A simple file manager for Android in Russian. Choosing the best file manager and explorer for Android. Access to cloud storage

One of the significant advantages of the Android operating system is open access to the file system. Some devices have simple file managers installed right out of the box, other devices don’t even have these, so file managers third party developers quite popular among users.

This article contains the 3 best file managers for Android OS, which have extensive functionality and allow you to fully work with both your own data and system files.

File Commander

File Commander immediately greets the user with a bright and interesting design.

The application is shareware. The free version comes with ads, and in order to remove them you need to make an additional payment. In addition to the absence of advertising, the Premium version opens up advanced features for the user:

  • Access to hidden files and folders;
  • The presence of a “Recycle Bin”, which allows you to restore erroneously deleted data”;
  • Selecting frequently used files as Favorites quick access;
  • Safe mode, which allows you to hide or encrypt selected files and folders;
  • Ability to sort data by type and size to analyze storage load.

Immediately after launch, a window will open in front of you with categories of files that you can work on.

By tapping on the selected storage, you can immediately access all the files and folders located there.

Next to each disk drive there is a pie chart icon, by clicking on which you open the Memory Analyzer. This function allows you to determine the “heaviest” files that take up the most space on the disk. The analyzer is only available for the Premium version of File Commander, but for free access it is possible to use this function 3 times for evaluation purposes.

If your mobile device is connected to one Wi-Fi networks together in your computer, using a PC File Transfer you will be able to access your files using your browser. To do this, you need to start the PC File Transfer service and enter the address generated by the application in address bar browser on PC.

This way you will have access to all the files on your PC without having to connect your smartphone or tablet to the computer using a USB cable.

File Commander also allows you to broadcast the screen of your mobile phone to other devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network. To launch this function, you must register via E-mail or using Google or Facebook.

Another extremely useful function File Commander has a built-in ability to convert files to various formats. In order to launch the converter, you need to tap on the double arrow icon, which is located next to each of the files.

File Commander can convert not only images, but also video files, text documents and pdf. The list of supported formats is quite extensive, and it is selected individually for each file.

Lateral context menu allows you to quickly access categories, latest files, favorites and trash, as well as use FTP, log in to other devices via a local network, etc.

Free file manager for Android ES, the explorer has a Russian interface made in blue and light gray tones, and without long preludes, it immediately gives users access to all available functions.

From the very top there is information about available storage facilities and their volume. There is also a button to launch the Space Analyzer, which checks which data takes up the most space on a mobile device.

After analysis, the user can see a pie chart that visually displays the percentage of occupied and free space. Next is information about large files that “eat up” the bulk of disk space, then about empty temporary and log files, and about duplicate files located simultaneously in several directories.

By clicking on “Details” you can find out more about the selected category, as well as immediately delete all or only certain files.

The Cleanup function allows you to quickly analyze your file storage and delete files from the Recycle Bin, erase outdated APK installers, advertising junk, downloaded files from the Download folder, cached image thumbnails. Sometimes such minor garbage can accumulate to several gigabytes.

In addition to working with local storage, ES Explorer can also work with cloud services. By clicking on the Cloud button, you can log in to such popular remote storages as Gdrive, Yandex, OneDrive, etc.

Using ES Explorer, you can connect via local network to other devices via LAN, FTP or Android TV.

The application also allows you to get remote access to a mobile device via a PC if both devices are connected to the same local network.

The built-in encryptor makes it possible to protect your data during transmission, as well as when stored in the cloud. For this, ES Explorer uses a special 128-bit encryption.

In addition to being able to select files by category, you can also access all information in the selected storage location. To do this, click on the memory card icon located at the top of the screen next to the inscription “ Homepage" All folders and files stored on your device will open in front of you.

It can rightfully be considered a legendary product that has been known to everyone since the Windows platform since 1993. In 2002, the program moved into the ownership of Microsoft and over time expanded to platforms Windows Mobile and Android.

Total Commander by default has a dark interface in Russian, but if desired, the user can completely remake the appearance of the application in Settings for themselves. You can change not only the color of the background and control elements, but also the style and size of fonts, line height, and the appearance of icons. You can also simply change the interface theme from dark to light.

On the home screen you can access shared files on internal storage. You can also separately get quick access to the downloads folder and photos, go to the root directory file system, go to your favorite files in Bookmarks or open the full list of applications for quick removal.

