Gta 5 online how to make money faster. How to make money in GTA Online. Major story-based heists

In honor of the imminent release of the updated GTA 5 and GTA Online JOGER decided to create small guide for those who want to get rich quick in the world of the game. To find out about the most profitable missions, money machines and other ways to become rich with several bags of American dollars, read on.

What to do after entering for the first time? GTA Online? Well, first you need to get good car, a garage, then you can buy an apartment... But all this will require a lot of money, which doesn’t just lie on the road. And the easiest way to earn money for real estate and other benefits is through teamwork - that is, find yourself a gang or put together your own. Once you have a couple of partners, your first $1,000,000 will not take long to arrive. And for a squad of heavily armed players there will always be something to do in the underworld of Los Santos :).

Shop robbery.

Small grocery stores are scattered throughout the island (most often along busy highways). You can go into it, give your hard-earned $15-20 to the cashier and restore your health with a couple of snacks, but it would be better if this store remains without profit today. We point a shotgun at the frightened seller and demand all the cash from the cash register. And so that he doesn’t hesitate and doesn’t even think about calling the cops, it’s worth smashing a couple of bottles of expensive wine behind his back. You can also shout at the idiot via Kinect or headphone microphone, but this does not really affect the process.
One more thing: before a robbery, you can put on a mask - for your own safety, of course. If the cashier remembers your face, then when you meet again, he will fire a shotgun before you approach him.

And after several such “warm-ups” you can raise some good money - it all depends on your patience and the degree of fatigue of the local police.

In your pocket: $10,000.

Sale of stolen cars.

Los Santos Customs- your most important friends and customers in the whole city. Who else but them can push a car that was stolen 3 blocks away? Here rough plan actions:

Find the car.
If the guys from LSC need this vehicle, an alert will immediately appear on the screen.
Mark the nearest garage where you can sell the car.
You go there and select sale from the menu.

That's all. Just 4 simple steps, and your pockets are already filled with packs of dead presidents! The cost of a car depends on its class. And if you don't enjoy hijacking every business class, then the richest area of ​​Los Santos - Vinewood - is waiting for you. For cars stolen from this area, the masters of Los Santos Customs will overwhelm you with a mountain of dollars... after several dozen cars sold :).

In your pocket: $120,000.


Cleaning out shops and selling cars is an effective, but rather monotonous way to earn a decent living. But completing tasks and missions are rewarded with dignity - and you can earn even more $$$ by cooperating with members of your gang, or just friends. In addition to standard PvE missions, you can raise good money on PvP tasks: race, shootout, capturing a case and others.

In your pocket: $250,000.

Accept the invitation.

If your friend starts completing a mission, he can invite you to the team. With these criteria:

Good team.
Profitable mission.

You simply have to press the “Replay” button. For example: a work called “Violent Duct” paid $9000 for each passage. It’s not hard to guess that after 10-20 restarts (if by this time you don’t get tired of playing games in general:) you can raise up to $200,000. Not bad money, especially when combined with what you’ve already earned.

In your pocket: $550,000.

Do not die.

This is a rather insidious moment Grand Theft Auto Online It’s worth noting right away - otherwise you have a chance to waste all your money in a few unsuccessful shootouts. Remember a simple truth: die -> pay. Also, the nth amount of money remains next to your corpse - maybe $100, or maybe all the cash you have with you. After a dozen deaths, you can become bankrupt.

And by the way: you can even make money by living longer than your enemies. Just collect all the cash from their corpses.

In your pocket: $600,000.

Money in the bank.

Whether it's $5,000 or $25,000, cash always needs to be converted into electronic currency. This can be done directly from your phone through the Maze Bank website. Thus, the maximum that your killer will lose is $100 for a magazine with cartridges.

In your pocket: $600,000.


There is no shame in betting $1000 against yourself in a shootout if the winnings are 2-3 times greater. And if you are confident in your abilities, bet on yourself. And the more, the better.

In your pocket: $700,000.

Cash collector armored vehicles.

This is as easy a way to earn an extra $5,000 as robbing roadside shops. Gruppe 6 trucks transport cash from one point in Los Santos to another. Most often they occur by chance. To get the money, you need to open the back doors of the truck - either with a large number of shots from the weapon, or using C4.

In your pocket: $750,000

The most profitable mission.

Coke is a quest that can earn you up to $700,000 per hour, provided you're level 45 or invited by a level 45 friend.

In your pocket: $1,000,000 or more.

You can also use well-known glitches for money, but most likely in an updated version Grand Theft Auto Online they were fixed.

To earn money you will need to choose what kind of player you will be, bad or very bad. Yes, that’s right, there are no other options for earning money, similar to the same single-player mode. For example, in GTA 5 you can earn money by working as a taxi driver. Unfortunately, there is no such option in the online version. Also, for example, in the single version there is an exchange where you can get rich by buying and then reselling shares, in other words, make a profit from the difference between buying and selling. This exchange is present in multiplayer, however, it does not work. You can also purchase game currency for GTA Online through our store.

