Help in passing dark orbit ports. History of Dark Orbits. Planets and corporations Dark Orbit. General information about ports

Many topics and posts have been created about portals, but questions continue to be asked, since the answers are scattered throughout the forum, and besides, the topic in the FAQ is no longer entirely accurate after changes to the game. That’s why I decided to create one topic where almost everything about the Alpha portal is collected.

General information about portals.

Portals (“Gates”) are built in Galaxy Gates by clicking on the blue “Energy” sign (“wishing well”). Detailed instructions for building “gates” in Galaxy Gates can be found there by clicking on the “?” icon.

When fully constructed and activated, the portal appears next to its home base on the x-1 map. Externally, the portal itself looks approximately the same as in the picture when it is activated in Galaxy Gates. This is a clarification in case there are two or three different active portals at once.

Portals can be passed at any level of experience and, in principle, on any ship, but the last stages of the gates are so difficult that weak ships will not withstand mob attacks. Therefore, it is advisable to have a more or less pumped “gal” or “broom”.

When passing through the portal, you can simultaneously complete quests for the types of mobs that are available in the portal.

When you enter the portal and start a new stage, a countdown begins (15 seconds), after which the first wave of mobs appears.

After the first batch of a given type of mob appears, after a few seconds a second batch appears, followed by more, until the total number of mobs corresponds to the portal stage (10 stages in total). Below will be given the order of the stages and the number of mobs on them.

After completing each stage, two ports appear: the left one throws you to a new stage, the right one returns you to the base, where you can unload, take a nap, rest, etc. When you return to the portal, you are immediately thrown into a new stage.

When these two ports appear after completing the stage, you will not see the usual “Teleportation” sign above the left port; to teleport, you must press the “J” hotkey.

After completing the last stage (proteges), you jump into the left port, where you will be thrown onto an empty map, on which in a few seconds you will receive prizes from passing the portal, then you will be returned to the base and the gate will close (disappear).

In the portal you have 3 lives. If you died once, then when you re-enter the portal you will find yourself at the stage where you died, and the number of mobs will be the same as what remained at your death. The same rule also applies if the server is rebooted while you are in the portal. When you use up all 3 lives, you lose the portal.

Portals Alpha, Beta and Gamma differ in complexity: Beta mobs are 2 times stronger than in Alpha, and in Gamma 3 times stronger. But accordingly, the prizes for their destruction increase, as well as the prize for passing the gates.

In addition to the main reward for passing the gate, the player also receives additional prizes for destroying the mobs “living” in them. For more details, see the table provided by AmmoniaCarbidov (read below). As for res from downed mobs, it’s up to everyone to decide whether to collect them or not.

If the player has passed the gate, a golden ring appears above the rank icon, next to the nickname. The left ring indicates that the player passed Alpha, the ring in the middle - Beta, the right ring - Gamma.
If you went through all three types of galactic gates, then all three rings will appear.

Prize for completing Alpha.

4,000,000 experience
100,000 honor
20,000 rounds of 4x ("squirrel")
20,000 uridium

2 coupons for free repairs
200 xenomite

Stages, number and type of mobs.

1. 40 strainers (Streuner)
2. 40 Lordakia
3. 40 Mordons
4. 80 Simons (Saimon)
5. 20 Virgos (Devolarium)
6. 80 crystallin (Kristallin)
7. 20 Sibelons
8. 80 zibelonites (“helicopters”) (Sibelonit)
9. 16 Kristallons
10. 30 Protegits


Passage of Alpha.

There is a lot of advice on walkthroughs on the forum, I’ll risk posting my method.
I have full full gal, I don’t have premium. But in my opinion, the difference between a full and a non-full is only one thing - it takes longer to go through each stage.
The main thing that is important is that the gala has: all the moves for 2,000 uriya; at least 2-3 shields for 10,000 uriya, the rest are no lower than 256,000 credits; and it is desirable to have a car purchase process; certain amount of “gold” for shields and engines.
Well, now the method itself, consisting of two components: preparation and the passage itself.


