Subscribe to number 1260. Control costs: “Ordering content” Beeline, what is it, how to disable the service? Receiving information via text message

to court and only to court
Here is a sample claim

I, being a Beeline subscriber, discovered on October 24, 2017 that my mobile number was being debited from cash beyond mine tariff plan. Therefore, I contacted the customer support center by calling 611 for clarification. The operator told me that a certain paid service with content unknown to me was connected from number 9855. I did not order any service, especially a paid one.
But I did not receive any clear answer to the question why I was connected to a paid service without my consent and what kind of service it was.
In addition, the specialist informed me that the paid service from number 9855 was connected from 08/25/2017 to 10/24/2017, and funds were debited from my Beeline personal account for the provision of this service in the amount of 30 rubles daily. When asked what the essence of this service was and on what basis it was connected to me, I also did not receive an answer. The only thing they told me on this issue was that I allegedly somehow activated this service on the Internet on some site. What is the connection between the Internet and my contract with Beeline to provide me with mobile (cellular) communication services, they could not explain to me clearly and clearly.
My request to disable these illegally connected services was fulfilled. After this, the debiting of funds from my account to the above-mentioned services was stopped.
In order to check the spending of funds from my Beeline account, I am forced to request a printout of the detailed data.
Taking into account the current situation, as well as the lack of a proper response from Beeline, in this official complaint I point out violations committed by Beeline of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. I also demand that you explain these actions to me and pay me financial compensation in the amount of 1830 rubles (30 rubles * 61 days).
The questions I asked earlier do not contain answers to the questions I asked. I cannot describe the content of this answer as anything other than unconstructive and cynical.
These answers contain the name of a mysterious provider of unknown services in absentia - RGK-PRODUCTION LLC. I don’t know what kind of organization this is, where it is located and what services it provides. But I never entered into any agreements with this organization and did not order it to provide me with any services. Especially paid ones. No services this organization didn't give it to me. Considering this fact, it is not clear to me on what grounds VimpelCom OJSC wrote off funds from my account to the account of this organization.
As follows from the response of the Beeline operator, RGK-PRODUCTION LLC is a content provider or, as reported by a partner of VimpelCom OJSC. Thus, VimpelCom OJSC acknowledges the fact that, together with RGK-PRODUCTION LLC, it is participating in the implementation of a fraudulent scheme to illegally debit funds from my account.
The procedure for providing additional services is specified in clause 2.42.8 of the Beeline Communication Services Agreement. But none of these points provide for the provision of services to me without my consent. Moreover, there is no provision for debiting funds from my Beeline account in favor of third parties without my consent.
A statement made by VimpelCom PJSC regarding my claim that “The information submitted for payment is confirmed by our systems and programs for infotainment services. The charges are completely correct and correspond to the cost of services provided” is not true. There is no documentary evidence of my ordering the above-mentioned paid service using access number 9855. There is also no documentary evidence of this service being provided to me. Therefore, this evidence was not presented by VimpelCom OJSC. And, on the contrary, in the detailed data for the period from 08/25/2017 to 10/24/2017 it is clearly indicated that during the reporting period not a single call was made from my phone number to the specified short paid numbers.
I believe that the debiting of funds from my personal account at Vimpelcom PJSC in favor of RGK-PRODUCTION LLC was carried out illegally for the following reasons:
1. I was not promptly provided with information about the service provider, as well as information about the service itself, in a clear and accessible form. This violates my (the consumer’s) right to complete and reliable information about the service, which is provided for in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (RF Law No. 2300-1);
2. Without my consent, funds were debited from my personal account at Beeline for the supposed service provided. These actions contradict paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
3. By paying for the services of third parties for me, VimpelCom OJSC acts in the interests of others, but for this you need to have my order (Article 980 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). I did not give VimpelCom OJSC an instruction to pay my obligations to a third party with funds placed on my personal account. I do not approve of these actions (Article 983 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, I was not notified of these actions as soon as possible, as required by Article 981 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
4. I was not provided with any documents confirming that I have any contractual obligations with RGK-PRODUCTION LLC to provide any services;
5. I was not provided with any confirmation of the provision of any service to me by Digital Online LLC. Sending an SMS does not confirm the provision of the service;
6. I was not provided with any financial documents confirming that I paid RGK-PRODUCTION LLC for the services allegedly provided. The data itemization is not a financial document.

