The processor is slowing down, what should I do? The computer takes a long time to boot, what should I do? Installation of more powerful components

If your PC slows down, it causes you maximum inconvenience, as it appears at the most inopportune moment. This happens due to the fact that preventive maintenance of the machine’s operation, both inside and outside, is not regularly carried out.

Reasons for lags

There may be a number of reasons why your computer has become slow:

You can get rid of this as follows:

  • In Start, go to the “Run” line;
  • enter "msconfig";
  • in the tab that appears, select the submenu - “startup”;
  • uncheck all unnecessary processes (except ctfmon). Then click “OK” and reboot;
  • Storing information on the system drive C can also be a cause of retardation. The load on the disk negatively affects its performance and performance;
  • viruses. The most common reason that occurs due to the lack of an antivirus, or due to its passivity;
  • if you use a desktop PC, you need to clean it from dust system unit inside.

Programs for computer optimization

Optimization software, as it were. in simple words- These are assistants that remove stagnant garbage on the computer.

CCleaner or Autologistic Bootspeed:

  • easy to use;
  • frees up space on your hard drive;
  • cleans the registry;
  • fixes existing system errors;
  • deletes unused files.

There are only 4 sections:

This makes it easy to use. Beginner level users should use the “clean” option. You can schedule cleaning automatically by setting the time and date in the settings. If you are able to understand which file can be deleted and which cannot, then use the “registry” item.

Wise Care 365 and information about it:

Why Weiss Care 365 and its advantages:

  • Weiss Care 365 allows you to control the PC shutdown at the time you need;
  • will help if you want to hide a specific file or folder;
  • if you accidentally delete the necessary material, you can restore it using this program;
  • a large selection of languages ​​for the interface, including the ability to choose Russian.

Glary Utilities

There are only 3 sections in the interface:

  1. short review;
  2. one click;
  3. modules.

The first section contains useful tasks “Startup Manager” and “Deep Cleaning”. The second section includes “registry cleaning” and “spyware removal.”

So you can:

  • speed up the system;
  • destroy unnecessary material;
  • manage startup;
  • block the work of pests;
  • clean disks;
  • restore the system.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer

Like previous programs, Ashampoo frees up space, fixes errors, but also provides better performance and preserves your privacy. The main thing is that this software takes up little space, includes several useful modules and launches quickly.

Video: PC freezes

What to do if your computer lags a lot

In this case, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to ensure that the cause of the lags is eliminated. And the reasons may be:

  • a disk that has not been cleaned using various cleaners to optimize the computer, as well as a disk that has not been cleaned manually. If you need to remove stagnant unnecessary audio and video files;
  • no automatic download necessary files when turned on, which need to be turned off;
  • defragmentation that you rarely perform, which needs to be performed at least once a month;
  • uninstalled or not updated antiviruses;
  • disk overload, to solve this problem you can use CD/DVD or portable hard drives;
  • dusty “insides” of your hardware, this can be eliminated with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Rare reinstallation of the system has a “braking” effect on the operation of the PC.

We now know what to do when the computer lags very badly, remember, in order for your machine to work faster, you need to eliminate the reasons described above, sometimes it’s enough just to reinstall the system or defragment the drive.

Cleaning from dust

Infrequent cleaning of equipment leads to overheating of its components, which is why the machine begins to become “dull.” To prevent this, you need to look inside your PC at least once a year.

How to clean:

You should monitor the processor temperature; this can be done using special utilities, which were mentioned above. After cleaning, pay attention to the temperature; if it has not changed, then you should replace the thermal paste located between the processor and the cooler.

Removing viruses

Very often, it is viruses that affect the decline in performance. And their destruction is an important step towards productive work. Viruses must be removed using special utilities - antiviruses. The program is ideal for this purpose Dr.Web Cureit.

Existing free, time-tested ones, such as Microsoft Security Essentials, Comodo Internet Security they deprive you of the risk of remaining dissatisfied.

After choosing the software, all you have to do is:
  • install it;
  • remove viruses;
  • update your antivirus regularly.


For high-quality operation of a PC, a sufficient amount of RAM is necessary. If there is a shortage of it, the paging file is activated, where data that is not currently in use is sent, which leads to “braking”. In order for your computer to run faster, you should increase the RAM.

The paging file must remain in any case so that memory minidumps can be recorded.

You can solve the problem as follows:

  • install SSD drive;
  • use a flash drive as a cache in which the system will place frequently used data (you should install it in the slot located at the back of the system unit, since you go straight to motherboard, and this eliminates additional interference). This technology called Readyboost.

Freeing up space on the HDD

Free space on the hard drive is necessary for the system to boot. There should be at least 5 gigabytes left.

While you are working with the HDD, the file is split into parts and involuntarily “scattered” in different corners; searching for parts makes it difficult for the PC to work. Defragmenting a file finds all these pieces and saves them in one place.

