What is lastpass for Yandex browser. LastPass is a free browser-based password manager. Eliminate LastPass pop-up ads from Mozilla Firefox

You've probably heard the expression: “If it works, don't touch it.” Of course, if a password manager does all the basic responsibilities, you don't need to change it. However, sooner or later the interface will become outdated, and competitors will catch up with new features. Received free LastPass 4.0 new interface online portal, among the new functions there is an exchange center for managing common passwords and emergency access for transmitting a password trusted persons and heirs. These new features help LastPass stay ahead of the competition.

You can use a large number of commercial password managers absolutely free, as long as you accept significant restrictions. Some products, for example, limit free use 10-15 passwords, you will have to pay for the rest. Dashlane 3 allows you to use the manager for free on one device without the synchronization function. With such serious limitations, it is wrong to consider these solutions as free.

The free version of LastPass allows you to use all the important features for free on as many devices as you like. You can use LastPass 4.0 on computers (Windows, Mac or Linux), multiple smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, or BlackBerry) or multiple tablets (Android, iOS or Windows). Only if you want to cross the lines and sync between computers and mobile devices will you need to upgrade to LastPass Premium for $12 per year.

Getting started with LastPass

Setting up a LastPass account is very simple. Download and install free application. The program will then ask you to either log into an existing account or create a new one. account. As always, you should create a strong password that you can remember but no one else can guess.

You can add a password hint, but this is not a good idea. During the June 2015 attack, attackers were able to steal some data from LastPass servers. Fortunately, LastPass's robust security measures prevented hackers from hacking actual passwords, master passwords, and other critical important information. As a preventative security measure, the company recommended that users change their master passwords. The only thing the attackers could get during the attack was hints for master passwords. If you still decide to use a password hint, encrypt it using a method that only you understand. Be sure to enable multi-factor authentication, we'll show you how below.

Please note that LastPass employees do not have access to your data because they cannot know your master password. In the past, if a user forgot their master password and the hint did not help refresh their memory, the only option was to create another account and start over. Now, when you install LastPass on a new device, you will have the option to save one-time password to restore your account. The recovery process will require access to your email account and device, which does not pose a major risk.

During installation, LastPass prompts you to import passwords stored in browsers. The product removes passwords from insecure stores and disables the browser's password capture feature. Additionally, you can import data from several competing password managers.

After installing the LastPass extension in your browser, you know what to do. Simply log in to sites as usual, and LastPass will automatically save your credentials. You can assign a friendly name to the site at the time of capture and add it to a new or existing folder. LastPass independently suggests appropriate folders for popular sites.

Sometimes you'll come across sites that use a non-standard login page that LastPass can't automatically capture credentials for. Just like RoboForm and Sticky Password Premium, LastPass can handle these cases. Simply enter your credentials and then use the “Save all entered data” option from the browser toolbar icon. Everything is very simple!

When you click the LastPass icon in your browser's toolbar, a menu appears, which in turn includes a menu for all saved sites. Each folder becomes a submenu, and you can have subfolders. The menu for saved logins is common function Many password managers, but only LastPass, Sticky Password and a few other solutions support nesting.

Password generator

When you sign up for a new account or change the password for an existing account, LastPass prompts you to generate a secure password. By default, the generator creates 12-character passwords with a combination of numbers, capitals and lowercase letters. You can increase the length and include Special symbols to create stronger passwords. On the other hand, if you need to remember the password, you can make it pronounceable, for example, estrigntac or rewisnobug.

When you create a new account, LastPass captures your data and also prompts you to update your saved password when changes are made. This feature works regardless of whether you are using a password generator.

I would like to see some improvements in the tool's performance when moving to version 4. Intel Security's True Key generates 16-character passwords by default using all possible character types. Most users probably won't change standard settings, and as a result will receive less secure passwords from LastPass.

Improved password storage

The standard process for capturing and reproducing passwords has remained virtually unchanged since previous version, but you will notice major changes when opening the repository LastPass passwords. Too much change at once? Over the next few months, you'll be able to switch between the new interface and the LastPass 3.0 interface. The new interface is a very welcome improvement though.

From the vault you can view, edit and sort all saved passwords. The user can now view their grid view with large tiles, just like in Dashlane. LastPass shows larger tiles and new opportunity Hide left navigation menu frees up more space for tiles.

