The latest Russian technologies. Interesting inventions of the world New technologies and developments in the world

Part five (January 2017):

3D printers

Description: a device that has been actively developed since the second half of the twentieth century, allows layer-by-layer creation of three-dimensional products for a wide range of purposes - from household appliances to artificial organs. The 3D printer began to enter the everyday life of Russians only at the beginning of the twenty-first century, with the improvement of technology and the reduction in size of this equipment.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state : 3D printers, highly rated by respondents, continue to slowly conquer their market niche and are considered a fairly promising development that will simplify people’s lives, as well as reduce production costs for industrial companies.

Bank card with fingerprint scanner

Description: new development, which was announced in 2014 by Master Card and the Zwipe company. This technological innovation allows you to avoid the use of a PIN code, which, although widely used, remains an unreliable method of protection and is often forgotten by users.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: this technological innovation has not yet been put into widespread use, but remains highly anticipated, as evidenced by the assessments of IOM Questionnaire respondents.

USB rechargeable batteries

Description: Traditional batteries, which are used in a large number of equipment, are being replaced by batteries that can be used several times by charging via a USB port. Such batteries do not have such a harmful impact on the environment as conventional ones.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: USB rechargeable batteries are already available in some online stores. However, this technological innovation is not yet very widespread in everyday life, because the level of awareness about it is quite low, as evidenced by the survey results. The slow proliferation of batteries is also influenced by the availability of conventional batteries and batteries charged from a special device.

Unmanned aerial vehicles that do not require control (drones)

Description: Unmanned aerial vehicles, which operate autonomously and do not require crew support, are used for both civilian and military purposes. In peaceful situations, they are used for aerial photography, and they have also found application in the delivery of small cargo. Thus, drones can transport documents, food or drinks by air, making them an advanced technology for delivery services.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: Drones have been launched for sale in Russia, but there is still a long way to go before they fill the airspace. This is a fairly expensive device, but is currently used mainly by aerial photography enthusiasts.

Gadgets to eliminate unpleasant body odor

Description: Wearable electronics is a promising industry in which more and more new products are emerging aimed at improving human life. One of these new products is a device that is attached to the body and eliminates unpleasant odor that appears during the day or during sports.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: While this gadget is in development and not released for sale. A survey of IOM respondents revealed little interest in such electronics.

Flexible Screens/Displays

Description: Flexible screens/displays are being developed by a number of companies and are being promoted by them as advanced technology for displaying visual information. Such screens do not take up much space and allow you to “collapse” devices, as well as create a special three-dimensional figure that displays information. All this makes flexible screens/displays a promising technology that can find its application both in everyday life and in design, art, advertising and other areas.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: Flexible devices have not yet been released for sale, although there are a number of smartphones with bendable displays. The release of the new product is announced for 2015. According to the survey results, although people are little aware of this technology, they still note that the new product will be in demand in general.

Home furniture with wireless smartphone charging

Description: Some smartphone models are equipped with wireless modules for recharging the charge. A number of companies have proposed charging for such smartphones built into furniture. This technology allows you to avoid indoor chargers, which are not as beautiful or as convenient as wireless devices.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: a technological novelty was released by IKEA and is being tested in the markets of the USA and Europe. The technology has not yet reached Russia. However, despite the fact that the new product is little known among the Russian population, it may turn out to be quite in demand.

Solar chargers for phones

Description: chargers for solar powered for smartphones allow you to recharge mobile devices in any place where sunlight is available, accumulated by batteries into energy.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: The new product is currently available in a number of online stores. The device is often used by people who go for a long time to nature or to other places where it is not possible to recharge the phone from the mains. Judging by the results of a survey among IOM Questionnaire respondents, this new product is both well-known and in demand.


Description: The device combines a mouse and a computer and eliminates the need to use system unit. The advantage of the development is its mobility: the mouse-computer is convenient to carry with you.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: The new product is currently not launched for sale in Russia. Judging by the results of the IOM Questionnaire survey, it is little known and is unlikely to be in demand given the prevalence of laptops and tablet computers.

Transformable laptop

Description: hybrid tablet computer and laptop was introduced by IBM back in 1986, but only in 2014 it began to actively occupy its niche in the Russian market. This combined device allows you to compensate for the shortcomings of both a tablet and a laptop. You can enter information on a transformable laptop using either touch screen, and using the keyboard.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: we can already say that transformable laptops occupy their niche in the electronics market and their place in people’s everyday lives, although they are not yet widespread. According to the results of the IOM Questionnaire survey, this device was highly rated in terms of overall demand, which indicates that the designer devices are quite attractive to buyers.

Clothes that generate electricity when you move

Description: Clothing that generates electricity when moving allows you to collect the energy generated by a person’s mechanical movements and subsequently use it to power electrical appliances.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: Currently, such clothing has only been announced, but has not yet been put into production. Its disadvantage is considered to be the insufficient amount of energy generated, which is not enough to recharge modern devices. The results of the IOM Questionnaire survey show that this new product is not expected and, according to respondents, will not be particularly in demand.

Projection mouse

Description: A projection mouse displays a field on any surface that is used to control the cursor on the screen and for handwriting text input. Using sensors, the mouse reads the movements of a person’s hands and transfers them to the screen. The advantages of the mouse are less strain on the hands and the ability to use different surfaces.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: The projection mouse is not yet commercially available and is currently available for pre-order in some online stores. Judging by the respondents' assessments, they are little familiar with this technology, but consider it promising.

Self-driving cars

Description: self-driving cars are being developed by a number of companies that are realizing the dream of futurists of the past - the ability to move completely autonomous vehicles that do not require human guidance over long distances. According to the developers, a self-driving car should become a convenient and safe means of transportation.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: cars are presented by a number of companies, but are not represented on the Russian market. For now, the technology of self-driving cars needs to be improved and a number of problems solved, for example, “teaching” the car new rules. However, it should be noted that self-driving cars are quite well known and highly expected among IOM Questionnaire respondents.

Smartphones that support gesture control

Description: in 2014, technology for controlling smartphones using gestures was announced. Different information is or is not shown on the display screen depending on the position of the user's hand.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: smartphones have not yet appeared on sale in Russia, but respondents rated the overall demand quite highly technological innovation. The release of smartphones is planned for 2015.

Smartphones with a built-in fingerprint scanner

Description: Smartphones with a built-in fingerprint scanner have already been released by Apple, and after it, companies that produce smartphones on Android platform. New technology allows you to individualize access to your mobile device and make the device’s protection reliable.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: Currently, smartphones with a fingerprint scanner are just appearing on the market. It should be noted that there is a significant difference in assessing the overall usefulness of a new product and its usefulness, tried on “for yourself.” Although people believe that a new product will be generally in demand, they are much less likely to say that such technology will be useful to themselves and the people in their circle.

Alternative energy vehicles

Description: vehicles that do not use gasoline or gas for transportation have long occupied the minds of car designers. Such alternative sources Energy, such as the sun or electricity, makes it possible not only to provide a car with fuel without unnecessary costs, but also to make the maintenance of vehicles environmentally friendly.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: There are now a number of cars that use alternative energy sources (eg Tesla), but they are still inferior in terms of power and convenience, as well as price, to cars running on traditional fuels. Nevertheless, this technological innovation remains one of the most anticipated. We can say that a large number of people would switch to such vehicles if they were cheaper and more powerful.

