We are just collecting some information about the error. Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart - how to fix it

If you install a driver in Windows, which for some reason (lack of compatibility with the operating system version, conflicts with another software etc.) refuses to function properly, the system will usually end unexpectedly with a critical STOP error (aka " blue screen death" or simply BSOD).

Today we will look at one of the ways to resolve the error DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, when this occurs, the following message appears on the display:

Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.

If you wish, you can search the Internet for information on this error code: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (epfwwfp.sys).

The epfwwfp.sys value in the message indicates the name of the driver that caused this error. Knowing the name of the faulty driver, you can simply remove it (and, if available, install more new version), and then the problem will be solved. Here's how to do it:

1. Boot into the Windows Recovery Environment. To do this, click Restart by pressing and holding the Shift key. If an error occurs during the loading stage of the operating system, then get into the recovery environment Can by using installation disk or using .

2. Once in the recovery environment, click Diagnostics > Advanced Options > Command Line. This will start the command line preparation.

3. Select account administrator and enter the account password.

The next step is to determine the letter of the partition on which the system is installed. This is important because the letter labels of the disk partitions in the boot environment are different from those used in the running system.

4. So, in the command prompt window, type the command notepad and press Enter. Once Notepad opens, go to File -> Save As. Specify “This PC” as the save directory. In Explorer you will see the drives and their assigned letters. Most likely, the reserved area will be marked with the letter C, and the partition with the system will be marked with the letter D, which is usually assigned to the user partition. In our case, everything is exactly like this - the operating system is installed on a partition that was assigned the letter D in the boot environment.

5. Now go back to command line by closing Explorer and Notepad. Type the following command and press Enter:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "D:\Windows\System32\drivers\ < NAME DRIVER> "

Don't forget to replace D: with the letter of your system partition, and instead of<НАЗВАНИЕ ДРАЙВЕРА>enter the name of the faulty driver (for example, epfwwfp.sys).

6. Close the command line and download operating system.

Now that the problematic driver has been removed, the Blue Screen of Death should no longer occur. Next you need to install the updated version of the driver, but to do this you will have to learn more about it detailed information.

7. Visit the online driver directory, created by users and Microsoft experts. On the catalog page, find the name of the faulty driver. In our case, the cause of the error was the epfwwfp.sys driver, which is required for ESET Personal Firewall to work.

You need to do the following: having found out the name of the program/device whose driver was causing the problem, go to the website of the corresponding manufacturer/developer and download and install a newer version of the driver/program, if available.

Have a great day!

Our article will tell you about a critical error when loading Windows 10 - “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.” You will learn about the main causes of this problem, as well as all possible ways to solve this problem.

In the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has updated the critical error screen (Blue Screen of Death). Now the PC does not reboot a second after the error message is displayed, but asks the user for permission to perform the corresponding operation and indicates a specific error code. Thanks to this, the PC user can get acquainted with the cause of the problem and even quickly find a method to fix the problem.

Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

What is this error?

"Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart" is a message that a user receives due to critical failures in Windows 10. The error occurs for various reasons and can be a single bug or a constant problem.

Unlike previous Windows versions, in 10, a QR code is also displayed on the blue screen, which includes a direct link to a page on the Microsoft website containing a description of the problem and possible solutions. Thanks to this, if a person who is faced with a corresponding problem has a modern smartphone, he can quickly find out about the malfunction that has arisen on his computer and solve it.

How to fix the problem

In most cases, simply restarting the computer will help get rid of the Blue Screen of Death. This can be done in several ways:

  • press the “Reset” button on system unit(suitable for desktops);
  • the hard way is to pull out the cord (for desktops);
  • hold for 3-5 seconds Power button(for desktops and laptops);
  • The hard way is to remove the battery (for laptops).

If the system booted successfully and after a day of use the critical error no longer appeared, then most likely this was an isolated case and no other measures need to be taken.

What to do if the blue screen of death occurs again

There can be many reasons for the critical error “There is a problem with your PC.” Its appearance may be associated with both technical malfunctions of the hardware and the software part of the OS.

If you have errors like "Critical process died"(failure of a service important for the functioning of the system) or "KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FILURE"(error when checking the security/integrity of the OS kernel) is software, then fixing them in most cases is not difficult. These are the two most common bugs.

