What is the MTS trust payment number? If zero, a trust payment from MTS will help out

An incident that has happened to most cellular users is when you need to make an important call, and the robot’s voice on the phone announces the unpleasant news: your account has run out of money. Knowing this trend, which often develops into a real problem for someone, mobile operators at one time offered the option of replenishing a subscriber’s account on credit. This service quickly became popular and in demand among the user audience - funds are willingly borrowed by those who find it difficult to immediately be at a replenishment terminal or log into online banking.

What are the conditions for providing a mobile advance? Today we will look at what one of the leaders of the Russian market - the MTS operator - offers.

Receiving a trust payment

“Promised payment by MTS” is the name given to the operator’s urgent loan of money when the user does not have the opportunity to top up his account immediately. In this way, the operator’s client can borrow up to 800 rubles per week for cellular communication needs.
Despite the fact that the trust payment option is available to all subscribers of the MTS network, not all users can borrow the same amounts. So, for example, the operator can transfer only 50 rubles to new clients - the limit gradually increases for those who have been using the network for a long time and actively. Spending over 300 rubles per month allows you to count on an advance payment of 100-200 rubles. The maximum amount of the promised payment from MTS (up to 800 rubles) can be used by those subscribers who spend more than 500 rubles on mobile communications.

It is important to remember that repaying a mobile loan is a key condition in order to be able to use the promised payment next time. The option is available to subscribers of all tariff schedules (with the exception of the “MTS iPad”, “Guest”, “Your Country” tariffs), however, the user should not be a member of the “On Full Trust” and “Credit” loyalty programs.

Let's look at the main technical methods for processing a mobile advance.

    through your MTS personal account

You can use a trust payment in the “Payment” menu item of the same name by logging into your Personal Account on the operator’s website. By clicking on the link, the user himself indicates the required amount of debt and the period for which he will repay it. Next, the payment is activated by clicking the “Set payment” option.

An analogue of the Personal Account in the mobile version is the “My MTS” application menu. Having opened the application, the user selects the wallet icon, then clicks “Promised payment”. You need to complete the transaction by indicating the amount of debt and the loan term.

    through the operator

“1113” is a number by which MTS subscribers can arrange their advance for calls and messages, following voice prompts. If you encounter difficulties when interacting with automatic prompts, you can contact the operator for additional advice and assistance in implementing the service.

    using USSD command and SMS

The simplest and fastest way to top up your mobile account on credit is to enter the combination for the USSD command. By entering the value *111*32#, the amount of required funds, and pressing the call button, the user will be notified about the activation of the service by response to the USSD request. The combination itself may look like this: *111*32#100, where “100” is the amount of funds to top up your mobile account.

An alternative way is to send a request to transfer funds to your account via SMS. To do this, the user needs to send an SMS to 087013 with the requested amount in the text field.

Automatic promised payment

It is important to remember that the ability to receive funds automatically is available to MTS subscribers only after activating the “Autopayment” function and linking it to the client’s bank card - money will be debited from it automatically.

It is impossible to automate the promised payment of credit money into debt in MTS.

How to take a trust payment if the account balance is negative

Subscribers of the MTS operator can use the promised payment even if their account balance is in the red. The threshold amount is minus 30 rubles. Having already owed 31 rubles or more, users will no longer be able to borrow an advance. But for very recent network users (less than 2 months), the promised payment is issued only if they have a positive balance.

Cost of the promised payment

How much will it cost to use funds in a loan account for MTS subscribers? According to the operator’s commission rates, money will be debited according to the following scheme:

    a debt of 30 rubles is not subject to commission;

    for debts up to 99 rubles – commission 7 rubles;

    debt of 100-199 rubles – commission 10 rubles;

    with a debt of 200-499 rubles. – the commission rate is 25 rubles;

    when borrowing 500 rubles or more, the user pays a commission of 50 rubles.

Commission funds are written off upon the first replenishment of funds, which will be sufficient to repay the debt, as well as the final positive balance at the end of the credit period.

If you don't keep track of the funds on your phone, you may be left without the ability to make an important call. For such purposes, the mobile operator MTS has provided a Trust Payment, how to receive it, tariffs and terms of use - this is what our article is about.

Types of promised payment MTS

Before considering how to take a Trust Payment on MTS, you need to understand the conditions and types. Today there are two possibilities:

  • promised payment;
  • with complete trust.

The first allows you to top up your phone several times on credit, while the second does not limit the balance to a certain level for especially reliable clients. Accordingly, they differ in the requirements put forward to clients and in the amounts that can be used. Let's consider the Promised Payment as more in demand among the company's clients.

