How to increase mobile Internet traffic: conditions and ways to increase it. How to find out and increase traffic to a VKontakte page Create a free product

Do you know how user behavior has changed? search engines over the last 5-6 years?

Today, the average length of search queries has increased significantly. When turning to search engines, people now formulate precise, specific queries and expect to receive the same clear answers from them.

Unfortunately, pipeline methods for website promotion force most SEO companies to filter out low-frequency queries at the stage of selecting the semantic core and then not use them when promoting the website. And yet, experience shows that low-frequency queries are entered by precisely those people who are already mature and ready to buy. As a result, the customer loses a large share of traffic and “warm” clients.

How to use low-frequency queries to increase site traffic, conversion and real profit? We will tell you and show you with examples from practice.

Don't give up on long-tail requests!

To speed up the process and get quick results, SEO specialists, when compiling a semantic core, discard verbose low-frequency queries and work with phrases up to 3 words long. As a result, more than 70% of targeted traffic is lost. Of course, he is partially attracted to the site, but accidentally and uncontrollably.

Thus, in order to increase site traffic for low-frequency queries, you need to work on a lot of low-frequency queries. Basically, these are queries consisting of many words:

  • “buy a front bumper for a 2000 BMW X5” - 8 words;
  • “recipe for beef with lemon juice in the Redmond SX-232 multicooker” - 9 words;
  • “where to eat delicious sausages in the Moscow metro on the red line” - 10 words.

In many topics, more than 70% of possible traffic contains queries ranging from 4 to 9 words in length. By working through them, you can consciously increase search traffic several times without “dancing with a tambourine.”

Promotion for low-frequency queries: tagging technique

Most often, to attract low-frequency traffic in large volumes, they create a section a la “Useful Articles”. It publishes 5–10 articles per month. Streaming SEO companies typically do this. But we know that even well-known agencies often resort to fraudulent methods...

Do the articles solve the problem? Hardly. Usually these are completely dull texts that do not sell or even direct the user to the page where the desired product is located. This solution has a lot of disadvantages: low speed traffic growth, poor page conversion and turning them (with 1000+ articles on the site) into an unstructured mess.

There is another elegant way: create a semantic structure from category filters. This will increase the volume of landing pages for key queries and increase traffic to the site by 3–8 times, depending on the topic of the project.

The semantic structure of category filters brings the best results:

  • online stores;
  • content projects (blogs, portals).

The semantic structure of category filters is not suitable for landing pages, corporate sites without a catalog, or topics with a small number of long search queries.

How does request frequency relate to length?

Let's look at the example of LED lamps.

1. Define semantics

To do this, we use one or more of the following methods:

  • brainstorm;
  • competitor analysis;
  • Yandex.Wordstat collection;
  • collection of search tips;
  • various programs and services (for example, KeyCollector).

Distribution of total frequency by number of words in the query

Graph “Dependence of total frequency on request length”

As you can see, there is a relationship between the length and frequency of the request.

2. We carry out analytics

  • 60% of traffic comes from queries of 5 or more words.
  • The highest frequency is observed for queries of 5 words (18.8%).
  • Queries 2–3 words long account for only 20% of the total frequency.
  • The identified set of low-frequency query masks can be used to create a semantic structure from category filters and attract targeted traffic to the site.

Benefits of Website Tagging

Filter page fully meets the user's request. Accordingly, by clicking on it, the user receives a comprehensive answer to his request.

Benefits of category filter pages

  1. Low-frequency requests are low-competitive and do not require significant labor costs for promotion.
  2. Correctly identified, structured and semantically integrated search query clouds can generate total traffic of up to 30% of the medium/high frequency parent query.
  3. Low-frequency queries reach the TOP without links, and in some cases, without texts.

How to form the semantic structure of a website using category filters?

1. Think as much as possible about the future structure of the site

The structure must be thoughtful, hierarchically correct and scalable. Creating filter pages indiscriminately is a road to nowhere. After a few months of work, a lot of duplicates will appear, some pages will “hang” on their own, not fitting into the structure of the site. At first, such work will give a small increase.

But subsequently maintaining the site will be problematic, so you need to:

  • Define all filter parameters and their characteristics

For example: p 1, p 2, p 3, ..., p n.

  • Perform normalization of parameters in the page address

For example, if a request goes to a page of the form: /svetilniki/?p3=LED&p1=ceiling&p4=200×200, then due to the placement of redirection rules, normalization should bring the page to the form: /svetilniki/?p1=ceiling&p2=0&p3=LED&p4=200× 200. This way you can avoid duplicate pages with the same parameters.

  • Set clear URLs for filters
  • Perform linking

Moreover, in such a way that the nesting levels of the structure correspond to the length of the search query.

2. Keep it relevant

The main rule when generating a page is strict adherence to relevance. A page written for a low-frequency request must fully answer the user’s question.

3. Consider all the features of the filter page

There are some technical features document markup (filter page):

  • The static CNC URL must be in Latin. It is better not to use Cyrillic.
  • Unique Title. Be sure to include Description. Keywords - optional.
  • H1 - exact occurrence of the low frequency query. For example, “white metal pipe 60 mm” is included, but does not match the Title.
  • H2 - diluted H1 (for example, “Buy a 60 mm white metal pipe in Moscow”).

4. Make pages useful for users

The page should be useful to users and contain unique information compared to other pages on the site. If it is close in meaning to the site's search results pages, search engines will not rank it highly.

5. Create quality content to improve behavioral factors

To have good behavioral factors, the page must be of high quality. Otherwise, you may face sanctions from search engines.