To do this, first of all, you should check the system antivirus. You can use the one built into Windows 10 or install another one, but first disable the first one.

Step two: launch System Restore to the last points. To return the OS to an earlier state:

  • click on “Win+S”;
  • enter “System Restore” and launch the application;
  • follow the instructions that the program offers;
  • from the table, select the date as of which no errors were noticed.
  1. Another variant: restore system files with help special utility. To do this, you need to launch the command line as an administrator and run the command “ sfc /scannow". If the utility asks you anything during the verification process, you must agree.
  2. You can also try update drivers devices. Checking and updating is done through the “Device Manager”. You can also use targeted utilities such as DriverPack Solution.
  3. If errors still occur after following these steps, then it is most likely a hardware problem. First you need to check the integrity of the file system, for which we enter “ chkdsk /f" in the command line and agree to everything that the utility suggests.
  4. If that doesn't work either, it's probably a RAM issue. She needs to be checked Memtest86, which can be downloaded without problems from the official resource. The user will need to create bootable USB flash drive with this program and check the RAM for read/write errors. There are a lot of instructions on how to do this on the Internet. If the RAM is damaged, you will have to buy new modules.


The problem with the notification “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted” is in most cases isolated, but it doesn’t hurt to check the integrity of your system files. To avoid errors Critical process died or KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FILURE, you should always use new ones Windows updates 10 and follow current versions antivirus.

To the question Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart. given by the author European the best answer is Egor, you bought a laptop with a pre-installed system. Paid the money.
My advice is to return the laptop to the store. There is no need for you to worry about the installation and hard drives. It is clear that it is inconvenient. They advise the system to be transferred to another disk as if you have another hard drive, and only for laptops. You can install a new system. Download the original image or build from torrent. But it needs to be activated later. You don't have the key. And then you will lose your warranty. Most likely a hardware part.
By the way, when you started the laptop, did you already have Windows installed or did the installation take place the first time you turned on the laptop????

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted.

Answer from Throw away[guru]
Well, it’s unlikely that this is a hardware error, so I think reinstalling the system will help

Answer from Switch[guru]
Try setting the system to ANOTHER HDD. And keep the warranty and find out where the problem is coming from. By the way, it looks like there is a failure in the RAM.

Answer from Vladimir Kochetov[guru]
You can try loading any Linux Live CD/USB, if it boots normally, then everything is fine with the hardware, then tinker with the system.

Answer from philosophy[active]
Windows 8 – Lynching!
Take care of your files! You don't know which ones new system from Microsoft will be considered “unlicensed”, unwanted, that is, not meeting Microsoft requirements. All folders and files to which the new operating system has access, that is, it has system-level read access rights, are checked both programmatically and by personnel. What data and programs are allowed to be used when working with the Windows 8 operating system and what are not, Microsoft is silent about, as well as about its “guerrilla” way of fighting for compliance with copyright and industrial rights. If your data in the form of files and folders does not comply with Microsoft requirements, such files and data will be destroyed, despite the fact that in relation to the Microsoft legal entity they are someone else's property. The operating system becomes unusable, especially if there is no access to delete user files that are unwanted, according to Microsoft censorship. How does this manifest itself? When you turn off the computer using standard means, a blue window with the following content will appear on the screen. “ 🙁 Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart again. We are just collecting some information about the error, and then a reboot will be performed automatically (done...%)." I advise you not to wait until THIS is done, but immediately, turn off the computer or unplug the USB connector if your data is on a USB drive. It is advisable to copy files and folders on disks and folders in user directories using a different operating system method to another disk, otherwise you will lose them. Let me explain with an example of connecting my own data using a USB drive. This method of connecting devices with data on different physical media with a connecting cable separates the data into yours and those that belong to the operating system. The USB drive is definitely yours, and the data on it is definitely yours too! For representatives and employees of the Microsoft legal entity, this data is someone else’s property, which they do not have the right to encroach on. So, instead of turning off, after the issued in a systematic way warnings (text see above), your computer, after a while, when it is “100% complete,” will reboot, and at first glance, the system will work normally. BUT! Check your files and data. You will miss them. A number of folders may lose access rights, and files that Microsoft's data censorship program on a user's computer ranks as unwanted will simply disappear. For example, my retro music files have disappeared, which obviously cannot have licenses and owners, and are distributed in free access, access to a number of boot files on my disk was denied, and the clock gadget was also terminated by the system - pending investigation by Microsoft. That's not all. The operating system support center displays a flag with the message that file system on your USB drive is corrupted and should be checked using the operating system. If you agree, access to your data will cease. If you do not agree and ignore the message from the support center, then subsequent shutdowns and reboots will lead to the same result, and in addition, access to downloaded programs will begin to cease, and subsequently, your new Windows 8, “will order you to live long.” The user begins to struggle with malicious codes– viruses, contact specialists in Internet forums about the above-described “death” window that temporarily appeared on your computer, completely forgetting that all the troubles began with this very window – Microsoft warnings. This way you will know that you not only bought the right to install and use the operating system Windows systems 8 from the owner, but also transferred their right to personal property to in electronic format, other owner and legal holder

