Program for white promotion on Instagram. Review of the best services for promotion on Instagram. The effectiveness of “gray” promotion

There are many methods for increasing the popularity of your page on Instagram, both official and used for “gray” promotion. Instagram promotion programs will help newly created accounts become widely known, providing an influx of visitors and subscribers. Despite the fact that the use of such services is not an entirely “honest” way of promotion, reasonable use of this software will allow you to save significantly cash and in short time get active participants.

Promotion methods

Promotion can be carried out either free of charge or with some material costs. It all depends on the chosen method of promotion or their use in combination. There are several options for boosting your profile on Instagram.


This method is a preliminary step towards promoting your profile on Instagram. Parser programs are used to collect the necessary data from different accounts (for example, URLs, email addresses, telephone numbers, User IDs). The search takes into account various parameters: geolocation, hashtags, subscribers to competitors’ pages. Next comes filtering and sorting:

  • by page accessibility (closed/open);
  • by activity (date of the last login by the user);
  • stop list (with filtering out all unnecessary words, like “sale”, “online store”, etc.).


Once a suitable public has been selected using parsers, you can begin to use an automatic following program that carries out a mass subscription to selected pages and accounts and subsequent unsubscribes, if necessary. Users of pages that you subscribe to may also follow your profile in return. This method good because it saves you from daily routine work and personal time.

However, it is worth remembering that Instagram has certain limits for following and unsubscribing (although programs often take this into account). If you are too active, the risk of blocking and banning the promoted page increases.

Liking and mass commenting

Automatic mass liking programs work on the principle of mass followers, only instead of subscribing to other pages they put likes. Mass commenting can also be used, allowing you to leave reviews in automatic mode. To do this, it is enough to invent general phrase, for example, “Wonderful photo!”, and leave it in the comments under the photos. This method allows you to pay attention target audience to your profile.

Thanks to following and liking, a daily increase in subscribers of up to two hundred people per day is ensured. There are a lot of similar programs, new ones appear every day. Many services allow you to register free subscription for several days, which makes it possible to evaluate all the advantages of such software. However, you should not forget to be careful; be sure to secure your account. To do this, link it to your phone number and . In this case, you can always restore your profile, even if it is stolen.

Cheating bots

It is advisable to use cheating only for a recently created page, when it is necessary to create the appearance of high popularity of the profile. This method of promotion is carried out special services, which offer to promote a page with the help of “dead” subscribers.

For already established accounts similar method cheating is useless. Subscribed bots do not show any activity, do not make purchases, and are often blocked by social networks. It is better to make more conscious financial expenditures by using programs to collect live, active subscribers.

Delayed posting

None of the above methods will cope with account promotion if the page offered for subscription does not contain interesting and exciting information for users. It is not enough to attract interested parties, you need to retain them.

Therefore, before using the above software products, you must first create a page that is periodically updated with relevant and interesting information. Delayed posting services can help with this.

Such software helps to plan the time at which the next post will be published. Despite the fact that Instagram doesn’t really like them, they are very popular. Thanks to them, you can increase the reach of posts and the activity of participants, and get a higher increase in visitors. Accordingly, the number of active subscribers increases.

Programs for promotion on Instagram

Before choosing a program for promoting an account, it is advisable to first decide on the methods of promotion, and only after that select a service that performs the appropriate functions. There are many such software products, among which the ones listed below stand out.


The Tooligam program is one of the most famous and promoted. It contains many flexible settings. One of its undoubted advantages is the ability to set your own IP address for each of the promoted accounts. In this case, even if one of the profiles is blocked, the rest will be able to continue working as usual. Other benefits of the service include:

  • flexibility of subscription, unsubscribe and like settings;
  • auto-posting option;
  • presence of a task scheduler;
  • adding and removing users from the database, presence of ignore lists.

However, this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment - these are the following disadvantages:

  • paid service (from 40 rubles per day);
  • no filters;
  • inability to monitor and respond to comments;
  • there is no division of the database by accounts;
  • forced re-entry of all accounts when restarting the program;
  • you cannot choose the type of subscribers (private or open access);
  • non-cloud nature of the program (you can only enter it from the computer on which it is installed).