To perform defragmentation you must:

  1. close all applications;
  2. go to “My Computer”;
  3. click the right mouse button;
  4. open “Properties”;
  5. go to the “Service” tab;
  6. Click the “Defragmentation” button.

After the requirements are met, “Disk Optimization” will open, after which you need to:

  • click the “Analyze” button;
  • When the analysis is complete, click the Defragment/Optimize button;
  • You can also perform defragmentation using special utilities.

Video: cleaning your computer

Cleaning the registry

A register is a kind of “cabinet” in which information is located on each shelf: its weight, location, and purpose of action.

As a rule, even after deleting unnecessary files, the information in the registry remains. All kinds of errors, file extensions, old versions of software, even old information about the activity of viruses remain there.

  1. Cleaning the registry is possible using special utilities; to perform this particular function, the following will suit you:
  2. CCleaner
  3. jw PowerTool

AusLogics BoostSpeed

Regularly check and monitor your hardware, namely, to ensure that debris does not accumulate both on its parts and on the system itself. Reinstall the system periodically.

Modern computers have fairly high performance. Even the cheapest system unit works an order of magnitude faster than gaming computer ten years ago. Unfortunately, sooner or later any personal computer user is faced with significant system slowdown. Any action takes much longer than it did before. Playing media files, launching applications, and even moving from one directory to another takes an extremely long time.

The most unpleasant thing in this case is that many factors can cause deterioration in PC performance. However, you can identify a number of the most common reasons and find out how to deal with them. So, why does your computer slow down and how can you try to fix it?

Perhaps one of the main reasons for the deterioration of computer performance is associated with the entry of malicious software into the operating system. Fortunately, PC virus infection can be easily distinguished from other factors. Once malware gets in, the computer not only slows down, but also the interface slows down, the operating system regularly crashes. The most common signs of viruses entering your computer include:

  • Computer freezes for no reason
  • Inability to delete one or another
  • An unidentified file appears in all directories
  • Destruction of text and graphic files
  • Encrypting user files
  • Ads appearing on the desktop

To clean a PC from viruses, the user will have to sacrifice some data. The fact is that even after installing anti-virus software, not all files will pass quarantine. Most of the data, unfortunately, will be deleted.

One way or another, a person has only one option: install reliable anti-virus software and conduct a full system scan, agreeing to delete “incurable” files.

The most reliable antivirus programs include: dr. Web, NOD32 and Kaspersky.

What advice can you give to users? Everything is very simple, after Windows installations, first of all, anti-virus software is installed, after which the user should only apply applications from official sites, or, in extreme cases, from .

Splitting the hard drive into two local disks is certainly useful. In case of any problems with the OS, the user simply reinstalls the system.

But sometimes users allocate an extremely small amount of space for operating system. As a result, after installing Windows, there is little left on “C” (the letter Windows assigns to the system drive by default). free space, and if you install several large applications such as Photoshop or After Effects, there will be even less free space left.

Over time, a lot of temporary files, game saves, temporary files, unfinished projects and much more accumulate on the local C drive.

To clean up garbage, the easiest way is to use the CCleaner program, the database of which contains files that can be deleted without consequences for the operating system. In addition, a PC user should regularly delete browser history.

I can give you one more piece of advice. Recently, more and more people are using Google browser Chrome. This browser has one convenient feature, namely, the creation of multiple profiles. Many people get carried away with this feature, creating dozens of profiles, but one profile takes up about 500 megabytes of disk space.

Surely many users are familiar with the situation when the computer works relatively stable, but when starting even the simplest game, the PC begins to make annoying noise, and the processor is loaded at 100%.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem among those users who purchased a ready-made system unit. Many people simply do not know that a computer is not a TV or any other electronic device. The structure of the system unit is designed in such a way that during the day, a huge volume of air passes through its case, and along with it, dust gets onto the parts. Over time, coolers, radiators and the surface of components begin to become covered with a layer of dust.

As a result, the cooling system is not able to properly cope with cooling the computer.

To check the temperature of the power supply, just place your palm on the back case, in some cases, the temperature is such that it is simply impossible to hold your hand.

To check the temperature of other components, you will need third-party software, such as AIDA64.

Normal temperatures under load should be approximately as follows:

  1. Processor - no more than 60 degrees Celsius
  2. System board - within 40 degrees
  3. Video card - no more than 70
  4. Hard drive - up to 40 degrees

Of course, this all depends on the individual details of each build. For example, AMD processors run hotter than Intel processors.

If you don't decide for a long time this problem, computer components begin to wear out quickly, and as a result, the PC will simply fail.

To solve this problem, you need to disassemble the system unit, clean every part from dust (especially) and replace the thermal paste on the processor, video card and motherboard chipset.

Gradual wear of the hard drive

Each part in the system unit has a limited service life. However, some components fail earlier than others, for example, the processor rarely fails, while HDD works stably for no more than five years on average.

