What is a plugin? Why do you need SEO plugins for WordPress and which SEO plugins for wordpress should you install?

In the WordPress extension list there are many plugins specifically designed for optimization. Finding them is not a problem. However, you need to understand that finding an SEO plugin specifically to solve your optimization problems will require serious practical research. New plugin added to review 09/10/2018.

4 Best WordPress SEO Plugins

Suggested 4 Best WordPress SEO Plugins verified by me on my resources. But, despite this, I strongly recommend that you carefully study their description and instructions, as well as your WordPress, before using them.

I would divide SEO plugins for WordPress into two groups. The first is highly targeted plugins to solve one or two specific SEO problems. For example, to monitor the ranking of your keywords. The second category of SEO plugins are multifunctional, voluminous SEO platforms with a wide range of settings and capabilities. The proposed 4 Best WordPress SEO Plugins are multi-functional SEO plugins.

Yoast WordPress SEO

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin has 24 languages, Russian is included. The plugin is constantly updated, the well-deserved popularity of the plugin is off the charts. Yoast WordPress SEO plugin page: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is undoubtedly the favorite among WordPress optimization plugins. This is a powerful, constantly evolving SEO plugin that solves all the main optimization problems, both articles and the general structure. The plugin's features include more than 40 settings, including customizing blog titles, articles, categories, pages, media files and a ton of other settings.

Settings include selective installation of noindex and nofollow tags, and integrates the blog with social networks facebook and twitter. Allows you to make changes to the [.htaccess] file directly from the blog admin panel. The Yoast WordPress SEO plugin allows you to easily set up your blog's permalinks, including canonical settings.

All-In-One SEO Pack

This plugin has been downloaded 30 million times since 2007. There is a Russian translation. All-In-One SEO Pack plugin page.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

A plugin is an addition to an application that expands the original functionality.

Plugins, in simple words, are such additions to ready-made programs that are written as needed to add some separate option that is useful to users.

Plugins cannot work on their own and must be specific to an application. At the same time, the main software functions independently; it has the ability to add one or more plugins, update or delete them. And this will not affect the performance of the program in any way.

A familiar example is Adobe Flash Player. This is an add-on for Internet browsers that allows you to view information created in Flash formats.

Add-ons are developed for completely different areas and topics.
There are many built-in filters for graphics programs, such as image processing. A common type of add-on is to expand the list of file formats that an application can work with. We use email services every day; there are also many functions implemented this way, for example, spam checking.
Function extensions for Internet-related programs and applications are in great demand. These are cms (content management systems), browsers. Below we will take a closer look at which plugins are needed for websites in the first place.

What are plugins used for?

Plugins help solve the following tasks:

Simplifying the development of the basic version of the program

Initially, you can release a small, compact program with the aim that all the modifications to the functions can be added separately later. This helps optimize time and resource costs.

This saves memory on the user devices on which the application will be deployed and has a positive effect on operating speed.

Likewise, the ability to select the desired set of options saves work space. Not everyone needs to have access to viewing the weather, posters, Bitcoin rates and other useful information every minute.

Taking into account individual needs

The second point concerns everyone’s personal preferences. This means that a person can install a set of plugins according to his needs and tastes.

Expansion of program functionality

Additional features allow you to make the software more flexible. If you need a specific plugin, you connect it, modify it, or even write it from scratch and get the desired working system. There is no need to wait for new updates, ask developers to expand functionality and sometimes wait for years.

List of the most popular SEO plugins

There are huge libraries of plugins that are needed for a website: improvements to cms functions, SEO promotion. Using the example of the most popular engine for creating websites and blogs, WordPress, let’s look at how limitless the possibilities of optimizers become.
As a rule, the basic set of what a website management system can do is modest and limited. I want to expand and supplement everything, from a basic text editor to the ability to collect and process analytics.
Most website plugins can be installed free of charge. Some of them have advanced features for money.

1. All In One SEO Pack

Popular plugin For optimization site with a large number of installations and reviews.

Allows you to carry out all the required meta tag settings, set canonical URLs, set the title for the page, category, tags and other types of content on your Internet resource.
There is a paid premium version.

Yoast SEO, WordPress SEO Plugin, SEOPress have approximately the same set of options.