The Instaplus program is a fairly powerful service with a number of different capabilities. This is an excellent choice for high-quality page promotion. The only pity is that this program for promotion on Instagram can only be used for free for 5 days. True, this time is quite enough to familiarize yourself with all the functionality of the service and make a decision on further paid subscription. The advantages of the software include:

  1. Intuitive and comfortable interface
  2. Cloud web service that allows you to access the program from any device
  3. A wide variety of settings that allow you to set up following and mass liking in the most appropriate way
  4. Availability of reference materials for working with the program, including video tutorials
  5. Compliance with activity limits in, which will avoid account blocking
  6. The ability to operate the service on autopilot, configure current and subsequent program activities using a scheduler, and track page progress via email.

Among the disadvantages of the software:

  • payment;
  • inability to name planned tasks;
  • The program does not give more than one like to other accounts.


The Socialkit service has truly wide capabilities, the number useful options reaches 30, also he has a lot precise settings. This program for promotion on Instagram it can be used for free in the form of a demo version with a minimum of functions, but without any restrictions on the period of use. There is also the option of purchasing a paid version with full functionality starting from 23 rubles daily.


  • promoting an unlimited number of accounts, creating and editing new ones;
  • the ability to link pages to Facebook profiles;
  • database collection (parsing) according to certain criteria;
  • setting up filters and sorting the database of potential users;
  • subscribing using hashtags;
  • mass liking and auto-commenting of recent posts in selected profiles;
  • delayed posting, setting up geo-positions;
  • easily customizable integration of the service with other programs (for example, with software designed for captcha recognition);
  • prompt technical support, high-quality problem solving, constant updates.


  • a lot of time spent learning all the functionality;
  • when creating a new task, you should carefully go through all the settings to get the desired output result;
  • payment.

ARC Following

The ARC Following service is intellectual program, used for automatic promotion. It fully automates all technical aspects; when using it, the user can relax and do other things: filling content, holding competitions, maintaining activity, etc.

  • full automation of work;
  • compliance with subscription limits;
  • free consultations from technical support;
  • Promoting new posts with auto-likes.

The only downsides, perhaps, include the fee (from 504 rubles for half a month) and the time spent getting familiar with the full functionality of the program.

And if you want to learn a few more ways to promote your Instagram account, then follow this link, where you can download for free how you can get 2000 subscribers without a budget!


It is better not to use programs for promotion on Instagram for the first month or two after creating an account, otherwise there will be a high probability of blocking the page. Then, in order to give the page the appearance of popularity, you can start using bots – inactive subscribers – while simultaneously scraping the target and interested audience. After selecting a suitable public, mass liking, mass commenting and following are carried out to search for living participants.

The most important thing is to remember that no matter how “wonderful” the program used is, it is important to monitor the content of the promoted page and update it from time to time with fresh news, which is additionally useful. Only in this case, the attracted audience will not unsubscribe from your profile and will increase its popularity, including through word of mouth.

Good luck to you and success in promoting your account!

Free Instagram promotion: program, online services or manual liking and following?

As a rule, promotion of an Instagram account occurs over a fairly long period of time. All this time you need to monitor your account, check how effective your posts are, and work with your target audience.

How it's done?

  1. You need to have a ready-made, well-designed page, with a beautiful avatar and an interesting description.
  2. You need to indicate in the description exactly what you do. Yes, you can use humor and some relevant comparisons, but in no case should you experiment too much with the design of the page, otherwise this may turn your potential clients away from it.
  3. Then you need to make your first few posts. They should cover the topic of what you do best. Descriptions should not be verbose (three lines will obviously be enough), but should not be template (like “Here I am on Instagram”) - that is, they should be visible among a bunch of other similar posts.
  4. There should not be very many hashtags in the description of posts - about three to five. But in the comments you can go wild - leave one big comment specifically with hashtags - about a dozen. Then your post will be found, but the description will not hit the eyes with an abundance of blue text.
  5. If you want to make external links, there is no such option on Instagram. All possibilities regarding external links, refer only to your profile description - this is the only place where you can insert a link. Instead of bothering to explain to your users how to copy and paste a text link, or how to find you on Google, try to do two things - establish normal work for the company on social networks so that the site is not so needed, and secondly, place a link to the site once in the description, and in posts just mention that it is there, and that those who want to get to the site should go there.
  6. As a rule, the greatest response is collected by posts that do not contain any hair-raising facts or something that would be unpleasant to see (for example, dirty interiors of factories and warehouses, unless, of course, this is a special genre of photography - industrial romance). Try to serve your finished products immediately. This will increase your authority in the eyes of buyers.
  7. Posts that use filters that focus the camera on the object being photographed by blurring or darkening the edges also receive a large response. This subconsciously attracts a person to this particular object.
  8. Try to avoid overly bright colors in your photos. The social network itself is blue - if you adapt to the blue colors, then your pictures will look more trusting, they will not stand out from the general context of the social network. Don’t think that this is some kind of stupid prejudice; such advice is usually backed by real marketing research.

