Android asks for an account after resetting the settings. Recovering a Google account on Android. Instructions for remotely resetting your Google account

By registering a Google account on your Android phone or tablet, you agree to one implicit condition: you will be let in, but not let out. No, someone won’t take your account captive and pin it to your device forever; simply registering a Gmail email and making it your account is a much clearer and more obvious operation than deleting it. However, there are plenty of ways to remove a Google account from an Android device. They just don't catch your eye.

This method is built into the Android function. It will suit you in the following cases:

  • You have decided to give your gadget to a loved one and you are not embarrassed that he will have access to your data, contacts and applications, because you trust him.
  • You need to delete your account to fix some glitch on your device.
  • You want to log in with a different account.

You don’t have to worry about the data on your tablet or smartphone. After deleting the account, all information belonging to it - applications, files, contacts, personal settings, etc., will remain in place. If you're happy with that, let's go:

  • Launch the Settings app.
  • Go to the “Personal” -> “Accounts and Sync” section.
  • In the column on the right, select the desired Google account (Gmail address).
  • Tap the menu button in the top right corner of the screen and select the “Delete account” option.

  • Confirm your consent to deletion, enter a password if necessary, and after completing the operation, reboot the device.

Something went wrong and the account is not deleted

I had to deal with this error several times - when I tried to delete the only Google account on Android (the owner of the gadget), the operation froze and did not complete until you stopped it manually. The account remained in place.

One of the solutions turned out to be extremely simple. It is for the case when you want to log in to the device under a different account, make it the owner, and delete the old one.

  • Launch the Gmail app by tapping this icon.

  • Open the menu hidden behind the “hamburger” button in the top left corner of the screen and click “Add Account.”

  • Select Google.

  • If you already have another Gmail account, click Existing. If not, “New”. If you choose the second option, follow the instructions for registering a mailbox that you will receive next.

  • Next, go to the settings of the Gmail application again. Now there are 2 users there - old and new. One (usually the old one) is loaded as the main one, the second is simply present in the list. Switch to the user you just added by tapping their icon.

  • After that, click “Manage accounts” and repeat the operation of deleting the old one. Most likely, this time there will be no problems. The second account will remain the only one and will become the owner of the device. All files, contacts, settings and applications of the old account will be in place.

On different gadgets and different versions of Android, individual points of this instruction may not be performed as described. But the principle is the same everywhere.

Deleting Google Accounts app data

On some devices, you can delete your account in another simple way. Launch the “Settings” system utility, go to the “Applications” section and go to the “All” tab. Find “Google Accounts” in the list and click the “Erase data” button.

On some firmware, you should erase the data not of this application, but of Google Services.

Removing your Google account and all user data (returning the device to its original state)

This option is applicable in the following cases:

  • If the owner does not remember his account password and cannot recover it.
  • If the above methods for deleting an account do not work correctly or the function is blocked by malware.
  • Before selling a gadget and in other similar cases.

There are different ways to delete all accounts and all user information from your phone. The easiest way to do this is through the menu of the same “Settings” application. In my example, the reset button is located in the “Personal Data” - “Backup” section.

On other firmware, both the subsection and the button may be named differently and located in a different location. In particular, on Samsung it is located in the “General” menu and is called “Backup and Reset”, on some Lenovos it is in the “Backup and Reset” section (the “Reset” button). On other devices - anywhere else. Check this in your user manual.

After you press the reset button, Android will warn you that all apps, settings, and accounts will be completely removed from your tablet or phone. If you agree, click "Reset Settings" again and wait about 5 minutes. After restarting you will get a pristine device.

If your device is protected with a password that you don’t remember, you can reset it in a couple of other ways:

  • Via the Recovery menu (Wipe Data/Factory Reset option). How to get to this menu, read the instructions for the device.
  • Long press the recessed Reset button located on the body of the phone or tablet. On some models it is hidden under the back cover.

An even tougher method of deleting an account, when absolutely nothing helps, is to flash the device through a computer, which is similar to reinstalling Windows on a PC. Of course, there will be no user data and applications left after this either.

