1s reinstallation of windows. Getting an additional PIN code

Let's consider the procedure for activating and restoring a software license for the 1C platform for PROF delivery.

The software license (pin code) consists of 15 characters.

If you purchased 1 workstation, then it comes with 3 PIN codes: one main and two backup.

Backup PIN codes are used:

    if key parameters of the computer have been changed;

    if the computer has been replaced.

License activation

To activate the license, perform the following steps:

    Let’s launch the 1C program in “1C:Enterprise” or “Configurator” mode:

    If the license has not yet been received, a message will appear:

    Click “Yes”.

    Note: If a license on a computer has already been obtained previously and you need to obtain other licenses for the same computer, you need to go to the “Configurator” in the “Service – Obtaining a License” menu.

    A window to obtain a license will appear:

    Click “Get a license”.

    Enter the program registration number and PIN code and click “Next”:

    Select the “First run” operation and click “Next”:

    First launch – used if a license for a given product registration number has not yet been obtained.

    Recovery - used if for some reason 1C:Enterprise does not start: the license file has been deleted, the system is being installed on a new or changed computer, has been changed operating system etc.

    Enter information about the license owner:

    Important: information about the license holder must be saved on the computer using the “Save data” button. This data may be required when restoring your license. In this case, each entered character is checked.

    If the data is lost, you need to send a request to the 1C company by email [email protected], indicating the registration number of the program and the name of the organization.

    If automatic license acquisition is disabled or unavailable, then after entering information about the license owner, in the next step you should select a method for obtaining a license:

License restoration

The “License Restore” operation may be required if 1C does not find the license.

To restore the license, follow these steps:

    name of the operating system;

    operating system version, while for Windows OS only the first two digits of the version number are analyzed;

    serial number operating system (only in case of MS Windows OS);

    date of installation of the operating system (only in the case of MS Windows OS);

    computer network name;

    motherboard model;

    volume random access memory;

  • BIOS type and version;
  • list of processors and their parameters;

    list of network adapters and their MAC addresses;

    list hard drives and their parameters.

Getting an additional PIN code

If you have used up all the pin codes included in the package, you can contact the Licensing Center to obtain additional pin codes. To do this, send an email to [email protected], topic – “Request for an additional PIN code”. In the letter please indicate:

    product registration number,

    name of company,

    a valid PIN code, which will be replaced by a new one,

    the reason for receiving a new PIN code.

In a response letter, the Licensing Center may offer to send a license request file.

To generate a request file:

    Launch the program in “Configurator” mode.

    Go to the menu “Service – Obtaining a license”.

    Select the method of obtaining a license “For electronic media(via file)" and create a request file using the active pin code. This file will need to be attached to the letter to the Licensing Center about obtaining an additional PIN code.

The Licensing Center will analyze the parameters for obtaining all licenses using the PIN codes from the delivery kit you specified, and if no violations of the License Agreement are identified, you will be sent e-mail additional PIN code.

So, a rather unpleasant situation happened to you: after Windows installations you cannot find your important documents, and most importantly, 1C databases. So what to do? How to restore 1C after reinstalling Windows? To answer this question you need to understand the following:

  • During Windows installation, all information on this partition was deleted
  • then it was installed on this partition Windows system, perhaps you also recorded some programs there, etc.
  • thus, you have partially overwritten the deleted information with new data.

Data recovery after a complete overwrite of sectors is no longer possible. For example, you have a 500 GB disk. You completely deleted all information from it, and then wrote 500 GB of new files there. After such a complete overwrite, the previous recorded data can no longer be restored.

In the case of reinstalling Windows, a partial overwrite occurs, i.e. Only partial data recovery is possible.

So how can you restore 1C after reinstalling Windows? There is only one answer - you need to contact only professionals. You should not try to recover data yourself, and you should not give the disk to your friend for recovery. system administrator and computer technicians, you should not contact dubious services - these are not data recovery specialists; by contacting them, you risk your valuable information. Contact only specialized data recovery companies!

