Telephone services for the office. Landline phone to the office. Analog and IP telephony

A person spends most of his adult life communicating with colleagues, clients, friends, bosses, or simply acquaintances and strangers. Communication is one of the fundamental needs of each of us. That is why, since the times of signal fires, humanity has been developing new and improving established means of communication. The telephone entered our daily life at the beginning of the 19th century. At first these were bulky and inconvenient devices. But, improving year after year, the telephone eventually became one of the most advanced means of communication. Today, the telephone is the most popular means of communication for billions of people. A telephone networks, have already covered the whole world and are present in all parts of the world.

Our advantages

Free visit to inspect the facility in Moscow and the Moscow Region
Free compilation commercial offer or project
Efficiency - from your first call to the start of installation work 3-5 days


Telephonization, in a general sense, is the process of providing an office, enterprise or other facility with internal and external telephone communications, means of switching and other equipment. Full telephone installation significantly improves labor productivity both in the office and in enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Eg office telephone installation- good form for any self-respecting organization. The following types of telephone networks are distinguished:

  • Internal telephone network. It is used to connect subscribers within the territory of one facility (office rooms) or a group of them (communication between various workshops, administrative buildings and other facilities in a large enterprise).
  • External telephone network. It involves connecting the internal telephone network with the outside world through a centralized external line. The connection can be either single-channel or multi-channel.

Functionally and in terms of design, telephone systems are divided into two types - analog and digital. Analogue telephony is a well-known type of telephone communication, available to us since the times of the Soviet Union. Its widespread use, simplicity and accessibility are the main positive qualities of this system. Digital telephony - modern look telephone communications, characterized by integration into modern computer and network protocols.

This subtype of digital telephony as IP telephony is gaining increasing popularity all over the world. He is distinguished by such positive qualities as:

    • Low cost of telephone calls.
    • Excellent quality of communication and fax transmission.
    • Combined access to computer network Internet.
    • Global roaming.
    • Low equipment cost compared to analog communications.

Design, installation and maintenance of telephone networks

Telephone installation design

Professional design is the key to high functionality, reliability and long-term, uninterrupted operation of your telephone networks. At the initial design stage, information about the object is obtained, the features and specifics of the building and/or its premises are studied. The main tasks of the telephone network are clarified. At the next stage, a detailed technical specification for laying a telephone network is drawn up and approved with the customer. Having in hand the initially agreed upon telephone installation project Our specialists begin detailed design of the telephone network. In parallel, it is being developed explanatory note to the project.

Telephone installation

The installation of telephone networks carried out by our specialists is a professional and high-quality job, completed on time. Our specialists have an understanding of all the nuances and difficulties that may arise when laying telephone networks at facilities of any complexity and configuration. Telephone installation includes the installation of the telephone network itself, checking and testing the network and communication equipment, installation and configuration of cross-connect equipment, installation and configuration of PBX and all additional equipment.

Telephone network maintenance

Maintenance is a set of works aimed at maintaining good condition and compliance given parameters your telephone network. Over time, it may become necessary to perform preventive and repair maintenance on your telephone network. Our highly qualified specialists will quickly identify and eliminate any faults in your communication networks of any complexity. We monitor all innovations in the field of telecommunications technologies, which always allows us to guarantee high quality service for telephone networks. Carrying out all necessary preventive maintenance will allow your telephone network to operate efficiently, stably and uninterruptedly.

Our company is a guarantee of reliability, quality and high level of service

In conditions modern world, telecommunications play a major role in everyday life and work. Reliable communication in your office, store or shopping center will significantly increase productivity and the level of comfort of the entire team. Our company guarantees the quality of all work from the design and installation of your telephone network to its preventive and repair maintenance. We also conduct efficient setup PBX of any class and type. By contacting our company, you are contacting professionals in their field.

Office telephone installation: how to organize from scratch and without problems. The work of any company involves constant telephone communication, both internal, between employees, and external, with clients, partners and suppliers. At a certain stage of business development, a landline telephone cannot fully cover the company's needs for telephone communication. Then the owners think about organizing telephony that can provide them with corporate and external communications.

