There is Internet but the browser does not work. The browser does not open the pages, but the Internet is available and Skype is working. Problem in the system registry

Sometimes a computer user may encounter a situation where the Internet is available, applications that require the network to work work fine, but the browser does not open pages.

In some cases, sites still open, but very slowly and with freezing of images, not to mention videos.

It also happens that the problem affects only one program, for example, Internet Explorer, while the others work fine.

To restore the functionality of the browser, you must first determine the cause of the problem.

The main reasons that the browser does not want to open when the Internet is available are:

Sometimes the browser may not work due to problems with TCP IP or static routes. Therefore, among the options for solving problems, these methods should also be mentioned.

1. Registry check

The first actions that are performed when answering the question of what to do if the browser does not work are checking and, if necessary, editing the registry.

To do this, you will first need to open the appropriate utility.

You can try to find it in Windows folders, but it is much faster to call it through the command panel:

  1. Press “Win” + “R”;
  2. Enter the command “regedit”;
  3. Press "Enter".

The window that appears is the Registry Editor. On the left side there are sections, among which you should find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Now you should find the list of parameters on the right side of the window and pay attention to the AppInit_DLLs item. If its value is empty, everything is fine.

If the path to a file is indicated there, this text should be completely erased.

The parameter value is changed using the context menu that appears when you right-click on it.

The same parameter should be checked in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, making the same transitions through the subsections.

Having corrected it, restart the computer and try to work in the browser again. In 80% of cases the method helps.

2. Hosts file

If all browsers or at least one of them does not open a single page, but works, you can try to solve the problem by making changes to the file called hosts.

Although most often this edit is required when there is no access to specific sites, mainly social networks.

The file is located in a folder located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and has no extension.

By default, the text inside should be something like this:

The last line with the IP address should be " localhost".

If there are other similar sections of text after it, most likely they are unnecessary and were inserted there by some kind of malicious program.

Now you can restart your computer and try to access the network.

3. DNS problem

One of the simplest ways to resolve the issue.

All that is required from the user is just to open the command line and try to ping a specific site that should definitely be working at the moment.

The Google server is guaranteed to remain operational, which is pinged by sending the ping command.

If the answer is approximately the same as at the top of the image, then you have discovered the site failed.

And the problem lies precisely in DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with an IP address consisting of only eights.

If this helps, in the Internet connection properties you need to set the DNS addresses to or

In this case, its automatic detection is disabled. If the cause was only DNS, the Internet works as before, but pages are already opening.

4. Viruses

The reason that sites cannot be accessed from a browser, although the same one works fine, may be due to the action of viruses or other malicious programs.

They affect only certain applications, such as and often are not even detected by antiviruses.

Not being real viruses and affecting only browsers and access to the Internet through them, programs may not be detected by the user.

To neutralize such “viruses,” which we call malware (although abroad this word refers to any malicious program), there are special utilities - antimalware.

Most often, they are limitedly free, that is, they require a license, but can partially protect the computer without paying.

Some viruses, which are a type of Trojan.Winlock (but, unlike it, prohibit only logging into the network, and not using the entire computer) not only interfere with access to the network, but also block some browser functions.

For example, when you try to access a website, a window appears on the screen containing a request to urgently send an SMS to unblock it.

It is difficult to close it - the easiest way to do this is to close the browser using the “Task Manager”, and then check the computer for malicious codes.

Some viruses are capable of partially blocking access to the network, creating a situation where you cannot get to a specific page, but the Internet is available.

This usually happens with popular sites such as “” or “”, as well as all resources where you can download an antivirus.

To protect your computer from these and other viruses, you should provide reliable protection on your computer. They are best suited for this purpose.

These programs are mostly paid, but you shouldn’t skimp on protecting important information.

If the virus fails to cause any serious damage to your computer, you can also install a free anti-virus program.

5. Antiviruses and firewall

Another explanation for the fact that the browser has stopped allowing access to all or only certain sites is a ban by the Firewall, firewall, or one of the antiviruses installed on the system.

To be able to surf the Internet unhindered, it is worth changing the settings of these programs so that they allow browsing pages.

Important! If the problem affects several sites, it is possible that they are indeed dangerous for the system.

Setting up access through a firewall at the workplace is usually carried out by a system administrator.

6. Static routes

The problem may also be due to the presence of fake entries in the routing table. If there are many of them, removing one at a time will take too long.

And it’s worth using the “route” command with the “-f” switch specially designed for such situations:

  1. The command line is called (calling the execution menu “Win” + “R”, entering the command “cmd”);
  2. The command “route –f” is launched for execution.

This clears the list of routes and is often one of the final ways to solve the problem of not being able to access the network through the browser.

7. Reset TCP IP settings

It happens that none of the options helped, and only the last option remains - resetting the TCP IP system parameters.