Conditions of receipt

The MTS trust payment to the phone can be used by any user in all tariff directions. The exceptions are the following packages: Basic, Your Country, Guest, MTS iPad. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • using the company’s services for more than 60 days;
  • no debt;
  • no connection to the service On full trust;
  • not used at a specific moment Promised payment.

The MTS trust payment can be connected in case of a minus if it has not dropped below 30. This option is not available only for new clients (up to 2 months).

How to take a Trust payment if there is a minus on your phone

Payment for spending funds

After connecting Trust Payment to MTS, you can top up your phone for several days with a certain amount. The latter is appointed by the client independently. Subsequently, the requested value will need to be returned. Some sizes require an additional fee:

  • MTS trust payment for 30 rubles or less: no commission;
  • 31-99 rubles: 7 rubles;
  • 100-199: 10 rubles;
  • 200-499: 25 rubles;
  • Over 500: 50 rubles.

Payment will be charged at the same time as the borrowed amount for each request. Requesting a larger amount is not available to everyone. The request parameter depends on the activity of using the mobile phone and the funds deposited on the balance:

If the client falls into the latter category, he is offered a second service under similar conditions. This means that in one period you can request two times for a certain amount in the range of up to 800 rubles at the same time, i.e. without paying off the first debt, take on a second one.

If the client needs a little money, up to 50 rubles, then they can always ask for it, as long as there is a positive balance.

Connection of Trust payment

Connection occurs in several ways. The fastest Trust payment to MTS is through the combination: *111*123#. Next, you need to listen to the autoinformer and, following his prompts, press the number keys. Having chosen activation, you can use the service.

In addition, you can call the operator directly. There is a number 1113 for this. The client only needs to voice his wish and amount. The operator will compare the client’s characteristics with the general requirements and carry out the translation.

To independently configure the settings for the MTS Trust Payment, the Internet will come in very handy. You need to visit your Account (after official registration) and go to the Payment menu - Promised payment. The interface is convenient and intuitive. After filling out the order, the money will be credited to your account.

In similar ways, you can check whether there is a debt for a service and the deadline for its repayment:

  • when contacting the autoinformer in the MTS Trust Payment section using the combination of numbers *111*1230#;
  • call the operator on 1113;
  • visiting your Personal Account: Payment – ​​Promised payment – ​​History of promised payments.

When checking the balance, the client is shown the value taking into account the borrowed money. Therefore, you should control it yourself.

To return the debt to the MTS Trust payment, the number must be topped up. In this case, the entire amount is automatically withdrawn, taking into account the commission. Of course, if the citizen puts in enough of them. If less is deposited, then everything will be withdrawn as a partial repayment.

It must be remembered that the client has only three days to repay the debt. If you deviate from your obligations, your number will be blocked.

Service - In full confidence

The second option, how to take an MTS Trust Payment on your phone, use complete trust. The mandatory requirements are:

  • Use mobile communications through MTS for more than 6 months.
  • Presence of a positive remainder.
  • Over the past three months, paying for a phone has cost an average of 500 rubles.
  • No debts on accounts of other MTS resources.

Before you take a Trust Payment on MTS, you need to clearly understand that when you choose this option, the Promised Payment service becomes unavailable. The principle of the service is that you don’t have to constantly monitor your balance. So, the client has the right to go into the red, up to an amount of 300 rubles. Connection is free and does not involve any commission.

There are also several ways to receive a Trust Payment on MTS: through your Personal Account or by calling the short number *111*32#. If you use the service constantly, after 6 months you can get an increase in the limit by 50% of the average monthly costs for MTS. With a simultaneous increase in expenses for mobile payments, after six months the limit is increased to 600 rubles, after 9 months - to 700 rubles, and over 10 months - to 3 thousand rubles.

Payment for the debt must be made once a month before the 24th. Information about it comes in the form of an SMS report. At the same time, the debt and the deadline date are indicated. If the deadlines are not met, the phone will be blocked. If there is a desire, it is permissible to find out the debts under the MTS Trust Payment, the command for this is *132#. In response, you will receive a mini-report for today's date. You can also find out the number in your Personal Account.

A reminder function is provided. When spending more than ¾ of the limit, the client receives an SMS. It tells you about your available balance and reminds you to transfer money to your phone in order to continue using the capabilities of the service.

If you are late, your phone will be blocked. Before disabling Trust Payment on MTS, the client will be reminded again about the debt. Also, blocking occurs in case of going into negative territory above the allowed limit.


Thus, MTS offers its clients, if they have run out of funds on their phone number and there is no way to top up their balance, to take a Trust Payment. And in order to repay the debt, you need to top up your account, taking into account the commission.

