How to find the cause of the Blue Screen of Death. What is BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and how to deal with it Program problems

To get information about the error, enter its code in the text field just below in the following format: 7e or 0x0000007e

Go to description


This error means that an unexpected kernel-mode exception has occurred, or an interrupt that causes the kernel to fail.

Also, the cause of the error can be an interrupt, which resulted in immediate death in the form of a double fault - double fault. The first number in the error code is the interrupt number (8 = double fault). To learn more about what this interrupt is, refer to the Intel x86 family manual.

In short, a bug occurs when the processor makes a mistake that the kernel can't handle. Most often, the error occurs due to bad RAM blocks, and sometimes due to overclocking of the processor.

Try disabling the synchronous transfer feature in the BIOS.

Troubleshooting: If you have installed new hardware in your computer, you must remove it. If existing hardware is causing the failure, then you must remove or, if necessary, replace the failed computer components.

Scan your RAM for errors.

Make sure all computer components are installed properly. Clean adapter contacts.

Update the BIOS.

All hard disks, controllers hard drives and SCSI adapters must be compatible with installed version Windows.

If a driver is identified in the error message, disable or update that driver. Disable or remove any drivers or services that have been recently added. If an error occurs during Windows boot and the system partition is formatted with file system NTFS, use Safe Mode to reinstall or remove the defective driver. If the driver is used as a system startup process in Safe Mode, start the computer using the Recovery Console to access the file.

Restart your computer and press F8 in the text mode menu to display the boot options operating system. IN this menu select "Download latest successful configuration". This option is most efficient when adding only one driver or service to the system at a time.

Overclocking CPU may cause an error. Reset the default CPU clock speed.

Make sure the system is logged into Event Viewer. The error information there will help you identify the device or driver that is causing the 0x0000007F death screen.

Disable BIOS memory caching.

If the UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP error appeared when you upgraded to a new version of the Windows operating system, then it can be caused by a device driver, system service, antivirus program, or a program Reserve copy, which are incompatible with new version. Remove all third-party device drivers and system services, disable antivirus programs.

Install the latest Windows Service Pack.

If the previous steps did not solve the problem, take the motherboard to a repair shop for diagnosis. Cracks, scratches, or defective components on the motherboard can cause this error.


This validation error appears very rarely.


Distributed file system errors.

Update OS.


A fatal error occurred during installation.

Setup'a text form no longer uses bugcheck to get out of serious bugs. Therefore, you will never encounter 0x85. All bug checks have been replaced with friendlier and (where possible) more informative error messages. However, some bug writers have simply been replaced by our bugcheck screens, and the code for these bug states is the same as it was. They are listed below.)

0: OEM HAL font - Invalid *.fon file format, so the install was unable to display the text. This means that vgaxxx.fon on the CD or floppy is corrupted.

1: Failed to initialize video. This error has its own screen and only 2 options are given to the user.

This means that the vga.sys file (or other driver, depending on the machine) is corrupt, or that the hardware is not supported.

Reason for the error:

0: NtCreateFile of devicevideo0

3: The desired video mode is not supported. This means an internal installation error.

2: Out of memory. This bug now uses a friendlier screen, depending on how far the installation has gone.

3: The keyboard has not been initialized. Now 2 different screens are used depending on the errors that could appear here. This may mean that the disk containing the keyboard drivers (i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys) is corrupt or the machine has a keyboard that is not supported.

It may also mean that the keyboard layout dll cannot be loaded.

Reason for the error:

0: NtCreateFile of deviceKeyboardClass0 .

The installation did not detect a keyboard connected to your computer.

1: Unable to load keyboard layout dll.

The installation cannot load the keyboard layout dll.

This means that there is no file on the floppy or CD (kbdus.dll for us or other dlls).

4: The installation was unable to find the path of the device from which the installation started. This Internal error installation.

5: Partition sanity check failed. This means a bug in the disk driver. The settings are only relevant for the installation group.


This error occurs during the boot of the operating system when check sum MBR calculated by the operating system Microsoft Windows, does not match the system bootloader checksum.

