What is cache in Google Chrome. What is a page cache and what is it for? How to find in the Google, Yandex cache How to find a page in the Google cache

Perhaps the site was blocked due to a violation of the law, or maybe this site is simply not responding to the request yet. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need to take some information from a site that just recently stopped working or was hacked and lost all its content. In most cases, luck can turn its face on you. Can you view a cached version of this site on Google?

Cached sites: what is it?

In order to quickly find all these sites, Google and other search engines store internal copies of these sites on servers. These saved files are called a cache, and Google allows you to view them if such a copy exists. Previously, this process was very clear - you just had to click the link provided under the search result. Things are a little more complicated now, but you don't have to worry because cached sites still exist.

We look at the site cache in Google:

1. Try to find something. In this case, we will search for the key “caching”, and assume that at some point in the century Wikipedia went down.

2. Hover your mouse over the search result, but don't click.
3. You will see a right arrow appear next to the right of the result. Click on this arrow.
4. Now you can see the site thumbnail. You will also see a Cached link at the top of the thumbnail. You can click on this link.

This way you will be redirected to the cached version of the site. And this version will not necessarily contain the latest data. This is simply a copy of the site in the state in which the Google bot last crawled it, and this page is actually stored on a Google server, and therefore the link will start from webcache.googleusercontent.com, not Wikipedia.org. Google will also tell you how recent the copy is.

Sometimes it happens that pages are missing images or backgrounds. You can click on the link at the top of the page and see a text version of the site you are currently reading. Sometimes this helps you find the information you need. You can also click on a link that will take you to the current page if you ever need to compare the two versions.

If you need to find a specific term, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F and simply search for it using your browser.

Sites that are not cached

Most sites have cached copies, but there are exceptions. Site owners can use the robots.txt file to ask the search engine not to index the site, or to delete the cache. Sometimes this happens when the owner wants to completely delete the site and does not want its content to appear anywhere. After all, there are quite a lot of sites with “black” content or content that does not necessarily need to be indexed (private forums, credit card information, or sites with paid access to content).

You can see how your site has changed using a tool from Google called WebArchive, but this tool's functionality may also be blocked by robots.txt.

The word cache can be heard quite often in various areas of IT, but today we will deal with page cache site. The term itself means that search engines save copies of pages from a certain number, usually from the robot’s last visit to the site. You can find and use a copy (cache) of the page at any time for your needs.

It's pretty good that search engines save pages on their servers for a while and give us a chance to take advantage of this. A lot of resources and money are allocated to storing cached pages, but they pay for their help, since we still need to go to their search engines.

Why do we need a cache (copies) of pages?

There are different situations when working with websites.

As always, you have a lot of work, but little time and not enough attention for everything. There are times when work is being done on the site, suppose a design change or minor edits to the template or text. And at one point you realize that you made a mistake somewhere and the text disappeared or part of the site design disappeared. Well, this happens and everyone has probably dealt with this.

At the moment, you don’t have backups, and you also don’t remember what everything looked like initially. In this case, a copy of the page, which can be found in the cache of both Yandex and Google, can help, see how it was originally and correct it.

Or second case, You have changed the text a little in order to improve it and want to see whether the page on which you made the changes has been updated or not. You can check using a page that is in the cache; to do this, look for this page and look at the result.

There is also a situation when the site is not accessible, for one reason or another, and you need to go to it. In this case, a copy of the page can help, which can be found in the following ways.

In general, I think it has become clear that using a page cache is necessary and useful.

How to find a page in Google, Yandex cache

First, let's look at how to search in the Google search engine.

Method number 1.

You go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy of. I'll take our site as an example:

We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a URL (address) to the right of it with a small down arrow, click on it and we will see the “Saved copy” item. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

Method number 2.

The method can be called semi-automatic, since you need to copy the address below and substitute the domain of your site instead of site.ru. As a result, you will receive the same copy of the page.


Method No. 3.

You can view the cache using browser plugins or online services. I use for these purposes.

