How to get region 777. Is it possible to officially get a beautiful number from the traffic police?

The attention of Moscow motorists turned out to be focused on the new numbers with the region code 777, which the capital began issuing last week. An ordinary event aroused great interest among most drivers after publications in a government publication, which stated that the first number in the series “a001aa777” was received by an ordinary Muscovite driving an inexpensive car. The combination of three letters “a” in the number, which motorists themselves call “anna”, has a purely aesthetic function, but does not give any privileges on the roads.

“It (the number) went to a completely ordinary woman, who put it on one of the most popular, but inexpensive car models,” the publication said, but the journalists did not name the exact model.

Later, photographs of a Mercedes GL 500 4Matic car with the number “a001aa777” began to appear on thematic websites on the Internet. The cost of such a new car starts from 5.2 million rubles.

First photo This SUV was made in the area of ​​Volgogradsky Prospekt, along which the car moves in the direction of the region. The second picture of the car was taken in the VIP parking lot of the air show, which took place near the city of Zhukovsky (Volgogradka goes exactly in the direction of this city). Internet users do not rule out that the photograph was processed with Photoshop, however, in the “blue buckets” of Gazeta.Ru they refuted these assumptions, confirming the authenticity of the photographs.

According to Gazeta.Ru’s source in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, information about the owners of the new “beautiful” license plates was provided to the publication by the capital’s traffic police. However, the traffic cops named a completely different model, not a premium Mercedes.

At the same time, the author of the material requested information from the traffic police about other “beautiful” combinations new series- “a100aa”, “a111aa”, etc. Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate stated that all these numbers were received by ordinary owners of ordinary cars. “They named cars such as Nissan Teana, Ford Focus, Nissan Almera, Mitsubishi Outlander,” says the interlocutor.

In addition, the publication’s journalist managed to find the owner of the number “a001aa777”, but the woman flatly refused to make contact.

Photos of other cars with new series numbers are already appearing online. The second state sign in the “a002aa777” series was received by the car owner of another premium German-made SUV - the Volkswagen Touareg. The number “a212aa777” appeared on the Porsche Cayenn, and “a005aa777” on the faster BMW 3 Series.

The Moscow traffic police told Gazeta.Ru that the distribution of license plates is carried out in automatic mode and the influence of the human factor is excluded.

“A person arrives at the unit, joins the electronic queue and computer program determines which number he will get,” said the interlocutor at the department. “Automation is needed in order to eliminate the human factor.” The traffic police do not rule out that the owner of the first number in the 777 series could have several cars and simply received a number for one, and then registered it for another. However, the traffic police promised to clarify the exact information about how this number was issued in the afternoon.

The coordinator of the “blue bucket” society, Peter, told Gazeta.Ru that, despite the advent of automation, getting beautiful room You can still follow the old scheme - by agreeing with the inspector of the registration department. “The computer may be working for them, but the traffic cops have somehow learned to bypass these programs,” Shkumatov is sure.

According to the activist, a stir in Moscow is expected around a combination of number combinations in which two groups of sevens will appear - 777 in the number and 777 in the area code. The cost of such a room will reach 15 million rubles, says Shkumatov.

Already appeared on the Internet announcement about the sale of the number “a777aa777” for 900 thousand rubles. Just a day later, a message appeared stating that the state sign had already been sold.

At the same time, this number will not provide any practical use or any privileges on the roads, except for easy memorization and attention from other motorists, warns the coordinator.

The appearance of the new series is due to the fact that Moscow simply ran out of license plates with two-digit and also three-digit region codes starting with the number 1. In this regard, Moscow became the first city where traffic police departments issue registration plates with three-digit region codes with a seven in front. The capital's traffic cops have already received a batch of 500 thousand such numbers.

After the 777 series, the issuance of 799 and 797 will begin. As the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate explained to Gazeta.Ru, the number 7 was chosen for technical reasons. The fact is that the sizes of each number and letter are clearly stated in GOST. In order not to rewrite the document, you can squeeze only two digits into the number without changing its size - 1 and 7. However, the series with one have already exhausted their limit, so only seven remains.

The next regions in whose three-digit codes a seven will appear ahead will be the Primorsky Territory (series 725 will appear there), the Krasnodar Territory (723) and Bashkiria (702).

A resident of Novosibirsk, who works and lives in Moscow, had to go home to get registration plates for his car. The code on the number “gave away its origin,” which became a reason for snobbery, as well as a basis for suspicion of traffic cops who preferred to stop nonresidents in Moscow or Muscovites on vacation.

The Moscow traffic police departments have run out of registration plates with code 777, and now inspectors are issuing plates with the Moscow region code 750 to new cars. When the regional “tins” run out, the capital will begin to hang plates on cars with the code of other regions of Russia.

License plates with code 777: what region is it?