1. At the gate, the main way to beat mobs is to “waltz”. Therefore, it needs to be worked out very well. The “waltz” itself is described in many forum topics, in particular here.

2. You need to learn how to collect all the mobs in one pile, as well as snatch a mob from this very pile, without losing a lot of strength. Practice this on regular game maps in a crowd of mobs using the “waltz” and plotting a route on the mini-map (this method will be discussed below).

3. When you seem ready to go through the gate, I advise you to do this, I always do this myself: clear the cache and cookies, as well as the Flash Player folders. This is necessary to avoid any accidents, such as various glitches, freezing... well, much more. Lazy people and kamikazes don’t have to do this.

4. Disable various settings in the game that are not important in the gate: chat, music, sound, etc. This will relieve the load on your Internet and computer. You can read how to clean files and configure the game here. It would also be a good idea to check the ping to the server before entering the gate.

5. I advise you after each completed stage to go to the base and before entering the next stage, clear the Flash Player folders and restart the computer. This will only take a few minutes and can save you from local glitches, that is, glitches in your computer itself, no matter how powerful it is. I recommend starting to do this after the stage with simons and up to and including protegites.

6. Replenish the supply of ammunition, if there is an auto-purchase processor, then configure it. For those who use rockets (I always use them for 2,000 damage), insert “gold” for improvement.

7. Set up configurations according to the stage and type of mobs in the portal.

Everyone customizes the confit to their own taste. I use two sets of configs: for beating “slow” and “fast” mobs. For beating protegites it is a little different.

for beating "slow" mobs.
1st confit: 13 engines, 2 shields for 10,000 uriya, all guns in the ship and on the droids. It is this confit that I use for the “waltz”.
2nd configuration: all guns in the ship and on the droids, 15 shields in the ship, 0 engines. I use it to finish off mobs.

for beating "fast" mobs.
1st confit: the same, for the “waltz”.
2nd configuration: 15 engines and 15 guns in the ship, all shields on droids. I use it to snatch mobs from the crowd.

for beating protegites.
1st configuration: 15 engines and 15 guns in the ship, on droids guns and shields in half.
2nd configuration: 15 engines and 15 guns in the ship, all shields on droids.
although I personally use only 2 shields and 14 guns in butterscotch droids in the 1st configuration.

8. Insert “gold” into the engines and shields, setting there a little more activity time than you are going to spend in the gates (on average 120-150 minutes, that’s only 12-15 stones each). After each stage, you replenish the indicator as needed.
Well, everything seems to be done, forward to the gates...

Passing the gate.

The first few stages will not cause any particular difficulties, there is only one piece of advice: collect resources from downed mobs and sell them at the base.

As was said earlier, you need to collect all the mobs in one pile. Take aim at the first mob, shoot at it and move so that the remaining mobs gather in one heap, and when they gather, we begin to perform the “waltz”. So practice this in the first easy stages.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing about the gate is snatching a new mob from the pile without losing a lot of power. But there is a way out here too, this is to use mini-map navigation. It works like this: after destroying the next mob, you fly a little further from the crowd, then using the mini-map you set a course that runs a little to the side and further from the movement of the mobs, and when you fly past them, take aim at one. And we dance the waltz again.

When driving into a pile, snatching and finishing off mobs, we use the confit where you have a lot of shields. For the "waltz" we use high-speed confit.

Under no circumstances stop near a crowd of mobs; for example, a flock of “snowflakes” can “take out” a full gala in just a few volleys.

Many people don’t finish off the mobs, they let them fly into the corner, but I finish them off almost immediately, except that I only let go of the protags. I do the finishing off like this: I give the mob the opportunity to fly away from the crowd a little, I catch up and, switching to the shield confit, I finish it off by hitting it with cannons and rockets, if I have time, I take the resources and immediately set the course on the mini-map, along the way capturing a new mob as a candidate for the dead, with I'm flying out for repairs.

