Using Windows Phone as a modem to access the Internet. Instructions for using a Microsoft account on Windows Phone How to close a Microsoft account

Mobile operating systems Windows Phone are gaining popularity among users more and more. This is due to the fact that a lot of possibilities have appeared in them, and smartphones themselves have ceased to be only means of communication, but are already a kind of mini-computers. Now we will show you how to install Phone for different versions of the operating system.

What do you need to consider before installing the system?

Before you begin, you should pay attention to several important factors, without which installing Windows on a mobile device simply does not make sense.

First, you need to decide which version of Windows Phone will be installed. The catch is that for different modifications and assemblies, the installation method varies quite a lot.

Secondly, you first need to look at the list of supported devices on the official resource. If previously mobile Windows systems could only be installed on devices from the Nokia Lumia line, now the list of supported devices has expanded quite significantly, including some models from HTC, Samsung, LG, etc.

Thirdly, when considering the question of how to install Windows on Windows Phone, we must not forget that you initially need to register on the Microsoft website (create an account).

Which to prefer: Windows 8 or 10?

The mobile versions of the G8 and 10 are quite similar not only in the interface, but also in many system components, as well as innovations. However, the eighth version has already been tested and fully improved, but the tenth, if you download its initial build, looks somewhat damp.

Many experts and users note a huge number of bugs in it. If you install special add-ons and updates on top of the initial version of Ten, you can get rid of them.

How to install Windows on Windows Phone: G8 installation

At the initial stage, the user will need a special application called Windows Insider, which can be downloaded and installed directly on the device from the Store. It is designed to search for and install system updates.

After launching the program, you need to find the Get Preview Builds item in it, and then use your own account, which was mentioned above, to access the updates. Next, you should select the line with the Insider Fast button.

Now the most important trick with updates. In the gadget settings, you need to go to the phone update section and activate their search. As soon as they are found (the system will inform you that they are ready for installation), please note that the list should not contain the tenth version, but only the eighth. If “ten” is offered, use the refusal (“Not now” button). This should load version 8.1. This is exactly what you need. The system will install, after which you will need to reboot the device. All! You can enjoy it!

Windows Phone 10: installation nuances

If the user wants to install the tenth version of the system, all steps are repeated, only this particular assembly is selected in the list of updates.

But since the downloaded version of Windows Phone 10 itself will be far from perfect, most likely, the process of searching for updates for the already installed “ten” will have to be repeated. To install the initial version, you use the Windows Mobile Insider Preview client, which is downloaded to your smartphone, only in this case you will need to register in the support program as a developer.

How to install programs from XAP files?

As you can see, downloading and installing the operating system does not cause any particular difficulties. But with programs the situation is somewhat more complicated. Of course, the easiest method of installing them is to directly download applications from the Store. But what if the user deals with specific distributions in the form of XAP files?

As it turns out, there is a way out, although the technique is more complicated. Windows Phone programs can be installed from such files in several ways. The first option involves using the SDK for Windows 8 or 10, respectively.

First, you should connect your device to your computer using a standard USB cable. Next, you need to go to the Start menu, where you select the all programs section. Here we find the Windows SDK 8.0 folder and launch the Application Deployment application from it (it is assumed that the installation file for the required program has already been downloaded). Now we specify Device (smartphone connected to the computer) as the installation location (target), and use the browse button opposite the XAP file path line. Once the appropriate object with the .xap extension is selected, the Expand button is used. We wait until the desired program is installed. When the process is complete, the system will notify you of successful deployment in a message.

Another method for installing programs for Windows Phone involves using the WP Power Tools utility. As in the previous case, the smartphone is connected to the computer, and the Connect button is pressed in the running application. At the time of the communication session, the smartphone screen must be unlocked.

Then everything is simple: we use the browse button and find the required distribution file, after which we press the start installation button, which then turns gray, and the application may even stop responding. It's okay, it's normal. When the installation is complete, the success of the process will be confirmed by the button color changing to white. No other confirmations will be issued.

