What does it mean that Beeline communication has been limited? Megafon: there is a communication restriction, what does it mean and how to solve the problem. When is a ban necessary?

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Cellular communication is an integral part of everyone's life modern man. Megafon subscribers often ask what does “communication restrictions have been set” mean? Our article is devoted to a description of this particular service.

What is a communication restriction service?

This service allows you to limit different kinds outgoing calls for employees of your organization. It includes three options available for ordering, namely:
  • prohibition on ordering entertainment and informational services;
  • so-called “black” and “white” lists;
  • restrictions within a certain office area.
Blacklist restrictions can be used to block outgoing calls to entire destinations or specific numbers.

For example, employees will not be able to make calls to other cities or abroad. As for “white” lists, they, on the contrary, allow calls to specific numbers/directions. For example, employees will only be able to call numbers specified corporate client.

Both “black” and “white” lists can be determined for a group of employees or individually for each.

In addition, such restrictions are possible only on certain time– for example, for some days of the week, hours, etc. It is possible to create a personal schedule.

Office zone restrictions imply restrictions on an employee's outgoing calls depending on where he is located. In other words, if he leaves the office area, they will no longer operate.

It is allowed to take into account several such zones. It is also possible to set restrictions for some time, for one or several employees, etc.

A ban on entertainment and informational services means a ban on outgoing requests for short numbers, providing similar paid services. This is very convenient, for example, if our employees often order this content.

Cost and features of the service

  • The subscription fee for using each of the three above options is 50 rubles. It is charged in full on the first day of the calendar month. Activation of any option costs 30 rubles.
  • To activate or deactivate the communication restriction service, you should contact the corporate client service center. Before doing this, it is recommended to carefully study all the terms of service on the official Megafon website.
  • Any restrictions/prohibitions apply only to outgoing requests. This service cannot be ordered while roaming. In addition, it does not take into account sending SMS messages. The service is available exclusively in corporate rates.
  • It also happens that we call a Megafon subscriber and hear a notification that some communication restrictions have been set.

    When using a mobile phone, you must be careful and carefully enter call numbers. An error in one digit can lead to a call being made to another city or even another country. The same applies to roaming, where communication prices are quite serious. In order to avoid accidentally making this or that call, you should use the “Call Barring” service from MegaFon. In this review you will get maximum information about this most useful service.

    “Call barring” on MegaFon cannot be called the most popular service. Most subscribers don't even know about it. Nevertheless, it can provide benefits by protecting the subscriber from making high-cost calls. An error in one number often costs huge sums, especially if you accidentally call abroad - this is an extremely expensive destination. And getting back money accidentally spent will be problematic.

    In order to prevent loss Money Due to an incorrectly dialed number, the following steps must be taken:

    • Enter all important numbers into your phone book - yes, some people manage to dial numbers the old fashioned way, manually;
    • Before making a call, check that the number is dialed correctly;
    • Use Call Barring from MegaFon.

    Yes, if the numbers are entered into the phone book, it will be simply impossible to make a mistake - only if the numbers are entered correctly and without errors. Controlling your actions is also very important, since carelessness and inattention are the cause of loss of funds. Well, the service, which will be discussed further, will allow you to feel additional peace of mind when performing any operations with your phone.

    The Call Barring service from MegaFon will allow you to avoid unexpected waste when making voice and some other calls. It blocks dialers at the network level. That is, even if you move the SIM card to another phone, established locks will be preserved. Few people know about the existence of this service, but it has been implemented in GSM cellular networks almost from the day they appeared.

    “Call barring” from MegaFon allows you to block the following types of calls - we present them along with the codes:

    • All outgoing (code 33) – with these settings you won’t be able to call anywhere;
    • International calls (code 331) – good way prohibit the most expensive direction of communication;
    • International calls to international roaming(code 332) - they are characterized by a maximum cost, and they can also be prohibited;
    • All incoming calls (code 35) are an excellent opportunity to completely protect yourself from callers;
    • Incoming calls in international roaming (code 351) are another way to save money.

    There are also restrictions on the type of calls - these are regular voice calls, “data” and “fax” calls. Here are the ban codes:

    • Code 10 – any types of calls are prohibited, except calls to 112;
    • Code 11 – voice communication in both directions is prohibited, except for calls to 112;
    • Code 13 – prohibition of fax messages;
    • Code 16 – prohibition on sending “data” and text messages, fax and voice calls remain in operation.

    Let's now look at the practical side of the issue.

    Using commands with codes

    It's time to discuss how to use prohibitions and their codes. They are sent to the network in the form of simple commands. For example, to bar all calls, send the command *barring_code*password#. If you need to prohibit a certain type of calls, then the command syntax will be as follows - *barring_code*password*call_type#. The default password is 1111 (it can be changed).