But installing telephones in an office can be problematic, since installing wires, creating additional channels and connecting various options takes time. In addition, these services are expensive, and the fee international calls– high. Decide this problem IP telephony will help. Connecting it and setting the necessary parameters does not take much time. Tariffs for connecting and using this type of communication are affordable.

What is office telephone installation?

Telephone installation is a process that involves providing an office or any other facility with a telecommunications system, including everything necessary for external and internal telephone communications. The ability to organize IP telephony for an office has made this process much easier - there is no need to buy and install any additional equipment or install telephone lines.

The software required for telephone installation is located on the server of the IP telephony provider - this frees the office from bulky PBXs and telephone cables. If the need arises to move, the company's telephone number remains the same, there is no need to look for a new analog telephone service provider.

Office telephone installation

Office telephone installation using IP services

Setting up an office telephone using IP services is not difficult. This procedure produced within a few days. Answering questions, it can be noted that IP telephony:

  • Can be used together with analog. But you will need to install an IP gateway to which the wires will be connected;
  • Existing phone numbers can be connected to the IP network. But it would be more rational to use virtual numbers;
  • Radiotelephones and other telephone devices are installed at the request of the customer. They are not required to use the technology;
  • To use this technology, you will need to install Skype/one of the SIP applications, as well as basic software;
  • When connecting a virtual PBX, all devices that will be used are connected to it (regardless of the location of each of them);
  • Then additional channels are created, after which employees of remote offices/warehouses/production sites can communicate with each other and transfer calls;
  • Calls within the network are free;
  • The throughput of an office PBX is determined by the number of channels connected initially;
  • The required connection speed is calculated based on the expected call flow;
  • Users of analogue communication services will be able to call at the usual rates in their region;
  • Calls from landlines and mobile phones will be received without problems;
  • Tariffs for this type of communication are cheaper, and the quality of communication is better;
  • IP telephony will become a more rational solution than analogue services.

The Freezvon company allows the possibility of connecting regular numbers to an IP network, a combination of using analogue and virtual telephony. To implement this idea, you will need to install an IP gateway to which telephone sets will be connected. But this option is not recommended, since the likelihood of failures increases sharply. It would be more rational to use virtual numbers with forwarding to mobile/radio phones.

Virtual mini PBX is the most flexible, thoughtful, suitable for use in a wide variety of business areas. If you have a remote office/premises, making a telephone connection will be more problematic than using the existing Internet connection. The decision to connect IP telephony will be the most rational. Thus, you will be able to connect not only remote offices, but also warehouses and industrial premises to the network.

Calls within the network will be free, and tariffs for using the service will be low. Landline/mobile phone users will be able to get through without any problems. Therefore, there is no need to connect to the telephone network. Skype/SIP applications are needed to forward calls to user accounts. The main software will be installed by Freezvon specialists after making the necessary calculations.

Why is office telephone installation becoming a problem for managers?

Office telephone installation often becomes a problem for managers, since initial stage many questions and additional nuances arise. Business owners often ask questions:

  1. Is it worth laying wires and installing radiotelephones?
  2. How important is it for employees to be able to go out into the hallway to talk on the phone?
  3. How necessary is a connection to a landline telephone line?
  4. Will IP telephony be a more rational solution?
  5. What connection speed will be required for uninterrupted use this type of communication?
  6. Is it possible to connect existing phone numbers to an IP network?
  7. What will be required to connect remote offices/warehouses/production sites to the network?
  8. Will there be charges for calls within the network?
  9. How many calls will it be possible to process within 24 hours?
  10. Which software will need to be installed?

The answers to all these questions determine the entrepreneur’s choice in favor of analogue/SIP telephony. In addition, taking into account all the nuances directly on site will allow you to satisfy the company’s needs as fully as possible.

The first step is to choose an IP telephony provider. Next, you should order a virtual number - a service that provides a mobile, landline or Toll Free phone number with the code of the desired country, city or mobile operator. These numbers are various types, intended for calls, SMS and faxes.

