Firefox add-ons - where to download and how to install the best plugins (extensions) for Mozilla. Current plugins and programs for Mozilla Firefox ® and others Where are extensions located in mozilla firefox

Are you having problems with any extension? Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon)?

Does not work? Has a panel disappeared (side, top, etc.)?

No access to extension settings Mozilla Firefox?

Slow Firefox? Complete "brake"?

Don't want to deal with configuration files?

But you have a desire to use your favorite extension.

Delete. Clear. Install.

Use the following simple algorithm for the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser:

Note: sometimes the above does not solve the problem, for example: side expansion panel"All-in-One Sidebar" has "disappeared", does not open and there is no access to it.

Then this is solved as follows:

Launch Firefox in safe mode(For more details, see the article Safe Browser Mode.) and load with the option - " Reset toolbars and controls". Next button - "Make changes and restart".

This problem appears due to " spoiled " file localstore.rdf

Removing and restoring an extension using SeoQuake (v.2.6.8) as an example.

The algorithm for removing, saving and restoring an extension for the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser is designed for most extensions.

Note: The interface and messages shown on this page are indicative only. depends on the current version of the application, but the essence remains relevant for the browser Mozilla Firefox And Pale Moon versions 3.6.x - 2X.x. and higher.

Save extension.

If you have problems with the extension or “wrong” browser behavior, for example:

  • The SeoQuake toolbar has been "shrinked" without the ability to restore it in the browser.
  • No access to toolbar settings.
  • Or do you just want to remove some extension from Mozilla Firefox.

If necessary, if, for example, there is no access to the Internet, there is no way to download from the site, etc., we save the extension ( SeoQuake) using the CLEO application, while the program FEBE- must be installed.

To save, in the menu bar, select - " Tools" - "FEBE"-"Quick Backup"

  1. Set the folder where we will copy the extension ( SeoQuake).
  2. Place a checkmark on the desired extension ( SeoQuake).
  3. Button " Begin".
  4. If everything is in order, we will be notified about this in a pop-up window.

After successfully saving the extension we need, we will remove it from Mozilla Firefox.

Remove extension from Firefox browser

To remove an extension from Mozilla Firefox, go to Menu Bar - " Add-ons".

In the list that opens, select the extension ( SeoQuake) to delete and press the button " Delete"

We were immediately warned in a pop-up window.

Maybe you'll think about it? What for? We saved it. Delete...

Do you think you removed the extension and everything is fine? No, you are deeply mistaken!

Remnants of the extension are still in the data files Mozilla Firefox current profile.

First you need to be in the current profile folder find and delete the folder " SeoQuake".

Note: Where is the profile located? Firefox see the chapter in the article - How to determine where the profile is located Mozilla Firefox.

Note: extension SeoQuake Unfortunately, there are not only such modest ones that leave their traces in the browser after deletion.

There are a lot of extensions that " forget"clean up after yourself" garbage", as a result of which the database Firefox gets bloated and the browser starts to work slower at first, then strange things happen" freezing", "glitches" and finally stops loading.

That's why, If Firefox began to work more slowly or " freeze", and you are sure that everything is fine with extensions and plugins, and you have already reinstalled several times Firefox, but the problem persists, then it’s time to clean the configuration file.

But I don’t want to deal with this matter.( Where are these records? What records? Where are they located? etc.)

There is a way out and it’s very simple! The only drawback is that you will need to configure all the extensions and the browser itself again.

Note. Starting from Firefox version 13 and higher, the browser provides the ability to reset settings and the ability to more quickly solve problems related to the performance of Firefox.

Clearing browser configuration Mozilla Firefox from the remnants of expansion.

To delete entries remaining from the uninstalled extension, go to the menu bar:

"Reference" - "About:?"- "All configuration settings"

If you are using the MR Tech Toolkit extension

Or use the page address:

Note: records about changed settings Mozilla Firefox are stored in the file:
(See for more information) current browser profile.

You will immediately receive a terrible message! We promise we'll be careful...

And in the line " filter"we write seoquake . Further, melancholy, on each record displayed (... seoquake...) right click in the menu - " Reset" clear the field value.