This BSoD indicates the presence of viruses.

It is necessary to scan the operating system for viruses with up-to-date anti-virus programs.


This BSoD is a general error. To interpret it, it is necessary to identify which exception was thrown.

The following exception codes exist:

0x80000002: STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT points to an unaligned data reference;

0x80000003: STATUS_BREAKPOINT. Indicates when the system encounters a breakpoint or ASSERT without a kernel debugger attached;

0xC0000005: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION indicates a memory access violation.

To solve the error you need:

Make sure that the system partition of the disk has enough free space;

If the driver is identified in the error message, disable or update it;

Replace video card;

Update BIOS;

Disable the BIOS memory caching and shadowing options.

The 2nd parameter (the address of the exception) must identify the driver or function that caused the error.

If the reasons for the exception are not clear, consider the following issues:

Hardware incompatibility. Make sure the newly installed hardware is compatible with the installed version of Windows;

A defective device driver or system service may be the cause of the error. Hardware issues such as BIOS incompatibilities, memory conflicts, and IRQ conflicts can also generate a blue screen.

If the error indicates the name of the driver, it must be removed or disabled. Also uninstall or disable any recently added drivers and services. If the error occurs during system startup and the system partition is formatted with the NTFS file system, you must use Safe Mode to remove the defective driver. If the driver is used as part of the system's Safe Mode startup process, you will need to start the computer using the Recovery Console to access the file.

If the BSoD points to system driver Win32k.sys, the source of the error may be a third-party program remote control. If such software exists, it must be removed.

Make sure the system is logged into Event Viewer. The error information there will help you identify the device or driver that is causing Stop 0x0000008E.

Disable BIOS memory caching. Update the BIOS firmware.

You must also run hardware diagnostics. Scan your RAM for errors.

The KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED blue screen can occur after the first restart during Windows setup, or after the setup finishes. A possible reason is the lack of disk space for installation. Delete all temporary files, internet cache files, files backups applications and .chk files. You can use another HDD with large volume.


The error occurs during initialization of the primary phase of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. At this point, the system files, drivers and registry have been initialized.

Check hardware and system drive.



This error only occurs when a single processor driver is loaded on a system with more than one active processor.


This error occurs when some kernel code (such as a server, redirector, or other driver) has attempted to close an invalid handle or a protected handle.


1 - Called NtClose handle

2 - 0 means the protected handle was closed

1 means the wrong handle was closed

The Novell NetWare Client Service version 3.5b can also cause an error.



This error check indicates that a queue entry was removed that contained a null pointer.

This message appears when KeRemoveQueue removes a data queue while the flink or blink field is 0. This is almost always due to misapplying the current object's running element code, but misapplying any queue can also lead to this error. The rule is that input to the queue can only be done once. When an element is removed from the queue, its flink field is 0. This error occurs when an attempt is made to remove data whose flink or blink fields are 0. In order to resolve this error, you need to figure out the queue it refers to. If this queue is one of the EX workerqueues (ExWorkerQueue), then the object being deleted is WORK_QUEUE_ITEM. This error implies that this is the cause. The error parameters help identify a driver that is not using the queue correctly.


MmLoadSystemImage was called to load the bound image. This is not supported by the kernel. Make sure bind.exe has not been run for the picture.


1 – Address of data in the queue, flink/blink field of which is zero.

2 - Address to the referencing queue. This is usually one of the ExWorkerQueues queues.

3 – Starting address of the ExWorkerQueue array. This will help determine if the queue in question is one of the ExWorkerQueue queues and if so, offset from this parameter will reveal the queue.

4 - If this is an ExWorkerQueue queue (as it usually is), this is the address of the running routine that would be called if the running item were valid. This can be used to identify a driver that is not properly using the work queue.

The problem is caused incorrect driver equipment.


This error check indicates that the trial period for the Microsoft Windows operating system has ended.


ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was called with the wrong set of parameters.


The Microsoft Windows operating system detected a license agreement violation.

The BSoD occurs when the user tries to change the product type of the offline system, or when the trial period of the Windows Assessment Module changes.