The new multi-purpose “Add” button allows you to add a new folder or site, or share passwords with other users. In addition, you can now select multiple items at a time and perform batch actions, such as moving to a folder, sharing, or deleting.

Emergency access

The concept of passing on passwords to heirs was first implemented in the form of the digital legacy feature in PasswordBox. PasswordBox has since evolved into True Key, but the concept still lives on. For example, Dashlane allows you to configure any number of contacts who can receive all or partial passwords. LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium allows you to define one heir for the entire collection and five contacts for individual credentials.

Emergency access in LastPass works much the same way as the similar feature in Dashlane. You enter the recipients' email and define the waiting period. Recipients must install LastPass if they haven't already and accept your connection request. Now, if anything happens to you, recipients will simply request access to the account. Dashlane allows you to share sets of stored credentials - for example, a work colleague can get all the passwords associated with work. LastPass does not have this feature.

Now let us explain why the waiting period is needed. Let’s say trusted recipients decided to get ahead of events even before you “kicked your hooves back.” You will receive an email when you initially request access, and you can revoke access at any time during the waiting period. In a real situation, the recipient will automatically gain access after this period.

When selecting the emergency access feature, the user is shown two pages - “users I trust” and “users who trust me”. On the first page you can remove contacts from the list, as well as change the waiting period. On the second page you can refuse the role of trusted recipient.

Password exchange

It is generally recommended to avoid sharing passwords indiscriminately for security purposes, but there are situations where this is required. For example, you and your spouse can use the same bank account. If you need to share a password, you must do so securely.

In terms of password sharing, LastPass is the most flexible solution. Simply select an object in the repository to display the action buttons and select the “ button General access” and simply enter the recipient's email. The recipient who already uses LastPass will see a notification about the new exchange, other users will receive email messages with instructions on how to create an account and accept a trade request. The recipient can use the received credentials for authorization, and you can choose whether to make the password visible or not.

Exchange Center

The new sharing center within the online password vault makes it easy to manage shared objects. As with emergency access, you can refuse access to data shared with you or remove recipients of your shared passwords.

Sharing Center contains a tab for managing public folders. However, if you try to use this feature, you will immediately find out that it is only available in the Premium version.

Filling out web forms

When a product can automatically fill in credentials, it's just one small step away from filling out personal information on web forms. However, only a small number of password managers support this feature, including LastPass, LogMeOnce, and Norton Identity Safe.

A user can set up any number of identity profiles in LastPass, each of which contains personal, contact, credit card, and bank account information. Users with knowledge of web technologies can specify additional fields. This way, if Lastpass recognizes a field with a certain name or attribute, it will automatically fill it with the appropriate value.

RoboForm allows you to create multiple instances of any web form field, and Dashlane stores various components of personal data ( phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) separately. LastPass has the ability to create profiles that contain only your credit card number and no additional information. When you are about to fill out a web form, you can choose to use a profile with personal data or with personal data and credit card data separately.

In the vault, LastPass represents each profile using credit card number analysis. The program correctly identifies MasterCard, VISA and American Express numbers. Dashlane takes this concept even further. The product allows you to choose the color of the card, the bank logo and displays exact copies of the cards when filling out the form.

In order to fill out forms using LastPass, you need to find a small icon in one of the fields. Click on the icon and select the appropriate profile. Everything is ready, the form is filled out! In testing, the feature performed better than many competitors.

Multi-factor protection

It doesn't matter how complex the master password is if an attacker can find it. A thief can log into your accounts from anywhere in the world. LastPass does not require verification e-mail when logging in for the first time on a new device, which could help. However, you can greatly improve your protection by taking advantage of available options multi-factor authentication.

To set up multi-factor authentication, you need to open the LastPass profile settings window, which looks the same as in LastPass 3.0. In the free version, LastPass supports Google Authenticator, Duo Mobile, and Authy. Linking your account is done by scanning a QR code on your mobile device. After this, every time you log in, you will be required to enter a one-time code generated by the application, as well as a master password.

The free version also supports authentication methods using the Toopher and Transakt apps. They work easier than Google Authenticator. Instead of copying the one-time code, you must simply accept or cancel the connection on your smartphone. Owners of regular mobile phones can print an authentication grid in the format of a regular wallet. To authenticate, LastPass will ask you to enter characters at specific grid coordinates.