Term of the work hard drive most often depends on the quality of workmanship, however, some user actions can significantly extend the service life of the component.

Firstly, as mentioned above, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the part, and secondly, carry out.

The structure of the hard drive is designed in such a way that the head moves along the surface of the magnetic plate, reading the information scattered on it.

For example, in order to play a video file, the heads move across the entire surface of the hard drive, looking for necessary information, accordingly, over time, the moving mechanisms wear out greatly. Defragmentation is designed to group information about a file in one place, instead of searching for it throughout the drive.

Lack of RAM as a reason for computer slowdown

When any application is launched, its data is loaded into, accordingly, the more complex the task assigned to the system, the more RAM will be spent on its execution. Some modern games require at least 16 gigabytes of RAM.

The shortage of RAM is especially acute when working with browsers. The more tabs you have open, the busier it is. RAM.

There are many solutions to this problem, for example, increasing the size of the paging file, due to which, after the RAM is full, the data will be charged into a specially designated sector on the hard drive, but at the same time, the speed of the computer will invariably decrease.

The only way out of this situation is to purchase additional RAM. Unfortunately, if a buyer is using DDR2 or DDR3 and decides to upgrade new type memory, DDR4, along with RAM, he will have to change the motherboard.

If we compare the system unit with the human body, the processor can be called its heart. Thanks to central processor All calculations are performed on a computer.

A weak processor is not able to play high-definition videos, run high-performance games, convert multimedia files, etc.

Many PC users try to increase the frequency of the component, but unfortunately, this can not be done with every processor, and the resulting power will still not be enough for complex calculations.

Unfortunately, as with RAM, this part will have to be replaced.

Surely many people are annoyed when, after turning on the computer, previously installed applications, such as Skype, antivirus software or uTorrent, start popping up on the screen.

Not only prevents you from getting started quickly, but also affects overall performance systems.

To disable autoloading, in the settings of each program you need to uncheck the “load the program with Windows” option.

You should leave autoloading only in those programs where it is truly important, for example anti-virus software or virtual disks Alcohol 120%.

Many PC users are not even aware of the existence of the registry, but it is in it that all information about installed applications, registration, system settings, etc.

Over time, the registry becomes filled with garbage left by remote applications, which prevents the system from working as expected.

To solve this problem, you must either have a good understanding of the registry, or use the same CCleaner application, which will automatically delete all unnecessary entries.

The computer slows down when using the browser

Many users complain that the computer slows down when working with . Unfortunately, the problem is rarely in the browser.

Indeed, sometimes the Flash player crashes, which leads to a RAM leak, but this happens extremely rarely.

The browser itself is very demanding on processor performance, and especially on RAM. In this case, a person must simply replace the outdated components of the system unit. In addition, it would be a good idea to clear your browser cache and browsing history from time to time.

We have looked at the main reasons why your computer slows down. For stable operation of the system, regular maintenance is required. personal computer, both technical and software. If you handle computer equipment with care, your computer can last for many years.


One of the most pressing and probably eternal problems of all PC users is why does the computer slow down? After all, when you bought your brand new computer, it didn’t even show any signs of slowing down. There are many reasons that cause your computer to freeze, and that’s what I’ll write about today. I will also write methods for dealing with the most common problems. First, let’s make a rating of the most common reasons causing your computer to freeze and slow down:

In fact, there are even more reasons why your computer may slow down; if such a need arises, I will write the second part of the article. Now let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Computer slows down due to viruses

– Problem This is one of the main reasons why your computer has become noticeably slower. You may not even think about the existence of viruses on your computer until you see the first reasons for their existence. such prerequisites may be:

  • Computer freezes
  • Files or folders are not deleted
  • Error messages appeared
  • Intrusive advertising appears while the browser is running
  • Computer startup time has slowed down significantly
  • Certain programs cannot be launched and folders cannot be opened
  • Task Manager does not open (ctrl+alt+del does not work)
  • CPU usage up to 100% with closed applications

At the first symptoms of a computer infection, you should take a number of steps to protect yourself from viruses:

– Solution If you suspect that your computer is infected with viruses, you should follow these steps:

check it for viruses with a scanner, for example, and don’t forget that you need to use . After checking with the scanner, it will show whether there is malware and scanners on your computer, if there is, we will treat/remove it, then install the stationary version of the antivirus. I can recommend a pretty good and free antivirus.

Enable the firewall (firewall) built into the operating system and configure it to work only with certain programs using Internet access. A combination of antivirus and firewall will provide fairly strong protection against most threats.

Another very important tip! Most viruses and Trojans can be picked up on porn sites. So, if for some reason you visit such sites, be careful and do not click on all the windows that appear in a row. For example, a proposal to update flash player, will most likely trigger the installation of malware.

System disk is full

– Problem A very common situation is when the system disk of your computer (drive C:\) is full, and when you try to access the desired entry, the system waits for free memory on the hard drive.

