How to increase views on YouTube for free and what safe methods of increase I recommend. How to get views on YouTube: secrets of competent promotion of video content How to get views on YouTube quickly programs

First, you have to understand that if you are not in the “Youtube Affiliate Program”, video views will not make you money, but many still want to make their video more popular (some to show off, and some to make money later On this).

Step 2

Of course, you can “increase” views using some sites, but it costs money, and you can get blocked for it. Therefore, we will consider legal methods.

Step 3

First, make a good video, it could be your own internet show (like “+100500 and “This is Horosho”), just a funny video that you managed to capture on the street or somewhere else, or even a concert video, a news video, excerpts from TV shows, etc. The main thing is that it has not been uploaded by anyone yet (to do this, use the search).
Next, register on the website (, and click the “Add video” button (see illustration).

Step 4

A video upload window will appear, select your video, now the most important thing begins, first change the title of the video so that it matches the content, but at the same time attracts attention (example: you have a video where someone funny falls, such videos on Youtube the most popular :) and are called FAILs, name the video in English and Russian, like
“Funny FAIL”, now this video will be watched not only by Russians), the second important step is tags, use popular tags like “funny, joke, tin, sensation” (on YouTube tags are written without a comma!!! ), you can now save the video.

Step 5

The next step is promotion. Remember that on YouTube, the views of one person are counted up to 350 times (that is, after you have watched the video 350 times, the views are no longer counted), so ask your friends and acquaintances to watch your video several times (to do this, you need to right-click mouse in the Opera browser and select “Reload every”, and then custom and enter 0 minutes 1 second, see illustration), if 10 of your friends leave the window refreshing for a few minutes, then you will already have 3500 views (350 * 10 =35.000), the main thing to remember is that views will only appear in a few days.
The next step is promotion on forums, if you are registered on a popular forum and you are an active user there, then add a link to the video in your signature, the main thing is to hide the link under the BB code, so that instead of the link there is a (“clickable”) inscription, like “DO NOT CLICK” !” (this will attract any user, since “the forbidden fruit is sweet” (:), this will help you gain another 1000-5000 views.

Step 6

Another way is Social Networks. If you have a lot of friends in “networks” like facebook, twitter, etc. Use the “share” button on Youtube, and ask your friends to also click “tell friends”.
That's all, if you combine all these actions, you can easily get 10,000-20,000 views.

4 votes

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Are you already the owner of your channel and have even realized that you can make money on YouTube, but want to increase your income? Then this article is for you.

I'll tell you everything I know about how to get views on YouTube. You will learn more than five ways. Some of them are free to use, while others require some investment.

I highly advise you to learn all the possible methods that you can apply. I won't bother you with long texts, spend 5 minutes studying the full list. You will decide whether to use something or not as you work, but at least you will have all the information. Don't limit your own capabilities.

Perhaps not now, but a little later, you will want to expand the boundaries and in this case, take a detailed study of one of the available methods. Let's begin?


This is a very cool way to promote. During publication, you consciously come up with a title for your video based on search queries, write special tags and make a description that will bring new visitors to your channel.

How does optimization affect the number of views? Yes, very simple. Your video appears in Yandex and Google search results. Nowadays, many people first of all want to watch a video on a specific topic; search engines even have special tabs of the same name. Don't miss the opportunity to be on the list of the best and take first place in the search results.

I can recommend you the book by Kirill Zhukovsky “ YouTube. Way to success " In it you will find a lot of tips not only about optimization, but also get recommendations for creating top videos, learn and.

This information is also on my blog, but the book will undoubtedly have a number of advantages. My time, like other bloggers, is unfortunately limited. If I write very long texts, I simply won’t have any readers left.

Optimization will also help you appear in the "Related Videos" list, you've probably come across it. When a person finishes watching one clip, he is offered a whole scattering of similar ones. All that remains is to choose which one specifically interests him. You can also learn how to hook the viewer in the book that I recommended to you a little earlier.

Social network pages

You may have read my article on how to collect . Yes, you can also earn money on your personal page. However, now we are not interested in this, but in views. If you are, then your friends see it, which means the number of those who see it increases.