The Trust Payment service is provided by almost every mobile operator. The need for it regularly arises for many people, since it costs nothing to forget to deposit into the account the amount necessary to pay off the subscription fee. As a result, many are trying to find out how to take a trust payment on MTS.

This is especially true for those who use a tariff plan aimed at the Internet. For good speed and a large amount of available traffic, you have to pay a certain amount every month. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to forget to make a payment on a strictly defined day, and as a result, you can suddenly be left without access to the network.

Fortunately, this problem is easily solved with the help of a Trust Payment from MTS. Using several special methods, it will be possible to obtain a certain amount of money for temporary use, which is just enough to pay the subscription fee.

What is a trust payment?

This service allows you to almost instantly receive a certain amount of money into your account, which depends on a number of factors. More details about them will be indicated below. Unlike the requirements of most mobile operators, those whose balance has gone into the red will also be able to use a trust payment from MTS.

Of course, you can't let your score drop too far below zero. The minimum threshold for approval of a trust payment is -30 rubles. Exactly how much a person can receive depends on his average monthly spending.

  • At any time, owners of SIM cards from MTS have the right to receive 30-50 rubles into their account. For this payment, monthly expenses are not taken into account.
  • A subscriber who spends less than 300 rubles a month can usually receive approximately 150-200 rubles.
  • If about five hundred rubles are spent over such a period, then 400 rubles will be issued as a trust payment.
  • If a person spends even more money per month, then the maximum payment is available to him, which is equal to 800 rubles.

Of course, money is given to the subscriber for a reason. In fact, he borrows from the operator, and therefore is obliged to return this amount within three days. If the condition is not met, the number will be temporarily blocked. Moreover, Trust payment is not a free service. Along with the debt, the following will be written off from the subscriber’s account:

  • Seven rubles if he plans to receive 30-99 rubles.
  • If an amount of 100-200 rubles is available, then you will have to pay another ten for it.
  • To receive a payment of 200-500 rubles, another 25 rubles are debited.

Finally, if the subscriber used the maximum available amount, that is, 800 rubles, then another fifty rubles will be taken from his account. The only situation where you won’t have to pay extra is if you order 1-29 rubles.

How to take a Trust payment on MTS?

You can get additional money on your phone using different methods. For example, sometimes it is not at all necessary to have a mobile phone in your hands. However, the easiest way to resolve the situation is with his help.

How to take a Trust payment on MTS on your phone:

  • Take advantageUSSD command. Just dial *111*123# on your mobile phone and then press call. Very soon you will receive SMS messages on your phone with further instructions.
  • You can immediately indicate the amount that a person wants to receive. To do this, she fits in at the end of the command. For example, a person has the right to order 50 rubles using the combination *111*123#30, or 400 by dialing 111*123#400.
  • Access to MTS Service. You can shorten the command and dial only *111#. As a result, the subscriber will be taken to the so-called “MTS Service”, which allows you to solve a number of different problems.

With its help, you will not only be able to activate the service, but also find out about the status of your balance, as well as clarify the features of the current tariff and even change it.

Other methods of connecting to the service

In order to receive money into your account this way, you must have a mobile phone in your hands. If he is not nearby, you can use another method. For example, get into your personal account.

Today, every mobile operator provides its subscribers with the opportunity to have a Personal Account on the official website. It is best to register and log in as soon as possible, since this will most likely require a mobile phone.

Once in your Personal Account, you will need to find the registration section in it. To authorize on the site, you will need to enter your number and request a special password, which will come in an SMS message. Then all that remains is to enter it and thus gain access to your Personal Account.

In it you can easily find the section with the Trust Payment, as well as a huge amount of other useful information. If neither the site nor any other method could solve the problem, then all that remains is to use the third method - call the MTS operator at 1113. He will be able to give detailed advice on this issue and connect the selected service to your phone.

Features of use

Each subscriber can use a trust payment, for example, to receive a minimum amount. However, there are situations when this becomes impossible. The most common case is blocking a number. This can happen for various reasons. For example, if a person has not deposited the amount he received under the previous trust payment within three days, his phone will be blocked.

In addition, there are a number of tariff plans that do not allow you to activate this service. These include:

  • MTS iPad,
  • Guest,
  • Basic 092013,
  • Super Online.

Also, a trust payment will not work if other similar options conflict with it. For example, the connection of “Credit”, as well as “In full confidence” will interfere with the matter. The latter, by the way, is an analogue of the Trust Payment, which can be used with a balance below -31.

Of course, it is best to monitor the status of your account and deposit the required amount of funds on time. However, no one is immune from difficult situations, and in such moments the Trust Payment from MTS will come to the rescue.

