V-Like - how to make money on the VKontakte social network through likes, subscriptions and joining groups. Making money on V-like or how to make money on a social network What tasks are there?

V-like- an exchange that has been operating without failures for many years. On V-like you earn money only with the help of your VKontakte profile.

What are the tasks?

There is nothing new here. Join VK groups, add people as friends, like, repost.

UP! A new task section has appeared, called “ Youtube Subscriptions“. There you subscribe to various channels. 1 task costs 20 kopecks.

Prices for tasks

Join the VKontakte group – 20 kopecks.
Like - 10 kopecks.
Make a repost – 20-30 kopecks.
Add as a friend – 10 kopecks.

Little trick

At the beginning of each hour, there are many tasks for joining the VKontakte group. Approximately from 5 to 30 tasks. But you need to be in time, because they are dismantled in a matter of seconds.

Reviews v-like

What can you say about v-like? Another click service I had to go through. The service is intended for beginners. Even if you take several accounts and click all day long, you still won't make a ton of money.

Withdrawing money

You can withdraw money to payment systems: webmoney, yandex.money and to a mobile phone.
Minimum withdrawal amount: 15 rubles.

Good day to everyone who has gathered at their computer monitors! Today we will continue to understand the variety of projects for making money on social networks. Imagine a situation in which you, as a new entrepreneur, are actively looking for a place to sell your product. Unfortunately, you do not have the opportunity to open a store or purchase a trading stall at the market, since this requires a relatively large investment. What to do in this case? Of course, go to the Internet! In order for your sales to be successful, the community in which you operate is popular and noticed by search engines, needs to work on promotion your sales page.

With the v like markup service, earnings from your sales will grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, this project will always allow you to earn extra money on your pages on social networks and provide yourself with a stable additional income. Let's talk about where to start working with the exchange and how to make friends with it right now!

A little about the service

To give you an idea of ​​the v like service, I think it’s worth making a short excursion into its history and discussing a little functionality. Vlike appeared on the market back in 2012 year. In just 4 years, the service managed to gather a huge number of users who began to actively promote their commercial projects using the exchange or simply make money by getting likes, reposts and other indicators of popularity on social networks. As of today 937,758 users are registered on the site and over 5 million rubles were paid. It follows from this that vlike is truly reliable, stable and solvent a project that allows you to earn real money.

According to many users, Vlike ru is a service with almost the best conditions for earning money. Many advertisers note that the exchange provides only quality performers orders, strictly monitors their execution and has an uncompromising attitude towards overly spammed accounts - instantly freezes them until the performer clears the wall in his profile of a huge number of advertising posts.

Get started with v-like

Instructions for earning money

I want to say right away that earnings from the project can be considered sooner additional, rather than the main one. Only a few manage to squeeze out of such services amounts that would allow them to live comfortably. Nevertheless, don't rush to give up, because you will still be able to “find out” a little money on the site to adjust your own budget, top up your mobile phone or pay for the Internet.


To get started, you will need to log in to the site. Registration on v like as such is not provided. To get started, simply log into the service through the VKontakte page. For this on the main page of the site click on the huge button " Login via VKontakte" and start completing tasks.

Advertisers and performers

Immediately after authorization, you will see a black working panel at the top of the window that opens in front of you. You and I are only interested in two tabs - “ Advertiser" And " User" The first will be of interest to those who are puzzled by the problem. Here you can promote your projects– accounts, communities, public pages, etc. for a reasonable fee and in the shortest possible time. Those who, on the contrary, are interested, without any investments, will have to go to the “ User».

Types of tasks

In order to start earning money through social networks v like, just click on the button “ User", go to this section and get acquainted with the new menu, which is directly related to generating additional income. From the first seconds of getting acquainted with this menu, we clearly understand that there are exactly 5 options for making money on Vlike, and we can get rich not only with the help of our beloved VKontakte, but also in alternative ways.

I bring to your attention a brief overview of the most popular types of tasks that the service offers us to complete:

Joining VKontakte communities

All that is required of you is to become a subscriber to a certain group, and then confirm the fact of your membership in it. Confirmation occurs automatically and literally instantly.

The minimum cost of one such task is 5 kopecks. On average, for joining a group on Vlike ru they pay 20 kopecks.