How to make money in GTA 5 Online

1. Kill and rob civilians in GTA 5

So let's move on to possible ways become millionaire in GTA 5 Online. The first method is hooliganism, or robbery, call it what you prefer. For me, this is one of my favorite earnings, however, it is not as profitable as I would like, but even here there are some secrets. According to the first method, you need to have transport, as well as short-range weapons, we don’t want to spend money on ammunition, our task is to earn money for the first weapon or the first car. Why do we need a car? It's up to you to decide, either to escape or to kill NPCs in GTA 5 online. For example, I prefer to kill townspeople with melee combat, I especially like to do it with a switchblade or with a hammer, but you can use anything. Our task is to kill as many NPCs as possible and get the maximum profit from them. On average, it costs $25 for each person we kill. In order to earn more, try to kill and rob richer people who are walking along the streets, and it is best to attack those who have just left the ATM or are standing near it at the moment. But do not forget that after killing several people, they will start to run away, and a reward will be announced for you, that is, you will be given a danger star and the police will be looking for you. This is the description of the first ways to make money in GTA 5 Online that's enough, and we offer you a video that shows how to make money using this method.

2. Robbery of stores in GTA 5 Online

Second way earn your first million in GTA 5, also applies to robberies and black deeds, but it is more profitable in my opinion. This is an attack on markets (shops) in gta online. To carry out an attack, we need to break into the store, point the gun at the seller and wait for him to collect a bag of cash for us, which we will need to pick up. If you don’t kill the seller in GTA 5, then we will be given 2 wanted stars for robbing a store, but if we kill the cashier, then we will be given 3 wanted stars. What's the difference? The difference is that the amount of the winnings, a couple of hundred bucks, may differ, as well as the speed of receiving it. I prefer to use the second method, for me it is faster and more convenient. By the way, if you chose the first method of robbing a store, then you will be given advice to speed up the process, which is to yell at the GTA 5 Online seller.

To shout, you need to say something into the microphone in the general chat or create any noise that will come from you. But this shout will interfere with other players and you may be blocked in the general chat, which in the future will lead to complete ignorance on the part of other players and the entire server as a whole. Therefore, instead of shouting at the seller, shoot around him at the store shelves and at the goods, this will also speed up the process of collecting money in the bag. After the robbery, you will need to leave as quickly as possible and hide from the police, or you can shoot back from the police until you run out of ammo. Much more fun this method use a robbery with a friend, but the jackpot will be smaller. At the end of the description of this earnings, we offer you to watch a video using the current method: robbery of shops in GTA 5 Online.

3. We sell stolen cars

The third way to make money in GTA is by selling cars, cars that are stolen on the street. In general, this method brings from $3,000 to $20,000 per car sold. Just remember right away that you can sell one car within 45 minutes, so think for yourself what is better, rob stores, or steal cars and sell 1 car every 45 minutes. I think some have already realized that the best way to do this is to buy a garage near a car repair shop; don’t forget, you need a garage with an automatic gate opening. Personally, I don’t use this method very often, but I don’t mind spending extra money. We provide you video on making money in GTA 5 online through the sale of stolen cars.

4. We sell cars from Simon's list via SMS in GTA 5

The fourth method is similar to the first, it also applies to the sale of cars, but in this case we will need to read the SMS received from Simon and find an SMS with a list of cars that he requires. Then everything depends on you. Find a car, repaint it at any Los’Antos auto repair shop, and then take it to the port to the garage. On average, you can get up to $18,000 each for selling cars from the list. I also use this method, it brings in good additional income. Video on making money by selling cars from Simon's list in GTA 5.

5. Daily tasks, how to earn GTA 5 Online

The fifth way is to complete daily tasks, the list of which changes every day, which is why, in fact, they are daily. The tasks can be different, from jumping with a parachute to riding a wheelie for 100 m. Or it could be going to the movies or some other task. Often these tasks are very easy and their completion will not require much effort from you. Below you can watch a video on completing daily tasks in GTA V. For completing all tasks you are given a reward of $25,000. The money is small, but taking into account all the other earnings along with this, it already turns out to be a very round sum.

6. Kill players with a bounty on their heads

Sixth method make money in GTA 5 multiplayer, this is killing other players, you can kill everyone right and left, but in this case you have a chance to earn about $500 from the murder, depending on how much cash the player carries with him. Or you can earn $1000 or more for killing players who are wanted and for whom a reward has been awarded. Sometimes there are cases when other players assign large sums for killing another player, and sometimes cheaters appear and put a reward of a million dollars or more on the player’s head, it all depends on the mood of the cheater. I, of course, do not like to use this method of making money through deception. however, if such an option comes across, I try not to refuse it, it’s not my fault if the player himself threw himself in front of my car while I was driving, and how do I know that he has a reward on his head of several million dollars. Watch a video on how to make money using this method below.