At the bottom of the display there is a fixed button panel:

  • Select;
  • Copy/move;
  • Archive;
  • Delete;
  • Sort;
  • Add/edit button.

Selecting files in Total Commander is implemented in an extremely interesting way. In addition to the fact that you can select files with a long tap on the icon, you can also select or deselect certain files by name or extension. An option to invert the selection is also available.

The copy function allows you not only to move files within the storage, but also to send them via wireless technologies Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

You can sort the data by name, extension, size, date and time.

As additional buttons you can nominate various commands, including changing the folder, internal teams, launching an application, etc.

Individual folders can be bookmarked by clicking on the star icon at the top of the screen.

After tapping on the “Add Bookmark” button, by default you will be asked to save the current folder to Favorites. You can agree or choose another. Besides saving to bookmarks, you can also save a folder on your home screen for easy access.

The multiple folders button next to Bookmarks is responsible for viewing the folder history. There you can track which folders you have viewed using Total Commander, as well as quickly navigate to the selected directory.

Total Commander also pleases with its extensive search functionality. In addition to searching by file name or extension, you can also search for files that contain specific text, files by creation and modification date, and size.

In addition to the basic functionality, the capabilities of Total Commander can be expanded using plugins that can be installed additionally. This approach seems justified, because some functions that come with applications out of the box may not be in demand by certain application users.

Here you can personalize the application and additionally install only the functionality that you need.

FTP server plugins, synchronization plugin with Google Drive, connection plugin via LAN network, etc.

The presented applications have all the necessary basic and interesting advanced functionality, which allows you not only to manage files, but also to clear the disk of unnecessary data, work with cloud storage, etc.

Of course, applications of this kind are Google Play are presented in huge numbers, but these three are proven and reliable leaders who have received user recognition.

No owner of mobile devices can do without a file manager. Android control, so you can find a considerable number of them on Google Play, and the most popular ones have already been downloaded more than 100 million times. And although all conductors have similar functionality, each has its own characteristics and “tricks”, thanks to which some of them made it to our TOP.

In the review, file managers are listed in random order; we will not evaluate which one is better - everyone has their own requirements and preferences, so you decide for yourself. But it is worth noting that they are all worthy and worth trying each one.

ES File Explorer (ES Explorer)

Perhaps the most famous and popular file manager for Android is ES. File Explorer. ES Explorer gained nationwide popularity due to the fact that it was the first third-party file manager released for this OS. It appeared on Google Play back when the app store was called Android Market, and all smartphones had ancient Android 1.6.

Unlike some explorers, ES File Explorer looks very stylish. By default, folders and files are arranged in a grid with large icons. By clicking on the “View” item on the bottom panel, you can change the display by selecting medium or small icons, or even turn on list mode with varying degrees of detail.

Pressing a folder or file turns on the selection mode, after which you can check the box necessary files. More than 10 available actions will appear on the bottom panel: copy, cut, delete or rename. The rest are called up by clicking the “More” item.

ES Explorer handles archives without any problems. As for unzipping, there are two ways: the first is to select the file, click “More” on the bottom panel and select “Unzip” in the list of actions that appears, and the second (more advanced) is to click on the archived object, it will open as a regular folder with files, and then you can fully or partially unzip it yourself.

Thanks to ES File Explorer you can organize home network or using the “Remote Access” function, create an FTP server from your device and connect to it from your computer.

In addition, you can view videos and photos, listen to music and edit documents directly from ES File Explorer. ES Explorer itself groups files on your device - you just need to swipe to the right and in the “Library” section select the desired category: “Images”, “Music”, “Videos”, “Documents” and “Applications”.

By the way, by swiping left, a list will appear open windows and clipboard, and clicking on the cross in the upper right corner will close the current tab (window).

In addition to the main screen, there is also a side panel, which is called up by swiping to the right. From here you will be able to perform quick navigation between home screen and device memory, there is also a division of files by type, quick access to settings and bookmarks.

This file manager has a built-in Root explorer, classic convenient selection and work with files, as well as support for ZIP and RAR.

X-plore File Manager

A file manager that migrated to Android from Symbian, which can truly be considered an old-timer along with Total Commander. Unlike the latter, X-plore has not gained such popularity, primarily due to its rather specific and outdated interface. But at the same time, this file manager is one of the most functional.