Nobody forbids you to create several accounts, look for new subscribers, and then use them to increase your profits. By the way, it is possible that your friends will also repost the post, which means the audience will double.

You can ask some of your especially popular friends to repost. It's honest and probably free. If you have contacts of popular people on VKontakte, you can contact them and ask them to post a video on their page for money. I don't think it will cost you very much. Give it a try.

Groups and communities

Another good way to increase the number of views is. You can publish your videos there too. People will have the opportunity to follow you on both resources. You increase your chances of popularity.

There are those who constantly sit on VKontakte and watch videos here, without even paying attention to the popular video hosting. You will get credit for any views these people made through another popular network.

Other social networks

By the way, I was just talking about VKontakte, but you should understand that there are also Odnoklassniki, as well as Facebook. No one is stopping you from creating an additional profile on these social networks. Both of them will bring more benefits.

There are many foreigners on Facebook who willingly subscribe and become friends of our compatriots. If you create videos without sound or with subtitles, they may also become interested in the channel and become ardent fans of your art.

On Odnoklassniki, friends' actions are displayed in the feed. You don’t have to repost, even if someone just likes your post, all of that person’s subscribers will immediately know about it. Don't give up on Odnoklassniki. Even here you can find the desired views and thereby increase your earnings very quickly without any cheating or programs.

Electronic resource

Many bloggers, in addition to their YouTube channel, also have their own website. It's very simple and increases your chances of getting featured in search engines. You can now win first place for a particular request in two ways - a video on YouTube and text on your own website.

It doesn't matter which development method you choose. I can advise you, in this case even they will do. You just need a platform to increase your own popularity.

Although, I would still advise you to use the exchange Kwork . Here, for just 500 rubles, they will help you create a good modern website on some website. I highly recommend reading, sites created on this engine have a number of advantages compared to others.

You can, of course, bother yourself and do everything correctly, without investments, but it will take so much time that you will go crazy.

I don’t see the point in learning a new profession, and more than one (layout designer, designer, programmer) in order to make just one website. Although, if you have such a desire, I can offer a course “ WordPress 4: example of website creation ».

Other people's sites

If the site is close to your topic, you can try leaving a comment and leaving a link to your video in the application. Of course, it is not a fact that the moderator will miss your message, but if you write in a topic, you can get a lot of traffic.

For example, your channel is dedicated to working in Photoshop. You recorded a screencast about . Find a blog that has exactly the same article, but no video instructions. Attach it to the comment with a message that you worked according to the instructions described in the text. I think that in this case every blogger will want to publish your work!

Programs for cheating

Promotion services will help a beginner to collect the required number of subscribers. In fact, at the beginning of their activity, almost everyone uses this method, so I advise you to pay attention to it. For example, I know excellent service . Here you can buy views or subscribers of your choice.

The most important advantage of this particular service is that you don’t have to be afraid of a ban. Everything is fair enough.

Promotion services

Another way of promotion is online services that contact advertising platforms and bloggers for you. Those, in turn, agree for money to leave a link in their text, on the wall or somewhere else with your video.

I can offer you . Its significant drawback is that I did not understand anything about the prices, but the information is impressive. The guys promise to select people who will be shown the video based on gender, age and type of device they use (phone or PC).

In addition, you can apply where exactly you want to advertise - on social networks or blogs. I won’t deceive you, I haven’t used this method myself, so if you dare, I will be glad to leave comments on this article and your assessment of the guys’ activities, as well as at least some specific information about prices.

That's all for me, don't forget about the opportunity to subscribe to the blog newsletter to stay up to date with new topics that I cover. You also have the opportunity to join group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Users are interested in how to get views on Youtube, a famous video platform in the world. First of all, you need an event on a newly created channel.

Everyone knows what YouTube is. At the same time, it is a platform for video distribution and a social network where communication takes place in video comments. Every day people post thousands of videos on their channels.

Unfortunately, in many topics the competition is so great that it is either very difficult or even impossible for beginners with their small channels to advance. Some people invest a lot of money for this, which does not always pay off.

