Windows keeps rebooting: what to do? Reboots due to OS failure

The most annoying problem for an inexperienced user of the Windows operating system is a problem with rebooting. The essence of the problem is that the user cannot work normally on the computer, play, watch videos or visit social networks due to the constant reboot of the OS. Let's take a closer look at how you can solve the problem when Windows constantly reboots.

Please note that the main reason for this phenomenon may be the banal loss of important system files. This happens due to the fault of the user or viruses, although the latter also do not appear in the system on their own. In order to return the system to working condition, you need to start it or simply reinstall it.

Let's take a closer look at the situation with constant reboots using examples of different versions.

Windows 7 reboots on boot

The cause of an endless (cyclical) reboot of the system can be either a virus or a problem at the hardware level.

If the problem is a virus:

If all the viruses have been removed or the boot in safe mode has not finished, but rather continues, then there is a problem with the hardware, in particular with the boot sector of the hard drive.

If it is damaged, the system simply does not find the download files and continues to reboot until it finds it. There are several options to solve this problem:

  1. Boot from a Windows bootable USB flash drive with command line support. Enter the command: fdisk/mbr and press Enter. Reboot and check the results. Only then try the following options.
  2. Reinstall the operating system, having previously formatted the hard drive for installation (not to be confused with local drives);
  3. Try to move the user’s files to another hard drive that works for sure, and then repeat step 1;
  4. Take it to a repair shop or use a program that can restore the boot partition, if at all possible. We can recommend: Active Partition Recovery, Testdisk, SFbootablecd. They need to be loaded onto a USB flash drive (make it bootable) and start the computer from it. Then everything happens intuitively according to the instructions of the application you select.

Other options that affect the correct loading of the OS may be:

  • Video card malfunction;
  • Malfunction of sector(s) of RAM;
  • BIOS failure;
  • There is a large amount of dust in the system unit;
  • Computer overheating.

If you can boot into safe mode, then the first three points are decided independently by the user. To do this, in the case of a video card, you need to reinstall the drivers. The possibility of a RAM malfunction can be resolved by checking the MemTest86+ program, which will show whether your RAM stick(s) can continue to be used. A BIOS failure can be resolved by removing the battery from the system unit. It looks like a small penny.

This will create an automatic reset of user settings and the BIOS will return to its original state. In case of dust and overheating - if you do not understand how to clean a computer or change thermal paste, it is better to contact a specialist who will do everything carefully and without harm to your computer.

Windows 8|8.1 reboots on its own

In general, the problems of the more recent version of the OS, just like in the “seven”, have not gone away. The system may reboot on its own for several reasons:

  • Important updates are installed;
  • There is a virus in the system;
  • Problems with memory, both on the hard drive, SSD, and RAM.

In the first case, of course, the user should be warned that updates will now be reinstalled, but sometimes the user simply may not notice this message, and the system is already starting to reboot. As a result, important documents may be lost or online conferences may be disrupted. You need to keep a close eye on notifications in Windows 8|8.1 to avoid this issue.

In case of a virus, use the advice from the previous subparagraph about Windows 7. If the system boots normally and without using safe mode, then have time to scan the Cureit system before the next “reboot”! -program. This usually works the first time, but several checks may be required.

The third point is solved in the same way as in the case of Windows 7. In difficult situations with computer memory, it is better not to hesitate and contact a specialist, and also be ready to buy a new hard drive or RAM stick.

Windows 10 reboots when shut down

Problems with this system are very common, but they rarely turn into endless repetitions. Often the menu bar may disappear, “Start” or “Search” may not launch, but these are all temporary phenomena that can be resolved by rebooting and then installing updates.

What to do if the “ten” starts to reboot when turned off? This may happen for the following reasons:

  1. Installing updates, updating system files;
  2. Presence of a virus;
  3. Hard drive problem;
  4. Incompatibility of the system with processing dynamic processor cycles.

The first point only requires patience from the user, because... updates will be installed whether you want it or not. In this system it is forbidden to disable updates, because... it is considered the last of its kind and must be updated regularly.