Many users of cheating services are interested in . Everything is quite simple: all you have to do is like the profiles of certain users and rate informational posts and posts with “hearts”. For VK likes, newcomers to the service are paid 5 kopecks. However, the cost of completing such tasks doubles immediately after you perform the first activity in the project.

Subscribe and add as friends

For adding new users to your friends list, you will be paid 10 kopecks for each friend. Unfortunately, the list of potential friends is updated slowly, and therefore literally after the first 40-50 kopecks earned, this gold mine will dry up.

Subscribe to YouTube channels

To complete such tasks, you will need to create your own account on YouTube by linking your Google profile. Click "To come in", enter your Google account login and password. Further on the website vlike press "Link account"

After this, you can begin fulfilling orders for watching videos and subscribing to channels. For each such subscription you will receive 15 kopecks to your own account

Subscriptions to pages on Instagram

These are the most expensive tasks for which they pay 30 kopecks a piece. This is due to the fact that this order section was formed relatively recently, and therefore the Vlike administrator needs to attract users to work in this category as quickly as possible. The principle of operation here is the same as everywhere else: add your account on Instagram, subscribe to pages and receive money.

A few tips that will allow you to increase your earnings in Contact on V-Like

I am sure that many of you are familiar with the principle of operation of services for boosting and earning money online, and therefore are interested in how to increase your earnings from this activity. I present to your attention several simple but very effective ways that will allow you to significantly increase your income on the vlike service :

Affiliate program

The last and sixth option for making money on the service is participation in its affiliate program. So, for attracting performers and advertisers to the project, you will receive a percentage of their income or expenses, respectively. For example, if you involve a performer in the project, the service returns to you up to 10% of his earnings. If an advertiser becomes your referral, then you can count on 5% of the amount of his expenses for an advertising campaign.

Withdrawal of funds

Well, now I propose to talk about the most pleasant thing - money. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that Vlike Only the payment history, information about the state of your balance, and wallets for withdrawal are clearly recorded. From this we can draw a completely logical conclusion that, unlike other promotion services, the functionality is quite limited.

To withdraw funds earned in the project, you will need to have in your account not less than 15 rubles. You can get this money in several ways:

  • transferring to ruble electronic wallet WebMoney
  • withdrawn to wallet Yandex-Money
  • transfer to your account mobile phone. In this case, the minimum withdrawal amount should be 50 rubles

As soon as you make the first request to receive a payment, the tab with the withdrawal history will be updated in your personal account on the service. As a rule, withdrawals take 14 days, during which all your hard-earned money will be credited to your account. Delays in service may be due to some holidays. If you have any problems earning money, I advise you to contact the service administrator using online chat.

Ways to promote your social networks

Those of you who are puzzled by the problem can use the help of the Vlike service and succeed significantly regarding the promotion of your project. To do this, you just need to go to the “ Advertiser» and choose a strategy for the development of your community. To do this, you simply decide on the type of actions that you need to promote, fill out the required fields in the online form, attach to it a link to the page for promotion and “ Create» campaign.

Considering that the service strictly monitors its performers and does not allow “dogs” among them, you don’t even have to worry about quality.

Tasks for advertisers

The cost of completing it will depend on the type of task chosen:

  • for 1 like (subscriber) on Facebook you will have to give 85 kopecks
  • in Vkontakte the cost of a like will be slightly lower - for 10 hearts you need to pay 2 rubles
  • one VKontakte subscriber will cost you 60 kopecks
  • for one Instagram follower I'll have to give it back already 75 kopecks

Similar services for additional earnings and promotion

To maximize your income from working with promotion services, I advise you not to limit yourself to working with v-likes alone, but also consider the following as platforms for work:

  • Vktarget – one of the simplest and easiest-to-use projects, which is distinguished by strict requirements for user working profiles. If you decide to make money on this site, you will have to work hard to promote your page on the social network
  • Vkserfing – a specialized platform that works exclusively with the VKontakte network. It is good because it offers users a huge variety of fresh tasks every day, and also supports a fairly generous affiliate program, holds contests and promotions in which you can win real money
  • Qcomment.ru is a multifunctional platform that is designed for SMM and SEO. Daily update of tasks allows you not to worry about earning money
  • Likesrock – one of the most modern services that pays for work in euros. Unfortunately, it has a rather meager range of withdrawal methods, but it captivates with a huge number of tasks and social networks