The YouTube video platform is a platform where users can not only share their thoughts, ideas, and acquired skills in video format, but also make money from it. Many people now know about this and create a channel just for this.

YouTube video monetization is the income received from advertising that is embedded in the video. Typically, funds are awarded for views, which means the more views, the more money you will receive.

Important! Remember that the goal of making money should not be your primary goal. Choose the topic that is most interesting to you, in which you put your soul, and then there will be a return in the form of subscribers, views and, of course, income.

There is nothing better than using simple methods to get results. Using specialized services that provide SMM services just from this category. Now we will show you services where you can buy YouTube views inexpensively.

  • – on this resource, users can gain a large number of views on their Youtube channel. For example, 1000 views will cost you only 86 rubles. Of course, by the standards of top bloggers this is not very much, but it will do for a start.
  • – I think that here you can quickly gain YouTube views. Prices are the lowest in RuNet - 75 rubles. for 1000 views. If desired, you can also order subscribers.
  • is a service with even cheaper services for increasing views on a YouTube channel. Here 1000 views costs only 80 rubles. There are also more expensive tariffs.
  • – this offers a bunch of services for the YouTube site. You can order not only views, but even dislikes. Although some tariffs are not cheap.
  • is an English-language service where you get the necessary services for points. Once you register, you will have 200 points to spend. There is a great chance to promote your channel on the YouTube video platform.

I would like to note that the use of these promotion services guarantees reliability. The likelihood of blocking is almost minimal, since views are not increased instantly, but little by little. Buy YouTube views and grow your channel wisely.

As the digital marketing industry continues to grow in popularity, the competition to gain YouTube views, as well as likes and dislikes, is growing almost exponentially. Every day, users upload hundreds of videos, but not all of them are successful.

We've looked at how to get your first views on YouTube. For this purpose, paid services were used. But is it possible to somehow get views without investing? More likely yes than no, and here is what needs to be done for this.

  • Correct name– whatever the topic of the video, the user must clearly reflect its essence in the title of the video. First, don't make it long. The title should most often contain a keyword, which can be obtained from the Yandex Wordstat service.
  • Video description– this is also an important part when uploading a video. You specify not only a title, but also a description. Here you can write briefly about the content of the video, but in such a way that the viewer would be interested in watching it. Be sure to use keywords that people can use to find your video in search. You can insert links to other videos or sites in the description.
  • Tags– This is another important part in promoting your video. Use keywords as tags. As a result, your video can be found both in search and in recommended videos.
  • Quality work– if the video is poorly made, then all the above points will not help you. You must put your soul and a lot of effort into making the video “take off” and gain popularity among viewers.

As you can see, following all 4 rules will help you get free views on Youtube videos. In practice, it has been known more than once how people simply made a video, posted it and forgot about it, and after some moment tens and hundreds of thousands of views appeared out of nowhere. Everything speaks of quality work done.

How else to get a lot of views on YouTube

There are a couple more important points that guarantee an increase in the popularity of the video. The main thing to remember is that not all of your videos will receive decent attention from the viewer, be prepared for this. In addition to the above points, you need to do the following:

  • Channel update– is an important component in promotion on YouTube. After receiving a certain number of subscribers, be it 100 or 1000, you need to keep them, since many unsubscribe from channels where the video is not posted for a very long time. Post new content regularly, for example, a video per week. And if you can do it every day, then that’s even better, but remember, the main thing is quality, not quantity.

Hello friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch.

Do you have your own channel on Youtube? How many of your videos have you uploaded there? Exactly your own, taken by your hands? How many views do you have?

Everyone knows Youtube. Everyone has visited this video hosting site at least once in their life. Or watched clips and jokes that were downloaded from it. This is a huge platform with an incredible amount of videos and intense traffic, 3 billion views per day. Also, a huge amount of search traffic comes from Youtube.

And if you have your own website, then you have heard about SEO (optimizing your resource for greater visibility by search engines). And to promote their website and get traffic to it, they also use this video platform. That is, they post their masterpieces there, put a link to their website, and if the video is interesting, useful, and worthwhile, then they receive referrals to their resource.