One of possible causes blue screen - damage hard drive. File system corruption or bad blocks (sectors) on the disk can cause this error. Corrupt SCSI and IDE drivers can also have a negative impact on the system's ability to read and write to the hard drive, thus causing this error.

Another possible reason is the depletion of the nonpaged memory pool. During the indexing process, if the amount of non-paged memory pool available is very low, another driver requiring the non-paged memory pool may raise an error.

Resolve disk corruption: Check the Event Viewer for SCSI and FASTFAT (System Log) or Autochk (Application Log) error messages, which can pinpoint the device or driver that is causing the error. Try disabling any anti-virus programs, backup programs, or disk defragmenter tools that continuously monitor the system. You should also run hardware diagnostics on the system.

Run the Chkdsk /f /r command to detect and repair any structural file system corruption. You must restart the system before disk scanning starts on the system partition.

Need to solve nonpaged pool depletion issue: add new physical memory to the computer. This will increase the amount of nonpaged memory pool available to the kernel.


Fatal error Machine Check Exception.

This happens because your computer's processor detects an error and tells Windows XP about it. To do this, it uses Machine Check Exception (MCE) for Pentium processors or Machine Check Architecture (MCA) for some Pentium Pro processors. The error can be caused by the following:

System bus errors

Parity problems in memory or Error Correction Code (ECC)

Caching issues in the processor or in the hardware

Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB) problems in the processor

Other CPU issues

Other hardware issues

An error may occur if:

1. You have overclocked the processor or bus. In this case, set the operating parameters recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Not a stable power supply. Make sure your PSU is working properly.

3. Overheating. Overheating of any components may cause this error. Make sure all fans are working properly.

4. Damaged memory or memory not suitable for your computer. Make sure the memory is working properly and the model is compatible with your configuration.


This error can also occur if:

1. You have changed the settings in the BIOS that affect the configuration of the system kernel

2. You installed XP from an image of someone else's system

3. Some equipment is not connected correctly

This is due to the fact that the machine check does not match the already installed kernel configuration.

IN Windows Vista On and later operating systems, blue screen 0x0000009C occurs only under the following circumstances:

WHEA is not fully initialized;

All processors that converge have no register errors.

Under other circumstances, this error has been superseded by BSoD 0x00000124: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR.


This issue occurs because of a race condition between a thread that is freeing the kernel stack and another thread that is allocating memory. This issue occurs if memory allocation attempts occur before the worker thread clears the kernel memory stack.

Hardware mechanisms have detected kernel-mode services that are not running. However, resource exhaustion issues (including memory leaks, lock contention) can block critical user-mode components by not blocking deferred procedure calls (DPCs) or by depleting the nonpaged memory pool.

On Microsoft operating systems Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, and Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 (SP4) BSoD can be caused by user mode. The blue screen 0x0000009E only occurs if the user has set HangRecoveryAction to 3.

Also, the error may appear when adding additional disk drives for failover clusters in Windows Server 2008 R2


The driver is in an inconsistent or unstable power state. In most cases, this occurs due to power failures, while turning off the computer or resuming from standby or hibernate.

Windows XP and higher

The cause of this stop is a device driver that could not survive the call to change the power state.

You should update or uninstall an inoperative device driver or file system filter driver that may have been installed by an antivirus program. remote access or CDW/CDRW software.

Use the following to locate the driver:

1. Use %SystemRoot%System32Sigverif.exe to check for drivers that didn't pass Microsoft's tests (unsigned drivers).

2. Check with your system vendor for driver updates.

3. Update software that may have file system filter drivers.

4. Remove hardware components, as well as software that are not required.

5. Install another Windows on a different partition. And install the software, immediately checking until you identify a vulnerable program.


Points to fatal error power manager.

P When you try to convert your computer to Windows control Vista or Windows Server 2008 in sleep mode, you receive a fatal error message.

This issue occurs because of an error in the Atapi.sys file. Before Windows Vista enters hibernation, Windows Vista has a memory write of the hibernation file on the disk. However, in some cases, disk may not return the correct value when you try to initialize the appropriate system storage stack. When a storage drive returns an incorrect value, Windows Vista stops responding.