Positioned as powerful plugins for optimizing your SEO, increasing traffic, increasing social sharing, allowing you to create HTML and XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs, set up 301 redirects and much more.

Which one is better to choose? Read reviews and forums.
There is an important factor when working with add-ons - the security of your site. According to statistics, a large number of hacks are carried out through third-party services. Therefore, the degree of risk and convenience is up to you to assess.

2. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with SEO, there are many positive reviews about Local Search SEO Contact Page.

This is a compact application that at the initial stage solves all the basic problems for promoting your resource, allows you to link buttons and widgets of social networks, QR codes, geolocation data and more.

3. Google XML Sitemap. For those who still consider a sitemap to be a necessary element, there is a useful website creation plugin that generates a page in a few seconds. All that remains is to set the parameters, which sections to include, which URLs to exclude, etc.

4. Another useful and popular addition is PB SEO Friendly Images. Helps to work on such an important optimization area as filling out tags and alt (alternative text) for images on a website. Thanks to this, search engines will check and take into account the graphic part of the content as much as possible.

5. For those who are serious about analytics and assessing the effectiveness of a resource, we can recommend Google Analyticator. It allows you to pull data from the Analytics counter.

6. There are add-ons that allow you to optimize the loading speed of site pages, for example, the popular LiteSpeed ​​Cache with a good rating. Features include image optimization, setting up asynchronous loading of CSS and JS Asynchronously, working with CSS, JavaScript and HTML and much more.

7. Another group of plugins helps to refine content, in particular texts, that will be optimized and easy to read. Indicates sections that have problems with the amount of information.
SEO Content Control, SEO SQUIRRLY™.

8. Add-ons like Schema help to correctly configure the structured markup of schema.org; this factor is taken into account by search engines when indexing.

Now you have an idea of ​​what plugins are and how they can make your life easier. The main thing is to determine which aspects of promotion and optimization you want to improve.

Good day to all!

In this article I will compare SEO plugins for WordPress.

I think I should do this, since there are a lot of solutions on the market. Everyone copes with their tasks, but there are subtle nuances that not everyone is able to perform. I used 3 plugins and still settled on one of them. I consider him the best.

Let's look at the main SEO plugins and try to focus on just one. This will not just be an overview, but also an explanation of small technical details. If this were not important, then this manual would not have taken place.

Let's start with the most popular plugin in my opinion.

For each, I have a detailed manual on my blog describing all the intricacies. This post will be the final chord to stop at one thing.

All in one seo pack

It’s not for nothing that I consider it the most popular, because it is for this that you most often find various instructions on other blogs. It is he who costs the most on other resources. It is the one that is updated most frequently (personal observations).

This plugin is really good, as it has in its arsenal just a bunch of settings for each parameter. These include indexing settings and header settings. There are even separate settings for pagination parameters that allow you to customize the site even more narrowly.

But there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • The plugin does not allow you to add title, description and keywords meta tags to categories, which is very important, since search engines need to provide data about absolutely every page. Absolutely every page must be filled out and have its own data. This is why you can’t have “under construction” pages on your website. The first hint to you is, if there are any, remove them or finish them urgently;
  • incorrect work with the rel="canonical" attribute (for pagination pages), which points to the main address of the page if it is available at several addresses, so that there is no duplication of content.
  • all in one seo pack is quite complicated in settings when a beginner first accesses it. There are simple settings and quite specific ones. The presence of the same pagination settings that I mentioned above makes you fall into a stupor. This is both an advantage over other plugins (allows optimization to be performed more flexibly) and a disadvantage in terms of understanding this functionality by beginners.

A fairly large number of settings often cause beginners not only difficulties, but also consequences in the operation of the site and its promotion. Choosing one setting, but not setting the second, which is closely related to it, can already lead to consequences in the form of incorrect indexing.

For example, these could be settings related to the same pagination.

This setting disables pagination for articles. It is advisable to enable the setting so that the page is not accessible at other addresses. If you don’t set it, then nothing terrible will happen, but there may be consequences if you don’t know what this setting affects and how to deal with the occurrence of these problems.

Now about the rel="canonical" attribute, which was mentioned in the list of disadvantages. When working correctly, on pagination pages the plugin should specify this attribute so that it points specifically to this page.

For example, if we are on the 2nd page of the list of announcements, then the canonical address should lead to this page.