The problem is relevant in those computers in which the system disk and the data disk are separated (on disk C and D, for example). In my experience, I have often encountered a situation where system disk too little was allocated hard memory disk and as it filled up (installing updates, installing programs, temporary files), the space on drive C tended to zero.

– Solution To solve the problem with the volume of the system disk, you should perform the following steps:

  • Clear the disk of temporary files. The program copes well with this task
  • Remove programs you don't use
  • Clear the desktop (many people don’t even suspect that the desktop stores information on drive C)
  • Empty the recycle bin (I encountered a situation where the size of the recycle bin reached 10 GB when the size of the C drive was 50 GB.)

Computer slows down due to overheating

– Problem Unfortunately, this is a very common and very dangerous problem for your computer. You need to monitor the temperature of the components! Moreover, if your computer is a storage facility important information. I think you will not be happy if your computer fails due to overheating and as a result of the failure you will lose all information from your PC.

How to determine if your computer is slowing down due to overheating? Very simple! If when you turn on the computer everything is fine and loads quickly, but when you start programs or games, the computer starts to slow down and reboot, then in 95% of cases the problem is with overheating

– Solution You need to pay attention to the temperature of the processor, chipset, video card and hard drive. You can monitor the temperature of components using special programs(for example Aida or Everest).

Periodically clean the system unit from dust. Yes yes, it needs to be cleaned! In my memory, there have been instances in which not only the color of the motherboard was not visible, but even the processor heatsink was not visible due to a dense “crust” of dust. Dust causes failure of coolers (fans), which disrupts heat exchange and raises the temperature.

Periodically you need to check the condition of the thermal paste between the active elements and their radiators. I advise you to do this once every 2-3 years. But, if the sensors show that the temperature of your elements (processor, chipset, video card) is normal, then everything is fine with heat transfer and, therefore, there is no need to change the thermal paste.

Computer slows down due to hard drive problems

– Problem Few people know that hard disks tend to exhaust their resources. We are not talking about the size of the disk (I wrote about this above), but rather about its life cycle, which, unfortunately, is not as long as we would like.

The speed of the operating system and programs depends 70% on the quality of the hard drive. I myself didn’t understand before how a computer with 4 GB could slow down. RAM, dual core processor 3.2 GHz, good video card? And during operation, significant slowdowns are noticeable. Only when replacing the hard drive was there a significant increase in operating speed.

The thing is that a hard drive consists of many layers of mirrored disks, all of these disks are divided into sectors. If, when accessing a specific sector, hard controller the disk does not receive a response, it marks this sector as “broken”. The more bad sectors– the closer the end of your hard drive.

– Solution Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever! But life can be extended! Same with hard drives. If you follow the rules described below, you can significantly extend the life of your hard drive, and therefore your computer.

  • Defragment your disks periodically (at least once a month)
  • If there is any suspicion of work hard disk, carry out a set of measures to check and restoration of hard disk (good tools are available on)
  • Avoid any physical impact on the hard drive. Do not hit the system unit, do not knock on the table if there is a system unit or laptop on it
  • When cleaning the system unit from dust, clean the hard drive thoroughly, as it tends to heat up

Small amount of RAM

– Problem One of the most common reasons why a computer slows down a lot is a small amount of RAM. Progress does not stand still and with new software new hardware is being released that ensures comfortable operation of these programs.

You can see the RAM load in the task manager (ctrl+alt+del), in the “Performance” and “Processes” tabs.

However, not everyone can afford to upgrade hardware, and in particular RAM. After all, to find memory for an old computer (DDR), you will have to work hard. And the price for old memory sticks is much more expensive than for memory of the same volume, but of a new type (for example, DDR2 or DDR3).

And to install a new modification of memory, you need to change the motherboard and, in most cases, the processor.

– The solution is the most banal! Increase the amount of RAM. I also advise you to pay attention to running processes; perhaps most of the memory is being “eaten up” by processes that you did not start (for example, viruses).

– Problem Just like RAM, the processor directly affects the speed of the computer. The lack of processor power is most noticeable when working with a browser and when running high-quality HD video.

The processor load can be seen in the task manager (ctrl+alt+del), in the “Performance” and “Processes” tabs.

– Solution The solution is to install a new, more powerful processor.

There is a lot of unnecessary stuff in startup

– Problem As you work at the computer, you often have to install various kinds of programs; some of these programs are installed in startup so that they load when the computer is turned on.

I doubt that you often look into startup and remove unnecessary programs from there. But it would be worth it, because by cleaning startup, you can significantly increase the speed of turning on the computer and starting the operating system.

– Solution You need to open “System Configuration” and in the “Startup” tab, uncheck the programs you don’t need.

To open “System Configuration”, click “Start” - “Run”, for Windows XP, or for Windows 7, “Start” - and in the “Search programs and files” line write msconfig and press Enter.
Afterwards, go to the “Startup” tab
In my case, you can safely disable the “Intel”, “ Adobe Reader", "Java". You may have an office there, Winamp, various kinds of instant messengers.