I consider the debiting of funds by VimpelCom PJSC from my personal account without my instructions as an attempt at theft, even if it is so modern electronically. This fact itself is offensive to me, as to any citizen. Moreover, the very fact of daily illegal withdrawal of funds was hidden from me until I myself turned to PJSC Vimpecom for clarification. Also offensive to me is the refusal to fulfill my legal demands directly in dialogue with the operator, which forced me to waste time writing a complaint. The answer I received to my verbal complaint cannot satisfy me, because... it refuses to comply with my legal requests for a refund to my personal account. Such an answer in essence and content could have been provided either by an employee who was not competent enough to understand the questions posed. Or this answer was provided in such a form that is unacceptable to me deliberately, with the confidence that I will not be able to understand the legal issues and bring the case to court. In any case, such a negligent approach to responding to my claim, a long-term Beeline subscriber, is insulting to me.

Material damage amounted to:

— payment for a non-existent service — 1830 rubles;

Total: 1830 rubles.

I consider these actions of VimpelCom OJSC illegal for the following reasons:

A) According to Article 422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “The contract must comply with the rules obligatory for the parties established by law and other legal acts (imperative norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.”

B) The defendant’s side does not deny this, because According to the Beeline Communication Services Agreement, “Clause 1.4 The terms of the Agreement are established by the Operator independently in accordance with the current legislation and the license issued to the Operator.”
B) In accordance with Article 16. Clause 1 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” “Invalidity of contract terms that infringe consumer rights”
“Article 16 clause 1. Terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are declared invalid.”
Thus, no matter what clauses are included in the contract, if they contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection, then they are declared invalid.
1. I was provided with a paid service that I did not order. This violated Article 16, Clause 3 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and Clause 8 of the Rules for the Provision of Mobile Communication Services
Article 16 clause 3. The seller (performer) does not have the right to perform additional work, services for a fee. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for such work (services), and if they are paid, the consumer has the right to demand that the seller (performer) return the amount paid.
P.8. The provision of mobile communication services may, with the consent of the subscriber, be accompanied by the provision by the telecom operator of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with mobile communication services and aimed at increasing their consumer value.
Question: what is the role of Beeline? How this service inextricably linked with mobile services? No way. The code can be transmitted both by radio and by letter. Beeline's only function in this process is to act as a payment agent. This activity without a corresponding agreement is prohibited by Federal Law No. 121-FZ dated 06/03/2009. I also doubt that the license issued by Beeline provides for this type of activity.
According to the logic of Beeline: by mobile. You can call a taxi by phone. Therefore, there is an inextricable connection. So, Beeline can engage in commercial transportation? Maybe Beeline can build houses (they also use telephones there?) Or Beeline can provide medical services (they also use communications)? And where is the connection not used now?
The consumer value also does not increase in any way with such “services”, because I do not know of a single person who has entered into an agreement to use communication services in order to use the so-called. Additional services.
Thus, clause 8 of the Rules for the provision of services has been violated mobile communications, because These “services” are not “inextricably linked with communication services” and do not “increase its consumer value” in any way.
2. I entered into an agreement with Beeline for the provision of mobile communication services. The use of these mobile communication services is conditioned, at the unilateral request of Beeline, by the use of so-called additional services. This contradicts clause 2 of article 16 of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and clause 21 of the Rules for the provision of mobile communication services.
“Article 16 clause 2. It is prohibited to condition the acquisition of some goods (works, services) on the mandatory acquisition of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (work, services) are compensated by the seller (performer) in full.”
P.21. The telecom operator does not have the right to impose on the subscriber the provision of additional mobile communication services provided for a fee.
The telecom operator does not have the right to condition the provision of some mobile communication services on the mandatory provision of other communication services.
Thus, my rights as a consumer of mobile communication services were infringed by imposing clauses in the contract. 2.42.8 (Provision of additional services). Consequently, on the basis of clause 1 of Article 16 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, these paragraphs should be declared invalid.
Question: can I conclude an agreement for the provision of mobile communication services without clause 2.42.8? No. This means that Additional Services are imposed and the use of mobile communication services is conditioned by the use of the so-called. additional services.
3. To date, I have not been provided with any necessary and reliable information about this “service”, as required by Articles 8 and 10 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

4. Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the grounds for the emergence of civil rights and obligations. The only thing that is suitable in this case is clause 1.1 - the existence of an agreement.
1) from contracts and other transactions provided for by law, as well as from contracts and other transactions, although not provided for by law, but not contrary to it;

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 781. Payment for services
1. The customer is obliged to pay for the services provided to him within the time frame and in the manner specified in the contract for the provision of paid services.