Large retail companies know this

Example of search results for a Wikimart website

Case. How did we increase the number of applications and convert them into sales through low-competition requests?

Our client is a construction company. We created " landing pages» for short low-frequency queries in the following topics:

  • 100% of queries in the TOP 10 of the Google search engine,
  • 90% of queries in the TOP 10 of the Yandex search engine.

Key queries from a selected mask (one of several dozen) codenamed “matching by color” look like this:

  • "buy x green"
  • "X colors of Wenge",
  • etc., where X is the name of the product (hello, NDA?).

Attraction: 3500 targeted visitors per month!

Working with low-frequency queries leads to a noticeable increase in traffic and strengthening the site’s position in search engines. This is clearly demonstrated by the graph:

As you can see, 20 people a week come to the site for key queries. This means that low-frequency queries are commercial and selling. Under no circumstances should you refuse them!

In just 3.5 months, this request mask alone managed to attract 200 people with a low failure rate (15.3%). The viewing depth was 2.21, and the time spent on the site was 2.3 minutes.

If we take into account other sets of low-frequency masks that we have implemented on the site (today there are about 80 of them), we can consider that the site attracts 3500 targeted visitors per month. And this number is constantly growing!

Would you like to receive an offer from us?

Start cooperation

When purchasing such traffic in contextual advertising, the client would pay at least 200,000 rubles per month. Monthly budget for search engine optimization and writing new content - 4 times less, despite the fact that such a result will have a cumulative effect. At a certain point, you can stop working and be content with the existing traffic without paying more for advertising.

Positions in search engines Yandex and Google

What if they didn't?

Our client would expect the following result:

  • loss of market share as competitors are actively developing work with low-frequency queries;
  • advertising costs are ten times higher;
  • the cost of contacting a potential client is significantly higher;
  • There are far fewer clients;
  • The quality of requests from potential clients is low.

Conversion into applications and real buyers is higher!

Conversion into traffic requests for low-frequency queries (1.85%) is higher than the average for the site (1.3%); 64% of applications are converted into sales.

With an average check of 32,000 rubles, monthly traffic generates a turnover of 760,000 rubles. If you subtract advertising costs and costs for purchasing products, you get a margin of 180,000 rubles.

The game is worth the candle

Working with defining masks of low-frequency queries and building systematic work with thousands of such requests, to the benefit of the customer and without the threat of sanctions from the search engine, requires a lot of experience and qualified specialists, and also takes a lot of time. Therefore the majority

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today will not be ordinary, but guest post from one of them, in which he will talk about his experience of achieving this attendance mark. What was done? What worked and what didn't? More on all this below.

Representatives Etxt They try to maintain warm relationships with their clients, so it is not surprising that one of them shared the story of the development of their Internet project. True, for money - since the exchange buys customer stories with payment of up to $200 per story. So, welcome :)

How did I increase website traffic to 300 people per day?

“Like you, when creating a new website, I encountered a problem such as zero attendance or lack of traffic. This issue is especially acute for young projects. Therefore, many of their owners begin to look for resources on the Internet on “how to promote a website.”

I felt sorry for those people who spend hours studying various articles and videos, and I decided to reveal my secrets, which helped increase the traffic on my site to 300 people per day. However, it just so happened that when I finished writing this article, the traffic of my brainchild had already exceeded 500 unique visitors per day. Therefore, I ask you to read this article, and then wait for the continuation, in which I will tell you how to increase website traffic to 500 visitors.

First steps

The first thing I started promoting was adding the site to the most popular search engines - Yandex, Google. You can immediately forget about other search engines, because only Yandex and Google are sources of Russian-language traffic in 90% of cases.

Then I added a link to my project to various website directories. The purpose of links is to help the resource be indexed (many people think that this is not effective - well, this is my experience and my result). This way, there will be a high chance that Yandex or Google will detect and use your link. But this step did not bring results. All my counters and indicators remained unchanged. In addition, some custom registrations in catalogs were dummies.

The next thing I took advantage of were thematic forums. After I found the forums I needed, I registered on them, filled out a profile and started posting. Then, having selected the required topic, I left a link to my website there. I believe that visiting 15 forums is enough. The main thing is that they are “alive” and that they are not covered external links tagged nofollow. All these steps will bring you your first traffic.

Many people think that creating a website is the only thing they have to do. But I assure you that the first six months will have to be devoted to the project entirely and free of charge. Almost all efforts will be in vain, due to the fact that the young resource will be blocked by the search engine with a “sandbox” filter, which immediately weeds out empty and useless projects.

Website directories

A little later I tried it myself, and when it didn’t work out very well for me, I ordered a run through website catalogs from specialists. As a result, I got nothing but wasted my time and threw money down the drain. It turned out that almost all links (99%) were not indexed. And this kind of specialists assured me that all sorts of indicators would increase for my resource and indexing would speed up, although they themselves had projects with only 15 people per day traffic.

Social bookmarks

Then I decided to take a social bookmarking run. But as it turned out, about 80% of all social bookmarking were useless, empty. The remaining bookmarks still provide links, but only Google accepts them, but for some reason Yandex does not index them.


The first surprise for me was that from some Twitter accounts links to my site began to leak into Yandex. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of Twitter.

Article directories

I continued to experiment and decided to try using article directories. Overall I was pleased, but it took me a long time. Therefore, in order to save effort and time, I advise you to use paid service, which will allow you to publish your article on almost any site.