Video instruction

Sometimes the funds in your phone account run out at the most inopportune moment. And it is not always possible to put it on balance instantly. MTS takes care of its subscribers and provides them with the “Promised Payment” service, which helps in such situations. In this article, we’ll look at connecting the service in more detail, and also find out how to disable the trust payment on MTS.

What's the point

In essence, this is replenishing the balance on the phone by the telecom company itself, in this case MTS. We can say that this is a kind of borrowing from the operator a certain amount of money that can be used for a certain period. Of course, MTS takes a small commission for providing the “Trust Payment” service, but in some cases the service is very useful and worth the money.

The amount that the company is ready to provide as part of the “Promised Payment” service may differ for each subscriber. It all depends on how much money a person spends per month and how long he uses MTS. The minimum amount is thirty rubles, no commission is charged for it. You can borrow up to 800 rubles per week using a trust payment.

To whom is it available?

The service is not provided:

  • for users of the "Guest", "MTS iPad", "Your Country", "Basic" tariffs;
  • for subscribers connected to a mobile operator for less than two months;
  • This service is already activated on the number, or the previous one has not been redeemed;
  • The number uses the deferred payment method.


If the promised payment is more than 30 rubles, the cost of the service is:

  • from 31 to 99 rubles - seven rubles;
  • from 100 to 199 rubles - ten rubles;
  • from 200 to 499 rubles - twenty-five rubles;
  • more than five hundred rubles - fifty rubles.

How to take a “Trust payment” on MTS

There are several ways to connect to the service:

  • USSD request - *111*123# and call key, then follow the pop-up prompts;
  • call to the MTS customer center;
  • go to your “Personal Account” on the MTS website.

The debt must be repaid within three days by replenishing the balance in any way convenient for the subscriber. If this is not done, the operator will debit the money from the phone account and block the number until the person pays the debt.

Is it possible with a minus

How to take a “Trust payment” on MTS if there is a minus on the balance? Many subscribers ask this question. The company provides the service even in this case. But the balance should be no more than minus 30 rubles. If the negative balance is greater than the specified amount, the “Trust Payment” is not provided.

How to disable "Trust payment" on MTS

If you do not want to remain in debt to the company, and the subscriber rarely uses this service, you can disable it using your personal account. To do this, you must have Internet access.

So, the algorithm of actions:

  • first of all, you should go to the website and select “My MTS, mobile communications”;
  • in the form that opens, you need to indicate your phone number and password;
  • Next, you should open the “My Services” tab;
  • to find the required service, you need to check the box next to “All”;
  • after this, the services will be shown in alphabetical order, it is necessary to mark those that are not needed, in this case “Promised payment” or “On full confidence”;
  • After this, you need to click on the cross and confirm the refusal.

This method is only suitable if you have a positive balance on your phone. If the balance is negative, you need to top up your account.

More ways

How to disable "Trust payment" on MTS - the easiest way:

  • dial a combination of the following numbers on your phone - *111*32# and the call key;
  • Next you need to follow the prompts that will come to your phone.

Another simple way is to call MTS customer service. Using the voice menu or communicating with the operator, you can refuse to use the service.

By calling

Many subscribers ask which MTS “Trust Payment” number to dial in order to disable or activate a service other than the Call Center. Indeed, such an opportunity exists; to do this, you need to dial the following numbers: 1113 and make a call, after which the subscriber should listen to the autoinformer prompts.


Many subscribers are interested in trust payments to MTS. We discussed how to disable or connect a service in this article. In general, it can be noted that the service is useful, and in some situations it is simply necessary. The company has created convenient conditions so that subscribers can easily use the “Trust Payment” and stay in touch even during the most difficult moments.

Account funds often run out at the wrong time. MTS takes care of its subscribers and provides assistance in the form of a “Promised Payment”. What is its essence, how to connect and disconnect - all the nuances are described in detail in the article.

In essence, this is a top-up on your phone by MTS. A kind of borrowing from the operator a certain amount that can be used for a certain period. As with most emergency cash assistance transactions, there is an implied interest rate. That is, it is necessary to pay for use upon expiration of the validity period. MTS also offers "".

There is no need to look for a terminal to pay for communications or a cell store; you can top up your account without leaving your own home or office. You need to dial a combination of numbers and your balance will be replenished instantly.

Who can activate the service?

Many clients of the mobile operator are interested in how to receive the promised payment on MTS. The service can be used by individuals connected to certain tariffs. There are restrictions. If one of the following tariffs applies to the number, connection is not available:

  • "Guest";
  • "Your country";
  • "Base";
  • "MTS iPad".

