Kyivstar trusted representative. Kyivstar's "trusted person" refuses to work for subscribers of corporate clients. Subscriber's refusal to check the status of his account

Key Features

4. Getting a list of numbers

5. New functionality of the service! Automatic SMS notification about account status

From now on, if there is less than 1 hryvnia left in the account of your friends or loved ones, you will receive an SMS message within 40 minutes and will be able to top up your account in a timely manner!

The function is activated automatically for all prepaid subscribers who use the “Trusted Person” service.

To disable the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*6#

To activate the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*5#

The new functionality of the service is provided free of charge and is valid only when checking the account of Kyivstar prepaid subscribers.

The service allows you to check only the subscriber's main account.

Tariffing and payment

All tariffs are indicated in hryvnias, including VAT. Additionally, clients are charged a fee to the Pension Fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of services, excluding VAT.

somebody because of,


The “Trusted Person” service allows you to control funds and regulate their consumption, as well as timely replenish the account of another Kyivstar subscriber.

Terms of service

There is no additional need to activate the service. To use the service, it is enough to obtain permission from the subscriber to find out the status of his account.

You can use the “Trusted Person” service through the appropriate USSD commands.

Key Features

1. Checking the balance on the subscriber’s mobile account

To check the account status of another subscriber, you need to send the appropriate USSD request:

In response to it, you will receive information about the result of its execution.

4. Getting a list of numbers

You can clarify the numbers of subscribers whose account status you are checking, as well as the numbers of subscribers who are checking you, using the following USSD request:

Tariffing and payment

Each USSD request to check the account status of another subscriber - 0.05 UAH.

All tariffs are given in hryvnias, including VAT and a fee to the Pension Fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of services excluding VAT.

The Kyivstar company does everything to ensure that your family and friends always stay in touch with you. Now you can avoid the situation where somebody one of your loved ones cannot call you on the phone because of, that their account has run out of funds. Thanks to the “Trusted Person” service, you will be able to check the status of their accounts if they are subscribers of the Kyivstar network.

Attention! *113*1*380ХХХХХХХХХ#

limited to 10,

*113*2*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where XXXXXXXXXXX - phone number whose account balance you are checking.

3. Subscriber’s refusal to check the status of his account

*113*3*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you allowed to check the status of your account.


In response to it, you will receive information about the result of its execution.

4. Getting a list of numbers

You can clarify the numbers of subscribers whose account status you are checking, as well as the numbers of subscribers who are checking you, using the following USSD request:


5. New functionality of the service! Automatic SMS notification about account status

From now on, if there is less than 1 hryvnia left in the account of your friends or loved ones, you will receive an SMS message within 40 minutes and will be able to top up your account in a timely manner!

The function is activated automatically for all prepaid subscribers who use the “Trusted Person” service.

To disable the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*6#

To activate the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*5#

The new functionality of the service is provided free of charge and is valid only when checking the account of Kyivstar prepaid subscribers.

The service allows you to check only the subscriber's main account.

Tariffing and payment

Each USSD request to check the account status of another subscriber - 0.05 UAH.

All tariffs are indicated in hryvnias, including VAT. Additionally, clients are charged a fee to the Pension Fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of services, excluding VAT.

somebody because of,


The “Trusted Person” service allows you to control funds and regulate their consumption, as well as timely replenish the account of another Kyivstar subscriber.

Terms of service

There is no additional need to activate the service. To use the service, it is enough to obtain permission from the subscriber to find out the status of his account.

You can use the “Trusted Person” service through the appropriate USSD commands.

Key Features

1. Checking the balance on the subscriber’s mobile account

To check the account status of another subscriber, you need to send the appropriate USSD request:

*113*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber whose account status you want to check

You will receive a USSD response to your request with the following information:

Date time formatNumber of the subscriber whose account status you are checking

Attention! If you are checking the subscriber's account status for the first time, he will receive text message with your number and brief information about the service, as well as instructions on what needs to be done in order to allow you to check the status of his account. To do this, he needs to send a USSD request *113*1*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХ is the phone number of the person he allows to check the account status.

You will receive an SMS message about the subscriber's decision.

2. Deleting the number of the subscriber whose account status you checked

Due to the fact that the number of numbers that you can check is limited to 10, You may need to delete one of the numbers. To do this, you need to send the following USSD request:

*113*2*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХХ - phone number whose account balance you are checking.

In response to it, you will receive information about the result of its execution.

3. Subscriber’s refusal to check the status of his account

To prevent a specific subscriber from checking your account, you must send the following USSD request:

*113*3*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you allowed to check the status of your account.

In response to it, you will receive information about the result of the request, and the subscriber will receive an SMS message about the ban.