Naturally, you don’t want to do all this manually. But what to do in this case?

Free Instagram promotion – program and services

If you need a program for promoting Instagram for free, then we really have it. We will help you download the Brobot application, which has all the necessary functions to ensure that your page really quickly reaches the top.

But since we’re talking about what other ways there are to promote your page, let’s get this to the end.

There are dozens of online services that will help you gain a large audience.

As a rule, these services allow you to agree with certain people so that they carry out promotion for you. They do, in general, the same thing that you or your friends would have to do - they like your posts, subscribe to you, only they receive real money for it.

What else can services do? Rob you! Yes, there are many fraudulent services that take all your money and disappear in an unknown direction.

There are also those who require a login and password for the account and then steal it too. They may also send spam on your behalf.

Okay, this is the worst option, but sometimes it is, for example, a disservice! Like this? And so - the service brings a huge number of bots to your page, which immediately begin to like your posts, write the same type of comments, and so on - in general, the imitation of vigorous activity continues until the administration bans you, and this usually happens , very fast. And, of course, in such cases you won’t have to dream of any promotion - you will be identified very quickly, and it will be difficult for you to return. You will have to start your page again.

The Instagram network pays great attention to the quality of content. Therefore, you will not be able to cheat and promote your account illegally.

Brobot Instagram promotion program

When we say “Instagram Promotion”, the Brobot program comes to mind, if not immediately, then among the first. After all, only this program can do so much:

  1. It works with all social networks at the same time, there is no need to download other applications. You can maintain an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mamba, Loveplanet.
  2. The application in the version for one account is completely free, and for commercial purposes you can use inexpensive versions for 10 and an unlimited number of accounts.
  3. Brobot can do a lot more - for example, he can like, subscribe, unsubscribe from those who have not subscribed in return, and most importantly, he does this quickly and, at the same time, observing the restrictions set by the administration of the social network.
  4. Brobot can post to Instagram from a file, the function is being tested and will be further developed.
  5. Brobot can answer questions from VKontakte users. If you provide a link to VKontakte on Instagram as we indicated to you, then you will be able to take advantage of this wonderful advantage of our program.

Download Brobot now and try it out! It's easy and free!

The social network Instagram has become so popular that it is used by millions of people from all over the globe.

It is not only convenient to store or share photos, many people use the application to earn money. Only for this you need to collect a lot of subscribers and increase their activity.

25 services for promotion on Instagram for free and quickly will help make your Instagram page popular. Do not think that all systems offer to collect only bots.

Some projects help attract the target audience with filters and even additional conditions (for example, so that subscribers also be sure to comment on posts).

How do Instagram promotion services work?

The principle of operation varies, it all depends on what goals you are pursuing. Some users need the help of professionals who will help set up an advertising campaign, select sites, beautifully design their profile, and be able to keep their audience active.

For promotion, it is better to attract professionals from the Weblancer exchange. Experienced freelancers know how to promote sites on social networks, but they ask for decent money for this.

It is easier to use the services, but usually they do not offer a range of services, but only improved performance. For example, buy subscribers, likes or comments. If we combine all systems, then They are conventionally divided into 3 categories:

  1. Automatic promotion– most often, a database of “empty” accounts is collected for it, from which subscriptions are made. These can also be brute profiles (hacked). Obviously, such services are the cheapest.
  2. Paid promotion– the most services available in which you need to pay performers. The scheme is simple, you set a reward for a subscription, like or comment, real people fulfill your requirements for money.
  3. Mutual cheating(free) – if you have nothing to pay and don’t want to collect bots, use this option. Register several profiles to make it easier to fulfill other people's orders and not clog up your main account.

Why do we need promotion and cheating services?

Obviously, to make your account popular. There are a number of services that offer comprehensive services. They find a target audience based on their interests, place advertisements on suitable platforms, and so on.

The cost of services of such systems is quite high, you will spend at least 1000 rubles per month(excluding advertising costs).

Services with cheating are a separate matter. They help to quickly improve performance, but this method does not attract a high-quality audience.