My review

Having studied a lot of positive reviews about vlike, and having become acquainted with the capabilities of this service personally, I am ready to give it my own verdict. Generally, The site is quite simple and easy to use. The money is credited to your account instantly, you just need to complete the task. There are no problems with payments. I was very pleased loyalty to the administration project. In addition to Vkontakte, the service also cooperates with such platforms as Instagram and YouTube, which can undoubtedly be considered an advantage of the site. If we talk about the weaknesses of the project, then I would include a limited number of tasks here. To provide yourself with sufficient volumes of work, you will have to find several more sites for yourself. Scrolling through the pages of my blog, you will definitely find several suitable options for yourself. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you spend a little more of your time and study other articles dedicated to services for making money on the Internet. Rest assured that you won't be left without tasks.

If we consider vlike from the advertiser’s point of view, then it can be considered an undoubted advantage adequate price/quality ratio for promotion accounts on VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube. In addition, I want to pay tribute to the minimum number of “dogs” on the service and note that all tasks are performed by real people. To sum up all of the above, I can safely put this service in the top at the moment in the CIS.

Get started with v-like

At the end of today's review, I just want to remind you that making money on promotion services requires not only high-quality completion of tasks, but also quantitative. Don’t be lazy to study alternative projects, get acquainted with new platforms and work on several exchanges at once. Read my reviews on projects that allow you to make money on pages on social networks, and form your own springboard for generating additional income. Good luck in your endeavors, and see you soon!

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Grade: 5

Since my last visit, work has increased, now the maximum earnings per day were 120 rubles, and it was 40 rubles. - the difference is noticeable. Of course, for such amounts you need to monitor the situation all day and catch tasks, but, nevertheless, changes are obvious. It’s a pleasure to work, the interface is pleasant, the work itself is not annoying, although every day there is a different profit - from 60 rubles. up to 120 rubles, but that kind of money for such work is very good, because you don’t have to think, you don’t have to break your fingers on the keyboard or mouse, so I think it’s an excellent income, despite the fact that it may seem so little, after all, 60-120*30=1800-3600 rubles. - and this is already enough to buy some thread of garbage or even invest this little thing somewhere or even in running one of your projects - it will still not be superfluous, no matter how. And so, hang it on the second monitor and set it to update every 10s. and chic.

Grade: 4

It’s quite possible to earn small amounts through this platform; I worked through accounts on VK, Instagram and a couple of “leftist” channels on YouTube. There won’t be much profit here, in 2 months I managed to scrape together only 700 rubles, but in fact this is not bad, considering the “effort expended”: the work is here - sit and click, switch between accounts.
There is no need to write or compose anything, just monotonous work. Over the course of a couple of months, I found out that this was not for me, especially the poor and dull design of the platform - it makes me sad: brown background, ink drawings. Tlen.

I transferred the proceeds to my phone, everything came in full, there was no fraud.
Individuals who are not particularly gifted with talents and capable of such monotonous work (especially if you have a lot of fake accounts on social networks) will like it here, you can earn even more, many times more, but personally I got bored.

Grade: 4

Initially, I chose this resource for small part-time work because it has been working for about 5 years, and I haven’t heard much negativity about it (except for a penny payment, but I didn’t expect to receive more for likes). In general, what I expected happened. For likes on VK you can get 10 kopecks, for Instagram a little more, adding as a friend costs 15 kopecks, subscribing to public pages even costs 20 kopecks.
There are a lot of tasks, but you can’t complete one task seven times for like, so they end in half an hour. In general, in a day you can collect 30 rubles with such crumbs, in a month that’s already 900 rubles, so it’s quite possible to transfer it to the same phone. Yes, and the work is only 15-20 minutes a day, the next day they may throw in new tasks, but on the same day there is no point in monitoring.
If you work from several accounts, you can earn many times more, but I’m not particularly interested in this, it’s okay for me to do so much here, fortunately, it’s convenient to work even through the phone in the evenings. So the platform is so-so, a B (reduced only because of the cost of the tasks).

Grade: 5

The simplest service for adding subscribers to a group on VK. It’s best suited at the initial stage of promotion; you can quickly get 7–10 thousand subscribers quite easily, then things go slower here (it seemed to me that this is due to the not very high popularity of the resource and, as a result, the limited number of performers).