I have never entered into any agreements with RGK-PRODUCTION. Consequently, I cannot have any obligations to this organization, incl. and financial. There is no agreement for the provision of services for a fee between me and RGK-PRODUCTION and I am not a customer. Otherwise, as required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, let RGK-PRODUCTION sue me and prove the opposite.
And on the contrary, after Beeline illegally, in my opinion, wrote off funds (as previously noted, not without its financial interest) from my personal account, from Beeline in accordance with Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause Clause 1. 7 due to unjust enrichment) civil obligations arise against me.
Beeline did not provide any evidence that I ordered any additional services. The defendant’s statement that “someone from some IP went to some site, entered their phone number there, and then some secret code” and it was me, cannot be considered in any way valid for the following reasons:
4.1 There is no rule in the legislation of the Russian Federation that links the IP of a computer, especially a dynamic one, with a specific person, so that this person, after working on a computer with this IP, has civil (financial) obligations in relation to third parties (Article 8 of the Civil Code RF);
4.2 Without going deeply into technical details: from a technical point of view, identifying a person by a dynamic IP address and MAC address of a computer is not serious, because both the first and second are set manually on the computer. Anyone knowledgeable about networks will confirm this. Moreover, how can we talk about identifying a specific person where there are so-called computers public access, for example: in an Internet cafe, or in open wi-fi networks etc.. In other words, identifying a person by the IP address of a computer is the same as identifying a person by the color of his cap, the size of his shoes, or the number of the room in which he sits;
Question about the secret code: who saw this SMS with the code? Surely there was a code there and not an advertisement or informational message?

4.3 A secret code is usually issued in a sealed form so that neither the issuing employee nor the issuing organization can recognize it. In this case, the so-called The “secret code” is issued by the party interested in its use. This is, for example, if a bank employee, issuing bank card, the secret PIN code would be written in front of everyone with a pencil on a piece of paper, or then he would tell the PIN code by calling on the phone. How long will the money stay on the card?
I also consider it necessary to note here that Beeline’s attempts to involve its content provider RGK-PRODUCTION LLC as a co-defendant in this matter are not justified, because The contractor under the contract for the provision of communication services is exclusively Beeline (Article 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). And, if the contractor engages a subcontractor to perform work (services), then the contractor himself bears full responsibility for the quality, timing, etc. work (services) performed by a subcontractor. (Article 706 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