Smart clothes

Description: Smart clothing monitors the body condition of the person wearing it. This device allows you not only to monitor your heart rate, pulse and body temperature, but also in some cases to regulate them.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: Smart clothing is represented on the market quite widely, both as clothing items that can monitor the state of the environment and a person and respond to changes, and as items into which special sensors can be embedded. It should be noted that users rated the future demand for the technological innovation as closer to average.

Smart watches/bracelets

Description: smart watch/ bracelets are wearable electronics that allow you to keep track of your necessary information. Thus, smart watches allow you to always be in touch, in addition, you can have an alarm clock, phone and other functions “at hand” that are usually built into a smartphone.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: Currently, smart watches and bracelets are widely represented on the market by different manufacturers. This new product is becoming part of people’s everyday lives and should very soon become a familiar functional accessory.

Virtual reality helmet/glasses

Description: helmet/glasses virtual reality allow a person to immerse themselves in a virtual world created by a computer. Currently, they are widely used in games, but the developers’ plans go further: to create a convenient wearable augmented reality device, when elements of the virtual world are “overlaid” on real reality.

Survey date: November 2014

Current state: virtual reality helmets/glasses have not entered everyday life as widely as watches and bracelets, as they are still quite inconvenient in terms of using them in everyday life. In this regard, Google has suspended the sale of its glasses. However, it should be noted that helmets and glasses are actively used in the field of games and entertainment.

E-bike (bicycle powered by electricity)

Description: This is a device that allows you to move in the same way as on a regular bicycle, but without using pedals. The advantage of the device is its compactness, environmental friendliness and relative speed of movement.

Survey date: April 2015

Current state: The electric bike is currently in development and not released for sale. It should be noted that it received fairly high ratings in terms of demand from IOM Questionnaire respondents.

A device that charges smartphones over the air

Description: XE is called a “power router” that distributes electricity to all surrounding gadgets. Set charger includes the router itself and a case. You will also need to download the official application from App Store, which will allow you to configure the router. It supports simultaneous charging of up to four different devices. The device was carefully studied in the laboratory for a year, as a result of which experts came to the conclusion that it does not have any negative effect on human health.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: To date, only one company has presented a fully working prototype that is ready for sale to end consumers. The final cost of the device is still being discussed, but the developers are targeting $200 for a set of charging station and case.

A device that makes any water drinkable

Description: This is a self-cleaning system based on special dense hollow fibers that block the smallest microbiological elements. They are not affected by low temperatures and are very durable, withstanding a drop onto concrete from a height of about 2 meters. The productivity of the device is up to 10,000 liters of water at a speed of 2.5 l/min. Self-cleaning of the system is carried out by pumping water back through the filter through a separate channel, which takes up to 10% of the water.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: A similar device is being prepared for sale and will become available to customers in January 2016.

Glucometer in the form of a self-adhesive tattoo

Description: This is a device that allows you to control blood sugar. It consists of printed electrodes applied to adhesive tape, which is usually used for temporary tattoos, and a sensor connected to them. After eating, the electrodes generate current under the skin for 10 minutes. Since glucose is carried by sodium ions, which have a positive charge, the sensor, by measuring the amount of charge, simultaneously determines the level of sugar in the blood.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: The device is currently undergoing clinical trials. Its appearance on the market should be expected soon.

A razor with a laser instead of metal blades

Description: the product is made of aluminum, and in place of the blade, a low-power fiber optic laser is installed, powered by a rechargeable AAA battery. Under the influence of a certain wave of light emanating from a laser, human hairs are cut absolutely painlessly and easily, regardless of their color, as well as the sensitivity and condition of the skin. The razor leaves no marks.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: The product is preparing to enter the market in 2016. The creators of the unusual razor promise to sell it to wholesale buyers for $159, and at retail for $200.

Transformable transport for children of all ages

Description: This is a device like a construction set, from which, in just a couple of hours, using just a hex key, you can assemble a vehicle appropriate to the child’s age. For toddlers, a balance bike or tricycle with a small “body” for carrying cargo is suitable. For older children, a handbrake and shock absorbers are added. And finally, for children 8-13 years old - tricycles and recumbent bicycles. There are also winter options with the installation of runners.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: Currently, you can purchase one of three sets of universal children's transport through Kickstarter. A set for younger children, consisting of 6 models, will cost $299, and for older children - from $499 to $599. The start of deliveries is expected in January 2016.

Robot that destroys germs on kitchen countertops using ultraviolet light

Description: This is a small autonomous robot that does not use household chemicals. His weapon is an ultraviolet lamp. Once in the field of its action, germs and other microorganisms simply die. The diameter of the gadget is only 15 cm. It is equipped with position sensors that warn the robot about obstacles and the boundaries of the working surface. Having thoroughly studied the cleaning area, the robot begins to choose the most optimal routes to cover the maximum area. Only after completely finishing the cleaning does it finish the job and go for recharging.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: The new product is currently being prepared for mass production and entry into the market.

USB humidifier

Description: This is a device for creating a comfortable microclimate near the workplace. While most gadgets remain quite large, a USB humidifier fits into an ordinary glass. The device receives power from a USB port, and any glass or mug can act as a water container. In this case, not only water, but also any type of liquid can be used as a source of moisture. The humidifier needs to be connected to the computer and placed in a glass, which it will immediately begin to turn into cool steam.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: This new product has already entered the market and is actively selling. The cost varies between $16.

Backpack for individual evacuation from a multi-storey building

Description: This is a compact device specifically designed for self-evacuation of people from burning high-rise buildings. The kit includes a backpack, a wall mount and a fire-resistant cable with a carabiner. It’s worth mentioning right away that a wall mount should be installed above one of the windows, to which a rescue fire-resistant cable will be attached in case of fire. Before evacuation, the cable is fastened to the wall mount using a carabiner and the descent can begin through the window. The durable cable can withstand weights of up to 133 kg and provide descent from heights of up to 80 meters at a constant speed.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: A similar backpack has already entered production and is available in three versions: 25, 50 and 80 meters. You can purchase the “shortest” set for $749.

Over-the-ear headphones

Description: These are unique headphones that use bone conduction, that is, sounds are transmitted directly to the cochlea through the bones of the skull. The headphones have three transducers touching the head in three places - two in the area of ​​the temporal bones and one transducer at the back of the head. The headphones can be paired with a computer or mobile device, communication is carried out via Bluetooth. The power source is lithium ion battery, designed for 6 hours of playback time and 8 hours of talk time.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: The product is being prepared to enter the market. The estimated start date of sales is April 2016. The announced price is $150.

Pedal washing machine that works without electricity

Description: It is a device that does not require electricity to operate as it is driven by the user's muscle power through a foot pedal. Clothes are placed in the drum of a pedal washing machine, detergent is poured on top or powder is poured in, and about five liters of water are added. The lid is closed, after which the user needs to press the pedal with his foot for three minutes. The dirty water is then drained through a hole in the bottom (in theory, a hose can be attached to it). Clean water is poured in - and a couple more minutes of pressing the pedal for rinsing. The machine is very mobile and fits in a suitcase or car trunk. It is capable of washing and spinning up to seven items of clothing at the same time, consumes about nine liters of water and very little washing powder.

Survey date: November 2015.