Warning: some tablets and phones are so tightly tied to the owner’s account that they require authorization under it even after resetting and flashing. And bypassing this request is very, very difficult (there is no single solution, each brand of device has its own). So while you have access to your Google account information, write down your username and password in a notebook or file on another device and keep it in a safe place.

For those who have root rights

Those who managed to obtain superuser rights on their device have one more opportunity to delete their Google account than others. You can simply delete the accounts.db file where Android stores account information. To do this, you will need a file manager with access to protected service data, such as Root Explorer, and... nothing else.

So, launch Root Explorer, go to the /data/system folder (on some firmwares - to /data/system/users/0/), open the accounts.db context menu with a long touch and select “Delete”.

How to log out of your Google Play account, mail and other applications without deleting your account on Android

Some users are wondering if it is possible to remove your account only from the Goolle Play store, Gmail and other applications that use authorization, but keep all files, programs and settings on Android. I answer: it is possible. If the method of adding a second account through the email program did not help, you can do this by changing the password of your current Google account.

For this:

  • Go through any web browser to the “My Account" section on Go to the “Security and Login” subsection.

  • On the next page, click the "Password" button.

  • Enter your current password to confirm that it is you. Next, you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

If your gadget is connected to the Internet, the next time you log into Google Play and your email program, the system will ask you to log in. All you have to do is enter your new account information

There are several ways to properly delete a Google account on Android. Removal methods depend on the firmware version and whether you have superuser rights.

Let's take a closer look at the simplest and fastest ways to reset your account.

Google account is a universal account that is used to link all your devices with video hosting, search engines, online documents and other useful services.

Registering and linking an account is a mandatory step for the first setup of the device.

In the future, users can “unlink” or completely delete existing accounts.


Method 1 – Using OS Settings

The first removal method is the easiest and safest. It is recommended to be used by Google support. Use this option if:

  • You are deleting your profile to troubleshoot problems and then re-login into the system with the same account;
  • You are giving your smartphone or tablet to a loved one for use, without fear that he may have access to your contacts and files;
  • You want to log out of your existing account and re-login with a new account.

After deleting your account using this method, all files, phone numbers, the settings will remain unchanged:

  • Open the application menu and click on “Settings”;
  • In the window that opens, find the field "Accounts…" and click on it. Select the profile you are using that you want to delete;
  • In the new window, click on the additional options button - it is located in the upper right corner. In the drop-down list, click on "Delete entry".

Uninstall error

Sometimes, while performing a standard uninstall, an error may occur or the device may freeze. As a result, the old profile remains in place and nothing happens.

You can solve the problem by adding another account to the application. If several accounts are registered in the system, one of them will be deleted without problems.

Follow the instructions:

1 Open your Gmail email application. It comes pre-installed on all Android devices;

2 In the main program window, click on the menu key and select from the list of options "Add another account";

3 In the list of suggested services, select Google and click on "Continue";

4 A new window prompts you to choose one of two options for adding a profile– creating a new account or logging into an existing account that is not yet linked to. Choose the option that suits you;

5 After authorization, open Gmail again. The newly added address will appear in its settings window. One mail is loaded as the main one, the rest are additional services. To make a new account your primary account, simply click on the icon with the user's photo.

Now that you have selected another account as your primary mail storage, log in again and repeat the first method of deleting your account. It should be deleted without any problems, since there is already another user profile on the smartphone.

Method 2 – Forced removal

This type of account reset involves a "hard" deletion of all associated user accounts, data, and files.

Creating a Backup

The resulting file will be saved to the application root folder, which you can open using .

Move the backup copy to another device and only then start deleting your Google account.

"Rough" account deletion

Important! Before performing the settings described below, we recommend that you create a backup copy of your data and upload it to your computer or cloud storage. This way you will save all your files and phone book contacts.

It is the most effective way to completely delete an account for devices without superuser rights.

As a result of the reset, you will receive a completely new phone software shell with the version that was preinstalled at the time of purchase.

To start using the gadget, you must add or register - data about the old account is not saved.

Follow the instructions:

1 Open the settings window and select the field "Restore and reset";

2 In the new window, click on "Reset";

3 Next, a window will open with a system message indicating what data will be deleted. Confirm the action by clicking on "Erase everything". Next, wait until the phone reboots and add a new Google account during the activation process.