5. Beeline does not comply with the clauses of its own Agreement for the provision of Beeline communication services (as amended in 2009 (I connected to Beeline in 2002, so I have an agreement from 2002), in new edition These points have been slightly changed, but this does not change the matter). Clause 2.6 requires posting an access code on the website, i.e. short paid number. According to clause 2.7, you must order the service using this access number. There is no talk of subscribing to any service on the website and then receiving a code via SMS. I did not make any calls to the short paid number 9855, I did not send any SMS to these short paid numbers. This is recorded in the data detail.
2.4. Additional services (hereinafter referred to as “Additional Services”) and other services that are technologically inextricably linked with the Communication Services and aimed at increasing their consumer value are provided by the Operator or third parties entitled to provide the relevant services and are paid for by the Subscriber in the manner provided for in this Agreement , an agreement with a third party and the procedure for the provision and payment of relevant services.
2.5. Information about Additional Services is posted by the Operator or third parties in the form of a public offer on the Internet on the Website of the Operator or third parties, or on promotional materials about these Additional Services. The proposal may be communicated to the Subscriber as an invitation to make an offer.
2.6. The information posted on the Operator's Website on the Internet or advertising indicates the access number (access code) to the Additional Service.
2.7. The subscriber, by ordering an Additional Service using this access number, agrees with the rules for the provision of Additional Services and the rules for their tariffs and agrees to receive these Additional Services and pay for them.
2.8. The cost of Additional Services is paid by the Subscriber in accordance with installed system settlements under Tariffs, unless a different procedure is provided for in the rules for the provision of Additional Services.
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 310. Inadmissibility of unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation
Unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and unilateral change of its terms are not allowed, except in cases provided for by law. Unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation related to the implementation by its parties of entrepreneurial activity and unilateral change in the terms of such an obligation are also allowed in cases provided for by the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law or the essence of the obligation.
6. The contract for the provision of mobile communication services does not provide for payment by Beeline of any of my financial obligations to third parties. By paying for the services of third parties for me, Beeline acts in the interests of others, but for this you need to have my order (Article 980 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). I did not give Beeline an instruction to pay my obligations to a third party with funds placed on my personal account. I do not approve of these actions (Article 983 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, I was not notified of these actions as soon as possible, as required by Article 981 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
7. In accordance with Federal Law N 121-FZ dated 06/03/2009
On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On activities for accepting payments” individuals carried out by payment agents"
Activities of an organization that is not credit institution, or an individual entrepreneur for accepting payments from individuals without concluding an agreement on carrying out activities for accepting payments from individuals that meets the requirements of this article or the Federal Law “On activities for accepting payments from individuals, carried out by payment agents” is prohibited.

8. I was not provided with any confirmation of the provision of any services to me by RGK-PRODUCTION LLC. Sending an SMS does not confirm the provision of the service;

9. I was not provided with any financial documents confirming that I paid RGK-PRODUCTION LLC for the allegedly services provided. The data itemization is not a financial document.

Fraudsters do not sleep and develop along with technology. So, for example, the owner of a mobile device may not suspect that it is at this moment that funds are debited from his account. How to protect yourself? In the article you will find the answer to the question what kind of service is this with the number “1143” from Beeline. We will teach you how to check other subscriptions and how to disable them.

Description and cost of the service

Most subscriptions are not included in the list of offers from Beeline; they may relate to other third-party services. If the subscriber independently or unknowingly activated additional paid content on his phone, then after that he will receive daily notifications in the form of SMS or MMS with advertising content.

The “1143” service gives the user access to the “” service. We do not recommend clicking on this link, otherwise you will see a pop-up window warning about the presence of SMS fraud. After connecting, you will receive a notification confirming your registration on the site. For using this useless function, 30 rubles will be debited from your personal account every day. Content is launched on the number without the consent of the owner.

On the Beeline website there is a special application for checking short numbers, in the help and support tab. Here you can indicate a suspicious contact and receive comprehensive information about the ordered content.

How scammers work

Unfortunately, subscribers find out too late that they have become victims of fraud when their personal balance funds will run out too quickly. Every day, scammers find new ways to deceive consumers. The most popular deception schemes are listed below:

How to disable subscriptions

To protect your mobile device, we recommend periodically checking the availability of paid subscriptions. There are several for this simple ways disabling services:

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a notification confirming that the content has been disabled.

How to ban paid subscriptions

You can protect your phone number from scam subscriptions in two ways:

  1. Install the “Black and White Lists” service. The option restricts receiving and writing SMS and MMS from unknown short numbers from content providers. The terms do not apply to information notices from Beeline. To activate the function, you can call the special contact “0858”. There is no need to pay to use it.
  2. Create an additional account as part of the "Expense Control" option. Subscription fee is zero rubles. This is the allocated balance from which payments for connected subscriptions will be made. If you keep it at zero, then useless content will not be installed. To activate, dial USSD code *110*5062#. To find out your current balance, enter *662#.

Attention! The features of the provision of services and their cost are described in the article for residents of the Moscow region; check the information with local Beeline managers in your city.

From the article we learned how to protect your mobile device from connecting to unwanted subscriptions and services that do not bring anything useful to the subscriber. Sometimes the culprit of waste is the consumer himself, so take precautions when surfing the Internet.

Nowadays, advertising is present everywhere: on billboards, on TV, on the Internet, magazines and even on smartphones. Many entrepreneurs use any means to convey their services to every potential buyer. For these purposes, they send out SMS messages to any available phone number. Not all subscribers like this, and then it becomes topical issue, how to disable subscriptions on Beeline. You will learn further what needs to be done for this and how to get rid of annoying Beeline advertising messages.

