Ways to reboot routers of various manufacturers. So that's why you need to regularly restart your Wi-Fi router! Now no problem! How to restart a router on a laptop

The question of how to reboot the router using a computer or laptop does not always arise. But in the process of operation, sometimes it has to be done. For example, some errors occur in the work - the connection to the Internet is interrupted, WiFi or the connected drive or mobile modem stops working. Rebooting the router is the very first thing you need to try to fix these jambs. In most cases this helps. In this article, I have collected all the most common TP-Link, Asus, D-Link, Zyxel Keenetic, Tenda, Netis, Apple routers to show how this process works on them.

When should you reboot your router?

But the reload function may also be needed to apply certain settings on the router, after making changes to them through the admin panel. Yes, depending on specific model router, a reboot may be required after:

  • Changes in Internet connection settings
  • Parameter Changes
  • to manage the administration panel
  • shifts
  • Adjustments to security settings and
  • Activation or deactivation additional features- , and so on

Before performing any actions with our router, it is necessary - how to do this, I described in detail separately - read the instructions if you do not know.

Ways to reboot the router

There are four ways to reboot the router. The first two are only suitable for treating problems that have arisen in the work - they cannot be used to make changes to the settings.

  • Disconnect from the network
  • With On/Off button
  • From the admin panel
  • Through command line on a computer or laptop

Be careful! You cannot manually reboot the router at the time of updating its firmware!

Disconnect from power

The easiest way, which is suitable for any device, is to simply remove the power cable from it and plug it in again. To be honest, in most cases I do just that and have not experienced any problems after using this simple and reliable method.

Reboot with power button

Another option is to turn off and then turn on the router with a special physical power button on the case, which is available on some models. The main thing is not to confuse it with - and although manufacturers try to protect the latter as much as possible from involuntary pressing, often they are similar and you can unknowingly click the wrong way.

Restarting the router through a computer or laptop

Finally, it is fashionable to reboot the router directly on a laptop or computer. Each model has a special function in the admin panel to restart. This is exactly what you need to use to activate changes in any parameters and configuration, if it did not restart after that in automatic mode.

Also, this method is optimal if you do not have physical access to the router itself. Often, after repairs in an apartment, it is hidden somewhere far away in a server cabinet, which is difficult to reach. But it can be accessed via a computer or laptop.

How to reboot the router via command line remotely?

Like any digital equipment, the router works based on the execution of mathematical commands through a protocol called Telnet. It allows you to remotely manage the router through the command line. Unfortunately, on Windows 10 or 8 there is no built-in program that works with this protocol. Therefore, in order to reboot the router through the command line on the computer connected to it, download and run the “PuTTY” program.

In it, in the main window, we find the input field “Host name (or IP-address)” and write in it. And as the “Connection type” set “Telnet” and click on the “Open” button.

A black command line window will open - here we first enter the login, and then the password to enter the router. Then we write the command “# reboot”, or “# restart” or “# reload” - which one depends on the specific model, try the selection method.

How to reboot a TP-Link router through a computer?

Let's start with the most common manufacturer - rebooting TP-Link routers. Here it makes sense to consider two variants of the admin panel at once, which are found today on the routers of this company. In the old green-gray version of the interface, you need to go to the "System Tools - Restart" section. It is difficult to make a mistake here - there is only one button on the page - click on it and wait about half a minute.

IN new version TP-Link firmware - blue and white - is still simpler. The reload button is placed separately on the main page Top Menu, which is displayed on all pages of the panel. Click on it and confirm your choice.

Restarting an Asus router using a computer

Restarting the Asus router is just as easy - the corresponding button is placed separately at the top of the page. No need to climb any settings - just click it and confirm the restart of the firmware.

How to reboot a Zyxel Keenetic router from a computer?

IN latest firmware the reboot function is hidden in the “Basic settings” menu. You need to scroll the page to the very bottom and click on the button.

Restarting the Tenda router on the computer

The reboot function in routers is combined with a reset and is located in the “System Settings” menu section

Restarting the Netis Router

In Netis routers, it is called “Restarting the system” - this heading is located in the advanced settings “Advanced Settings”, the menu item “System”

Restarting the D-Link router from your computer

To perform a reboot D-Link router just click on the “System” link under the title of the control panel page - a menu will open quick access, where you need to click on the corresponding “Reboot” icon.

Video on restarting the router

What does an average user usually do when they find a problem with the Internet connection or download speed? That's right, call tech support. Meanwhile, most similar problems solved at the first stage: it helps to reboot the router, which the operator, for example, Rostelecom (and any other provider) asks to perform in the first place.