Cleaning the registry from garbage

– The Registry problem is the most mysterious and little-studied ordinary users, area of ​​the Windows operating system. The registry contains the parameters of all installed applications. And in case of incorrect removal of applications, entries remain in the registry.

Over time, due to such entries, the registry grows to indecent sizes. And when accessing it, the operating system spends more time than it would like.

– Solution: Cleaning the registry with a special utility, for example, there are no other options.

The computer slows down when using the browser

– Problem This is also a very pressing problem. It occurs mainly when opening several dozen tabs at once, or when launching an HD quality video in the browser.

Also, do not forget that every open tab- this is separate running process, which “eats” part of the RAM and part of the processor.

– Solution If your computer freezes when working in the browser, pay attention to the task manager to see which process is taking up the most resources. Perhaps this is some application running in web page, or a frozen script. Do not forget that the browser may freeze due to a full cache, which is necessary.

If your computer slows down when watching videos on the Internet, the problem is insufficient processor resources; only a replacement will help.

Let's sum it up!

As you can see, there are a huge number of problems that can cause your computer to freeze and slow down. If you haven’t found the answer to your question or have tried everything but nothing helps, write your problem in the comments, we will try to help you. By the way, here are some more tips on

Now I suggest watching a video on the topic “What to do if your computer is slow”:

We are absolutely sure that every user has encountered such a problem as a slow PC. And it seems like just “yesterday” your favorite computer was simply “flying”, but today it is completely unclear why the computer is slowing down and what to do next.

It is clear that such a situation will not make anyone happy, but rather, on the contrary, it will make them nervous and angry about it. And it seems quite logical if the computer began to lag and slow down already at an “advanced age,” but what to do if this happens to a new PC? And most importantly, why? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

The answer is quite simple. Not all users realize that any new device must be configured and optimized before you start using it.

Similar setup and cleaning of various kinds of “garbage” (adware or unnecessary programs, temporary files, lost registry keys, etc.) should be carried out regularly with an already working computer. Otherwise, you cannot avoid a situation when your computer with Windows 7, XP or 8.1 starts to slow down, and most likely quite badly.

Those who do not want to delve into the reasons, or are simply not confident in their abilities, can contact our urgent computer repair in Moscow. Professional technicians will quickly fix all problems with your PC.

All the many reasons why a computer can lag and slow down can be divided into two types:

  • hardware problems
  • problems with the software.

These two types are very closely related and very often simultaneously affect the speed of the PC. Let's look at them in order and figure out what to do in each case and how to fix the problem.

  • Problems with hardware
  • Problems with the software

The computer slows down due to hardware problems

We hope that everyone knows what hardware is. If you don’t know, this is what they call the spare parts or components of the system unit - what it consists of.

Overheating of the processor or other components

Many users often forget, and some do not even know, that they need to monitor the processor temperature. Otherwise, in our practice, situations regularly occur when a client brings the processor temperature almost to the limit, then wonders why the computer slows down when running Windows 7.

In order to maintain normal temperature conditions, you need to regularly look inside your system unit. You can learn more about how to clean the system unit from dust and change thermal paste from our article.

If your computer lags in games or graphics programs, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out if the video card is overheating. It may also need cleaning.

Monitoring the temperature of any components is quite simple: there are many programs and utilities for this purpose. Install any of them on your computer and regularly check the sensor readings. In addition, the processor temperature can be found in the BIOS.

The need for modernization

Even if you don’t play computer games or work with resource-intensive programs, but only use email and social networks, then sooner or later you will still have to think about upgrading your computer or buying a new one. Why? Let's explain.

Every day components become obsolete. New versions of programs (even simple ones like browsers, Skype, ICQ, etc.) are becoming more and more demanding on PC power. Those. yours simply doesn’t have enough resources to complete seemingly simple tasks. As a result, the computer starts to slow down and become terribly dull, and you get nervous and angry.

Increasing the amount of RAM or replacing the processor with a more powerful one will help solve this problem. Alternative option there may be “overclocking” of the processor, but whether this is possible or not depends on the hardware features of a particular PC.

If games on your computer are slow

Do you like to play modern games? Drive a tank or fire a burst of machine gun fire at the enemy?

We hope you remember to make sure your graphics card is up to par with today's gaming requirements. Otherwise, you will puzzle for a long time why the computer slows down in games at the most crucial moment and you are killed over and over again.

Slow hard drive

Few people guess, but today the most “bottleneck” place in work computer hardware is the hard drive. It's all about the limited spindle speed of the hard drive. IN desktop computers it is 7,200 rpm - and this is one of the reasons why the computer stalls and slows down. There are also faster HDDs, but their cost is significantly higher.

In addition to the usual ones hard drives with magnetic plates, over the last few years a new type has been gaining popularity and becoming increasingly accessible - SSD disk. The principle of its operation is not based on magnetic plates, but on recording information using fast flash memory.

