Royal Quest - review of the MMORPG game. Royal Quest - MMORPG game review Minimum system requirements

The Russian game studio "Katauri Interactive", known for its work on the creation of the "Space Rangers" dialogue and the "King's Bounty" trilogy, decided to surprise all its fans and released a game of the genre, unexpectedly for many gamers, called "Royal Quest". An unusual gaming novelty from professionals who have long earned a solid reputation not only in Russia, but also on the global gaming market, was immediately rushed to be tested and evaluated by gamers in all parts of the planet! The game received an average score from players and critics as an 8 on a 10-point rating system. To receive such a high rating is a unique case for Russian! The game became the second domestic MMORPG released after "".

Game plot

The events of the game will unfold in a place familiar to many gamers from the series. « King's Bounty » the turbulent and colorful kingdom of Elenia. Life here goes on as usual, alchemists continue to search for the philosopher's stone and eternal life, techies continue to tinker with new inventions, and magicians continue to improve their spells. Elenia is the only kingdom where this diverse 3rd class manages to live in peace and tranquility. But this idyll does not last long... Insidious black alchemists who came from nowhere promise to destroy the kingdom if they do not receive a rare and incredibly powerful mineral in its magical properties. Realizing how dangerous a confrontation with black alchemists could become, the king orders to convene only the best and bravest heroes, promising to shower them with titles, castles and other delights of life if they win. And now the king’s servants are already knocking on your doors!

Heroes in Royal Quest

In "Royal Quest" you have to choose one of 4 main classes of heroes: thief, archer, mage and warrior. After reaching level 20, each hero will have a choice between 2 subsequent specialties. The thief will have to transform into a robber or assassin, the warrior - into a death knight or crusader, the magician - into a white or black wizard, the shooter - into a hunter or sniper. You can develop your hero up to level 60. It is noteworthy that the player can create his own hero from scratch.

In addition to the standard features for most MMORPGs (each class has only its own weapons and abilities), Royal Quest has wider differences. For example, a Warrior can learn to ride animals earlier than other heroes, and shooters can “make friends” with equipment faster than others. Each of the heroes will have active and passive skills, which will increase after successfully completing quests and winning battles. And if active skills develop “automatically”, then the player can develop and control passive skills independently.

Monsters in the world of MMORPG

The game world is replete with a variety of monsters. The further you move from the capital, the more chances you have to stumble upon the most terrible and powerful monsters. There are small complaints here against the developers, who did not bother, but simply transferred the monsters from their previous game product “King’s Bounty” to the game world of “Royal Quest”. Someone may be happy to meet old acquaintances, but this is a new game and the gamer expects NEW characters and monsters from it! But, thank God, the developers added new types of monsters. This somehow softens the claim. Unsafe animals are also assigned their own territory. Cockroaches and nasty slugs are easy to spot roaming around basements and dungeons, dangerous snakes and bats in caves, living stumps and strange ents in forest thickets. Some of them behave quite friendly, for the time being...


If you are bored with single battles and raids, then it’s time to create your own guild (you’ll have to spend a lot of money for this) or join an existing one (for free). The player will have to give part of his experience points to the Guild, and in return he will also receive significant bonuses (increased levels of armor and attack, exemption from certain types of taxes, etc.). To quickly get rich, you can take a risk and unexpectedly attack one of the Guilds. However, be careful, because if you and your teammates are defeated, this will result in the loss of important bonuses. Sooner or later, you will still have to start a war with other Guilds, if only for the sake of Castles, the number of which in the game can be counted on one hand. The most agile Guild gets the opportunity to use the resources of the Castle for 1 week and the right to fight with the magic crystal, which is the culprit for the appearance of all the monsters in the area.

Today, the competition for classic MMORPGs is quite high, so domestic projects simply lose in this, so to speak, unequal battle. The developers of the game “Royal Quest” decided to use a trick and created a fairly rich and, to some extent, even daring game, which has currently managed to win a large audience of online game lovers.

Game process

Players have a choice of four classes of different characters: Swordsman, Thief, Mage, Archer, each of whom, upon reaching level twenty, receives one of two professions to choose from. Upon passing each level, the character gains talent points, which can be used one for each. There is a large set of perks, thanks to which you can create two completely different heroes.

Why should you download the Royal Quest game?

An example is the dynamic gameplay. The World of Aura keeps the player in suspense all the time, even if it is PvP or PvE. As for the monsters themselves, they also do not sit still, but actively move around the maps, all the time attacking absolutely everything that moves. Monsters are capable of stealing honestly earned loot, so you should be careful and calculate your every move.

Fights between players take place in the so-called form of duels, which are divided into regular and more complex PvP locations and dungeons. Guilds sort things out during sieges of various castles. If you manage to become the owner of one of these castles or even several, this provides a number of advantages.

“Royal Quest” has excellent graphics, which were immediately appreciated by fans of online games. It is here that all the actions of the inhabitants of the Aura world are made quite realistically and fit perfectly into the general atmosphere of the game.

Exceptional quality of workmanship at a high technical and artistic level

Having already earned a good reputation among players who prefer single-player games, Katauri Interactive decided to switch to online fans. And now RQ is being contrasted with the “great and terrible” WoW, and this is a lot. So, what is a project with such ambitious characteristics?

Well, first of all, this is a quite popular today, but therefore no less pleasant atmosphere of mixing fantasy and steampunk. That is, magic, technology and alchemy live side by side here.

The game's graphics also make a good impression. Bright and at the same time detailed picture, good animation not only for NPCs, but also for trees, grass, flowers, and other elements of the world.