7. Heists in GTA 5 Online, additional and final missions

The seventh method, in my opinion, is the most profitable, and also the most interesting, especially if you play with friends. These are our favorite heists, which consist of preparation stages and the final mission. During preparation, everyone except the organizer receives money, but during the final mission, the organizer often receives the most, usually 40% of the total prize. Complicit players receive 20% on average, in my opinion, this is the optimal amount of money for a mission. With a good game and the latest mission, you can earn $100,000 within 15 - 20 minutes of play, but this is only if the team is well-coordinated and each player knows his role. For example, I had a situation where one of the 4 players could not fulfill his role, while the other three players performed it 100%, no, this player was not me, but sometimes I have errors. You can watch a video example of a robbery below.

In general, I would like to note that there are many ways to make money in GTA 5 Online, these include individual missions from players or from Rockstar, these include robberies, and killing players, in fact, everything your heart desires. Don't forget that this is a game and it's all for fun and enjoyment. There is no need to be angry with the players, this rule applies to everyone except cheaters, who are very common in the game. Play for fun.

If you have any questions on the topic: “ How to earn $1,000,000 in GTA 5 Online", then write them in the comments to this article, or on our gaming channel, and we will try to answer each question in detail and with video.

8. New way to make money in GTA 5 Online (September 2017)

Earnings in GTA Online in 2018. There will be an updated article in the near future, but at the moment you can buy money for GTA 5 Online in our store.

Earning money - actual question for any game, including GTA Online. In earlier materials, we looked at some common ways to get enough capital, but now we will reveal more accessible techniques that are more useful to beginners.


Work is an ideal option that is valid not only for the real world. In GTA Online you can also freely find a job for which you can earn legal income. The game maximally encourages the player’s desire to work and follow in-game instructions, so to speak, playing out his role while online.
As a rule, working in GTA Online allows you to put together start-up capital for more serious tasks (for example, buying your own business). The tasks here are simple and will not require a lot of your time, and the reward is quite decent (with each subsequent completed quest the reward increases). By working, you can not only replenish your bank account, but also earn experience for leveling up your character.

Getting a job is quite simple, you just need to go through your smartphone to a special resource where current vacancies are posted. It should be immediately clarified that as you spend time in the game, more and more interesting and profitable roles will open up for you. In addition, other players can also send you an invitation to complete work together - for this you get even more money!

Missions with other players: survival

Survival is an interesting mode where you can easily earn up to $20,000 for completing it. Such tasks are intended for individuals and groups of up to 4 people, and the whole point is that you need to hold out certain time. Typically, 10 minutes is enough to complete one such mission.
This interactivity opens as soon as you level up your character to level 15. It is recommended to gather friends to complete it, since the gameplay is more fun in a team, and you can complete the event in a very short time.

Store robberies

If you are looking for illegal income, then the best place to start is to concentrate on robbing shops and shops. To do this, you need to find a suitable retail outlet, go inside and point your weapon at the seller. The more actively you put pressure on him (shout or shoot nearby), the faster he will get all the proceeds. Even a simple pistol will do for this; there is no need to look for a powerful assault rifle.

It is necessary to escape from the crime scene before the police arrive. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to kill the seller, since after this the amount of profit will decrease significantly. Robberies can also be carried out in the company of partners, but then at the end of the case you will need to divide the profit between the participants. Of course, you can keep everything for yourself, but it is unlikely that your comrades will be happy with this turn of events.

Car theft

Theft Vehicle– this is the main “feature” of all parts of the Grand Theft Auto series, and the online version is no exception. Here you can also freely steal any car you like. However, it will not be yours until you install a tracker on it (this is done in the Los Santos Customs workshop).

After the theft, the main source of income is the sale of stolen cars. They can be purchased either by a private owner (or another player) or by the workshop of the game itself. In this case, the cost of the car will be only 10% of its market value, so this method of obtaining money can hardly be called overly profitable. Especially considering the fact that Rockstar limited the sale of cars to one per 48 in-game hours.

Keep in mind one more thing - damaged cars will cost even less. The store deducts the cost of the repair from your fee, after which you receive the remainder. Accordingly, if you want to get maximum profit, try to bring an undamaged model to the garage.

  • The most financially profitable area for theft is Richman (the most expensive and beautiful cars “graze” here);
  • Simeon is ready to provide you with a list of cool cars at any time, the sale of which can earn you enough money;
  • Before selling, be sure to paint your car so that the cops don’t suspect you as a car thief!

