Oblivion interface change. The best mods for Oblivion

Popular international magazine PC Gamer, dedicated to computer games, published a list of the ten most important fan mods for the game TES IV: Oblivion, released for it since 2006.

1. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch

An unofficial patch that fixes about 1,800 different bugs in the game and allows you to significantly reduce the time you have to use the console in unpleasant situations with bugs.

Download localized version from the website Chronicles of Tamriel.

2. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

Makes significant changes to the original gameplay, making the gameplay much more dynamic and exciting.

Download Chronicles of Tamriel.

3. Midas' Magic Spells of Aurum

Adds about three hundred unique spells to the game with a wide variety of effects, ranging from stones falling on enemies’ heads to turning the player into some kind of monster.

Download localized version from the website Chronicles of Tamriel.

4. Unique Landscapes

The plugin transforms the regions of Cyrodiil, making them more atmospheric than before. New creatures and sound effects have been added.

Download localized version from the website Chronicles of Tamriel.

5. Francesco's Leveled Creatures and Items Mod

A global mod that balances the game and adds a bunch of new monsters, items, weapons and armor.

Download localized version from the website TESAll.

6. Deadly Reflex

Makes battles in the game more intense and dynamic. With this plugin, you can, for example, pierce your enemy with a weapon, perform somersaults and somersaults, and much more!

Download localized version from the website Chronicles of Tamriel.

7. Qarl's Texture Pack III

A very popular retexture pack that replaces most of the textures in the game with more detailed and high-quality ones.

Download from the site PlanetElderScrolls.

8. Darnified UI

Changes the user interface for the better, and also makes the map color.



The idea of ​​​​changing the interface came to me when on the web I came across BTmod, known to many fans of the game Oblivion, but it was, so to speak, not very straightforward: the icons were small, far from each other, in general everything seemed to be archived.
I decided to change it, but I couldn’t find where everything was, and no one on the web could tell me how to change this mod. And I decided to do everything myself, after that I realized that the famous saying does not lie (I think everyone knows it).
And so I took a text editor with code highlighting and started editing *.xml files.
This plugin changes the player interface, that is, it is sharpened to 75% of the original one. I made it to make the game easier, because it seems to me very inconvenient to play when you can only see 5 items in your backpack, despite the fact that there are 200 items in it...

(c) Tom, author of the mod

This mod changes the standard interface, introducing many interesting changes, ranging from enlarging the inventory window to adding a weapon wear bar.
You can read more about all the features of the new interface in a special manual (Manual.doc file), which is in the plugin archive.


Installation on Oblivion version from 1C:
- download and run the BSA Commander program;
- use it to open the Oblivion archive - Misc.bsa, located in the ".../Oblivion/Data" folder and unpack it (Unpack) into the same folder;
- rename the Oblivion file as you wish - Misc.bsa;
- Run BTmod-v2.20.exe and follow the program instructions;

Improved many aspects of the Oblivion interface:
- The size of the windows for inventory, magic, containers, lists of things to repair, ingredients for alchemy has been increased to 12 lines or more;
- The visible area of ​​maps (global and local maps) has been increased;
- The visible part of the magazine has been increased;
- The number of skills, guilds and achievements displayed on one screen has been increased;
- Added display as a percentage of total health/mana/strength;
- Added display of weapon wear level on the main interface screen;
- Added and configured timers showing the remaining duration of spells;
- The maximum allowed length of a user-created class has been increased;
- "Up" and "Down" arrow keys can be used to control dialog boxes ("Up" = top button of a dialog box, "Down" = bottom);

Support for removing markers/POIs from compass and map:
- three .esp files for managing markers/POIs on the compass;
- quest markers on the map are managed by the Map Config section;

Configuration files to change the interface according to your wishes:
- For each menu there is a separate file for managing icon sets, windows, interface type, etc.;
- In future versions you can use previously made settings files (to save them);

The number of items displayed on screen in the inventory window may depend on the installed fonts;
- display of things can be customized using settings files;
- keys other than arrow keys cannot be used to control dialog boxes;
The above mentioned menus use extra space at the top (which was originally empty). In some cases the space on the sides is also used (global and local maps)

On the main interface screen (the one that is displayed during movement, fights/battles, etc.) is now shown as a percentage of your maximum health/mana/strength. Also, the current wear state of the weapon is shown under its icon. You can enable a text display of the current wear in %. The original Oblivion XML removes the timer for spell effects on your character. In this mod this feature is enabled and fixed.