Such hard drives are several times faster than conventional HDDs and operate absolutely silently. However, the obvious disadvantages are the high cost with a fairly small volume and a limited number of read/write cycles. To learn how a hard drive works and how it works, read our special article.

Comparison of HDD and SSD speeds

Problems with the software

Of course, except for the hardware big influence The operating system also affects the speed of operation. IN this section we tried to collect all possible software problems and tell you how to fix them.

Computer viruses

This is probably the most common reason why Windows 7 on a computer very often slows down. And in particularly difficult cases, the PC may completely freeze.

There are quite a few types of viruses that can significantly affect the speed of a PC. In addition to "unauthorized" use computer resources, viruses damage system files, which in turn leads to slow operation of the entire PC. In order to avoid this problem, you must install it on your computer. powerful antivirus and regularly scan all disks, folders and flash drives for viruses.

If for some reason you still do not have an antivirus installed, then download the official ones trial versions(for a month) on the Kaspersky or Doctor Web website. Or you can download a simpler antivirus, but for a longer period: for example, free version Avast or AVG.

After downloading, install and run a full scan of your computer. This process is quite lengthy, so plan ahead. It is recommended to remove or quarantine all detected viruses.

A large number of programs in Startup

Almost all software developers and manufacturers want their software to be used as often as possible. And, even if they didn’t use it, they somehow remembered it. Therefore, when installed, most programs are automatically registered in the “Startup” of the operating system. As a result, along with the PC startup, several dozen programs, their modules or agents are turned on. As a rule, we don’t need them or use them extremely rarely.

Such programs consume computer resources (especially RAM), as a result of which your computer becomes very slow and slow. You can avoid this problem by disabling autoloading. unnecessary programs at the time of their installation, or in the operating system settings.

If you have Windows 7, then write “msconfig” in the search and run the utility. The “System Configuration” window will open, go to the “Startup” tab and disable everything that is unnecessary. After that, click “Apply” and reboot.

If you have Windows 8 or 10 installed on your computer, then click right click mouse on the “Taskbar” and select “Task Manager” from the menu that appears. A window will open in which we go to the “Startup” tab and similarly disable everything unnecessary.

If you don’t need a program or game at all, you can completely remove it. We also told you how to properly remove programs and games.

Operating system registry clogged

The more time has passed since installing the operating system or purchasing a computer, the more different programs installed and the more the computer will slow down. Some programs are installed, some are removed, however, deleting a program does not mean that there is no mention of it left on the computer.

As practice shows, some files and registry entries almost always remain. The more such lost registry keys, the slower the PC runs. There are many programs that work automatically to clean the registry.

The most popular and, in our opinion, high-quality program is CCleaner. You can download the latest version for free on the developers' official website.

After installation, launch the program and go to the “Registry” tab. Click "Search for problems and wait for a while." When the program finishes finding errors, click “Fix.” Backups You can save it or not, as you wish. After a few seconds, the program will finish correcting errors. We recommend repeating the procedure several times.

Despite the fact that the program copes with its task perfectly, in any case, everything must be done carefully, monitoring all changes in the operating system. Even a small error in the registry can lead to the inoperability of the entire OS. And the computer will slow down and lag even more.

If you have already had such a problem, then from our company you can order the reinstallation of Windows of any version on your computer or laptop.

Outdated device drivers

Another reason why your computer can be very slow is outdated drivers. It is recommended to regularly update drivers for each device on your computer. Find new version Drivers can be found on the device manufacturer's website. Often, updating the driver can not only increase the speed of operation, but also make it more stable, eliminate freezes, random reboots and other failures in the PC.

If you are having difficulty searching necessary drivers on the manufacturer's website, you can use free program DriverPack Solution. It is an archive of all kinds of drivers with automatic installation. Run the program and it will automatically find drivers that can be updated.

The computer slows down due to file system fragmentation

Not everyone knows that while working with hard drive The operating system does not write files to it in order. Typically, large files are split into many small individual pieces. As a result, the next time the file is accessed, the hard disk head is forced to search for each such fragment. This significantly slows down the entire system and ultimately slows down or slows down the computer. What to do in this case?

The defragmentation operation allows you to “collect” all fragments of files and redistribute their location on the hard drive, which increases the speed of your PC. Defragmentation can be done using both the operating system itself and specialized programs.

We tell you how to run defragmentation using Windows 7 or any other version.

Open “My Computer” and click on any logical drive right-click and select “Properties”. Go to the “Service” tab and click “Optimize”. In the window that opens, select the desired logical drive and click “Optimize”. This process will be lengthy, so be patient. Once defragmentation is complete, your computer will lag much less.

But we draw your attention to the fact that if you use an SSD disk, then under no circumstances should you defragment it.