Where are the plugins for Firefox, how to remove them, disable them or reinitialize them.

Managing plugins in the Mozilla Firefox ® browser (Pale Moon)

Plugins are managed on the "Add-ons" page, where you can disable firefox plugin or check the latest version of all installed plugins.

How to disable the plugin.

In order to disable plugin in the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser, go to the menu:

"Tools" -> "Basic" -> "Configure Add-ons" -> "Plugins"

(or "Tools" -> "Add-ons" -> "Plugins", depending on release)

You can find out more detailed information about installed plugins and their location on your browser page at:

Rice. 1. Window " Plugins" Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser showing a list of installed plugins.

If you installed or uninstalled a plugin, you will need to restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
(Note This condition does not apply to all plugins; some are ready to work immediately without rebooting.)

Disabling the plugin in the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser.

Sometimes there are situations when plugins conflict with various applications, increase the loading time of the browser itself, have “holes” in the security system, etc., then it becomes necessary to disable the plugin or a whole set of plugins in the browser, without removing the parent programs from the computer .

Note. If you do not use installed plugins, then it will be better for the browser if you disable them. Don’t be afraid to disable plugins; if necessary, you can always enable this plugin.

For example, you use several programs in your work to view PDF documents in various options from the list:
PDF-XChange Viewer,
PDF Foxit Reader,
Adobe Reader PDF,
Nuance PDF Reader
PDF Architect converter plugin and extension.
...and would like to use Sumatra PDF in the browser, then you simply must disable all PDF reader plugins except SumatraPDF Browser Plugin.

To disable a plugin, go "Settings" - "Add-ons" and in the window "Plugins" place the cursor on the name of the plugin that should be disabled and click the button "Disable"

This is a simple procedure that solves big problems with Firefox.

How to remove a plugin.

To remove a plugin, you need to uninstall the program that installed the plugin to your computer.

Removal can be done:

  • directly through the uninstaller of the program that installed the plugin, a shortcut is usually created in the menu (for example: Uninstall...program name, Delete... program name)
  • means Windows- "Installation and removal of programms" (see in " Control panels" Windows),
  • specialized uninstallers, such as the free Revo Uninstaller program.
    These programs remove, unlike standard ones, the remains of garbage.

Manually removing the plugin for Mozilla Firefox and Pale Moon browsers.

If you cannot remove the plugin using standard tools, then remove the plugin manually:

  • 1. Open the page -
  • 2. In the "Filter" line, enter the value -


  • 3. If the parameter value false, then double click the mouse and change the value to true.
  • 4. Find the plugin file you want to delete (address, where is the plugin located You can see on the page about:plugins. see Fig. 2.)
  • 5. Rename or delete this file.
  • 6. Launch Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser
  • 7. Check that the plugin has been removed on the page:

View information about plugins.

To view, open the page in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon):

Rice. 2. Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser page that generates information about your plugins- about:plugins

For information about "MIME", see the article - MIME - type and Firefox

Reinitializing plugins in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon).

Delete file pluginreg.dat, necessary with the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser closed.

If you have problems with the plugin working in your browser, then perhaps this will help you reinitialization records of installed plugins for Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon).

Reinitializing plugins in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon), is done simply: file is deleted - pluginreg.dat, which is located in the folder of your current profile.

The next time you load the browser, a file will be created pluginreg.dat, with new entries of your plugins.

Rice. 3. Open Windows XP Explorer window in the folder of the current browser profile, for removal plugin records file- pluginreg.dat.

File pluginreg.dat opens with any text editor. A fragment of the approximate contents of the records in the file:

Generated File. Do not edit.


C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\npwmsdrm.dll|$|$
DRM Store Netscape Plugin|$
Microsoft® DRM|$
0|application/x-drm|Network Interface Plugin|nip|$

Manage browser plugin updates.

Automatic update of plugins for Mozilla Firefox is not yet available by definition and there is no need to “torture” Mozilla.

Disabling extension updates

But the function of automatically updating extensions is built into the browser and is controlled in:

Settings - Add-ons - Extensions - "gear"

In the menu that opens, remove (check) the checkbox from the menu item " Automatically update extensions"

It is possible that in the future, the automatic plugin updates will be built into the browser.