But this is the wrong option.

We see that canonical indicates that the main address of this page is precisely the first page from the entire pagination list, that is, “Home” at the domain address.

To be honest, this is not a terrible error, but it is still not the correct option that the plugin generates.

In general, 2 reasons why I left the plugin are:

  1. The rel="canonical" attribute does not work correctly.
  2. Inability to enter metadata for absolutely all pages, for example, headings.

By the way, you can install an additional plugin that will allow you to add the ability to fill in meta tags for categories, archives, and so on. But this is extra work. In the future, I will definitely make a detailed manual so that you can add meta tags to all pages if you decide to stay on AIOSP.

In addition, the plugin has additional modules. I did not use them, with the exception of the site map. It works well, but I decided not to leave it.

If you still decide to stay with this plugin, then I strongly recommend that you study the material about it as carefully as possible. There I described everything in great detail.

Choosing this plugin will not be a mistake, provided that you set the correct parameters in it.

Platinum seo pack

If I choose between the first SEO plugin I reviewed, I would be more inclined to choose platinum, since it is lighter. It contains no additional modules, which in my opinion should not be used.

Maybe it’s worth it, but not on a simple website. They won't give you much benefit.

The second advantage is the correct operation of the rel="canonical" attribute. Copes with its task at full capacity. But there is a slight conflict with the work of the standard attribute, which is created by the standard functionality of the WordPress engine.

This attribute is simply duplicated, which means that it will not be perceived by search engines. Clearly a mistake! Therefore, it is worth removing the standard canonical output by placing simple code in the functions.php file of the design template.

remove_action("wp_head", "rel_canonical");

remove_action ("wp_head" , "rel_canonical" ) ;

By the way, you can leave the standard canonical working, but then disable the canonical URLs attribute function in the "Canonical URLs" plugin.

The third point is the presence of a very cool function that hides links (adds a nofollow attribute) in the list of categories that we click on to get to a certain section.

This is actually very important. The fact is that traffic from search engines brings traffic to a content (information) resource precisely from articles tailored for low-frequency queries. Consequently, it is the articles that should have the maximum static weight. But with a standard website layout, weight leaks from such pages through various links in the sidebar and links in the main navigation menu.

It turns out that we are losing weight and such a page would have lower positions if the maximum weight were concentrated on it. And these 2 settings close the links in categories to the nofollow attribute, which does not transfer weight to the pages of the categories. The weight does not disappear from articles into columns.

This is very cool, but not completely, since there are also links in the main menu, which also take away static weight. They also need to be closed. The plugin does not provide for this and I had to do it manually using special codes. I will give them in a separate article about the features of layout for the site.

So, we concluded that plattinum seo pack does its job better than all in one seo pack. The point concerns the canonical attribute and the functionality of the plugin, where the first is very difficult in this regard. But in platinum there is a conflict with duplication of the canonical attribute, which should be eliminated (see above).

I described all the functions and settings of the plugin in the article about . If you want to use it, then this manual will be indispensable for you.

WordPress seo by yoast

We quietly approached the plugin that I settled on and I can confidently recommend it for several reasons:

  1. The rel="canonical" attribute works according to all the rules without any conflicts;
  2. Meta tags can be added to absolutely any page, be it sections, archives and, of course, ordinary articles;
  3. The plugin has great functionality that is able to get rid of other plugins and have all the functions in one place. As they say, “at hand.” This includes a site map, bread crumbs, and access to editing robots.txt and htaccess files.

Of course, I don’t use all these additions, since I have them made in other ways. And they are more flexible and professional. For example, I have one that I made without a plugin. It displays in the snippet not just the page address, but a chain of links, which looks more interesting and increases the clickability of the site in the search results, and therefore traffic.

You can, of course, use all the plugin modules from Yoast. Moreover, I previously wrote comprehensive material on its settings (I will provide the link below).


If we take into account all the features of the plugins, their functionality and small nuances, then I ranked the rating of SEO plugins for myself as follows:

  1. WordPress seo by yoast - due to the most correct operation of rel="canonical", the ability to add meta data to any type of page and more functionality;
  2. Platinum seo pack - due to the lack of filling in meta-data for the headings;
  3. All in one seo pack - due to its complexity for beginners, the inability to enter meta data for categories and the rel="canonical" not working correctly.