To do this, call again and enter two commands in turn: “netsh winsock reset” and “netsh int ip reset”.

Now you should restart your computer and check the results of your attempts to restore access to the network.


Having figured out why the browser partially or completely does not perform its function and solved the problem, you can deal with it much faster next time.

If none of the methods helped, and the Internet continues to work partially (in applications, but not in the browser), it is possible that you will have to call a specialist.

The last method is radical, but it helps to gain access to the Internet relatively quickly (at least for Windows 7 and higher, since the XP version may require manual installation of drivers).

Recently, a large number of users have begun to encounter the fact that when the Internet is running, browsers do not open a single page. In this case, the browser tries to go to the site, but after waiting for a long time, it displays a message that it cannot do this.

In addition, all communication programs and services work properly, web resources ping, and IE may have difficulty displaying pages. There are several reasons for this that can be easily eliminated.

First way

Initially, you need to visit the registry. To do this, press the Win+R combination and enter regedit in the window that pops up. After this, press Enter. These steps are suitable for all Windows operating systems.
The Registry Editor will appear on the screen. Here you need to go the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\.

A list of parameters and values ​​will appear on the left side of the window. It is necessary to pay attention to the AppInit_DLLs item. If it is assigned a certain value and the path to the .dll file is specified, you need to reset it. To do this, right-click on it and select “change value”.

Next you need to check this parameter in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Here you need to carry out the same manipulations as described above. After this, you need to restart your PC and try loading any page. As a rule, in most cases this helps solve the problem.

Second way

In this case, you need to go to the command line, enter route –f and press Enter. To call the command line, you need to press the Win+R combination and enter cmd in the pop-up window. This will start clearing the list of statistical routes, which may solve the problem.

If the user configured routing to log into local provider resources or for other purposes, this procedure must be repeated. Basically you don't have to do this.

DNS failure

Sometimes it happens that when you try to navigate to a resource, the browser notifies you of DNS failures. Typically, the problem is that the DNS server is not responding. In this case, you can perform several manipulations, and after each try to open the page.

The first thing you need to do is go to the Internet connection properties and uncheck the “Obtain DNS server addresses automatically” option. Instead, write and in the fields. Then you need to go to the command line and enter the command ipconfig /flushdns.

Another reason, which is quite common, is the modification of the PC’s Internet Explorer settings by a malicious utility. Unfortunately, antivirus programs cannot always cope with them.

To fix this problem, you need to go to “Start” and go to “Control Panel”. Here you need to select “Internet Options”. After this, you need to go to the “Connections” section and click on the “Network Settings” button. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it contains some kind of proxy server and a network configuration script in automatic mode.

Another reason could be problems with the hosts file. This is the rarest reason, but it's worth checking. To do this, you need to follow the path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file. It is necessary to check the correctness of its contents.

Basically one of these methods can fix the problem. If these actions did not bring any results, then you need to remember the programs that were recently installed. Some applications can change the Internet settings on your computer. In addition, they may contain viruses.

In this article, I will talk about various solutions that may come in handy when pages in your browser stop opening. At the same time, the Internet is available and it works. Programs such as Skype, various torrent clients and the like continue to work and access the Internet. And sites do not open in all browsers. When you try to open a page, it first takes a long time to load, and then an error appears that the page is not accessible and the browser could not open it. The text of the error itself may differ depending on the browser.

In Opera and Chrome, for example, the error: “There is no Internet connection,” or “Cannot access the site.” In the Mozilla browser: "Server not found", in Yandex Browser: "Cannot establish a connection to the site", and in Microsoft Edge (which is in Windows 10): "This page could not be opened."

It doesn’t matter what browser you have, the pages will not open in any case. But the important point here is that the Internet works on the computer. There is no yellow exclamation mark near the cable or Wi-Fi connection icon. If it exists, then this is a different problem, and there are other solutions. If this is the case for you, write in the comments, I will provide links to instructions. Perhaps you are connected to the Internet through a router or modem, in which case the sites may not open on all devices. I will write about this below.

Well, there are also situations when only some sites do not open on the computer. Usually these are search engine sites or social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc. In this case, the solutions that I will discuss below should correct this situation.

And one more thing: it doesn’t matter what version of Windows is installed on your computer, just like the browser. I will show using Windows 10 as an example. In Windows 7 and Windows 8 the solutions will be the same. If the actions are different somewhere, I will write about it.

Why don't browsers open websites? How to fix?

It was possible to immediately launch heavy artillery into battle and talk about difficult decisions (though often the most effective), but as practice shows, it is better to first apply a few simple actions, which also often help get rid of this or that problem.