Current state: The washing machine is already available for order through online stores. Its cost varies from $105 to $145.

Folding drone camera designed for selfies

The Hover Camera drone camera from Zero Zero Robotics was designed to pack convenient features into a minimal footprint. The camera weighs only 238 grams, which eliminates the need for owners to register it as a full-fledged drone. In the “stowed” position, the camera easily folds into a travel bag, thanks to its dimensions of 182 x 132 x 32.5 mm. To activate the Hover Camera, simply throw it into the air. In working mode, it hovers in the air, taking 13-megapixel selfie photos or 360-degree video in 4K format. You can control the camera from your smartphone.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The drone camera will go on sale in summer 2016. The approximate cost of this gadget will be $600.

Electric off-road roller skates on tracks for moving over rough terrain

The invention was a response to growing consumer demand for personal means of transportation, which people increasingly use when moving from a transport stop to a place of work or residence. The boots are equipped with 350 W electric motors and 26 V/ 26 Ah Li-ion batteries. This allows you to reach speeds of up to 15 km/h. On one charge you can travel about 20 km. The speed is regulated by a controller connected via cable. The change of direction is determined by the user's body. The weight of the rollers, equipped with caterpillar tracks, thanks to which you can move off-road, is 5 kg.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: At the moment there are only a few prototypes, mass production is only planned.

Wrist-worn alarm clock with built-in stun gun to wake you up

V specified time the gadget will try to wake up the owner by vibration, after which an annoying sound signal will appear. And only after that, if the user did not respond to the lifting signals, a discharge is sent through the arm. According to the developers, after the first attempts to take the alarm to extreme measures, the human brain will remember the sensations and in the future will not allow the person to “roll around until the last minute.” The alarm clock can be set using a smartphone under Android control or iOS via Bluetooth. The built-in battery will last for 3-5 days of operation, after which the product is charged via microUSB.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: mass production has already begun. Upon pre-order, the alarm clock will cost $79.

Sensor that determines the calorie content of food

The device is a broadband, infrared spectrometer that works using a beam of light scanning between an object and a sensor and reads molecular information, and operates in conjunction with a smartphone equipped with a special application. Each “bounce” of light is different from the previous one, which creates the possibility of identification. It is comparable in size to a deck of cards, so it can easily become a constant companion for anyone who has decided to lose weight. His area of ​​expertise includes dairy, meat products, yoghurts, breakfast cereals, and bread. Among the important advantages of the gadget is the ability to assess the risk of poisoning with a particular product.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The device is being prepared to enter the market. Estimated price £170 + £13 cost of smartphone app.

Levitating stand that supports the user's hand while working at the computer

The device will prevent the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs in people during prolonged use of a computer mouse, touchpad and keyboard. The ability to hover is provided through the use of magnetic levitation technology. Thanks to this, the device does not limit the user’s movements and gestures during operation, gently repeating all manipulations.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The new product can already be purchased in online stores. Its average cost is $29.

Plastic lamps in the form of a luminous panel

The new light source is made from several layers of very, very thin plastic, each layer 100,000 times thinner than a human hair. The plastic is placed between two electrodes, one of which is aluminum, and the other is transparent and also conductive. When current passes through the device, the plastic is stimulated and glows. The basis of the technology is the polymer polyvinylcarbazole, doped with monowall nanotubes and iridium compounds. The brightness achieved by the researchers exceeds 18,000 cd/sq.m, which already allows illumination of large areas.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The device will go on general sale in early 2017. The approximate price has not yet been determined.

A toilet that can clean itself

The toilet uses a special coating that combines a disinfectant and a glaze based on zirconium and titanium dioxide. During the flushing process, the water becomes electrified, turning into a weak bleach that kills almost all germs. Then, using ultraviolet irradiation, the toilet lid and toilet seat are disinfected. Thus, this toilet can be cleaned no more than once a year. To everything it is worth adding the supply of warm water and a stream of scented air, heating the toilet seat and automatically lifting the lid.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The device is preparing to enter the market. The price will be $9.8 thousand. previous version The toilet was sold in the amount of 40 million copies.

A home blood analyzer that allows for a complete clinical analysis

The device allows you to find out about sugar levels, cholesterol levels (HDL, LDL and total levels), fibrinogen and triglycerides without going to the doctor, which, in turn, helps a person independently monitor their indicators and promptly detect alarming changes that signal deterioration in health. The proposed device consists of an analyzer, disposable cartridges with a needle for collecting blood samples and an application for a smartphone. The reading device, when placing a cartridge with a blood sample into it, within a few minutes informs the user of the results in an accessible form through a mobile application.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: Currently, the device is not yet on open sale, but you can pre-order it. The cost will be $199.

An electric skateboard that's both a backpack and a cart

an electric skateboard, but its twist is that it is both a backpack and a cart. The proposed transformation options provide more options for using the device. In electric skate mode, the device is controlled using a wireless remote control, maximum speed Its driving speed can reach 32 km/h, and its range is 16 km. The board can support a user weighing up to 108 kg. Through a special application, the skateboard connects to the iPhone via Bluetooth to track battery charge, board settings, and more. The backpack itself is made of water-repellent fabric, there are many compartments and pockets, a USB port for charging mobile gadgets and wireless charger for smartphone. There was also room on the board for an LED flashlight and speaker.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current status: The electric skateboard is not yet available for sale, but you can pre-order it for $599.

A smart mug that can heat or cool contents

a smart mug that can not only maintain the temperature of the drink poured into it, but also heat or cool the contents at the user’s request. Control is carried out via Bluetooth through an application installed on a mobile device with Android and iOS. The maximum heating temperature is 70 °C, the minimum is 10 °C. The heating and cooling system operates from a built-in battery with a capacity of 10,000 mAh. When fully charged, the battery will last from 3 to 8 hours, in addition, it can be used to recharge mobile gadgets. The body of the thermos mug is made of stainless steel, there is an indicator showing current mode(heating, cooling or charging). Thanks to these features, the new product may well become an ideal companion both on cold autumn-winter days and on hot summer days. The device weighs 350 grams without liquid; 354 ​​and 414 ml options are available.

Survey date: June 2016.

Current state: The mug is currently only available for pre-order. The cost will be $119.

Fishing drone PowerRay

the device is capable of diving under water to a depth of thirty meters, and once there, on the spot, the drone will help you find fishing spots. A camera that takes photos and records video in 4K resolution will help you get an idea of ​​what's underwater. Thanks to it, as well as the built-in Wi-Fi module, the owner will be able not only to find a good place for fishing, but also to learn about the features of the underwater landscape.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: Pre-orders will begin to be accepted on February 27, 2017, the price of the device has not yet been announced.

Inupathy Collar

Description: Using light signals, the device helps the owner understand what emotion the pet is experiencing. The Inupathy collar continuously measures your dog's heart rate. And, guided by a specially developed algorithm, it compares these indicators with certain emotions. Each emotion has its own color LED backlight. In addition, a “translator” collar will allow you to always be aware of your pet’s health status. A full report of cardiac activity is constantly reflected in a special application for a smartphone. It will also suggest to the owner what game can be played with the four-legged dog right now, based on the current emotional and physical state of the dog.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: the device was presented in November 2016. The Inupathy collar is available in three colors: grey, blue and pink. And its design will not disturb the dog or cause him discomfort.