Update your OS


0x000000A1 appears when an inconsistency is detected in its internal structure by the driver PCI bus and not being able to continue working.


0x000000A2 indicates that the in-memory image of the executable is corrupted.

The memory checksum (CRC) has stopped working.

Check memory for errors.


0x000000A3 indicates that the ACPI driver has detected an internal inconsistency.

The inconsistency in the ACPI driver is so severe that continued operation would cause serious problems.

A possible source of this problem is a BIOS error.


0x000000A4 indicates an error in the CNSS file system filter.

The CNSS_FILE_SYSTEM_FILTER BSoD can occur due to a non-paged pool overflow. If the nonpaged memory pool is completely full, this error can halt the system. If, during the indexing process, the amount of non-paged memory pool available is very low, another driver that requires the non-paged memory pool can also trigger this error.

Resolve the nonpaged memory pool depletion problem: Add new physical memory to the computer. This will increase the amount of nonpaged memory pool available to the kernel.


This message is caused by persistent failures in the ACPI BIOS. At the operating system level, this problem cannot be solved. A detailed analysis is needed.

This can happen if it is found that Computer BIOS not fully compliant with configuration and power (ACPI).

To resolve this issue, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain a BIOS update that is fully ACPI compliant.

To work around this issue, you must manually install the standard computer hardware abstraction layer (HAL):

Restart your computer and run the installer again.

After re-launching the installer, press F7 (not F6) when the "Press F6 if you need to install a custom SCSI or RAID driver" screen appears.

Windows automatically disables ACPI HAL installations and installs the standard PC HAL.


This error means that a kernel-mode check of the descriptor table found an inconsistent entry in the state table.


This error means that the unload session check occurred while the driver session was still held in memory.

The error occurs because the session driver does not release its pool allocations before the session is unloaded. This error check indicates an error in Win32k.sys, Atmfd.dll, Rdpdd.dll, or the video driver.

The blue screen of death is familiar to every user of operating systems of the Windows family. For some users, it appears so often that they begin to think that this is a normal phenomenon. But it's not. Let's understand what the blue screen of death is. This is an error that appears when booting up or after a sudden shutdown of the computer. It indicates the presence of problems with the operating system or internal hardware. Only by understanding the causes of occurrence, you can eliminate it as effectively as possible.

If a blue screen of death appears on a computer with Windows 7, then we bring to your attention this article, it will definitely help you find and fix this problem.

Blue screen of death, its causes

The causes of the blue screen can be divided into two main groups:

  • Systemic. Operating system issues: no desired files, necessary for correct operation Windows, incorrectly installed OS, malware infection software or file and so on.
  • Hardware. Problems with computer hardware: hard drive or video card failure, processor overheating, and so on.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the error, you must carefully examine the contents of the blue screen. After all, it is on it that all the information the user needs is indicated, namely: the cause of the error and even recommendations for its elimination.

If the information that is indicated on the screen is not enough, then the computer can be configured specifically to diagnose the blue screen of death.

File corruption win32k sys causes a blue screen. Therefore, it is definitely worth checking and scanning other directories.


The Windows blue screen or memory dump is a reflection of the working (or not quite) state of the operating system at a certain period of time. Since immediately after the appearance of a critical error, after which a sharp shutdown of the device may follow, Windows displays all the necessary information on the famous blue screen, then for further diagnostics you just need to remember it: rewrite it or take a picture.

The main trouble is that the blue screen is shown for a strictly limited time. After that, the reboot mechanism starts. Therefore, it can be difficult for an unprepared user who does not know where to look to have time to rewrite the necessary information.

To disable auto-reboot of the device, that is, when the computer or laptop immediately starts to reboot, immediately after the blue screen of death appears, you need to activate the recording of small memory dumps, that is, part of its important content. To do this, you need to do the following:

Blue screen of death now Windows boot 7 will not disappear immediately, so you will have time to rewrite the necessary information.

Error decoding

Since any problem can cause a blue screen of death, in order to fix the error, it is necessary to identify it.