Links in profiles on trust forums

At one point, I learned that you can promote a site using links in user profiles on trust forums. I immediately ordered a run. The result did not take long to arrive: after two weeks I already felt it, and after just 1 month, the Yandex search engine recorded a popularity of 1 thousand mentions. However, after some time, Yandex begins to clean up its index system, as a result of which your mention rates will stabilize and acquire their range. For example, after a month, my popularity indicators consistently ranged from 200 to 250 mentions. Therefore, I recommend this method to everyone to increase website traffic.

Answer services

A little later, I also came across another way to promote a website on the Internet - the answer service in Google,, etc. As a result, I was disappointed in it. After killing a lot of time, I received penalty points from the moderators, and my answers turned out to be “spam” and were deleted from the system. I still didn’t understand what the problem was, because I answered only factually, and all the answers were written by me personally without using templates.

What is the secret to increasing traffic? Internal linking and regularly updated content

After I created my website myself, I had no idea how to promote it or what filters meant. Therefore, in the first year of the life of my resource, its popularity grew very slowly (70-100 people per day). As it turned out, it’s all about filters that block and throw out new projects from search engines.

But I found one way for you to get around them. Since my domain was young and without history, I advise you to purchase a domain with history at any auction. Then your site will gain traffic much faster.

rice. Shows slow growth in traffic with little site update

Such a domain will cost you about 10-15 dollars.

But then I got tired of it, and I decided to radically change the situation. I started writing about 15 articles a month (about 4 articles a week). Then I ordered articles for low-frequency queries (from 100 to 300 queries per month). I ordered texts from the content gods, as they specialize in texts to increase traffic. And only from them I found stories of clients who also had 300-500 people a day in attendance over 4-5 months.

A little later, when I had 50 published articles on my site, I started using internal linking. I started using Wikipedia because I consider it the best in using internal linking.

My Iron Formula for website traffic growth

If we combine everything into one and derive some kind of efficiency formula, it will look like this:

  1. High quality and good content. Helped me with this Etxt .
  2. Constant update and content addition.
  3. Analyze and identify the right (i.e. low-frequency) queries for writing articles.
  4. I advise beginners to read this book: “15 tips on how to order texts for a significant increase in website traffic.”
  5. I recommend text size of 2500-3500 characters - they will collect more users and will collect more information for you.

How to allocate time to increase traffic?

  1. 30% of the time is spent on choosing the right keywords and topics for articles. As a rule, this takes from half an hour to 2 hours. Over time I started ordering this service at Etxt. Behind small fee you can contact them via Skype and they will help you choose keywords and suggest a topic if you are too lazy.
  2. 30% of the time is spent on writing articles. One article is 1 or 2 hours. This is, of course, if you write it yourself. There is another way: spend 2 minutes on the order, and the article will be ready. Your site is profitable because you have good traffic, and it’s articles like this that increase traffic :)
  3. 30% of the time is spent on publishing and designing articles. About an hour to two hours if you do everything yourself.
  4. 10% are all sorts of little things that haunt you during the process.

So now about the costs.

300 people/day = 3 hours * 70 articles (average time to create one article multiplied by the number of required articles) = 210 hours (2-4 months of work). For about three months you will need to acquire 50 articles. For each month you will spend from 60 to 90 dollars on texts, as a result, traffic to your site will grow very rapidly.

Don’t think that this is a lot, because the income from it will be many times greater than the costs that go into maintaining it. Just a little time will pass and you will see for yourself. Such an investment of money becomes a good additional income for many people, because the site can generate income for years.

rice. Dependence of the number of users on the frequency of site updates

Once you establish this system, the results will come very quickly. Using my personal example, you can see how the traffic to my site grew: texts to increase traffic from god content + internal linking + good keywords + regular resource updates.

rice. Active growth began after frequent site updates.

rice. General information about the site

I also recommend the laziness killer program from Etxt - it helped me achieve good result especially when my webmaster is so lazy.

How do you like the post? Have any of you already worked with Etxt? Share your opinion about the exchange and the format of today's publication in general. I'm waiting for your comments 😉!

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will be useful to you (the author of the most popular blog on SEO in the bourgeoisie speaks):

I am, of course, not a Jew, but to your question: “How to increase website traffic?” I’ll also answer with a question, even two: “Why are you interested? What do you get out of this?”

Do you think I’m interested for idle curiosity? Not at all. My task is to understand what methods, methods, and possibly programs to recommend so that you get the desired result.

But since we have a blog for business owners, the advice will be appropriate.

increase goals

Let's figure out what the goals are and why people increase traffic to their website.

If we take away charity and other non-commercial goals, then, as a rule, when promoting a website, 2 goals are pursued. And they completely depend on the person who does it:

  1. A blogger/freelancer promotes a website to make money on it;
  2. The company/business is promoting a website to receive orders.

However, what is the difference? As a rule, a website made by a blogger/freelancer is created from scratch and promoted with a minimal budget, most often there is none at all. This means its promotion is completely different from classic business.

Therefore, freelancers use such dubious methods of promotion as commenting on other people’s articles or installing scripts on their website that work on the principle of a network pyramid. That is, a special code is installed on the site that displays advertisements for other sites.

Others do the same and drive the same users between different sites.

We, as managers of companies creating a website for receiving orders, are interested in adequate, I would even say, “white” ways to increase traffic to a newly created website. After all, as a rule, old people in this matter do not have such a question.

Before we move on to the methods, let’s decide which site’s traffic we will increase? After all, everything can change depending on the type of site. And there are different sites, for example it could be:

  1. (one-page selling site);
  2. Multi-page site;
  3. Online store;
  4. Blog (where you are now).

