Tariff "My Tele2": detailed description and benefits. Beeline service “Highway Unlimited Internet for 7 rubles per day

Mobile operator Tele2 today sells a fairly extensive line of tariff plans, each of which is designed for a specific audience of users. This line also includes a package such as “My Tele2”, the name of which completely coincides with the name of the self-service system from the operator. And today we propose to understand the terms of this proposal.

Brief description of the “My Tele2” tariff

Perhaps, when creating this tariff package, specialists from Tele2 deliberately tuned in to target audience modern users cellular services. Namely, they drew attention to the fact that today the need and possibility of constant access to the Internet from their mobile gadget comes to the fore for people. That is why the tariff can be called an ideal and economical choice for young people, who, by and large, rarely use telephone calls and, especially, messages.

And in order to understand why this offer is ideal for this particular segment of Tele2 customers, we offer a detailed consideration of it below.

How to activate the “My Tele2” tariff

Switch to tariff package“My Tele2”, as in the case of any other tariff, can be used in several ways at once different ways. You can use any option you choose:

  • Buy a SIM card with a tariff in the official Tele2 online store;
  • Enter a USSD request of the form *630*1# on your smartphone keyboard;
  • Make a phone call to the number ;
  • Use the My Tele2 personal account service of the same name as the tariff.

Detailed conditions of the “My Tele2” tariff

As part of the proposal under discussion, Tele2 subscribers are offered the following conditions:

  • Subscription fee: 7 rubles per day;

Size depending on region subscription fee may vary. In particular, in Moscow - 7 rubles per day, and in St. Petersburg - 8 rubles. Check the size of the subscription fee on the operator’s official website by selecting your region!

  • Calls to telephone numbers of Tele2 subscribers: free and unlimited (both in the home region and to subscriber numbers in other regions of the Russian Federation);
  • Making calls to numbers of third-party operators in the connection area: RUB 1.50. per minute of conversation;
  • Making calls to numbers of third-party operators outside the connection area: RUB 1.50. per minute of conversation;
  • Calls to phone numbers in the CIS countries/Europe and the Baltics/other countries: RUB 30/49/69. per minute of conversation;
  • Making calls to satellite numbers: 240 rub. per minute of conversation;
  • Dispatch text messages: 1.50 rub. for one SMS (regardless of the region);
  • Sending multimedia messages: 6.50 rub. for one MMS:
  • Sending text messages to numbers of foreign operators: 5.50 rubles. for one SMS;
  • Cost of outgoing calls when traveling around the country: 2 rubles. per minute of conversation to any direction (within the networks of Russian operators cellular communication);
  • Mobile Internet: 5 gigabyte quota (per month) included in the subscription fee.

The conditions described above once again confirm that this tariff is “tailored” directly for subscribers who primarily need mobile internet traffic. It is noteworthy that when using 5 gigabytes provided, the service extension is automatically triggered as part of the offer, and the quota is increased by 500 megabytes for an additional 50 rubles.

5 GB. Internet traffic is a fairly serious quota for such a low cost package, which will be quite enough for most average subscribers. This fact can also be confirmed by the fact that within the “My Tele2” tariff, subscribers can use social media and instant messengers (Viber, WhatsApp) with the traffic counter disabled. In addition, in case of non-use of traffic during a month, the remaining quota is transferred to the next month of use tariff plan.

Hello! Today I will show you Very profitable proposition from MTS. You can use unlimited Internet for 4 rubles per day. You will have unlimited access to: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, FB Messenger, Instagram, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, Snapchat, Twitch. For regular users of social networks, this is a great option, only 120 rubles per month! Everything is very simple and fast! Look further!

Open . At the top left, click on the Menu button.

The service page will open. Click on the Connect button. Note:

– Connection cost: 0 rubles.

– Daily fee: 4 rubles.

– Quota: Unlimited.

– Coverage area: All of Russia.