  • Rebooting your computer, router, modem is the first step. Did not help? Go ahead.
  • If you have the Internet through a router, and pages do not open on all devices, in all browsers, then it makes sense to call your provider’s support and report the problem. It is possible that they have some kind of equipment failure, and due to problems with DNS servers, the sites do not open.
  • If the problem is on one device, or the Internet is connected directly to the computer, then it makes sense to temporarily disable the antivirus.
  • Very rarely the problem appears suddenly. Think about it, maybe the browsers stopped loading sites after changing some settings, curing viruses, installing programs, antiviruses, etc. This is very important. After all, you can always undo some changes or remove installed programs.
  • If possible, connect another device, another computer to the Internet, and try to go to a site. If everything opens, then you can rule out a problem on the provider’s side, in the router, or modem.

If the tips described above did not help, then there is no need to be upset, I have a few more good solutions. First, I will talk about the most effective solutions based on my own experience and feedback in the comments to other articles.

DNS problem is the most common cause

It is because of problems with DNS addresses that most often it is not possible to access sites. But Skype and other programs can still work without problems. In this case, the browser may say that the DNS server could not be found, or something like that. What should be done:

  1. Change DNS in the connection properties on your computer. I recommend registering DNS from Google. If the problem occurs on all devices, then DNS can be set in the router settings, or separately on mobile devices.
  2. Reset the DNS cache. This is an additional way. Just open the command prompt as administrator and run the command ipconfig /flushdns, and restart your computer.

I wrote about this in more detail in the article:. Everything is simple there. First, let's go to network connections.

After reboot (or even without it) everything should work. I showed how to change DNS in the router settings in the article, the link to which I gave above.

Check the properties of the browser (educator), disable the proxy

You need to check some settings in the educator properties. Is there an automatic configuration script set there, and are there any proxy servers installed? Since the parameters are set in the properties of the educator, they apply to all browsers. And various viruses and malware often make changes to these settings, after which sites stop opening.

Go to the control panel. Switch view to "Large icons", find and open "Educator Properties". This is in Windows 7 and XP. If you have Windows 10 or 8, then this item is called "Browser Options". It can be found and launched via search.

Go to the "Connections" tab, and click on the "Network Settings" button. Another window will open. Check that the settings match the ones I have in the screenshot below.

Proxy servers and automatic configuration scripts must be disabled. If some parameters were set there, then after disabling them everything should work.

Windows Registry Solution

Press the Win + R key combination, enter the regedit command in the Run window and click Ok. The Registry Editor will open. Let's go to the section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

There will be different options in the window on the left. We are interested in the parameter AppInit_DLLs. The value of this parameter must be empty. If you have something written there, then double-click on the AppInit_DLLs parameter to open it, delete everything from the “Value” line, and click Ok.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

If you don't find the parameter you need in this section, that's okay. Just restart your computer.

Clearing the routing table, resetting the TCP/IP protocol

You can try clearing all network settings. If you have Windows 10, then this can be done through the settings by clicking just one button. I wrote about this in more detail in the article:. Or do everything as shown below.

Important! If you have set up a connection to your provider, or you have set some static IP settings to access the Internet, then after resetting the settings you will most likely need to reconfigure the connection. If you are not sure that you can do this, then it is better not to reset.

First, clear the routing table. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command ( copy it to the command line and press Enter):

Restart your computer and check the result.

If this does not help, then launch the command line again, and run these two commands in turn:

netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset

After this, you also need to restart the computer. Then open your browser and try to open some page. If sites still do not open, try other recommendations from this article.

Websites won't open due to hosts file

It makes sense to check the contents of the hosts file. Especially if you have a problem with opening only certain sites. For example:,, etc. If not a single page opens in your browser, then the problem is unlikely to be in the hosts file.

In Explorer, go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. You can simply copy this path and paste it into Explorer. Next, open the hosts file using notepad.

It should look something like this (I'm on Windows 10):

If you have any other lines there that you did not write yourself, then you can try to delete them and save the hosts file.

Or simply find a standard hosts file on the Internet, copy the contents to your file and save. IN Windows 7, 8 and 10 the contents of the file will look the same as in the screenshot above.

Viruses and malware - the cause of the error "Cannot access the site"

If you have already tried different solutions, but the sites still do not want to open in browsers, an error appears that the page is unavailable, then it is possible that your computer is infected with some kind of virus, or all this is the work of some malicious program. Especially if you don't have an antivirus installed on your computer.

It is not uncommon for malware to change some parameters, network settings, or browser settings. As a result, sites stop opening, but the Internet continues to work.

I recommend downloading one of the utilities that are designed to find and remove malware and scan your computer. Also install an antivirus (if you don’t have one), and run a scan of your computer. Among the anti-virus utilities I would recommend: AdwCleaner, HitmanPro, Dr.Web CureIt!, Zemana AntiMalware, Junkware Removal Tool.

These utilities can be easily downloaded on the Internet. They are very easy to use. Most are in Russian.