Two-factor authentication can get tedious after a while, so LastPass allows you to designate individual devices as trusted devices. When you log in from a trusted device, all you need to enter is the master password. Likewise, if you enable the restriction for mobile devices, no authorization attempts from mobile devices will be accepted if they are trusted.

Security competition

Storing all your passwords in LastPass is a great security measure, but it's not enough. You also need to know which passwords are weak or duplicate and should be changed. This is the purpose of a security check.

Click the security check icon, re-enter your master password, and get ready to see which passwords are most vulnerable. Please note that to get all the functionality of the component, in particular for the automated password change function to work, you need to run a scan in Chrome.

As part of its analysis, LastPass recognizes email addresses found among your records and suggests checking them against hacked site databases. If the program detects hacked passwords, you can instantly change them right in LastPass.

At the top of the final report, you will be able to see the overall percentage score, your position in the LastPass user community, and a separate score for the strength of your master password. The final result depends on the complexity and uniqueness of the passwords, but also includes other factors. For example, you lose 10 percent if you don't activate multi-factor authentication.

If you're interested, you can follow LastPass's recommendations for troubleshooting 4 types of problems: cracked passwords, weak passwords, duplicate passwords, and old passwords. The password age is measured from the moment the program first captured the password.

You can scroll down to see a list of all passwords with individual strength ratings, time last change and a button to update the password. For some popular sites, LastPass displays an automatic change button, just click it to have LastPass update your password automatically. LastPass currently supports automatic password changes for 80 sites, while Dashlane's similar feature works for 500 sites. You can check multiple objects and update them all at once. If a specific site has a function automatic update not supported, click the button to change manually.

Still a winner

Automatic password updates were added in LastPass 3.0, but emergency access is completely new feature. The updated online storage interface is a very positive improvement, which can also be said about the new exchange center. And the broad capabilities of this free password manager are amazing.

LastPass 4.0 retains PCMag's Editors' Choice title in the category and shares it with LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium, which, despite its free status, is also well stocked with useful features.

LastPass 4.0 Review:


  • free for use on multiple devices of the same type;
  • checking password security with recommendations for action;
  • automated password change;
  • multi-factor authentication;
  • improved user interface password vaults;
  • transferring access to passwords to trusted persons in unforeseen situations;
  • new exchange center.


  • The basic password generator settings could be more secure.

Overall rating

The free LastPass 4.0 has an updated user interface and new features, such as emergency access and automated password changes, that set the product apart from commercial competitors.

Passwords, passwords, passwords - they surround us everywhere. Any modern man Today he uses dozens of the most, for each of which he must have his own separate, rather complex password. The real salvation in such a situation is special programs— password managers that allow you to conveniently manage all your keys. The most popular of them is LastPass.

Storing all passwords in one place is quite convenient on one hand, but at the same time it compromises our security additional threats, when your LastPass account is hacked and an attacker can gain access to all your accounts. Let's see how we can reduce these threats to zero.

In this article you will find several simple tips, how to change LastPass settings to make it more reliable and secure. To access these settings, you must log into your account on the site and click on the button in the left column Settings.

1. Automatic exit

Any, even the most stringent security settings will be completely powerless if your LastPass is always active and anyone who has access to your machine can use it freely. Therefore, first of all, in the settings on the tab Are common set the time interval after which you will be logged out of your account.

If you are using the LastPass browser extension, then open its settings and be sure to enable auto-logout after closing the browser and after certain time lack of activity.

2. Limit the list of countries

In the window LastPass settings On the General tab, find the Only allow login from selected countries option, check it and select from which countries your account can be logged in. For example, if you live in Ukraine and do not intend to travel in the near future, then this location should be noted.

3. Disable Tor Login

Tor is a special anonymizer network that is often used by attackers to hide traces of their crimes. Therefore, if you do not use this network, it is better to disable this feature altogether. To do this, check the corresponding checkbox on the tab Are common.

4. Increase password iteration

All your data is stored in LastPass in encrypted form, and the larger the iteration value, the more difficult it is to decrypt. The site recommends setting this value to 500, which will significantly increase security.