The prices are quite moderate: for 1000 participants you only have to pay 600 rubles. That is, 1 subscriber – 60 kopecks, and this is quite good; on similar platforms it is around 80 kopecks – 1 ruble and more. This is about VK, for other platforms the prices are different (slightly higher), but on Instagram you can get 1k bots for 300 rubles.
Regarding the bots: among those signing up there are fakes, but they are designed normally (not a la “Adolf Hitler”, “Barack Obama”, etc.), so that the appearance of a lively fullness of the group is created.
The increase in time goes quickly, I haven’t noticed any unsubscribes, so the service is very good for starting.

Grade: 4

Previously, when such exchanges were just opening, it was easy and quite inexpensive to get likes/reposts/subscribers to VK groups. Performers were not yet so actively using bots and fakes, but now, even if the program fights bots, it is difficult to escape from fakes. And in general, there are not enough workers, prices are still moderate, but due to low activity you have to use the services of third-party services. And it’s not surprising - the design of the platform alone is worth it. Few people want to work here.
And recently we connected Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, I don’t think they have increased activity much. Now I still use this service, but you can’t find 1000 subscribers for 600 rubles anywhere, but then about 30% of them still have to be removed from the community (dogs).
But in general, about 1 ruble per regular subscriber is a pretty good tariff, which is why I don’t leave them. I don’t think the resource will stay afloat for long if it doesn’t take active action.

Grade: 5

If you need to promote a VKontakte group, vlike will do. The performers here, for the most part, are real people with real accounts. It’s not surprising, because despite its, at first glance, simplicity, the service sets quite strict rules for both work and withdrawal of funds. For example, if your account is without photos, you simply will not be paid the money you earned. The cost of a subscription, in general, differs little from the offers of other similar services. I believe that it is most profitable to use V-like in combination with other projects. Then the total efficiency of pumping the group tends to a maximum. If you have serious intentions regarding your public page, it is better to immediately place a large order for subscribers from them. This will allow you to get a small discount.

Grade: 5

I buy subscriptions for my three groups only here. I like the prices, the availability of discounts for large orders, and the strictness of the administration. It’s difficult, of course, to say how much users earn here in general terms, but as an advertiser, I’ve never had any problems with fulfilling my orders. There are always performers. The groups, after promotion on V-ike, look adequate. No "Durov's dogs" shelters for you in the list of subscribers. It pleases the eye. I only get subscribers for VK groups, so I can’t say how things are with the same services, but for Facebook. It seems to me that everything will also be normal. My opinion is that, today, this is one of the best services that offer group promotion services. I give it an absolute 5. I hope that in the future, we won’t have any problems or disappointments with him.

Grade: 5

In principle, there is plenty of work here (a couple of hundred rubles, if you are not lazy, can be done). There is work for almost all social networks, which is good (some social networks simply are not here, perhaps the fact is that they are not so popular). As for withdrawing money, they withdraw it quickly, they don’t take anything, they don’t pocket what they earned, everything works as it should. If you are here as a customer, the prices are a little high for me, but there are almost no hacks and any cunning people. Huge orders are completed quickly, which seems to hint that there are enough performers here. I used the SMM method to promote my website, a couple of landing pages and clumsy doorways - I increased traffic a little, increased conversion, everything paid off well, it will be good for customers. Still, I am very surprised that there are no hacks and tricks here (well, almost) because there are a lot of them on such exchanges, there is simply no end to them. And so, there’s nothing more to say - everything is done quite competently, both for customers and for performers, the interface is simple, the exchange actively eradicates all sorts of unscrupulous customers and performers, there is always a lot of work here, and the work is also done quickly.

Grade: 4

I started my freelance journey with V-like. At first, I rejoiced at every penny I earned, and was happy that I could top up my mobile phone account without much effort. Works cost 5-15, maximum 20 kopecks. Then I realized that there are exchanges where they pay many times more for similar tasks. Although, several of my friends stayed here longer, because... they like to complete tasks without using their intellect. Now I’m too lazy to work for such meager sums; it’s more interesting for me to write. There have never been any problems with withdrawing money, the site is responsible, everything is ok. The minimum amount is 15 rubles, although to collect them you also need to work hard. But when I came across a job as an administrator of several VK thematic groups, I immediately remembered V-like. For the customer, this is simply paradise. A promotion campaign can be launched for almost five rubles. Complex services for 1000 subscribers (likes, introductions, reposts) also cost a minimum. I have never seen lower prices anywhere else, even though I shop around on different exchanges. As a customer I only work here. A convenient website for replenishing your account and checking completed tasks.