– Unlimited traffic within the resources of social networks and instant messengers at a super price!

Next, a window will open. Click OK, to confirm the activation of the service. After which the VNet option will be enabled on your phone. You will receive an SMS notification.

At the bottom of the page, pay attention to the description of the service.

At the very bottom of the page you can find out the USSD commands for connecting and disabling this service.

How to choose from 100,500 Beeline options exactly the one that suits you? In this article you will find out which of the mobile Internet options is the best on Beeline.

I think this is due to the fact that often the description of tariff plans is written in complex language, sometimes the first time you don’t understand what is written, footnotes, asterisks, unclear wording. This is especially difficult to understand for people whose field of activity is far from communications in general and cellular communications in particular.

In this article, I tried to talk in the simplest human language possible about the current Beeline mobile Internet tariffs.

You can judge how well I succeeded.
Let's start with the line of options called “Highway”.
Highway 1 GB- for 190 rubles per month (below I will convert the tariffs into the cost of one gigabyte). Connect:*115*04#. Disable: *115*040#

Highway 1 GB— for 7 rubles per day (or 210 rubles per month for 1 GB). Connect:*115*03#. Disable: *115*030#

Highway 3 GB- for 13 rubles per day (or 390 rubles per month). Connect:*115*05#. Disable: *115*050#

Highway 3 GB- 350 rubles per month (approximately 117 rubles per 1 GB). Connect:*115*06#. Disable: *115*060#

Highway 5 GB- 495 rubles per month (that’s 99.60 rubles per 1 GB). Connect:*115*07#. Disable: *115*070#

Highway 10 GB- 890 rubles per month (that’s 89 rubles per 1 GB). Connect:*115*08#. Disable: *115*080#

Highway 20 GB- 1290 rubles per month (that’s 64.50 rubles per 1 GB). Connect:*115*09#. Disable: *115*090#

Highway 60 GB- 2500 rubles per month (this is approximately 42 rubles per 1 GB). Connect:*115*10#. Disconnect: *115*100#

100MB per day for 19 rubles (that’s 570 rubles for 3 GB or 190 rubles for 1 GB), but, on the other hand, you can’t use it every day. Connect:*115*00#. Disable: *115*010#

500 MB per day for 29 rubles (870 rubles for 15 GB, that’s 58 rubles for 1 GB). Connect:*115*02#. Disable: *115*020#

Unlimited Internet with Opera Mini for 7 rubles per day.

Options to extend speed 1 and 3 GB for 100 and 200 rubles, respectively (that’s 100 and 67 rubles per 1 GB).

A little trick: it’s better not to connect the 5 and 10 GB highway, since it’s cheaper to take a 3 GB highway and buy more GB using the “Extend speed” option. For example: 6 GB will cost 550 rubles (that is, we get an extra GB for another 55 rubles, this is profitable). Second example: 9 GB will cost 750 rubles (140 rubles cheaper than 10 GB), or 12 GB will cost 950 rubles, that is, we buy ourselves an additional 2 GB for only 60 rubles.

Summary: instead of the Highway 5 and 10 GB options, it is better to take a combination of the 3 GB + extended speed 3 GB options.

There is another advantage to this trick, a little insurance, so to speak. You can’t guarantee yourself that you will use up 5 or 10 GB, but you will definitely spend 3 GB, and when you spend it, then you will buy more, and the additional GB will be valid for 30 days, which means they will be included in the next month, In the end you will get very good savings :).

Answers to popular questions about Beeline mobile Internet tariffs:

Why did the speed drop?

Answer: each “unlimited” tariff provides a certain amount of Internet; when it ends, Internet access remains, but the speed is reduced to 64 kbit/sec. This speed is only sufficient for voice transmission (the video no longer plays, pages load several times slower).

Why can't I use the Internet?