Wall smart clock Glance Clock

Description: the device is an unusual decorative element because it displays not only the current time, but also notifications about incoming calls, messages and reminders about scheduled meetings, the daily schedule, weather forecast and much more. In addition, the device provides integration not only with a smartphone, but also with various smart devices such as a fitness tracker, as well as smart equipment for a smart home and services, such as Uber.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: Glance Clock is available for pre-order for $99 on Indiegogo in three color variations: silver, graphite and copper. The recommended retail price for the smart wall clock is $199.

Nima device from 6 Sensor Labs

Description: it's a small sensor that can quickly determine if your food contains gluten. Nima's key feature is speed, which sets it apart from existing tests on the market, which take 15 to 20 minutes to detect gluten. Nima does this test in 2 minutes. All you have to do is put a food sample into a disposable capsule and place it in the sensor, which is activated by pressing a button. The sensor will be able to detect the presence of gluten even if the food contains at least 20 parts per million of gluten, which meets US regulatory requirements for gluten-free products.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: At the moment, you can purchase the device for $199.

Owlet Baby Monitor smart socks

smart socks monitor the newborn's pulse, as well as blood oxygen levels. The device operates via a wireless protocol using a special application that is downloaded to a smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android). The program records all indicators and if the child’s health status changes, it informs parents by sending a signal to mobile device. The Owlet Baby Monitor is sold in three sizes, for babies from 1 day to 3 months.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: You can buy booties on the manufacturer’s website for $249.99.

Wireless thermometer Thermo

Description: This is a small device that takes measurements using 16 infrared sensors aimed at the temple area. It takes 4,000 measurements in 2 seconds, after which a special algorithm corrects differences in readings, taking into account heat loss through the skin and heat from light in the room. This is why Thermo is characterized by exceptional measurement accuracy.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current status:

Self-adjusting child car seat 4Moms

The chair is intended for infants up to one year and for children up to three years. The chair consists of a base with a LATCH type fastening system and a removable seat. It is equipped with sensors and robotic mechanisms. After installing the seat in the cabin, its auto-leveling automatically starts. This process is also automatically activated when the vehicle stops or changes position. That is, in any situation on the road the child will be in the most comfortable position.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current status: The chair went on sale in 2016, with a suggested retail price of $499.

Programmable Hackaball

Description: Unlike an ordinary ball, Hackaball has a built-in computer and electronics, thanks to which it acquires new capabilities. In addition to the built-in computer, this ball has 9 LED indicators, a speaker, a gyrocompass, an accelerometer, and a vibration motor. All these additions are programmed using a special application, currently available only for iOS. Using sensors, you can determine whether the ball is passed from hand to hand, whether it jumps, whether it is thrown, kicked, or any other action. In this case, the computer built into the ball can be programmed in such a way that when performing any actions, the ball behaves in a certain way.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: At the moment, the ball can be purchased for $85.

Smart grill GoSun Solar Cooker

Description: The unique GoSun Solar Cooker grill, designed for outdoor cooking, is a 100% environmentally friendly device, as it runs exclusively on solar energy. The food is placed in a special glass flask, where it is heated thanks to the energy of the sun's rays, focused by a curved metal mirror. Any dish, including the people’s favorite kebab, can be prepared in a solar grill in about 20 minutes.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: You can purchase the gadget on the manufacturer’s website for $179.

Hairmax Laserband

Description: This device stimulates the cells of the scalp using radiation, preventing baldness. It is not necessary to consult a doctor before purchasing the device. In addition, the headband is convenient in every sense: it is wireless and compact. Can be used by both men and women.

Survey date: January 2017.

Current state: At the moment, the gadget can be purchased for $785.

The scientific achievements of today are the basis for changing the world as we know it tomorrow. Some things will change the world in the near future, some in the long term. We looked at current trends and imagined how they will change the world in the future. Unless, of course, they change it. At the same time, we tried to assess the likelihood that the trends discussed will become widespread and change the world in our lifetime. ()

Energy from thin air

Probability: 85%

Soon our houses will become smarter. And for this to happen, they must be filled with numerous devices that will make our lives easier. Motion, temperature, air pollution sensors, various photo and video cameras and much more. They all need food. But running wires to them or constantly changing batteries is expensive. Several groups of researchers are working to ensure that various gadgets can receive energy, as they say, from the air.

The space around us is filled with radio waves, for example, Wi-Fi radio signals. Scientists from the University of Washington took a standard Wi-Fi router and added minor changes, and can now be used as a power source for remote devices. At the same time, it can still perform its main function; the alteration did not affect the quality of communication. Scientists managed to power a small camera and a temperature sensor with electricity. Moreover, none of these devices had their own battery, instead a supercapacitor is used to store the charge. This technology is called Power over Wi-Fi. Moreover, this technology can be used both for smart home devices and low-power gadgets, such as fitness bracelets.

But Freevolt technology, developed by Drayson Technologies, allows you to use the energy of radio waves of various ranges. The device created by the company selects energy from radio waves of several radio frequencies at once. The device is based on a multiband antenna and a rectifier, which is designed to convert alternating current to permanent. They demonstrated the technology in the company, using it in a portable air pollution sensor CleanSpace. The device assesses the environmental situation around the user and sends information to his smartphone.

As energy consumption decreases various devices, when they require a minimum amount of electricity to perform their tasks, their popularity will also increase wireless transmission energy. Technology will bring us closer to the mass distribution of the Internet of things and smart homes. Even if you don’t live in a truly “smart” home, you will definitely have a couple of gadgets that charge over the air in a couple of years. If, of course, your home has the necessary sources of radio waves, for example a Wi-Fi router. Perhaps only radiophobia can stop the development of technology, or rather, make it unpopular among users.

Neural networks are everywhere

Probability: 95%

What was previously impossible for conventional computers will become possible thanks to artificial neural networks. They, unlike computers of the von Neumann architecture, can be trained. And they themselves are capable of self-learning. Computers based on neural network technologies can be used where it is difficult to describe in programming language what is required from the machine. Therefore, they will displace the machines and people we are used to from many areas of activity. At the same time, thanks to them, we will have opportunities that did not exist before.

©Carsten Koall/AFP/Getty Images

Everywhere where we communicate with a “smart” machine, neural networks will be present. Voice assistants and smart search. Robot assistants in stores, interactive services and self-driving cars. Behind every “smart” piece of hardware there will be the technology of artificial neural networks.

CRISPR/Cas9 is changing genetic engineering. We beat cancer and HIV

Probability: 95%

Genetic engineering should change the world around us and ourselves. This is obvious and hardly anyone will argue. The only question is when this will happen. Genome modification technologies have always been complex and expensive. But new method precision gene editing by CRISPR/Cas9 looks set to change this soon.

In the UK this year, the first permission was issued to use this technology to edit the genome of human embryos. For now only for research purposes. Embryos must be destroyed after the experiment. Experiments on genetic modification of human embryos using CRISPR/Cas9 technology have recently taken place in China. And this is just the beginning.


What happened? It's simple. Molecular biologists have found a genome editing mechanism created by nature and are learning to use it. The mechanism is simple and effective. Nature has endowed it with bacteria and archaea, which use it to fight the viruses that attack them. Scientists also want to use it to edit the genome of animals, plants and, of course, humans. CRISPR is a kind of archive, an immunological memory, where DNA fragments of a virus that has ever attacked a bacterium or its ancestors are stored. Cas9 is a tool, a kind of natural machine for detecting fragments of a virus in bacterial DNA, a copy of which is in the archive. Having found the desired fragment, it cuts it, thereby protecting the cell from infection. After which the cell repair system replaces the damaged areas.