How to find out paid services on Beeline

In order to try to disable any Beeline service, you first need to find out which paid applications you have connected at the moment. This will allow you to get more information about the possibilities on your mobile phone, and also decide which ones are better to refuse. Therefore, read on for several ways that can easily help you verify such information.

  • Use the official website of the company: In the “My Beeline” section, which is located on home page, enter your details and immediately receive detailed information about current offers, options and tariffs.
  • If you have a smartphone (IOS, Android, Windows), install additional application"My Beeline." After authorization, use this utility, look at the “Connected services” section and disable unnecessary ones.
  • To find out which paid services connected, dial the combination of numbers on your mobile phone: *110*09# plus the call button.

Subscription management

Mobile subscriptions are operator services that provide complete information about various news, weather and other services. However, it often happens that this offer has a number of negative aspects, for example, one of the subscriptions was automatically connected to your number, and due to its activation, money is regularly withdrawn from your account. And you don’t even have a clue about all this. This unpleasant situation can be avoided; it is only important to know how to disable subscriptions on Beeline. To do this, review the methods for deactivating some subscriptions described below.


This service is paid and amounts to 3 rubles daily deduction from the subscriber's account. Thanks to this service, current photographs collected from all over the world become available. Such a service cannot be classified as an essential service, and for the vast majority it is simply unnecessary. You can familiarize yourself with it and use it for free for the first 7 days, and then this application automatically becomes paid. To manage Photoworld, use the following options:

  • Dial the following number from your mobile: 0862 and call. This will enable this option.
  • To cancel your subscription, dial the following number with the call button: 0684210325 or send a text with the word “STOP” to the number: 6288.


This service is also paid, and it connects to your phone automatically as soon as you activate a new one starter pack Beeline. “Chameleon” consists of advertising informational texts that periodically pop up on the mobile screen. Most users are very annoyed by this and are trying to find a way to disable such a subscription on Beeline. The following methods for deactivating such a service will help with this:

  • Disable this advertising mailing using the USSD command: *110*20# and the call button. In response, you will receive an SMS confirming the deactivation of the paid Chameleon service.
  • You can remove this subscription directly on your phone: go to the menu and find the “Beeline” section, here find the “Chameleon” item, open “Activation” and check the box next to “Disable”.
  • Take advantage personal account, which is located on the company’s official website in order to unsubscribe from this paid option:
  1. Execute the USSD command using your phone: dial *110*9# and the call button. You will receive a password in response.
  2. Go to the official website and in the “Login” line enter your entire phone number and password below.
  3. Find the "Services" section. Here you will see a complete list of paid and free options active on your phone. Find “Chameleon” there and disable it.


Other less-useful options include “Video World”. This is an additional paid entertainment application that gives the user access to a special website with the ability to use content. Keep in mind that by using such a service, you go online, and this can already be an expensive pleasure that will result in long bills with impressive amounts. Therefore, check out how to deactivate the Videomir subscription on Beeline:

  • Using your personal account. To do this, repeat the algorithm of actions described in the “Chameleon” subsection with detailed instructions disable the service in the same way.
  • To uncheck Video World from the list of unused but active applications, send a message with the word “STOP” to 6506.

How to disable all subscriptions yourself

In order to optimize the use of your funds for cellular communications, take advantage of the opportunity to turn off all paid services operator. Because, according to feedback from subscribers, Beeline often activates subscriptions without asking the client about their need; in most cases, they are set by default. However mobile operator always allows you to manage these options yourself. Therefore, you can easily disable any subscription that is useless to you using one of the methods described below. So, how to disable all subscriptions on Beeline:

  • Dial on your mobile number: 0684006 and make a call. Afterwards you will receive a message with a response that all active options have been deactivated from your package.
  • Contact technical support Beeline company by calling 0611 or 0622, then select “zero” and you will be connected to an operator. Find out if you currently have any active applications and ask to cancel if there are any.

In your personal account

As alternative option use your personal account on the company’s official website: To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the “Login” line, enter your entire phone number.
  2. To receive a password for your personal account, send a request *110*9#. You will receive a response message with a code on your mobile phone.
  3. At the very bottom of the page, find the line “Services”, entering which you will see full list existing applications.
  4. Check the “Disable” checkbox next to each enabled service.