What to choose is up to you.

I note that it will not be a mistake if you select the 3rd plugin. Everything works great. I just, based on analysis and theory, identified the advantages and disadvantages of each plugin. Based on this analysis, I made a rating. I have detailed manuals on my blog for each SEO optimization plugin. I provided links in the text as I described each one.

All friends. See you later!

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

To promote websites on the modern Internet, you need to not only write cool posts, but also take care of SEO optimization. But for WP there are tools that will tell you where you need to fix it. In this article we will look at what SEO plugins are available for WordPress and what they are used for.

Types of SEO optimization

To understand why we need to look at the entire list of plugins, I’ll write down the types of SEO (search engine optimization), and there are exactly two of them:

  • Internal – involves working with the site: technical settings, linking, micro markup, valid code, acceleration, work on content
  • External – mainly working with external links, getting free or paid traffic, for example from social networks, organic search, advertising

Top Best SEO WordPress Plugins

To properly configure WordPress for search, you need to provide as much information as possible to search robots. I will show you the top plugins that help make the page more attractive for searches.

Yoast SEO

The best Yoast SEO plugin for search engine promotion, has millions of fans. The free version has many functions that help you fine-tune any blog element.

What Yoast can do:

  • Working with metadata of all types of pages and taxonomies provided in WordPress
  • Adding or changing robots.txt
  • Working with the server .htaccess file
  • Improving Article Display on Social Media with OpenGraph
  • XML map for search engines
  • Counter of incoming and outgoing page links
  • Basic text analysis
  • Improved Title and Description
  • Integration of panels from search engines, Yandex Webmaster recently appeared
  • Addition
  • Compatible with frameworks like WooCommerce

The basic version is enough for normal resource promotion, the main thing is to configure Yoast correctly.

One of the first plugins for SEO improvement. At first it was popular, but after an update in 2012, it lost customers because it excluded many sites from searches due to an error.


It’s a little inconvenient to use, it can do everything like Yoast, but there are several additional functions:

  • Shema.org - mandatory micro-markup for promotion in RuNet
  • Adding noffolow, noindex
  • keyword support

New plugin, the developers present many tools in the panel. There are quite a few installations, questions are asked - the creators answer and help, this means that there is support.

In the future, the plugin will become paid or some of its sections are currently being tested, I recommend installing it now in order to become the owner of an excellent tool, let’s look at the features:

  • Automatically creates title and description according to Google requirements. We use the function carefully, because the add-on is tailored for America
  • There is Open Graph, there is the ability to select a media file when posting an announcement on social networks
  • Attributes canonical to media pages
  • Does not allow unfilled or empty categories or entries to be indexed

Conclusion: which is the best SEO plugin to use?

As an optimizer based on comparison, YoastSEO is the best solution, it includes all modern requirements.

It has a significant number of official add-ons, which the creators took care of to make life easier for ordinary webmasters. Other organizations are trying to provide support for Yoast, for example, making special places for displaying bread crumbs or correct header processing.

Review of additional plugins for SEO

The above plugins for WordPress are not enough for normal SEO; I will give an overview and an additional list of required tools for WordPress.


CherryLink has become a must-have plugin, creates semi-automatic . The main focus is helping to find relevant posts to insert links to them. The module will not allow you to overspam with internal links - there is a convenient statistics table.

cherry link

At the moment, the new Gutenberg editor does not support, but what prevents you from going to the old one, adding links and going back to the block editor. Yes, it’s paid for $10, but for such functionality it’s not a pity.

Visitors ask if it is easier to include an XML sitemap through SEO plugins. It’s possible and most search engines will accept them, but not Yandex, it finds errors, it’s better to put .

XML Sitemap

It creates an XML map in WordPress, it is needed for the convenience of crawling the resource by search engines. It is in this section that the robot first enters, and then goes to index the pages.

The plugin was a revelation; it adds micro markup for different types of content:

Micro markup for any website

  • Forums
  • The shops
  • Recipes
  • Video
  • Applications
  • Services

It will be a useful acquisition for any direction. It will completely mark up the elements necessary for valid micro-markup so that the site is displayed correctly in search results. It is worth monitoring what it does and checking it with special services.