A rather interesting plot that can make you read even long “sheets” of material from the screen is also a very pleasant moment.

And, as the icing on the cake, there are very interesting game mechanics that don’t let you relax during battles. For hardcore fans this is a very important point, and it is done here at the level.

"Aura vs. Tera."

Big mysterious world to explore

Rich in elinium, the kingdom of Aura flourished for many centuries. The mineral, which has valuable magical properties, has always formed the basis of its economy. And, of course, when the warlocks came from the neighboring kingdom of Thera, it was Elinium that became their target. Unlike most villains, these sorcerers acted smarter, starting peace negotiations, and even almost agreeing on a constant supply of this mineral.

However, it turned out that they needed elinium for dark rituals, which also needed to be fed with souls. Souls of people. Moreover, the warlocks preferred to sacrifice the population of Aura (why? Not our own - don’t mind).

Of course, the ruler of Aura did not put up with such meanness and, without further ado, declared war on Tere. Several sorcerers were immediately captured, but the rest managed to escape. Then the king announced a general mobilization of heroes who would crush the hostile kingdom.

“Have you signed up to fight warlocks?”

Many unusual monsters, each of which has its own card that gives items special properties

There are four classes in the game: Swordsman, Mage, Archer and Thief. Each of them at level twentieth gets the opportunity to choose one of two specializations, each with its own equipment and abilities. But, in more detail:

Swordsman. The notorious "iron fist". These warriors form the first front line in the war against Thera. Heavy armor, sword, shield and incredible stamina. Also, they can enhance the defense of allies, and when mounted they become doubly dangerous. Aura's cavalry is legendary. Experienced swordsmen can become Crusaders or Knights of Darkness.

Crusader. Blessed by the goddess Aura, this warrior serves the Light without hesitation. He can inspire his allies, set up a protective Banner, heal an ally with prayer, and use it to incinerate hostile evil spirits.

Knight of Darkness. Their patroness is Morigin, the dark sister of Aura. By reveling in the pain and suffering they themselves bear, they restore their own health and energy. And Morigin herself protects them from the undead.

A unique gaming universe that combines the basics of magic, technology and alchemy

Archer. The second line of the Aura army. These sharp shooters mow down enemy ranks. And strong and fast legs allow them to quickly change positions. The most skilled archers become Hunters or Snipers.

Hunter. Master of the hunt. And his main prey is the most insidious and cunning of all existing ones - people. And in this field the Hunter is a true master. Camouflage, traps and hand-held juju are a deadly mixture.

Sniper. Master of firearms shooting. This shooter rarely needs a second shot. If there are too many enemies, turrets that spew rain of lead come to the aid of the Sniper.

Mage. He has a huge arsenal of spells, making him an extremely useful all-rounder. The most skilled magicians can choose the path of a Wizard or a Warlock.

Wizard. He is the first in the mastery of the elements. The wizard can freeze or burn the enemy with equal effectiveness. However, his allies also receive substantial support from him in the form of protective barriers.

Massive battles against monsters and other players

Warlock. For him there is only one element - chaos. And, due to the fact that she can only destroy, the Warlock has no equal in this field. And the torment of this sorcerer’s victims only restores his strength.

Thief. Espionage, sabotage, and finally, banal thefts - this is the native element of Thieves. Well, in open battle, their dirty tricks allow them to survive against any opponent. The most experienced ones can become Rogues or Assassins.

Robber. His calling is to mine gold. By any dirty methods. And he has a lot of them in stock. Deceive, immobilize, disarm. This is the formula for success for any robber, and the Robbers know it by heart.

Assassin. The calling of this... figure is murder. As efficiently as possible, not shying away from any methods. Infiltrating, killing, and leaving unnoticed is their specialty.


Events in the game Royal quest review which you can read in this article, unfold in the world of technology, alchemy and magic. Developer Katauri Interactive has created excellent gameplay that is reminiscent of Ragnarok Online. It should be noted the excellent detail, high-quality graphics and sound background, as well as colorful characters. You have to fight in the virtual world, completing tasks of varying difficulty.

Royal Quest was launched quite recently, so there is a real buzz on the server right now. Its uniqueness is that on one account it is possible to create three characters at once with a free subscription.

The classification of the game's heroes is standard. IN RoyalQuest, review of the game cannot miss this information, you will see 4 types of characters: Swordsman - Knight of Darkness or Crusader, Archer - sniper or hunter, Thief - Assassin or robber, Mage - Warlock or wizard. When creating your hero, you can choose the dark or light side. Despite the fact that the classification is familiar to many gamers, not everyone can immediately understand the skill development system. You will learn how to level up your character as you go through locations. In the game you can meet dungeon dwellers, sea monsters, inhabitants of dense forests and deserts. Exciting battles with ogres, giant insects, demons and dragons await you.

Players have the opportunity to change the gender, skin and hair color, and hairstyles of their unique character. Each representative of a separate class goes through its own location, but in the game itself they intersect with each other. IN Royal Quest beginning, review which resembles Ragnarok Online, is dedicated to learning. The locations and rooms are very clearly drawn. It should be noted that both games have very well designed gameplay and quest systems. The unique atmosphere is conveyed by a unique bestiary and magnificent animation.

Throughout the game you will have to complete quests, but it is worth saying that over time they become difficult to control. It will be interesting at first, but then it turns into a routine. From time to time you will have to perform the same type of tasks: “cut 5 bunches of grass”, “stuff 15 skins” or “deliver a message” from one location point to another. Despite the fact that some tasks are boring to complete, going through the storyline is very interesting. You can always find a companion and join any group. Royal Quest is a team game with thoughtful detail and a unique world.