For offices, city virtual numbers are most often used; they can be made multi-channel, if necessary, and the Toll Free number is the default. If you want to organize a call center, or still need an autonomous telephone exchange, you can order a virtual PBX, thereby gaining access to the server where all information about your company’s calls will be stored.

This service includes a virtual number, free calls within the network, recording all conversations, and also allows you to create SIP accounts for cheap outgoing calls over the Internet. You can quickly change parameters and connect additional devices after the company expands independently through the user account on the website / with the help of Freezvon specialists.

Still have questions? Contact Freezvon technical support. Our specialists work 24/7 and are always ready to answer all your questions. You can contact them via Skype, email, online chat or call the numbers below.

Nowadays, good telephone communication is a vital necessity for any business. And the higher its quality, the easier it is to establish contacts with clients and partners. The Multicom company has already for a long time operates in the market for services of this profile and is engaged in installing telephones in offices and buildings. Extensive experience and the use of only the latest technologies allow us to provide companies with guaranteed quality services.

Today it is difficult to imagine an organization that would not have access to telephone communications. Connecting a landline telephone is the first thing that managers of large and small companies think about when setting up their office. This is not surprising, given the number important issues, which management and employees of the organization have to solve every day by telephone.

How are landline telephones installed?

If a company needs a landline telephone for an office in Moscow, then you should definitely contact our company for help. Our specialists will be happy to answer all your questions and offer the following connection options:

The first and most standard option for implementing telephone communication in an office is a traditional city number, which can be obtained by laying a cable. But a number of problems are possible here; standard telephone communication may be accompanied by some difficulties.

Firstly, in large cities, as a rule, everyone available options have already been sorted out, and getting a landline phone number for a new office can be very, very difficult. After all, the number of offers of city phone numbers is limited. The same applies to connecting additional numbers and lines if the business grows and expands and requires improved communications, new phone numbers or new lines, that is, multi-channel. In addition, the chances of getting a well-remembered number here are very, very low. The disadvantages of this type of communication are obvious, and, first of all, there is a limited number of numbers and little opportunity to expand the business and the entire system. As already mentioned, with such a connection it is more difficult to increase the number of telephone lines on one telephone number, that is, to organize a multi-channel telephone number. But the Multicom company can provide you with the required number of direct lines and numbers. The latter, by the way, you can choose at your own discretion. It is possible to select the most easily remembered numbers.

The second option, which has become increasingly popular nowadays, is setting up a virtual direct landline phone number. This “direct virtual telephone number” service is a very convenient option for those who want to quickly and effectively solve all communication problems in such a simple way. If you do not have the opportunity to bring a telephone to the office permanently, then an Internet connection will help, which is often easier to connect. If there is at least one of the channels, this will solve almost all communication problems. In this case, a telephone cable is not laid, but a connection is established via the Internet, which makes it possible to connect a telephone in almost any territory.

There are quite a lot of advantages here. On the one hand, communication can be established in any place where there is Internet, while the functionality here is much wider, plus, it is worth mentioning the widest possibilities of a virtual PBX.

However, it is not enough just to buy a landline phone; you also need to make sure that the quality of communication is really decent, because this significantly affects the results of negotiations. The Multicom company has extensive experience in installing landline telephones and uses Newest technologies telephone installation, thanks to which many corporate clients convinced of high quality services provided.

What does a virtual phone number provide?

In reality, it works the same as the real one, the only significant difference is its structure. It allows you to connect a telephone to the office without unnecessary problems, even where there simply cannot be a landline telephone line in principle. And at the same time, it is possible to enjoy all the advantages of direct city numbers.

A landline number obtained via the Internet makes it possible to conduct business anywhere, while at the same time receiving calls as landline phone. At the same time, the functionality of the virtual exchange allows you to redirect calls to where they are required, including combining mobile phones into a single network. So, if you need a telephone for your office, but don’t want to spend money on renting expensive premises, then you can simply connect a virtual direct landline number and receive calls from it in any other place.

The Multicom company can offer you a large number of options, convenient direct numbers starting with 499, 495, 8-800, additional services in the form of multi-channel and virtual numbers, IP ATC and much more. Our priority area of ​​activity is working with corporate clients.