5. Multi-Part Authentication Grid

Two-factor authentication is the best way keeping your LastPass vault safe. To activate it, open the tab Safety and check the appropriate option. After that click the link Print Grid Table and a special table consisting of numbers will be generated for you. Print it out and save it. Now, when logging in from a new device or unfamiliar location, you will be asked to enter a combination of numbers consisting of the columns and columns of the table specified to you.

6. Notifications about password changes

LastPass can notify you via email not only when your master password changes, but also when stored logins and passwords for different sites change.

7. Using a secret email address

To provide additional security, you can specify a special additional mailing address, instead of regular email. All messages related to the security of your account will be sent to this address, for example, a password hint, instructions for password recovery, and so on.

This address should be an extra-secure one that only you know. Even if someone gets access to your regular email, they won't be able to access LastPass. You can set this additional secret address on the tab Safety.

Using the simple tips above can greatly increase the reliability and security of your personal data stored in LastPass. Remember that it is better to spend ten minutes digging through the settings than to mourn the stolen information later.

Good day, dear readers, visitors, friends and other individuals! Today, as you understand from the subtitle, we will talk about Lastpass password generator, which also allows you to store, protect and access them from anywhere.

Surely many of you use one or more (often simple or not so simple), write them down on pieces of paper, hang the pieces of paper on your monitor, or otherwise “remember” passwords.

However, this approach greatly impacts your security. It's like with keys. When one key opens all the doors at once, it's good for you (after all, it's much more convenient), but it's also good for those who can get this key.

In order to somehow simplify the task for users, cunning minds have come up with a number of programs, some of which we have already written about, for example about ". But such programs also have a number of disadvantages, namely: you need to manually copy passwords and paste them into input fields, manually save these passwords , come up with a description for them, etc.

It will also be difficult to get the required password if you are on another device (tablet, phone, work computer, etc.). Most of these disadvantages are absent in such a thing as a password generator, which we will talk about in this article.

Let's get started.

Briefly about the main thing

So, what kind of animal is this?

This is not a program, but, in fact, a service that allows you to store your valuable information in the cloud. What she can do:

  • Save logins and passwords for each site(as the browser does through cookies). At the same time, all saved passwords are deleted from the browser history, so that evil enemies will not be able to spy on your passwords by stealing cookies;
  • Autocomplete. The service allows you to automatically enter logins and passwords into the required fields, as well as fill out registration form data (including credit forms) according to a pre-prepared template;
  • Synchronization with other devices. It is enough to put accordingly. the plugin and your passwords will be with you again;
  • One master password. There is no need to remember tons or even several passwords; it is enough to remember just one password to access the storage;
  • Enhanced Security. The service offers truly great opportunities to enhance the security of your storage. Even if someone obtains your master password, they will not be able to access the remaining passwords without additional information;
  • And a number of other possibilities, which refer to the paid version of this service (after all, it is free).

In a nutshell, something like this. Let's get to the point.

First meeting

This service is free of charge. Those. Everything we need for comfort and simplicity is available for free, except for one single point. The phone application requires a premium account (which will cost you $1 per month), so for those who like to surf forums from their phone free version will not be very convenient (you will have to manually enter or copy all the passwords and logins on the sites you are interested in).

To use this convenient service, go to the official website and the application or plugin we need. Select Windows and download our password generator Lastpass.

The installation is extremely simple, and I will not dwell on it. You can set the installation path by selecting the " Extra options":

After you have downloaded and installed the plugin, you will see the following icon in your browser(s):

After clicking on it, a login window will appear. Click on the "Registration" button (if you did not register at the installation stage), register and enter this window. You will see a small menu with different options:

However, this window is not very convenient to work with, so we point to the “LastPass Storage”, where there will be a larger window:

The interface has become even simpler than before, with a navigation bar on the left where various categories are available, and the rest of the area is occupied by pages with saved passwords. Depending on the view settings, you can see both a list of sites and icons, which, in my opinion, is very convenient and clear.

Let's take a closer look here, because the Lastpass password generator is not as simple as it might initially seem.

Details on working with Lastpass, tabs, passwords, etc.

In the "Sites" section we can add, edit, delete sites and the folders in which they will be located.

When we hover over the big red plus sign in the lower right corner of the screen, we can perform various actions. These include:

In point " Secure Notes"This is where all the notes you created are located. Wi-Fi passwords are also stored here, which look like this:

In the "Filling out forms" section we can add, delete, change profiles for forms. This is a thing that allows you to automatically fill in some fields when registering a user, or enter contact information when placing an order, or enter card details when making an online purchase.

