A computer is an office equipment or piece of equipment. Working with office equipment - types and purposes of office equipment Office equipment list of what is included

Office equipment (organizational equipment) is almost all the technical equipment of a modern office. After all, the presence of this very equipment significantly facilitates and speeds up any paperwork and, of course, simplifies interaction in any processes and at different levels. What devices are included in this capacious concept and what functions do they perform?

Performing counting functions (mechanization of calculations)

Perhaps few people have thought about it, but one of the representatives of office equipment is. It is the smallest in size and weight among other office mechanisms, but it often “helps out” with its presence on the desktop when carrying out various calculations.

The calculator can safely be called the progenitor of the computer, which it, in fact, is, only a highly specialized one. Nowadays, the variety of calculators is huge, although they are slowly giving way to other devices.

Work with documents

Computers, scanners, printers, copiers, faxes - all this equipment is necessary so that you can quickly carry out small and large volumes of work.

It is probably impossible to imagine the modern world without a computer. It is truly an indispensable device, because with its help a huge amount of information is created, changed and stored.

Next in importance would probably be the printer. It is he who translates the necessary text or graphic information in electronic form into a tangible paper document.

A copying machine (copier, copier), with which you can create copies of documents, photographs, drawings on paper and other materials, also does not lag behind in its importance.

Another inhabitant of the world of office equipment is a scanner, whose task is to convert text and graphic information located on a flat medium (usually paper) into a digital format.

Over the past few years, multifunctional devices (MFPs) have become increasingly popular - devices that have additional functions of a printer, scanner, copier and/or fax machine. Such equipment significantly benefits in price and compactness compared to the cost and amount of space occupied by each of the devices included in the MFP separately.

A shredder is used - a device that shreds paper into tiny pieces or very small strips.


Office equipment includes communication means: telephone, fax, telegraph, office automatic telephone exchange. In addition to these devices, a PC can also be considered a means of communication, with the help of which, and the presence of the Internet, you can conduct electronic correspondence and also make calls.

Office equipment is a set of technical means designed to mechanize and automate management, engineering and office work. These tools include copiers, scanners, projectors and other equipment. The high pace of technological progress simply requires owners to be more productive in their office work. The introduction of office equipment helps to increase labor productivity and improve the efficiency of management activities.

Types of office equipment

According to their purpose, office equipment is divided into the following groups:

  • Tools for copying and quickly reproducing documents. This includes copiers, scanners, printers, rotators, plotters, hectographs.
  • Document processing tools. This group includes sorting equipment, paper-cutting equipment, hole punchers, binders, envelope openers, glue boxes, stamps, and document shredders.
  • Tools for searching, storing and transporting documents. This group includes filing cabinets, transporters, drawing machines and devices.
  • Means of operational-technological and production communications. This group of office equipment includes automatic telephone exchanges, mini-automatic telephone exchanges, administrative and dispatch devices, and public address devices.
  • Computer facilities and information transfer to automated control systems. These include computers, input/output devices, data transmission devices, etc.

Modern office equipment has a long service life and can work for a long time and reliably without human intervention. However, any equipment, even the most reliable, can fail. If this happens, then it is better to contact a specialized technical center. In addition, many types of equipment require periodic replacement of consumables and preventive maintenance: replacing toner, print drums, cartridges, cleaning channels, guides and much more. Of course, there may always be savvy users who can do something on their own. There is nothing wrong. But when it comes to expensive office equipment, it is better to entrust its maintenance to specialists. We will not only do all the work, but also use only high-quality consumables.

Nowadays, few people imagine their life without office equipment. At the same time, the concept of this device is not always identical to the special classifier approved by law. The accountant must correctly set the asset code and reflect it in a special account. Therefore, when reflecting office equipment, he relies precisely on this regulatory document.

What does the list of office equipment include?

Often, office equipment refers to technical devices that are used in office work to create, reproduce, process, store and transport documents.

In life, the following equipment is usually classified as office equipment:

Office equipment: what applies to it

Devices for operational data processing.