The Multicom company will help you solve communication problems. We will get the phone to the office in a short time and at minimal cost. Depending on the needs of the business, the right solution will be found. We have an extensive network of city lines, which allows you to organize high-quality telephone communication without unnecessary problems.

By contacting the Multicom company, each client can count on fast telephone communication to the office, convenient direct numbers, a large number of options and additional services. We will help you quickly solve your communication problems, saving your time and money. Order the service "Phone to the office, Moscow", and in as soon as possible a multi-line telephone with numbers 495 and 499 will be connected in your office.

It is difficult to imagine a successful company without high-quality telephone communications: any business requires constant communications with clients, partners and employees. The costs of installing telephones for a large company are quite significant: the purchase of equipment, connection fees and line maintenance. You can reduce costs by using it in the office modern technologies- IP telephony. However, not only budget savings are important. Only communications that fully meet the needs of the company can guarantee operational efficiency. We will compare the quality and flexibility of analogue and IP telephony settings, as well as the cost of connecting and making calls within each type of communication.

Which telephony system to choose for the office: truth - in comparison

On this moment Telephony connection is carried out in two ways: using analog and IP telephony. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Classical system - this is the connection of one or more subscribers to a telecom operator with the allocation of an individual telephone number for each of them. This type of telephony is acceptable only for companies for which one or two lines are enough, that is, small businesses, small shops or offices with a low frequency of incoming and outgoing calls. For large companies, this approach carries too high costs, because connecting and maintaining each number will cost money.

An analogue mini-PBX helps to partially solve this problem, which “distributes” existing lines to internal telephones subscribers, creating the so-called multi-channel system communications . Thus, many employees can use one number, but the number of simultaneous incoming and outgoing calls will not exceed the number of installed lines. However, this rule does not apply to internal calls - employees can communicate with each other without restrictions. This method of organizing telephony is suitable for small and medium-sized companies for which internal corporate conversations are important and there is no need to large quantity calls.

Until recently, analogue telephony using a regular telephone cable was the only possible way ensure reliability and quality of voice communication. But in recent years the situation has changed: digital telephony can now provide unmatched audio quality and link resiliency at significantly lower costs. Thus, the use of IP telephony will reduce the cost of long-distance calls by 30–40%, as well as save 10% on local calls (if compared with prices for analog communications).


  • when moving your office existing number can be saved;
  • call forwarding function to Cell Phones increases the mobility of company employees;
  • it is possible to organize audio and video conferences, call centers, hotlines;
  • connected services for recording and listening to conversations help improve the quality of service;
  • it is possible to create a complex voice menu;
  • you can easily and quickly manage communication services and change settings within a virtual PBX;
  • An existing analog number can be saved by converting it to IP telephony format.

As a result, office IP telephony has significant advantages over classical telephony, which is why the number of its users is steadily growing every year.

Connecting IP telephony is possible both simultaneously with the Internet connection to the office, and later. For large organizations or those who need a call center, it is advisable to allocate a separate Internet channel for transmitting voice data; this will make the work more stable and make it possible to organize up to 30 telephone lines simultaneously.

According to statistics, the most popular area of ​​use of IP telephony is trade (slightly more than 30% of total number companies). If we add to this companies providing services (25%), creating websites (more than 8%) and Internet marketing (almost 7%), the total comes out to about 70% of organizations. The Central Federal District is the leader in the number of rooms per company: there are 1.4 rooms per office.

Equipment for organizing communication in the office

With classic analog telephones, the situation is more or less clear: when organizing a traditional type of communication, you need to buy regular telephones and, if necessary, a mini-PBX. These types of equipment differ both in cost (from the most inexpensive models costing hundreds of rubles, to system stations costing several tens of thousands) and in the number of supported functions (DECT phone, conference phone, etc.).

