How to run a computer as administrator. Permanently run the program as administrator. Using the AdmiLink utility

Many Windows users have probably at least once encountered the problem of insufficient access rights when starting or while running a program. In this case, running the program as an administrator almost always helps.

But every time running the program as an administrator through the context menu is completely inconvenient. It is much more convenient to assign the program to always run as administrator. We will tell you how to do this in this article. Let us immediately warn you that the method works for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

We always run a program or game as an administrator

The usual way to run as administrator is to right-click on the application shortcut and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

In order to specify to always do this and at the same time launch the application with the usual double click, you need to do the following.

Click right click click on the shortcut of the program that needs to be run with administrator rights and select “Properties” in the menu that opens.

Application shortcut properties

In the window that opens, go to the “Compatibility” tab and check the “Run this program as an administrator” checkbox.

Setting permanent administrator rights

Now you can make sure that when you launch a program by double-clicking, you open it with administrator rights and errors about insufficient access rights do not appear.

30.01.2010 18:25

This article explains how to run the program as an administrator or other Windows user 7 without ending the current session.

1. To run the program as an administrator, right-click on the executable file (with the .exe extension) and select in the context menu that appears.

2. To specific program always run as administrator, right-click on the executable file and select .

3. Right-click on the created shortcut and select .

4. In the window that opens, on the tab Label click the button .

5. Select the checkbox.

Note. This program will be run as administrator using this shortcut only. Double click by executable file or other shortcut of this program, will launch it under your account, without elevated privileges (unless, of course, you are logged into Windows 7 as an administrator).

Running a program as another user

1. Press the Shift key, and while holding it, right-click on the executable file.

2. In the context menu that appears, select .

Sometimes it is useful for a program to have more rights than others. For example, such programs include those that maintain your security in the system, in other words, these are all sorts of utilities for checking your computer for viruses.

But what does running as Administrator give? More rights. But the whole point is that viruses can make it so that they will be launched on behalf of the System, then you will not be able to delete them even in the Task Manager, in any way at all, since you simply will not have the rights to do so. And the programs that you run have the same rights as you, which is why in the Task Manager it says that they are running on your behalf (or rather, the user).

What to do? It's very simple, let's imagine that we want the browser Mozilla Firefox always started with extended rights, what should we do? Open the shortcut properties:

Now in this window, go to the Compatibility tab, there will be a checkbox at the bottom about running as Administrator, check it accordingly and click OK:

Now, when you launch Mozilla Firefox, it will always run as Administrator.

But this is just an example; of course, such a feature is of no use for a browser, but for utilities that remove ad viruses, it’s just right. But there is also back side, you don’t always need to do this, for example, if you like to play games, then you probably know what trainers are, but under no circumstances should you run them as Administrator, and to be honest, these trainers often contain viruses (however like any keygens). It’s not for nothing that many antiviruses complain about them, saying that they are potentially dangerous software.

How to find programs and features in Windows 10?

Well, I think I also need to write about how to open this window where all the software is installed. Well, that is, the Programs and Features window. I hope this information is useful to someone

So, look, everything is simple here - you need to right-click on the Start icon, there will be a menu, here at the top we select Programs and Features:

By the way, this menu can also be called up Win buttons+X! So you press them and the menu appears!

After this, a window will open with the following list:

You see, all that is here is all your software. I don’t recommend deleting anything here just like that, because these, well, could be serious glitches. Also, if you suddenly are a more or less advanced user, then I advise you to use the removal utility

In all modern versions of Windows, only desktop applications can be run with administrator rights. Universal Windows apps installed from the Windows Store cannot be run with administrator rights. In addition, they are allowed the same level of permissions as a regular user account. This means that they are not allowed to make changes to the computer's advanced system settings or registry settings.

Administrator rights may be required to operate a program or to run certain commands. There are several ways to run a game or program with the highest rights. You can also configure the program to automatically open as an administrator; if you remember the command line, this is a very convenient option.