But so far, the function of going to the Mozilla website has only been implemented to check the relevance of your installed plugins.

To check the current versions of plugins in Firefox, go to:

  • Settings - Add-ons - Plugins
  • Click on the top line: " Check that the versions of your installed plugins are up to date"

This service from Mozilla, for all browsers, is connected to our website on the page - Plugin Update Service.

You can and should disable and enable the plugin update system, depending on the program itself that installs its plugins:

  1. settings of the parent program, program installing the plugin
  2. Windows "Toolbars" - "Scheduled Tasks".
  3. for the most cunning programs - in the Windows registry.

For example, in " Assigned Tasks"Windows is prescribed programs for updating from Google, Real, Ask:

Application. Manual registration of .dll in Windows.

To manually register library components in Windows, on the command line you need to type and run:

regsvr32 "name".dll

If you are interested in some aspects of removing extensions, then you can read the following articles:

Hello, dear friends!

The technical support service of the LPgenerator platform often receives letters from users who complain about the abnormal behavior of the visual editor: changes are not saved, landing page elements are not displayed or move in different directions, etc.

In 99% of cases, the problem lies in the browser used, namely, in its cache, extensions, or a ban on processing javascripts.

Observations show that it causes the least number of errors and problems.

Today we will tell you how to clear your browser cache, disable unnecessary extensions and enable script processing. So let's get started.

1. How to clear your browser cache?

Your browser's cache is a copy of the contents of web pages you have visited. If the landing page (or individual elements of it) you want to view is already in the cache, the browser will instantly load it from your hard drive without contacting the server.

Thus, after saving changes in the LPgenerator editor, you can see not the edited page, but a copy of it from the cache. In this case, the page does not yet contain the latest changes you made, so it appears that the editor did not save them. Moreover, an overloaded cache can also affect the speed of the platform functionality.

For information on how to properly clear your cache, see the guides below.

After clearing the cache, be sure to restart the browser and check its functionality.

If you still have problems with the editor, then the cause may be your browser extensions. Read about this in the second part of our guide.

1.2. How to clear Google Chrome cache?

Before starting the operation, make sure that all the necessary data (messages, page in the editor, text, etc.) is saved in the browser.

1) Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner:

2) Select "History":

Please note: you can also open history in Chrome using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+h

3) Click "Clear history":

4) Select "During all this time"(this is important, otherwise there will be no point in cleaning),
Check the box next to "Images and other files saved in the cache" and click "Clear history":

5) Done. Close and open your browser (this is important, otherwise cleaning will not help).

2. How to disable browser extensions?

A browser extension (plugin, add-on) is a computer program that expands the functionality of the browser. Sometimes the functionality of extensions includes blocking various elements and technologies necessary for the correct operation of the LPgenerator visual editor.

Here are some of the extensions that you should disable:

  • NoScript;
  • Adblock (Adblock Plus);
  • Ghostery.

If the above plugins are not enabled in your browser, and the problem still persists, we recommend disabling all plugins installed in the browser, and then enabling them one by one in order to determine which one is causing the error.

Below we will explain how to disable extensions in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer browsers.

How to disable extensions in Google Chrome?

1) Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner:

2) Select “Settings”:

3) Select the “Extensions” section on the left:

4) Uncheck the boxes next to extensions that block ads. The plugin will not be deleted and can be enabled when needed:

Note: the most popular blockers are the Adblock and Adguard plugins, but you may have other blocking extensions installed - they need to be disabled.

5) If you do not want to disable the extension, you can pause it on the page.

For example:

6) Done. After disabling plugins, you need to reload the page. It is advisable to press the key combination Ctrl and R:

How to disable extensions in Mozilla Firefox?

1) Open the Firefox menu in the browser panel on the right

2) Select the “Add-ons” section from the drop-down list

After completing these steps, restart your browser and check the operation of LPgenerator.

How to disable extensions in Opera?

1) From the menu, select Extensions > Manage Extensions.

2) Click on the "Disable" button next to the corresponding extension.

How to disable extensions in Internet Explorer?

1) Click on the settings icon in the browser

2) Select “Configure add-ons”

3) Click on the add-on and click “Disable”

How to disable extensions in Safari?