The second point and third point are solved in the same way as in the case of Windows 7, and the last option is a little more interesting.

In order to disable the processing of dynamic processor cycles, you need to call the “Command Prompt with Administrator rights” and enter the command bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes

Hello dear readers.

Sooner or later, all users of computers with Microsoft operating systems are faced with a situation where they need to change the environment they are using. In this case, the reasons can be very different. Previously, I already told you exactly how you need to install a new OS on your device. But what should you do if the Windows 7 installation starts, freezes on your laptop, and then nothing happens? As always, there can be many reasons. Further in the article I will try to analyze the most popular of them.

The above problem manifests itself in various ways:

Causes( )

Despite the fact that the process stops at different moments, the reasons are the same:

    Problems with the hard drive, RAM, power supply.

    Insufficient contact with the motherboard.

    The reader or USB port is shorted.

    Incorrect BIOS setting.

    Error while writing image.

    Damage to the storage media.

Well, as you can see, there are many reasons for the problem. Conventionally, they are divided into external and internal. Based on this, the solution to the disease will be different.

Waiting for a response( )

We will consider all possible solutions to the problem. So, if suddenly the OS installation process on your Asus laptop or any other one suddenly stops, don’t worry right away. You may just need to wait 10 or 15 minutes. It is likely that after this everything will continue without any disruptions.

Official sources do not say why exactly this is happening.

It is worth noting, however, that in most cases this is observed on devices that use Gigabyte motherboards and processors from AMD. Apparently, during their interaction, small glitches occur that lead to such consequences.

Distribution( )

What to do if the previous option did not help, and your HP or other laptop still freezes? It's worth trying a new portable memory with a Windows distribution. In addition, you can test an existing removable device on a computer different from yours. If everything happens again, the disease is directly related to memory. Otherwise - with a computer.

It is worth noting that in the latter option, a separate component of the device, with the help of which reading occurs, may not function correctly. Therefore, to exclude possible options, it is worth conducting a test using just another disk or flash drive.


On many computers and laptops, regardless of the manufacturer, be it Samsung or any other, problems with starting the installation process can be associated with two important parameters that are set in the BIOS area:

And for proper operation, you need to specify the appropriate parameters for each. To do this, we perform several movements:

Now it’s worth returning to the installation process again.

Checking your computer( )

If the methods described above did not help solve the problem, one of the next steps is to check the Lenovo computer or laptop (any other manufacturer) for mechanical damage. From the outside, everything looks the same as it was before - you just need to unscrew the system unit. In this case, you need to try a little more with a laptop.

After opening, we check for the presence of a burning smell, drips, and dark spots. At the same time, it’s worth inspecting everything you can, including the power supply, hard drive, RAM connectors, etc.

As a result, if a problem area is found, it simply needs to be replaced.

When installing the Windows 7 operating system, a nuisance may arise - it freezes during installation. When the installation of Windows 7 freezes at the logo stage with the words Starting Windows, the cause of the problem may be a malfunction of the computer components: hard drive, motherboard, RAM. If the device breaks down, working with the system will not help - you just have to turn to repair specialists for help. If everything is in order with the hardware, but the Windows 7 installation window does not appear, then you can solve the problem in just a few steps, which we will describe in this manual.

The reason the system freezes on the logo is that it was not installed through the BIOS. Installing via BIOS is also called a “clean” installation because you format all data on the computer and accordingly delete information about the previous system. How to install OS via BIOS?

Step 1. Insert the boot disk with system () into the computer. Turn on or restart the PC.

Step 2. When the first inscriptions appear, quickly press the “Delete” key. The appearance of your BIOS varies by manufacturer.

Note! The design of the interface does not matter, since on modern computers the basic BIOS settings are the same.

Step 3. If you managed to click “Delete” when booting the computer, the BIOS window appears.

Step 4. Move through items using the arrows on the keyboard. Press the right arrow until the “Boot” item opens.

Step 5.“Boot” is responsible for booting the computer from a specific device. By default, the computer boots from the hard drive. But now we need to install the system, which is located on a flash drive (or CD). Press the down arrow and .