In the near future, new registration plates may begin to be issued in other regions. Experts believe that there is an urgent need to change state standards. Some even propose introducing a system, like in the United States, where you can write any word on license plates.

The sevens were not chosen by chance. This is not due to the fact that in order to use other digits the registration plate design standards would have to be significantly changed. The fact is that the standards for registration plates are quite strict. The sizes of each number and letter must be the same regardless of the series.

New license plates with region code 777 began to be issued in Moscow

It will be possible to obtain such numbers as before: “A person approaches the unit, submits an application for registration vehicle, pays the state duty, shows the car to the inspector, all the data is checked, after which he receives license plates with the paid receipts.”

“The number was not chosen by chance, we conducted a special study and found out that video recording cameras best recognize the “seven” and it takes up exactly as much space on the license plate as needed,” said Viktor Nilov, head of the main department for ensuring road safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. . Read the full text of the interview on the RIA Novosti website >>

However, this is too much luck, which you shouldn’t hope for: most likely, traffic police officers will be afraid to offer illegal services. Therefore the most real way to get what you want - look for acquaintances, acquaintances from acquaintances in the traffic police. And now, with their help, illusory hope can come true and your car will be decorated with three sevens. The cost of such rooms varies greatly - from 5 thousand and above. It depends on the region of your residence and the greed of the traffic police officer who will become a good “fairy” who will make your dream come true.

But you shouldn’t rely too much on the method described above - it’s unlikely that you will be given numbers for which many people are willing to pay a tidy sum. In the best case, the traffic police officers themselves will offer to purchase it unofficially - of course, for an amount significantly different from the cost of the state duty.

Is it possible to officially get a nice license plate from the traffic police?

In 2020-2020, the government announced new idea– trade signs directly when purchasing a car at a dealership or during registration with an inspectorate. This means that the question “Is it possible to officially buy a beautiful license plate for a car at the traffic police” may be closed in the near future.

  1. The desire to look respectable. Psychologically, a person feels close to representatives of certain structures, which gives him confidence. He also understands that people will react differently on the road when they encounter a car with a “criminal” license plate – they will be less likely to want to enter into conflict: cut off less, honk, etc. Many people buy similar numbers for all their family cars and are happy;
  2. The desire to avoid punishment for violating traffic rules, feel freer while traveling. When such numbers are installed on an expensive car, some traffic police officers may consider the driver to be a person with great connections and money and not stop him. However, according to the assurances of many government officials, one should not count on this;
  3. Belief in the magical power of numbers. Each sign is assigned a specific meaning, which symbolizes the owner or attracts success, wealth, etc.

How to get numbers with region 777

Issuance of numbers with area code 777 began in Moscow at the end of August 2013. At the same time, motorists suspected the traffic police of selling “beautiful” license plates of the new series. The traffic police denied these allegations, explaining that license plates of the 777 series are distributed automated system or are issued one by one in ascending order.

The State Traffic Inspectorate also disclosed information about the brands of the first cars that received “AAA” series numbers with region code 777. Among them were Hyundai cars (64 cars), and Nissan cars (63 cars) were in second place in the number of “beautiful” license plates issued. Kia cars took third place - 58 cars of this Korean brand were assigned a new series of license plates. In fourth, fifth and sixth places were premium Mercedes-Benz (55 cars, fifth place), Audi (54 cars, sixth place), BMW (54 cars, seventh place).


EKH- has weight in regions 77, 99, 199, 177, 97. Perhaps the most famous special series in the Russian Federation, which is most widely heard. People decipher it as “I Eat As I Want” (there are also more severe interpretations). Belongs to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to buy EKH in the Moscow region, only in the region.

How to get numbers with region 777

The newspaper claims that the first issue received by an “ordinary woman” who took him to an inexpensive car. In fact, as members of the Blue Buckets community established, the first badge with the combination “a001aa777” went to the owner of an elite Mercedes. According to participants in the public movement, the cost of such a number can reach 15 million rubles.

Drivers were the first to receive signs with three letters A. Among drivers, the AAA series is considered privileged; previously it could be “purchased” from traffic police officers for an impressive amount. Now, as Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes, license plates with three A are issued as a state fee.

Moscow license plates are issued in Sevastopol

Numbers with code 777 have been issued in Moscow since the fall of 2013, and the beginning of issuance was accompanied by scandals and police accusations of non-transparent procedures and corruption. Probably, this situation was the reason for the statements of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, that “beautiful rooms” would not be sold in Sevastopol.

Cars with Russian license plates and region code 777. Sevastopol residents who have already replaced their license plates say that 777 is the code for Moscow and the Moscow region. Such numbers are considered prestigious; some car owners specially travel from other regions of Russia to get this “beautiful number” to Moscow to register their car.