Method 3 – Force stop of Google Accounts service

Google preinstalls a set of its web services and applications on all smartphones and tablets. This allows you to simplify the setup of your smartphone and speed up its operation.

The Google Accounts service is responsible for managing user accounts.

With this service, you can install the latest security updates and easily manage connected accounts.

In the system settings, you can forcefully stop Google Accounts and delete all utility data.

So all linked accounts will be automatically erased from the gadget.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open settings;
  • Select the "Applications" tab;
  • Find the “Google Accounts” utility and select it;
  • In the new window, click on "Forced stop" And "Erase data".

If your smartphone does not have a separate Accounts application, select the Google Services utility and erase all its data.

Method 4 – deleting system files (for devices with ROOT rights)

If you have superuser rights installed on your gadget, it will be much easier to delete all linked accounts.

You have the ability to edit and delete any, and all account data is stored in one document.

You can erase the desired file from both your computer and your smartphone.

In the first case, connect the gadget to your PC and open the root folder; in the second, download Root Explorer to view hidden files.

Follow the instructions:

1 Open your phone's file storage and go to the DATAàSYSETM or DATAàSYSETMàUsersà0 directory (depending on the installed firmware version);

2 In the list of files, find the ACCOUNTS.DB component and open its settings with a long touch;

3 In the menu drop-down list, click on "Delete" and wait until the file disappears from Explorer.

This action allows you to erase all records of linked accounts from your smartphone. Reboot your phone.

After turning it back on, Android will automatically create a new “empty” ACCOUNTS.DB file.

Immediately after turning it on, you will be asked to add an account - create a new one or log into an existing page. Old accounts will not be displayed.

All files and contacts of the user that are stored on the device will not be deleted either.

Logging out of your account without deleting it

If you want to use your account on other devices, but need to delete it from your smartphone, just log out of your profile. Follow the instructions:

  • Using any browser, go to and open the field "My Account";

    Fig. 15 – “Security and Login” window

    • In line "Login method" select "Password";

    • Change your account password. Next, connect your smartphone to the router. After the next exchange of data with the Google server, the phone will ask you to re-enter your username and password on your mobile device. Enter your other account information and sign in.

    Thematic videos:

Google is actively improving the security of the Android OS and introducing anti-theft protection such as linking the device to a Google account. In this article we will figure out how to bypass your Google account after a reset.

Before you start re-reading the article! Read the comments first, and then carefully the entire article!

A little background

With each new release of Android, Google tries to raise the level of security of this mobile operating system and introduces new protection mechanisms.

So, with version Android 5.1 Lollipop, a new anti-theft mechanism was added, the essence of which is as follows: after purchase, the owner of a smartphone or tablet links the device to his Google account. If the device is suddenly stolen and the attacker erases all data, he will run into Google Device Protection called Factory Reset Protection or FRP.

But not everything went as smoothly as we wanted, if you bought the phone second-hand or forgot your account and reset it, then naturally you fall for FRP protection. You need to reset your Google account!

Google account after reset

If we consider it globally, there are two options for resetting the protection:

  • Official
  • Unofficial (bypass Factory Reset Protection)

Let's first look at the official option for resetting FRP or how to avoid this problem when resetting, and then look at all the ways to bypass Factory Reset Protection.

Official FRP Reset/Bypass

  1. Enter the login and password for the Google account that was before the reset; if the device was purchased second-hand, then ask for this information
  2. From your computer, go to your Google account settings and
  3. If you have receipts and warranty cards, contact the service center
  4. When replacing key modules or the motherboard of a smartphone or tablet

To completely disable Factory Reset Protection/FRP

If after resetting Android does not accept the password

If you try to enter your Google account after resetting your Android settings, but you can’t go any further, then most likely you reset your password not long ago; if this is the case, then wait 24-72 hours, then try again.

Bypass Factory Reset Protection/FRP or how to bypass Google Account? (Unofficial)

Below we will suggest many methods on how to unofficially bypass FRP protection, you just have to try each one to eventually get a working Android.