If you find problems with the police, you can always call Lester, who, for a certain reward (up to $500), will reset the wanted level to the minimum. That is, you can use this trick whenever problems with the police prevent you from completing any tasks.

Security of funds is the key to prosperity

If you do not want to risk your honestly (or dishonestly) earned capital, take care of insurance in advance. In other words, keep your funds in the Maze bank so that if you die, you won't lose all your money. When you carry cash in your pocket, be prepared to part with it if you suddenly get into a firefight or get hit by a car.

To use the bank’s services, just go online via your smartphone and transfer all the money to your account.

What should you spend money on first?

Many players make one common mistake - they immediately spend the first money they earn on cosmetic items. Yes, you'll look cooler in that trendy shirt and distressed jeans, but it's unlikely to do you any practical good.

A more rational expense item to begin with would be the purchase of more powerful weapons and armor. It is also necessary to slowly save money for your own property - a house and a garage. The cheapest home will cost you $93,000, and a detached garage will cost you $25,000. However, remember that you can only have one property! That is, when purchasing a detached garage, you will not be able to buy a house until the previous property is sold. If you want to create a new spawn point in the game the next time you enter or change things on your character, then it’s better to take a house - the cheapest one comes with a small garage for two places. But if you plan to collect cars, then a 40-space garage is your choice.

Take care of yourself!

In GTA Online, you are considered an inferior player if you don't die at least once at the very beginning. And with each such time, funds will be withdrawn from your account for, so to speak, “medical recovery.” Initially, this is not very noticeable and experienced players do not pay attention to this fact at all, but for beginners this can become a real problem!

The easiest way out of this situation is to switch to passive mode. This pleasure costs $100 and will be available to you after your first death. In passive mode, you cannot be killed by other players, but you cannot harm them either. This functionality is intended for lovers of peaceful professions and players who want to complete tasks in the game, and not cause chaos.


So, as you can understand from the above, there are a huge number of ways to earn money in GTA Online; you just need to decide on the type of interactivity that will bring you the most pleasure.

If you want to try yourself as a taxi driver, ambulance driver, postman or other professions, then feel free to start your peaceful career. Adrenaline lovers will be able to enjoy robbing stores, jewelry and weapons stores, stealing and resell cars, or engage in criminal business (we talked about it in more detail in previous articles). But remember that it is best not to die constantly and just level up your character until the moment when all the initial classes have been tried and all missions have been completed. Then you can start wreaking havoc on the streets of Los Santos, enjoying explosions and shootouts!

Want to know how to make extra money in GTA Online? Since its release, the cost and number of types of transport, weapons, clothing and other things in the game have increased significantly. But the amount of money you can get has also increased. Whether these two numbers increased at the same time is a question for another text, but in this one I collected everything best ways(legal) making money in GTA Online to help players understand this sometimes confusing and non-obvious topic.

In addition to the methods that will be listed here, the game has many others, such as races, deathmatches, missions and various others. game modes. But the exhaust from them has not changed since 2013, so they are very inefficient when compared. Beginners may find them useful at the beginning, and in general, as long as you enjoy the game, the money will still come in little by little. But this guide will focus on the most productive ways to make money as quickly as possible.

Earn money in GTA Online quickly and easily

It is worth noting that everything written below is exclusively about making money. Mix up the activities however you like, as long as it's fun. Although you'll make the most money per hour if you have your Gunsmith Bunker and/or Cocaine business running in the background while you grind Special Cargo: Transport and VIP Cases (if you're playing solo) or the Pacific Standard Heist (if you're playing solo) there is a group), repeating the same actions over and over again can get boring.

In any case, the absolute maximum that you can earn entirely by investing in grinding is about 500 thousand per hour. This may seem like a lot, but even so you will need more than 600 hours of pure grinding to buy all the available types of transport in the game (I studied this issue on my channel).

As soon as you get tired of it, as soon as it starts to seem like work and not play, or the fruits of your efforts do not bring the desired pleasure, you will need to take a break from earning money or even play something else. However, below you will find the best ways to make money in GTA Online.

Double Money Events

Use them. Rockstar changes the set of activities that earn double money every week or so. Sometimes this means participating in races or adversary modes, which even with such bonuses will not be as effective as the ones I describe below. True, sometimes these methods can also have a “week of double bonuses”, such as the Gunsmiths bunker or Special Cargo: Transport. The more options available to you, the more often you will be able to take advantage of these “double bonus weeks.” And if Robberies have double bonuses (which happens very rarely), you simply have to grind this week.

This week there's a double bonus for Adversary Mode.Hotring Circuit", which was added as part of the "Southern San Andreas Super Series".


Potential revenue: 400 thousand per hour.

Required: expensive apartments (minimum cost: 200 thousand) and three friends.

Method: Go to the heist planning room in your apartment and select a heist to begin. You'll have to pay some money up front to become a heist host.