Great plugin for code cleaning Easy Header Footer – Speedup, Security and Minify. It will clear WordPress of unnecessary connections and links, which is a very significant factor for SEO promotion. What can Easy Header Footer do:

Easy Header Footer – Speedup, Security and Minify

  • Security errors - deleting wp-generator, script versions,
  • Erases external connections like RSD, Wp json, Rest API
  • Adds custom code to the header and footer
  • Minification of HTML, CSS
  • Removes search of names when logging into the admin area
  • Other functions that will help you make your blog code clean.

Clearfy PRO

Clearfy Pro is a more advanced SEO plugin than the previous option. It has an expanded arsenal of tools because our WPShop team follows trends and tries to provide only the best solutions.

  • The Code section contains functions for cleaning up unnecessary parameters and configurations
  • SEO – puts last modified headings, hides external links, adds meta alt to pictures, sets pagination to noindex, compiles correct robots
  • Duplicates – removes all duplicate content that WordPress produces: archives, attachments, users, pagination, replytocom
  • Protection – makes it as difficult as possible to log in and hack, hides all version information.
  • Additionally – transliterate titles, disable Gutenberg, remove RSS, protect content from theft
  • Redirect – configures redirection of any pages without editing
  • 404 – shows all 404 errors that occur when visiting the site
  • Other tools useful for SEO promotion.

Plugin to increase speed by . Speed ​​is considered the main parameter in SEO. Even if the content is cool and the material is useful, but the speed is low, you won’t see high positions.


Caching combines all server documents that participate in page generation and displays them in one file, which greatly increases the response of the resource.

A more aggressive lightening and acceleration plugin. It compresses, combines, and moves the loading of scripts to different places on the blog at the request of the owner.

Script management

Able to download them via CDN services, which gives speed, less loading time and a cleaner document. It also cleans HTML and CSS files from junk.

Plugins AMP and Easy Ya.Turbo Pages, created for two search engines Google and Yandex, respectively. The essence of AMP and turbo is simple, for users coming from computers, the version from your hosting will be given, for those coming from mobile devices, a page from the servers of these two search engines will be shown, as light and accelerated as possible.

Plugin for accelerated pages

Not everyone agrees with this innovation, but if there are problems with the mobile version of the blog, then choose either both plugins at once and the issue of optimization for gadgets will be closed, because more than 40% of the population uses such devices.

Finding Bad Links

But Broken link checker will show all incorrect links, external and internal, and give recommendations on what needs to be corrected. I also recorded a video review for those who like to watch.

Bottom line

The article examined all sorts of WordPress SEO plugins. We see that there is a solution for any problem, because WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world.

One of the reasons why webmasters and bloggers love WordPress so much is its open source and ability to adapt the platform to a variety of needs. In addition, you have at your disposal more than 100 thousand plugins and themes design, which makes this engine the best on the planet. This post will talk about search engine optimization for WordPress. We have compiled a list of the most popular and effective SEO plugins that you can use in WordPress. Most of the plugins listed below are free, but some will require you to pay to use.

Before we begin, I would like to note that each of the listed plugins has its own specific tasks and specific usage, so decide for yourself which one best suits your tasks and is suitable for your site. So let's get started.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Here is one of the best free search engine optimization plugins for WordPress. If you don’t believe me, you can google for “WordPress SEO”: the search results speak for themselves. We can recommend this plugin to you because it solves most of the search engine optimization problems you will need to solve on your site - and all for free!

The number of downloads of this plugin has already exceeded 3.42 million times, the average rating is 4.5, so we advise you to read the full manual for this plugin or visit the Yoast website for a detailed study of the capabilities of this tool.

All In One SEO Pack

And this is the best competitor for the previous plugin. It already has 13 million downloads and ratings of 3.8/5. It has additional options including a professional paid version based on a monthly subscription.

All prices and conditions for working with the plugin can be found here.

If you can't decide which of the 2 plugins is right for you, check out.

Scribe SEO

Scribe SEO- one of the best premium solutions in terms of search engine optimization. It was created by Copyblogger Media and is the best plugin for serious business on the market. In the most popular configuration, it will cost you monthly 97 USD. They also have a 30-day trial option with a money-back guarantee.