The main feature of X-plore File Manager is the presentation of absolutely all information in the form of a hierarchy. This is not entirely convenient, since sometimes the paths to the files are too long, and the number of files in one folder can exceed a hundred and all this will be displayed as a continuous canvas on the screen.

The main screen contains the main controls: access to the device’s memory, root explorer, access to the local network, connecting to your account in one of the popular cloud storages, as well as an application manager.

The user interface consists of a work area and a sidebar with the usual options. In total, you will have access to 2 windows, switching between which is done by swiping. The vertical panel will be located between them and move accordingly either left or right.

The hotkeys on the sidebar can be customized to your liking: you can move them up or down, add new ones and remove unnecessary ones.

As for networking capabilities, everything here is also excellent. In addition to a considerable number of cloud storages with support for WebDav and local network/FTP network, the program supports Picasa albums, has the function of secure file transfer via SSH and the ability to create public access via Wi-Fi.

In X-plore you can also configure the types of Root access by choosing one of 4 possible ones, where in the simplest one the root folder is hidden, and in the mode for advanced users you can change read-only folders.

The application has built-in video and audio players, a gallery and a document editor. In addition, X-plore supports a large number of various formats files and archives.

Explorer from Gira.me

If you are looking for a beautiful and fast file manager that is not crammed with a lot of unnecessary features, then Gira.me File Explorer is what you need.

The application interface consists of a main window where all folders and files are displayed and a side panel where file categories are displayed. It is called by swiping from the left edge of the screen.

Working with files is as simple as it gets: after selecting files, a panel with standard options appears at the top of the screen: delete, copy, share, archive, etc. By the way, the application supports such archive formats as RAR, TAR, tar.gz, TGZ, tar.bz2 and TBZ.

From interesting features You can select an application manager with the ability to create backup copies, as well as a separate sorting option for each folder.

Bottom line

On Google Play you will find about 30 different file managers and their number is constantly growing. We tried to select the 8 most worthy of them and examined in detail the functionality of each. The review presents both completely simple, lightweight and convenient conductors, as well as complex multifunctional solutions. Some people like some, some others, but the main thing is that there is a choice and everyone can decide on the best file manager depending on their requirements and preferences.

(5,00 out of 5, rated: 4 )

File manager for android– an application that allows you to manage the contents of your device. In this article you will learn about the best file manager for Android - ES-Explorer.

In this article we will look at: - why each device needs a file manager, - what opportunities does Explorer provide for using a smartphone or tablet, - instructions for the practical use of the file manager functions.

1. What is a file manager for?

It is difficult to imagine working with a computer or laptop on Windows without the My Computer program, so its shortcut is usually located on everyone’s desktop. The same function is performed by file managers on mobile devices, and if they are of high quality, they are absolutely not inferior in capabilities to their counterpart on a PC, which gives you the opportunity to manage the contents of your device autonomously, without being tied to a computer.

Some manufacturers' devices don't have any kind of file manager at all, so you won't even be able to see what you've downloaded or open. required file until you install it yourself. Most other Android devices already have a built-in file manager. But they usually don't provide the same features as the best file manager. In any case, you need to install a file manager on Android.

Today, of course, the best file manager is ES Explorer. It is completely free and has all the necessary features.

2. Features of the ES file manager and their application

You can sort all the content into folders, for example, create a folder and collect all the music saved in different places (Bluetooth, downloads, etc.) in one folder, or sort all your pictures and photographs by year or event. All these operations you have ever done on your PC, now you can do the same directly on your Android phone or tablet. To do this: long press on 1 file/folder and action options will appear below: copy, cut, delete, rename + more (add to desktop, play, poison, compress, properties)

Thumbnail images

When viewing files with images, they will be shown as thumbnails - so it is not necessary to open the file to view the picture or photograph itself.

No need to install additional applications for text editing - ES Explorer will allow you to work with documents of various types.

Built-in application manager with the ability to delete and backup

If you have ever deleted applications from your Android, then you know that you cannot delete several at once through the application menu. Using ES Explorer, you can remove several applications at once by first selecting them. In the same menu you can do backup copy your device. In order to delete several applications: on the top left button, select the application manager. Long press to select 1 application, then check the rest and click Uninstall at the bottom.