1) Click on the settings icon in the right menu of the browser

2) From the drop-down list, select “Settings”

3) Go to the “Extensions” section

4) You can disable all extensions at once using the Off/On slider

5) To disable a specific extension, uncheck the box next to it

Mozilla is a reliable browser with many options. However, like other browsers, its functionality is expanded through special add-ons. Various extensions for Firefox are published in the official store. They are available for download to all users on whose computer this program is installed.

Expanding the capabilities of the browser

Add-ons are small scripts that are built into Mozilla Firefox, expanding the scope of functions. In this article we will tell you what useful extensions for Firefox there are that are aimed at creating a comfortable environment for users. In addition, we will find out where to download them and how to solve the download problem.

Where to download and how to install add-ons?

The first question newbies ask is: how to install an extension in Firefox? Integration occurs either in the extension store or through official resources that host extension installation files for Mozilla Firefox. In the first case, the procedure is the same for all additions.

  • First you need to go to the store. Open it using the link: You can also find a specific extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser in the browser’s “Add-ons” menu. In the “Extensions” tab, find the search bar in the upper right corner and enter the name of the utility there. The search for a Firefox add-on in the store also occurs through a line with a magnifying glass icon.
  • Click on the green "Add to Firefox" button.
  • The installer will download. Now let’s install: in the small window, click on “Install”.
  • Restart your browser. The next time you start the program, the program icon will appear in the add-ons panel. If the icons are present, it means that the Firefox add-ons were successfully installed.

Installation problems

Sometimes there are difficulties loading applications. They simply don't install. There are several reasons for this. We will identify them one by one and solve the problem at the same time.

1. The add-on and browser version turned out to be incompatible. As a rule, Mozilla Frefox extensions of the latest versions are published in the official store. What to do in this case? There are three possible solutions:

  • update the browser itself if the version is outdated;
  • try to look for versions of the plugin that are compatible with the version of Firefox that you have on your PC (a rather complicated method);
  • download another extension with similar functionality - fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives now.

2.The browser blocks the installation of the add-on because the site is not trusted. A yellow bar with a message appears. Here you just need to click on “Allow”. You can also simply disable extension checking in your browser so that a blocked add-on can be safely downloaded.

3.If the message: Load Error -228 appears, it means that the browser cache is disabled. To enable it, you must:

  • Go to Settings, and then to the “Advanced” section.
  • Go to the “Network” block.
  • Look at the cache partition. It must be at least 1 MB.
  • Close the about:preferences tab.

Error 228 may be caused by another program. For example, a firewall or anti-spywall. Temporarily disable this utility to check if this is the reason. If this is the problem, you will simply have to make a choice in favor of an application or program.

5.Configuration files in the browser may be corrupted. Hence the error. What should be done in this case? Delete these files. When you restart, the browser will restore them, but there will be no damage. To do this, open the profile folder.

Click on the menu button. We need Help - a round icon with a question mark. Select the Troubleshooting Information option from the context menu.

In the “Application Information” block, click on the “Open Folder” button.

Quit your browser.

Remove documents from the list of files:

  1. extensions.sqlite,
  2. extensions.ini,
  3. extensions.json.

Open your browser.

6.Other browser add-ons may not be compatible with the extension you are trying to install. Solution: set safe mode for the new add-on.

Where can you find them?

Where are downloadable Mozilla Firefox extensions stored? In the profile folder. To make it appear on the screen, do the following:

  1. Hold Windows and R to launch the Run window.
  2. In the line we write the command: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\. The easiest way is to copy it.

Where are extensions located in the browser menu itself? You can open a tab with a list of them in a couple of clicks: open the “Add-ons” window through the icon with three lines. You will immediately be taken to the “Extensions” tab. This is where programs are managed. In this menu you can enable, disable or completely remove a specific extension. The “Settings” button will take you to a window with utility parameters.

Several popular add-ons

There are many programs, but only some of them are downloaded with enviable frequency. Let's find out what useful extensions for Firefox can be downloaded from the official store.