The screen of death on Windows 10 looks a little different than on previous versions of the operating system. When it appears, a message appears: “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.” As a rule, in the lower left corner there is an additional QR code and the name of the error, which you can also use to navigate.

The appearance of this notification can be either isolated or regular. In some cases, the inscription appears even during the installation of the operating system, which would seem unlikely. A failure may occur if the computer was turned off in an emergency or there was a power surge. What should you do in this case? We will tell you how to correctly and quickly fix this BSoD.

“There’s a problem with your PC” error in Windows 10

If Windows 10 crashes during operation

In cases where you can log in, but crashes occur during work, you need to try more simple methods without risk of loss important information. Typically, in such situations, the source of BSoD can be the following:

  • equipment conflict;
  • incorrect installation of drivers or their mismatch;
  • banal OS build bugs;
  • malware;
  • problematic system updates;
  • excessive number of temporary files and much more.

It is quite logical that to solve the problem it will be necessary to eliminate possible reasons, which means the procedure will look something like this.

In addition, it is advisable to remember when the problem was first discovered. It is likely that the blue screen began to appear after installing or launching an application. In this case, you need to reinstall it, and if the error persists, contact the software manufacturer’s support.

If you have completed all the cleaning and restoration, but the problem remains, then you need to localize its source. To do this, I advise you to use a simple BlueScreenView utility. Here are visual instructions for using it and identifying the causes.

There is a hardware problem on your PC

If the steps above do not help, then most likely the problem is hardware. In most cases, users cannot start the operating system even in Safe Mode or reinstall the system. Often the causes of the problem are:

  • poor contact on RAM slots, hard drive and video card;
  • dust;
  • damage to components;
  • motherboard malfunction;
  • drying out of thermal paste with subsequent overheating of processors, it is advisable to change such paste every six months to a year;
  • power supply malfunction or short circuit;
  • much more.

Keep in mind that before touching the components, it is advisable to perform tests using the following utilities: “Memtest86” or “HDD Regenerator”.

To run this software you need to create a bootable USB flash drive. If no errors were found as a result of checking, then the likelihood that the cause lies in the RAM or HDD is extremely low. Be sure to pay attention to the operation of the cooling system and the heating strength in the processor area.

We check the components as follows.

If Windows won't boot at all

All of the above reasons can also cause a “breakdown” of the operating system itself, after which it will not load at all, displaying “There is a problem on your PC and it needs to be restarted.” In this case, the best option would be:

  1. Turn on the PC as soon as the loading icon appears - turn off the power, do this a second time. We launch it a third time, but do not interrupt anything. Diagnostics and preparation will begin, and then the recovery environment will open. Next, in the additional options, select “Return to original state” and follow the instructions.
  2. There in the parameters, you can use installation image Windows 10 (on a flash drive or disk), through which the system is restored. This is the best option. There is a lot of information about this on the Internet - check it out.
  3. Creating a “Windows resuscitator” on a flash drive. On such media you can download a large set of programs that will help identify and correct BSoD error. Here are detailed video instructions for creating and setting up.


This material describes the general procedure, since there are many reasons for the error. In the lower left corner of the screen there is a QR code, by scanning which you will immediately receive a link to the Microsoft website, where the cause and how to resolve it are described in detail. Also indicated below specific name errors - try it online and get additional information on the failure. For example, the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED indicator appears when drivers are broken. And, of course, if you cannot fix the problem in Windows 10 yourself, then you should contact a specialist to diagnose and repair your PC.