Some Windows Phone Secrets

Finally, let's look at some Windows Phone settings. In addition to what is present in the interface itself, smartphones of this type have quite a lot of nuances that not everyone knows about. These are the so-called engineering or service combinations for Windows Phone (codes, the use of which allows you to perform certain operations that are not available from the main menu items).

It will not be possible to consider them all. Too many of them. Let's highlight a couple of the most popular ones. So, for example, to find out the IMEI number of a device in call mode, you need to enter the combination *#06#. No less interesting is the code ##3282#, which allows you to enable 4G access in a couple of steps. In the main Field Test menu, click on the three dots below, then go to the Settings section, after which in the Network Type we set the 4G only parameter.

In general, using combinations of different types, you can get expanded access to the capabilities of Windows Phone, although the codes themselves directly depend on the smartphone model and its manufacturer. It is better to familiarize yourself with such information on the official website of the device manufacturer.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that the issue related to Phone or installing any application should not cause any particular difficulties. Typically, if you omit registration, all these processes take only a few minutes. Well, which method to use when installing programs or games depends on what is more convenient for you. However, both methods are very similar. The only difference is in the main applet, which is provided initially.

Have you ever seen a smartphone without working Internet access? If yes, then it is extremely rare. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his own phone/communicator (for example, Dell Venue Pro, HTC Arrive, HTC 7 Pro, HTC HD7, HTC HD7S, HTC Mozart, HTC Surround, HTC Trophy, HTC Titan, HTC Titan II, HTC Radar, HTC 8S , HTC 8X, Nokia Lumia 510, Nokia Lumia 610, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 900, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 620, Nokia Lumia 720, Nokia Lumia 820, Nokia Lumia 920, LG Optimus 7, LG Quantum , Samsung Focus, Samsung Omnia 7, SamsungFocus Flash, SamsungFocus S, SamsungOmnia W, Samsung Ativ S, Huawei Ascend W1) without a working Internet connection, which gives the smartphone greater capabilities and new functions. Therefore, if you become the proud owner of a Windows Phone 7.X or Windows Phone 8 phone, immediately set up an active Internet connection on it. Naturally, it is possible to receive automatic settings from your cellular operator, but very often they either do not arrive at all, or they cannot be saved. In this case, you will have to set them manually:

  • Let's go to Menu->Settings.
  • Then point Data transfer.
  • Further Add access point.

And here you need to enter Username, Password And APN(access point). Here is a list for various operators:

  • Access point (APN):
  • Username: mts
  • Password: mts


  • Access Point (APN): internet
  • Password: leave blank.


  • Access point (APN):
  • Username: beeline
  • Password: beeline


  • Access point (APN):
  • Username: no need to fill in
  • Password: no need to fill in
  • Access point (APN):
  • Username: leave blank.
  • Password: leave blank.

MTS Belarus:

  • Access Point (APN): mts
  • Username: mts
  • Password: mts

The first screenshot is Windows Phone 7.x, the second is Windows Phone 8.x

Once you save all the settings, try loading one page into Internet Explorer on your phone, or test the Internet in any way. If it doesn't work, reboot the device. Also don't forget to include Data transfer. This can be done by going to Menu->Settings->Data transfer and set the slider to enabled on WP7 or select Included from the dropdown list in WP8.

What to do with your smartphone after purchasing it? Of course, use it. But, before you start using all the capabilities of your phone, you need to prepare it for this, that is, configure it. Depending on the operating system of the smartphone, this process will differ. This article will talk about how to set up Windows Phone for future comfortable use, what parameters to set and what to do with it in general as soon as you first pick it up. Go!

First you need to turn on your Windows Phone. After launch, you will be greeted by the Setup Wizard, which will first ask you to select a language from an extensive list. Once you have selected your language, your device will reboot to install your chosen language settings.

Setting up a mobile OS from Microsoft is not at all difficult, and it won’t take much time

Now that the language is installed, you will see the “Getting Started” window, which describes all the initial setup steps:

  • “Network connection”;
  • “Select phone settings”;
  • “Set up a Microsoft account.”