It’s still worth using them, because through partial cheating you can achieve better statistics. Advertisers and advertising exchanges pay attention to it.

The main thing is not to focus on markups, but to use them only as a supplement. Otherwise, all your subscribers will either be bots or not interested in the topic of the page.

Promotion of Instagram for money, price issue?

It is impossible to name the exact amount that will be required to promote your account. It all depends on the competition, the methods used, and the services chosen.

For example, we looked at the rates on a site that offers to increase activity on your profile and receive targeted subscribers:

No guarantees are given, i.e. by paying this money, only 10 subscribers can come. You must understand that even advertising never guarantees success. The results vary, but professionals will try to change the results for the better.

As for promotions, everything is simple - choose the number of subscribers and pay:

Again, we took an example from one of the projects where they propose to wind up brute force. For just 150 rubles you can get 1000 subscriptions (the amount in the image is less because there is a 5% discount for paid orders).

Now think for yourself what you need - just make a big number opposite the “Subscribers” inscription or really promote your site.

Useful features for Instagram

Below is a list of sites that will be useful for developing on Instagram, but first I would like to talk about additional tools. Quality services offer users a set of features that help them achieve maximum efficiency.

For example:

  • select hashtags for Instagram promotion;
  • collect statistics and help analyze them;
  • V automatic mode remove bots;
  • automatically unsubscribe from other pages;
  • offer auto-posting;
  • set up advertising on Instagram;
  • offer newsletters.

All this is useful in promotion, but you need to remember that without high-quality support for the site, it is pointless to use any tools.

If you don’t publish a lot of interesting posts, try hard on every post, then no matter how much you analyze the statistics, nothing will come of it.

Instagram promotion program

Do you want to find software that will do all the work for you? Some actions cannot be automated. With so many options to choose from, we recommend trying Socialkit. This is a paid program that contains the most useful and necessary functions:

  • auto posting;
  • selection of target audience;
  • parallel promotion of several accounts;
  • gathering an audience from VKontakte;
  • creating tasks and planning them;
  • receiving likes and comments;
  • registration of new accounts.

The utility is easy to use, after installation you will see the main menu where all parameters are configured. The official website has a forum where detailed instructions:

The only caveat is that promoting an account on Instagram is not free. You will have to pay from 23 rubles per day, but the DEMO version is offered for the first week. The license can be used on all your computers.

The best Instagram promotion service

If you do not take into account systems that offer comprehensive promotion, then for recruiting subscribers and increasing activity, I would recommend Wmmail.

Yes, an old proven click sponsor with several hundred thousand performers ready to take on a simple job.

You can offer them just one cent for a subscription, they will definitely do it. Moreover, in your order you are allowed to indicate any requirements, age, gender, number of subscriptions, posts in your profile, and so on (free form):

After regular registration, you need to go to the advertiser panel and go to paid tasks. There you click “Create new” and, as in the example, indicate your requirements.

Also in the picture the arrow shows where you need to click to enter money, there are many ways to replenish, decide for yourself how much money to spend on it.

On this mailer you can order promotion for free; to do this, complete other people’s tasks (registrations, likes, video views and much more).

Orders are fulfilled by real people, who then send reports. You will check who took into account all the requirements and who did not sign up at all, and only after that decide who to pay and who to refuse payment.

The money will definitely not be wasted, and to ensure that no one unsubscribes right away, leave the check for several days.

Automatic promotion services on Instagram

Some users don't care who subscribes to the page. In certain cases, you just need to increase the number of subscriptions, and the easiest way to do this is to use cheap promotions.

Even if these are bots or hacked pages, some of them will forever remain among your subscribers:

  1. Soc-service – 1000 subscribers for 150 rubles, there is an increase in likes and comments.
  2. Smmlaba – from 8 rubles per 100 subscribers, there are several categories of accounts.
  3. Doctorsmm – you can buy 1000 subscribers for 180 rubles (low quality).
  4. Olike – exchange of subscriptions and likes on Instagram (you can just pay).
  5. SmoFast – also offers exchange of actions, no need to pay.

Don’t expect any activity after such a boost, what did you want for that money? Also, don't place large orders right away. Everything should look like a live Instagram promotion. Bots will only help improve your performance a little.

TOP sites for Instagram promotion

The main disadvantage of any cheating is the risk of being banned. All social networks prohibit cheating, so many are interested in high-quality Instagram promotion for money.