Now let’s imagine that this system can be offered any DNA fragment for search and destruction, for example, a DNA fragment of the human immunodeficiency virus. Scientists from Temple University have already conducted such an experiment on rats and mice. As a result, the target fragment of HIV was cut from the DNA in every tissue of a living organism. And in China, researchers managed to suppress the growth and launch a program of self-destruction of cancer cells. The experiment was also carried out on mice. But human experiments are just around the corner. In July, Chinese molecular biologists already received permission to conduct experiments with volunteers.

Unlike other technologies, CRISPR/Cas9 allows genome editing of both embryos and living adult organisms.

You can cure a sick person, or you can prevent the transmission of negative hereditary information to descendants. The better we study the human genome, the more opportunities we will have to correct and improve it. And this is the path to designing children. The so-called “designer children” will not only be devoid of hereditary diseases, but will also receive “bonuses” inherent from birth and necessary in life in the form of intellectual and athletic abilities, beauty and health.

Quantum communication and a secure future

Probability: 95%

Quantum communications and quantum computers are perhaps the two technologies under the word “quantum” that are in the spotlight. But while the widespread use of quantum computers is still a long way off, quantum communications are a matter of the very near future. China has just launched its first experimental quantum communications satellite, and experts are already predicting that the quantum communications market could reach $7.5 billion in the next 5 years. What does this technology mean for us? A Chinese satellite is capable of transmitting undetectable keys from orbit to Earth. Putting more such satellites into orbit will make it possible to create global network quantum communications by 2030, says Jian-Wei Pan, chief scientist of the QUESS project.

The widespread adoption of quantum communications means that the future will be at least partly what we expect it to be. Self-driving cars will drive on the roads, drones will hover in the sky, and, for example, the money in our bank accounts will remain completely safe. Is there anything that can prevent this? Yes, vulnerabilities in information transmission channels. Thanks to quantum communication technologies, or more precisely, quantum cryptography as part of it, it is possible to safely transmit information. This means that neither a hacker eager to realize his abilities, nor a terrorist will be able to take advantage of the vulnerability of information channels. Nowadays, a self-driving car moving at a speed of 120 km/h, a drone hovering overhead, and a bank server can be hacked. And the consequences of this will be sad. Just imagine yourself in a self-driving car that has been taken over by a hacker. Quantum physics makes it possible to create secure communication lines and protect against attacks by intruders. This means making the future safer.

Widespread use of blockchain technology

Probability: 65%

The head of Sberbank, German Gref, believes that in the near future this technology “will revolutionize all industries without exception, from agriculture to banks, and, unfortunately, government bodies Same". Sberbank and the Qiwi payment system are promoting blockchain in our country. Abroad, the R3 consortium, which is developing blockchain technology, has united leading banks and financial companies. Its goal is to develop open-source blockchain technology for banking structures.

The technology may be familiar to the average reader in connection with the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the peer-to-peer platform of the same name. payment system. Numerous miners around the world mine Bitcoins and Satoshi using their computers. But in fact, cryptocurrency mining is nothing more than checking transactions, that is, performing the necessary computing operations to maintain the system. For this, miners receive their “mined” cryptocurrency. And after Bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies appeared.


Today, government agencies and leading financial institutions have become interested in the technology. And blockchain doesn’t just mean cryptocurrencies. Experts propose dividing the areas of application of the technology into three groups: digital currencies themselves, use within the framework of e-government and in the field of “smart” contracts and open assets.

The blockchain technology itself (from the English “blok” - chain and “chain” - chain) is a distributed database that consists of blocks of information. Each such block contains records of transactions made by system participants. The blocks themselves are stored on the computers of system participants. This makes hacking and modifying the database extremely difficult.

Blockchain will allow banks to get rid of many costs that accompany transactions. Money and increase their speed. In addition, it is an alternative to the SWIFT interbank transfer system.

At the same time, blockchain allows you to abandon the regulator, which, as a rule, is the state. It is the law enforcement agencies that are especially categorically opposed to technology. After all, cryptocurrency, which is not controlled by government financial regulators, can be used by criminal and terrorist organizations to carry out shady transactions. There are already examples of this. That is why there was a proposal to divide the areas of application of the technology and separate cryptocurrencies from it separately. But blockchain can be used not only to store information about transactions with digital currencies, but also, for example, to record real estate transactions. Is society ready for information about their property to be stored not in a centralized state register, but in distributed database on the computers of many users?

Applications of molecular machines

Probability: 85%

This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the design and synthesis of molecular machines. It was received by scientists Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir Frazer Stoddart and Bernard Feringa. And this is not surprising, because fantastic prospects are opening up before us. As in many other cases, scientists looked at the idea of ​​molecular machines from nature. The world around us is filled with them. Almost all functionally active proteins are molecular machines, says V. A. Avetisov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head of the theory laboratory complex systems Institute of Chemical Physics named after. N. N. Semenova. There are several thousand of these machines in every living cell.

The dimensions of molecular machines are only a few nanometers. This means that it is no longer possible to see them with an optical microscope, because they are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. In a world invisible to our eyes, they easily manipulate molecules and single atoms. They drag them from one place to another. They bring atoms together so that a chemical bond is formed between them or, conversely, they pull them apart, tear the molecules into pieces and break the chemical bonds that hold them together.

Now we can learn how to make such machines. Where can they be used? For starters, this could be targeted delivery of drugs to a diseased organ. Most medications have side effects precisely because, along with the diseased organ, they also affect healthy ones. There is practically no ability to choose medications. Once they enter the general circulatory system, they can also affect other organs. Molecular machines will make it possible to organize a drug delivery system specifically to a specific organ or tissue.

Molecular machines can act as assemblers of complex molecular structures, and we will obtain materials with desired properties. Or, conversely, disassemble them atom by atom. Good way recycling, for example polymers.

The very dimensions of such nanomachines indicate that they are ideal for working in very small objects. For example, in cells. Thousands of their natural machines are already working there. Now it will be possible to send artificial ones there too. For what? For example, correcting the genome. After all, the already mentioned Cas9 protein in combination with guide RNA is a programmable molecular machine for cutting DNA.

Mass introduction of unmanned vehicles

Probability: 95%

Dozens of companies around the world are already developing unmanned Vehicle. Moreover, both automobile ones, such as Volvo, General Motors, Volkswagen, Toyota, Audi, BMW and, of course, Tesla, and those that never produced cars - Google, Baidu, Uber and others.

Even the domestic KamAZ is participating. Last year, the plant created a prototype of our country’s first unmanned vehicle based on a production truck. The matter is not limited to cars, both trucks and cars. The unmanned flying taxi was presented by the Chinese company Ehang.

It is believed that a driverless car will be safer than an unpredictable and imperfect person, who is also prone to neglecting traffic rules. Equipped with all kinds of sensors (radars, cameras, navigation systems, as well as powerful computers for making decisions), they will be much more advanced than humans. It has been estimated that the widespread adoption of self-driving cars will reduce the number of road accidents by 90%, which will save the lives of many people.