Answer: first of all it is worth it. If everything is in order with the balance, activate the Mobile Internet service. It is free, you only need it to gain access to the Internet at basic, very expensive rates. To connect, type the command: * 110*181#. If these actions do not help, the reason must be looked for elsewhere.

What speed will it be if I take unlimited?

Until the end of the traffic volume under the tariff, the speed will be the maximum possible and depends on the operator’s network, in each locality it may differ. If the speed at your home is below 2 Mbit on a 3G or 4G network, you can use

Life is an amazing thing, it is impossible to foresee everything, I will not describe all possible difficulties, but I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

The MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan from MegaFon allows subscribers to get unlimited access to the Internet in their home region and almost anywhere in Russia with the exception of some regions. The tariff will be of interest first of all active users Internet in 3G/4G format on smartphones and tablets.

Description of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff

The tariff provides for a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which varies depending on the region. For example, subscribers from Moscow and the region will pay 20 rubles daily, and from the Krasnodar Territory - only 11 rubles for the same period. On the official MegaFon website you can get information about the amount of the subscription fee for a particular region.
  • Subscription fee - 20 rubles per day

When connecting to MegaFon Unlimited for the first time or switching from another tariff, the amount for the first 7 days of service is debited from the subscriber’s account. In this case, the subscriber gets access to Internet traffic in the amount of 7/30 of the monthly volume. Starting from the 8th day of using the tariff and on subsequent days, the subscription fee is charged daily.

The minimum advance payment for connection is 160 rubles, the connection itself is free.

The package of services within the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan includes:

  1. 250 minutes of calls to MegaFon and other operators home region. You can use the package of free minutes both in the region where the tariff is connected and outside of it in the Russian Federation.
  2. 200 SMS to numbers of all operators in your home region, including MegaFon. You can send free SMS in your region and while traveling around Russia.
  3. Unlimited mobile internet.
  4. Unlimited on-net calls.

Not included in the service package

If the tariff package limits have expired

If the package of free calls and SMS is exhausted, the subscriber will pay 1.6 rubles per minute for calls to mobile and landline numbers in the home region and 2.9 rubles for calls to landlines and mobile numbers other regions of Russia. Calls to MegaFon numbers remain free if the subscriber talks for no more than 1440 minutes daily. It is difficult to exceed this figure, since 1440 minutes are equal to 24 hours.

Features of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan

Benefits unlimited internet traffic can be used in various regions of Russia. The exceptions are several republics, cities and regions:

  • the cities of Sevastopol and Norilsk;
  • the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Crimea;
  • Magadan and Sakhalin regions;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The cost of 1 MB of traffic in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation is 9.9 rubles.

A SIM card with the current MegaFon Unlimited tariff is used only on tablets and smartphones. There is no provision for installing a SIM card on a router or modem and distributing free internet via Wi-Fi via Bluetooth and USB. In addition, the operator has set speed limits when using file-sharing networks (torrents).

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

To connect to the MegaFon Unlimited tariff, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact any MegaFon salon.
  2. Go to “Personal Account” on the official website, select the “Tariffs” tab and act according to the instructions.
  3. Call the number hotline MegaFon and follow the operator's instructions.
A prerequisite for connecting to the tariff is the presence of sufficient funds in the subscriber’s account. Currently, the tariff plan is archived, so it cannot be activated.

How to disable the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

The tariff is switched off automatically when you change the tariff plan. MegaFon Unlimited is best suited for fans of virtual communication. If a subscriber only occasionally accesses the Internet, but plans to make more calls, he should consider other offers from tariff line Megaphone.

"My tele2" is the most cheap tariff to the “My” tariff plan line. If we take all the tariffs from Tele2, then in the tariff the subscription fee is lower and if you are looking for the minimum price offer, then the classic one will suit you better. After Tele2 introduced a subscription fee on the classic tariff, tariffs without a fixed daily fee disappeared from offers, although formally they don’t charge money every day, but the cost per minute is twice as high, but if you use Tele2 only for incoming calls and use the minimum mobile communications and the Internet, it is better to stay on this tariff without a subscription fee.