Names of user-created classes.
By default, the maximum length of a created class name was greatly limited. In this mod it is increased.

Long class names may not display correctly on stats and some other screens.

Directional keys for controlling dialog boxes:
- the up arrow key allows you to answer positively in all dialog boxes,
"down" - negative (for example, in selection windows when trading - up = "Yes", down = "No");

There are 4 tags recognized by the game. This, and. They were created for the Xbox360 gamepad and can emulate the functions of its buttons and be controlled directly by the cursor buttons (arrows) on the keyboard. Therefore, other keys are not suitable for these functions. To reduce the number of mouse clicks, the author assigned these functions to the arrow keys.

These hotkeys work in all pop-ups when trading. If you click the arrow before the question box appears, the answer will still be accepted. Delete or rename the file "...Oblivion/Data/menus/message_menu.xml" to remove this feature.

Removing markers/POI icons from compass and maps

Compass features are now controlled by the .esp file. There are 3 such files in this mod:
1) Removes quest markers and dungeon/POI icons from the compass
2) Removes only quest markers from the compass
3) Removes only dungeon/POI icons from the compass

If you don't use any of these .esp files, the compass will show everything (like in the original Oblivion)
To connect one of these files, launch OblivionLauncher, click the "Data files" button in it and check the box next to one of them:
1) Compass-Disable_Both.esp
2) Compass-Disable_QuestMarkers.esp
3) Compass-Disable_POIs.esp

IMPORTANT!!! Use only one of these files at a time. If you try to load a game with 2 or 3 of these .esp files enabled, only one of them will be used! (which was the last one used before)

These .esp files modify the game's iMapMarkerRevealDistance option. They change the default value (1800) to 1801, 1802 or 1803 (different .esp files have different values). If you are using another mod that changes this variable, most likely both will not work (the compass will show everything).

You can also turn off markers and icons on the compass in the console.
To enable everything:

- enter: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1800

To turn everything off:
- Open the console by pressing the "~" key
- enter: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1801
- enter: reload hudmainmenu
- close the console (also with the "~" key)

To turn off dungeon/POI icons:
- Open the console by pressing the "~" key
- enter: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1802
- enter: reload hudmainmenu
- close the console (also with the "~" key)

To turn off markers:
- Open the console by pressing the "~" key
- enter: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1803
- enter: reload hudmainmenu
- close the console (also with the "~" key)

A small note: After turning quest markers on and off, a graphical bug may appear when another cursor image appears on the right side of the screen. You can get rid of this by reloading the current save game. Switching this option through the console only works until you exit the game - then everything returns to standard values. Therefore, it is better to use .esp files.

To turn off quest markers on maps: open the file "...Oblivion/Data /menus/prefabs/ui_config/map_config.xml" in a text editor and edit the "QUEST MARKERS" section.

Settings files
Settings files allow the user to change the game interface as he wants. By changing many original XML files, the author enabled/disabled interface elements.

The settings files are located in the "...Oblivion/data/menus/prefabs/ui_config" folder

Here is a list of settings files and the menus they change:

container_config.xml: container menu.
container_template.xml: Further changes to the container menu. Carefully! These changes may affect the speed at which content is displayed, downward.
hudmainmenu_config.xml: All the screen elements you see while playing the game. Health/mana/stamina bars, weapon/magic icons, compass, spell effects.
hudreticle_config.xml: Crosshair.
hudsubtitlemenu_config.xml: Subtitles and dialogues.
stats_config.xml: characteristics window (F1)
inventory_config.xml: inventory (F2)
magic_config.xml: magic menu (F3)
map_config.xml: map and quest menu (F4)
map_template.xml: Further change the map screen. Changes to this file may cause the map to load slower.

A comprehensive UI overhaul for Oblivion in both Skyrim and SkyUI style, as well as vanilla style. This mod also fixes the game's native Xbox controller support.
A comprehensive overhaul of the user interface for Oblivion in the style of Skyrim and SkyUI, which was developed over the course of approximately seven months. Includes several minor fixes and support for Xbox, including its menus. (No more installing an Xpadder-enabled controller to manage your inventory!) This mod uses pixel assets, handwritten XML, and a DLL added to OBSE to change the look of Oblivion and add engine-level functionality.