Plan the perfect heist at a friend's house

Invite three friends and go through the preparatory missions and the final. It is recommended to have a well-coordinated team as communication and skills are needed to waste less time, and guides can be found online for each mission.

Doomsday Heist

Required: Institution (minimum cost: 1.25 million) and 1-3 friends.

Method: Go to the heist planning room in the facility and select a heist to begin. You'll have to pay some money up front to become a heist host. Invite one, two or three friends and go through the preparatory missions and the finale. As with the old heists, it is recommended to have a well-coordinated team as communication and skills are needed to waste less time.

Ideal choice for earning money

Tip: Completing this heist with two players instead of four will net you more money each since the total earnings remain the same, but the missions will be more difficult and potentially take longer. The host of the heist does not receive money for the preparatory missions and spends it on the launch, so it would be better for the host to take 40% (4 players) / 50% (3 players) / 60% (2 players) of the final jackpot, and the rest divide the rest equally, so so that everyone ends up with approximately the same amount. Paying to skip prep missions is almost never worth it in terms of money and time.

Special cargo

Potential revenue: 200 thousand per hour.

Required: office (minimum cost: 1 million), warehouse (minimum cost: 250 thousand) and a member of the organization (CEO).

Method: Start your organization as CEO using the SecuroServ option in the interaction menu. Go to the computer in the office and select “Special Cargo”, then “Buy” next to the required number of boxes. You will need to complete a mission to deliver cargo to your warehouse. You can only carry one box at a time, but you can return for them. Then you need to use the laptop in the warehouse to sell assembled boxes through delivery mission for profit.

Tip: Buying more boxes at a time is more time efficient, especially if you have friends who can help deliver them to your warehouse. The more boxes you sell at a time, the more each one costs, so it's best to have a large, stocked warehouse. Larger warehouses cost more and selling 111 boxes at a time is risky as you will either gain 2.2 million or lose everything.

Potential revenue: 300 thousand per hour.

Requires: office (minimum cost: 1 million), transport warehouse (minimum cost: 1.5 million) and member of the organization (CEO).

Method: Start your organization as CEO using the Securo Serv option in the interaction menu. Go to the computer in the office and select “Car Theft”, then “Required Transport”. You will need to complete a mission to steal transport and deliver it to your warehouse. Be careful on the way back, as damage leads to expenses for repairs, and this affects revenue. Then you need to use the laptop in the transport warehouse to export the desired transport through the delivery mission for profit.

Maximize your profits by stealing cars

Tip: Repeat missions until you fill the warehouse with 10 standard-sized mounts and 10 medium-sized mounts, so there are no duplicates. From now on, each mission will bring you the largest type of vehicle. Until there are 12 of them. Export only these and sell as many as possible at a time if you have friends to help - this way you will maximize profits.

Air cargo theft

Requires: hangar (minimum cost: 1.2 million) and organization member (CEO).

Method: Start your organization as CEO using the Securo Serv option in the interaction menu. Go to the computer in the hangar and select "Required Cargo" and then the type of cargo. You will need to complete a mission to deliver cargo to your hangar. You can then use the laptop in the hangar to sell the collected cargo through a delivery mission for a profit.

Deliver drugs by air and earn money for your own plane

Tip: Deliver only one type of cargo, and let it be drugs, chemicals or medical supplies. You get a 35% bonus for selling 25 boxes of these types, and a 75% bonus for selling 50 boxes. You'll need friends to sell an entire hangar, and in general, going through these missions with friends is much more effective.

Requires: Bunker (Minimum Cost: 1.2 million) and Organization Member (CEO).

Method: Start an organization as a CEO or VIP using the Securo Serv option in the interaction menu. Go to the laptop in the bunker and select "Replenish Supplies", then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". You will need to complete a mission to deliver supplies to your bunker if you chose this option, or they will be delivered to you anyway if you bought them. Once they've been delivered, your staff will go to work turning them into goods while you do other things in the game. The laptop in the bunker can then be used to sell the item through a delivery mission for profit.

You can make a lot of money by trading in arms

Tip: Buying supplies is more efficient to save time, as is setting up your staff to only purchase equipment/staff upgrades. This is a passive way to make money, so it should work in the background while you make money through other methods. There are no cash bonuses for selling a full bunker, and it will require friends if multiple vehicles are needed for a sales mission.

Potential revenue: 80 thousand per hour without your participation (while you are doing other things).

Required: clubhouse (minimum cost: 200 thousand), business (minimum cost: 650 thousand) and president of the Biker Club.

Method: Start the Biker Club as President using the appropriate option in the interaction menu. Go to the laptop in your business premises and select "Replenish Supplies", then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". You will need to complete a mission to deliver supplies to your business if you chose this option, or they will be delivered to you anyway if you purchased them. Once they've been delivered, your staff will go to work turning them into goods while you do other things in the game. The laptop can then be used in the business premises to sell the product through a delivery mission for profit.