As soon as you managed to take a picture of the blue screen when loading Windows or write down the information that appears on it, you can begin to decipher the error that caused it:

  • The first line of the system in English politely notifies that a critical shutdown of Windows has occurred.
  • The following is what exactly caused the problem. This can be the name of a file or driver for a video card, audio card, TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS, and so on. If this line is missing, then the cause of the error should be sought in the computer hardware.
  • A user-friendly error name, such as DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, indicates that an error occurred while installing the driver.
  • This is followed by a large body of text in which Windows suggests Possible Solution Problems. For example, check that the drivers are installed correctly, start the disk check service, perform a system restore, and so on.
  • After the word STOP, a technical error code is indicated for its more accurate identification and elimination. It can look like 0x1000007e, 0x00000116 and the like.
  • Below, the system will possibly re-indicate the names of files or drivers such as TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NTOSKRNL.SYS, NETIO.SYS and the like, which may have caused the blue screen.
  • Additionally, depending on the type of problem, Windows may issue an address random access memory on which the critical error occurred. By analogy with the STOP code, it will probably have a format like Address 0x00000116.

Knowing this information, it becomes clear how to remove the blue screen of death.

Problems with a blue screen in 90% of cases are of the most banal nature and appear among users who are poorly versed in computers, so they often neglect to install system updates, drivers, the correct procedure for uninstalling programs, and so on.

Corrupt acpi sys file can cause a blue screen, so in order to fix the error, you need to replace it with a working one.

Even if the screen says that the error was caused by files like tcpip, ntoskrnl, fltmgr, netio, ntkrnlpa, the first thing to do is:

It will not be superfluous to defragment, check and clean the registry. It is best to do this with the help of special software. One of these programs is .

With its help, it is also possible to check the availability of all the files and libraries necessary for the stable operation of the operating system. If some of them are missing or damaged, the program will offer to download and replace them. You can make a copy if you wish. original files and save it anywhere on your hard drive.

Screen of death when loading or installing Windows

If you do not know how to remove the blue screen of death when Windows installation 7, please read the following information carefully. This error can only occur in three cases if:

  • faulty x64 operating system image;
  • working image, but faulty hardware (error 0x00000116, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, ntoskrnl);
  • BIOS setup was incorrect.

If during the installation of Windows XP the blue screen repeats again and again, but you are sure that computer hardware OK, then the problem is most likely the faulty operating system image you are using.

Blue screen during installation or Windows recovery may occur due to a faulty internal storage(HDD) or formatted incorrectly. Do not neglect the standard procedure for checking the health of the used OS image, disk or flash drive. All this information can be found on the screen. Correct other problems in the same way.

Missing or corrupted system files

If you do not know how to remove the blue screen of death that occurs due to missing or damaged system files or libraries like TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS or error 0x00000116, then this method is for you. It is also suitable for errors caused by other files with the extension .SYS, .DLL, .EXE. To do this, you can use a special third-party distributed shareware utility. One of the most popular is .

After installing the program, you need to run it and start scanning using the Start button. Next, the utility will offer to scan files like ntoskrnl, dxgkrnl, igdpmd64, fltmgr, tcpip, netio, ntkrnlpa. Additionally, the program will check other directories. If you are sure that it was the nvlddmkm sys file that caused the blue screen of Windows 7 or any other whose name you must know for sure, then you can check it.

Once the scan is completed, it will prompt:

  • replace the file if it was really damaged;
  • proceed to check other system files if the specified file is not damaged;
  • only delete the faulty file if you want to replace it yourself;
  • do nothing but open the folder with corrupted file For independent decision Problems.

Optionally, you can install other applications for automatic search damaged system files and their replacement. Some of them similarly identify and fix driver-related problems.

Reset BIOS

If you have recently made BIOS changes or tried to overclock the processor, then it is possible that the problem is caused by this. Therefore, you should definitely try to return its default settings. You can do this in several ways:


And this article was considered: what is the blue screen of death, its causes. A decoding of the errors was given, and various options for eliminating the breakdowns that occurred were proposed. Now if you get a screen again Windows death 7, then you already know what to do.