If you opt for IP communication services, then you will need the appropriate IP phones. In Russia, the most popular devices are from manufacturers Gigaset, Cisco, AudioCodes. An alternative to purchasing special equipment is connecting classic telephone sets to an IP gateway - an adapter that converts analog signal in digital. You can connect several phones to such a device at once, thereby reducing equipment costs. It is possible to use regular cell phones and smartphones, using special software or forwarding settings. In this case, no additional expenses will be required for the purchase of equipment. And finally, it is popular to organize telephony through office computers and laptops- the necessary software package is installed on them and in the future all that remains to make calls is to purchase a headset.

Connecting analogue telephony, including the purchase of a mini-PBX and other equipment, will cost approximately 50,000 rubles. Organizing a virtual PBX will cost much less - from 2000–2500 rubles.

There are situations when company offices are located in areas remote from large cities (for example, in the Arctic), where the possibility of organizing analogue and Internet communications is, in principle, absent. In such cases, you can purchase satellite phones and connect the relevant services. Prices for this type connections are very high, and the quality is much worse than other options. However, in the absence of alternatives, satellite telephony becomes the only possible solution.

Stages of connecting and setting up office telephony

To install a telephone in the office, you first need to decide what type of connection will be used. As a rule, large organizations first draw up technical specifications, in which they determine the number and types of telephone sets and lines, the need to install a mini-PBX, and also select a provider company, focusing on conditions and tariffs.

If selected analog type connection, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Submitting an application for connection to the operator.
  2. Laying cables.
  3. Installation of telephone sets.
  4. Checking system performance and communication quality.
  5. Employee training.

Additionally, an agreement is concluded service. The whole process may take a long time - this will depend on the number of free lines and employees of the operator, as well as on the technical complexity of the connection.

For those companies that have chosen IP telephony, connecting to the service is much faster - 10–15 minutes - and is carried out in “ Personal account» on the provider’s website. At the same time, the capabilities of the tool are impressive:

  • connecting an almost unlimited number of telephones (this is especially important for organizing call centers or hotlines);
  • detailed statistics on communication costs;
  • connecting the “virtual secretary” function;
  • opportunity quick setup redirects and other parameters;
  • call recording;
  • drawing up blacklists;
  • providing reports on any parameter of interest and much more.

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Office PBX: IP telephony for the office

IP-PBX for the office was created specifically to work in conditions of almost unlimited numbering capacity of the existing corporate network and allows you not to spend money on expensive equipment such as a call center.

The IP telephony system makes it easy to contact any employee, organize a conference call, to which you can connect remote subscribers. To do this, call a specific number, then sequentially dial the numbers of other employees participating in the meeting. For convenience, a list of telephone numbers of regular participants is entered directly into the IP station settings. The office PBX will automatically call participants and signal the start of the conference.

Application of automatic telephone exchange in the enterprise

Organization of IP telephony in the office provides ample opportunities for all structural divisions of the company.

  • Secretary.

To reduce the load on the secretary, the telephone exchange has an IVR system. It allows the subscriber to independently select the desired department in voice menu. If the secretary's phone is busy, the equipment automatically places the call in an intelligent queue, which reduces the number of abandoned calls.

In addition, the IP PBX uses a virtual fax function to automatically receive images and send them by mail. The equipment also allows the secretary to send a fax from his PC directly during a conversation.

  • Sales department.

The built-in ACD service distributes calls to available office employees. When all specialists are busy, the call is placed in a queue and goes to the first available operator. It is important that dialing any sales department employee is also possible directly, bypassing the ACD system.

  • Technical support service.

All calls addressed to the enterprise technical support service are processed by the IVR system. In the voice menu, the subscriber is asked to select the type of product for which consultation is required. After this, the call is sent to the required specialist. If all employees are busy, the PBX transfers it to the smart queue.

  • Security Service.

Conversations between technical support and sales staff are automatically recorded in the memory of the IP telephony device using the Sprut-7UX system. At the same time, the organization’s database gets full information about the call: date, time, incoming and outgoing numbers, call duration. In addition to listening to recordings, it is possible to listen to conversations of interest in real time.

  • Management.

