Reduce image size in mb. Compress JPEG file online. Free SmallFoto batch image processing program


There are times when you need to quickly reduce the amount of space on your computer's hard drive that JPG photos occupy. It is desirable that the procedure takes place without significant loss of image quality. There are several simple ways to make a photo “lose weight”.

Is it possible to reduce JPG size online

The weight of the image is taken to be its volume in megabytes, which sometimes needs to be made smaller. This procedure is extremely necessary for those who often work with photographs, because modern devices They take pictures of considerable size. It will not be possible to store a significant number of “heavy” drawings - for this you need additional HDD, and often the price for another information storage is high. However, they have already been created special programs, reducing the volume of images. In addition, before installing them, you can try compressing photos online.

In World Wide Web You can find many services that can help you figure out how to compress photos in JPG format to fewer megabytes. They all work on the same principle - the user uploads the required image to the site, presses just one button, and after a while the system asks to save the image with a reduced size to the computer. Internet services are completely free, so this method photo compression without loss of quality is considered one of the best and fastest.

Typically, such portals have many additional functions and possibilities - cropping the picture, rotating it in the desired direction, mirroring it, or even adding beautiful frames/effects. Resources are in free access, so to find them, you just need to enter a query into any search engine, and in a second you will receive a whole list of photo compression sites.

How to compress a JPG file

It also happens that the speed of the Internet or the technical data of the computer/browser do not allow you to upload photos to the network. Then they come to the rescue special services, who can compress photos without losing quality. Can be used third party utilities or standard (Windows basic set). Therefore, before you reduce a JPG file, you need to understand on what principle these programs do their work.

How to compress a photo to the desired size in Paint

Paint is a standard Windows program for processing any images, so there is no need to install it. With its help, you can easily compress photos to the desired format. There is no need to download it, it is already present in the basic set operating system. The program is easy to use - just a few mouse clicks are enough for the picture to become the desired size. How to reduce size JPG file With using Paint:

  1. Open the image in Paint ( right click in the photo, “open with”, select Paint).
  2. On the top working panel Select the resize tool.
  3. Select “horizontally” and change set value to a lesser extent.
  4. Enter a similar value in the “vertical” section.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the modified drawing.

How to reduce the weight of a JPG file in Photoshop

A very popular service that will help you figure out how to reduce the size of a JPG file without compromising quality is Photoshop. Graphics editor with a large set of functions can frighten inexperienced users with an abundance of incomprehensible buttons. However, if you know the sequence of actions, it will be easy to reduce the number of megabytes of photos. Before you can compress JPG using Photoshop, you need to install it. What to do after this:

  1. Open the picture in Photoshop (right click on the photo, “open with”, select Adobe Photoshop).
  2. Alternatively, the picture can be opened directly from the utility – “File” tab – “Open” item.
  3. In the top work area of ​​the “Image” menu, then select “Image Size”.
  4. The window that opens will allow you to select all the necessary proportions of the photo (size of centimeters/pixels, width).
  5. At the bottom of the window, be sure to check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox (when you change the parameters, they will be edited evenly).
  6. In the "File" menu, select the "Save As" sub-item.
  7. Choose a JPEG format that will retain the original quality.
  8. After selecting the format, click on the “Save” button.

Other ways to compress JPG without losing quality

To process an image and reduce its weight, you can use third-party utilities, online web services - some of which are free, while others will have to be paid for. They provide different percentages of image compression, which is important - without affecting the quality. If you don't know how to reduce the size of a JPG file, then in the table below you can find necessary programs to help with this simple task:

Utility/web service


Compression, percent

Each photograph or picture has its own size, which depends on the quality of the image. The more a picture weighs, the better its quality. However, when uploading photos to a website or transmitting via e-mail, users often encounter restrictions regarding file size. Some crop the photo, others edit it in Photoshop. However, it is possible to more in a simple way decide this problem– compress the photo.

Compressing photos programmatically

You can compress a picture or photo without losing quality using various programs. Let's look at some of them.

The simplest program that is preinstalled on any PC and is suitable for compressing images is Paint. You can compress an image using it as follows:

  • Select a photo and right-click on it. Select “Open with...” and select “Paint”.
  • The photo will open in the editor. Here we click “Resize”.

  • Will open small window. In it you can change the size in pixels and percentages. If you do not want the quality of the photo to suffer, then you should check the “Percentage” checkbox and reduce the photo size by about 50%. Also here you need to check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox.

  • Now you need to save the photo. Click “File”, “Save As...” and select the photo format.

  • The photo is compressed.

Another program for compressing photos without losing quality is FastStone Image Viewer. To compress a photo using this software, perform the following steps:

  • Open the program and select the folder with photos in the left menu. Select the desired photo. Next, click “Edit”, “Resize”.

  • Place a checkmark next to the “Percentage” item so that the image does not lose quality. Specify the width and height. It is worth choosing equal proportions so that the picture does not shrink in the corners.

  • Then we save the photo.

You can also compress photos in another way using FastStone Image Viewer.

  • Select the file and click “Send by e-mail”.

  • Next we set the photo size. Uncheck the “Add frame” and “Save EXIF/IRTC data” checkboxes. Check the “Rename” box. The "Template" section will appear. The name can be left unchanged. Check the “Pack image to archive” checkbox. Having set all the parameters, click “Copy to...”.

  • Specify the folder where you want to copy the file.

  • Go to the specified folder and look at the compressed photo.

To compress an image without losing quality, you can use the GIMP program.

  • Open the program. Select “File”, “Open”.

  • Specify the path to the file and click “Open”.

  • The photo will open. Go to the “Image” tab and select “Image Size”.