Blue screen(aka blue screen of death, Blue Screen, BSOD) is a screen that displays information about critical errors in the Windows operating system. In Windows 10, as in previous versions, it appears in case of serious systemic problems and fatal crashes. At the same time, you see the text on the screen:
Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.
We are just collecting some information about the error and then it will automatically reboot.

A blue screen can appear in different ways: during the boot process (before the desktop or welcome screen is displayed), immediately after logging into the user account, after a certain period of time the computer has been running (for example, 2 minutes), at startup specific program or spontaneously and chaotically. In this article, we will find out the reasons for the appearance of a blue screen. Also, let's talk about how to remove the blue screen in Windows 10 and fix the problem.

Reasons for a blue screen in Windows 10

There are quite a few possible reasons why a blue screen appears. Among them:

  1. malware and viruses;
  2. incompatibility or incorrect work device drivers;
  3. damage system files operating system;
  4. unsuccessful Windows 10 operating system updates;
  5. simultaneous use of several antivirus programs;
  6. unfaithful BIOS settings(including overclocking);
  7. overheating (processor, video card, bridge/chipset);
  8. incompatibility of components (for example, memory modules);
  9. hardware malfunction of computer components (for example, bad sectors on the hard drive, when a bad sector appears in the system file storage area).

Consequently, due to so many factors, there is no simple and universal solution to remove blue Windows screen 10.

How to disable Windows 10 reboot when blue screen of death occurs

In most cases, after the blue screen appears, the computer soon reboots and the user does not have time to properly read what was written. You can try to disable the reboot (of course, if you catch the blue screen before loading the Windows graphical shell, then this will not work).

So, if your system boots and is able to work for some time, then:

  • Click Win+Break.
  • Click Advanced System Settings.
  • On the tab Additionally in the section click the button Options.
  • Uncheck Perform automatic reboot:

This will allow you to carefully view detailed information about the error and search for a solution to a specific problem on the Internet by the name of the faulty module or stop code. The modules nvlddmkm.sys, ntoskrnl.exe, fltmgr.sys often cause failures. Stop codes look like this: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, etc.

How to remove Windows 10 blue screen

In order to solve the problem, you need to check your computer point by point. We arranged the actions this way for a reason. We took into account two factors: the most common reasons the appearance of a blue screen and the ease of executing the solution. If the point does not help, proceed to the next one. Sooner or later you will find the cause of the BSOD.

Removing viruses and malware

It is no coincidence that this item is listed first. Nowadays, malware is so widely distributed and is so actively promoted through deception on the Internet that the first thing you need to do is check your computer for viruses. Many people were surprised when the blue screen problem disappeared after removing the malware. In most cases, it is enough to check the computer with programs: and.

Removing malware to get rid of blue screen

Safe Mode with Networking

Important! In some cases, the blue screen does not allow you to complete the scan or download the antivirus at all. In this case, immediately after booting, try to quickly open the system properties and select the boot type “Safe Mode with Networking”: Then restart the PC as quickly as possible before it crashes into a blue screen again. If you are infected with malware, safe mode with network support will allow you to download an antivirus, scan and remove the malware.

System rollback - Windows 10 recovery

If you noticed exactly when the blue screen first appeared, try performing a system rollback. To do this, you can use either the built-in function " ", or backup image, executed by Acronis, AOMEI Backupper, Ghost or any other program, if you have one.

I would like to add that a blue screen often appears after installing an update for Windows 10. If this is your case, then first try to update the device drivers, and then try to uninstall the update. And one more note: if you did a system restore, then re-check your PC for viruses and check the integrity of system files. This is in case the backup from which you restored already had viruses or Windows OS errors.

If a BSOD occurs during the system boot process or pops up too quickly after booting, so that nothing can be done with the computer, this will be written about below in a separate paragraph.

Windows Driver Update

If, when a blue screen appears, the name of the module that caused the error is indicated, search the Internet for information about what kind of file it is. For example, if you find out that a component of the network card driver is failing, then start by looking for an updated version:

At the same time, don't rely one hundred percent on the drivers that Windows 10 downloads and installs on its own. Most of the time they work fine, but sometimes it happens that a driver from Microsoft is "simplified" or "generic", reducing performance or causing problems on the system. Visit the official website of the manufacturer of your hardware (laptop, motherboard, video card) and check if there is an official driver for Windows 10. If it is available, then download the latest version and install.

