration. To do this, the subscriber must go to official page Welcome by ISSA (https://my.velcom.by/) and click on the “Registration” button. The system will ask you to enter a phone number, after which you will receive a SMS message containing the temporary password. It must be used for the initial login to your Welcome By account. Be careful, the password is temporary and has limited validity. Therefore, it is better to immediately log into the Welkom ISSA system and change the temporary password to a permanent one. The new password will work for 12 months, after which it will have to be changed again. This is done for security reasons. At this Welcome ISSA registration can be considered complete.

Login to your account

Now that you have a personal user account in ISSA Velcom, you have the opportunity to go there at any time to view information or change communication settings. To do this, you need to go to the WELCOME ISSA page (main), click on “Personal Account” on the screen on the right, enter your phone number and password created during registration. Thus, you can get to the main menu of the ISSA Welcome personal account at any time of the day.

Password recovery

If suddenly you forgot or lost your password for the Welkom ISSA and login to your personal account, then you always have the opportunity to submit a request for a new one. To do this, you need to go to the login page and click on the “Forgot your password” section. You will see instructions with detailed algorithm actions. There are 2 main ways to recover your password:

  • Use Velcom ISSA requests. Dial the combination *141*0# on your phone and press the call button. A password consisting of 5-10 characters will be sent to your phone, which can be used to log into your personal account.
  • Use SMS code. It is sent to the subscriber from the authorization page and is valid until it is replaced with a new one.

As you can see, nothing bad will happen if the password was accidentally lost. To restore it, you do not need to go to the company’s office. Follow one of the specified algorithms, and you will quickly recover your password, gaining access to the Welkom ISSA login to your personal account.

Overview of the subscriber's personal account

So, after completing the registration procedure, you will have your personal ISSA Welcome account. The following sections will be available in the main menu:

  • Personal information. Here you can see the subscriber's full name, current account balance, subscriber status (active/inactive), tariff plan, remaining traffic and additional information, including subscriber ID, personal account number and date of its opening, IP address, as well as information about the remaining minutes for promotions, accruals for previous months.
  • Financial information. IN this section You can obtain data on installments, payments, information on unconfirmed payments. Here you can pay by card and cancel erroneous payments.
  • Accounts, details. All information about subscriber accounts is collected here. You can view the details of Velcom ISSA calls and SMS for 6 months, change the address and method of delivery of bills.
  • Operations with TP and services. Section for managing tariffs, disabling/enabling services. Here you can change your number, connect or disconnect mobile Internet, leave a request to assign or change your “favorite” number, suspend the use of all communication services, get settings for your mobile phone, forward calls, connect voicemail.
  • Feedback. A point for contacting support to resolve various issues.

As you can see, the system is well thought out and extremely easy to use. To work with it, you just need to log into the Welkom ISSA, go to the section of interest, for example, Welkom ISSA - login to your personal account - details, and get detailed information on the issue.

Remember, any actions performed in the system using your password are equivalent to the personal actions of a registered subscriber. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure the safety of your password. Do not under any circumstances disclose confidential data (password to enter your WELCOME ISSA personal account) to strangers. If such a situation arises, please notify the company's specialists.

The opportunity to use the system is provided to the company's subscribers on free of charge. Therefore, go to the ISSA Welcome website now - home page, and complete the registration procedure if you have not already done so.

The Velcom personal account provides subscribers with the opportunity to manage services and receive information of interest from mobile operator. The user can register on the site, the procedure will take no more than 5 minutes. Using the service from Velcom Belarus, it is easier to monitor your balance, as well as activate and disable various options.

Registration of a Velcom Personal Account

Before you log in electronic system, registration will be required. To do this, you need to go to the service: my.velcom.by. Next you need to follow step by step instructions. It is important to note that only owners of a Welkom number can use the Personal Account. The procedure is carried out exclusively online, so you need to have access to the Internet.


  1. You should go to the Velcom website and select the “Personal Account” section in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Now you should click on “Register” and fill out the form.
  3. You need to indicate your phone number, then select an identification option, for example, via SMS or USSD. When choosing the method using SMS, you need to click on “Send confirmation code”. The resulting numbers should be entered in the registration form.
  4. You must come up with a password of 5 characters and repeat it.
  5. When all the information has been filled out, you must click on “Register”.
  6. After this, the subscriber will be able to log into the Velcom Belarus Personal Account. There it is recommended to change your temporary password to a permanent one, which will be valid for a year. If all the data has been entered correctly, then registration will proceed without problems. After this, you will be able to constantly use your personal Welkom profile to perform various tasks.