  • In order to compress a photo without losing quality, you need to set the width and height to be divisible by 8. Then click “Edit”.

  • Save the edited image.

How to compress an image online without losing quality?

Users often wonder how to compress an image so that it does not lose quality. There are many services on the Internet that are suitable for this purpose. Let's look at some of them.

  • Website To compress the photo, click “Download”.

  • Next, the photo will be uploaded. 2 pictures will be presented: the original and a compressed copy. Use the slider on the side to set the quality and click “Save”.

  • The site also provides its users with the opportunity to change the size of the picture. To do this, you need to upload a photo to the site.

  • Next we set the width and quality. You can change the format. Click “Resize”.

  • Click “Download” and save the compressed photo.

  • Website Select a file. Set the photo size and click “Optimize Now”.

  • Then click “Download to computer”.

Using not only these sites, you can compress an image or photo without losing quality and absolutely free. The choice of method is yours.

Let's imagine what it has become for you topical issue how resize picture without photoshop? At the same time, you are on the Internet, and you need to crop a photo or picture for the questionnaire. You will do the right thing if you sit at your computer, or with a tablet, or with a smartphone in your hands, and go to the site.

After all, on this resource you can use an application for cropping photos online. Please note that the application supports gif, bmp, jpg, png formats. It is located in the “Working with Images” block called “Cropping Images”.

And, performing simple operations here, we resizing the image. After all, like everything else within the service, this application very easy to use. It provides the opportunity to get high-quality results very quickly.

With his help we resize photo. We trim it. And to do this, you just need to upload the desired image, select the fragment you need to trim and press the “Cut” button, having previously received information about the size of the future image. That is, the process involves a percentage increase or decrease in the image. There is always the opportunity to see how you cropped the photo and then save it.

What other features does the application provide?

When we resize a photo online, this does not mean that the whole process, which takes a matter of seconds, boils down to simply cropping the image online.

Anyone working with the image can still spend additional (but literally just a matter of) seconds to rotate the photo or flip it if necessary. But this is not all there is to it. You can also add beautiful effects or a frame. And all it takes is a few clicks.

It is not surprising that the site’s users are people of various professions, ages and even hobbies. This is because some people prefer not to search for the application they need on various Internet resources. And this online service is good for many because it concentrates a wide variety of but frequently used applications.

And many of those who spend a lot of time on the World Wide Web (including in order to change photo), end up on the site quite naturally. Whether he is a designer or a webmaster, a journalist or a motorist. After all, many links on the Internet lead here, and the service is available to everyone without registration.

The service is also free. It can be used when preparing photos and music for blogs and websites. In addition, there is no need to download files, install and subsequently update programs.

This is appreciated both by those who are engaged in professional photography and by those for whom spending time with a camera is simply a great hobby. After all, the site has a suitable application for them. For example, for someone who is tormented by the question, how to resize an image?

Why is such a function needed?

The reason why one or another Internet user is forced to look for an online photo editor to use may be different. But, as experience shows, this is usually caused precisely by the need to quickly resize photo.

And this is usually the case. Let's say someone needs to upload an editable image to a website. For example, as a VKontakte avatar. As a rule, on most resources in global network For images uploaded to the service, there is a restriction on its dimensions. And this in this particular case means that you need to resize the photo online.

There is no way to do without this. However, the limitation is not only for dimensions. The limitation also applies to the weight of the image. That is, the problem requires such a solution when you need to reduce the photo. And this is very easy to do using an online photo editor.

But the “enlarge photo” function is used when it is necessary to increase the size of the image. Just like photo reduction, this function is used when someone processes an image very often.

For a more detailed description of the popular service, we should also mention such a “trick” as photographs in Instagram style. That is, in this case, the service provides the opportunity not only resize, but also to give the desired look to the photographs. Moreover, we are talking about those cases when you do not have mobile device and Instagram account.

We assure you that on personal computer Processing photos is much more convenient and enjoyable. The “Instagram style photo” feature works exactly the same as online photo cropping. This means the following: you need to upload a photo, apply effects and then save it to your computer. So, in particular, you can create the effect of an old photograph from an ordinary photograph.

Images need to be reduced in size for a variety of reasons. The most common of them is the need to upload photos to the server with the ability to quickly view them. Huge files though provide high quality, make it impossible for the user to quickly work with images. This article explains how to reduce file size digital photos using Paint, Preview on Mac, or Adobe Photoshop().

Reducing the Image Using Paint

Use Preview on Mac

  1. Open the photo in the app Preview" Do it double click By blue icon preview that looks like overlapping snapshots, then click "File" in the menu bar and "Open" in the drop-down menu. Preview is an app for viewing Apple's own images and is automatically included in most Mac versions OS.
  2. Click the Tools menu. It's in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click "Adjust Size" and set a new size for the image. Select New Options or Custom from the Paste In menu. If you select Custom, enter the dimensions in the Width and Height fields or the number of pixels per inch/cm in the Resolution: field. Click "File" in the menu bar, then click "Save." The image will be saved with the dimensions you specified.

Using Adobe Photoshop

  1. Open Photoshop file. To do this, double-click the blue app icon containing the letters “Ps,” then click “File” in the menu bar and “Open” in the drop-down menu. Select the file in the dialog box and click Open.
  2. Click "Image" in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Image Size to open a dialog box. Click on Bicubic Sharper (best for shrinking) from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog box. Enter new sizes. Enter them in any of the "Width" and "Height" fields. You can also adjust the number of pixels per inch/cm in the Resolution field under Document Size.
  3. If you don't want to keep the image's aspect ratio the same, uncheck the "Constrain Proportions" checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box. Save the photo to in the required format and location.

Video: How to compress a photo without losing quality in Photoshop. How to reduce photo size