  • computers;
  • laptops;
  • tablets;
  • calculators;
  • electronic notebooks.

Equipment for compiling, duplicating and copying documents.

  • typewriters;
  • printers;
  • scanners;
  • copiers.

Design and drawing equipment.

  • graphic displays;
  • stencils;
  • drawing instruments;
  • hatching equipment.

Devices for recording and processing data.

  • reading machines;
  • barcode readers;
  • equipment for document destruction;
  • numberers.

Dispatch communication tool.

  • Telephone;
  • Intercom;
  • Search and explosion alarm devices, etc.

The concept of “office equipment” is a derivative word from organizational equipment. In other words, it is an integral part of the technical process of any office.

What applies to office equipment in accounting?

The accounting department of any modern organization must keep accurate records of office equipment and consumables. But when reflecting office equipment in accounting, an accountant cannot rely on personal considerations. He does this on the basis of regulatory documentation. According to the OK 013-2014 classifier, it will include the following as office equipment:

  • Duplicating equipment, if it is not connected to a computer.
  • Copiers.
  • Telephone exchanges for company work.
  • Typewriters.
  • Landline phones and cell phones.
  • Devices for holding general meetings. For example, a microphone or a projector.
  • Document shredder.
  • Bill counter.

The following equipment cannot be reflected in accounting as office equipment:

  • A printer and multifunction device connected to a computer.
  • Tablet.
  • Smartphone.
  • Communicator.

Having carefully studied the classifier “OKOF OK 013-2014”, which has been in effect since this year, you can find that the term “office equipment” is not in it at all. Computers and peripherals are allocated to an individual department. However, what previously belonged to office equipment is highlighted in a separate list. It is edited and included in the group “Other machinery and equipment, including household equipment” with code 330. 28. 23. Therefore, the list of office equipment is determined by a special classifier marked under this code.

What about office equipment? The list depends on what it is needed for. In life, people classify many things as office equipment. However, if you review the financial statements, you may find discrepancies.

ACCOUNTING FOR FIXED ASSETS "EQUIPMENT" IN US ACCOUNTING- accounting for fixed assets Equipment occurs as follows: the initial cost of the equipment consists of the purchase price minus discounts received for payment on time, and all costs for bringing the equipment into working condition: costs ... Great Accounting Dictionary

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  • Office equipment
  • Office equipment, S. V. Kiselev, O. N. Nelipovich. The textbook proposes the use of a competency-based approach to the training of computer operators. The purpose and classification of office equipment, tools for document processing,…

Text Work and Career “Office equipment - what is it”:

The word “office equipment” has long been firmly established in our daily use. But if you ask the first person you come across what it is and what devices can be called office equipment, not everyone will be able to answer correctly. Office equipment (organizational equipment) is almost all the technical equipment of a modern office. After all, the presence of this very equipment significantly facilitates and speeds up any paperwork and, of course, simplifies interaction in any processes and at different levels. What devices are included in this capacious concept and what functions do they perform?

Performing counting functions (mechanization of calculations)

Perhaps few people have thought about it, but one of the representatives of office equipment is a calculator. It is the smallest in size and weight among other office mechanisms, but it often “helps out” with its presence on the desktop when carrying out various calculations.

The calculator can safely be called the progenitor of the computer, which it, in fact, is, only a highly specialized one. Nowadays, the variety of calculators is huge, although they are slowly giving way to other devices.

Work with documents

Computers, scanners, printers, copiers, faxes - all this equipment is necessary so that you can quickly carry out small and large volumes of work.

It is probably impossible to imagine the modern world without a computer. It is truly an indispensable device, because with its help a huge amount of information is created, changed and stored.

Next in importance would probably be the printer. It is he who translates the necessary text or graphic information in electronic form into a tangible paper document.

A copying machine (copier, copier), with which you can create copies of documents, photographs, drawings on paper and other materials, also does not lag behind in its importance.

Another inhabitant of the world of office equipment is a scanner, whose task is to convert text and graphic information located on a flat medium (usually paper) into a digital format.