Option 1 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Insert the SIM card into the device on which you want to delete your Google account
  2. Call this Android device
  3. Accept the call and click the add new call button
  4. Write any numbers into the dialers and “Add a number to an existing account”
  5. Enter your Google account information
  6. Save contact to your account
  7. Restart Android

Option 2 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Insert SIM card into locked Android
  2. Call this device
  3. Accept a call and create/add a new call
  4. In the dialers we dial the following engineering code *#*#4636#*#*
  5. After typing, your Android should automatically redirect you to the advanced settings menu
  6. Press the back button and find yourself in the settings menu
  7. Go to the section " Recovery and reset" or " Archive and Restore«
  8. Disable “Data Backup” and everything related to data recovery
  9. We reset the settings
  10. When setting up the device for the first time, enter your account

Option 3 bypass Google account after reset

If your Android device supports Fastboot, then you can try performing an FRP reset through it.

To do this you will need:

  1. Computer
  2. Installed
  3. to device
  4. Transfer device to

Then you can enter the following commands:

fastboot oem clean_frp

or run this command

fastboot erase persistent
fastboot erase frp
fastboot erase config

Option 4 bypass Google account after reset

After the reset, you need to try to enter the settings menu, after which you will need:

  1. Computer
  2. Installed
  3. to device
  4. Connect Android to computer and run ADB RUN

Then enter the following commands:

adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1

adb shell am start -n

adb shell am start -n

For this method, you will need official firmware for installation using a computer. This firmware must contain a scatter.txt file.

Option 7 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Install the SIM card, turn on Android and get to entering your Google account
  2. From another phone we call the installed Sim in a locked Android, accept the call, hold the center key until Google Now appears, end the call from another device
  3. Click on the button Back, enter the word “settings” in the search bar and go to them
  4. Next, move to the “restore and reset” section and disable all the checkboxes and reset Android settings

Option 8 bypass Google account after reset

Option 9 bypass Google account after reset

For this method you need to have:

  • Ability to install an SD card
  • Download and transfer the file to the memory card

Then put Android into Recovery mode and flash the file.

Option 10 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Connecting to Wi-FI
  2. When the network check starts, go back
  3. We choose another Wi-FI network, no matter which one
  4. In the password entry field, type absolutely any characters, then select them, and click on the three dots (additional menu) and “Show hints”
  5. In Google we write “SETTINGS” and open the phone settings
  6. Next, select “Restore and reset” -> “Reset DRM licenses”
  7. We return to the Wi-Fi connection, connect and enter a new account

Option 11 reset FRP. For Xiaomi

  1. Choosing a language
  2. Select region (country of residence)
  3. Connect via Wi-Fi to the Internet
  4. Go back to the beginning using the back key
  5. Hold on the welcome page with 2 fingers until turned on. TalkBack
  6. Draw the letter L on the screen
  7. Select TalkBack settings
  8. Hold down the volume keys at the same time and turn off TalkBack
  9. Scroll to the bottom and select “Help Review”
  10. Start the video and go to YouTube (click the three dots when going)
  11. We find a video where there is a link in the description (almost all Android videos +1)
  12. Click on the link and then three dots, launch Chrome
  13. Login to Chrome, skip logging in
  14. We type in the search “ quickshortcutmaker «
  15. Download the found application
  16. Start installing the app > Allow apps to be installed
  17. Download the app again and install it
  18. Launch the application
  19. Turn on voice search and find Settings
  20. Select view
  21. Go to the settings menu "About phone"
  22. Press quickly seven times on the item “Miui Version” 7 times
  23. Go back
  24. Go to "Advanced Settings" > "For Developer"
  25. Select "factory unlock"
  26. Go back
  27. menu "Backup and reset" and perform a reset

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!

Starting with the fifth version of the Android operating system, developers have added a lot of useful and interesting functions to it. The most important thing is to pay more attention to the safety of the device. One of the most important features in the new version of Android can be considered Factory Reset Protection (abbreviated as FRP). If your phone ends up in the hands of an attacker and he wants to reset the settings or flash it, then he will not succeed. You will have to enter the password for your Google account, which is specified in the settings; a similar method for blocking smartphones is used in iOS.