While performing the “waltz”, try to restore all the shields on both confs, switching from one to the other with the “C” key.

When beating a crowd of mobs, pay special attention to those indicators that indicate the damage they cause (without relying too much on the indicators of your shields and strength), and as soon as you see that their volley has caused a large amount of damage, immediately fly off for repairs .

To take a nap we fly to the corners of the map, while the mobs are approaching we are repairing, they are close - we are already flying to another corner, setting a course on the mini-map. During a long flight from corner to corner on autopilot, I ram through resources in the laboratory, because I don’t have a premium, and I’m “greedy” for resources.

Well...legendary protegites, little “destroyers” of the hopes of many players. Don't want to become their next victim? Your salvation is in your speed. All elite engines treated with “gold” are required. The speed of the Protegits is approximately full gal for all movements, but without the "gold".
What are my actions with them. I knock down the first few tags with green paint right there, before all the others appear. Then the same actions follow as before with other mobs, but the “waltz” technique is slightly different: with a step back, as if “pulling” them towards you. If a protag runs into a corner, don't try to catch up with him, it's almost impossible. With protegitis, forget about res. When the surviving protags scatter to the corners, take a nap completely on both confits and start finishing them off in the corners.

When finishing off mobs in corners, you should proceed from your capabilities and the characteristics of your ship. If you are confident in the strength of your ship, then we approach them at an angle of 45 degrees and bring them down; if necessary, we retreat for repairs. If you are not very confident in your ship, then we approach from the side, grab the first one that comes into our sights and fly away, then carefully return and finish off.

Destroyed all the protags? Congratulations, well done, we jump into the opened left port and get prizes.

In conclusion, I want to say: all these tips are not dogma, everyone can adjust them to suit themselves the way they like, adding something of their own, new...
By completing Alpha you gain experience that will help you in passing Beta and Gamma.
And finally, everyone is equal in front of the gate, the mobs there treat everyone equally, without choosing any special players. And the number of players who have gone through the portals is huge and continues to grow. This means you can pass, while improving your gaming skills.

Good luck in conquering the peaks.

What's so special about them?
For completing GG Epsilon, you can get the legendary LF-4. For completing GG Zeta, you can get a design for the droid, "Havoc".

What awaits us in this port?
What awaits us in this port are not the usual mobs from maps x, but pirates from the LoW port

To start the GG Port Epsilon, you need to collect 99 parts. To start the GG Port Zeta, you need to collect 111 parts.

Teleport "Epsilon"

Mob order:
1. Wave:
5 Vagrant
5 Vagrant

5. Wave:
6 Outcast
5 Corsair
4 Corsair

6. Wave:
4 Corsair
6 Outcast
5 Hooligan

7. Wave:
5 Corsair
5 Hooligan
4 Hooligan

8. Wave:
6 Hooligan
4 Hooligan
4 Ravagers

9. Wave:
5 Hooligan
6 Ravagers
3 Convict

10. Wave:
4 Convict
5 Hooligan
6 Ravagers

11. Wave:
5 Ravagers
6 Convict

Description of mobs (+ small cheat sheet)

Reward for completing GG Epsilon:
5,500,000 Experience
150,000 Honor
25,000 Uridium
20.000 (UCB-100)
10 log disks
5 Keys to pirate trophies.
There is approximately a 50% chance that you will get LF-4.
Total reward from mobs in GG Epsilon:

Teleport "Zeta"

View of the assembled port on the map:

New mobs await us in this port (don’t worry, they are not very aggressive, and they don’t always hit you.)