Sometimes the opposite action also helps: rolling back drivers (i.e. installing previous version driver, if the newer one causes a blue screen).

Reset Windows 10 or clean reinstall the system from a USB flash drive

Described how to do Windows reset 10. A - about how to completely reinstall the operating system from a flash drive.

Finding the cause of a blue screen in hardware

If it didn't even help you reinstalling Windows 10, you need to check the serviceability of the components. You need to check everything: the voltage supplied by the power supply; contacts on motherboard; integrity of SATA cables; serviceability of hard drives and SSDs.

  • Test RAM using the program. By the way, it also helps to identify banal incompatibility of RAM modules with each other, when individually each memory stick works fine, but together they cause BSOD, freezes or reboots of the computer.
  • If your Windows 10 is installed on your hard drive, check it with the program for bad sectors. You can try to “heal” the BAD sectors and the system can become operational again. After this, you can save the data and think about replacing the unreliable drive with a new one.
  • Remember if you overclocked the system. If overclocking has occurred, return the settings you changed to their previous values. Instead, you can reset the BIOS settings to default values, but this must be done carefully because... the computer may stop booting.
  • Remember if you switched the operating mode hard drive between AHCI, RAID, IDE. If you simply switch the mode and do not change the driver, you will get a blue screen upon boot and the computer will reboot cyclically. If you changed this setting, return it to the previous value.
  • check the temperature of the processor, chipset, video card in the BIOS or using utilities (for example, AIDA64 or).
  • The cause of the blue screen of death may also be a burnt-out network card. This often happens after thunderstorms. In this case, the activity indicator on the network adapter may blink; there is simply no connection to the Internet. Special attention We advise you to pay attention to this item if your computer is connected to the Internet provider directly - without router. First, simply disconnect the Ethernet connector from network adapter and restart your computer. If the blue screen stops popping up, remove network card and replace it with a new one. If such a problem occurs with the integrated Ethernet adapter, disable it in UEFI (BIOS).

Windows 10 blue screen appears when running a specific program or game

In my practice, there were cases when a blue screen popped up only when downloading a torrent or only in a game. In the latter case, it helped to set a small memory dump:

You can also try updating the “problematic” program to the latest version or removing it altogether.

What to do if a blue screen occurs during the system boot process

If in your case a blue screen occurs during Windows boot 10 or a few seconds after logging into your account, it is obvious that you will not have time to either download the antivirus or set the download to safe mode. In this case, we advise you to first check your computer for viruses using , or any other bootable media with an antivirus. Then create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10, boot from it and select System Restore:

After this you usually have two options:

  1. Run System Restore and roll back to the restore point (if any);
  2. Reset Windows 10 to its original state. Read more about this in.

Also, it is worth saying that after several emergency reboots, the system may prompt you to run Startup Recovery. You can choose Recovery and then in the section Additionally choose System Restore. In some cases, this helps to return Windows to a working state and you will not need to create the above-mentioned bootable USB flash drive. By the way, after restoring the system using this method, do not forget to check your computer for viruses.

A way to solve the problem for advanced users

For experienced users, I can offer another method for finding the cause of the blue screen of death in Windows 10. You need to install the BlueScreenView program to view dumps and study them carefully. In many cases, this helps figure out which direction to dig in to fix the problem. For example, if the analysis shows that a critical error is caused by a driver, try replacing it, and if the failure is clearly related to hard drive, then change the cable or try to disconnect the device. Detailed visual instructions on working with BlueScreenView you can find on YouTube.


So, in order to remove the blue screen of death in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  • Check your PC for viruses using recommended utilities.
  • If BSOD appears after installing an update, uninstall this update. Later it will be possible to create backup copy system and try installing this update again.
  • Make sure that you have installed latest versions drivers certified to work with Windows 10.
  • If you added components, remove them.
  • If you changed the settings, return them to the previous ones. This applies to both programs and UEFI/BIOS settings.
  • Test the disk and memory for errors and hardware problems.
  • Disconnect the cable from the network adapter (or remove the card if it is external).