Password generator Lastpass - form autofill

This works like autofill in the browser, only the browser stores the fill information in clear text, but here it is encrypted. Therefore, you can disable autofill in the browser and use the Lastpass Password Generator for these purposes.

When you hover over the form, you can click on the "Edit" button or add new uniform by clicking on the red button with a plus sign at the bottom right. General fields:

  • Name , - name of the form;
  • Type - on this moment you can choose two types: general or credit card. This determines what data will need to be entered into the fields;
  • Language - here you should indicate the language in which your data will be written (for example, for a general profile, indicate Russian and enter everything in Russian).

You configure the remaining fields depending on what you require from the form.

Profile settings in the Lastpass service

In point " Profile Settings"All possible settings for the service are collected, but we are only interested in a few tabs:

  • "General" tab - here you can configure the following parameters:
    • "Email" - You can change the email address, and you can check whether the message will arrive using the corresponding button on the right;
    • "Master Password" - You can change the master password or cancel its change. Also, under it it says how long ago you changed it;
    • “Account information” - here you can specify the time zone, interface language (Russian has not yet been finalized), connect a premium account or view account statistics;
    • "SMS Account Recovery" - Here you can enter your phone number so that in case of amnesia or loss of the master password you can access your storage.
  • The "Multifactor Options" tab is a very necessary thing. Here you can add another type of protection to your account. There are 5 options in total:
    • "YubiKey" - Authentication using a special flash drive. Requires the flash drive itself and a premium account;
    • "Google Authenticator" - Authentication using the application of the same name on your phone. Fast and convenient. It works on this principle: first enter your password, then eight numbers from the application (they are updated every 30 seconds). In order to enable this method, authorize the application on this page;
    • "Toopher" - Similar to the previous one, but uses a phrase in the application rather than numbers;
    • "Duo Security" - Another analogue that uses numbers;
    • "Transakt" - Also an application on the phone, but it does not require any numbers or letters, but a message will simply pop up in the application with the “Accept/Deny” buttons (Allow/Deny);
    • There are also a bunch of other options for premium accounts, but I don’t consider them.
  • Tab " Trusted devices" - When you sign in using two-factor authentication, Lastpass Password Generator allows you to add your browser (the one you signed in from) to your trusted browser for 30 days, so you don't have to open the app on your smartphone again. In this tab, you can remove your device from your trusted device ( if you accidentally checked the box while in a cafe or with friends);
  • Tab " Mobile devices" - all mobile devices from which you logged into your account are listed here. You can change the name of the device to something you understand by clicking the corresponding button. If you click on the "Disable" button at the bottom of the tab, then you will not be able to log in from any other device your account.At the same time, you can also block or allow those devices that are already on the list;

  • Tab " Prohibited addresses" - here you can specify the addresses of sites on which the plugin will not perform a certain type of action. For example, it will not ask about adding this site, use password generation, auto-login, profiles, etc.;
  • Tab " Equivalent Domains" is a rather useful, but specific thing. Here you can add several sites that the program will consider the same, for example, sitename.ru and site_new_epic_name.com.
  • Tab " security check" is quite an interesting thing. It allows you to analyze your passwords, identify how many sites they are repeated on, and also find out how strong (complex) they are. When you select this item, a window will open asking you to enter a master password so that the program can analyze your passwords.
    After the analysis is completed, a page will appear with various results, graphs, etc., as well as a pop-up window asking you to identify problematic logins and send this information to you by email for further review.

    Here it is worth paying attention to the "Change Compromised passwords" group. This tab lists sites that once experienced a data leak. If you click on Exclamation point opposite the site, news about the leak will open.

I do not consider the remaining points; they relate to paid functionality :)

How it works - Lastpass password generator in action

Let's consider a simple example - registration in the Yandex service.

Click on the button " Register", and a standard form appears where we enter the login, but in the password field we either click on the gray icon with a circle (if it appears) or click right click in the "LastPass" field, and then " Generate secure password".

Next, a password generation form will open. I recommend setting the password length to more than 15 characters and using all the characters when generating it (you don’t need to remember it, thanks to the fact that the Lastpass password generator stores all the data in itself, and you only need a master password). In case you want to remember this password later, there is a checkbox " Make it pronounceable".