How does this relate to SEO? Look.

An Internet user enters a query into a search engine, say, Yandex. And even if your site is not in the top ten search results for this query, your video may be in the top ten. Through it, a visitor can come to your site, if, of course, your video helped him.

As a result, it often turns out that it is easier to promote a video for the same request, because it has less competition. And it’s easier to get into the top ten!

And how to do it? Again, SEO, but specifically for Youtube.

You need to optimize your video! I'll tell you about this. In the future, we will talk about promoting the video on social networks and using a special service. And now I want to give you the basis, without which promotion is almost impossible.

To begin with, I’ll tell you a little story. Having been involved in SEO and understanding the basics by which search engines see this or that site, I easily came to the understanding that optimizing a video is even easier than a site page. I had a video where my eight-month-old son made faces at the camera, parodying Turchinov. I decided to post this video on Youtube, following all the rules of optimization. Please note that I did not use any third-party promotion services or social networks. I just named the video correctly, described it correctly and optimized it correctly. Here's the video itself.

I posted it, watched it for a week and forgot about it. I even forgot the password for the account I posted from. I recently went to YouTube, entered “show Turchinov” into the search engine and was very surprised at the number of views: 16,000. First place for this request. And, accordingly, in Yandex it is also in the top ten search results.

So what did I do in terms of optimization?

Before uploading my recording to Youtube, I named it exactly as I want it to be found - The Kid shows and parodies Turchinov. That is, the key words are “baby, parodies, shows, Turchinov.” I want him to be found through them.

  1. The description of the video should also contain the same words. That is, the description of the video - the kid shows Turchinov.
  2. And for each video you have the opportunity to write several dozen tags - the same keys that, as it were, personify your video. It's like hash tags on Twitter. Here we write down everything related to your video: baby, parodies, shows, Turchinova, shows Turchinova, funny, fun…. And so on. That is, so that the search engine understands what your video is about and who might like or find it useful.

In the near future, by the way, I plan to create my own channel and only then add videos. I decided to buy a video course YouTube-Master Popova, you've probably heard about it, mega-cool courses, and if you took this one, please write in the comments whether you liked it or not.

In order to make money on the Internet, many users launch channels on YouTube.

The idea is good, but without high-quality videos and competent promotion, you will never be able to earn big money. Content plays a key role, and by publishing everything, you run the risk of your videos getting lost in millions of similar videos.

No entertainment video received the same number of views as the videos of stars. Although there are many examples when it was accidentally possible to win the hearts of millions.

What video should I make to get a lot of views?

Every video blogger wonders which videos get a lot of views. If we start from various TOPs, we can draw some conclusions.

  1. News - as soon as an event makes waves throughout the country or even the whole world, videos related to it begin to become popular. You don’t need to look far for examples, go to the list of popular videos, you will find a bunch of such videos there.
  2. Celebrities - everything associated with famous people attracts attention. Some video bloggers deliberately take advantage of other people's fame, adding videos, revealing secrets, delving into dirty linen, or collecting incriminating evidence.
  3. Children were, are and will be the most interesting characters in videos. Remember how many videos you have seen with children, the same joke about a chef or a girl with a surprised face about whom millions of memes have been created.
  4. Show – Many video bloggers launch their own show. The topics chosen are very diverse, from reviews of other people's videos to evaluation of home food delivery. Come up with something interesting or put on a show for your city.
  5. Social projects - people also like them, because they have one highlight called justice. Now they are launched more and more often, they supposedly have a deep meaning and open people’s eyes to obvious problems.

To add a video that has every chance of taking the TOP places in terms of the number of views, you need to not only come up with fresh ideas, but also analyze how other authors managed to achieve fame.

YouTube bloggers have very different incomes because they put in different efforts. Some people don’t try to learn how to record high-quality videos at all; they don’t rely on statistics and don’t study the success of other authors.

Don't join the ranks of losers, try to post only those videos that have the potential to become popular.

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