    Let's see how to bar incoming calls on MegaFon. To do this, dial the code *35*1111#. If you need to block incoming calls in international roaming, send the command *351*1111#. In order to activate the barring of outgoing calls on MegaFon, dial the command *33*1111# - now it will be impossible to call anywhere. To prohibit outgoing fax calls, dial *35*1111*13#.

    How to remove call barring on MegaFon

    In order to disable call barring on MegaFon, you should replace the first asterisk with a hash symbol. For example, to deactivate the ban on all outgoing communications, you must use the command #35*10#. note that The Call Barring service is provided absolutely free of charge and without any charge for sending commands. To manage the service, you can use the call settings menu on your mobile phone or smartphone.

    In this review, we will figure out what to do if Megafon communication is limited, what such a message means. We will give the main reasons for the ban and describe in detail how to solve the problem. This article will be useful to every user, since all subscribers can get into this situation.

    First, let's figure out what it is - "Communication restriction set" Megaphone. This message means a complete ban on services or a partial restriction affecting:

    • Network access;
    • Outgoing calls;
    • Receiving incoming calls;
    • Sending and receiving SMS;
    • Making and receiving calls while roaming.

    If you are faced with a complete or partial block, you will not be able to fully use the operator’s capabilities. The problem needs to be solved - let's look at why Megafon communications may be limited.


    We have figured out the definition of what “Communication restrictions have been set” Megafon. There may be several reasons for a ban on receiving services; we will consider in detail the most popular ones:

    • Zero or negative balance. The subscriber forgot to pay the monthly fee on time and went into the red;
    • SIM card failure. This can happen with outdated card models that have served for a long time;
    • Network problems. No smartphone is immune from malfunctions;
    • The subscriber you are calling has the service barring incoming messages installed. This can happen if the user is roaming;
    • You are trying to make a call to a number that does not support voice communication. These can be service numbers of different companies or the operator itself;
    • You have installed services that completely or partially prohibit access;
    • The phone settings are set to prohibit calls.

    As you can see, the reasons may or may not depend on the user. We have learned the main factors causing difficulties, now we will figure out how to remove the communication restriction on Megafon, if this is available to the subscriber.


    You can remove communication restrictions on Megafon different ways, which depend on the cause of the problem. Let's look at the main working methods:

    • If you see zero on your balance, deposit the required amount into the account. This can be done via mobile bank, terminal or sales office;
    • Reboot your mobile phone. If the malfunction is due to this factor, the problem will disappear on its own after a new connection to the network;
    • Try it rearrange SIM card;
    • Call the subscriber back from another number. This way you will find out whose number is blocked - yours or the subscriber from your contact list;
    • Open your personal account and go to the list of services. Study the "My" list to understand , is Megafon communication limited?. How to disable options can also be seen in personal account;
    • Go to your phone settings. Check if you have Airplane mode turned on;

    If none of the methods described above helped, contact support at 0500 or 8 800 55 00 500 .

    All these methods are available to every user and do not cause any particular difficulties.

    Now you know how to disable Megafon communication restrictions and what to do to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. Top up your mobile balance on time, check your connected services, so as not to encounter the problem of being unable to gain access.

    “Communication restriction” is a service that will help control employee communications on their work phone.


    Have you provided your company's employees with mobile communications for business purposes, but are not sure that employees use their mobile phones for business purposes only? The "Communication Limit" service will help you control their conversations. Now you can set restrictions on outgoing communications for your employees.

    As part of this service, you will be able to limit communications depending on the location of the employee (in the office or outside of it), prohibit calls to paid entertainment numbers or simply to certain unwanted numbers.

    The "Communication Limitation" service includes the following options:

    - "Office zone restrictions";
    - "Black / White lists";
    - "Ban on infotainment services."

    The "Office Area Restrictions" option will help you set call restrictions based on the employee's location. As part of this option, you can create several “office zones”, for each of which you can assign your own restrictions. Bans can also be imposed when an employee is outside the “office areas.” A building or territory of an enterprise can be selected as an “office zone”. This area must be designated to an employee subscriber service, through which you connect this service.

    This option can be set for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or by time of day and days of the week.

    The "Black/White Lists" option will help you set bans on outgoing communications depending on the direction of the call or block calls to a specific number.

    The Black List can include numbers that an employee should not call. For example, these are long-distance and international numbers. You can add numbers to the "White List" that are not prohibited for outgoing communications. These could be, for example, office employee numbers.

    This option can be enabled for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or depending on the time of day.

    The “Ban infotainment services” option will allow you to prohibit an employee from using paid entertainment services. This option will be automatically enabled for all employees who have the "Communication Limit" service activated.