  • I am not the author of the modification, I just made a translation for this mod (NorthernUI) . If you want to write about some technical problem or help the author with improving the modification, then of course you can do it here and I will pass everything on to the author of the modification, but it would be better if you follow this link yourself and write everything to the author of the mod. However, if you want to help me make a better translation, you can contact me through my Nexus profile . I will be very grateful, and I will also be grateful if you rate my translation of the modification  and the original mod itself .
Installation Instructions
  • Option: Extract the mod in the Data folder (Oblivion\Data), (or create an OMOD from it) to use it. (.. The BSA version is not offered due to problems with the BSA implementation in Oblivion. The author cannot obtain the BSA version to correctly override the vanilla menu XML files)
  • Option: I recommend using obmm, click the Create button here, then write the name of the mod in the Name field, then specify the Very Hight parameter in the data fiels compression and omod compression level items and click the Add archive button. In the window that opens, find the downloaded archive and click the “Open” button. Click on the Data files switch and see if the files have been added there, if so, then click “Create omod”. Then simply click on the Activate button.
  • You must invalidate the archive, to do this, click on Utilities -> Archive invalidation, select BSA alteration and in the File types to include tab, check all the boxes, then click Update now. Close the window, check again that the mod is activated (blue square) and close OBMM
  • Note that file timestamps do matter in Oblivion. If the "Modified Date" in vanilla BSA files is newer than the "Modified Date" in NorthernUI files. Some mod managers may update your BSA; There are also utilities for Windows. You need BSA to have an older version. This is a problem with Oblivion itself.
Main characteristics
  • There is (but weak) joystick support in the game, replaced with full support for the Xbox standard, and gamepad controls for menus (eg xbuttonrb) are fixed. New menu for the gamepad; Multiple control schemes can be defined and edited, and you can switch between them freely. All this means that users don't have to rely on Xpadder and AntiMicro.
  • Numerous engine fixes: Menu art is no longer blurry and grainy, RaceSexMenu no longer allows you to insert tabs into your character's name, save files to the trash, and pressing the up and down arrow keys no longer inserts weird invisible characters into what you're typing. For a complete list, see the Articles section.
  • Built-in Options Menu: The mod adds a "NorthernUI" submenu to the options menu with settings for the mod itself. Display statistics
PlayStation Buttons
  • I’ll also leave a link to Button Icons for Playstation , which replaces only the textures of Xbox buttons with PlayStation buttons, be sure to make sure that you download the NorthernUI version of Playstation Icons (Vanilla). Currently the interface is only available in vanilla form. In the future it will be translated in the style of Skyrim.
  • Dynamic Map: Fully compatible. NorthernUI checks for the presence of "Dynamic Map.esp" and, if found, the NorthernUI DLL performs adding the Dynamic Map to the world map itself. Default scaling options and other utility features are not supported.
  • Improved Economy: Unknown. The latest updates to NorthernUI are expected to improve or establish compatibility, but I can't use EE and can't judge for myself.
  • LootMenu: Compatible, but cannot respond to a gamepad.
  • Map Marker Overhaul: Expanded icons (e.g. stables, markets) should display correctly. By default, you can create, edit, and delete your own markers. There are some bugs on the marker map overhaul side that North Wales may make more noticeable (i.e. changes to markers may not show up or take effect inconsistently unless you change the scaling maps level or not).

My long-time dream is to remake Dark UI to a standard font and size. For a very long time I didn’t want to take on this job, but I finally decided to do it. I didn’t have any editing program, so I had to do everything manually: search, copy and enter various color codes in files, change sizes, add new textures, I edited some things myself in Photoshop, etc. A lot of work was done, but in the end, I was very pleased with the result.

The mod uses textures from DarNified UI and Fantasy menus and also, I looked at something in Immersive Interface and added % to health, magic, stamina and spell duration.
Colored icons for guilds and skills have been added to the mod and color icons for attributes from the Fantasy menus have been redone. Added files to the menus50 and menus80 folders and now they are displayed correctly.

Also the compass is now moved a little to the right (I thought it was too close to the spell icon)

Requirements: Oblivion,

1. Connect the Dark UI 1.0.omod archive to OBMM.
2. Do validation.
3. Play.

Good game!