Grade: 4

V-like is the simplest of these exchanges; convenient is not the right word. No registration required, just login via VK. Without unnecessary information - work right away. The largest number of tasks for joining groups. I like them, there is no connection to your wall, as, for example, with reposts, you just join/subscribe and get money for it. Moreover, VK has not yet set any restrictions on joining groups. The process is very easy, you don’t have to do any unnecessary movements. The V-like system automatically opens the desired page, you just need to click join. Then the same system checks everything and instantly credits the earned money to your balance. It’s just that orders run out quickly, for example, with the “adding as a friend” option, a maximum of 8-10 positions are always hanging, no more. One addition is equal to 10 kopecks, in total, do the math yourself - you can earn only a ruble from them. Jobs on Insta are the best paid, about 30 kopecks. for one, but there are not many of them either. In any case, the V-like deserves attention.

Grade: 5

The simplicity of the service is simply off the scale, but it performs its functions well. He has already added more than 3 thousand subscribers to his VK group. If you order a large promotion campaign, then you are perceived as a wholesale customer and given a discount. In general, in terms of prices, the project is in the forefront, so if you like to save even on such things, this is the place for you. Of those 3 thousand that have already been accumulated, deleted or damaged pages are rarely found. Of course, you can’t go anywhere without them, but marriage is everywhere. The main thing is that there is less of it.
V-like like!

Grade: 3

For beginner users who are trying to earn their first money on the Internet, this is a pretty good resource! You don’t need to think a lot, just know, press the keys, it just takes a lot of time. But if you are a mother with a stroller and the baby is sleeping, then why not earn money for a mobile phone in 1 hour. This is my first experience, and in principle, there is nothing complicated on this site. Everything is extremely clear and accessible, it’s hard not to understand! Thanks to v-like.ru, I was always in touch, and I topped up my account myself, not only for myself, but also for my mother. It’s a small thing, but it’s very nice. By the way, you definitely won’t earn exorbitant sums here, although once I withdrew the minimum wage to WebMoney, the money arrived in my account very quickly, literally in a couple of hours. But I wouldn’t recommend this site to schoolchildren, they’ll really damage their eyesight and decide that this way they can earn MONEY! Which, of course, is not true, we only earn money... Don’t give up on the site, the tasks are quite interesting, not boring, and if you have a couple of hours of free time, then you’re welcome. I had the experience of making money on the Internet, it didn’t cause me much negative emotions, but I didn’t earn a lot of money, although I spent enough time here;) In general, go for it!

Grade: 4

V-like is an easy way to make money online. I started my “career” with this service. You can also use it to promote advertising, your business - I don’t have anything like that, so I used it solely for the purpose of making money.

So, even a schoolboy can cope with the tasks - there is nothing complicated. Promotion of groups on social networks using likes, reposts, registration tasks, attracting referrals via affiliate links and much more. Over time, I left V-like due to low earnings. On average, I earned up to 20 rubles a day (I completed up to 10 tasks).

I would like to note that the referrals brought here are paid quite well. I managed to recruit the required number of people to receive 10% of their earnings. Now I work in a different system, but every month I look into V-like and withdraw my referral earnings - there is never too much money. Speaking of withdrawals, I was pleasantly surprised that you can withdraw from 15 rubles – those who doubt the integrity of the service can easily check its reliability. After all, it’s not difficult to earn 15 rubles; you don’t need to save at least 100 rubles to check the site. I’ll tell you about myself - everything is working, payments are coming. For those who don’t really want to bother, they will really like it as a type of income.

Grade: 4

I came to this site, like probably everyone else, with the desire to earn extra money. You need to register through your VKontakte account, but this is clear from the name of the site. Next, you can start completing tasks, there are several types of them: joining groups, adding as friends, actually liking and subscribing to the Youtube channel, for which you will need a YouTube account.
A few words about prices. For joining the group you will be offered 15-20 kopecks. (be careful, there are also some special tasks for which you pay only 5 kopecks), for adding as a friend - 10 kopecks, for a like - 10 kopecks, for subscribing to a channel - 15 kopecks.