Login to Velcom Personal Account

If you have previously used your Welkom Personal Account, you will not have to register again. All you need to do is go to the website and enter your login information. The procedure is easy, you can follow the instructions to speed up the process.

How to log into your Personal Account:

  1. You need to go to the website of the Velcom operator, and then select the “Login” option in the upper right corner.
  2. If everything is done correctly, you will see the inscription “Welcome”.
  3. You must enter your phone number and valid password. It is important to remember your details accurately so that you can go to the user’s Personal Account.
  4. After specifying the information, you need to click on the “Log in to your account” button. If everything is done correctly, then the transition will be completed.

It is worth noting that you can go to Velcom Personal Account through the application. It will need to be installed on mobile phone, and then log in to the system. You will not need to register yourself as a user again. You must provide your password, which is used to log into your Velcom Personal Account.

Password recovery

There are situations when you cannot remember the password for your personal account. In such a situation, it is recommended not to try to register again, but to restore lost data. You will need to go to the Velcom website and then follow the instructions.

What you will need:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the “Login” button.
  2. In the window that appears, there will be an inscription: “Forgot your password?” You will need to click on it to recover lost data.
  3. A form to fill out will appear in which you will need to provide your information. You should enter your phone number and select an identification option, for example, via SMS. The code received in the message must be indicated on the website.
  4. You will be required to come up with a new password that will contain up to 10 characters. You should repeat it, and then click on the “Recover Password” button.

If everything was done correctly, then you will be able to log in to the site using the new data and log into your Velcom Personal Account. If you forget your password again in the future, you can restore it at any time. The main thing is that you have access to the phone number that is linked to your profile.

Overview of the subscriber's personal account

After you register and log in to the site, your Welkom-ISSA RB account will appear. It is convenient to use for various purposes; the service helps you manage your number and monitor the status of your personal account. IN personal information the subscriber’s personal data, current balance, as well as the remaining traffic on the Velcom number will be indicated.

In the financial section you can get data on installments, completed payments, as well as unconfirmed payments. You can also pay for services there cellular communications by using bank card. If necessary, you can cancel an erroneous payment.

There is a section in your Personal Account for managing tariffs and services. Through it you can connect and disconnect Velcom services, change your number, and activate mobile Internet. You will be able to connect voicemail, call forwarding, or suspend the use of all cellular functions.

Through Feedback in your Personal Account, you can write to the support service and receive the information you are interested in. You will be able to resolve all important issues and get help from the Wellcom operator.

The service is easy and convenient to use, so it is recommended for all subscribers. It is important not to disclose your password to anyone so that attackers do not gain access to the service. If data theft occurs, it is recommended to immediately inform Velcom employees about it.

To understand the purpose of the service, you need to understand the terminology. To detail means “to work out in detail, in the smallest detail.” It is this function that is included in the option - a detailed description of each service and its cost for the required period.

Description and features

Call details are a document generated by Velcom specialists based on the results of using communication services. Simply, a printout of everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls, indicating the date of the call, exact time, duration, direction, telephone number of the interlocutor, cost of each call;
  • the amount of Internet traffic used, the date and length of each session;
  • data on the location of the subscriber's phone during the period of use.

A detailed breakdown of the services consumed and expenses incurred allows you to develop the most comfortable mode of use. If necessary, optimize costs or switch to a tariff with greater capabilities.

Possible detailing periods

The subscriber has the right to use call details:

  • systematically monthly during the entire period of using Velcom’s services - free of charge;
  • current month - once for the period from the first day to the day preceding the request, costing 1 ruble;
  • last period - for one month, from the end of which no more than two billing periods have passed, by paying a one-time fee of 1 ruble;
  • for the last six months free of charge.


  • registering a personal account on the Velcom website during worldwide network based on phone number and password;
  • visiting any sales and service center of the operator, presenting identification cards and access code to service management.

You can request information for the current month only in official communication shops. The personal presence of the subscriber will be required, because it is necessary to write an application for connection. And on the Velcom website, you have the opportunity to independently and completely free of charge view detailed information for a period of 6 months. If necessary, the document can be saved or printed.


The client in the application, when connecting, indicates the method of document delivery from two possible:

  • by email;
  • by traditional mail.