Via SMS to short numbers

You will definitely be able to disable subscriptions if you send a message with the text “STOP” to all short numbers from which you receive unwanted information. In response to this, you will immediately receive an SMS notifying you that the service has been deactivated. However, this operation can take a lot of time if you have a lot of such services. Therefore, it is worth using more optimal and faster methods of refusing one or another paid application which were described above.

(8214 people)

Insidious mobile subscriptions: how to disable

April 13, 2015

Every day thousands of subscribers become participants in various paid subscriptions, competitions and promotions. Some of them don't even know about it!

Until they notice systematic debits from their account... Usually the telecom operator is blamed for the debits, allegedly imposing a subscription to the content. In reality, it's not that simple.

The scheme is as follows: an aggregator (large content provider) rents short numbers from operators cellular communication. Subsequently, these numbers are used by the aggregators themselves, or transferred by them for use to other content providers (companies providing services on short numbers) and/or partners (individuals and legal entities providing services on short numbers). It’s sad, but the services provided by partners are practically not controlled in any way by the content provider and telecom operator. The balance of your number is reduced due to the tariffs of the servants whose information is received).

First of all, let's check if such subscriptions are activated on your number.


For numbers Megaphone: dial *505# (you can disable all subscriptions except Megafon services).

For numbers MTS: dial *152*2# (you can disable all subscriptions except MTS services).

For numbers Beeline: section “services” - “subscription management” in Beeline personal account.


Depending on the situation, the possibility ofThere is a way to get money back for services already provided on short numbers.

First you need to figure out how and under what circumstances the money was withdrawn: the subscription method (SMS, call, number registration on the website, etc.). Then - leave a request on the website of the content provider serving this or that short number. You can find out information about the content provider (name, website, etc.) using the search form, for example, on the MTS website. You just need to enter the short number about which you need information.

If you are a subscriber mtNET, then you just need to leave a request to the customer support service specialists, who will take care of the issue.

How to check and disable mobile subscriptionsIt’s already clear. If you wish, you can periodically check their (subscriptions) status and make changes if necessary.For those who have no time/too lazy/don’t feel like it/etc. According to the list to do this, telecom operators have implemented a “content ban” service. The service allows you to block access to content numbers, i.e. existing subscriptions will not be cancelled, but new ones will no longer be able to be installed.


For Megaphone: *105*801# (free “Stop Content” service, prohibits voice calls, USSD requests, as well as sending SMS messages to paid service numbers of content providers).

For MTS: services "Banning voice content" (blocks outgoing calls to short entertainment and information numbers) and "Banning SMS content" (prohibits sending paid SMS/MMS to short numbers). Connects to the mtSET customer support service or the MTS Internet assistant. Cost of each service: 1 rub/day
For Beeline: call from a Beeline number to 0858 (sets a ban sending SMS to short numbers).

send an SMS with the text XXXX (XXXX are the digits of the short number) to number 2282, in the response SMS you will receive information about the cost of the content.

Mobile subscriptions are designed to diversify subscribers’ leisure time, but in most cases such entertainment results in financial losses for users. Often, a subscriber can activate a particular subscription using his number, and subsequently discover that money is being withdrawn from the balance at a completely different rate than was promised upon activation.

Today we will tell you about paid Beeline mobile subscriptions: how to check all connected ones using your number, how you can put a complete ban on connecting any paid entertainment and information services.

Why do they withdraw more from my account than promised?

There are situations when cellular subscribers themselves activate various paid services on their number, and then notice that money disappears from their balance. Most often, this is encountered by those who do not carefully read the terms of a particular promotion. Yes, you can blame the operator for the fact that detailed conditions are often indicated in small print, and are often hidden behind asterisks in the description, but ignorance is not an excuse. In a situation where the cost of a subscription is indicated in its description, then it will not be possible to return the money debited, in the subscriber’s opinion, illegally.

Before connecting to any service, and this primarily applies to content services, it is mandatory to obtain detailed information about its cost. Often paid subscriptions are offered to the subscriber free of charge on trial period, after which the fee for their use begins to be charged.