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Today there are hardly any organizations that do not use PCs in their work. Computer technology simplifies, speeds up, and systematizes all work processes, increasing the potential of companies. But, like any equipment, computer technology, fails. Sometimes it is not the equipment itself that is valuable, but the information that can be lost due to various malfunctions hard drive or defects that lead to breakdowns of the information carrier and its individual parts.

The rule was and remains relevant for any enterprise, without exception: it is necessary to regularly do backups to protect yourself from loss important files, even in the most unexpected situations. Any planned reinstallation of the operating system should begin with the process Reserve copy. But there are times when the need to reinstall the OS “spontaneously” arises. This is where backups made in advance will come in handy. The situation is worse if there are none, and reinstallation (forced) entails formatting the disk, and therefore loss of information. Often in such situations the question arises of how to restore 1c after reinstalling Windows; is it possible to do this yourself without having recovery skills? I would like to answer right away that this will be problematic for inexperienced users. Moreover, independent attempts to recover lost information after formatting in most cases can cause irreparable harm to the data. Information that has been accumulated over the years becomes lost forever and cannot be restored. When it comes to the importance of data, you cannot overestimate your abilities and capabilities, and you cannot trust this important process to amateurs or good friends who seem to understand recovery. In order to restore it without the risk of losing information, you need to use the services of a data recovery laboratory. Our laboratory has all the necessary high-tech equipment, with the help of which specialists quickly and efficiently carry out data recovery work. Extensive experience, technical and software equipment, a huge catalog of donors are the key to our successful work in the field of information recovery.

How to restore 1c after reinstalling Windows is decided by the specialist who accepts your disk for work. Of course, a certain algorithm has already been developed in the laboratory for all types of restorations. Of course, in each specific case an individual approach and correction of work methods are required, based on its labor intensity and the task at hand. In order not to aggravate this problem, the user who is faced with the need to restore data needs to make the only right decision - contact the laboratory as soon as possible after the problem occurs. You can consult on any issue in the field of data recovery by calling. Consultation and disk diagnostics are free services for our clients.


How to restore a 1C license with software protection after changing computer settings, updating/reinstalling Windows, updating the 1C platform or failures.

The software licensing system for software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system provides protection against unauthorized use of 1C programs using electronic licenses without the use of physical USB keys such as HASP.

In this article, we consider only the most common option for restoring client licenses of 1C PROF programs on a computer running Windows OS, with a file database without using virtualization technologies.

The process of reinstalling basic versions of 1C has its significant differences and is covered in a separate article

For the process of restoring a 1C license for Linux, MacOS, a license for a 1C server, etc., see the documentation for software products or on the ITS website,

When activating a software license using a PIN code, it is “linked” to the parameters system unit the computer on which activation takes place. The license is a file with the extension lic in which information about motherboard, processors, amount of RAM, HDD/SSD, network adapters, network name, version and installation date of Windows, and many others. Read more in the article To which computer parameters is the “1C:Enterprise 8” software license “linked”

Each time you start, the 1C protection system checks the current computer data with the parameters that were written to the license file.

Thus, if at least one of the key parameters of the computer is changed, the license “flies” and as a result we see the message “License not found”.

To restore functionality, the user must obtain a new software license using a backup PIN code.

In this window, you can choose one of two options: “Get a license” and “Upload a response file.” Select "Get a license".

The “Kit Registration” window will appear, in which you must indicate the registration number of the 1C kit and the PIN code with which the current license was activated.

We recommend marking PIN codes that have previously been used or cancelled. If your organization uses several computers, we also recommend marking the name of the computer on which each PIN code was activated.

If you do not know which PIN code was used to activate the current license, then write a request to the licensing center by e-mail [email protected] indicating the registration number and contact details of the organization. In response, you should receive a letter indicating the PIN codes and the computers on which they were activated.

The next window will ask you to choose one of two options: “First run” or “Recovery”.

If you are sure that the computer settings have not changed, then indicate “I am sure that the key computer parameters have not changed”, the protection system will try to obtain a software license with the same computer parameters.

If the previous option does not help or if the computer settings have changed, then you need to remove this flag. A second field will appear for entering a new PIN code.

We remind you that for PRO versions there are no restrictions on the number of activations.