Before you start YouTube tasks, you must follow the link at the top of the page with tasks and allow access. There are also referral links, they give us 5-10% of the earnings of our “accomplice”. About withdrawal of funds. Money is withdrawn without any problems, to WebMoney, Yandex Money and mobile phone. I know for sure that Yandex Money is withdrawn without commission, but you MUST indicate passport information in your wallet so that it ceases to be anonymous. Of the minuses: there are not always many tasks, they can be banned from VKontakte for suspicious activity. Is it possible to really make money on this site? You can if you subscribe to everything and everyone indiscriminately. But not enough.
Attention! You cannot unsubscribe or remove likes earlier than three days from the date of posting. You also can’t try to defraud Vlike using two accounts - both will be banned.

They earn money in different ways, and the amounts depend on some factors, for example, a person’s popularity on a particular social network, that is, whether he has a large number of friends and subscribers, the topic and the quality of information.

Let's highlight two large groups:

  1. earnings directly from the social network itself;
  2. earnings using special sites and services.

In the second - for completing any user tasks, and you don’t even need to go to your profile on the social network, all that is important is its linking to your profile in the service.

Earning money from likes is one of the types of earnings using special service sites. It involves receiving money for “like”, “like” or “class” marks. That is, we complete a task in the service marked “like” and for this we receive points or points that can either be used to get likes for ourselves, or exchanged for money and withdrawn to our e-wallet and turned into treasured banknotes.

16 top services for making money from likes on the Internet

Today there are many services on the Internet that allow you to get money for likes. Each of them has its own characteristics and principles of operation, and is also adapted for making money on certain social networks. Let's look at how to make money from likes on the most popular services. This is not a rating, but simply a selection without sorting.




So, you can make money on likes. And not only is it possible, but there is also a choice of services that provide this opportunity. The user can only choose the most suitable one and start completing tasks.

Basically, promotion services are aimed at ensuring that users earn money on the Internet, which can then be paid to other performers as payment for completing their tasks, that is, spend them on promoting their account or community on the social network.

Services benefit when users use points earned from likes for promotion, which they contribute in every possible way. Withdrawing money is not so profitable for them, but it is necessary to attract users.

Also, almost all services provide the opportunity to withdraw earned funds, which makes it possible to earn money from likes. But you shouldn't expect any high income. The maximum that this money will be enough for is to pay for some inexpensive services on the Internet, but sometimes the money in an electronic wallet comes in handy.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

We continue to get acquainted with ways to earn money using the social network VKontakte. It's time to learn about the V-like service. It also provides the opportunity to advertise your materials, or earn money by completing simple tasks.

We will register in the V-like service, try to complete the task, and analyze the process of withdrawing money.


When you go to the main page, click on the button “Login via VKontakte”.

Confirm access to your page.

Account preparation

When you go to your user account, you will be asked to confirm your wallet for withdrawal. Three options are available:

  • Webmoney
  • Yandex money
  • Mobile phone account

Select the option that suits you and enter the number in the appropriate field.

Then click the "Confirm" button.

You will also be asked to confirm your agreement with the rules of the system. Do it. After all the preparatory steps, you can start earning money.

Earnings in V-like

According to user reviews, you can earn good money with the service. Let's check.

When your account is fully prepared for work, in your personal user account, you will begin to receive tasks to complete.

It looks like this:

Make sure you are on the "VK Entries" tab. In front of you will be an avatar of the group, for joining which you will receive money into your account.

If you are not satisfied with it, you can move on to the next one. To do this, click on the link “Remove group”, or “Next”.

To complete the task, click the Run button.

The page for this group will open. Click here "Join the group".

After this, we return to the V-like service. A pop-up window will appear here in which you need to click on the “Confirm” button.

If everything was done correctly, the money will be credited to your account.

Withdrawing funds from the V like service

When we have accumulated a certain amount of money in the account, we can withdraw it.

To do this, in the “User” section, open the “Cabinet” tab. Here in the menu, find and click on the “Withdraw” link

A pop-up window will appear telling you that your page must comply with the rules. Check if this is the case and make the necessary changes if necessary. Then click the button “My page complies with the rules”.

Then you need to fill out the form. Specify the amount you want to withdraw and your wallet. Then click the "Confirm" button.

After this, you need to wait until the money arrives in your account.

Video review of the V like service


What can I say. V like service is another good tool for . Something similar to .

If you wish, you can not withdraw your earned funds, but spend them on promoting your company.