Criminal license plates for cars and special license plates in Moscow and the region

AMP97- the most “criminal” special series of license plates in Russian Federation. This series appeared as a result of replacing the numbers with the flag. It’s impossible to buy, renting is already warmer. They are usually installed on the official cars of top officials of the state, deputies of the State Duma, the Federation Council, high-ranking officials of the FSO, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. If your car has such a number, most likely your life is good :)

IN this section The various series of license plates that were issued and installed on official cars of law enforcement agencies and cars from the garage of administrative bodies and structures are briefly described. Many of the listed series of numbers were subsequently issued in the general window of the MREO and ordinary (or unusual) private owners could become owners. Today, many such special series have absolutely nothing to do with government agencies, and a traffic police officer will be little impressed by a series, for example, EKH90 on the new Porsche Cayenne. However, with the right selection of special license plates and car models, it is quite possible to achieve a favorable effect on the road!

05 Aug 2018 1637

2 September 2013 14:57 MR
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In Moscow, they began issuing license plates with the region code 777. Motorists received the first license plates on Friday, August 30. The issuance of numbers with three sevens at the end began due to the fact that numbers with other series simply ended.

Drivers were the first to receive signs with three letters A. Among drivers, the AAA series is considered privileged; previously it could be “purchased” from traffic police officers for an impressive amount. Now, as Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes, license plates with three A are issued as a state fee.

The newspaper claims that the first issue received by an “ordinary woman” who took him to an inexpensive car. In fact, as members of the Blue Buckets community established, the first badge with the combination “a001aa777” went to the owner of an elite Mercedes. According to participants in the public movement, the cost of such a number can reach 15 million rubles.

Moscow has a new region code due to a shortage of license plates, the traffic police explain. A similar situation is now observed in several other regions of Russia. The shortage of rooms is felt in Bashkiria, Krasnodar Territory, Primorye, and St. Petersburg.

In Primorye for new cars soon they will start displaying license plates 725, in Bashkiria - 702, in the Krasnodar Territory - 723 and 793. In St. Petersburg, as previously reported, cars will receive license plates with the region code 798. The traffic police say that the number 7 was not chosen by chance - it is seven that photo radars read better Total.

Every year the number of cars on Russian roads increases. Thus, in 2013, a record increase in the number of transport vehicles was recorded, equal to two million cars. It was then that the first cars with the lucky combination “777” in place of the region code appeared on the country’s highways. Many motorists ask: in which city’s traffic police can you get such license plates? Let's answer this question.

Which city code was “777”: why?

In the second half of 2013, the Moscow traffic police announced that they had exhausted the database of numbers where the region code was designated:

  • or 199;
  • or 197.

The two-digit code has been used for a long time; the limit of numbers (with codes “77”, “99” and “97”) was exhausted back in 2004. Then the authorities issued permission to use new series, where the region code became three-digit. They lasted only ten years. That is why cars with the region code stamped with the combination “777” began to appear on Moscow roads.

The sevens were not chosen by chance. This is not due to the fact that in order to use other digits the registration plate design standards would have to be significantly changed. The fact is that the standards for registration plates are quite strict. The sizes of each number and letter must be the same regardless of the series.

In order not to completely change the accepted standard, the authorities decided to place one and seven in the code, since these are the narrowest numbers. In addition to the combination “777”, numbers with codes “799” and “797” will appear.

When did the issuance of numbers begin?

The first numbers, where the region code was indicated by the combination “777,” were issued by the capital’s traffic police at the end of August 2013. This event was not without scandal. Representatives of the department stated that the registration plate “A 001 AAA 777” was issued to an ordinary Muscovite driving a budget car. In fact, media representatives found a car with this number, and it turned out to be a Mercedes SUV worth more than five million rubles.

Representatives of the traffic police responded to the journalists' claims that the license plate could have been moved to another car. During the investigation, representatives of various publications discovered that the first numbers with a lucky code were received by owners of expensive and premium cars. To all complaints, the traffic police responded that now the system for issuing registration plates is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, which officials cannot influence. In fact, many car enthusiasts claim that you can get a license plate for a beautiful car the same way as in the late nineties - with the help of a bribe. Those who want to purchase a number that is easy to remember are advised on auto forums to view advertisements at auctions more often.

The social movement “Blue Buckets” believed that the new code of the capital region could cause an unprecedented stir among wealthy people. This statement was confirmed, since a few weeks after the start of issuing registration plates of the new series, an advertisement appeared on one of the online auctions for the sale of the “super lucky” license plate “A 777 AA 777” for almost a million rubles. It sold out in more than a day. However, such a number will not bring any privileges to the owner. Its only advantage is the ease of memorization.

Where else will numbers with sevens appear in the “area code” part?

The number of car purchase and sale transactions is growing every year. To reduce the shortage of registration numbers, the authorities allowed:

  • preserve signs when changing ownership;
  • do not change them when deregistering the car;
  • register a car without changing the number when moving to another region.