Separate services have been created for this, but they do not provide guarantees. Specialists will help automate some processes, however, they do not promise a certain influx of subscribers:

  1. Instapromo - Instagram promotion 3 days free, then the fee will be 790 rubles per month. For this money you get detailed statistics of your account, automate commenting, following and direct communication. They will help you quickly find the right audience.
  2. Gaininsta – also Instagram promotion for 3 days without investment, then $39 or $99 per month. Connect as many accounts as you like and set goals. The system will automatically subscribe and unsubscribe if not reciprocated. Profile activity also increases due to reposts using hashtags.
  3. Pmgrm – everything according to the standard scheme, automation of various actions to increase activity on Instagram. There is no need to download any programs, management is via the website. With this system you can also earn money from the affiliate program. They give 20% from paid orders.
  4. Zengram – offers promotion and promotion on Instagram. You can try it for free (5 days), then the price will be 699 rubles per month. Here you will receive detailed analytics, be able to monitor the activity of other users and set routine actions to automatic.
  5. Tooligram – available to clients web version and PC program. The second option is more expensive and suitable for professionals because it has more different tools. Price starts from 1,199 rubles, and target audience data will be collected not only on Instagram. A week is free, and online promotion on Instagram will cost 499 rubles. per month.

As a rule, all these services offer to automate following (with the expectation of reciprocity), liking, commenting and sending direct messages on your behalf.

You don’t have to bother yourself, I paid subscription fee and got a turnkey result. But prices are different everywhere, unfortunately, this is not always related to quality.

Services for Instagram promotion (paid)

Projects in which users receive small rewards for small fee. The advantage of such systems is that orders are carried out by real people.

Unlike postal services, placing an order is easier. Simply top up your balance, select the action type and top up your balance:

The quality is higher than when using the cheapest cheats with bots. That's why the price is a little higher. On average, you pay from 0.5 to 1 ruble per subscription. The price increases if you use filters (geography, gender, age). For large orders there is a discount almost everywhere:

  1. CashBox – likes from 30 kopecks, subscriptions from 90 kopecks.
  2. V-like – 750 rubles for 1000 subscribers, 100 likes for 50 rubles.
  3. LikesRock – reward for likes and subscriptions from 0.001 euros.
  4. Forumok – set the payment yourself, specify your requirements in free form.
  5. Socialtools – subscriptions and likes for 1 ruble, comments for 2 rubles.
  6. SMMOK – likes and posting comments cost 25 kopecks, subscriptions cost 35 kopecks.

What is pleasantly pleasing is tracking the actions of the performers. These services make sure that people do not immediately unsubscribe or remove likes.

Of course, they can do this in a week or a month, but at least not the next day (as happens when cheating with brutes and bots).

Where to order advertising for promotion on Instagram

You can “twist” subscribers as much as you like and automate at least all actions, but this does not always lead to good results.

What really helps you gain popularity on Instagram is advertising. It is best to order it through promoted accounts, and you will find them using special exchanges:

  • Adstamer is an exchange for promotion on Instagram and Vkontakte. More than 12,000 platforms are available, and the total audience reach is 429 million people. You can order turnkey advertising, it will be carried out by professionals.
  • Labelup is a serious exchange for large projects and reputable advertisers. The minimum advertising cost is 740 rubles; there are no Instagram pages with less than 50,000 subscribers.
  • Dealway – for each site and advertising company detailed statistics are collected. Paid Instagram promotion is guaranteed; if the ordered post is not published, all the money will be returned.
  • To successfully promote Instagram, the promotion service must be the best in its field. This rating will tell you which ones are more effective, cheaper, safer, more convenient, more popular. We have collected sites with a free trial period, cloud technologies and special programs. TOP is compiled based on real reviews, it takes into account almost all the weak and strong points of the winners. After reviewing it, you can choose the most relevant option for you.

    Rating of the best sites for Instagram promotion

    The basis for compiling this TOP was the feedback from SEO experts and novice promoters. When analyzing them, we took into account the following parameters:

    • Completeness of functionality;
    • User-friendly interface;
    • Ease of use, usability;
    • Methods of work – cloud technologies and/or desktop software;
    • Promotion safety and the likelihood of getting banned;
    • Number of promoted accounts;
    • Duration of the free trial period;
    • Quality of technical support;
    • Payment methods for services;
    • Degree of automation of actions;
    • Possibility of earning money on the site.