    Options can be connected according to your wishes

    *service is provided by the mobile operator Megafon

    **the service is not provided in roaming and does not apply to SMS. All prohibitions apply only to outgoing calls



    The "Communication Limitation" service is available for connection to companies that are served on

    You can often encounter a situation where you cannot reach your family and friends on Megafon numbers. “Communication restriction has been set” - similar message automatic system after dialing the number means to talk to the subscriber on this moment impossible. What this might be connected with and what to do in this case, we will tell you in this article.

    When can Megafon communications be limited?

    The inability to make or receive a certain type of call in 100% of cases is due to the fact that the user has activated the corresponding ban on the number. The subscriber could do this either independently, by entering combinations of symbols on the telephone keyboard, or through a customer service specialist. An important point is the fact that calling restrictions are set by a support employee only after confirming the identity of the owner of the number. Thus, the possibility that a communication restriction will be established is excluded. What does it mean? Megafon allows only its owner to perform any actions with the number.

    Why is Megafon communication limited?

    The question of why it is impossible to contact a certain subscriber or receive incoming call, most often occurs in people who have never encountered the Call Barring service. It can be used to restrict certain types of calls from being received or made. Who might benefit from this? This service will be a real salvation for those subscribers who are going on vacation to another country and during this time want to exclude the possibility of receiving calls. Since the cost of incoming and outgoing calls in roaming is quite high, this desire is quite justified. It can also be connected in other situations when it is necessary to suspend some type of communication. For example, this may be relevant for parents who want to avoid being charged for sending messages to paid numbers their child (a similar ban can also be set via a mobile phone).

    Description and terms of provision of the “Call Barring” service

    On the list of anyone mobile operator There are a number of services that are basic and are provided to subscribers free of charge. Megafon is no exception. The service we are considering, with which you can set a ban on certain types of communication, is included in a similar list. Activation of the restriction can be carried out independently by the subscriber, by entering the appropriate commands, or by a support specialist. It is worth considering that a fee may be charged for connecting the service through Megafon employees. Communication restrictions can be set for the following types:

    • outgoing calls (local calls, national calls) - code 33;
    • incoming communications (all calls) - code 35;
    • outgoing international calls - code 331;
    • outgoing calls in roaming (blocking calls to all numbers except Russian) - code 332;
    • incoming communications in roaming (all calls) - code 351.

    To activate any ban, the following conditions must be met:

    • the “forwarding” service is not activated on the subscriber’s number (if available, you should first disable it and then set a ban, the exception is if call forwarding was set by the operator);
    • Only one restriction can be set for each type of communication at one time (that is, only one prohibition can be applied to incoming and outgoing communication at the same time; setting a second one cancels the previous one).

    Activating the communication ban

    Activation of the service is available to all Megafon subscribers. Communication restrictions can be set at any time; the ban can also be disabled as needed. To manage the service, the client will need a special password (for all subscribers the default combination is 0000) and codes for each type of communication, the provision of which can be activated by a ban (they are given).

    To enter a restriction, you need to enter the command on your phone *service code*password for service management#. You can also set bans on a number of certain types of calls (for example, on SMS messages - code 16, on receiving and sending fax messages, etc.). In this case, the command to set the ban will be slightly modified: *service code*password for service management*call type#. The restriction will be activated in 10-15 minutes.

    Disabling the service

    Is it necessary to contact Megafon specialists for deactivation? There is a communication restriction, how can I disable it? Similar questions may arise from subscribers who need to resume the provision of services by lifting the corresponding ban. Disabling the banning service is as easy as activating it. To do this, just enter the following combination on your phone: #service code*password for service management#. A similar command can also be used to deactivate bans on call types (check out full list types of calls can be found on the official website of the Megafon company).

    Changing the password to manage the service

    The default password for enabling/disabling the ban can be changed by the user. This will protect your phone from unauthorized attempts to control the service by other people. To enter a new password, use the combination: **03*330*current password*new password#. Its validity period is unlimited (until a new sequence of numbers is introduced). However, if you make a mistake three times when entering the combination to change the password, then the use of the connection barring service will not be available. Removing the blocking will only be possible by contacting the office of the owner of the SIM card with a passport.


    If, when calling a Megafon number, it says: “Communication restrictions have been set,” then with a high probability we can say that the subscriber has the “Call Barring” service activated. The SIM card owner can independently find out about the presence of such a restriction through a specialist technical support(by number 8-800-550-05-00). The service can be managed either by the subscriber himself or through a support specialist. After deactivating the ban, it will again be possible to use communication services on the Megafon number. Communication restrictions can only be set by the owner of the number who has a personal password to manage this service. It is recommended to change the default digit sequence to ensure the security of your number.