Multiple selection of files and folders

You can do each action not only with one file or folder, but select several at once. You can select all files and folders or long press to select one, then check all the others

Built-in search

After some time of using an Android device, you will realize that it is quite difficult to find a file in a large number of folders created by the system. But you can easily find the files you need on your smartphone by name (it’s also convenient to search for a specific format, for example, if you want to install all apk files, then write apk in the search)

All your files on Android are sorted on the Homepage: separately all photos, videos, music, books, applications that are on the device.

You can send absolutely any file from your device via Bluetooth, email, add it to various social media like Vkontakte, Facebook, Google+, Hangouts, Skype, Viber, and also send as MMS. To do this: select the required file and click the More button. A huge list of possibilities is displayed here, including various options for sending a file.

Built-in zip archiver

You can both unzip and archive files like .zip and .rar, which gives another + to the autonomy of the Android device.

Remote access from any device

You can connect from any other device, regardless of operating system, and watch or download content. To do this, go to Tools - Remote Access and enter the address written in the line in the address bar of your browser.

Access to cloud storage

You can work through ES Explorer with such storages as: Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, Dropbox, Skydrive, Ubuntu One. Cloud storage is virtual flash drive. You securely store all your data on the Internet and have access to it from any device with Internet access. If you're interested, start using one of these services: . To do this: go to the network - cloud storage, select the required service, enter your account data and you can now manage all the contents of your storage from Android.

Switch between windows

You can open several necessary windows at once, for example, the contents of a memory card, cloud storage, and conveniently switch between them.

So, we found out what best file manager for android, why each device needs a file manager, what capabilities Explorer provides for using a smartphone or tablet, and how to use the main functions.

Many of us are accustomed to communicating with a computer using a file manager. Are there similar applications on smartphones and tablets? And which of them should be considered the best? This article will try to answer these questions.

The file manager greatly simplifies access to music, videos and various documents. If you do something serious on your device, you can’t do without it. That's why the first analogues of computer Explorer appeared on mobile phones back in the mid-2000s. With the advent of the smartphone era, the functionality of such utilities has expanded significantly.

This selection contains the five best file managers. We will try to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of each program, so that we can then advise you to install one of them.

Price: Free

Many of us have Total Commander installed on our computer. Now this is the most convenient file manager with a two-window interface. Meanwhile, the developers are not asleep - some time ago they decided to create a separate version of the application, tailoring it for the Android operating system.

If you wish, you can also enable a two-panel interface here - this is done in the settings. If you have Root rights, the program provides access to absolutely all folders. There is also a function that allows you to connect to an FTP server, useful for any website owner. The display of files may be different - it all depends on how many of them you want to place on the screen of your smartphone. If you so wish, the file manager for Android will even show thumbnails of photos. Theoretically, this will allow you to completely abandon the standard “Gallery”.

Other interesting features include the presence of a built-in archiver. Also, some users might like the ability to control other applications. There is also support for plugins that will allow you to access LAN, WebDAV and USB flash drives. In short, Total Commander can easily be turned into a completely professional application.


  • Availability of two-panel mode;
  • Possibility to download for free;
  • Support for plugins, which are also distributed free of charge;
  • Availability of a built-in archiver;
  • Manage installed applications.


  • Appearance intimidates beginners;
  • Not every person will realize the existence of plugins.

Price: Free

The most popular file manager for Android in Russian. The number of its installations has already exceeded 100 million! The program can work on operating system Android starting from version 4.0. An interesting feature of the utility is its support for themes - they are downloaded separately from Google Play.

It's not without reason that the app has become so popular. It is adapted for beginners, and therefore it makes sense for absolutely any user to install it! Beginners will use separate buttons leading to folders with photos, videos, downloads and documents, while more experienced users will use all the other functionality.

From large number benefits can be noted here preview images, built-in archiver, support for working with cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive and some others). The creators of ES Explorer did not forget about support for the FTP protocol, which is used by many webmasters. Finally, the application manager should also please.


  • Manage installed applications;
  • Theme support;
  • A simple interface that even a beginner will like;
  • FTP support without any plugins;
  • Creating thumbnail images;
  • Built-in archiver;
  • Distributed free of charge.


  • Does not always work correctly with connected flash drives;
  • The home page just annoys some people.

FX File Explorer

Price: Free

If you want to download a file manager for Android with this name, then be prepared for the fact that it will be in English. Unfortunately, the authors of the application are not yet thinking about Russian localization. But this is not a reason to pass him by. The fact is that an excellent two-window mode is implemented here. At the same time, the interface is simplified as much as possible, so that even a beginner will not have questions.