Click “Next” to go to the next window, where you will be required to accept the terms of use (there is no other way). After this, you will be asked to select a Wi-Fi connection so that your smartphone can access the Internet. You can skip this step, but it's better to connect right away. As soon as you enter the password for your network, the phone will connect, and a Wi-Fi signal indicator will appear at the top of the smartphone screen. In the next window you will see the Wi-Fi settings. There you can check the boxes “Automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks...” and “Allow contacts to access Wi-Fi networks” (it’s better to uncheck this box). Check these features depending on your preferences.

In the next window you need to select your phone settings. There are two options: select the recommended parameters, or configure everything yourself. By clicking “Customize”, you will open a fairly extensive list of basic settings that you can change at your discretion. Each item is described quite clearly and you only need to tick the required line. Of the particularly important ones, it is worth focusing on the system and application update parameters. It is better to leave them checked so as not to forget to update Windows in a timely manner.

Next, you need to select your region and time zone. Please note that the choice of region affects the appearance of the application store and, in fact, nothing else. Therefore, it is better to choose “US” as the region, since in this case you will have a much wider selection of applications. However, some applications localized only for a specific region (for example, Ukraine or Russia) will be missing. Take your pick. The next step is to select your time zone, date and time. You can uncheck the “Send location data to Microsoft when activating your phone” checkbox.

Now we move on to the important setup step - Microsoft ID. This is your account, which will be needed to download various applications, work with mail and store files. By creating a Microsoft Live ID, you will receive mail, access to various “goodies” from Windows, including an area on One Drive - this is cloud storage on which you can store a variety of data and files. It will also store backup copies of the smartphone system, from which it will be possible to restore it in the event of any serious malfunction in the system. If you already had a phone running Windows Phone and logged in with the same account, then you can restore all data (including contacts if they are synchronized with Outlook) from the old smartphone to the new one. To do this, you will need to select the device you need from the list associated with your account and enter a code that can be received by email or SMS.

After all these steps, the system will prompt you to select an access point. Here we are talking about mobile Internet and MMS. Of course, this window will only appear if you have inserted a SIM card into your Windows Phone and your tariff plan includes mobile Internet.

Now, finally, the Desktop (Home screen) opens and you can start using your smartphone.

Then you can change the settings of the store, interface and connections. In the store settings, you are asked to enable or disable automatic application updates and receive updates only over a Wi-Fi network (if disabled, updates will be downloaded via the mobile Internet). In the settings menu, you can select the background color (white or black) and the color of the “tiles” that make up the Desktop, and you can also set the wallpaper for the Desktop and lock screen there.

An important point for those users who use memory cards (Micro SD): in the settings menu, in the “Memory Control” item, you can see all the information about the occupied space on the device itself and on the memory card. Below you can choose where photos, music, videos and new applications will be stored - on the SD card or in the phone memory.

This completes the initial setup process for a smartphone running Windows Phone. Now you will have access to all the features and functions of your phone, and using your smartphone will be as comfortable as possible. Leave your opinion about this article in the comments and write what you think about Windows mobile devices.

If you need to access the World Wide Web from a computer or laptop, it is not always possible to have access to a WiFi connection point. A way out of the situation may be the ability to use Windows Phone as a modem. In this case, to correctly configure the device, a minimum of actions and time will be required.

How to connect Windows Phone as a modem

The ability to use smartphones to connect to the Internet via a PC or laptop is not a new option. Previously, this would have required using a USB cable, but currently all the equipment necessary for distributing the signal is already built into the mobile device.

The transmission is carried out wirelessly, that is, when this option is enabled, the smartphone becomes a WiFi router that transmits the signal to other devices. This function is available on all versions of the “tiled” operating system. However, there are a number of small differences for each of them. For example, the 7th series software was able to support up to five devices at a time, and the 8th series OS and higher provides an Internet connection for up to eight devices.

Modem mode on Windows Phone is activated by enabling this function in the “Settings” menu section. When activated, a special indicator will appear in the status bar of the smartphone. In order to start using the device to distribute an Internet signal, you must perform the following algorithm of actions.