If you remove the driver from the car, you can significantly save on wages, which, of course, will be welcome transport companies. And the unmanned car can be driven along the route day and night with minimal technical interruptions. All this promises big profits for carriers.

One day there will be more self-driving cars than driver-driven ones. And after a while, driving a car will be something like horse riding on weekends. Very soon, we will trust the autopilot for our daily trips to work and home. At some point, a person driving on a high-speed highway in a stream of driverless cars rushing at high speed will become a significant hazard, and many roads will simply be closed to cars driven by a human driver.

After some time, the car itself will no longer be an independent transport unit. Cars in the future will be informationally interconnected. They will exchange useful information with each other and with road infrastructure objects.
In the future, not only cars will be “smart” but also cities, they will have something to “tell” each other.

In order not to create emergency situation, drones will constantly check their movement parameters with neighboring cars. Report speed reductions and turns in a timely manner. Choose a route depending on traffic density and weather conditions. On the road, self-driving cars will look more like a school of fish swimming in the same direction in unison. When using a car, a person will use not so much a separate car, but an entire transport system, in which an unmanned vehicle is just one of its elements.

At the same time, this is still a matter for the future. And in general, Elon Musk's prediction made this summer that in three years most cars will move without a driver seems too optimistic.

Asteroid mining

Probability: 85%

Small in size, Luxembourg, lost between France, Germany and Belgium, is not without reason called the Iron Duchy. For a long time, the leading industries of this country were iron ore mining and steel production. Today, iron ore deposits have already been depleted. But apparently the little duchy is haunted by its past. This year it was announced that Luxembourg would become a hub for companies involved in the exploration and extraction of space resources. The country's lawyers are already preparing the necessary legislative framework. This means that private companies registered in Luxembourg will have legal protection of their ownership of all resources extracted from asteroids.

And if the issue moves from the scientific sphere to the legal sphere, then there is already a smell of money and prospects. However, as with CRISPR/Cas9. Patent wars have already begun for the right to be considered the pioneers of this technology. Private American companies Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries have already announced their desire to engage in the extraction of raw materials on asteroids, which have expressed their interest in Luxembourg’s initiative.

It is believed that almost all metals used in industry that we extract from the upper layers of the Earth are of asteroidal origin. Modern deposits were formed as a result of early meteorite bombardment of our planet. This means that sooner or later we will have to go up into space and take resources from the cosmic storeroom.

Space activities related to the extraction of resources outside the planet will become as natural a phenomenon as communications, navigation and space sensing of the Earth, without which we can no longer imagine our lives. Along with space tourism, mining in space will become a new type of space entrepreneurship.

However, we must understand that space mining will not supplant terrestrial mining for a long time. And the point here is not only that the extraction of resources from space objects is currently unrealistically expensive. Now, for example, we are interested in rare metals in space. They are called rare earths because they are rarely found on our planet. Due to their exceptional properties, they are used in radio electronics, instrument making, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries. It is with them that it is probably worth starting the industrial development of asteroids. Demand for rare earth metals will not fall. On the contrary, wide availability will allow them to be used more widely. And this could lead to revolutionary changes in all industries where they are used. In particular, this will lead to the emergence of new materials with unique properties.

But other metals may already be useful in space. Where it is not economically feasible to deliver them from Earth. The construction of objects in space will be carried out from materials of cosmic origin. Thus, not only mining, but also metallurgy and processing will be concentrated in outer space. Orbital tourist hotels, factories, and scientific stations will be assembled from elements produced in outer space. In addition, space metallurgy has many advantages over terrestrial metallurgy. In particular, it makes it possible to obtain alloys of high homogeneity and purity. And if we talk about the colonization of space, including Mars, then we definitely cannot do without the development of asteroid resources.

Colonization of Mars

Probability: 85%

The main ideologist of everything related to Mars is Elon Musk. At least for now.
Of course, one can be critical of what Musk says and does. But the development of the Red Planet as a spare home for our civilization is a necessary task. Our civilization has come a long way, and it would be very sad if some catastrophe or internal conflict destroyed humanity. If the plans of the main dreamer remain unrealized, then others will take up the idea of ​​​​exploiting Mars.

In September, Musk already presented to the general public his project for an interplanetary transport system - the Interplanetary Transport System. According to Musk, ITS is intended to deliver the first colonists to the Red Planet. As a result, the population of the Martian colony in the next century should be one million people. Probably, the technical component of the project will still change by this time. We still do not have many technologies that will allow earthlings to create an autonomous, maximally independent colony on Mars. Future Martians will have to obtain useful resources for themselves to build a colony, generate energy, and conduct agriculture. Only the most high-tech equipment and materials will be delivered from Earth.

However, colonization should not be confused with terraforming. It may take many years to create conditions on the Red Planet that are at least somewhat reminiscent of those we have on Earth. Even Musk estimates that this will take several hundred years. But this is the best case scenario

Detection of extraterrestrial civilizations

Probability: 10%

Perhaps no scientific discovery will be able to change our consciousness as much as the discovery of reliable signs of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. In our culture, and in some ways science, aliens have existed for a long time. We wait for them, we are afraid, we watch films about them and read books. British physicist Stephen Hawking warns that aliens could be dangerous to Earth. But we still hope that this is not the case and send signals into space. We placed messages to extraterrestrial civilizations developed by Carl Sagan in Voyagers and Pioneers. The SETI project, aimed at searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, has been operating since 1959.

The famous Drake equation is designed to help determine the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our Galaxy (namely the Galaxy, not the entire Universe) with which we can establish contact. But most of the parameters in this equation are unknown to us and are determined by scientists based on their assumptions. Frank Drake, based on his assumptions and using the formula he created, also calculated the number of such civilizations. As a result, it turned out that there are only ten such civilizations in our entire Milky Way galaxy with a diameter of about 30 thousand parsecs. But a lot of time has passed since 1961. And the chances of finding traces of extraterrestrial civilizations do not increase.


In addition, we may not yet know enough about all the necessary conditions for the emergence of intelligent life forms. For example, if the hypothesis turns out to be true that life and intelligent civilizations can only arise in corotational tori - narrow rings in the “body” of the galaxy - then our chances of finding brothers in mind are reduced many times over. solar system It is precisely located in such a galactic “belt of life.” Here, the interstellar gas rotates synchronously with the galactic arms, that is, there is practically no relative motion, which means no shock waves are formed. This is one of the calmest places in our Galaxy. The radius of this narrow ring – the torus in the “body” of the Milky Way – is only 250 parsecs.

What will the technologies of the future be like, and what will the world around us be like in the next 20 years? Technology continues to evolve rapidly, changing the world today. 20 years ago, no one imagined that everyone would have a smartphone with an Internet connection.

Very soon, technology will reach such a level that it will be able to radically change our understanding of ourselves and the ways we interact with the world around us. Curious? Then let's look beyond the unknown. Here are 25 technologies that are much closer than you think.

25. You will gain access to all your accounts using your brain fingerprint.

Photo: Allan Ajifo/Wikipedia

We all know that passwords are far from being completely secure. Even using other methods such as fingerprint or facial recognition cannot protect your data from hacking. However, researchers began to study “brain fingerprints”. The idea is that the waves emitted by our brain are unique and can be used as a kind of password. In the future, you won't have to enter your password again, you will be able to use your brainprint.