Which site should you use? It all depends on the strategy. In reality, many companies are switching to multi-page landing pages with a blog addition.

To understand what it looks like, go to our home page() and click all the links.

Everything will be clear right away. In this way, there will be an increase in site traffic and orders much more than with a classic multi-page site.

SEO promotion

You can promote your website using or, it's quick and not difficult.

The problem is that as soon as your budget runs out, you will run out of visitors to the site, therefore, there will also be zero clients.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to increase site traffic in the long term and not just a little, then I suggest going back to the basics, and specifically to the semantic core.

Important. I'm not saying that SEO promotion is the only way attracting people to the site. We will discuss others as well. But to gain traffic, you need to start with this. Let's call this the foundation.

What is SEO? This is the optimization of your website for the search engine.

But I like an even simpler explanation, especially for people who are not very knowledgeable about Internet marketing.

This is when you enter a phrase that interests you in any search engine, such as Yandex or Google, for example, “Buy water in Moscow,” and you are given a list of sites that mention this phrase.

Yandex search results

The task of SEO and an SEO specialist is to ensure that your site appears at the very top of these answers.

At least in the TOP 10, and ideally in the TOP 3, because practically more than 85% of Internet users do not go beyond the first page.

There is even a joke among SEO specialists that sites that appear in search results after 20th place belong to the “God help them!” series.

Important.If you want to set up advertising effectively and save your budget, I recommend the service . In addition, it has bonuses that will help increase conversion and attract more customers.

Semantic core

But SEO promotion it's a lot of work. It is based on semantic core- these are the key / search queries, which relate to your niche, and on which you will promote your site.

Just a little clarification. Each request has an indicator called frequency.

This is the number of people who search for this query monthly. You can check them on the Yandex Wordstat website.

If the numbers you see don’t tell you anything, then here’s a short breakdown (for young sites):

  1. LF (low frequency queries) – from 0 to 100 impressions per month;
  2. MF (mid-frequency queries) – from 100 to 1,000 impressions per month;
  3. HF (high frequency queries) – from 1,000 to... impressions per month.

It’s faster and easier to reach the TOP in low frequency and mid frequency. Your site should be well optimized and already have some traffic.

You can enter the HF only after 2-3 years of work. When this moment comes, you won’t even remember this material.

Bad news. One-page sites can be brought to the TOP 10 for no more than 5 key queries, and then only on the condition that the queries are mid-range or low-frequency.

Otherwise, we know SEO specialists who, in order to sell their services, tell the client “tales of the Vienna Woods” that they will bring the landing page to the TOP for 50-100 extremely competitive key queries.

Bottom line. At the first stage, think about how your company will think when it searches for what your company sells.

The more clearly you take search queries, the higher quality the audience on your site will be. And a small trick for this. There is such a thing as operators. These are quotation marks on both sides of the phrase. An example is buying water in Moscow.

There are 26,786 searches for this phrase. The problem is that these queries include a lot of unnecessary garbage.

If you search for it in the operators - “buy water in Moscow”, then you will see real quantity people who are looking for exactly this phrase (one to one), and their real number is 67 people.

Choice of words

This is the magic. Otherwise everyone looks at the statistics without quotes and then holds their heads. We used to be like this ourselves.

We took popular queries without quotes and wrote articles for them, but in the end it turned out that in reality no one is looking for this, and we simply did the work in vain.

To find out that they worked in vain... 0oo this is so painful...


I understand perfectly well that you are already tired of reading about preparation. But I recommend that you start with the CEO.

And only then move on to other methods and actions that need to be performed to increase traffic to your site.

There are a huge number of ways, but I will try to pay attention to those that are as comfortable and practical as possible for companies and business in general. If you think that others should be included in this list, then write about it in the comments. Share your experience.


Free traffic

If you don’t have anything useful on your resource, then people won’t come to you. But doing it is stupid and almost fruitless.

Blog. This is exactly what SEO is done for and the semantic core is collected. Your task is to regularly write articles on a specific topic and post them on your blog.

You can write useful educational articles, as well as reviews and test drives of your products. There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that they are searched for in search engines.

Lifehack. You may find a topic in your niche that will be popular over time. While not many people are looking for it, the chance to reach the TOP is very high.

And by the time they start actively looking for her, she will already be in the TOP. This is what happened with our article “”. There were less than 200 requests when I wrote it, now more than 5 thousand people are looking for it a month.

Video channel. You start to lead your youtube channel. As practice has shown, this type of content marketing can bring quite tangible results in the form of customers.

For example, when a person decides to drill a well on his property, the first thing he does is go to search/YouTube to understand the difference between a sand well and an artesian well.

And one of the smart companies made a short film in which they explain the differences in 4-5 minutes and offer the client to order drilling of this very well from them at a favorable price.

As a rule, most users who are really interested in this service will turn to this competent company.

But if you really have good and useful material, then you can agree to post it in groups on your topic.

Partners. Do you have a lot of company friends? Ask them to send you a newsletter or provide a link to your website.

But you need to realize that you need not just attendance, but orders. And if your partners have a different target audience, then it’s stupid to do this (then it’s easier and cheaper to use the Bosslike service).

This will simply be a way to stroke your vanity. How to do this correctly, see the video below:

Paid traffic

Free traffic is good. But let's be realistic, the time has passed when the Internet was free and you could get hundreds of traffic for a smile.

Nowadays, to promote a business you need money, albeit small, but necessary. After all, you are running a business, so there is nothing wrong with investing.