This will only reduce its lifespan and will not give you any benefit. So look for other reasons why your computer is slow and slow. In this article, we looked at the main reasons why a computer most often slows down. If you still have not been able to figure out why your computer is not working fast enough, then you can always contact our Computer service

Compolife. Our company’s specialists will diagnose your equipment and system, quickly and accurately determine the true causes and eliminate all malfunctions.

If you know any other reasons why your PC may slow down and what to do in this situation, write about them in the comments to this article. Thank you!

Call a specialist After prolonged use desktop computer or laptop based Windows users

may encounter a situation where the PC becomes very slow and runs slowly. There can be many reasons for a PC to slow down. To understand in detail the problem of PC slowdown, we have prepared material in which we will consider in detail the methods and techniques that increase PC performance. By following our recommendations, you can return to its former performance desktop computer or laptop with Windows OS. By getting your computer back to speed, you can enjoy a variety of multimedia entertainment, computer games

and work, while forgetting about braking and various PC glitches.

Cleaning the system in Windows operating systems In operating rooms Windows systems XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 have their own built-in system cleaning tools. The main disadvantage of such cleaning products is that they They only clean the trash

, which the system itself creates, and even then, not all of it. To execute complete system cleaning from garbage, where the OS and many programs will be cleaned, you need to use third-party software. One of the best cleaning programs is CCleaner

. This utility is produced by Piriform LTD. from garbage, where the OS and many programs will be cleaned, you need to use third-party software. One of the best cleaning programs is The utility is free and downloadable on a PC from the official website The utility has been in use for several years first in the ranking from such well-known online publications as, The Guardian, PC World CHIP Online

To clean the system of debris, use the Analysis button located at the bottom of the window.

The image shows how much garbage the system found. This is the Explorer history when the user opens folders or copies folders. This is also the browser history and various garbage created by utilities.

After analysis remove garbage, which the utility found by clicking the Cleanup button.

Like this in a simple way You can increase the performance of the system and its programs. The utility's capabilities don't end there. The program can also delete unnecessary registry branches, which were created by various software. To take advantage of this opportunity we need to open the “ Registry"and, by analogy with the previous example, click the Search for problems button.

After searching, click the Fix button and thereby delete unnecessary entries registry

The functionality of the utility is not limited to this, but its coverage does not fit into the topic of the article, so we will move on. Having finished cleaning the system and registry, it’s time to take on defragmentation, which we will discuss in the following examples.

Defragmentation in Windows operating systems

In operating systems Windows XP, Vista, as well as more new Windows 7, 8, 10 have their own built-in tools that allow you to do defragmentation. The only disadvantage of the built-in defragmenter in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 is its operating speed and weak functionality.

Therefore, it is better to use a defragmenter from third party developers. The best defragmenter today is free utility Defraggler. utility Defraggler developed by the same company as from garbage, where the OS and many programs will be cleaned, you need to use third-party software. One of the best cleaning programs is Piriform LTD. Download Defraggler to the PC folder you can also from its official website, like CCleaner.

Installing Defraggler is quite simple and comes down to a couple of clicks, so any PC user can handle it. Except Defraggler, there are many more high-quality defragmenters, but our choice fell on this one, as it will help us solve another problem due to which your PC can become very slow and run slowly.

Defraggler works with all current Windows operating systems from XP to Windows 10. Therefore, feel free to install and run it on any Windows. In our case, we ran Defraggler on Windows 7.

To start defragmentation, click the Defragmentation button at the bottom of the window. Next to this button there is a button that can start analyzing the disk for the need for defragmentation. After defragmentation starts, you can monitor it on the disk map.

This process can take a long time and depends on the disk size and the degree of disk fragmentation.

Utility Defraggler can defragment both the entire disk and individual folders and files. Its functionality does not end there. The utility can also:

  • Do a quick defragmentation;
  • Make the program work according to schedule;
  • Defragment free disk space;
  • Turn off the PC after defragmentation;
  • Defragment the registry.

Of all the functions described, the last one is the most significant. Using registry defragmentation, you can also increase the performance of your desktop computer or laptop. To use this function, go to the menu " Settings» and activate defragmentation of the registry when starting the PC, as shown in the image.

By enabling this option, in your PC at system startup Defraggler will defragment the registry:

Now let's talk about the program's capabilities that we mentioned earlier. Defraggler can view the status of your hard drive, namely S.M.A.R.T..

S.M.A.R.T. is a built-in routine that can determine the status of the hard drive. Let's go to the " State».

The image above shows the parameters of a good hard drive. The following image shows a hard drive with bad sectors:

If this is exactly the situation you have, then the culprit in braking the system is Winchester. Based on this, The hard drive should be replaced with a new one. In addition, the hard drive will not last long in this condition, and you may unexpectedly lose a lot of important information. Probably all of it.

From the example it is clear that using Defraggler you can do:

  • Disk defragmentation is long or fast;
  • Registry defragmentation;
  • Check the condition of the hard drive.