Become the president of a biker club to win the jackpot

Tip: Cocaine production is the most profitable (on par with the arms trade bunker), the cheapest cocaine business costs 975 thousand, although sales missions last longer. Buying supplies is more time efficient. This is a passive way to make money, so it should work in the background while you make money through other methods. There are no cash bonuses for selling a full bunker, and it will require friends if multiple vehicles are needed for a sales mission.

VIP job

Potential revenue: 150 thousand per hour.

Organization member required (VIP/CEO)

Method: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO using the Securo Sev option in the interaction menu. Open the interaction menu and select “VIP Job”, then the desired mission. You will need to complete a mission in free mode, for completing which you will be rewarded.

VIP work always pays dearly

Tip: These missions are a great way to earn money while you're on cooldown, such as when you're waiting for a new vehicle to be selected for a warehouse, as they finish fairly quickly and pay well. But they will not replace other ways of earning money, since their revenue is not so large. Suitable as filler work. "Bounty Hunter", "Armed Capture" and "Observer" are good missions.

Premium racing

Potential earnings: 80 thousand per race.

Required: fast car/bike, good driving skills.

Method: either go to the premium race location, that is, to the golden springboard on the map, or drive along it and start a business from the map. When the lobby is filled with 8 players, 20 thousand will be taken from you. To return this investment, you need to finish third or higher. The winner receives 100 thousand, the second - 30, the third simply returns the money spent.

Tip: Premium races change every week and are generally a lottery as the lobby takes a long time to fill and there is no guarantee that you will win. But if you're a good driver, you're familiar with the stunt racing that's going on this week. good car(if you don't already know which car to use, then you're not ready for a premium race), this business can be profitable.

Potential revenue: 50 thousand per hour.

Required: fast car/bike.

Method: Drive to the time trial location, which is the purple stopwatch on the map. Start the challenge when you're ready and try to get to the end faster than required. There are no checkpoints during the process, so you can take any route. For successful completion you will receive about 50 thousand.

Time trials are a great way to earn extra money

Tip: Time trials change every week and you can only receive a reward for them once a week. You have an unlimited number of attempts and can respawn at the start, but the longer the race, the less effective this method of earning money will be. In general, a good bike will get you to your destination the fastest.

Potential revenue: 1.6 million in 28 days.

Required: level 15.

Method: Open the interaction menu and select "Daily quests". Three goals will appear on the map that must be completed that day. Complete it and get 25 thousand for success. Some tasks will be more difficult and may require the help of friends.

Complete daily challenges to get a bonus

Tip: This is one of the easiest ways to earn money, but only if you do it every day, as there are significant bonuses for 7 and 28 consecutive completed tasks. For completing tasks 7 days in a row you will receive a 100 thousand bonus, for 28 - 500. The total amount that can be earned for completing all daily tasks for 28 days in a row is 1.6 million (28 x 25 thousand + 4 x 100 thousand + 500 thousand) .

IN Grand Theft Auto V It’s all about money: real estate costs millions, but brings mere pennies of profit. To live a comfortable life in Los Santos, you need to go through the story with maximum benefit for yourself, if you don’t want to spend hours on the stock exchange, which does not react in any way to your actions outside of missions.

Attention: although we do not provide here detailed descriptions missions, certain plot spoilers are still present.

The methods described in this section work on a PC, although you will earn a little less than on consoles. We indicated all the potential profits for each platform, and also provided the article with new screenshots from the PC version of the game.

The most important thing you need to remember is: leave Lester's assassination missions (except for the two story ones) for later. Make them after completion of the story. And try to spend as little as possible - the more money you save, the higher the profit will be. More details about this below.

And now we will talk about robberies. This guide will only help if you are starting a new playthrough: replay missions in GTA V It’s possible, but it won’t bring you any extra money. With the apparent freedom to choose your team, there is the most optimal way to staff it in such a way as to complete the task, paying your partners as little money as possible.

An approach: option B, “smart”
Team: hacker Rickie Lukens, shooter Packie McReary, driver Karim Denz

Taking Ricky, who was fired from Lifeinvader, with you will give you enough time to collect all the jewelry in the store. A more experienced hacker will give more time than necessary, and, naturally, he will ask for more money for it.

An old friend of Paki's will suit us as a shooter, since he will work in the same way as Gustavo Mota, but will ask for 2% less for his services. To open the Packs, you must run random task"Getaway Driver", in which he is near Franklin's shack and is looking for a getaway driver.

If you hire Norm Richards as a shooter, he is guaranteed to crash during the chase, and you will lose some of the stolen jewelry. Although the game will give you the opportunity to pick up his bag of loot by driving over it, it’s better not to risk it. In addition, Norm will be useful to you for the last robbery, where he will help you earn an additional 5 % of the proceeds, so leave him alive for now.