In case of problems, the first thing to do is to reboot

When the router is constantly working on the network, some of its interfaces, for example, the WAN port or the Wi-Fi transmitter, may sometimes freeze. It can be a computer, in particular, LAN card. And then it turns out that many users do not even know how to restart the router and computer.

You can reboot different ways, the main thing is that the result leads to a solution to your problem. We provide a description of the three options for each of them:

  • power off;
  • restart via computer using telnet client.

And now more about each of them.

The simplest thing that can be done in order for the router to reconnect to the provider's equipment is to turn off the power for a while. To do this, most routers have an "On / Off" or "Power" button located on the rear panel next to the power connector. Turn off the device, pause for about half a minute, and then turn it on again.

Do not confuse it with the "Reset" button! By clicking it, you will reset the router settings to factory settings, and then you will need to re-configure.

It should be noted that the "Power" button does not always reset the current connection. In addition, some manufacturers do not provide for the presence of such a button at all. In this case, unplugging the power cord from either the rear panel jack or the power outlet will help. After the same half a minute, you can turn it back on.

But how to reboot the router if it is located in another room or access to it is difficult for some reason? Then you can remotely reboot it via a computer: go to the settings page and do a soft restart. It is considered the most the right way in terms of equipment safety.

The scheme is simple: you need to go to the management page by typing in address bar browser IP address to access the router settings. In the menu, find the section responsible for the system and reboot. For example, on TP Link N series routers, this function can be found through the "System Tools" - "Reboot" menu. On this page you will see the button of the same name, it remains to press it and wait for the reboot to finish.

Restarting with telnet access

Another option that allows you to remotely reboot the router is to give a command through the console using the telnet service. Perhaps someone will find it more convenient and faster. IN Windows system XP this is indeed very fast:

  1. Run the command line: "Start" - "Run" - "cmd" or the keyboard shortcut Win + R.
  2. Enter the telnet command and the IP of the router.
  3. Log in by entering your username and password to manage.
  4. Type the reboot command and press Enter.

If your computer is running Windows 7 or 8, you will need a little more movement. These systems do not have a built-in telnet client, so you will need to access the management console using third party program. The simplest is the PuTTy utility. Download and install it, and to reboot the router, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Host Name" field, enter the IP address to access the router.
  2. In "Connection Type" select "Telnet".
  3. Open the console with the "Open" button (in the left part of the program window under the list of sections).

Further actions in the console without changes: log in and enter the command to restart.


At the first sign of a drop in Internet connection speed or when the network is completely disconnected, the first recommended action is to restart the router and computer. We have described to you several ways to reboot the router, and you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself and try it in action.

If you have any questions or difficulties along the way, please contact us in the comments.

It sounds paradoxical, but a router is a type of device that is rarely equipped with a power button by manufacturers. No wonder, because routers today are practically not turned off, and, therefore, are not rebooted by their users.

Speaking of the fact that routers are not endowed with a special, previously discussed key, we can cite as an example a router from Asus with the model name RT-N13U-B1.

It would seem, indeed, why include a feature in the functionality of the equipment that no one will use, however, not everything is so smooth. Sometimes, users are faced with such network problems: as the freezing of Internet resources, including various web pages.

In this case, as a rule, rebooting the router should have a favorable effect on the problem that has appeared, with its subsequent elimination. Usually, owners and users of routers from a low price category have such difficulties.

Difficulties in the first place can be associated with various malfunctions of your router, so rebooting it is designed to reset all violations in work activities apparatus.

In this article, we will consider how to restart wifi router including remotely.

Method number 1: the most simple reboot of the router

So, the first way to reboot devices is the simplest. To implement it, your device must be endowed with a "Power" button. On many ADSL modems, this button is labeled "On/Off". As a rule, such a button has a convex shape, pleasant to the touch and it will not be difficult to find it.

The first press when the device was previously turned on will cause it to be disconnected from the electricity network, and the second press will restart its operation. Some manufacturers on their official websites indicate information that after turning off and before turning on the router, you must wait from 20 to 30 seconds.

However, this expectation is unlikely to have any unambiguous explanation. In any case, it is the manufacturer who knows his product and its device best of all.

Most router manufacturers believe that the equipment used to access the Internet is intended for constant work activity, and that is why they do not install such an important power button.

In case your router is not endowed with a power key, then answering the question of how to reboot wifi router, you should find the wire through which the router receives the necessary electrical energy, and then find its power supply and unplug it from the outlet, if possible, also for 20-30 seconds. The method is very ordinary, however, it has one drawback.

The disadvantage is expressed in the fact that on a considerable number of devices, having carried out its configuration, it is necessary to save it forcibly. If the specified actions are not implemented, then after the device is turned on again, the user runs the risk of receiving an unconfigured device that should be reconnected to the network.