24. The boundaries of our interaction with the world will be significantly expanded

photo: Kippelboy/Wikipedia

The way we perceive and interact with the world has already changed thanks to smartphones, cameras and games like Pokemon Go. Moreover, in the future, computers will be built into contact lenses, which will provide additional information about your surroundings. The way you interact with restaurants, movie theaters, and the people around you will change radically. You will be able to receive personalized messages and any necessary information.

23. We will have a more effective cure for cancer

photo: Wikipedia

Research into the treatment of cancer has been going on for a long time, but we still have not learned how to treat it. However, in the future we will have drugs that will completely cure the disease, or transfer the disease to a stage where it is not dangerous. Today, quite a lot of drugs are already used to treat the disease. similar methods, such as immunotherapy.

22. Batteries will last longer

photo: Kristoferb/Wikipedia

Let's face it: the batteries we use today are terrible. Their capabilities do not keep up with computer technology. Fortunately, experts are already developing new technologies that will create batteries that can stay charged longer. Soon the need to charge your phone twice a day will disappear.

21. All information will be stored in cloud storages

Photo: George Thomas/flickr

We have already encountered the fact that cloud technologies have become commonplace in everyday life. However, as they become increasingly popular, cloud storage will become the only storage location that replaces computer memory. It is quite possible that one day this is where we will store our human memories.

20. Drones will deliver packages directly to your door

Photo: Frankhöffner/Wikipedia

Amazon has already delivered its first package using a drone. Other delivery services are also adopting this method. Once drones become more powerful and can carry heavy cargo, they will become the only method for delivering packages to your home.

19. A $1,000 computer will have the computing power of the human brain.

Photo: Zephyris/

The days when man was considered the most intelligent creature on Earth are coming to an end. Many futurists and scientists predict the invention of a $1,000 computer whose computing power will be comparable to that of the human brain. It seems that this will not happen soon, but scientists predict such an invention by 2025.

18. We will see more complex architecture


Architecture will also change radically in the future. We can already see this happening in Dubai. Spiral skyscrapers, indoor parks, invisible buildings, forts that provide protection from natural disasters, green power plants - all this will become a reality.

17. We will get rid of obesity with a pill


We've all heard of dietary supplements and diet pills, but they don't work. However, scientists and researchers are making progress towards creating a real pill that will change the way the body processes fat. Essentially, this will cause obesity to disappear as such.

16. A movie in the cinema will turn into your own story from the subconscious

Photo: Wikipedia

The cinema and movie watching experience have not changed since it first appeared. This is passive observation of what is happening on the screen. However, very soon you will be able to wear a special headset that will scan your emotions and brain waves. This will allow you to control the plot, as well as change it with the help of your thoughts and feelings.

15. Fast planes that can reach any destination in just 4 hours

Photo: Spaceaero2/Wikipedia

The Concorde was an old luxury aircraft, and its latest modification, the Mach2, allowed it to reach high speeds and quickly deliver people around the world. This will become commonplace in the future. Each plane will be able to fly you to your destination in 4 hours or even faster, which will make our world even smaller than it already is. At the moment, such aircraft are just being developed.

14. Our phones will be much thinner

Photo: Superdiddly/Wikipedia

Each of us hates it when we drop our phone, its screen breaks, or the gadget itself becomes unusable. Very soon, most smartphones will be a thin piece of glass that will act as both a computer and a display. Such a smartphone will be very durable, flexible and less likely to break if you drop it.

13. Medical diagnosis can be made using a smartphone

Photo: PROHealth Gauge/flickr

Today, if you feel unwell, you should go to the clinic and see a doctor. However, within our lifetime there will be applications that can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatment for various diseases.

12. Artificial leather with tactile function will be used for prosthetics

Photo: Wikipedia

We've all seen this in Star Wars. Luke's hand is cut off and it is replaced with an artificial hand that imitates a human one. Medical droid 2-1B checks to see if there is a reaction to the injection, and Luke's fingers react as if they were alive. Believe it or not, this science fiction is about to become reality. We already have prosthetics with the ability to touch, and very soon they will look like a human hand.

11. Ride the Hypertrain from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just 30 minutes

Photo: Camilo Sanchez/Wikipedia

Vacuum hypertrain was first proposed general director Tesla company Elon Musk. Essentially, it is a magnetic capsule moving inside a pipe installed underground, carrying passengers at crazy speed from one place to another. Musk, for example, claimed that he could transport passengers from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just 30 minutes. This technology may become commonplace in the future as it is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than current modes of transportation.

10. We will gain a better understanding of dark matter and our universe.

Photo: Wikipedia

Despite the fact that we know about the existence of dark matter, we have not been able to uncover all its secrets. However, some believe that within the next 10 years we will be closer to understanding this mystery. Knowledge about the structure of dark matter will radically change our physical understanding of the world and help us understand how our universe works.

9. Human colonies will appear on the Moon

Photo: Wikipedia

We have already been to the Moon and realized that it is not at all interesting there. Why should we colonize it? Many scientists believe that colonizing the Moon will be the first step in the subsequent colonization of Mars. NASA believes that colonization of the Moon will be possible by 2010.

8. Some of us will become fully digitally immersed.

Photo: digitalbob8/flickr

Scientists and researchers are trying to find a way to download a person's mind and consciousness onto a computer. Some even believe they will be able to do this within the next 30 years. Of course, there are many obstacles, such as lack of necessary technology or insufficient knowledge of how our brains function. But if scientists succeed, some of us will be able to move completely into virtual reality.

7. Organs will be grown in scientific laboratories

Photo: Wikipedia

Technologies for artificially growing organs are now at the initial stage of research. Scientists have already managed to grow a human heart that beats like a living one. In the future, the ability to order a new organ and have it transplanted into your body may become common practice, and organ donation will become a thing of the past forever.

6. Soldiers will have armor like Iron Man

Photo: Wikipedia

While it won't look exactly like the armor worn by Iron Man in the comics, many soldiers will receive special gear reminiscent of Iron Man's suit to be better protected in battle. Suits will also greatly increase their capabilities. Such a program, called TALOS, is currently being developed in the US military.

5. Almost all devices will run on solar energy

Photo: Wikipedia

Although coal, oil and gas are the main sources of energy in much of the world, solar energy is quickly becoming more powerful, cheaper and more efficient than hydrocarbons. As solar energy conversion technology matures, it will overtake coal, oil and gas as the world's leading energy source.

4. Some will be able to use jetpacks as a means of transportation.

Photo: Seg9585/Wikipedia

For a long time, jetpacks remained a dream that existed only in science fiction films and novels. However, last year a working jetpack was invented. As technology advances, it could become a way to travel for future generations.

3. Our clothes will be washed by themselves

Photo: J Jana/Wikipedia

The day is not far off when we will no longer have to wash our clothes in washing machine and dry in a clothes dryer. Thanks to nanofiber and self-cleaning technology, our clothes will clean themselves when exposed to solar energy.

2. Nanotechnology will cure disease and give people new opportunities

Photo: CSIRO/Wikipedia

Nanotechnology is the concept of creating computers at the nanoscale that are no larger than one billionth of a meter. This means that researchers must create them almost at the atomic level. With this in mind, nanotechnology will make it possible to find cancer cells, treat diseases and act as a doctor inside the human body. Nanotechnology can also be used to create new layer protection for our skin and place sensors around the world to detect problems early.