Once upon a time I told you about a way to safely and convenient storage passwords using the RoboForm program. Let me remind you that with the help of this program, your passwords were always locked away in encrypted form, either on your computer or on a remote cloud storage(optionally). Also, using the program, you can almost instantly log in to sites (without entering anything manually or remembering), the login and password for which are already in the program! Well, and many more useful things that I mentioned in the corresponding article... However, RoboForm has a significant drawback - the free program has the ability to save only 10 logins/passwords, which is very little, and if more, you have to pay money :)

Therefore, today I decided to talk about an alternative to this program - the LastPass service. This service has all the same functions, with the difference that it stores passwords only in a secure “cloud” and has completely free and unlimited functionality for your computer! Moreover, the service itself works as a LastPass extension for browsers.

If you also use the application on mobile devices, you will have to pay subscription fee, but even here there is a simple way out - use the service through a regular browser, and not through a special application :) In principle, nothing changes from this, it’s just that the application is a little more convenient to use and nothing more...

The service itself is safe and it is not simple words, because I switched to it after RoboForm more than a year ago. If they wanted to steal something, they would have stolen it long ago :) I also read Lastpass reviews on the Internet and they are varied. There are, of course, ardent opponents free services for storing passwords and other data with private source code, due to the fact that it seems to be unknown what service developers can have access to. However, if everything was bad, LastPass would not have become so popular - that's for sure!/p>

Let's move on to an analysis of how to download and use lastpass.

Install and launch LastPass!


On the service page, click the button at the very top - “Download for free”:

On the next page, open the “Windows” tab and click on the “Download” button opposite the line “LastPass Universal Windows Installer”:

The installation file will begin downloading, which is about 15-20 MB in size. To start the installation, run it:

The first installation window asks you to select a language, then click “Install LastPass”:

Since you probably don’t have an account in the service yet, you need to create one, which we are asked to do in the next window. Click “Create a new account”:

Next, you should fill out a short registration form: enter the E-Mail (be sure to enter the real one, since it may be required, for example, when recovering a password!), a confirmation password and a password reminder (i.e. a phrase or sentence by which you can remember your password in case you forget). Next, check the box confirming your acceptance of the terms and conditions and click the “Create account” button:

If you have any unsecured passwords on your computer (for example, those stored in your browser), LastPass will prompt you to import them into its secure storage in the next step. If you don't need this, click "No thanks", but I recommend importing weakly stored passwords. To do this, click “Import”:

This will complete the installation process. The Lastpass extension will immediately be automatically installed in every browser you have on your computer. If you use Opera browser, then LastPass may inform you that you will need to install the extension manually and open this browser on its own. Then, open the page and click on the “Add to Opera” button:

In a few seconds, the Lastpass extension will be installed in your browser and you can start using it!

It's easier in other browsers. Just go to any of them, and either the Lastpass extension will already be working, or you just have to enable it. For example, Google Chrome offers to enable the extension and all you have to do is click the “Enable Extension” button:

That's all! We figured out how to download Lastpass and now let’s look at how to use this service to store passwords, notes and other information.

Useful LastPass extension settings!

To start using the application, open the browser and click on the LastPass extension icon:

Next, you need to enter your login (your E-Mail) and password to access the storage. Then it is better to check the “Remember E-Mail” option so as not to constantly re-enter it. I don’t recommend checking the “Remember password” checkbox!! Otherwise, anyone will be able to sit down at the computer and freely enter your vault, since the password will be remembered in the system! After the data has been entered, click “Login”.

You will be logged into the service and the LastPass extension icon will change color to red. Now let's go to the settings to change some options for your convenience and greater security. Click on the LastPass icon and open the parameters:

On the very first “General” tab, I recommend, first of all, setting up automatic logout when closing the browser and automatic logout after idle time. In the first case, if you close the browser, you will be automatically logged out of your account and in order to log in again, you will need to enter a password. In the second case, a certain idle time is set (in minutes) and if during this time no actions were performed on the computer, the account will also be logged out. Both of these options are needed for greater security so that no one else gets into the storage immediately after you leave the computer :) I set the time period for myself to 120 minutes (2 hours). Those. If no actions have been performed on the computer during this time, you will be logged out of your account. Specify a time period that is convenient for you in the appropriate field:

And another one useful option on this tab – “Automatically fill in login/password”. If this option is enabled, then when opening those sites for which the program already has a password, the necessary fields (login and password) will be filled in automatically. Personally, this is inconvenient for me, because I have many accounts for some sites and it is automatically filled in, usually not the one I need :) Therefore, for myself, I disabled this option... If you have one account almost everywhere, then vice versa this function will be convenient for you and will reduce the time it takes to log into the site :)

I didn’t need anything else from the settings of the Lastpass extension itself. You can see the settings yourself in the “Notifications”, “Hot Keys” and “Advanced” sections. Maybe you will find something interesting there to customize the Lastpass extension to your taste :)

In order to configure your profile specifically (for example, change your login password), you need to go to the “Profile Settings” tab and then on the right side of the window click on the link “Click here to start setting up your account”:

A window will open with several tabs with settings. I personally only used the first tab – “General”, on which I change the password:

For any other purposes, profile settings do not interest me and probably will not interest me :)

How to use LastPass to store passwords?

Now I'll show you how to use Lastpass to store passwords. It's all incredibly simple :)

Adding data to the program and quickly logging into accounts!

In order for the program to remember the login and password for a site, the easiest way is to log into that site, after which the LastPass extension will offer to save the login data.

For example, go to Yandex, entering your login and password as usual:

A new window will open, where your entered login and password for this site will already be filled in. In principle, all fields will already be filled in, but I recommend changing the data in the “Name” field for convenience. This is the so-called name of your “card” with this particular login and password. For example, if you have many accounts on the site, then you need to somehow distinguish them from each other :) This is why you need the “Name” field. For example, if this is my main account, then I would write “Main account”. Or, for example, “Father’s account” and so on, I think everything is clear :)

On the right you can specify a folder to store the card with data for this site. I usually don’t sort anything, because then everything is so convenient to find by searching :) If you wish, you can enter any notes in the appropriate field below. You can write whatever you want there, for example, specify some additional passwords that relate to this account.

To save site data, click the “Save” button below.

Let's assume that I need to log into the site with a specific username and password (and I have already saved data from several accounts in the LastPass extension). When LastPass already has at least one saved card (data from one of the accounts), then when you open the site login form above the login and password entry fields you will see small LastPass icons with a number indicating the number of available cards:

By clicking on the icon, a list of all accounts whose data is saved in the program will appear. All that remains is to select the account we want to log into and left-click on it:

In the image above, I circled the card with the details of the account I logged into in the example above.

As a result, the login and password fields will be filled in automatically and all you have to do is click the “Login” button!

You can also view the list of available cards in another way, having additional features. To do this, while on the site where you need to log into your account, you need to click on the LastPass icon and then select “Show matching sites”:

Next to this menu item, as you can see, the total number of cards for this site is displayed (in my example - 5 pieces).

A menu of cards saved for the site will open:

Next, by clicking on the desired card, an additional menu will open through which you can automatically fill out the “Login” and “Password” fields on the site (the “Autofill” item), copy the login / password to the clipboard (the “Copy username” and “Copy password” items "), copy the note for this card (item "Copy note"), copy the URL address of the note (item "Copy URL") and delete the note (button "Delete"):

And finally, through the same menu you can go to edit the selected card with the corresponding “Edit” button, which will result in a familiar window:

Here you can edit any data. And if suddenly you need to see the password, which is closed by default, click on the button with the image of an eye (marked in the image above). As you can see, using Lastpass to save logins/passwords and quickly log in is not difficult!

LastPass Data Warehouse.

Everything you save using the LastPass extension is stored in a special secure storage in the form of cards, divided into folders. To access the storage, click on the LastPass icon and select the very first item - “LastPass Storage”:

Inside the storage, all created cards will be displayed in the center of the window. By their name and icon, you can immediately determine which site and account they are for. Opposite each item there are buttons for managing cards: “Edit” (pencil icon), “Delete” (recycle bin icon) and “Share” (people icon). I think everything is clear with the editing and deleting functions, but what is sharing?

Sharing allows anyone to see the card. This is done by simply entering Email addresses the desired person and sending a request:

The “Allow recipients to view passwords” checkbox allows the person to whom you allow access to the card to even see the password!