Mob order:
Waves 1-3
- 3 Infernal
- 4 Infernal
- 3 Infernal

Waves 4-6
- 4 Infernal
- 5 Infernal
- 3 Scorchers

Waves 7-9
- 5 Infernal
- 5 Scorchers
- 2 Scorchers

Waves 10-12
- 4 Scorchers
- 3 Scorchers
- 2 Scorchers

Waves 13-15
- 4 Scorchers
- 4 Scorchers
- 2 Melters

Waves 16-18
- 3 Scorchers
- 4 Melters
- 2 Melters

Waves 19-21
- 3 Melters
- 4 Melters
- 3 Melters

Waves 22-24
- 4 Melters
- 5 Melters
- 4 Melters
Wave 25:
1 Devourer and his retinue of 6 Infernal
Note: (Devourer uses the "Wall" processor, until you destroy the retinue, you will not be able to destroy Devourer)
Wave 26:
1 Devourer and his retinue (one at a time):
- 2 Infernal
- 10 Scorchers
- 4 Streuner, 2 Boss Streuner, 8 Uber Streuner
- 3 Lordakia, 3 Boss Lordakia, 6 Uber Lordakia
- 3 Saimon, 3 Boss Saimon, 6 Uber Saimon
- 3 Sibelonit, 3 Boss Sibelonit, 6 Uber Sibelonit
- 3 Kristallin, 3 Boss Kristallin, 6 Uber Kristallin
Note:(Devourer uses the "Wall" processor, until you destroy the retinue, you will not be able to destroy Devourer)

Description of new mobs:

Reward for completing GG Zeta:
6,000,000 Experience
200,000 Honor
50 log disks
35,000 Uridium
25 Keys to Pirate Booty
25.000 UCB-100
Approximately 50% chance of getting a droid design"Havoc"
Total reward from mobs in GG Zeta:

Teleport "Kappa"

The port is not at all difficult, the most tedious waves can be passed on blue/green (for example, Lordakium Boss), but if you have time and inspiration, then the sneakers are enough for your eyes.

View of the assembled port on the map:

1. Wave.
Streuner – 10; Vagrant 10; Infernal – 10

2. Wave
Marauder – 6; Scorcher-7; Boss Mordon – 8

3. Wave
Outcast – 6; Devolarium – 6; Icy – 3

4. Wave
Boss Zibelonite – 5; Corsair – 5; Scorcher – 5

5. Wave
Hooligan – 4; Crystallin – 5; Melter – 4

6. Wave
Interceptor -8; Barracuda -6; Annihilator-3

7. Wave
Boss Lordacium – 6; Protegit-8; Boss Zibelon-2

8. Wave
Cucurbium - 6; Uber Simon - 8

9. Wave
Konvikt -5; Boss Crystallin-5; demander -1

10. Wave
Boss Cucurbium – 1

11. Wave
Century Falcon – 1

I would like to say separately about the last two waves, so that you don’t get scared - the mobs are much weaker than their originals in the Intervention and Group port.


15,000 URIs received!
Laser ammunition received: 30,000, type: UCB-100
Log disks received (10 pcs.).

Experience gained: 9,000,000
Honor credited: 325,000 points.

You also have a 75% chance of receiving one of their super prizes (that is, 25% for each prize):

new droid design >Hercules< ! By equipping your droid with it, the shield generators on it will receive 15% of their shield energy. Hint: if you equip all droids with the Hercules design, you can get an additional 20% bonus to the ship's HP!

new multi-booster! It gives a 5% bonus to damage dealt, experience points and shields for 5 hours of play. Hint: these bonuses count in addition to other boosters.

one of the rare LF4 laser cannons.

Teleport "Lambda"

It is assembled quickly and easily, it took me approximately 1000 additional energies.