Buying external links. This is when you buy links on other sites that link not even to your site, but to a specific article.

If you get traffic from links, then you need to buy them directly from the owners.

Yes, you can use specialized exchanges, but, as a rule, there are sites that are more suitable for increasing “authority” in the eyes of search engines, and not for receiving quality traffic.

Contextual advertising. This is the most popular way to quickly increase traffic to a young site. And if you also take into account the fact that these are hot clients who are looking for such hot queries as “price, buy” and so on, then it’s absolutely beautiful.

And yes, don't forget about. After all, what matters to you is not the number of customers, but orders from the site.

To do this, you will need the help of a specialist, whose name is. If you don’t want a specialist, act on your own, but only after reading our 3 detailed articles.

Several years ago, mobile operators could not offer their subscribers tariff plans with unlimited Internet access. Today everything is changing. Every year the number increases favorable tariffs. Among them, tariff plans have begun to appear in which Internet access is not limited by any packages.

However, not all people receive unlimited offers from mobile operators interesting. Many subscribers continue to use tariffs with limited gigabytes and megabytes and often wonder how to increase traffic mobile internet when the main package is completely exhausted.

Extending traffic on Beeline

Beeline provides 2 options for extending the Internet. The list of mobile operator services includes “Extend speed” options with different traffic packages. In Moscow, for example, you can add 1 GB or 4 GB to your tariff. The additional amount of traffic is provided at the highest possible speed. When this package ends, the service begins to be provided at a speed of 64 Kbps until the end of the billing period.

Another way to increase traffic on Beeline is to enable the “Auto speed renewal” option. It is very convenient, since you don’t need to do anything with it after the main package is exhausted. Everything is automatically activated if there is a sufficient amount on the balance. Thanks to this option, subscribers are never left without the Internet.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, when connecting to “Auto-renewal speed”, you can choose the most suitable package volume:

  1. At 100 MB. This volume of traffic is suitable for subscribers who do not actively use the World Wide Web. On Beeline, you can increase traffic in this way for those who mainly correspond with friends in in social networks, applications.
  2. For 5 GB. This is quite a voluminous package. At the same time, it is very profitable. The 100 MB option in Moscow and the Moscow region costs 100 rubles, and the 5 GB option costs 150 rubles.

Connecting options from Beeline

Before increasing traffic, check the compatibility of the selected options with your tariff plan and connected services. The “Extend speed” option cannot be activated on tariffs such as “Internet for a computer”, “Internet for a tablet”, “Zero doubts”, “Welcome”. The same list includes tariff plans of the “All” line, designated by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

“Auto-renewal of 100 MB speed” is available to you if one of the following tariff plans is connected to your phone - “All 1”, “All 2”, “VSEshechka”, “Welcome”, “Zero doubts”, “All in one 1” , "All in one 2". The option with automatic speed renewal for 5 GB has a different list of compatible tariffs. It can be connected to All-in-one 3, All-in-one 4, All-in-one 5, All 3, All 4, All 5, Internet for computer, Internet for tablet."

The following commands have been installed to increase traffic on Beeline in Moscow and the Moscow region *:

  • “Extend the speed of 1 GB” - *115*121#;
  • “Extend 4 GB speed” - *115*122#;
  • “Auto-renewal speed 100 MB” - *115*23#;
  • “5 GB speed auto renewal” - *115*23#.

* In other regions, Internet traffic packages may differ in size, so it is recommended to check the commands for connecting them with your operator in advance.

Options at MTS

The Mobile TeleSystems company offers its subscribers who are faced with limited Internet access to use the “+ Internet” service. It is presented in several versions, differing in traffic packages and prices. Here is a list of options that answer the question of how to increase traffic on MTS:

  • “+ 3 GB” for 300 rubles;
  • “+ 5 GB” for 400 rubles;
  • “+ 10 GB” for 500 rubles;
  • “+ 20 GB” for 600 rubles.

The listed options increase the basic Internet traffic package monthly. When you connect for the first time, it is immediately debited from the phone number subscription fee over the next 30 days. After this period of time, the subscription fee begins to be charged daily. On the first option, its size is 10 rubles, on the second - 13 rubles, on the third - 16 rubles, and on the last - 20 rubles.

Options “+ Internet” are mutually exclusive with a wide range of services. These include the following:

  • "Internet VIP";
  • "Internet Maxi";
  • "Internet Mini";
  • "Internet Super";
  • "BIT";
  • "SuperBIT" and others.

How else can you increase traffic on MTS? In addition to the “+ Internet” options, the mobile operator has another opportunity to extend access during worldwide network. The corresponding service is called “Turbo button”. It exists in several versions:

  1. At 100 MB. Connection cost - 30 rubles. Validity time is 24 hours.
  2. For 500 MB, as well as for 1, 2, 5 and 20 GB. These options are similar in that they are activated for 30 days. The difference between them lies not only in the volume of traffic, but also in the cost, which is recommended to be checked with the operator for your region. In Moscow the cost is from 95 rubles. up to 900 rub.
  3. Unlimited for 3 and 6 hours. These "Turbo Buttons" allow you to spend unlimited data for a specified period of time. The option for 3 hours costs 95 rubles, and for 6 hours - 150 rubles.