Over the past few years, multifunctional devices (MFPs) have become increasingly popular - devices that have additional functions of a printer, scanner, copier and/or fax machine. Such equipment significantly benefits in price and compactness compared to the cost and amount of space occupied by each of the devices included in the MFP separately.

To destroy documents, a shredder is used - a device that shreds paper into tiny pieces or very small strips.


Office equipment includes communication means: telephone, fax, telegraph, office automatic telephone exchange. In addition to these devices, a PC can also be considered a means of communication, with the help of which, and the presence of the Internet, you can conduct electronic correspondence and also make calls.

Sent by: Nikitina Alla. 2017-09-18 14:39:35

Concept, classification and valuation of fixed assets

Computer technology includes analog and analog-digital machines for automatic data processing, computing electronic, electromechanical and mechanical complexes and machines, devices designed to automate the processes of storing, retrieving and processing data related to solving various problems.

Office equipment includes duplicating and copying equipment, office automatic telephone exchanges, typewriters, calculators and other equipment.

5) Vehicles, which include: vehicles designed to move people and goods - railway and rolling stock; rolling stock of water transport, road, air, urban transport; floor-mounted production vehicles, as well as other types of vehicles.

At the same time, automobile and tractor trailers, specialized and converted railway cars, the main purpose of which is to perform production or household functions, and not to transport goods and people (mobile power plants, mobile transformer installations, mobile workshops, laboratory cars, mobile diagnostic installations, carriage houses, etc.) are considered mobile enterprises

appropriate purpose, and not vehicles, and are accounted for as building and equipment.

6) Industrial and household inventory, which includes:

Industrial equipment - technical items that are involved in the production process, but cannot be classified as either equipment or structures (liquid storage containers, devices and containers for bulk, piece materials, not related to structures, devices and furniture, serving to facilitate production operations (tables, counters, racks, etc.);

Household equipment - office and household items that are not directly involved in the production process.

7) Working, productive and breeding livestock (except for young animals and cattle for slaughter), which include: horses, oxen, camels, donkeys, cows, sheep, stallions - producers, bulls - producers and other working, productive and breeding livestock.

8) Perennial plantings, which include all types of artificial perennial plantings, regardless of their age, landscaping and decorative plantings on streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, on the territory of enterprises, in the courtyards of residential buildings; hedges, shelterbelts, plantings intended to strengthen sand and river banks, etc.; artificial plantings of botanical gardens, scientific research institutions and educational institutions for scientific research purposes.

9) Other fixed assets.

Depending on their purpose in production and economic activity, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

What about office equipment?

The main means of production include: machines, machine tools, apparatus, tools, as well as buildings of main and auxiliary workshops, services intended for the production process, warehouse buildings, tanks, vehicles used for moving and storing objects and products of labor. Non-production fixed assets are not directly involved in the production process, but they are used for the cultural and everyday needs of enterprise employees (fixed assets for housing and communal services, clinics, clubs, kindergartens, etc.).

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Office equipment

Office equipment is the basis for the effective operation of any institution. It’s hard to imagine how an office works if there is no office equipment or it doesn’t work. It must be said that even the simplest office equipment is a high-tech product that can serve the period guaranteed by the manufacturer only if original components and materials are used. Those who are trying to save money in this matter will end up spending more on repair services, and, in principle, will leave the office without such important equipment.

Types of office equipment for the office

All office equipment is classified according to functionality. This classification was enshrined in the state standard and includes the following categories:

  • information carriers;
  • means for production and preparation of documentation;
  • means for operational printing and reprography;
  • means for processing documentation;
  • means for searching, storing and transporting documents;
  • office furniture and other equipment;
  • other office equipment.

In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. Particular attention should be paid to office equipment from the “other means” category, since without them the work of a modern institution is impossible.

Work and career. Helpful information

These include the following elements:

  • scanners;
  • computer projectors;
  • display screens;
  • accessories for computers (these are digital cameras, multimedia equipment, devices for recording and rewriting CDs, cases, connection cables, power supplies).