    The best automated Instagram promotion services

    Automated services independently perform almost all the work for the account owner or SMM manager. They are designed to simplify the task of finding and attracting the target audience and increasing the number of real clients.

    This site has an impeccable reputation; there is not a single blocked account on its account. Even more, their owners are captivated by the opportunity to receive a free consultation from a personal manager when paying for services per month. It’s unlikely that anyone else will talk in such detail about the state of your profile and give comprehensive recommendations for promotion on Instagram. No less advantageous is the saving of time, since likes are placed, comments are left and subscriptions are made with virtually no user interaction.

    Zengram is the best Instagram promotion service in its segment with good value prices and quality. It helps to promote your profile on this social network quickly and effectively. Those who use its services do not ignore the numerous functions of the system - analytics, automatic clearing of commercial users and bots, auto-unsubscribe.


    • Uninterrupted operation;
    • Convenient and intuitive interface;
    • Getting started “in one click”;
    • Promotion by comments;
    • Runs in the cloud;
    • Automatic likes for new posts.


    • Not the lowest price;
    • Statistics on the effectiveness of using the service are not provided;
    • There is no standard audience filtering.

    This Instagram promotion service is the best in its category due to its simplicity and convenience. The principle of its operation is automatic liking, subscription and unsubscription from other accounts. It works for long-term results and allows you to replenish your subscriber base using natural methods for which the system does not impose sanctions. Most impressive for users instant setup promotion to the target audience in just 1 minute.

    The Doinsta website is especially popular with novice promoters, since each of its functions and operating features are described in detail. The possibility of free testing for 3 days allows you to make a further decision on whether to continue working. According to users, the price of its services is a little overpriced, but their quality outweighs this point.


    • Technical capabilities;
    • Staff training for their clients;
    • Good support;
    • Elimination of commercial accounts;
    • Clear interface;
    • Individual proxies for each account;
    • Safe limits on subscription and unsubscription.


    • Free use for 3 days only.

    Subscriber accounts added to contacts look like real users social network, and not like bots, which not all promotion services on Instagram can boast of.

    This resource positions itself as the best client service for promoting online accounts on Instagram. Each user can verify this for free, since 3 days are provided without debiting funds to check its capabilities. In this case, it does not matter at all how many profiles you need to promote - there are no restrictions on their number.

    The majority of responses in reviews of Instapromo are collected by complete automation of the process - the resource independently puts likes, adds subscribers, leaves comments, and sends messages. At the same time, the limits of the social network are not exceeded, so the risk of blocking the page is reduced to zero.


    • The most accurate report on the work done;
    • Continuous operation;
    • Promotion security;
    • Advanced functionality;
    • Ease of use.


    • Registration is required to receive free trial access.

    The best free Instagram promotion sites

    This Instagram promotion service stands out from its competitors with its versatility; it can also be used to promote VKontakte public pages. It works on the principle of mutual exchange of likes, comments and subscriptions; “black” methods are not used here. For those who do not want to invest in account development or are simply limited in it, you can earn money through likes, comments, and subscriptions.

    Bosslike is also interesting from the point of view of benefits, because it allows you to make a profit on affiliate programs by attracting new clients. If you need to withdraw funds, this is done quite quickly. The creators of the resource have simplified registration and reduced the withdrawal amount to a minimum of 100 rubles. You can start promotion immediately after replenishing your account. It’s quite convenient that the site has a knowledge base with tips on using the Instagram promotion service.


    • Setting a task in two clicks;
    • Nice interface;
    • Simplicity of functionality;
    • Free boost of followers;
    • The reality of accounts.


    • Not detected.

    Bosslike is quite often used both for earning money and for promotion, which allows you to start successfully without investment.

    This site does not offer the same services as competitors; it only provides deep analytics of competitors’ Instagram accounts, which is what makes it stand out from their background. Thanks to this, promotion becomes several times more effective and cheaper. The features of this proposal include studying and analyzing the age of subscribers and recognizing bots. The statistics here are so detailed that they surprise even experienced webmasters.

    It is clear that professionals worked on the Picalytics Instagram promotion service, because it not only analyzes, but also automatically generates detailed reports on the effectiveness of content. With it, you can find out the number of total likes and comments, as well as reviews for a post. He is able to monitor the dynamics of subscriber growth, study best time for publications and do much more instead of a person. At the same time, system owners offer several tariffs.


    • Variety of analytics;
    • Friendly support;
    • Adequate price tag;
    • Simple and understandable reports;
    • Ease of use.