How to connect MTS options

How to increase Internet traffic on MTS? This can be done by connecting options through your personal account or using the provided commands:

  • “+ Internet” for 3 GB - *111*1417*1#;
  • for 5 GB - *111*1517*1#;
  • for 10 GB - *111*1617*1#;
  • for 20 GB - *111*1817*1#;
  • “Turbo button” for 100 MB - *111*05*1#;
  • for 500 MB - *167#;
  • for 1 GB - *467#;
  • for 2 GB - *168#;
  • for 5 GB - *169#;
  • for 20 GB - *469#;
  • “Unlimited for 3 hours” - *637#;
  • “Unlimited for 6 hours” - *638#.

You can also use the special application for smartphones “My MTS”. This convenient program. With its help, subscribers can not only manage their services, but also choose and change tariffs, top up their balance mobile phone, control expenses, manage several numbers at the same time. The interface is simple and the application itself launches very quickly.

Tele2 services

Beeline and MTS are very popular operators, but at the same time a considerable number of people choose Tele2. Subscribers of this company are often interested in the question of how to increase traffic. On Tele2, extending Internet access is possible by connecting options either for a month or until the end of the day. Monthly services usually offer a fairly voluminous traffic package. In Moscow and the Moscow region, subscribers can connect 5 and 3 GB packages. In other regions of Russia, different conditions may be established. In the Altai Territory, for example, not very large options are available - only 2 GB and 500 MB.

Options until the end of the day include small packages of Internet traffic. In Moscow and the Moscow region, subscribers activate 500 and 100 MB. Such packages are most convenient when there are only a few days left before the terms of the main tariff are updated. If the new billing period is still very far away, then it is recommended to opt for monthly options. You can completely disable the tariff plan with the main Internet traffic package and reconnect it.

Those subscribers who did not set up their tariff plan and did not disable Additional services, may not think at all about how to increase traffic. Tariff plans and Internet options provide automatic renewal of access. After the main traffic is exhausted, additional packages begin to be connected to the tariff plan. Before automatic renewal, subscribers are usually notified via SMS that they will be connected to an additional package after some time. To save money on your account, the automatic renewal option can be disabled and activated at any convenient time in the future.

Connection methods on Tele2 and some nuances

Options on Tele2 are connected in the same ways as with other mobile operators. It is very convenient to activate services in personal account, because if necessary, you can compare different options and read detailed conditions.

When there is no access to the Internet and a personal account, the question of how to increase the volume of traffic becomes even more pressing. The connection can be made using commands. It is recommended to find out the command in advance and enter it in the phone book, so that in the future you will no longer need to look for this combination of numbers. Each service has its own team.

If this is your first time deciding to use any option, be sure to check the combination of numbers on the official website of the mobile operator and read the terms and conditions. The fact is that each region has its own rules. Here's an example of some of the differences you may encounter:

  1. One of the services, united under the name “Add traffic,” is connected using the command *155*231#. After sending this combination of numbers, subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region receive a package with 5 GB additional internet for 30 days. An amount of 250 rubles is debited from the balance.
  2. When a similar command is entered, subscribers in the Altai Territory receive a 2 GB package. The fee charged for connection is 200 rubles.

What does Megafon offer?

Megafon provides options to extend Internet access for different devices- for smartphones, tablets and modems. Subscribers can activate “Extend Internet XS”. This service was created to connect a minimum package of additional traffic. It provides only a few tens of megabytes. The cost depends on the region. Traffic under the option is provided in two options (depending on the region) - either until the end of the day, or during the billing period of the original option ( tariff plan). Activation of the service is possible an unlimited number of times.

Another answer to the question of how to increase Internet traffic on Megafon is to enable the “Extend Internet 1 GB” option. It is designed for a number of Internet options from the Internet line (S, M, L, XL). It also applies to some other options and tariffs. You can find out about the compatibility of the “Extend Internet 1 GB” service with other tariff plans on the official website of the mobile operator in your personal account.

The third option created by the mobile operator is “Extend Internet 5 GB”. This and previous services are provided during the billing period of the original option or plan. Balances are not carried over to the new period. They just burn out.

Connecting options on Megafon

To connect options yourself, it is best to use your personal account. There you can see whether the selected service is available for activation. You can also contact any nearby Megafon communication store. Describe your problem to the employees. They will recommend you the most suitable options, quickly connect the selected service, and explain all the conditions and nuances.

Megafon, like other operators cellular communication(at MTS, Tele2, Beeline), you can increase mobile Internet traffic using the commands:

  • to activate the “Extend Internet XS” option, send the short command *372#;
  • if you need to activate the “Extend Internet 1 GB” service, dial *370*1*1# on your phone;
  • in order to activate the largest Internet traffic package (5 GB), send the combination *370*2*1#.

Operator "MOTIV"

Few people know about the existence of such a mobile operator as MOTIV. It operates only in 4 regions of our country - in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan regions and in the Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs. Almost all tariff plans of this operator have Internet packages. When they are exhausted, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. To restore it, the list of operator services includes a “Turbo button”. It is valid for only 24 hours, but it provides unlimited Internet traffic bandwidth. The cost of activating the “Turbo button” is 60 rubles.

For those who don't know how to increase traffic speed, here are a few ways:

  1. Using the command *114*151*1#. If the connection is successful, a corresponding notification appears on the mobile phone display.
  2. Using SMS service. Create a message by writing the number “1” in it and send it to number 1005.
  3. At the service office or through contact center. Company employees can help you connect the “Turbo button”. When contacting, you will need to provide your phone number, contract number, personal account number, passport details, a codeword.
  4. Via IVR service. Dial ##914 and press the call key. You will hear a greeting from the autoinformer, who will inform you that you have entered the Service Management service. Next, dial 1# to go to the service order section and 150# to activate the “Turbo button” directly.