  1. Make sure that the data option on your smartphone is enabled and the Internet connection is available. This can be done in the “Network” section of the settings menu.
  2. Return to the general settings menu and find the item called “Internet Sharing”.
  3. Activate the function by clicking on this item until the “Enabled” mark appears.

It is important before how to enable modem mode on Windows Phone Make sure this feature is supported by your current mobile operator. As a rule, distributing the network from a smartphone to other devices is called tethering and is paid additionally.

When you activate the “Internet Sharing” function, your PC or laptop will independently detect a new available network. You just need to select the desired connection from the proposed list.

How to use Windows Phone as a network source

Some owners of devices with Microsoft operating systems want to use their smartphone for a wired connection, and not as a connection point to WiFi. Accordingly, the topic of how to use Windows Phone as a USB modem. In order to establish a wired connection, access to the system files of the device is required. And Microsoft does not provide this to its users due to security policy. That's why Windows Phone as a modem via USB cannot be connected to a PC.

When using a mobile device as a network connection point, you can set a password and name for it, which will be displayed on all connected devices. To do this you need to do the following:

  • - open the settings section in the device menu;
  • - find the “Internet Sharing” item and, holding it down, select the “Install” option;
  • - fill in the fields that appear.

And at least use Windows Phone as a USB modem it is impossible, the wireless network will become accessible to nearby devices. However, it is worth remembering several features that accompany the operation of the device in this mode.

  1. When the shared network is activated, you cannot use wireless connections from other sources. That is, the smartphone will only be able to transmit the connection of the mobile operator, and not the one it receives from third-party sources.
  2. Before, how to use Windows Phone as a modem You need to familiarize yourself with the existing restrictions of the mobile operator. This is due to the fact that all devices connected to the common network operate according to the same tariff plan as the device itself.

Considering the issue, how to use Windows Phone as a modem via wireless network, it is also worth noting that not all mobile operators provide such a service. Also, using the general Internet, you can not only connect another device to the World Wide Web, but also create a separate local network.

It’s hard to even think about and imagine your smartphone (for example, Dell Venue Pro, HTC Arrive, HTC 7 Pro, HTC HD7, HTC HD7S, HTC Mozart, HTC Surround, HTC Trophy, HTC Titan, HTC Titan II, HTC Radar, Nokia Lumia 610, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 900, LG Optimus 7, LG Quantum, Samsung Focus, Samsung Omnia 7, Samsung Focus Flash, Samsung Focus S, Samsung Omnia W) without working Internet, which makes it possible to realize a large share of the device’s capabilities on Windows Phone. Therefore, if you become the proud owner of a Windows Phone phone, first set up the Internet on it. Of course, you can try to get automatic settings from your operator, but often they either don’t arrive at all, or they can’t be saved, so it’s best to do the settings right away and manually. Setting up the Internet is actually not that difficult and the whole procedure will take literally 5 minutes . First, you need to go to the “Settings” menu and almost at the very bottom find the “Access Point” item, which you need to go into. Surely you will already have some access points there, but it’s better to just “Add” a new one, since the standard ones often don’t work.

You can use the settings below. they were all tested, and some were added by our users and were also tested to work. No problems were found.

Access point (APN):
Username: mts
Password: mts

Access Point (APN): internet

Password: leave blank.

Access point (APN):
Username: beeline
Password: beeline

Access point (APN):
Username: no need to fill in
Password: no need to fill in

LIFE Ukraine:
Access point (APN):
Username: leave blank.
Password: leave blank.

MTS Belarus:
Access Point (APN): mts
Username: mts
Password: mts

Baikalwestcom Irkutsk:
Access point (APN):
Username: leave blank.
Password: leave blank.

As an example, I’ll show you how these settings look on and, the Megafon operator is very convenient in that you don’t need to enter anything else except the access point itself!

You need to first select “Enabled” in the “Data transfer” mode, and after that select “3G” in the “Fastest connection” option. Once you save all the settings, try loading one page into Internet Explorer on your phone, or test the Internet in any way. If it doesn't work, reboot the device.