Choosing office equipment for the office

Many users of office equipment are faced with the fact that choosing the appropriate models from different groups is not so easy. Here various difficulties, questions and answers arise.

To optimize the process of choosing technical equipment for the office, you need to take into account many factors that will influence this choice:

  • volume of document flow;
  • characteristics of document flows;
  • the volume of documents that is transmitted and received through technical communication channels;
  • methods of organizing the use of technical means;
  • features of technical and operational equipment;
  • equipment manufacturing company;
  • price of the selected equipment;
  • price of consumables, required frequency of their replacement;
  • equipment maintenance price and much more.

Do not forget that office equipment requires regular scheduled maintenance. If a breakdown could not be avoided, then the spare parts must be branded and meet all current quality standards. If an organization takes the selection, repair and maintenance of equipment seriously, it will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as downtime due to the fact that the printer simply does not work. Therefore, when choosing office equipment, think about who and how will carry out its maintenance and repair, if such a need arises. Good manufacturing companies will also provide you with high-quality equipment maintenance, which will help prevent unwanted problems.

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What about office equipment?

List of equipment related to office equipment:

  • · devices for operational information processing: personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, tablets, calculators, microcalculators
  • · means of compiling, copying and quickly reproducing documents: writing and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic machines
  • · drawing and design technician: drawing devices, shading devices, plotters, graphic displays, various stencils
  • · means of recording and processing information: numbering machines, reading machines, stensilis, barcode readers, document destruction devices, etc.
  • · means of dispatch communication and information display - telephones, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic diagrams, industrial television devices, search-call alarm devices, etc.

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office equipment

office equipment

A set of technical means for mechanization of management and engineering design work. Office equipment includes: means of compiling, copying and quickly reproducing documents (for example, typewriters and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic machines), their storage and automatic search (various filing cabinets, organizers, search engines, etc.); devices for operational information processing (personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, microcalculators, etc.); drawing and design equipment (for example, drawing instruments, hatching devices, plotters, graphic displays, various stencils); means for registration and processing of documents (numerators, reading machines, stensilis, barcode readers, devices for destroying documents, etc.); means of dispatch communication and information display (for example, telephone sets, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic diagrams, industrial television devices, search-call alarm devices), etc.

office equipment

Devices and devices for individual use that facilitate the work of workers engaged in management (managers, secretaries, assistants, etc.) are usually called small office equipment. This includes office supplies (fountain and ballpoint pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, hole punches, staplers, binders, various stamps, adhesive sticks, tape, etc.), office furniture (tables, shelving, cabinets, chairs, etc. ), tabletop lights, fans, etc.

Source: Technique. Modern encyclopedia on Gufo.me

Office equipment- technical office equipment that facilitates and speeds up paperwork and administrative and management activities. Office technology has become a significant source of technological innovation and is still undergoing rapid development.

Modern electronic office equipment is usually called office equipment(from organizational equipment) and is determined in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of fixed assets: 330.28.23 “Office machines and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment.”

At present

Until 2017, computers and computer-related peripheral equipment were not included in the list of outdoor equipment. Since 2017, they have been classified in the group “Information, computer and telecommunications (ICT) equipment,” which includes, for example, any telephones and are not office equipment, but means of communication.

The classifier contains an edited list of office equipment, which includes “office machines and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment.” The very concept of office equipment is no longer used in it.

Mechanization of calculations

The most primitive mechanism for automating calculations, the abacus, has been known since the times of Ancient Rome. The abacus that replaced it appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. Around the same time, their modification became known in China (suanpan) and Japan (soroban).

Office equipment is office equipment, what applies to it

The needs of accounting in medieval offices became one of the main reasons for the development and several centuries of improvement of mechanical computers. The pinnacle of development of this line of office equipment were Hollerith tabulators, which began to be produced at the end of the 19th century and were used, in particular, to automate the census conducted in the United States.

Printing documents

Help office workers print documents.