Driver Karim Denz will make the chase a little more difficult, since he will have to evade pursuit on road motorcycles, but this does not affect the amount of loot in any way, and his competitor, Eddie To, asks for 6 % more.

An approach: option A or B
Team: no choice

No matter what you do, you won't be able to make money from this robbery. Trevor's enthusiasm does not always get along with common sense.

Lester's quests

Contract killing for Lester " Hotel Assassination" is necessary to advance through the game's plot, so it will have to be completed in the first third of the game (before the final " Blitz Play"), when there is not much money yet. Nevertheless, you should not miss out on easy prey.

Before starting the task, go to the BAWSAQ exchange website and invest all your money in Betta Pharmaceuticals shares. Do this for all three heroes, then switch back to Franklin, launch and complete the mission.

The murder of the owner of rival company Bilkinton Research will significantly increase the value of BET shares. Wait until the market stabilizes (about one gaming day). You can save twice in the house to speed up the waiting time, but don't forget to check the exchange website. If you wait too long, you will start to lose potential profits. When you see that the growth of BET securities is about (on old consoles - and higher), sell all your shares belonging to the three heroes.

But don't rush to close your browser. The next step is to switch to the website of the LCN exchange and the affected party, which during this time should have fallen by at least 30% . Before buying, you can wait a little (but no more than one more day) so that the price will surely reach the bottom. In our case it was $7.55 per share. But even without that, the sale of recovered BIL securities will bring profit. You just need to be patient or start manipulating time with the help of a bed: this screenshot was taken more than eight days after the acquisition of Bilkinton shares, and in the first 24 hours they still continued to fall in price.

An approach: no choice
Team: no choice

When doing dirty work for government agencies, you can't always count on receiving income. This raid is just one of those cases when some people rake in the heat, while others skim the cream.

An approach: no choice
Team: shooter Packie McReary (if you took him to the first robbery) or Chef

During this heist, every time you get shot in the back, you lose money. You'll start with $8,016,020 and, if you're good enough, you'll leave the team with over eight million. Packie McReary and the Chief are the most advantageous as possible partners (Packie has a slight stat advantage if you took him on your first heist), since they will both perform their duties just as well as Gustavo Mota, but will take 2 % less.

If you choose Norm Richards, he will be hit and pinned against the wall by a police car. You will be forced to leave him and lose a third of the stolen money if you do not pick up the bag of your murdered accomplice. Better save Norm for the last heist, as we already advised. A similar situation will happen with another “cheap” shooter, Daryl Jones; we also recommend not using him for now.

An approach: option B, “entrance from the roof”
Team: hacker Rickie Lukens, shooter Norm Richards, driver Taliana Martinez or Karim Denz

In this robbery, only Franklin gets the money. On average, option B allows you to earn 30 thousand more, so the difference is not very big. If you choose A, then take Packie and Gus with you, since Norm will die again, and we still need him.

A more skilled hacker will allow you to complete the hacking mini-game faster, but for our purposes, Riki's knowledge is quite enough. Norm Richards will do a fine job (he only dies in option A), so there's no need to bring someone more talented with him. Taliana is the best driver for this heist, since she will not give up anything on Eddie To and will charge a whopping 9 % less. To unlock her as a team member, drive around the northeastern part of the state. You're near an overturned car and you'll have to get her to Sandy Shores before she dies. It's worth it: with her help we'll earn a lot of money in the last heist.

Taliana will be waiting for you in the ambulance, which will allow you to slip past the cops without attracting too much attention. Karim will do the same, but only if you used him in previous robberies, thereby raising his stats. Michael even praises him, noting, however, the fact that Karim was stupid to bring road bikes to the first place. Otherwise, he will arrive in a minivan, and you will have to throw the police off your tail.

An approach: option B, "obvious"
Team: helicopter pilot Taliana Martinez, driver Karim Denz, gunners: anyone except Gustavo Mota

The last and biggest heist that will allow each of the heroes to earn $41,664,000 if you do everything right. Feel free to appoint Taliana as a helicopter pilot - she will do a great job and will only ask for 5% of the production. Put Karim on a train - he will most likely crash the helicopter. Arrows do not affect the completion of the task, choose the cheapest ones.

Option A in this heist will bring $35,563,000, which is only $6,101,000 less than option B. If you prefer the quietest option A, then put Packie or Chief as the first shooter - either of them will handle loading the gold without loss, and Daryl Jones (or the slightly more expensive Norm Richards, if you have already “used up” Jones earlier) - second. Appoint Taliana and Karim as drivers, and Ricky Lukens as a hacker.

So, all the robberies have been completed, each of the heroes has more than 40 million on their account, it’s time to turn it into real money. Lester just wants to make money by manipulating stock prices. This is our chance.