To prevent all subscribers who are currently checking you from checking the status of your account, you must send the following USSD request:

The Kyivstar company does everything to ensure that your family and friends always stay in touch with you. Now you can avoid the situation where somebody one of your loved ones cannot call you on the phone because of, that their account has run out of funds. Thanks to the “Trusted Person” service, you will be able to check the status of their accounts if they are subscribers of the Kyivstar network.

on 2013-06-18

Monitoring the balance status of the SIM card installed in system unit security


A unique article on the Kyivstar website about activating the ‘Trusted Person’ service for remote control of the expenditure of funds from a SIM card installed in the alarm system.

The Kyivstar company sometimes changes tariff plans, their conditions and names of services for prepaid service subscribers. At the time of writing this instruction, Kyivstar has two interesting tariff plans suitable for GSM alarms, ‘Kyivstar Sensor’ and ‘Kyivstar Tablet’. You can read a description of the differences between these tariffs and advice on choosing the optimal one in a separate article ‘Choosing a Kyivstar tariff plan’ on the domestic website.

Here is a description of the Kyivstar service remote control balance on the balance of the SIM card installed in the security system unit. Control is carried out from your main cell phone, without removing the SIM card from the alarm.

This option of Kyivstar is relevant at a time when the security system unit transmits service data every day, such as a report on disarming and arming an object, a report on restoration and loss of power supply to the 220V network, a report on room temperature, etc. Every day a small amount of money is debited from the card balance, and on some day it may happen that you stop receiving the SMS messages listed above. Alternatively, a person first thinks about the bad, for example, the failure of the security system, damage to the alarm system, and who knows what other possible problems the owner of the premises can think of.

First of all, you need to check your account balance on Kyivstar for SIM cards, established in the totality of protection. The most possible circumstance for the absence of regular SMS is that the money on the SIM card account of the security unit has run out. To check your balance, Kyivstar provides a service that is activated using two cell phones.

This procedure must be completed before SIM installation cards into the security complex.

Here is a quote from a unique article - instructions, because... Kyivstar changes the content of the site quite often and after some time it is not easy to find the necessary information.


Terms of service

Main features

1. Checking the balance on the subscriber’s mobile account

In order to check the account status of another subscriber, you need to send the appropriate USSD request:


Where ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber whose account status you want to check

For your own request, you will receive a USSD response with the following information:

Date Time; Subscriber number whose account status

you are in control; Balance


Attention! If you are monitoring a subscriber's account for the first time, they will receive a text message with brief information and your service number, and instructions on what needs to be done to allow you to monitor their account.

To do this, he needs to send a USSD request *113*1*380ХХХХХХХХХ#

Where ХХХХХХХХХ is the phone number of the person he allows to control the account status.

You will receive an SMS message indicating the subscriber's response.

2. Deleting a subscriber number whose account status you controlled

Due to the fact that the number of numbers that you can control is limited to 10, you may feel the need to delete one of the numbers. To do this, you need to send the following USSD request:


Where ХХХХХХХХХ is the phone number whose account balance you control.

3. Subscriber’s refusal to audit his own account status

In order to prohibit control of your own account to a specific subscriber, you need to send the following USSD request:


Where ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you allowed to control the status of your own account.

In response to it, you will receive data about the result of the request, and the client will receive an SMS message about the ban.

In order to prohibit control over the state of their own account by all subscribers who are on this moment You are being monitored, you need to send the following USSD request:

In response to it, you will receive data about the result of its execution.

4. Obtaining a list of numbers

You have the opportunity to clarify the numbers of subscribers whose account status you control, and the numbers of subscribers who control you, using the following USSD request:

5. New functionality of the service! Automatic SMS notification about account status

From now on, if there is less than 1 hryvnia left on the account of your friends or family, within 40 minutes. You will receive an SMS message and will be able to top up your account on time!

The function is activated automatically for all prepaid subscribers who use the “Trusted Person” service.

To disable the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*6#

To activate the automatic balance notification function, send the USSD command: *113*5#

The new functionality of the service is provided free of charge and is valid only when checking the account of Kyivstar prepaid subscribers.

The service allows you to perform diagnostics only on the subscriber's main account.

payment and tariffication

Source: the moment

Review of the My Kyivstar application for operator subscribers

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Money is perhaps the most popular wedding present. But it’s easy to present them in an envelope - obviously. Yes, and the newlyweds may later not be able to find in their memory who gave them. Based on this, it is better to give money unusually...

Kyivstar is a wonderful operator mobile communications in Ukraine. It is about him that I always try to write at least a few lines on my blog... And today I learned that since I use a corporate connection, I do not have the right to have friends, relatives and loved ones!

You will of course ask, how did I come to such a conclusion? I will try to reveal the secret to you in this publication...