IP telephony opens up great opportunities for management, in particular for commercial and general directors. For example, a manager can activate the DND (“do not disturb”) mode for the duration of a meeting, leave a request for a call back, or activate automatic dialing to the subscriber. Also open to office management full access to the Sprut-7UX system to listen to recordings or ongoing conversations with one click of a button.


Among the advantages of ATS for an enterprise it is worth noting:

  • use of a flexible call queue mechanism with automatic forwarding when busy and the ability to order a call back for the client;
  • free direct communication between employees of remote offices (does not use office channels intended for client calls);
  • call routing, which allows you to automate the optimal selection of the direction of outgoing IP telephony calls for the office;
  • simultaneous processing of multiple calls by multi-channel IVR service, thanks to it, the loss of customers who did not wait for the call to be answered is minimized;
  • individual call forwarding to mobile phone an employee if he is traveling;
  • receiving and sending a fax directly from the workplace using the office virtual PBX fax machine (Agat FAX Sender programs);
  • switching an international call to a regular line in case of unavailability of IP communication.

Taking into account various parameters (subscriber number, date, dialed commands), IP telephony equipment automatically processes calls, recording messages, establishing the required connection or sending it to a queue if the employee is busy. Using a highly sensitive “hook detector” allows you to disconnect the connection, avoiding the call getting stuck.

In turn, the specialized telephony architecture of office PBXs makes it possible to establish control over the entire territorial distributed network from the main office. This is achieved through the use of a single software for configuring and setting up the PBX, and a control system and monitoring the operation of the PBX network for the office. Thus, there is no need to have a PBX specialist in each office.

Office PBX equipment from provides the ability to integrate with various types systems:

  • "Sprut-7", which allows you to record, view, edit and re-listen to telephone conversations;
  • 1C:CRM, when using which an employee sees the client’s data on the monitor during a call and can easily dial it by activating a line in the database with the mouse (the stages of a possible transaction are recorded);
  • "Sprut-Inform", which automates the distribution of voice, fax and SMS alerts via existing communication channels (and over an IP network), using the company's database.

Capabilities of the office IP-PBX "Agat UX"

Can be registered on several provider servers at once, which allows you to use the services various operators, since it supports the H323 and SIP protocols and has a built-in SIP Proxy server.

IP-PBX for the office provides reliable communication thanks to the “everyone to everyone” structural model, which ensures that the network operates regardless of the failure of one of its elements or the shutdown of the central IP switch.

Setting up an office IP-PBX is carried out using a Russian-language configurator program. A high degree of protection against hacking, versatility, and ease of maintenance make the office PBX from Agat-RT a profitable purchase for your business.

    Head of the IT department of Topol-EKO Antonov Evgeniy: “I would like to note another important advantage of the IP PBX Agat UX - the ability to remotely configure and administer the station. Together with Agat RT engineers, we drew up a detailed technical specification, according to which the same engineers pre-configured all our 11 automatic telephone exchanges in the company’s Moscow office. The automatic telephone exchanges were ready for work, our corporate network was deployed in full, as they say “on my desk”, we were able to test it, make sure that everything worked, prepared instructions for connecting lines for local specialists and sent the stations to branches. On the given day and hour, all 11 PBXs were connected to the corporate IP network, and we began using the new telephony for the entire company at once. Further adjustments to the settings were made by us from Moscow without any difficulties.”

    Topol Eco

    Krasnov Nikolay, leading engineer of the technical department of JSC VOKBANK: “When starting the project to install telephones for the bank from scratch, 8 years ago, I was not a specialist in the field of telephony. I chose Agat UX because of the availability of Russian-language documentation and support, and I was not mistaken. Over the years, I have become a certified specialist in IP PBX Agat UX. Now the entire telephone network of our bank is built on the basis of various IP PBX Agat UX models.”

    A special feature of organizing communications for any oil-producing enterprise is the need to ensure communication between remote field facilities and the head office. Often, fields are located in places where there is no traditional telephone connection and no possibility of direct connection to the PSTN. At the same time, the work of these facilities is associated with increased danger and its employees must always be able to quickly contact the central office. It is to ensure such important components of the enterprise telephone communication, a modern IP PBX Agat UX manufactured by Agat RT was chosen.