AdBlock and Adguard

Since every website is now full of advertising banners, users are beginning to wonder if it is possible to get rid of all these elements. With the help of such extensions you can. Adguard will also provide additional protection against phishing sites. These applications are completely free.

If you are unable to access a website because it is blocked by your provider or administrator, you can download friGate and bypass the blocked access.

The connection is made through a proxy server. The connection will change to normal when you access allowed resources.


This program also allows you to open prohibited sites. It's free and shareware. The paid version has more countries through which you can connect. The transfer speed in the free version is also lower. However, it is sufficient in most cases.

This is one of the best add-ons to ensure anonymity on the Internet. You will gain access to prohibited resources and additionally protect yourself from Internet bugs. Information will no longer be collected about you, including your name, age, gender, browser history and more.

The add-on is capable of hiding information from resources about which browser you are currently using to surf. Next, the information is replaced - data is provided about the operation of an alternative browser (the one you install in the extension).

This is useful when a site works correctly when using, for example, only the Internet Explorer browser, but you won’t have it if you have Linux.

The downside of the add-on is that its interface is not in Russian, but in English.

The application helps download audio and video content from the most popular sites: YouTube, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc. From time to time, other sites are added to the functionality. Thus, development and updating are underway.


If you no longer want to perform the same type of actions in the Mazil browser, write your script using this add-on. It has a simple interface that even a beginner can understand. Then you can simply run the script and the computer will do everything for you.

Elements from Yandex are popular, in particular, visual bookmarks. They can be customized (number of cells, background, search bar). Thus, they provide maximum performance and convenience.

The supplement competes with . There are also many settings here. You can set the most appropriate personalization options. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your settings - they will be stored in the cloud.

Here you can disable plugins such as Java, JavaScript and Adobe Flash Player, thereby closing the two most important Firefox vulnerabilities. If necessary, you can create your own white list of resources for which the program will not work.

LastPass Password Manager

This small program stores passwords for various accounts. Since it is highly undesirable to put the same logins and passwords on different accounts, a huge number of them accumulate in your head. It is impossible to remember everything. LastPass Password Manager comes to the rescue.

You will only need to remember the password for this service. Account passwords are stored in a safe place – on the server’s servers. They will be encrypted. At any time, they can be automatically substituted when authorizing on some resource.

Add-ons for Firefox certainly expand the functionality of the browser. They are downloaded mainly from the extension store. There you will find ad blockers, protectors, home page personalization tools, and much more.

The new Mozilla Firefox 43, which appeared relatively recently, began to block unfinished extensions by default. This solution was implemented by the developers in order to increase the level of browser security.

However, for most users. Those who prefer the Mozilla Firefox browser did not like this new product, since it can cause some inconvenience. In this article you can learn how to enable extensions. mozile.

What is an extension

The extension is a small application that improves the functionality and usability of the browser. For example, you can install a program that will block annoying advertising and spam when visiting sites, or change the standard appearance of the browser to a more creative one, etc.

Add-ons are divided into three main types:

  • Extensions.

They allow you to add additional functions for the search engine, or replace them with those that are available in other browsers. Add-ons allow you to block ads or sites that pose a potential threat to your PC, as well as download videos from any resource or integrate with social networks.

They allow you to change the standard background of the search engine, as well as visually change the appearance or location of buttons and panels.

  • Plugin.

Allows the user to interact with a variety of types of Internet content, such as videos, games, music, etc.

The user can download these extensions from the mozilla search engine catalog. All programs in this catalog have been tested and checked for malware.

However, in the latest version of mozilla, even programs contained in the directory are blocked.

To install improvements, you will need to use the forced method. Below are several ways to force installation.

Method No. 1:

  • Login to Mozilla
  • Enter about:config in the address bar.
  • Press the button
  • After the security window pops up, agree to the terms.

Method number 2:

  • Go to the settings panel.
  • Find xpinstall.signatures.required.
  • Click LMB several times.
  • After the entry changes to false, you can install the improvements.

After such manipulations, you can install various add-ons in the Mozilla Firefox 43 browser that will be relevant to the user. However, caution is recommended in this case, since such installations may pose a potential danger.

The user should also take into account that when the next search engine update is released, all previously specified parameters will be reset.