In Moscow and the region, the cost of the “my tele2” tariff is set at 7 rubles/day or 210 rubles per month. For this subscription fee you will only receive 5 GB internet included no package of minutes and no SMS. The cost of a minute of call in Moscow and the region is 1.95 rubles per minute, and SMS is 1.95 rubles.

In addition to 5 GB of Internet traffic, you can unlimitedly use social networks, Viber, WhatsApp, there, there, do not pay for the Internet in the Sound and Tele2 TV applications. If you cannot use all 5 GB in a month, the balance will be carried over to the next month and it will be used first, and then new traffic. If you don't use it and next month- it burns out. To determine the date of the billing period and check the amount of remaining traffic, use the ussd command on your phone *105# .

Description of the tariff in Moscow and the region

My Tele2
Subscription fee 7 rubles/day or 210 rubles per month
Package of minutes No package of minutes
Cost of calls to TELE2 in Moscow and the region For free
Cost of calls to TELE2 Russia For free
Internet package 5 GB
+unlimited traffic VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, and messengers
SMS to phone numbers in Moscow and the region 1.95 RUR/SMS
SMS to mobile numbers in Russia 1.95 RUR/SMS
MMS in Russia 6.50 RUR/SMS
SMS abroad 5.50 RUR/SMS
Outgoing roaming within Russia (except Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea) 2 rub./min. rubles per minute
Incoming calls while roaming in Russia (except for Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea) For free
SMS in roaming in Russia (except for Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea) 1.95 RUR/SMS
Calls to numbers in Moscow and the region 1.95 RUR/min
SMS to numbers in Moscow and the region 1.95 RUR/min
Calls to Russian numbers 1.95 RUR/min
SMS to Russian numbers 1.95 RUR/SMS
Cost of calls to the CIS 30.00 rubles per minute
Calls to Europe and the Baltic countries 49.00 rubles per minute
Calls to other countries 69.00 rubles per minute
Internet above the package / in case of non-payment of the subscription fee The “More” option is active/no access
"More" option additional traffic 500 MB for 50.00 rub.
Transferring packages Valid

The subscription fee for the “My Tele2” tariff is charged every day and if your account balance is less than 7 rubles, then the cost of some features of your plan varies. If you are outside the connection region, we strongly recommend that you top up your balance, otherwise you risk spending a lot of money, since with a high degree of probability the cost of incoming and outgoing calls will be about 5 rubles per minute.

Description of the “My tele2” tariff in Moscow and the region in the absence of money to write off the monthly fee.

How to change or switch to the My Tele2 tariff in Moscow and the region.

To switch to tariff "My Tele2" you can type ussd command: *630*1# or connect the tariff through your personal account.

The transition cost is free only if you have not changed your tariff within 30 days. Otherwise, the cost of the transition will be 150 rubles.

How to disable the Tele2 tariff in Moscow and the region

There are three ways to disable a tariff plan: (for example, for a tariff without a monthly fee), blocking the SIM card, or long-term non-use of the number.

You can block a SIM card in personal account, or by request:

  • to support service - 611
  • to the communication salon

To block a SIM card, identification is required:

  • by phone - a codeword, PUK code of the SIM card or owner’s passport details
  • in the communication salon - an identity document
  • No additional identification is required in your personal account.

If you do not use your number within 4 months and do not credit money to it, then your contract goes into inactive mode. In this mode, 3 rubles will be withdrawn from your account every day until the balance reaches zero or you top up your account. Further, if within 6 months it persists zero balance Tele2 will terminate the contract with you and the number can go to another person. At the same time, you will be disconnected from the “My Tele2” tariff.

How to find out the remaining minutes and traffic on Tele2 tariffs

To obtain information on the consumption of your Internet packages, SMS and calls, dial USSD command: *155*0#