View of the assembled port on the map:

1. Wave.
10 Boss Streuner 10 Boss Lordakiy 10 Boss Lordakiy
2. Wave
6 Boss Mordon 7 Boss Simon 7 Boss Simon
3. Wave
2 Boss Devolarium 2 Boss Devolarium 6 Boss Zibelonite
4. Wave
5 Boss Zibelonite 5 Boss Zibelonite 1 Boss Zibelon
5. Wave
1 Boss Lordakium 10 Boss Lordakium 2 Boss Lordakium
6. Wave
6 Boss Crystallin 6 Boss Crystallin 1 Boss Crystallon
7. Wave
2 Boss Crystallon 10 Boss Crystallin 10 Boss Crystallin


15,000 URIs received!
Laser ammunition received: 10,000, type: UCB-100
Log disks received (3 pcs.).
Trophy keys received: 5
Experience gained: 2,750,000
Honor credited: 100,000 points.

Also, for completing the port you receive the title "Boss of Bosses"

Teleport "Kronos"

View of the assembled port on the map:

This port consists of 21 parts, but these parts can only be obtained by going through the remaining 8 ports.

Wave 1

-=[ Saturn Phoenix ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Yamato ]=- 15 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Yamato ]=- 15pcs


-=[ Saturn Defcom ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Defcom ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Liberator ]=- 15 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Piranha ]=- 15 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Nostromo ]=- 10 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Vengeance ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Vengeance ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Goliath ]=- 8 pcs


-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Venom ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Sentinel ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Spectrum ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Diminisher ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Solace ]=- 5 pcs


-=[ Saturn Revenge ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Revenge ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Avenger ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Lightning ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Avenger ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Lightning ]=- 6 pcs


-=[ Saturn Bastion ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Bastion ]=- 6 pcs


-=[ Saturn Spearhead ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Citadel ]=- 5pcs
-=[ Saturn Aegis ]=- 8 pcs
-=[ Saturn Goliath ]=- 10 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Crimson ]=-8pcs
-=[ Saturn Jade ]=- 8 pcs
-=[ Saturn Sapphire ]=- 8 pcs


-=[ Evil You ]=- 1 piece
-=[ Evil Iris ]=- 8 pcs

What kind of mobs are there exactly?
There are not simple mobs there, but mobs that look like our ships. These ships are from a parallel universe in which there is another corporation - Saturn, which is going to destroy MMO, EIC and VRU.

Reward for passing this port:
12,000,000 Experience
450.000 Honor
25.000 URI
25.000 UCB-100
5.000 RSB-75
500 UBR-100
15 log disks
10 keys to pirate trophies
250 Extra Energy
Chance to get a goliath design"Saturn"
Honorary title

Questions and answers about Kronos:
Will all the ports that I went through before the introduction of Kronos be taken into account?
No, you need to collect and go through new ports.

I have ports on my map that I set before the introduction of Kronos, but have not gone through them yet. Will they be taken into account?
Yes, they will.

Port walkthrough video from Psih

A large number of different locations, each of which provides extensive bonuses for players. One of these locations is the port. For completing ports, players will be given various “goodies” that will not only increase their overall ranking in the top, but will also save you when fighting mobs. Another important factor in passing ports is the number of mobs killed. This is, so to speak, a free farm for gaining experience and increasing your ranking in the top of Dark Orbits.

There are 9 ports in total:

    Galaxy Gates "Kronos"

General information on Dark Orbit ports

And so, first you must build a port in order to move around it and kill mobs. As soon as the port is built and activated, a special icon will appear on your map. Remember that you may have several different ports on your card, so remember the location of each of them, because they are different from each other.

As a rule, you can try your luck in the port on any ship and with any level, regardless of its difficulty level. But it’s worth considering that the higher the difficulty, the more difficult it will be for you to kill the last “bosses” during your passage. We advise you to level up a little, buy a mid-level ship, and purchase the necessary equipment.

Once you start the tournament in the port, a timer will appear. After 15 seconds, the first wave of mobs will attack. In terms of their characteristics, they are very weak, especially in ports Alpha and Beta. Within a few seconds, another wave of mobs will appear, and then another. They will appear until the total number of all mobs is equal to the portal stage you are in. For example, you are at stage 7, which means no more than 7 units will appear. In total, you can go through 10 stages in each port.