What's new in version 1.3 ()

  • Fixed progress bar.
  • Fixed the location of the level transition icon.
  • Added color icons for attributes that I forgot.
  • The hud_reticle.xml file has been changed. The stealth crosshair and enemy health bar are now displayed correctly.
  • Added dark textures for hotkeys.
  • Replaced the textures of the alchemy, recharge, enchantment, repair and spell creation windows with plain, dark red ones from DarkUI. Before this, there were pictures and because of them the text was not always visible.

Over the past 12 years, an army of modders have worked hard to turn Oblivion into the game of dreams. Currently, users are presented with a large number of mods that change the game in various directions.

Conversions from masters like Oscuro and Francesco redefine the leveling system. "Midas Magic: Spells of Aurum" gives the player divine strength and abilities to crush enemies. There are thousands of such examples, so below are the highest quality and finalized projects from the most dedicated and productive members of the community.


The first thing you should pay attention to is this mod. It fixes over 1,800 bugs that are still present even after Bethesda finished fixing them. So, this mod contains 1800 floating rocks, transparent walls and animation errors that you will never see. There are also a couple of separate patches for expansions and DLC, so make sure you have them before visiting the Shivering Isles.


In the original version of the game, each character level increases at the same rate. This means that every battle has the same difficulty. This modification changes all that, setting different levels for each region, turning Cyrodiil into a dangerous and unpredictable province. It also changes almost every other aspect of the game.

For example, it becomes easier to cast spells, advanced artificial intelligence of creatures allows them to react to the character more realistically. Additionally, various bosses have been created scattered throughout the world that provide additional challenges for the character to gain additional rewards. In addition to this, there is a whole series of smaller mods that fix the AI, adjust balance and add hundreds of different weapons and items to the game.


Turn enemies into gold, ride a magic carpet, summon a Balrog and explore 7 new areas - all this is available in this modification. It adds hundreds of magical abilities to Oblivion, along with new vehicles and even the power to transform. The mod claims that it does not affect game balance in any way, and this is practically true. But once the character receives the most powerful spells, nothing can stand in his way.


“Unique Landscapes” is a series of mods aimed at turning every location in Cyrodiil into a work of art. Each mod has its own author, who brings his own individual style to each area. This ensures that the user will not encounter two identical locations. 22 locations have already been updated with more in the works. This mod works great with Oarl's Texture Pack and Natural Environment. If you combine both mods, Cyrodiil will turn into a place of stunning beauty.


This mod is very similar to Oscuro's Overhaul. Both modifications make Oblivion a more varied and interesting game by changing the leveling system of creatures around the character. For those players who have just started playing Oblivion, the mod will be an exciting experience, especially at the initial levels. Also, many changes can be disabled in order to compare the systems of the original game and its modifications. This will allow you to configure Oblivion in the most convenient way for the player.


The expansion adds some depth to Oblivion's combat strategies, expanding them with new moves and attacks. With the installation of the add-on, the player will be able to dodge attacks, immobilize the enemy, and even deal a fatal blow with a strong attack. Of course, opponents also have these abilities, adding the need to think through tactics in battle.

Combat now feels and looks more intuitive. Critical hits now result in well-animated deaths, and what's more, sneak attacks can showcase the player snapping necks and brutally slitting throats.


This mod is the most popular and well-developed collection of textures for Oblivion. It is released in several versions to suit different computers, so you should not choose one that does not fit your PC. Even the lower resolution versions are a big improvement, while the largest versions completely transform Cyrodiil, adding intricate detail to the world.


Tired of only having to see 5 items on your list at a time? Annoyed by giant fonts and clunky interface? Darnified UI completely changes the user interface, updating each menu item to display correctly on the monitor. It also replaces the world map with a beautiful, detailed and colorful version. It's not a complete overhaul of the game, but it does make everything look simple and easy to use. This modification is also well compatible with the above mods.


This mod contains a series of subtle updates that come together to improve the look and feel of the world. Along with dynamic weather effects, updated water effects, changes to foliage and the addition of birds and insects, the modification does a great job on Cyrodiil, making it a more vibrant world.


The mod adds over 150 new types of creatures and enemies to the game, bringing variety to the game's exploration. Much like Oscuro's overhaul, it adds unique bosses, each with unique loot attached to them, including new weapons and armor. Because of this, conflicts may arise between this mod and Oscuro’s overhaul, as well as with modifications from Francesco. If you want to install three add-ons at once and don't mind going through a painful installation process, then use FCOM.