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Hello, friends! Finally, we got to the topic of blue screens in Windows. This is familiar to every fan of operating rooms. Microsoft systems. When I first started my acquaintance with computers, I thought that it should be so. Once a week or two to catch a blue screen is normal. Technique after all, as they say, not iron. But no. As it turned out good users this is extremely rare. And the less often the better. Moreover, the OS is trying in every possible way to help you with this by displaying hints on Windows 7 blue screen of death(in the information on the screen there is much less) about which you can and with great probability solve your problem. This is what we will do with you.

While we are not head over heels in the technical moments, I will say. The main thing is to determine the driver and the error code that caused the blue screen. This is what most of the article is devoted to. Then, using the help of the old and kind, look for answers. This is the magic formula for eliminating critical errors in operating rooms. Windows systems.

Configuring Your Computer to Diagnose Blue Screens of Death in Windows 7

A memory dump is an image of memory or its contents at a specific point in time. Accordingly, a minidump or a small dump is part of the contents of the memory. Most likely important.

On the Advanced tab, under Boot and Recovery

Click OK

All. The computer is configured to be blue screen friendly.

In principle, this is already enough to diagnose and search by error code.

Now you need to tell where to look and what to write down.

The figure shows a typical.

What is there:

  1. Error name
  2. What can you try to do so that this does not happen again?
  3. STOP error code (0x1000007e)
  4. Error Options
  5. The file or driver that may have caused the blue screen
  6. The address, it seems to me, where the error may have occurred

Now you can start searching for information without worry:

  • by error name
  • by error code
  • by error code + driver (5)
  • by error code and first parameter

Here you can wish you success and patience. Don't give up because you are not the only one. For sure, your mistake has already been sorted to the bone on some forum.

Memory dump analysis with BlueScreenView

The BlueScreenView utility will help us get useful information analyzing dumps.

You can download it from the official site

You can see the bit depth of your Windows in the properties of your .

Start > Computer > Properties section System Type

You can read more about the bitness of Windows in.

In the table below you can download your language for the program. Download, unpack and copy the BlueScreenView_lng.ini file to the program folder. Restart the program and it is in your native language.

Russified versions can be downloaded below

  • For 64-bit — bluescreenview-x64.rar
  • For 32-bit — bluescreenview-x32.rar

BlueScreenView determines the location of minidumps by default


If you have other dumps (for example, you want to analyze dumps from ) you can copy them to the same folder. If you don't want to interfere with dumps different computers, then you can copy them to the root of the C drive and delete them after analysis.

In any case, you must specify the location of them

The first thing to do is this. Second, it's on the motherboard. After that, work and see if there are blue screens. If they do, read on.

You can break the causes of blue screens of death in Windows into three components:

  1. Equipment
  2. Drivers
  3. Programs

Computer hardware or accessories

One of the most common causes of blue screens in this category is RAM errors. Will have to test. How to do it - .

There may also be problems with the storage system. In other words - your wants to retire. Need to be produced. And yes. Lack of hard drive space can also cause a BSOD.

After we have tested all the components it would be nice to give a load to the whole system using the same eg.

If all the components individually pass the test, and if the total load fails, then it may fail. For the duration of the test, it is desirable to install a more powerful PSU. At the same time, it would be good to measure the temperatures and if they are sky-high, then either carry the component under warranty if any.

Another great option is to unplug all the connectors from the back wall and inside it (from motherboard, video cards, and , from optical drives) and reconnect. Perhaps some contact has oxidized and because of this the system does not receive proper power.

I completely forgot about the BIOS. At the time of the tests, it is desirable to remove all overclocking and generally reset the default settings. You can read about BIOS setup.

If it does not help, then it is desirable.


According to some unverified sources, they are the causes of 70% of blue screens of death.

If it does not help, then go to the website of the equipment manufacturer and download the latest driver, remove the old one. And install a new one.

You can simply uninstall the driver in the Device Manager. Select a suspicious device. Right click on it and select Properties. On .

If there are no fresh drivers, install an older version. If nothing helps here, then check the compatibility of the equipment with your Windows. If there is no compatibility, then either change the equipment, or.