Once the stage is completed, you will have 2 ports on your screen. The first is teleportation to the base. The second is the transition to the next stage within this port. If you teleport to the base, you can unload, repair and rest there. As soon as you return to the port from which you arrived, you will immediately appear in a new stage.

If the port is completed and all 10 stages are completed, then you will be transferred to a separate port in an empty location. Various bonuses and goodies will begin to appear here. Once you collect them, you will be teleported to your base and the port will close.

In total, the player is given 3 lives. If you die, after entering the portal, the system will automatically teleport you to the stage in which you died. Moreover, the number of mobs will remain the same. If all 3 attempts are used up, then access to the portal will be lost. There is also the option of buying lives. But the first one costs 10,000 uridium. Each subsequent one will be exactly 2 times more expensive than the previous one.

They differ from each other in difficulty, reward, and number of mobs. In this guide to Dark Orbit ports, we will look at several examples separately.

Port overview: Alpha, Beta, Gamma

These are some of the easiest ports in Dark Orbit. Here, even a novice player can get mobs without any problems, increase his level, and earn prizes and bonuses. But we advise you to come here only if you have purchased at least a simple ship.

IN Alpha For each passage you will be given 4 million experience, 100 thousand honor, 20 thousand uridium, 20 thousand 4x ammo, coupons for free repairs (2 pieces), 200 xenomite and individual rewards for mobs.

IN Bethe the passage is twice as difficult, accordingly, here they give more rewards for passing, namely: 8 million experience, 200 thousand honor, 40 thousand 4x cartridges, 40 thousand uridium, 4 repair coupons and 400 xenomite.

Gamma it will be not two, but three times more difficult than Alpha. Accordingly, here the rewards for completing will be as follows: 12 million experience, 300 thousand honor, 60 thousand 4x cartridges, 60 thousand uridium, 6 coupons for free repairs and 600 xenomite.

In each port you will also receive separate rewards for killing mobs, for example, for 80 Simon, 40 Mordon. Try to get as many mobs as possible to increase your winnings, and be sure to go to the end to complete all 10 stages.

All other ports also differ in their complexity and number of rewards. Only in them, with a certain probability, other additional prizes may appear. For example, if you go through the stages in port of Zetta, then with a 50 percent chance you can find a design for the Havoc droid there. Just keep in mind that the probability will not apply to all ports, but to each one separately. This is a great location to gain as much experience and uridium as possible. Here you can collect a large amount of honor from mobs, find keys to pirate trophies, log disks and much more.

Port Zeta is unusual because it is built separately from the other gates.

When teleporting, you find yourself on the Intergalactic map "GG Z" and on this map after 15 seconds. The first wave of NPCs will appear.

The peculiarities of passing this port are as follows. Don't rush to kill all the mobs at once. It’s better not to finish them off, thereby allowing them to fly away from you into the corner of the map. The main difference between Port Zeta and the first three ports is that a new group of mobs does not fly out after a certain time, but only after destroying a certain number of mobs. Therefore, first disperse the mobs, then fly up to the corner and destroy them one by one. At the same time, do not forget to look at the minimap so as not to miss the moment a new group of mobs appears. Also, for faster passage of the port, it is best to pass it on a moth and without shields. It's better to put all the engines on the ship and guns on the droids. The damage of zetta mobs is quite strong, but their range is not so high. The first waves consist of fast and not very strong mobs. But the farther you go, the more damage and durability, and the speed and range are lower. Also, it’s better to drag them all over the map, rather than spin them around. On average, with a configuration of 8 butterscotch and 31 LF-3, plus a seprom for lasers and a moth, the speed of passage through the port can be approximately one and a half to two hours. Depends on experience.