For example, dropping settings is found on:

  • Tp-Link TL-WR741ND;
  • TP-LINK TL-WR1045ND;
  • TP-LINK TL-WR841N.

Method number 2: reboot the device remotely

From the point of view of the hardware of the router this method is the best reboot option. It should also be taken into account that specified method will take the user much more time than the previous one, but it's worth it. The method is effective and relevant also because it is the only one in the case when the user does not have direct access to the router (to the shutdown button or to the outlet). Having answered the question of how to reboot the router remotely, you can read the second and third reboot methods.

To start the implementation of the reboot, you should enter the router parameters by entering the web interface of its settings. This is done by writing in search line browser standard address After entering the specified address, press the "Enter" button, which is located on your keyboard.

Usually, manufacturers place the reset button directly on home page web interface of the router settings, these manufacturers include:

  • Asus;
  • D Link
  • Zyxel and others.

Some, however, include a reboot function in a specific section. On TP-Link you should enter the "system tools" section, on NETGEAR in the "router status".

Method number 3: reboot through the protocol

You can also reboot the router through a special protocol called telnet. Through the launcher search engine, enter "telnet (desired IP address)". Next, the user needs to go through authorization, for this you need to enter a username and password. After the specified action in the window that appears, enter "Restart". Done, your router has now rebooted.

Thus, in this article, we have covered quite extensively how to reboot a tp link, asus, d-link and others router.

dialed in search engine the query "how to restart the router", looked at the results, and did not find a single detailed article in which everything would be written clearly and with pictures, as you like :). Therefore, I decided to write my own instructions for correctly rebooting routers from different manufacturers: D-Link, TP-Link, Asus, NETGEAR, Tenda, etc. Although, the reboot method is almost the same on all routers. Before proceeding to the instruction itself, I want to clarify something. This article will be written specifically about rebooting the router, this procedure should not be confused with, these are different things.

Why and when do you need to reboot the router?

A router is a device that is designed for permanent job. This means that a reboot, or turning off the power on such devices is not necessary at all. That is why, some manufacturers do not even install a power off button. (for example, Asus RT-N13U B1 does not have it). A reboot is only needed when changing settings, when the router itself asks to reboot it.

But, in practice, not everything is as good as it should be. Especially with inexpensive models of network devices. They often freeze, the Internet disappears (no internet access when yellow icon appears), devices do not want to connect and a number of other problems. For example, on the Tp-Link TL-WR741ND, the Internet very often simply disappears, and only a reboot saves. I wrote about it in an article. I have Asus RT-N13U B1 working with a USB modem, so the Internet can disappear several times a day. You just have to reload it. (what is the problem of such unstable work, until now I could not determine).

Reboot with button, or power off

Everything is simple here. Absolutely any router can be rebooted simply by turning off the power from it for 30 seconds, and turning it back on. Just pull the power supply from the outlet, wait a bit and turn it on (you can turn it on right away, but it's better to wait a bit).

You can simply turn off the power using a special button On/Off, if, of course, it is on the case of your router. Just turn it off, wait a bit and turn it back on.

As far as I know, you can also reboot with the Reset button, press it with something sharp and quickly release (if you hold it, the settings will be reset). But I would not advise you this way. Even accidentally throw off the settings, then you have to configure everything again. In this case, safe and simple ways enough.

Reboot via control panel

If you set up your router yourself, you most likely noticed the "Reboot" or "Reboot" buttons in the control panel. They are needed there in order to perform a soft reboot. We go into the settings, click on the button and our router reboots. This method is good to use when configuring the router. (when you are already in the control panel), or when there is no way to turn off the power, or press a button. Simply put, when there is no access to the router itself.

Important! When setting up the router, only reboot through the control panel. No need to do this by turning off the power. Since the settings may simply not be saved.

Whatever model you have, for starters, you will need to go to the settings. To do this, by connecting to the router via Wi-Fi, or via cable, you need to open any browser and type the address in the address bar: , or . Go to this address and in the window that appears, specify the username and password to enter the settings.

If you did not change them, then the standard ones are most likely admin And admin. In any case, the access address to the settings and login information are indicated on the sticker on the router itself.

Tp Link

On the routers of this popular company, for some reason the reset button was hidden in sidebar. To get to it, go to the left to the point System tools- and press the button. This is for the Russian version of the firmware, if you have it in English, then the items System Tools - Reboot and button Reboot.

By the way, I already wrote how you can translate the panel on the TP-Link router.

Everything is very simple here. No matter what your control panel looks like, the "Restart" button is on the main page. Just click on it, confirm and that's it.