In order not to rummage through the storage in search of the right card, it is extremely convenient to use the Lastpass search. Personally, this is the only way I look for my logins and passwords :) It is enough to enter at least a few characters into the search window, and the results are immediately displayed based on the name of the cards:

Through the LastPass password store, you can also quickly add data for any new site by clicking on the “Add Site” button on the left and adding a note with the “Add Secure Note” button:

I haven’t talked about notes yet today :) Now let’s look at how to use Lastpass to store notes. A note is a simple text field for storing any text information with the ability to attach links to files located on the computer. It happens that in addition to the login and password, you need to store some other data, for example, access to FTP sites, data for some additional accounts that you don’t want to collect in the general list. This is what notes are used for...

This is what the note creation/edit window looks like:

The notes themselves are located in the corresponding “Secure Notes” folder:

This is probably all of the most important, basic thing I wanted to talk about on this topic :) I recommend this service to replace the commercial Roboform and it is not necessary to pay attention specifically to negative reviews Lastpass, because many people write them for nothing and without any justification, but just to troll! Also, do not forget that on mobile devices you can freely open the storage and view all the data in it. To do this, you just need to open the official LastPass website and log in, after which you will have access to the storage. True, this is not as convenient compared to the official LastPass application, but still a good solution, in my opinion. And for unlimited use of the application for mobile devices (because the default is only 30 days), you need to connect a Premium account, costing $12 per year. In principle, the price is nonsense! I hope that after studying this article, many questions about how to use Lastpass will disappear :)

I'll also write another article about storing passwords in the future, because I'm going to test another open source program with a variety of options for using it on mobile devices.

And now I say goodbye to you short term… Have a nice day! Bye;)

Passwords, passwords, passwords - they surround us everywhere. Any modern person today uses dozens of the most, for each of which he must have his own separate, rather complex password. A real salvation in such a situation are special programs - password managers, which allow you to conveniently manage all your keys. The most popular of them is LastPass.

On the one hand, storing all passwords in one place is quite convenient, but at the same time it exposes our security to additional threats when, if your LastPass account is hacked, an attacker can gain access to all your accounts. Let's see how we can reduce these threats to zero.

This article will give you some simple tips on how to change your LastPass settings to make it more reliable and secure. To access these settings, you must log into your account on the site and click on the button in the left column Settings.

1. Automatic exit

Any, even the most stringent security settings will be completely powerless if your LastPass is always active and anyone who has access to your machine can use it freely. Therefore, first of all, in the settings on the tab Are common set the time interval after which you will be logged out of your account.

If you use the LastPass browser extension, open its settings and be sure to enable auto-logout after closing the browser and after a certain period of inactivity.

2. Limit the list of countries

In the LastPass settings window, on the General tab, find the Only allow login from selected countries option, check it and select from which countries you can log in to your account. For example, if you live in Ukraine and do not intend to travel in the near future, then this location should be noted.

3. Disable Tor Login

Tor is a special anonymizer network that is often used by attackers to hide traces of their crimes. Therefore, if you do not use this network, it is better to disable this feature altogether. To do this, check the corresponding checkbox on the tab Are common.

4. Increase password iteration

All your data is stored in LastPass in encrypted form, and the larger the iteration value, the more difficult it is to decrypt. The site recommends setting this value to 500, which will significantly increase security.

5. Multi-Part Authentication Grid

Two-factor authentication is the best way to keep your LastPass vault secure. To activate it, open the tab Safety and check the appropriate option. After that click the link Print Grid Table and a special table consisting of numbers will be generated for you. Print it out and save it. Now, when logging in from a new device or unfamiliar location, you will be asked to enter a combination of numbers consisting of the columns and columns of the table specified to you.

6. Notifications about password changes

LastPass can notify you via email not only when your master password changes, but also when stored logins and passwords for different sites change.

7. Using a secret email address

To provide additional security, you can specify a special additional mailing address instead of regular email. All messages related to the security of your account will be sent to this address, for example, a password hint, instructions for password recovery, and so on.

This address should be an extra-secure one that only you know. Even if someone gets access to your regular email, they won't be able to access LastPass. You can set this additional secret address on the tab Safety.

Using the simple tips above can greatly increase the reliability and security of your personal data stored in LastPass. Remember that it is better to spend ten minutes digging through the settings than to mourn the stolen information later.