Drivers that in most cases cause the blue screen of death - .


With programs as well as with drivers. First you need to reinstall the existing one. Then go to the developer's website and download the latest version. If fresh versions no try the older one.

An excellent program for removing other programs with all the giblets is.

Also, one of the possible causes of critical errors is the installation of two anti-virus solutions at once on one. This is absolutely not recommended.


This is what I will do with mine, since it also sometimes pleases me with its Windows 7 blue screens of death.

The most important! Download drivers, programs and other things from official sites! This will greatly increase the survivability of your system.

A few more links so as not to lose them yourself.

Reading 6 min. Views 223 Published on 05.12.2016

Many of you have probably already heard from friends and acquaintances more than once about such a concept as Windows 7 blue screen of death, which appeared on their computer, it is also called BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us that, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. The death screen shows error codes that can be used to understand why it is happening, and from this to conclude which component of the computer is failing or a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 started to issue a BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and for this you need to write down the error code in your notebook or take a picture of the monitor screen, and then, having filled in the error data, in the search bar or, we are looking for what it means or we read the article in full, in it you will find the codes of the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will carry out preparatory work with you.

Configuring Windows 7 to diagnose BSOD

In order for us to have time to write down or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

It is necessary to turn off the restart of the PC when an error occurs, as well as enable the recording of debugging information in a memory dump.

  • Memory dump- the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let's say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of the memory that is written to the hard drive during crashes, leaving only the most important information there.

In order to go to the system settings, open "Start", select "Computer", click on it right click mouse and select "Properties"

A new window will open, in which we select the "Advanced" tab and click the "Options" button in the "Download and Recovery" item

Next, we look at the section "Write debugging information" there you need to select "Small memory dump 256 KB"

Now your computer is set up, the next time it crashes, it will not restart, and you can safely write down the error code or take a picture of it.

Blue Screen of Death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer gives such an error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, any component of the computer has failed) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM - problems with the hard disk file system, this problem can occur in several cases:

* the presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard drive

* damage to the structure of the file system.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - when this error occurs, the Windows operating system says that it could not access the boot partition of the disk. There can be many problems causing this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: the hard drive is damaged, the controller is faulty, individual computer components are faulty, or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL - this error may appear when there is a problem with drivers or some Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory, respectively, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, system errors Windows services or because of a corrupted file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR - the operating system is unable to read data from memory. This error can cause failing RAM, problems with hard drive due to unreadable sectors or HDD controller problem.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR - The OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard drive. The main causes of this error: a problem with RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error that appears at the kernel level of the system. The reasons that caused it can be both hardware and software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED - an error caused by a software failure, problems with system services, drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a RAM failure or a video adapter failure.

Windows 7 blue screen of death, what to do?

After we have determined what error we are getting, we need to establish the reason for which our computer began to crash. For this, it is necessary to remember which last changes happened on your computer. You may have installed new program or updated drivers for some device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the last installed programs, as well as roll back the drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in the system unit, then you need to turn it off and observe the operation of the computer.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software failure, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Run Windows startup with last known good configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using the standard Windows function.

I advise you to check the amount of remaining free space on the system partition of the hard disk, as a small amount of memory can cause system crashes. Do not forget to check your computer for viruses, for this you can use free utility Dr.Web Cureit or a utility from the Kaspersky Lab KVRT. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest package Windows updates 7.

reset BIOS settings By default, incorrect overclocking of computer components may have been performed, due to which the hardware works at incorrect settings that differ from the factory settings, thereby malfunctioning. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and to save the settings, F10. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.

If you recently climbed into the inside of the system unit to remove dust, then it is possible that some connector was connected incorrectly or not tightly. To eliminate this kind of problems, pull the RAM out of the connectors and insert it back until it clicks. Also check the connection of all cables, pull out other components installed in system unit and reconnect.

In order to rule out failures of RAM and hard drive, perform a stress test for them, for example, with the Aida program. If the components fail this test, replace them with known-good components and check the operation of the computer.