Here you can see when the robot last visited the resource, and accordingly, a copy of the page will be for this date.

Now let's look at how to search for a cache in the Yandex search engine.

Method number 1.

The method is the same as for the Google system. We go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy. I’ll take our website as an example again and write it down:

We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see the search results, where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a small downward arrow to the right of it, click on it and the “Saved copy” item appears. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

Method number 2.

We use additional browser plugins. Read a little higher, everything is the same as for Google.

If the page is not in , then there is a high probability that it is not in the cache. If the page was previously in the index, then it may be preserved in it.

How to clear cache in Yandex, Google

It may be necessary to remove a page from the Yandex or Google cache or even hide a page that was previously indexed and cached from prying eyes. To do this, you need to wait until the search engine itself discards this page naturally if you have previously deleted it. You can prevent the page from being indexed in a file or use the tag:

Just be careful with the tag, do not put it in the general site template, because it will prohibit caching of the entire site. For these purposes, it is best to use additional plugins or programmers who have previously done such work.

Now let's see how you can clear the cache (clear, delete page) using the Google and Yandex search engines.

Clear page cache in Google

The Google search engine approached this issue from the right side and created such a tool as “ Remove URLs» in Webmaster Tools. To use it you need to go to webmaster tools at:


Clear page cache in Google Webmaster

In order to clear the cache or delete the entire page (or you can also immediately delete and clear the cache together), you need to click on the “ Temporarily hide" and enter the url address of the page that needs to be cleared and click the button " Continue«.

Now in this window, when you click on the list “ Request type"You can see several ways to delete and clear both a page from the Google index and clear the cache.

  1. If you need to completely delete the page and cache, then use the first method.
  2. If you just need to clean it, then use the second method. As a rule, for our example we need to use it. The page remains in the index, but the cache is deleted and the next time the robot arrives, it will appear there again.
  3. If you need to temporarily hide, then use the third method. It is used when pages do not have time to fill with quality content. In this case, it would be better to hide it for a while.

As soon as you choose one of the methods, in this case 2nd, click on the button “ Send request«.

After clicking, we get a page where you can see that this page has been added for deletion from the cache and is in the status “ Expectation". Now all that remains is to wait. Typically, this procedure takes from several minutes to several hours.

If you have entered the page incorrectly and want to cancel, you can click on the “ Cancel«.

After you go to the Remove URLs tool after some time, you will be able to see the status as Completed. This means that Google robot visited the page and cleared its history.

Clear (delete) page in Yandex

The Yandex search engine has a similar tool in its webmaster tools, but there is one “BUT” here. There is no cache clearing as such; you can completely delete a page from the PS index and at the same time its entire history will be deleted.

In order to use this tool, you need to go to Yandex webmaster using the link:


and enter the required URL in the line.

The search engine will exclude this address after some time “AP”. As a rule, Yandex takes a couple of seconds to do this, so you will need to wait.

If you have questions, ask them in the comments, we are always in touch!

As you know, a website page cache is stored by search engines in its index. Search engines, if necessary, can kindly provide us with a copy of any resource web page they have cached as of a certain date.

There may be several reasons for a user to access a cached website in Google's search engine. The most common is that a specific page cannot be opened at the moment.

If necessary, you can quickly access a web page using a small trick with its URL address. It differs from the popular methods of obtaining a cached copy that we previously knew.

The trick works in any web browser as long as Google is set as the default search engine. In our case, during testing, it worked with 100% correct results.

So, if you get a 404 error, can't access the site, know the page has been deleted, etc., try this method to get a copy of it. Let's take a look at it.


All you need to do is in the URL field of your web browser, before the site address at the very beginning (before http or https) write:

and press the Enter key. The result will not keep you waiting.

In the information message from Google at the top you will be able to get the following information:

  • web page version address from ;
  • date and time of her photo;
  • link to the current web page;
  • the ability to display the full or text version, as well as view the source code;
  • search tips. Below the message, accordingly, is the layout of the site page at the time the photo was taken.