You can read step-by-step instructions below.

To run a program or game as an administrator, you can use the context menu. To do this follow below instructions:

Hotkey combination Ctrl+Shift+Enter

In order to take advantage elevated privileges can be take advantage hotkey combination Ctrl +Shift +Enter.

On a note ! If you want the command prompt to open with administrator rights automatically, follow below instructions .

Start Menu

This is an excellent solution for running a game or program as an administrator. Take advantage The start menu is very simple, you need to follow the steps below:

Task bar

If your program or game is pinned to the “Taskbar”, then you can take advantage and this option. In case you haven't done this, pinning a program or game to the bottom panel is very simple:

  • right-click on the program shortcut and in the window that appears, select the option “ Pin to taskbar";
  • You can also drag the shortcut to the bottom panel and it will be automatically pinned.

Using the "Taskbar" is very convenient.

Video - How to run a program as administrator

How to configure automatic opening of a program as an administrator

You can make a program or game open with elevated rights automatically.

Method 1

Method 2

On a note ! But this will only work for the current user. For information on how to configure programs or games to start automatically for all users, see below.

How to set up automatic run as administrator for all users

If you want to enable automatic start as administrator for all laptop or PC users, do the following:

  1. Click on the game or program icon. Using right cry, open "Properties" (as in the picture below).

  2. In the window that appears, click on “ Compatibility".

  3. Click "Change settings for all users" (as in the example below).

  4. In the new window, you will see the option to run the program or game as administrator. Check the box and click “Apply”, then “OK”, see the picture below.

  5. Returning to “Properties” you will see that the option to run a program or game as an administrator has faded (see example below). This means that, compared to user settings, settings for all users have higher priority. Click "OK" and save your changes.

Video - How to constantly run applications as administrator

If all programs were run as administrator by default, it would be much easier for viruses to penetrate the system. Administrator rights give the program full privileges. Without them, it is impossible to make changes to the system. Many applications only run as administrator, because... they need full access to the system.

Most programs usually request permissions automatically. For this purpose, Windows has User Account Control. Some programs do not do this and must be launched manually as an administrator. In this article, you will learn about the main ways to run any program as an administrator in Windows 10, Windows 7. By and large, the instructions are universal and suitable for any version of the OS.

Windows 10

First of all, these instructions are written for Windows 10, since, firstly, it is more relevant than previous versions, and secondly, it is installed on my computer. Theoretically, your actions will not be different for other versions of the OS. Here are the most simple ways Run the program as administrator in Windows 10:

  • Select an application or shortcut and press Ctrl + Enter;
  • Right-click on the program shortcut/executable file and select “Run as administrator”;
  • Right-click on the shortcut or program file, select Properties. Go to the "compatibility" tab and select "Run this program as an administrator."

This is what the setup window for running the program as administrator looks like on permanent basis. Once you have checked this item, you will not need to constantly right-click on the program. The program will run as administrator by default.

Constantly running the program as administrator

Windows 7 and others

By and large, the process of launching the program as an administrator is completely identical to that described above. Be careful - you are giving the program full access to the system. If you are not sure of its origin, think a few times before launching it. Otherwise you can enter operating system viruses or unwanted programs.

It is best to download programs from official sites, especially since they are quite easy to find. By the way, the site has separate instructions for.

How to run a program as a non-administrator

Sometimes you need to run a program not as an administrator, that is, with normal privileges. There are reasons for this - for example, you are not sure of the origin of the program and it may contain a virus. The simplest option is with disabilities, that is, without administrator rights. You can also use the runas command. Command syntax:

RUNAS [ ] /user: username program

Usage example:

Runas /user:pc_name\justuser cmd.exe

Run cmd.exe as user pc_name from the computer named pc_name. These commands must be entered into command line. That's all - now you know at least two options for how to run the program as a NON-administrator: by logging into account without administrator rights and using the runas command.

I hope that this instruction helped you solve the problem. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. We will definitely figure it out together.