On D-Link routers, you will see a drop down menu System. Clicking on which you want to choose Reload, or Save and reload.


On NETGEAR routers, you need to go to the tab Advanced settings, select on the left Router Status and press the button.


In the future I will try to add a screenshot for NETGEAR and instructions for other manufacturers: ZyXEL, Cisco, Tenda. If anyone wants to share information, I will be grateful.

The main thing to remember is that any router can be rebooted by turning off the power.

There are at least two more ways that you can perform this procedure: through telnet, or using a special script. But, the average user will definitely not use these methods. And for what, if everything can be done without unnecessary troubles. I will probably write about telnet and the script later, but this will be a separate article.

If something does not work, write in the comments, I will try to answer quickly and help.

The instruction will tell you how to reboot the router Asus, D-Link, NETGEAR, TP-Link, Zyxel, Huawei and others. Prepare the router, put it in a free lighted place and take a sharp object, such as a knitting needle. Routers from manufacturers D-Link, TP-Link, Asus, NETGEAR, Tenda, Zyxel, Huawei will be taken as the main examples. Make sure below that you really need to reboot and what you don’t need to do so that the router does not turn into a brick or lose all your settings.

It should immediately be noted that the procedure for different companies is similar, but do not confuse. These two operations should not be confused.

Reason for reboot

Why is overload required?

The router, regardless of the manufacturer, assumes long and uninterrupted operation. It does not require its shutdown in the evening or at night. In this regard, on some models, the power button may be completely absent. This happened on the Asus RT-N13U B1 router. A reboot is most often needed if you have changed settings and they need to take effect. In such a situation, the device itself offers to perform it.

Despite the declared uninterrupted operation, in practice it turns out that devices can freeze, the connection to the network periodically disappears. Such problems are most typical for the budget line of routers. They are also found at the manufacturer Tp-Link. It is characterized by the loss of the Internet without visible reasons. On the model Asus router RT-N13U B1 also encounters such a nuisance. Those who use it say that they have to reboot several times a day.

Rebooting is the first and main recommendation that is given when problems arise with the operation of the router for no apparent reason.

The first and easiest way to reboot is to turn off the power. The power must be turned off for at least 30 seconds for a reboot to take place. It is recommended to keep the device turned off for 1-2 minutes. To turn off any router, just pull the plug from the outlet.

The second option of this procedure is the button On/Off, which is available on individual models. If your device has it, then turn it off with it and wait a couple of minutes. Then turn it back on.

There is a third option, it is associated with the use of the reset button. This button is recessed into the body of the router. To press it, you need to use a sharp object. Press it for 1-2 seconds and release. After that, an overload will occur. If you hold the button for too long, the settings will be reset. For this reason this method use is not recommended.

Each user who independently configures the router gets acquainted with its parameters and capabilities. For this reason, he must have seen the Reload button on the administration page. It will restart the device. software tools. It's easy to launch. Initially, you need to log in on the administration page, then find the section with the button and click on it. This method is great for situations where the router is located far from the administrator, that is, there is no physical contact with the device.

If you are performing the initial input of parameters or changing data on the router, then the reboot should be done only through the administration page. Pressing the power button or disconnecting the power supply may cause errors and data may not be saved.


The first action that is performed, regardless of the router model, is authorization in the administration panel. This means that you need to connect to the device and go to the addresses , or A form will load, where you should specify the data for the login and password. After that, the control panel will be available. If problems arise, read the article relevant to your router: address or how.

  1. Tp-link router. This brand of devices is very common among users. They have a reset button hidden in the menu on the side. To access it, select from the menu on the left. System tools– After that, click on the link This is how the names of sections and buttons look like the Russian version. In the case of using the English firmware, you should find the section System ToolsReboot and button Reboot. Models Tp-link routers support translation.
  2. Asus router. This manufacturer has taken care of its users. Regardless of the firmware version, the reset button is located in one place - on the main page. It should be pressed, confirm the action and wait for the right time.
  3. D-link router. If you own this device, then in the administration panel you should find a drop-down menu System. It will contain a paragraph Reload. It is possible to reboot with saving, then you should choose Save and reload.
  4. NETGEAR router. If you own this device, then in the parameters you should find the item Advanced settings. On the left side is the section Router status. In it, click on the button

There are other models of routers, such as ZyXEL, Cisco, Tenda. In them, the restart is also carried out by software. But they will not be described in this article. It should be noted that regardless of the manufacturer, if there are problems with the device, it is restarted by a simple operation - turning it off from the power supply.

Extreme reboot methods

If all the described actions are not suitable, then two more options can be offered - a special script or telnet. But these options are more suitable for advanced users or programmers. Regular user, without specialized knowledge, they should not be used.