    • Some people complain about problems with card binding.

    Despite its youth, this system already has powerful tools for attracting up to 7,000 subscribers per month and about 300 real clients over the same period. They speak about him only with the best side, which is facilitated by automatic promotion. The only thing that is not very good here is that the administration is not responsible for unsubscribing people and does not take over all accounts in a row. The latter must have a certain number of posts, photos and readers.

    Good rating for this one, one of the best services Instaturbo earned promotion on Instagram, in particular, thanks to the implementation of all actions by real people. Bots are regularly analyzed here and, if detected, they are removed. Thus, client funds are spent only on the desired target audience. If you have questions, technical support answers quickly and clearly, regardless of the type of package, of which there are several available here.


    • Four tariffs;
    • Proxy servers in the package;
    • Automatic subscription and likes;
    • Exclusion from the search of commercial and foreign target audiences;
    • Availability of turnkey service;
    • Possibility of payment in various ways.


    • Not the best functionality.

    For the partially free Instagram promotion service Instaturbo, it should be specially noted that there is no ability to edit an account and ensure a low probability of blocking. The lack of a scheduler for several tasks is also somewhat confusing, but in general this is not critical.

    The best promotion sites on Instagram with programs

    Unlike ordinary services, such systems provide not only cloud technologies, but also special software for installation on a computer. Among them, 3 companies can be particularly highlighted.

    This is a site with a guarantee of non-spammy Instagram account promotion using the activity of real users - likes, exchange of comments, subscriptions. The level of trust in it is very high precisely due to the refusal to use bots, which only “eat up” the budget without real benefits.

    The Instagram promotion service Pamagram deserves attention because it does not impose its functions, but offers to use only the most necessary ones. Adaptability for mobile devices is also a nice bonus, the main thing is that there is Internet access. Working with it is very comfortable, this is evidenced, in particular, by the possibility of paying for services in several ways - cards, electronic money, from a mobile account.


    • Fast start;
    • Full control over functions;
    • Clear interface;
    • No chance of account blocking;
    • Search for subscribers by photo;
    • Convenient activity settings.


    • No demo available.

    Users say that Pamagram offers one of the best pricing plans for any budget.

    The site provides one of the best Instagram promotions through secure bots. Downloading the program is fast, as is installation. It does not take up much space, and there are versions for different operating systems. There are no difficulties with its use, but even if something is not clear, home page there are detailed instructions. Moreover, it is possible to write to technical support. Advantages include the ability to reset proxy bindings and a low likelihood of sanctions.

    Brobot cares about its reputation and offers free version to promote one account on Instagram. If they increase, you will have to buy the program. It’s good that here you can choose both an extended package with an unlimited number of profiles, and a standard one for 10 profiles. But most of all, users like the savings system and the opportunity to receive bonuses for long-term use of the service.


    • Possibility of payment by card, electronic wallets, phone;
    • Posting;
    • Parallel operation of all questionnaires;
    • Hand support;
    • The practicality of the filter is by gender, age, city, online status.


    • Not detected.

    Brobot is so smart that it offers several methods of correspondence - manually, using an answering machine, using a chat bot, including a trained one.

    Unlike a number of competitors from our TOP, Tooligram also works on cloud technologies, and provides its clients with desktop software to attract the target audience and promote their page on the Instagram social network. The program is not inferior in functionality to Brobot; it searches for clients using filters by geolocation, hash tags, comments and likes on competitors’ posts. It is also possible to simultaneously and safely promote several projects.

    The success of promotion on the social network Instagram using the Tooligram service is due to automatic numerous likes and comments from a pre-generated list of users. This allows you to save time and “hit” precisely, and resources are spent only on useful subscribers, and those who leave the subscription are automatically deleted by the program. Like most services, there is a free trial period in 7 days. Quite often there are promotions that allow you to get a month of using the services for free.


    • Several tariffs;
    • Mass liking;
    • Work with several accounts at once;
    • Possibility of increasing the test period from 7 to 14 days;
    • Arbitration usually resolves disputes in favor of clients.


    • Sometimes jobs stop automatically.

    For those who plan to promote from one to five Instagram accounts using Tooligram, according to reviews, the cloud version is quite sufficient. For mass promotion, it is better to splurge a little on the boxed version of the software.

    Which Instagram promotion service is better to choose?