The operator offers on its website completely comprehensive information about the cost of not only its services, but also third-party ones who turn out to be content providers. Before clicking on a link, sending a message, or making a call to a short number, it is worth checking the cost of such actions. On the operator’s website, just indicate your phone number, and you will be provided with full information about the service.

All entertainment and information services can be divided into two main groups. The first includes periodic subscriptions, which provide access to a specific service on a regular basis. They are paid daily. Beeline has established restrictions for such services. Thus, the fee for them can be deducted from the subscriber’s balance no more than once a day, and the cost cannot exceed thirty rubles.

The second group of services does not imply regular use and, accordingly, payment. In a situation with such services, you should be especially careful, since their cost can be quite high - for sending a message, or a minute of a call, or providing access to a certain Internet resource.

How to disable subscriptions

Disabling Beeline paid subscriptions is no more difficult than connecting them. You can either refuse all such services on your Beeline number or unsubscribe from some of the subscriptions. If you need to cancel not all Beeline subscriptions, but only individual ones, then to do this, just send a response message with the word “STOP” to the number from which paid content is received. After this, your subscription to this service will be cancelled. This option is ideal for those who have a small number of paid subscriptions on their number.

If the number has several subscriptions, you can use your personal account. Here you can not only view, disable, or connect services on your number, but the same is also available for subscriptions. For this purpose, a special section is available in “Connected Services”, which is called “Services”.

You can also unsubscribe by calling contact center operator at 0611. In telephone mode, you can not only get information about all connected paid subscriptions, but also ask a specialist to disable unnecessary ones.

It is completely impossible to establish and, accordingly, remove the ban on paid Beeline services. Previously, the operator had a special “Black and White Lists” service, but now it is not available for activation. Now, in order to protect subscribers from accidental charges when using content services, the operator has introduced new system informing. When trying to order a paid service, the subscriber receives a message indicating the cost of its use.

Some operator SIM cards also have the “Chameleon” service installed, which gives subscribers access to entertainment and information services. If it is active, short messages with offers will periodically appear on the phone screen. Most subscribers are looking for ways to disable it, since accidental clicks are possible, and as a result, the activation of paid services and subscriptions. Disabling this service is quite simple - in the phone menu in the “Beeline” section, you need to select the appropriate section and disable it.

Creating a separate account for content will completely get rid of random write-offs. This can be done by contacting the operator. After this, a separate account will be available, and all additional entertainment services can be paid only from it. This option is also convenient for those who use paid Beeline subscriptions, but want to get rid of accidentally connecting additional ones.

Subscribers raise many questions when subscribing to a service such as “Beeline Basic Plus” - what is this option and how much does it cost? In fact, unlike paid content services, you don’t have to worry about its display in the list of connected ones. This service allows you to access the main mobile television channels for free. The package is available automatically to those who connect the “Highway” Internet option. The only thing worth considering is that the traffic when viewing is used from the main package.

Deferred payment

Some Beeline users are faced with the fact that when replenishing their account, not the entire amount is credited to their balance. The fact is that in addition to simple payment for content services, as well as various subscriptions, the possibility of deferred payment for them is available.

The deferred payment option for subscriptions can be activated for those who have been using the number for more than six months, and whose monthly communication costs exceed five hundred rubles.

If the service is active by number, then when sending messages and calls to a short number, the content will be available for borrowing, and its payment will be made from the next account replenishment. Please note that if you replenish your account with a smaller amount than the content used, then staged payment in installments will apply. When withdrawing part of the cost, twelve rubles will always remain on the number’s balance.

To get rid of this subscription payment scheme, you need to send a message from your number with the word “Block” to the number 6255. After this, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of purchasing content on credit using your Beeline number.


All operators offer mobile subscriptions to entertainment services. Almost every user has at least once encountered the debiting of funds from their balance when they were accidentally activated. Beeline does not offer to install a ban that will completely get rid of this problem.

However, unlike other operators, the solution proposed by Beeline can be called the most optimal. By connecting a separate account to pay for such services, you can be sure that money from your balance will not be lost in an unexpected situation, since you can only pay for content from a separate balance.

The advantage of this approach is that all content services remain available, and to activate them you only need to top up a separate account. You can even do this by transferring from your main balance.