If you have run out of activation pin codes or you don’t know which pin code from your kit remains unused, then write a request to the licensing center [email protected] indicating the registration number and contact details of the organization. In response, you should receive a letter with a new PIN code (if all have already been used) or they will tell you which PIN codes from your set remain unused.
How to write a request for an additional backup PIN code to activate a 1C:Enterprise software license if all the PIN codes included in the package have been used up

Next, the organization data verification window will open.

If the computer has not changed, then all fields can be filled in automatically and you will not need to enter anything manually.

If the form remains empty, then you will need to enter the organization’s data manually. Please note that you must provide the data exactly as you specified during initial activation, accurate to the decimal point.

If you saved data during initial activation, you can search for it on your computer in the licdata.txt file.

If the program reports that the organization’s data was entered incorrectly and cannot be found, then write a request to the licensing center [email protected] indicating the registration number and contact details of the organization. In response, you should receive a letter indicating the organization data that you specified during the initial activation of the software product.

If all the initial data was entered correctly, the computer is connected to the Internet and you did not disable the automatic receipt of a license at the previous step in the “Kit Registration” window, then the system automatically generates a request to the 1C licensing center and proceeds to the final step - obtaining a license.
When you have completed obtaining your license, click the button Ready. The received license is written to your computer as a new file with the extension lic.

Our recommendations
In new versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform (starting with versions, and it is implemented additional method linking software licenses to a HASP hardware protection key. This option bindings allow you to save previously received software licenses when changing computer settings.

Congratulations, you have restored your 1C software license and can use the program again!

Obtaining a license manually

If automatic receipt of a license has been disabled, then a window will open with a choice of how to obtain a license:

  • Automatically
  • On electronic media (via file)
  • By phone

If your computer is connected to the Internet, we recommend selecting the “Automatic” option.

The option "On electronic media (via file)" makes sense if this computer there is no Internet, but it is on another computer, in this case the 1C program will generate a request file (in txt format), which you can save to any medium and send it by e-mail to the 1C licensing center from another computer, receive a response file, transfer the response file (in lic format) in reverse order and select it by clicking the "Download" button.
The “By phone” option is needed if the organization does not have the Internet. Please note that over the phone the operator of the 1C licensing center will need to provide 48 digits of the request code, in response the operator will dictate to you a set of 120 digits.

Please note that license restoration can only be done in the same way as the license was obtained during initial activation, i.e. if you activated your license over the phone for the first time, then restore it to automatic mode It will not work via the Internet and will also need to be done by phone.

Special cases

If you are sure that you are entering the organization data correctly, but the program still reports that the organization data was entered incorrectly, then perhaps the reason is that the field was previously A country was text and during initial activation instead Russian Federation could indicate Russia or RF. In this case, in the field A country select from the available list <Другая страна...> , and in the text field below that opens for editing, manually enter Russia.

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Tags: how to transfer a 1c program to another computer, how to transfer a 1c database to another computer, how to transfer a 1c license to another computer

Restoring a software license.

There are situations when a computer on which a registered software license stops working, or the operating system is reinstalled. As a result, it is necessary to restore 1C software license.

So platform "1C Enterprise" installed on new computer, or on a computer where the operating system has been reinstalled. How to do this is described. Let's launch 1C, the system starts begging for a license, click the “Get a license” link:

Open the PIN code set document and look for PIN – code 1C, registered on a computer with a reinstalled system. Enter and click “Next”

If all backup PIN codes have been used up, you can request an additional backup PIN code from the licensing center by sending a letter to: [email protected]. The letter must indicate the name of the organization, INN, delivery registration number, as well as the reason why it is necessary to send an additional PIN code.

Important!!! Be sure to note changes in the kit PIN codes 1C.

If for some reason your registration data is lost, you can request it from the licensing center by sending a letter to: [email protected]. The letter must indicate the name of the organization, Taxpayer Identification Number, delivery registration number, as well as the reason why registration data must be sent.

If the entered data matches, the system will inform you that the license was successfully obtained.

Reviews (47) ()

    Our PIN code has 16 digits instead of 15. What should we do?