A few more points:

  • There is information that pages may not load due to Avast antivirus. Everything starts to work only after disabling or completely removing the antivirus.
  • If, after applying some solution, everything worked, but after a while the problem returned, then most likely this indicates that the computer is infected, and the virus writes back some parameters due to which the problem returns.
  • Check that the time and date on your computer are set correctly.

Write about your results in the comments. Share tips and ask questions. Best wishes!

Many have encountered such a problem as the lack of Internet on a computer, laptop or other devices. In this case, the browser displays the message: “Web page is unavailable” or a similar message. Frequent culprits for this are: a failure on the provider's line, a malfunction of home equipment (router, network card, etc.) or incorrect settings. All this can be described in two words – “no Internet.” What should those who have a connection work, but web pages do not open?

This article talks about such situations and ways to solve this problem. In the last article I discussed the situation when .

The first step is to make sure that Internet access is really present and working correctly. As a rule, other programs that use the network work in this situation (Skype, ICQ, etc. are available).

But there are cases when they are not there, and it is not possible to install these applications. In this case, you can check the network operation using the command line. To do this, press the key combination Window + R and enter cmd in the window that appears. A terminal should appear in front of the user, where they enter the ping command (then you can try to enter the address of the Yandex website, for example, you will get - ping If the described problem occurs, this command will display a message indicating that it is impossible to connect to the resource. But if you enter ping, a message about the successful status will appear.

The reasons for the problem when sites do not open can be different. This may be related:

  • problems with the DNS service;
  • the impact of viruses and malware;
  • incorrect proxy server settings;
  • incorrect host file configuration ().

DNS Service Issues

A common culprit in situations where the browser does not open sites, but access to the Internet is not blocked, is the operation of the DNS server. This problem can be determined in the way described above, when it was necessary to open the command line and ping the address of any resource by domain name and ip.

Each site has its own location identification number, called an IP address. There are many different resources on the global web and they all have a unique address. In order not to torment a person’s memory, it was invented to create a service that, when entering the name of a site (for example, Yandex), could determine its IP address.

Sometimes situations happen when the provider's DNS server does not work or the network settings in the router or computer are lost. The reason why website pages do not open has been clarified; it remains to explain how to solve this problem.

There are two possible solutions. If the network settings are lost, then here you need to correct them to the correct ones and, if necessary, reboot the equipment. In the event of a DNS failure, you can change the settings on the network adapter. To do this, click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Change network adapter settings.” Here, on the “Connected to a local network” icon, right-click and select the “Property” option. Then select the TCP version 4 item and in the window that appears, select the “Use the following DNS addresses.” Below in the window, enter (public Google DNS server) or (public Yandex DNS). Then click the “Save” or “Apply” button.

To check the operation, you can open the command line (Window + R – cmd), then you need to check the connection (for example, with Yandex). Enter the command ping If you do the right thing, you will be able to see information about the server response time below.

Impact of viruses and malware

Also, the problem when sites do not open in the browser, but there is Internet access and DNS is working, may be associated with the influence of viruses and malware. In this case, it will help to solve the question “Why don’t pages open in the browser?” checking the system with specialized programs: AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, Zemana AntiMalware, etc. These utilities allow you to find malware that is causing problems with opening pages on the Internet.

Incorrect proxy server settings

Another reason why sites are not displayed in the browser may be changes or entering data about an incorrect proxy server. At the same time, the computer is connected to the Internet and the connection works in all respects.
To correct this situation you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, go to the control panel, where you select the browser (or browser) properties item.

In the menu that opens, select the “Connections” tab and click on the “Network Settings” button.

Here, in the window that appears, they check all the parameters, and if they are not needed, simply erase all the information and select the automatic detection option.

After this, sites should display their pages in browsers.

Incorrect host file configuration

Also, the reason why pages of Internet resources may not open may be an incorrect configuration of the host file. This situation is unlikely, but still worth checking. The host file is designed to record domain names of sites and their IP addresses, but as a rule it is empty and sends all requests to the DNS server. Sometimes situations arise when a malicious program records some parameters and the browser becomes inoperable.

To check the file configuration, you need to go to the Windows system folder on drive C. Next System32\drivers\etc and open host with Notepad. As a rule, it has standard content as shown in the figure:

If, after the description of localhost (, there are lines with information about any sites and their domain names, and the slash is not next to this data, then most likely the browser does not work properly because of them. To fix this situation, you just need to remove these lines and save the changes to the file. Then you need to restart your computer and try browsing the web again.

The situation when a computer is connected to a network, but sites are inaccessible to the user, is common. In the first place, this is a problem caused by failures on the ISP side when the DNS servers do not work. The second most common problem when Internet resource sites are unavailable is the impact of malware. In this case, it is recommended to have good anti-virus software and carry out preventive maintenance to detect viruses more often.

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