More about waves:
Waves 1-3

Wave 25:

1 Devourer and his retinue of 6 Infernal
Note: (Devourer uses the "Wall" processor, so until you destroy the retinue, you will not be able to destroy Devourer)

Also, the retinue and Devourer work according to the following principle. The Devourer itself is a pretty fast mob, and it protects its retinue by trying to get between you and the retinue. Therefore, in a battle with his retinue, you will have to constantly spin around to get the mob out of his retinue. During the battle, Devourer also shoots, but its damage is incredibly low, it fluctuates somewhere around two thousand. Therefore, the first Devourer is not particularly difficult. The main difficulty of Devourer is its impenetrability. Strength 2 million. Shield 1 million.

Wave 26:
1 Devourer and his retinue (one at a time):

10 Scorcher (quite a difficult wave)
- 3 Streuner, 3 Boss Streuner? 3 StreuneR, 3 Uber Streuner? 3 Uber StreuneR
- 3 Lordakia, 3 Boss Lordakia, 3 Uber Lordakia
- 3 Saimon, 3 Boss Saimon, 3 Uber Saimon
- 3 Sibelonit, 3 Boss Sibelonit, 3 Uber Sibelonit
- 3 Kristallin, 3 Boss Kristallin, 3 Uber Kristallin
Note: (Especially beware of zibilonite and crystalline, their overall damage can be very strong).

Zeta teleport reward:
6,000,000 Experience
200,000 Honor
50 log disks
35,000 Uridium
25 Keys to Pirate Booty
25,000 UCB-100(squirrel)
There is approximately a 50% chance that you will receive a design for the Havoc droid. But this 50% does not apply to all passed ports, but to each one separately.

Teleport "Epsilon"

Mob order:
1. Wave:
5 Vagrant
5 Vagrant

5. Wave:
6 Outcast
5 Corsair
4 Corsair

6. Wave:
4 Corsair
6 Outcast
5 Hooligan

7. Wave:
5 Corsair
5 Hooligan
4 Hooligan

8. Wave:
6 Hooligan
4 Hooligan
4 Ravagers

9. Wave:
5 Hooligan
6 Ravagers
3 Convict

10. Wave:
4 Convict
5 Hooligan
6 Ravagers

11. Wave:
5 Ravagers
6 Convict

Teleport "Zeta"

View of the assembled port on the map:

New mobs await us in this port (don’t worry, they are not very aggressive, and they don’t always hit you.)

Mob order:
Waves 1-3
- 3 Infernal
- 4 Infernal
- 3 Infernal

Waves 4-6
- 4 Infernal
- 5 Infernal
- 3 Scorchers

Waves 7-9
- 5 Infernal
- 5 Scorchers
- 2 Scorchers

Waves 10-12
- 4 Scorchers
- 3 Scorchers
- 2 Scorchers

Waves 13-15
- 4 Scorchers
- 4 Scorchers
- 2 Melters

Waves 16-18
- 3 Scorchers
- 4 Melters
- 2 Melters

Waves 19-21
- 3 Melters
- 4 Melters
- 3 Melters

Waves 22-24
- 4 Melters
- 5 Melters
- 4 Melters
Wave 25:
1 Devourer and his retinue of 6 Infernal
Note: (Devourer uses the "Wall" processor, until you destroy the retinue, you will not be able to destroy Devourer)
Wave 26:
1 Devourer and his retinue (one at a time):
- 2 Infernal
- 10 Scorchers
- 4 Streuner, 2 Boss Streuner, 8 Uber Streuner
- 3 Lordakia, 3 Boss Lordakia, 6 Uber Lordakia
- 3 Saimon, 3 Boss Saimon, 6 Uber Saimon
- 3 Sibelonit, 3 Boss Sibelonit, 6 Uber Sibelonit
- 3 Kristallin, 3 Boss Kristallin, 6 Uber Kristallin

Teleport "Kronos"

View of the assembled port on the map:

This port consists of 21 parts, but these parts can only be obtained by going through the remaining 8 ports.