    The safest way would be to promote Instagram using promotion services that do not use bots or carry out similar practices using plausible accounts. It is advisable that the site have a free trial period or a minimum tariff for testing, and if necessary, the deposited funds can be withdrawn back (moneyback).

    Here's what you should consider when choosing one or another service from this TOP:

    • For beginning SMM managers and marketers Special attention It’s worth checking out Doinsta, where the procedure is very simple.
    • If you need to promote several accounts at once, up to five, and it is important to quickly increase the number of subscribers, InstaPlus will be just right.
    • If you don’t have enough starting capital, the best choice would be the Bosslike service, where you can earn it.
    • Picalytics can be useful for analyzing and reporting on activity under social media posts.
    • To detect and automatically remove bots, it is best to use Instaturbo.
    • To manage a large number of projects, we can recommend Pamagram.
    • Those who are interested in promoting an unlimited number of profiles should choose services with an unlimited number of profiles, for example, Brobot.
    • Those who want to try to promote their account for free should choose Tooligram with an unpaid 7-day period.
    • Those who want to increase the number of subscribers and receive likes at the same time can choose Instapromo.

    Naturally, the older the Instagram promotion service, the more you can trust it. But sometimes companies with extensive experience inflate the price of their services, while “young” ones do not yet have a good enough reputation and numerous reviews. In this case, it is worth paying attention to something in between, and it is precisely such sites that we have combined in this rating.

    Popularity on Instagram (as on other social networks) is measured by the number of subscribers. And the more there are, the more successful your page is. This is an axiom that does not require proof. You can achieve popularity (in other words, increase your audience) by promoting your account yourself, analyzing each post, choosing the right time, attracting subscribers with interesting content and all sorts of “goodies.”

    You can go another way: use the Instagram promotion service to “pump up” your profile. In this publication, we will look at the best (according to users) promotion resources on Insta and get acquainted with their functionality. The information collected together will allow the blogger to make the right choice of service for independently promoting his Instagram page.

    Services, programs and applications for promotion: similarities and differences

    Today, the number of online services, specialized software and applications for mobile devices, promising instant promotion, already exceeds two dozen. And these are just the ones that are “heard of”. What can we say about specialized sites for promotion, which “like mushrooms” appear and disappear in the Internet space without ever developing profiles? ALL users in TOP10.

    By and large, all resources for promotion on social networks have similar functionality:

    • Mass placement of “likes” on publications of users from the target audience.
    • Automatic posting. Some more advanced resources can do delayed posting, thereby saving the user’s time.
    • Subscriptions according to specified parameters.
    • Unfollowing from “non-reciprocal” accounts.

    Again, almost all specialized software and specialized resources are equipped powerful system parsing, filtering and sorting for better promotion on Insta. "So what's the difference?" – you ask, our dear readers, and you will be right.

    The main difference is this:

    • Software (programs) needed buy, download and install on PC. As long as the computer is turned on, the program runs.
    • Applications for promotion are the same paid programs, only for Android and IOS platforms.
    • Services – work 24/7 and perform work online. When working with online services, you don’t need to download anything: you just need to buy a certain tariff plan or pay for the number of “upgraded” accounts.”

    It should be understood that good resources They differ from bad ones: in the number of possibilities, ease of use, the ability to bypass protection, the presence of an “intelligent” operating algorithm (which imitates the actions of a living person), and the ability to comply with limits.

    TOP 5 best services for Instagram promotion

    Now that the main points are clear, you can move on to a direct review of the most popular services for promotion on Instagram.






    comparison table

    For clarity, we have compiled a table of the main features of online services.

    Services Likes Subscriptions Filter Unsubscribes Analytics

    Test mode

    + + + + + +
    + + + + +

    5 days Self-promotion involves the participation of the user himself or a specialist (freelancer) who can be hired on specialized exchanges. The problem is that most “professionals” use online services to promote their pages, the services of which you can also use.

    What is better is up to everyone to decide for themselves. When “pumping up” an account independently, the page owner spends time choosing a target audience, interacting with followers, and attracting subscribers. Using online services, the effect is the same, but much faster, with less labor, but also with greater investment.


    In this publication, we learned what the Instagram promotion service is and got acquainted with the functionality of the most popular resources. It is impossible to say specifically which is better: each of them has certain pros and cons. In any case, almost all of the promotion sites described above offer a free trial period with full functionality, at which time you can decide for yourself whether the resource is suitable for your tasks or not. So it's worth a try. Good luck with your promotion!