That's all for me, now you know what to do with the blue screen of death in Windows 7.

The blue screen of death or BSOD (The blue screen of death) is always a very disturbing symptom of computer problems. This screen appears when Windows detects a critical error that the system is unable to fix on its own. As a result, a restart of the computer is requested, and very often this results in the loss of all unsaved changes.

The blue screen of death is the worst error that a computer user can face. Unlike application crashes, a critical crash with a BSOD disrupts the functionality of the entire system. Usually, the blue screen of death appears as a result of low-level software failures or problems with the computer's hardware components.

Causes of BSOD

Usually blue screens of death are caused by a malfunction of the computer hardware or drivers. Normal applications should not cause BSOD. In case of a fall third party programs do not cause a malfunction of the operating system. Most common causes BSODs are hardware failures or software issues at the Windows kernel level. There are crashes associated with antivirus updates.

The blue screen usually appears when Windows detects a “STOP error”. This critical fall causes the Windows system to stop working. In this case, it remains only to forcibly turn off the computer and restart it. This procedure can result in loss of unsaved data because applications have no real chance to save changes. In an ideal scenario, programs should regularly save progress so that BSODs or other errors do not lead to data loss.

When a blue screen of death occurs, Windows automatically creates and saves to disk a “minidump” memory dump file that contains information about a critical crash. Users can view the information in the dumps - it can help identify the cause of the BSOD crash.

By default, Windows automatically restarts the computer when a blue screen of death occurs. If your computer restarts without apparent reason, then it might be related to the blue screen.

If you want to see detailed information when a blue screen appears, you should disable automatic restart in the Windows Control Panel.

  1. Click on the "My Computer" icon.
  2. Right-click and select "Properties".
  3. From the left navigation menu, select the “Advanced system settings” option.
  4. Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Startup and Recovery" section, click the "Options" button.
  5. In the "System failure" section, uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" option.

The BlueScreenView application offers an easy way to view BSOD information. The program automatically scans all memory dump files and displays crash data.

Similar information can be viewed using the classic Event Viewer application built into the system. True, in this case, BSOD messages will be displayed in the same list with application crashes and other system log messages.

For developers or advanced users, a powerful debugger is more suitable dumps WinDbg from Microsoft.

Finding and fixing vulnerabilities

On Windows 7 and newer Windows versions, BSOD information is also displayed in the action center. If you encounter a BSOD error, you can open the Action Center and check the available solutions. Windows will analyze the BSOD and other types of errors on the computer and provide recommendations on how to fix the problem.

You can often get more information about a blue screen error by searching for a specific error message - for example, "Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal". The new BSOD screens on Windows systems themselves prompt users to search the Internet to get a detailed look at possible problems.

  • Use the System Restore Wizard. If the system has recently started experiencing BSOD crashes, use the System Restore feature to return the system to a previous stable state. If this helps, then the problem was probably caused by software bugs.
  • Check the system for malware. Threats that penetrate deep into the Windows kernel can cause system stability problems. Run a malware scan on your computer to make sure that the system crash is not caused by insidious malware.
  • Install driver updates. An incorrectly installed or faulty driver can lead to crashes. Download and install the latest drivers for computer components from the manufacturer's official website - this can help you deal with BSOD.
  • Boot in safe mode. If your computer is constantly crashing with BSOD, then try to boot into safe mode. In a safe Windows mode loads only the most basic drivers. If the blue screen of death appears due to installed driver, then there will be no critical error in safe mode, and you can fix the problem.
  • Run hardware diagnostics. Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware. Try running a memory test for errors and check the temperature individual elements PC to make sure it doesn't overheat.
  • Reinstall Windows. Clean installation of the system is a radical step, but it will get rid of possible problems installed programs. If after reinstalling the system, BSOD errors going on, which is most likely related to the hardware.

Even a completely serviceable computer in rare cases may experience crashes with BSOD for no apparent reason - due to driver errors, installed applications or hardware components.

If you encounter BSODs very infrequently (say, once every two years), then there is no reason to worry. If errors with BSOD pop up regularly, then you need to look for the cause and fix the problem.

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