Wave 1

-=[ Saturn Phoenix ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Yamato ]=- 15 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Yamato ]=- 15pcs


-=[ Saturn Defcom ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Defcom ]=- 10 pcs
-=[ Saturn Liberator ]=- 15 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Nostromo ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Piranha ]=- 15 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Nostromo ]=- 10 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Bigboy ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Vengeance ]=- 5 pcs

-=[ Saturn Vengeance ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Goliath ]=- 8 pcs


-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Leonov ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Venom ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Sentinel ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Spectrum ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Diminisher ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Solace ]=- 5 pcs


-=[ Saturn Revenge ]=- 5 pcs
-=[ Saturn Revenge ]=- 5 pcs

-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 5 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 5 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Lightning ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Avenger ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Avenger ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Lightning ]=- 6 pcs


-=[ Saturn Bastion ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Enforcer ]=- 6 pcs
-=[ Saturn Bastion ]=- 6 pcs


-=[ Saturn Spearhead ]=- 10 pcs.
-=[ Saturn Citadel ]=- 5pcs
-=[ Saturn Aegis ]=- 8 pcs
-=[ Saturn Goliath ]=- 10 pcs.


-=[ Saturn Crimson ]=-8pcs
-=[ Saturn Jade ]=- 8 pcs
-=[ Saturn Sapphire ]=- 8 pcs


-=[ Evil You ]=- 1 piece
-=[ Evil Iris ]=- 8 pcs


The new Hades port will take you to the dangerous Hades Nebula. This port has a protective function that will not allow individuals to enter this nebula. Individuals cannot survive there, because this nebula is home to some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy and their leaders.


Port construction

This port must be assembled in the same way as other Galaxy Gates ports. Construction of the port will not take you much time, because it consists of 45 parts.

Description of stages and limitations

There are only 3 stages in this port and at the end of each stage the leader of the NPC of each individual stage will be waiting for you.
To get into the Hades Nebula you need to recruit a group of at least 4 players. Maximum 8 players. In this port, players cannot attack each other, but can use the skills of existing ships.

Journey to the Hades Nebula

GG Hades will be displayed in the same place as the other GG ports, on x-1 maps.
To get into the Hades Nebula, as mentioned above, only if you are in a group of 4 to 8 players. However, each group member must have this port set on the x-1 map, otherwise the player will not be able to get into the Hades Nebula.
If only 3 players in your group have this port, then you will not be able to get into the nebula.
To get to this port, all members of your group must be near GG Hades.

Joining and leaving a group

If a player joins a group while the entire group is in the Hades Nebula, the player will be able to enter this nebula through his GG Hades.
If a player leaves the group seconds before entering the Hades Nebula, they will not enter the Hades Nebula.
If a player, while in the nebula, leaves the group, he will remain in the port. However, if such a player’s ship is destroyed, he will only be able to be reborn at the x-1 base.

The destruction of a ship in the port

If the player's ship is destroyed in the port and he still has a few lives left, he will be able to repair his ship at the port for free.

Regardless of whether the player is reborn in the port or at the x-1 base, the player will lose 1 life in GG Hades.


As mentioned above, this port has 3 stages.
Stage 1 :
- 30 Sibelon, 10 Boss Sibelon, 4 Uber Sibelon
- Emperor Sibelon

Stage 2 :
- 30 Lordakium, 10 Boss Lordakium, 4 Uber Lordakium
- Emperor Lordakium

Stage 3 :
- 30 Kristallon, 10 Boss Kristallon, 4 Uber Kristallon
- Emperor Kristallon


NPC rewards

Players in GG Hades receive an equal share of the reward for destroying NPCs.

Rewards from Emperors :
Will be presented later.

Final reward

The final reward, except one, is given to each group member individually.

Uridium : 20.000
Ammunition : 15.000 UCB-100
Honor : 200.000
Experience : 4.000.000
Log drives : 8
Keys to pirate trophies : 4

The probability that each group member will receive the LF-4 gun.


Once the player completes GG Hades he will receive the title "Emperor of Hell"