Operator "Iota"

Not all people choose well-known operators. Some people choose Iota. This mobile operator offers quite profitable tariff packages in order to attract subscribers. For those cases when the traffic ends, the company has provided not a complete blocking of access, but a speed limit to 64 Kbps.

In order to continue using the Internet normally, the operator advises connecting the “5 GB” option, which is valid until the end of the billing period. You can do this in your personal account.

Small traffic savings

Fast traffic consumption is one of the most pressing problems of Internet users. It can be solved thanks to the services and options of mobile operators, but you don’t really want to spend additional amounts to connect to packages with megabytes or gigabytes. For this reason, it is recommended modern browsers There are special functions and applications for this that speed up loading and compress content. Thanks to the use of these functionality you may less often think about how to increase speed and traffic on Beeline or any other operator.

A certain part of the traffic is spent on showing users advertising videos and banners that are full of sites. To save money, connect special programs, blocking such content. You can find them in browsers. They are called extensions. Browsers support them because they enhance functionality and satisfy user needs and requests.

A significant portion of traffic can be wasted due to automatic playback of videos and GIF animations on social networks. For example, VKontakte users face a similar problem. Wasting traffic in this direction can be avoided. The settings of this social network provide for disabling automatic playback of such content.

If you are thinking about how to increase mobile Internet traffic, then first read the terms of the tariff plan. Some operators provide exchange of minutes and SMS messages. If you have extra packages with minutes or messages on your tariff, then exchange them. In return you will receive a small package with Internet traffic. It is quite possible that it will save you from the need to connect some additional paid option or service to extend access to the World Wide Web.

What's the point of having a website if no one visits it? Who will read articles, place orders, subscribe to the newsletter and click on advertisements? Users are the true meaning of the existence of the Internet in principle. Millions of Internet resources compete every day for the attention of the audience (in other words, for attracting traffic).

Traffic in SEO promotion is the number of visitors to the site for a specific period of time (day, week, month or year).

Actually, the goal of any site is to attract as many users as possible to its pages in order to make a profit. That is why the question of how to increase website traffic is so relevant.

But not all traffic will be useful for the site owner. We can talk about the effectiveness of an Internet resource only when visitors not only visit its pages, but also perform targeted actions: place orders, register, call the company, etc. It is important to attract an interested audience to the site, that is, targeted traffic .

To do this, you need to choose your promotion tools wisely. Most in effective ways increasing traffic to the site will be those that are based on targeting.

Targeting (from the English target - “goal”) are advertising tools that allow you to distinguish from the entire Internet community target audience, meeting certain criteria (age, gender, income level, field of activity, interests, etc.).

There are several sources of traffic, i.e. channels through which visitors reach the site. And in each area it is necessary to carry out careful work in order to increase site traffic.

Ways to increase website traffic

Traffic promotion

SEO traffic is visitors who follow links from search engine results pages (Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc.). Users purposefully search for information, and, accordingly, are interested in it and are ready to consider offers from various sites, including yours.

Obviously, resources that rank high in search results will receive the majority of all organic traffic. In order for a site to rise to the TOP 10, you need to work on its promotion. Although the ultimate goal is not the fact of bringing the site to the first page of search results, but an increase in site traffic and transitions from search engines.

Traffic promotion is fundamentally different from position promotion in its approach to the formation of a semantic core (SC). To attract the maximum target audience, the site is promoted not by a dozen queries, but by several hundred, mostly low-frequency ones.

Since a well-assembled semantic core plays the most important role in traffic promotion, when compiling it you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The core should be as complete and targeted as possible, containing a significant part of low-frequency queries.
  2. For commercial sites, it is necessary to focus on transactional queries (including the words “order”, “buy”, “price”, “cost”).
  3. It’s better to make a list of negative keywords, i.e. queries for which non-target visitors will come to you. For example, the site only offers new household appliances. For such a resource, the negative keywords will be “used”, “used”.
  4. It is necessary to regularly analyze the statistics of site visits and adjust the PL.

The advantages of traffic promotion are the relatively short time to achieve results. A noticeable increase in attendance is observed after 1–2 months of work. However, the method has its drawbacks. It is well suited for large online stores or information portals, but is not very effective for small sites.

Placing contextual advertising guarantees that the target audience will see your site on the first page of search results for the query they are interested in. This, accordingly, will increase traffic to the resource significantly. Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords are the main systems for placing contextual advertising. In principle, you can set up an advertising campaign yourself. However, if you do not have the relevant experience and knowledge, there is a high chance that you will waste your money.

If you nevertheless decide to independently engage in contextual advertising to increase site traffic, then adhere to the following recommendations:

The advantages of contextual advertising as a way to increase traffic is that only interested users see the ads. The first visitors appear on the site within a few hours after the launch of the advertising campaign. Contextual advertising is easy to manage. However, this is a rather expensive method. And this is its main drawback.

Traffic in this case reaches the site when you click on an advertising banner placed on a search engine results page or on some Internet resource.

To achieve the desired effect from media advertising and significantly increase traffic to the site, you need to create an effective, memorable banner and wisely choose a platform for its placement.

An advertising banner must be created by professionals - designers and marketers. The graphic content and text contained in the advertisement should complement each other and encourage the user to click on such a banner.

When choosing a site, you need to find out the number of visitors to this Internet resource, the average time spent on the site, the depth of page viewing, as well as the frequency of updating information, audience behavior (comments, likes, shares, etc.), the volume of other advertising on the pages , and, of course, the prices for placing advertising banners. Based on this data, you need to choose the most suitable site.