USSD requests are simple and quick way get from the operator mobile communications necessary information. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember them all. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the balance status at the time of request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in subscription fee

Information on the amount of the monthly payment, the remaining amount to pay for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of installments

Remaining included minutes velcom services international 100/250, the rest of the Internet traffic of the “ITV velcom” service package

Information about the amount payable according to the last invoice issued, for clients working without prepayment

Information on the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within a Closed Subscriber Group (CLG)

The total number of minutes used when calling a “favorite” number (tariff plans “Pair”, “Time for pairs”)

Opportunity quick shutdown communication services for debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking subscriber balance tariff plan“Privetik” (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as a “favorite” by the subscriber of the “Privetik” tariff plan)

*101*Privetik subscriber number#

“Waiting for a call”: the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS notification asking them to call you back indicating your number.

*131*company subscriber number#

Top up your account with an express payment card

Change postal address delivery of invoices by e-mail

Repeat invoice for a closed period by e-mail

Opting out of receiving invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about the subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and tariff plan information

Changing tariff plan

Information about your number in international format

Setting/cancelling a ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting/cancelling a ban on the use of conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting packages of minutes to all networks

"Back in touch": all velcom subscribers Those who called you while you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are in touch again

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Connecting/disabling the “Stopitsot” service (available to subscribers of the “Kedy” and “Polukedy” tariff plans)

Connecting/disabling the “Anti-identifier” service

Connecting/disabling the Melofon service

Connecting/changing your “favorite” number (not available on tariff plans “Own network”, “BUSINESS.PRO”, “BUSINESS.PRO.WEB”)

Connecting/disabling the Pause service

Connecting/disconnecting ISSA

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connecting/disconnecting/changing a package within the “Director’s package” service for the Manager+ tariff plan

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Receiving settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video (“Mobile TV”), all available

Receiving a test MMS

Connecting/disabling the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application to change the Mobile Internet service package

Connect/disconnect MMS

Information about the connected Mobile Internet service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next write-off of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Connecting/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Connecting/disabling the Firewall service

Connecting/disabling the service " Children's Internet»

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Connection to the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Disabling the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Reading time: 3 min.

The operator's financial report is full information about the client’s balance and his current expenses for the selected period. The call details indicate the telephone numbers and location of the subscribers with whom the conversation took place and its duration, the number and time of access to the Internet and the amount of charges for additional services.

The call printout also records the number of SMS you sent and their cost. The message texts themselves are not saved, so it is impossible to obtain them in a detailed report.

How to get details of calls and SMS on MTS?

Before the advent of the Internet assistant, it was possible to analyze your own expenses only when contacting communication shops. This method is still available today. In order to order a printout of the report, you must present your passport and fill out an application form, which requires you to indicate how long you need to print the report.

If you need to pay for a printout of the report in a communication shop, when you request Personal Account you can get it absolutely free.

MTS personal account – Call details

You can quickly make a printout of calls for any period you request using the Internet Assistant.

1. To do this, you first need to go to the MTS “Internet Assistant” ihelper.mts.ru and follow the “Conversation Details” menu link.

2. At the first stage, the system will prompt you to select the period for detailing MTS calls. This can be done either manually or using a template - “week”, “month”, “3 months”. Once selected, click “Next”.

3. In the next step, you have the opportunity to order the report to an email address (in this case, you should enter your email). If you check the word “Internet Assistant”, the “printout” will appear directly on the browser screen.

4. To save or open details of all MTS calls for a certain period on your computer, you will need to select a format. We recommend choosing “HTML”, then you will have the opportunity to view the details of incoming and outgoing MTS calls without additional programs.

5. At the last stage, you need to check all the data, click the “Order” button and follow the “Ordered documents” link. A report on all conversations on your phone and sent SMS will appear in a couple of minutes. Here you can download previously ordered call details for any period.

You can view the status of your current account without ordering a printout. Whenever you log into your Personal Account, you will see:

  • current balance status;
  • current expenses for the coming period;
  • in case of activation of the service - information about the promised payment;
  • rest of the Internet, SMS and MMS package;
  • personal account status.

Receiving express details

You can order call details for the last five conversations or SMS of an MTS subscriber using the special command *152*1#.

You will receive an SMS in response, which will list your last actions and their payment. If you have not made any calls recently, the text of the message will indicate: “There have been no paid actions in the last two days.”

You will not be able to achieve complete control over expenses using this command.

How to make call details of someone else's number?

Situations are different and sometimes you need to control the costs of someone else’s number. But getting a printout of another subscriber's calls is much more difficult. If you have a person’s passport and his notarized consent to this procedure, details of his calls can be easily obtained at any MTS salon.

Through the Internet in your Personal Account, you can make details of another person’s calls only if you have his phone number in your hands to receive a password and login.