The following conditions must be met:

  1. This number is serviced at least 60 days.
  2. There is no connection to “Credit” and “On full trust”.
  3. The deferred payment method is not used.
  4. There is no active or outstanding service on the number.

It is worth noting that with the “Promised Payment” in effect, an additional package is available for the amount set by the operator.

All that remains is to figure out how to take a trust payment to MTS in order to restore communication and access to the Internet again. You should also find out about it from the MTS operator. Employees will help answer any questions.

MTS trust payment is a combination of certain numbers. In order to top up your phone account through this service, you can call your cellular operator and ask him to connect. Contact number +7−800−25−00−890. The call is free. It will also be useful to connect “ ” if a person travels regularly. It is still profitable for metropolitan residents to connect to

You can use help from MTS if there are no funds in your account through your personal account on the company’s website at https://ihelper.ug.mts.ru/selfcare/payment-promised.aspx. A loan for MTS “Promised Payment” is issued within 5 minutes after filling out the form. And they will be credited in 3 minutes.

It is also worth noting that logging into the company’s website is possible even with a minus balance.

The fastest and best option is to recruit a team yourself. The combination of numbers to connect is *111*123# and the call button. Provided for three days, replenishment amount is no more than 800 rubles.

The available limit is determined individually, depending on the funds spent on communications on a given number over the last month. You can choose the required amount within the allowed limit yourself. The more active the connection is used during the month, the higher the limit will be.

If you spend more than 500 rubles monthly, an additional package is provided. The total replenishment amount should not exceed 800 rubles.

The service is paid, but it is debited from the account only after its expiration date. The cost depends on the amount provided. More details about the payment amount are in the table:

If the account is positive, but a replenishment is urgently required, the subscriber is automatically provided with 50 rubles as a trust payment.

To write off payment, you must top up your account on time. Activation of a new “Promised Payment” is available only after repayment of the debt for the service already provided.

Every user should know how to take the “Promised Payment” on MTS. This function will allow you not to be left without communication at the right time. You can also use MTS without any problems

Memo to subscriber:

  1. Before connecting, it is important to make sure that there is no active service on the number. To do this, you need to call the toll-free number 11 131 or dial the command *111*1230# and call.
  2. Debt repayment is carried out automatically when replenishing the balance in any way (through your personal account using a bank card, in a mobile phone store, through a terminal).
  3. In case of replenishment of the balance, the debt is written off even if 3 days have not yet passed from the moment the service was activated.
  4. Debt can be written off in two ways:
  • partial repayment of the debt - in case of replenishment of the balance, if the amount does not cover the full amount of the debt, but only part of it;
  • full repayment of the debt - when replenishing the balance, the amount of money received is sufficient to fully repay the debt.
  1. It is important to remember that you need to repay not only the amount spent as part of the trust payment, but also the fee for using the service.

It is necessary to top up your phone account no later than 3 days from the moment the service is activated. Otherwise, the number will be blocked.

Not all subscribers can take out a loan for MTS “Promised Payment”. This should be remembered. It is possible that the operator does not trust you, and therefore does not offer credit top-up. If you have points, then request payment with them.

How to disable the “Promised payment” service?

MTS has limited the possibility of disconnection by the subscriber himself. In order not to top up your balance using a trust payment, the operator advises its subscribers simply not to enter the activation command!

It is impossible to completely disable the service. Especially on your own. In case of emergency, the subscriber can visit the MTS sales office and make a request to disable the service by writing a statement.

It is important to remember that if you accidentally activate the service, it cannot be cancelled. Even if no more than a minute has passed since the erroneous connection. In any case, the subscriber is given a certain amount of debt, which will then need to be returned.

The promised payment has not been established: what does this mean?

Quite often, subscribers complain that they are unable to connect a trust payment. Most often, beginners and recent users of the operator encounter this problem. One example:

The mistake of this subscriber is that he was not familiar with the terms of service correctly. It is important to remember that the operator does not approve trust payments to “young” subscribers who have not yet received a trust guarantor. Therefore, before asking the question: “how to install the promised payment on MTS,” you need to actively use the operator’s capabilities. There is a hotline for this case.

Another common reason for the inability to install the service is a big minus on the phone’s balance. You should not expect that if your balance is minus 500 rubles, the operator will give your favorite subscriber the necessary bonus amount.

If the service cannot be installed, this means that this subscriber does not meet the necessary requirements set by the telecom operator! These requirements were set out in detail in the article.

The MTS “Promised Payment” service is a real concern from the company. Even a small amount received as a loan from the operator comes to the rescue at the most important moment of life. And for such help the operator asks for a very reasonable payment. Another trust payment is provided.

Video “How to take the promised payment on MTS”