Like many of its competitors, FX File Explorer creates thumbnails of your media files, so you don't have to rely solely on file names. The built-in archiver helps you work with files in ZIP formats, 7ZIP, GZIP and even RAR. The media player, which is not available in all file managers, should also please. A nice bonus is the HEX editor, which will be useful for application creators. The developers did not forget about a regular text editor.

It’s interesting that you can transfer files using FX File Explorer to another device not only via traditional Bluetooth, but also via Wi-Fi. In short, if you have no problems understanding in English, then be sure to check out this application.


  • Plugin support;
  • A simple and intuitive interface, complemented by a two-panel mode;
  • Transfer files via Wi-Fi;
  • Built-in archiver;
  • Availability of a HEX editor;
  • Creating thumbnail images of a user-specified size;
  • FTP support;
  • Working with cloud storages;
  • Good built-in media player.


  • Only a trial version is available for free;
  • Lack of Russian language.


Price: Free

And many people remember this file manager from the days of Symbian. It is interesting that the developers from Lonely Cat Games did not seriously modify their creation with the advent of the Android era. There is a familiar interface here, in which the device's file system is depicted as a tree structure. Music player allows you not to run separate application to listen to the audio file of interest. The creators did not forget about the HEX editor, which was also present on the Nokia N73 and other legendary smartphones of past years.

Any folder here can be added to “Favorites”. If you have Root rights, absolutely the entire file system is displayed. The archiver available here supports work with 7ZIP, RAR and ZIP formats. Webmasters will love the ability to send files via FTP. well and regular users will be pleased with the introduction of cloud storage support here. With simple manipulations, you can transfer files via Wi-Fi.

In short, we could safely say that X-Plore is the best file manager. But we won't do this. We understand that the Explorer for Android should have the most simplified interface, because most smartphones use ordinary people who do not want to learn something new. And the interface available in X-Plore is difficult to understand - this could be said about the versions of the file manager for Symbian.


  • Sending files via Wi-Fi;
  • Cloud storage support;
  • Built-in archiver;
  • Possibility of using two-panel mode;
  • FTP protocol support;
  • Availability of a HEX editor;
  • Quickly view images;
  • Distributed free of charge;
  • Availability of a music player.


  • The interface is rejected by beginners;
  • Developers ask for money unobtrusively;
  • Not everyone likes the tree structure of the file system.

Which file manager is better?

This question is very difficult to answer. As you can already understand from our estimates, all applications of this kind are approximately equal. Perhaps we can recommend it to experienced users. The interface of this program is completely translated into Russian. If you want to expand the functionality of this utility, you can install many plugins.

Well, novice users can download and install. The size of file and folder icons here is adjustable within fairly wide limits. The program allows you to work with archives and move files to cloud storage. At the same time, the creators of this creation do not require money from the user.

A file manager for Android is needed to manage files and folders on mobile device: smartphone or tablet. With the help of a file manager (explorer, file manager) all necessary actions with files on a device running the Android operating system.

Any file manager for Android should be able to perform all basic actions: creating, copying, deleting, renaming, moving files and folders on the device. Depending on the level of its capabilities, the file manager may have advanced functionality necessary to perform certain operations with files: editing system files(for this you need to get Root rights on the device), working with archives, multimedia files (video, audio, photo), exchanging files between a mobile device and a PC via a local network, exchanging files via cloud storage, transferring files via the Internet via various network protocols etc.

The system file manager does not always satisfy users with its capabilities. In this article, we will try to choose the best file manager for Android.

I reviewed file managers for Android in Russian, completely free, or having the basic necessary functionality in free version, if there is a paid option. Therefore, this article does not include some popular programs: Solid Explorer, Root Explorer, etc.

Let's figure out which file manager is best for Android. In fact, it is not possible to choose the best file manager for Android in Russian due to the fact that users have different requirements for the program for working with files.

Some users require maximum functionality, while the majority will be satisfied with the most common and popular functions of the application. Therefore, the choice of each user will correspond to the needs of a particular person.

When choosing a suitable file manager, pay attention to functionality applications that will be in demand when you use them, read reviews, evaluate the ease of working with the program based on your impressions. Try several programs, and then make your choice based on your preferences and the ease of use of a particular file manager.

How to install a file manager on Android

The file manager is installed on Android like any other application. To search for an application, you need to enter the Google Play store by clicking on the Google Play icon on the smartphone screen, from a search in the browser, or using the direct link: https://play.google.com/store.