Select the item “Boot Device Priority” - press “Enter”

Step 6. A small menu opens where we select the device from which the computer will boot. In our example, this is a DVD.

In your case, it may be the name of the flash drive or CD media. Select the device - press “Enter”.

Select the item “Boot Device Priority” - press “Enter”

Step 7 Exit the “Boot” tab – press Esc. This way the changes will be saved and take effect after a reboot. In the window that pops up, select “OK” and press “Enter.”

The computer will automatically restart. The problem is solved - the Windows system will begin a “clean installation” without freezing or crashing errors. It is by working with the BIOS that problems like “Win ​​7 won’t install!! hangs when starting installation."

Windows 7 freezes during installation and installs slowly - what to do

Does your computer freeze when installing Windows 7? We find a way to solve the problem.

The first thing you need to do is to look for the reasons for the slow installation of Windows 7. Let's look at the common sources of problems:

How to solve Windows 7 slow installation problem

For successful installation, two critical parameters need to be corrected:

  1. Serial ATA (SATA) Mode - switch to “AHCI”. This is a more modern type of data transfer. It will help not only in solving the installation problem, but also generally speed up the operation of the OS.
  2. Disable the floppy drive (“Floppy Drive”). Despite the fact that floppy disks are a thing of the past and you may not even have this device, we recommend disabling its use in the BIOS.

Disabling the floppy disk

Step 1. Open the BIOS and press the “Delete” key.

Step 2. Go to the “Advanced” tab.

Step 3. Select the “OnBoard Floppy Controller” item and press the “+” button. The text “Disabled” should appear opposite the line.

Step 4. Save the settings.

Change the mode to “AHCI”

About Windows operating systems

The Windows family of operating systems is the most popular. Microsoft has held a monopoly on the market for more than twenty years. For ordinary users, the window interface has become familiar and convenient. But the main advantage of the Microsoft software product is its support for a huge amount of software. Professionals, from graphic designers to programmers, prefer Windows, since the programs they need for their work simply do not exist on other operating systems. The vast majority of video games are supported by Windows, something neither Linux nor Mac OS can boast of. The abundance of drivers for any components makes the system universal and makes it easier to use. When purchasing a device, you will always be sure that it will work on Windows without problems. Let's look at the history of significant versions of the popular OS.

  • Windows 95. Served as the starting point for the development of window systems. Combining the operating principles of MS-DOS and the Windows family, the 1995 system became a staple for desktop computers. Thanks to the simplicity of the window interface, Microsoft managed to occupy the niche of graphical operating systems and gain a foothold in the market. The Start menu, long file names, and Plug and Play drag-and-drop functionality became the foundation and signature style of all subsequent Windows systems;

  • Windows XP. Released in 2001, the system created a real sensation among PC users. Before the release of the "seven", XP remained the main operating system. Simple, easy to install and use. Occupies a minimum of disk space. Today, Windows XP is not supported by the company, which affects its resistance to virus attacks. However, owners of low-power PCs and laptops install the system on their devices: it is not demanding on technology and works properly without taking up a lot of RAM or loading the processor. The only significant drawback of the system is its vulnerability to viruses due to the lack of updates. However, the problem can be solved by installing the latest version of any reliable antivirus (Avast, Avira, Dr.Web);

  • Windows Vista. Released in 2007. Was received coolly by the community. Visually beautiful, but requiring a powerful computer and weak in terms of security, the system turned out to be a failure. Performance problems, poor driver support, and reduced capabilities turned out to be the main shortcomings of the OS. A pleasant graphical interface, as one of the few advantages, will be transferred to the company's next OS - Windows 7;

  • Windows 7. The product was released at the end of 2009. “Seven” remained at the top in terms of installations for 8 years. The most reliable, simple and convenient system of all. It took the best of XP and became more productive. After the unsuccessful Vista, the "seven" was greeted warmly. Great personalization capabilities, support for a huge number of drivers, ease and speed of installation contributed to the system capturing the market. In 2018, it is still installed on computers, despite the end of official support and the lack of updates from Microsoft;