If you absolutely need to solve the problem with confirming your Google account after “a”, no matter what the reasons, then today we will tell you several interesting ways to bypass this protection.

There are several most common methods to bypass FRP after a reset. Some may seem too simple, others, on the contrary, will require more time and certain knowledge from the user.

Method one: The simplest

(all actions occur when setting up the device when you turn it on for the first time)
  1. We go to the page with the ability to select a Wi-Fi network.
  2. You can choose absolutely any network.
  3. You should call the keyboard by clicking on the text field where the password for the access point is entered.
  4. Depending on the keyboard, you must press and hold one of the buttons: space bar, language change icon, comma, switch to number pad (123). A small menu should appear with a choice of the current language, as well as the ability to go to the keyboard settings.
  5. Having entered the section with keyboard settings, you need to go to the section "Reference", top right corner.
  6. As soon as you managed to complete this operation, the so-called “shifting” effect will work, opening a new window, and if you click on the “Recent” button you will see a search. In general, you need to get the “Google” line to appear at the top of the screen by opening several windows.
  7. Now all you have to do is write the word in the search bar "Settings" and select them.
  8. Go to the section "Restore and reset", put a tick next to the item "Delete account", leaving other sections in the same state and press the button "Reset".
  9. After rebooting the device, you will not have to enter the password for the previously linked account, since it simply will not exist.

Method two: Using a browser and several applications

  1. On the language selection page, you need to tap on the empty field with two fingers and hold them until you hear the voice assistant. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to turn it off; you’ll have to endure everything she repeats.
  2. Swipe from top to bottom and then immediately to the right (should resemble a 90 degree angle). The voice assistant setup menu should appear.
  3. Select an item "Speech Setup".
  4. Then you should go to Google settings by clicking on the gear icon. All that remains is to find the place where it says about the license. Click on the license and see a window with a lot of text. All licenses will be displayed at the top in the form of a list, and a little lower, text describing their purpose. You won’t be able to click on the description, but you can click on the name of the licenses. You need to highlight these names and then click on the icon with a magnifying glass. The device will immediately go into search, all that remains is to perform a few simple manipulations.
  5. Enter “Internet” in the search bar. A context menu will appear in which you will be asked to select a program for opening Internet links, for example, select Google Chrome.
  6. You will need to download two apk files from the links below. First frplock.apk, and the second, depending on the version of Android - for the 5th or 6th version.
    (downloads: 12703)

    (downloads: 9966)

    (downloads: 5831)

  7. All you have to do is go to your download history by clicking on the ellipsis and find the files you just downloaded.
  8. First of all, install the file "frplock.apk". A window about installation from unknown sources may appear, check the box and agree.
  9. Install the second downloaded file "GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_MANAGER.apk", after which we tap on again "frplock.apk".
  10. At this point, the unlinking process can be considered complete, the old account will be deleted, and you can link another account or create a new one.

Method three: Using a memory card

(all actions are performed with the device turned on)
  1. We go to the menu where you are asked to confirm your account (enter your password).
  2. We look for a memory card and, without turning off the device, insert it into our smartphone.
  3. A notification will appear on the screen that the SD card is ready and ask "Change default recording memory?" press "OK".
  4. The device will redirect you to "Storage Settings". Scroll to the bottom and go to the section "Application and media data".
  5. We get to the section "Applications" to the tab "All", looking for an item "Settings" and select it, then scroll down and select "Launch".
  6. Let's get to the general device settings menu. Looking for a section "Restore and reset" and go into it.
  7. Next you need to select "Reset DRM" and tap on the item "Removing all DRM licenses".
  8. In the pop-up window, click "OK".
  9. Upon completion of the operation, the message will appear on the screen "Licenses successfully removed".
  10. Returning to the menu "Restore and reset", tap on the item "Reset" and then select "Reset phone settings", "Erase everything".
  11. The device will reboot, all data will be deleted, and you will be able to link a new Google account to your smartphone.

If none of the methods worked for you, then watch this video instruction with the fourth method of bypassing FRP.

Each of the described methods is universal and can be useful to you if you have forgotten your account password, but cannot recover it. In the comments, you can indicate which method helped you, and if nothing worked, write the model of your device, and we will help you figure out your problem.