It is also worth noting that if you have an SDD disk type installed in your PC, then do not defragment it, as this may shorten its lifespan.

Solving RAM problems

Very often the culprit behind the PC slowing down and freezing is RAM. Operating systems from Windows 7 to Windows 10 have built-in memory checkers. For example, let’s run a tool to check the RAM for errors in Windows 10. To do this, use the search in the top ten and enter the phrase “ Memory Checker».

Now let's run the found utility.

In the window that opens, select the first item, after which the computer will reboot and RAM diagnostics will begin.

After a long check, the computer will boot and the user will be given the result of the check. If the test result is negative, this means that the RAM needs to be replaced with a new one.

Older operating systems such as Windows XP do not have a built-in memory check. It follows from this that on Windows XP, to check memory, you should use third party software. One of the most popular utilities can check your RAM. Memtest86.

Speeding up with ReadyBoost

Sometimes even all the steps taken to eliminate slowdowns and glitches in the PC do not help properly. This happens because your PC weak hardware. To solve this problem in OS, starting with Windows 7 and ending with Windows 10, the user has the opportunity to use technology ReadyBoost.

The essence of the technology ReadyBoost is to use fast USB drives for data caching. That is, using ReadyBoost, you can replace the default swap file on a screw, on a fast USB flash drive.

For example, we will use a PC with Windows 10 OS and a flash drive with the interface USB 3.0. You ask why exactly USB 3.0. The answer is simple, this interface very fast and is most suitable for our task. Let's insert the flash drive into the PC and go to it properties to the tab " ReadyBoost».

Now select the item in the window to speed up our system as shown in the image above and click the Apply button. The setup is done in the same way in Windows 7 and 8.

After these actions, the system should noticeably speed up, long startup times and slowdowns should disappear.

If you want to use the described technology on Windows XP, then use third party program eBoostr.

Other ways to speed up a desktop computer or laptop and remove the brakes

If the examples discussed above did not help, then the following methods will help solve the problem with brakes and glitches:

  • Changing the antivirus program;
  • Disable visual effects;
  • Stopping unnecessary services;
  • Reinstalling the operating system;
  • Updating seven to ten.

If you have a good antivirus program, then on a modern PC you are reliably protected and this does not affect the performance of the system. But if you have a weak laptop or desktop computer, then it will be noticeable how the antivirus began to slow down the system greatly.

To correct this situation, Panda Security SL has developed an antivirus Panda Cloud Antivirus, which practically does not waste system resources on a weak PC. The secret of this antivirus is that everything complex operations in it are performed in the cloud.

In addition to antivirus for performance weak laptop or desktop computer may affect OS visual effects. Since Vista, Windows has used various visual effects that slow down the PC. To disable visual effects, for example, in Windows 10, you need to go to system properties. To do this in the program Execute Let's type the command “sysdm.cpl”.

Going to system properties, open the tab “ Additionally" In the performance text block, click on the Options button.

A window should open before us where we can disable and enable visual effects in Windows 10.

Visual effects are configured in the same way in Windows 7 and 8. If we talk about Windows XP, then it makes no sense to disable its visual effects, since they already consume few resources.

You need to be careful when disabling services, as this may lead to incorrect operation of the operating system. To stop unnecessary services, for example, in Windows 7, you need to go to the snap-in responsible for services. To do this in the program Execute Let’s type the command “services.msc”. After execution, the snap-in “ Services».

In this snap-in you can disable any service. Before disabling an unnecessary service, make sure that disabling this service is absolutely safe for the system. For example, you can stop the service " Print Manager" if your PC is not using a printer.

Another way is complete system reinstallation. After Windows reinstallation you will immediately notice how fast your laptop or all-in-one PC works. This happens because the OS is new and has a clean registry and no garbage. In many cases, reinstalling the OS helps revive a laptop or desktop PC and get rid of the brakes.

In addition to reinstallation, there are times when a 7 user upgrades the system to Windows 7 and after that it works slowly. The slow operation of the system is due to the way updates are distributed and to the hardware. In the first case, the slow performance is due to a new type of update delivery in the P2P network. That is, updates come from user to user. In the second case, slow operation is associated with old hardware. In this case, only updating components or buying a new laptop will help.

Let's sum it up

We hope that all the material presented in the article will help our readers and you will not have any questions about why the PC began to slow down or why the laptop or all-in-one computer began to freeze. I would also like to give a couple of tips to our readers.

If you continue to experience slowdowns and freezes in your system, then malware may be the culprit of your problem. In this case, you should perform a full system scan for viruses and remove them from the found folder.

In addition, if you own a PC with Windows XP, then it’s time for you to think about changing the OS to a more secure one. XP support has ended a long time ago and new antiviruses have not supported it for a long time. This means that the system is very unsafe and if you give such a system access to the Internet, you may encounter real problems due to viruses. Due to viruses, you may encounter system slowdowns, as well as theft and damage of personal information.

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