This trick will simply give you quick access to information that you were looking for and for some reason could not get in the standard way. We hope this guide will help you in the future.

Thank you for your attention! We invite you to visit our for other computer tips published earlier.

Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? A few years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

1. Google cache that remembers everything

Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view the version of the page from the Google cache, type in the address bar:


Where http://www.iphones.ru/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

6. Archive.is, for your own cache

If you need to save some web page, you can do this on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service. There are even several saved copies of iPhones.ru.

7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

8. Browser cache when all else fails

You can’t view the entire page this way, but images and scripts from some sites are stored on your computer for a certain period of time. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

Google Chrome

In the address bar we type chrome://cache


In the address bar we type opera://cache

Mozilla Firefox

Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

What to do if nothing helps at all

If none of the methods yielded results, and you desperately need to find the deleted page, then all that remains is to contact the site owner and shake out the treasured information from him. To begin with, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on

Sometimes, by going to (previously existing) page, we get 404 error - page not found. This page has been deleted, the site is not accessible, etc., but how to view a deleted page? I will try to answer this question and offer four ready-made options for solving this problem.

Option 1: Browser Offline Mode

To save traffic and increase page loading speed, browsers use a cache. What is cache? Cache (from English cache) — disk space on a computer allocated for temporary storage of files, which include web pages.

So try viewing the deleted page from your browser cache. To do this, go to offline mode.

Note: Offline browsing is only possible if the user has visited the page before and it has not yet been removed from the cache.

How to enable offline browser mode?

For Google Chrome, Yandex browser etc., offline mode is available only as an experiment. Enable it on the page: chrome://flags/ - find “Offline cache mode” there and click the link “ Turn on».

Turn offline mode on or off in the Google Chrome browser

IN Firefox(29 and older) open menu (button with three lines) and click " Development" (wrench), and then the item " Work autonomously».

Turn offline mode on or off in Firefox

IN Opera Click the “Opera” button, find the “ Settings", and then click the item " Work autonomously».

How to enable or disable offline mode in Opera?

IN Internet Explorer- press the Alt button, (in the menu that appears) select " File" and click the menu item " Offline mode».

How to disable offline mode in Internet Explorer 11?

Let me clarify - in IE 11 The developers have removed the offline mode switch. The question arises - How to disable offline mode in Internet Explorer 11? Doing the opposite will not work, reset your browser settings.

To do this, close running applications, including the browser. Press the key combination Win + R and (in the “Run” window that opens) enter: inetcpl.cpl, press the Enter button. In the "Internet Properties" window that opens, go to the "Internet" tab. Additionally" On the tab that opens, find and click the button “ Restore advanced settings", and then the appeared button " Reset..." In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».

Option 2: copies of pages in search engines

Earlier I told you that search engine users don’t need to go to sites - just look at a copy of the page in a search engine, and this is a good way to solve our problem.

IN Google— use the info: operator, specifying the desired URL. Example:

IN Yandex— use the url: operator, specifying the desired URL. Example:

Hover your mouse over the (green) URL in the snippet and click the link that appears " copy».

The problem is that search engines only store the last indexed copy of the page. If a page is deleted, over time it will become unavailable in search engines.

Option 3: WayBack Machine

The WayBack Machine service is an Internet archive that contains the history of the existence of sites.

Viewing site history on the WayBack Machine

Enter the desired URL, and the service will try to find a copy of the specified page in its database with a date reference. But the service does not index all pages and sites.

Option 4: Archive.today

A simple and (unfortunately) passive service for creating copies of web pages is Archive.today. You can access a deleted page if it was copied by another user to the service archive. To do this, enter the URL in the first (red) form and click the " submit url».

After that, try to find the page using the second (blue) form.

I recommend! I thought: What should I do if the page is not deleted? It happens that it is simply impossible to access the site. Found an article Victor Tomilin, which is called “I can’t access the site” - where the author not only describes 4 ways to solve the problem, but also recorded a visual video.
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