  • Windows 8. It so happens that Microsoft succeeds “every time.” Metro's revolutionary flat interface was met with disbelief and criticism. It was the appearance that affected the failure of the system. Ordinary functions: personalization, uninstalling programs, shutting down and restarting have changed significantly compared to Windows 7. It became difficult for an inexperienced user to find them, and therefore, in order to get started, it took a long time to delve into and study the new interface. But the company made the right conclusions, modernizing the stability and appearance of the system, preparing an excellent release - Windows 10;

  • Windows 10. Essentially, the system takes the best from Windows 7 and 8. Decent performance, additional settings for gamers to improve performance, a free application store and extremely simple settings settings are the main advantages highlighted by users. After release, the system remained free for several months - for the first time in the history of Windows. Windows 10 is installed on new laptops by default. So, when buying a new device, you won’t have to pay extra money to purchase a license. An additional advantage of the system is its versatility. Windows 10 can be installed both on a computer and on mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, and even Xbox. Multiplatform ensures synchronization of settings and data for a single user account. All the innovations and improvements helped the “ten” overtake Windows 7 in popularity and become a universal operating system for personal computers.

Video - Starting Windows freezes when installing Windows 7

In this article we will look at the question of why your laptop reboots when installing Windows 7/8/10. If necessary, our professional technicians will help you fix all hardware and software problems in the device. The service center is located in St. Petersburg.

Below we provide some tips to troubleshoot some of the problems that may cause Windows to restart during installation. However, we are not responsible for your actions. If you have any doubts about your actions, seek help. to the service center.

Sometimes users encounter a serious problem: when installing Windows, the laptop reboots. If you are also unlucky enough to discover a problem of this kind on your laptop, then try using the recommendations below to resolve the failure.

Possible reasons:

  • Incorrectly written bootable media.
  • There is a problem with the BIOS settings.
  • Hardware problems.

Other factors can also cause a reboot, but the above reasons are the most common, so we will deal with them.

Checking the distribution

The first thing to do is test the bootable media on another laptop or computer. If the problem persists, then you need to create another installation flash drive (disk), correctly writing the Windows distribution onto it.

Important: install original versions of Windows, and not pirated assemblies of unknown origin. If you don’t have a licensed disk, look for the cleanest possible distribution without features and programs added by third-party developers.

If, when booting from any installation media, the problem with rebooting persists, then you need to look for the reason in the laptop.

Reset BIOS

Restart your laptop and press the Delete key at startup (there may be other keys, such as Esc or F2) to enter the BIOS. Go to the “Exit” section and find the item that allows you to reset the settings to factory defaults - usually it is called “Load Setup Defaults”. Reset the settings and exit the BIOS, saving the new configuration by pressing F10 and then “Y”.

There is a less radical option:

  1. Launch BIOS.
  2. Go to the "Boot" tab.
  3. Set your boot priority to your hard drive first.

To start from the installation flash drive or disk, use the Boot Menu, which is called up by pressing the F11 key (sometimes Esc or other keys, check for your laptop model).

Another option is to update your BIOS firmware to the latest version. Check the motherboard manufacturer's website for the current version - if you have old firmware, this may be causing some problems.

Do not update the BIOS yourself if you have never done so before. Damage to the underlying I/O system can cause serious problems with your laptop that will require professional help to fix.

If rolling back to factory settings or updating the BIOS does not help, and the laptop still reboots itself, look for the cause of the failure in the hardware component of the device.

Hardware problems

Test your hard drive for errors and bad sectors. This can be done both in the Windows environment using programs like HDDScan, and in DOS mode using a flash drive with the Victoria HDD utility recorded.

The second important point is equipment compatibility. Sometimes the problem occurs because the laptop has RAM installed that the motherboard does not support. Let's say an 8-chip module is installed, while only 16-chip modules are supported.

If you updated the device components yourself or bought a laptop second-hand, check that the installed equipment does not conflict. Look at the specifications - all supported standards and formats are listed there.