1. The new generation will be very developed intellectually and genetically advanced

Photo: Paul Inkles/flickr

The CRISPR technology for editing the genomes of higher organisms, invented today, allows scientists to quickly make changes to the human genome. It is now only a matter of time before doctors are able to give parents the opportunity to remove problems found in the child's DNA. This will also allow the formation of generations with better genetic data, significantly different from those of the previous one.


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these advances we would not have come this far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement things that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future , which raise our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called the "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food using biopolymer gel. There are no shelves, compartments or doors - you simply insert the food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the home's energy for the control panel and requires no energy for actual cooling.

Biopolymer refrigerator gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be mounted on the wall or ceiling.

2. Ultra-fast 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on solar-powered drones that deliver super-fast internet in a project called Project Skybender. In theory drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than 4G networks, allowing gigabytes of data to be transferred per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide the service, since the existing spectrum for transmission mobile communications too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than mobile signal 4G. Google is working on this problem, and if everything can be resolved technical problems, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disk that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. It can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team behind the disc was able to record the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible on disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists from Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream, allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

The microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small bubble of oxygen. The 2-4 micrometer capsules are suspended in a liquid that controls their size, as larger bubbles can be dangerous.

When administered, the capsules encounter red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters underwater using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on creating underwater bridges. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, is expected to be completed in 2035.

Other factors still need to be taken into account, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passersby see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be trees to light the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG has developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses organic polymer LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Besides LG, other major electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony And Mitsubishi are working to make screens more flexible and portable.

Future technology development

8. Bionic lens for lightRxhuman vision

Canadian doctor intends to conduct clinical testing "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available by 2017, enhancing the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe inserts a lens containing saline into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and is positioned over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothing

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, then remove it, rinse and wear again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique items of clothing with original designs.

10. Portraits obtained from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She enters DNA sequences into computer program, which creates the appearance of a person from a sample. This process typically produces a 25-year-old version of the person. The model is then 3D printed with life-size portraits.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these stores was opened at the railway station in South Korea, where you can place an order by photographing the barcode, and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores Homeplus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves containing items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million driverless cars, which would reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already started implementing some automated driving features in their vehicles.

There are also many companies trying to develop technology for self-driving cars, such as Google announcing a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous car is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai shopping center called "Mall of the World", covered with a retractable dome, which controls the climate inside and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment district, hotels with 20 thousand rooms and much more. This will be the largest shopping center with an indoor theme park.

14. Artificial leaves that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel using the sun.

While there have been many attempts to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time an actual method has been developed. Unlike other technologies that require noble metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide, which can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by quickly heating air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The plasma created is air heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolois, named Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy.

Last update: 12/27/2018

Artificial intelligence, voice control and virtual reality is the year when science fiction slowly becomes reality. Have you heard the law that it is human nature to overestimate the impact of technology in the short term and underestimate it in the long term? We will try to bring ready-made working things that will penetrate into our lives. New technologies in 2017 embrace advanced ways machine learning and development artificial intelligence, the interpenetration of the physical and digital worlds.

The goal of many technologists is to easily introduce technical innovations into everyday life that you never thought you would need, but now you can’t live without. Some products have almost reached the point of perfection. Mobile phone, for example, will be redesigned, but there are no significant improvements expected in the foreseeable future. So what's next?

The new wave of technological progress is so futuristic that it looks like a wild fantasy. This year brings computers that can talk, robots that can learn, and virtual reality experiences that are incredibly immersive in their range of sensations. Here, MR PORTER predicts (very closely) the future and highlights the most important trends and cutting-edge technologies that will literally change your world in the coming months.

Conversational computer

2001: A Space Odyssey) Stanley Kubrick's 1968 arrived, albeit 16 years late. As a conversation buddy, you can ask him to time you while you boil an egg, do arithmetic for you, summarize the day's news, or tell you a joke. We are increasingly talking to machines. This device - . Unlike competing devices, it has access to a massive brain Google and to artificial intelligence. Plus an interchangeable base in seven colors to match your own home. It costs $130 in the US and will probably cost around £130 in the UK.

Headphones for sound engineering of your world

We've all heard about wearable technology and devices. A new product category for 2017 is “hearable” technology that will play music, transmit phone calls, monitor health indicators such as heart rate and blood pressure, and so on. These audible headphones are from Doppler Labs in San Francisco, expected to be released in March for £250, called Here One. Basically, this is a pair of Bluetooth headphones that are independent from each other. But they also allow you to control the sound from the real world around you. So you can use them to tune the built-in microphones to the person sitting in front of you, while muting a crying baby across the restaurant; reduce the noise of an engine in flight, or the screech of an underground train.

Fully immersive virtual reality

HTC Vive

Oculus Rift, A Vive, from a Taiwanese phone manufacturer HTC. It costs around £800, although you'll also need to purchase a matching gaming PC - another £1,100 for that. But it's worth it. Try new sensations.

Social media for adults


Social media apps are at the center of the hyper-sharing that is taking over teenagers' lives - sometimes leaving their parents puzzled. But now social apps for adults are emerging. Vero is one of the most impressive and sophisticated inventions because it allows you to have more control over your news and choose who sees what. This way, there is less danger in giving away too much information. You can discuss things like music, movies and restaurant recommendations with specific groups that might actually be interested in them. Less social media, more social life.

Smart robot

Ubtech Robotics Alpha 1S

One day robots will take over the world. For now, they're just taking over your living room. UBTech Robotics Alpha 1S It won't bring you a cup of tea or do your laundry just yet, but with 16 motors its movements are quite realistic. It's an invention of smart technology with some seriously impressive moves: this robot can breakdance, give workouts, or just exercise with kids for hours. This all makes it worth £400. The little guy comes with software so you can teach him to do more tricks.

A suitcase that won't get lost

Raden A28 Check

The best technology is the one that solves a real problem. Lost luggage is a long-term worry for those who fly regularly. A28 Check from a New York startup Raden is a beautifully built suitcase that you can track using an app on your smartphone. So you'll always know where he is, even when he's where he should be. It weighs itself, so you'll never suffer the shame of overpacking at check-in to avoid extra baggage fees. And it can charge your phone up to four times. The app will also help with other travel-related questions such as flight time updates. The usefulness of the invention has been proven.

Fixed wing aircraft

Parrot Disco FPV

Aircraft are increasingly being used for everything from filmmaking to treetop photography and, for the most part, they are all derivatives of the helicopter - helicopters with four, six or eight blades. An unmanned aircraft looks more traditional with fixed wings. French company Parrot launched its first unmanned jet Disco for £1150. It is much faster than its bladed opponents, flying at speeds of up to 50 mph. It also comes with Parrot Cockpitglasses, a headset that records HD video so you can effectively be the pilot on board and feel like you're flying. This is extraordinary technology for those raised on model airplanes with a rubber band for the engine.

Update from December 28, 2017. And yet, from the perspective of the past year, we can conclude that there were no innovative technologies. There was a gradual improvement of existing machines and programs. Plus, the main emphasis was on items of personal use, one might even say entertainment and hedonism. Still, they promise more large-scale changes. But in reality, it would be wrong to condemn the lack of innovation. Major innovations are always revolutionary and rare. Therefore, it is better to express it in terms of innovation and improvement.