The main thing is to be sure to set up banner display targeting so as not to waste your budget and show advertising only to your target audience!

The advantages of this method of increasing website traffic are:

  • more emotional perception of the advertising message due to visualization;
  • quick results (provided that the campaign was properly organized);
  • completeness of campaign effectiveness statistics. If all banners have been marked, then ineffective sites can be identified and replaced with more productive ones.

The disadvantage of this method is also the need for high costs.

Traffic from social media is users who came to the site through links from forums, blogs, networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc. Marketing on social networks allows you not only to increase the flow of users, but also to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, demand for goods or services.

The most effective and popular ways to increase website traffic using SMM:

Main advantages:

  • interesting and useful information users will broadcast via social networks at their own request, with virtually no participation from the organizer;
  • The basis of communication on social networks is trust. Users trust each other’s reviews and follow opinion leaders;
  • It’s quite easy to identify a target audience on social networks, since they all join interest groups, subscribe to certain pages, and have completed profiles with demographic characteristics.

All methods of increasing website traffic have their drawbacks. Promotion on social networks also has a minor drawback - it is a long-term process. One-time work will not bring any results, so work on social media must be carried out constantly. But at a relatively low cost, you can significantly increase traffic.

Direct appeals

This type is very rare, and to get it, you really need to have a very interesting resource. In addition, do not forget about a short, memorable site address.

Direct traffic is very rare, and to get it, you really need to have a very interesting resource. In addition, do not forget about a short, memorable site address.

Increase website traffic without financial losses

Listed above are the main ways to increase traffic to your website. Traffic promotion, contextual and display advertising, social media marketing are all excellent methods if your company is willing to pay professionals for high performance. But what if the budget is too small? How to increase website traffic without large financial investments?

I would like to immediately note that you will not be able to attract visitors to your site without spending a penny, unless, of course, you are a designer, SEO optimizer, copywriter, programmer, advertiser and marketer all rolled into one. Therefore, we will look at the least expensive methods and tell you how to increase website traffic by spending your budget wisely.

Stage 1. Preparing the site for increased traffic.

Your site is currently coping with the load perfectly, but what will happen if the traffic really becomes what you want? 100, 500, 1,000 unique visitors per day, and this is not the limit. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is change cheap hosting to a more expensive and high-quality one. In addition, it is necessary to optimize the code, eliminate possible mistakes, increase page loading speed. All bugs must be fixed before you start attracting visitors, otherwise it may be too late. For these purposes you will need a smart programmer.

Stage 2. Making the first impression.

You were able to increase traffic, but when users get to your site, they immediately leave its pages. Of course, this is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance of an attractive design, easy navigation, usability, and so on.

It’s great if your site was originally created taking into account the first 2 points. Then you won’t have to spend any effort, time or money on it.

Stage 3. We begin active actions to increase traffic to the site.

  1. Fill the site quality content. If this is an online store, then you should add detailed descriptions products, videos, photos, reviews and testimonials, and if informational portal– unique and interesting articles, infographics, video materials.
  2. Start your blog. Share with people what you know. And be sure to do this on a regular basis.
  3. Create a forum on your website where your visitors can calmly communicate, express their opinions, and ask questions. In this case, it is necessary that you yourself actively participate in the discussions.
  4. Get involved in guest posting. The main thing is to write not for the sake of links, but for the sake of increasing your audience reach.
  5. Start writing a column on some well-known Internet resource in your field.
  6. Do not bypass the “Questions and Answers” ​​services from Google, “ Answers” ​​and other similar sites. Answer user questions related to your field of activity, help them solve problems without demanding anything in return.
  7. Actively participate in discussions on forums and blogs, leave your comments and opinions.
  8. Be sure to create official pages on all popular social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter.
  9. It is not enough to just create pages, you need to fill and develop them. For this:
  10. Start doing email newsletters. This is one of the most powerful tools for increasing website traffic.
  11. Engage in newsjacking, use news in your field of activity to your advantage. Place on your website not only what is happening in your company, but also “explosive” information that will attract the audience to the resource pages.
  12. Create rich snippets. They look more advantageous compared to others and increase the number of transitions to the site.

Stage 4. Analysis of the effectiveness of efforts.

Site traffic must be constantly monitored using special services, to correct strategy mistakes, eliminate ineffective methods, and look for new ways to increase traffic. Naturally, a logical question arises about how to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used.

A formula that is brilliant in its simplicity will help you find the answer.

Efficiency = R/B,

where P is the result, i.e. traffic attracted to the site, and B is the budget spent. The higher the efficiency indicator, the better the result you get with less investment.

And this is far from the only formula that will help you determine the effectiveness of your efforts. You will learn more about the calculations in our article “The cost of attracting customers on the Internet - how is it determined and what does it depend on?”

How to increase website traffic: conclusion

There are a huge number of ways to increase website traffic. The main thing is to choose a strategy wisely depending on the specifics of your business and target audience, desired results and budget.

  1. Use different channels to attract visitors to your site in a comprehensive manner.
  2. Carefully plan your advertising campaign strategy and don’t leave things to chance.
  3. Always analyze the results using web analytics services and adjust the chosen course.
  4. Constantly develop your site, make it more useful and easier to use.
  5. Contact professionals who know exactly how to increase website traffic in short time and with maximum efficiency.

Demis Group specialists have extensive experience in the field of Internet marketing, promotion and advertising. Every day we increase sales for more than 3,000 of our clients. Don't miss your chance to get the maximum target audience and become a leader in your field!

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