Lester's missions (continued)

Do not touch the mission “The Multi Target Assassination” until you complete the main plot and all the robberies. First, invest all your savings in the cigarette manufacturer Debonaire on the LCN exchange. Switch to Franklin and complete Lester's mission. Next - everything is the same: wait until prices rise and sell. On PC, the price of shares will increase by approximately , and on consoles a little.

Now the most important point: having gotten rid of Debonaire shares and making decent money on it, the assets of Redwood, which still has not recovered from the blow you inflicted. You will have to wait quite a long time (6-9 in-game days), but eventually the price of Redwood shares will return to their previous level, and you will be able to increase your contribution several times by selling them. The profit on PC will be , but on consoles the price may rise.

Before the next task “The Vice Assassination”, buy shares of Fruit on the BAWSAQ exchange. After the mission, save twice: by this time the price on PC will rise by , and on consoles by . Then all the money. Like Redwood, a manufacturing company operating systems and software (game analogue Microsoft) will eventually get back on its feet (after 5-8 game days), and you will be able to earn money on shares bought for free (profit on PC and consoles will be approximately ).

Now it's a little more interesting. Don't invest anywhere and complete the mission "The Bus Assassination". Immediately after its completion, buy Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange with all your money. Focus on the rate falling by half from their price before the task is completed. After 5-7 in-game days, the company’s market value will return to its previous level, bringing double income.

Before Lester’s final case, “The Construction Assassination,” buy the assets of the construction company Gold Coast Development (GoldCoast, GCD) on the LCN exchange and complete the task. Wait more than a day (or go to sleep four times) and sell the shares when their prices reach their peak (on PC, an increase of over , and on consoles - over ).

In addition to the contract killings of Lester in GTA V There is another task, the script of which has a strong short-term impact on stock quotes, thanks to which you can make good money. This is one of the random events called "Hitch Lift 1". It consists of delivering to the airport a certain business analyst who is late for his flight to Liberty City. If everything goes smoothly, in gratitude he will share insider information about securities that are about to take off.

You should look for a useful passenger in the central part of the resort town of Chumash, on the west coast of the state. The “client” will be marked on the map with a blue dot: he is desperately catching a ride from the Great Ocean Highway to Ineceno Road. From here it must be delivered to international Airport Los Santos in two and a half minutes.

Before the event starts, invest the funds of each of the heroes on the BAWSAQ exchange into the company mobile communications Tinkle (TNK) and complete the mission. Wait a day or sleep and sell the shares when the income on them is more than (on consoles - in the area).

If you followed our guide exactly, at this moment each of the characters had 1.9 billion in their account. It's not as much as on consoles, but still more than you can spend :) On Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PS4, the sale of all shares of the communications giant at once will bring in more than two and a half billion. However, since the game uses a 32-bit data type, the maximum amount of money that can be on the account is $2,147,483,647. In the “vanilla” version of the game 1.0, going over this amount could lead to a negative balance. With one of the patches Rockstar I fixed this and now all excess over the maximum limit is simply lost.

Therefore, if you want to keep all the income from your Tinkle deal, you can resort to the following strategy. While their shares are at their peak, quickly get rid of them in parts for 200-300 million and at the same time invest the freed funds in other companies on the market. We recommend using the LCN exchange for this, the quotes on which always work and do not require a connection to servers Rockstar.

...and the heirs of Ostap

In addition to your insightful friend from Chumash, you can meet other people in San Andreas who are ready to “help with advice” in a difficult financial situation. But their motives are by no means selfless.

For example, Bill Binder, who is easy to bump into in the town of Paleto Bay, kindly suggests visiting the website to protect your investments in the event of a complete collapse of the American economy.

Of course, you don’t need to be a financial genius to figure out the scammer’s intentions in advance and save your $10,000 for other purposes. However, if billions are burning your pocket and there is literally nowhere to put them, you can invest in a personal portfolio generator on the scammer’s website, which sometimes produces very unusual results.

Contrary to information from various previews, you do not have the opportunity to personally influence the stock prices of certain companies. It seems logical that if you buy up the assets of AirEmu, go to the airport and start shooting at FlyUS planes, a direct competitor of the company, with a grenade launcher, you can make good money. But that's not true. All price changes are completely scripted and do not depend on the player’s actions in the open world.

Nevertheless, you can also make money on the stock exchange, but to do this you will have to study the price movements of shares of certain companies. The broker's golden rule applies here: buy low, sell high. Not all companies will return to their previous peak level (and their charts are not an indicator at all), so the risk in such “blind” investments is very high.

However, if you followed our advice, you could earn more than two billion dollars for each of the heroes, and this will certainly be enough to buy real estate, rare cars and military equipment. Have fun!

P.S. The BAWSAQ exchange is online, for its operation you need to connect the console to the service Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network.