Schema Creator by Raven

If you are familiar with rich content for web resources and want to optimize such media content according to the standards and requirements of search results, then this plugin is suitable for you. It's easy to embed and adapt to any site thanks to micro-data from Schema.org on any page and in any post.

Vibe Seo Pack

There are many references and positive reviews about this plugin. The authors say that their plugin provides an SEO audit of posts and highlights what changes should be made to a post to get the best results in terms of search engine optimization. The Yoast plugin does not have this feature. Vibe SEO is also provided with documentation and how-to guides for users at developer website. If you are inclined to experiment, then go ahead and try this plugin.

Local Search SEO Contact Page

This little plugin is a great solution for those new to SEO for WordPress. It displays business information and adds data types such as QR codes, hCard/vCard business cards, Google map data, geo-tags and social media buttons and much more. Your customers will love the results of this plugin on search engine results pages.

Google XML Sitemap

The 9.4 million users who have already downloaded this plugin cannot be wrong. Google XML Sitemap is a plugin that you must have: it generates sitemaps in XML file format and allows you to direct search robots from Google, Bing and Yahoo to these files, which significantly improves the indexing of your site.

Google XML Sitemap for Images

The author of this plugin is Amit Agarwal, and the plugin itself is a great tool for creating an XML map of all the images on your site. This is one of the most effective and flexible tools for search engine optimization of images on websites.

SEO Friendly Images

With close to 1 million downloads, this plugin is one of the essential SEO tools for any WordPress site. SEO Friendly Images fills in/corrects all tags and alternative text for your images on the site, allowing search engines to index them correctly and in full.

Google XML Sitemap for Video

Another cool plugin with which you can create a map of all videos on the site in XML file format. The only people who don’t need this plugin are those who don’t have videos on their website.

SEO Smart Links

Internal and cross-linking are essential for the content on your website to achieve good SEO results. The author of this plugin is Vladimir Prelovac, and the plugin itself allows you to create and organize internal links (including complex custom algorithms), which will increase the level of search engine optimization of your site as a whole. One of the must-have plugins for those who are seriously involved in search engine optimization.

WordPress Video SEO

Yes, you read the title correctly. The author of this plugin is also Yoast, and this plugin is also for video. If you have a lot of videos, video lessons, etc. on your website. - then starting from 69 USD per month, you can ensure correct optimization and search engine promotion for such a site using this plugin.


This plugin has simply devastating potential. You will be able to control almost any incoming link to your site in order to increase the efficiency of the use of search terms and incoming links, set up link shorteners and search queries for specific landing pages, links, topics, products. Compatibility of this plugin is guaranteed for WordPress versions up to 3.4.2. We hope the plugin will be updated soon.

SEO Content Control

Only half of your success depends on proper search engine promotion and optimization. The rest is decided by the content: as a reader, I myself prefer to return only to those sites whose content is interesting to me. This plugin allows you to track posts that don't have enough content and edit it.


Did you think we would leave aside one of the “revolutionaries” in the world of consumption and distribution of modern Internet content? Not so: optimization for social networks is no less important than the usual optimization for search engines. Zuckerberg's team tried, teamed up with Automattic Inc and some other enthusiasts - and as a result, we get a plugin that will help you get traffic from the world's most popular social network.

Clicky by Yoast

With this handy plugin you can integrate Clicky.com's analytics tools into your website. With its help, you can track user clicks on your website in real time from anywhere in the world. This will help you analyze and compile a map of clicks on the site to optimize for the requests and actions of visitors.

Google Analytics

If you like and require serious analytics, then you should pay attention to this plugin. It includes a number of widgets for displaying data from Analytics (including top referrals, top pages, top incoming organic keywords and queries, etc.) in your Admin Panel and on your blog.


Of course, this list is not built solely on the importance and importance of individual SEO organizations; but we have included the most interesting, well-known and frequently used plugins. Which ones to choose depends on you and your goals that you set for the SEO process. Don't forget that small differences in functionality can mean a lot to improve your site's search performance.

When installing plugins, be careful with their settings and monitor how they work. There may be some trifle - you miss a checkmark, and as a result the pages will be closed from indexing or, for example, duplicate pages will appear.

All plugins that were listed in this post (with the exception of Redirection) are compatible with the WordPress 3.5 engine. If in your opinion we missed something, then add your tips and plugin options for search engine optimization in the comments.