    You need to write to support [email protected]. In the letter, indicate the name of the organization, INN, Registration number of the 1C software product, and also indicate the reason, for example, “lost registration data, please provide it to us.” You will be answered within a few hours.

    Elena replied:
    December 21st, 2015 at 04:28 pm

    How long will it take for the support service to restore my registration data?

    schastliviy replied:
    January 14th, 2016 at 15:37

    Good afternoon, from 1 hour to 24 hours

    Praetorian replied:
    September 19th, 2017 at 10:32 am

    No need to fill. I've been waiting for more than a day. Last time it was one and a half times.

    My PIN code is 16 digits, but there are only 15 cells in the input window, one digit is not entered and therefore they ask for the PIN code again. to restore your license. Where can I find the answer?

    03 Feb 2016 at 11:42

    When installing basic version To enter a 16-digit PIN code I did this:
    First you need to install the 1C Enterprise platform in the usual way. There will be no tricks there, just click “Next” several times. We set the configuration in the same way. The platform distribution and configurations are located at installation disk. When installing the configuration, write down the path where it was installed, it will be needed later.
    After installing 1c Enterprise launches, when starting, click the “Settings” button.
    In the resulting window, click the “plus” button in the directories and templates section (section “Catalogs of configuration and update templates”, immediately below +)
    In the overview window, select the directory with the installed configuration. We return to the settings window and uncheck the “use hardware key” checkbox.
    We return to the main launch window and click the “Add” button. Select the item “Create information base" Select the item “create a database from a template” and select our template. Enter the name of our database. When you first start 1C, Enterprise will inform you about your desire to obtain a license from the 1C licensing server. The PC must have Internet access. If the server responds, then you can enter 16 character code and activate the platform.
    Now everything is ready, you can start working with the program.

    Hello! and if a private person sends a letter, what information should be filled in?

    Good dear colleagues.
    The thing is that when I upgrade Windows 7 to 10, when I start 1C, a window appears where it says that the license was not detected.
    Due to the fact that I am not the first employee of this company, I do not have a login and PIN code.
    could you tell me what to do?

    I did a 1C restoration due to Windows update from 8 to 10, I used a backup PIN code for this. everything went well, BUT! 1 C never loads, but instead the “Licensing Management” window crashes and the messages say “there is no connection to the licensing server”

    Andrey replied:
    July 10th, 2017 at 08:42

    Good afternoon. Installed 1C on another computer. Last PIN code left. I entered everything, data, etc. It says that the license has been received. At this moment, the accountant opened 1C on the old computer. After the reboot it asks to get a license again. And on one computer and on the other. The essence is probably that on the new one I activated a new Pin, at that moment on the old one they opened 1c under the old Pin. Now when you enter this PIN code, it says that it is already activated. What should I do? Tell me, I've run out of PIN codes.

    and here’s what he writes……..
    1C:Enterprise 8. Catering
    The requested key was not found on the MSI server
    Error code = 10034 (URL = *LOCAL)

    Good afternoon.
    There are 1C and software licenses for it. I want to migrate to a virtual environment, but I don’t know how 1C will behave. since the virtual environment can be updated + virtual hardware + hosts on which this VM will be located, will activation constantly fail in this case?

    This is not the first time I’ve automatically updated the basic 2.0 through the configurator (check the box to search for updates on the website), everything goes fine. Today, after the update, when starting the Enterprise/configurator, it asks for a license and only allows you to enter the PIN code from the professional version. What to do?

    And if the PIN code is lost, is it possible to restore the license?

    schastliviy replied:
    July 19th, 2016 at 11:09 am

    Good afternoon, yes it is possible. But you need to know the registration number of the main delivery. Write to [email protected], delivery registration number, name of organization, TIN, description of the problem.

    Tatyana replied:
    December 2nd, 2016 at 10:29 am

    Hello! Please tell me, in the accounting department there are 2 workstations, on the first the 1C program: Accounting of a government agency 8 is launched using a USB key, on the second it was launched over the network. Yesterday, when launched on the second computer, the program began to require a license, on the first, where the USB key everything works fine. How can we fix the situation?