It was at 21:30 Kyiv time. As always, I ran to look at the statistics on my blog and other sites that I follow part-time (Uh, Vmlink, Vkontakte...).

Among the key phrases by which visitors come to my blog, I saw a phrase that had not existed before - namely, “USSD Kyivstar Trusted Person” - and immediately decided to look at what kind of service this was. The company website says the following:

The Kyivstar company does everything to ensure that your family and friends always stay in touch with you. Now you can avoid the situation when one of your loved ones cannot call you on the phone because the funds in their account have run out. Thanks to the “Trusted Person” service, you will be able to check the status of their accounts if they are subscribers of the Kyivstar network. I would like to note that I did not find any asterisks describing additional conditions.

The first thing I decided to do was check the status of my dear wife’s account - and dialed on my Gigabyte GSmart GS202 magic combination USSD request, to which the Kyivstar company had to respond accordingly: with numbers of the amount Money my wife. ( By the way, the request was the following: *113*38067+++++++# , where instead of plus signs the number of my Jackdaw is hidden).

Within a few seconds I was able to understand that the Kyivstar company had decided to make a recluse (or Robinson Crusoe...) out of me. Here is a quote from the answer:

Posluga DOVIRENA OSOBA ne nadaet`sia abonentam, yaki obslugovuiut`sia na korporatyvnyh umovah. Na zhal`, Vy ne mozhete korystuvatys` poslugoiu.

If you carefully read the previous quote, then you should understand that the Kyivstar Company does everything to ensure that our family and friends always stay in touch with us. And already from the second quote it is clear that if you are served on a corporate basis, then you should not have relatives and friends (not expected...).

The second application in the second quote is as if a killer who killed her husband with a knife in the balls during the war turns to the widow: “Unfortunately, you will no longer be able to see your husband alive - I shot him!” Such a comparison may seem insanity to you - but after reading the description of the service, I was delighted, imagined a wonderful opportunity... And then I was cruelly disappointed...

And the most interesting thing is that before you dial this USSD (and there are a lot of them described in my publication: I announce all USSD list company Kyivstar) I thought for several minutes about whether I should pay money to check the functionality of the service (my wife is next to me...) - after all, the Trusted Person service is provided with payment for each individual request...

In short, this is how I got screwed, I felt like I wasn’t a full-fledged corporate subscriber with unlimited tariff plan... (And a few years ago I had this feeling at the moment when I learned that it would be simply impossible to transfer funds from my corporate account - such a service is not provided for contract subscribers...).

Thanks to the “Trusted Person” service, you will be able to check the account status of another subscriber of the Kyivstar network. Such subscribers can be parents, children, relatives and friends.

Advantages: The “Trusted Person” service allows you to control funds and regulate their consumption, as well as replenish them in a timely manner. Terms of service: There is no need to activate the service additionally. To use the service, it is enough to obtain permission from the subscriber to find out the status of his account. You can use the “Trusted Person” service through the appropriate USSD commands. Main features: 1. Checking the balance of funds on a subscriber's mobile account To check the account status of another subscriber, you need to send the appropriate USSD request: *113*38ХХХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber whose account status you want to check. You will receive USSD response with the following information: Date time in the format Number of the subscriber whose account status you are checking Balance DD/MM/YY HH:MM +380ХХХХХХХ ХХ. XX UAH Attention! If you are checking a subscriber's account for the first time, they will receive a text message with your number and brief information about the service, as well as instructions on what to do to allow you to check their account. To do this, he needs to send a USSD request *113*1*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХХ is the phone number of the person he allows to check the account status. You will receive an SMS message about the subscriber's decision. 2. Deleting the number of a subscriber whose account status you checked Due to the fact that the number of numbers that you can check is limited to 10, you may need to delete one of the numbers. To do this, you need to send the following USSD request: *113*2*38ХХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХХХ is the phone number whose account balance you are checking. In response to it, you will receive information about the result of its execution. 3. Subscriber’s refusal to check the status of his account To prohibit a specific subscriber from checking his account, you must send the following USSD request: *113*3*38ХХХХХХХХХХ#, where ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you allowed to check the status of your account. In response to it, you will receive information about the result of the request, and the subscriber will receive an SMS message about the ban. To prevent all subscribers who are currently checking you from checking the status of your account, you must send the following USSD request: *113*9# In response to it, you will receive information about the result of its execution. 4. Receiving a list of numbers You can clarify the numbers of subscribers whose account status you are checking, as well as the numbers of subscribers who are checking you, using the following USSD request: *113*4# Tariffing and payment: Each USSD request to check the account status another subscriber - 0.05 UAH. All tariffs are indicated in hryvnias, including VAT. Additionally, clients are charged a fee to the Pension Fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of services, excluding VAT.