In the search field, enter the expression: “file manager”, as a result of the search results, you will be presented with a large number of programs designed to work on managing files in the operating room Android system.

Now let's move on to the review of the best free file managers for Android.

ES Explorer (ES File Manager)

ES Explorer (ES File Manager) is the most popular file manager in the world, widely known since the very first versions of the Android mobile operating system. The application is a powerful and functional tool for working with files on a smartphone or tablet.

The program has additional tools necessary to perform various tasks. From the application you can log into the cloud storage, without installing a client program on the device, start playing a video or audio file, edit text file, send a file over a network, for example to a computer, etc.

After launch, the main window opens, which shows information about busy place on the device. You can check the relevance of the data using the “Place Analyzer” button. Here are the main, most used functions of the application for quick access to the corresponding parameters: “Music”, “Video”, APPs”, “Images”, “Cleaning”, “Trash”, “Journal”, “Cloud”.

The free version of ES Explorer contains advertising.

Key features of ES File Manager:

  • Application administration.
  • Startup manager, cache clearing.
  • Remote file manager for managing the device from a computer.
  • Batch renaming of files.
  • Root support (if you have root access).
  • Transfer files via FTP, WebDav, local network.
  • View files via Bluetooth.
  • Cloud storage support: Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3, SugarSync, Baidu, MediaFire, Yandex.Disk.
  • Stopping applications.
  • Removing applications.
  • Full support for ZIP archives (creation, unpacking, recovery), unpacking RAR archives.
  • Editing text files.
  • Show thumbnails of files.
  • Change appearance programs.
  • CD card analyzer.
  • Smart charging.
  • Transferring files and folders to another mobile device with ES File Manager installed (“Sender” function).
  • Multimedia player for playing music and videos.
  • Image viewer.
  • Built-in Internet browser.

To perform some functions, you will need to install additional modules (Task Manager, etc.).

There is a paid version of ES File Explorer/Manager Pro without ads with a different interface.

ES File Manager - a good choice for users who want to receive maximum possibilities from a program of this type.

The file manager has been known since the days of the Symbian mobile operating system. This functional explorer has a rather complex interface that you will have to figure out. But then the program’s great opportunities will open up to you.

The X-plore File Manager program has the following functionality:

  • Tree panel with folder hierarchy.
  • Two-window mode.
  • Application manager.
  • Root support.
  • Supports access via FTP, SMB1/SMB2, WebDav.
  • SQLite database browsing function.
  • Unpacking archives in formats: ZIP, RAR, 7-Zip.
  • Creation of ZIP archives.
  • View APK files as ZIP archives.
  • Transfer media files via DLNA/UPnP.
  • Cloud storages supported: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Mail.Ru Cloud, Yandex.Disk, Mega.co, Box, IDrive, SugarSync, pCloud, ownCloud, MediaFire.
  • There is access to cloud services Image storage: Flicr, Picasa.
  • Share files over Wi-Fi with other Android devices.
  • Thumbnails for videos, images and other file types
  • Viewer PDF files(starting from Android0 version)
  • Working with Hex code.
  • View images at larger sizes.
  • Sending files via Bluetooth.
  • Customizable hot buttons and keys.
  • Disk Map - a disk map with information about the space occupied by files on the disk.

Paid features of X-plore File Manager:

  • Use of secure protocols: SSH File Transfer (SFTP) and SSH Shell.
  • Built-in audio player.
  • Video player with subtitles.
  • Manage files on an Android device from a browser on a PC on a local network.
  • Encrypt sensitive files using the Vault feature.

X-plore File Manager is a good choice for advanced work with files on a mobile device.

Free file manager for Android, from the developer of the famous Total Commander for Windows. File Commander has all the basic features you need to manage files and folders on your smartphone or tablet.

Although Total Commander for Android looks somewhat ascetic in appearance, this implementation is very convenient: the most necessary and in-demand functionality is displayed in the main window of the program.

The program has the ability to install plugins that add some functions to the application. Total Commander is ad-free.

Total Commander features:

  • Drag & Drop support.
  • Copying and moving entire directories.
  • Compression and decompression of ZIP archives, decompression of RAR archives.
  • Built-in text editor.
  • Search, including for text.
  • Various modes for selecting files and directories.
  • Support for plugins that expand the capabilities of the program.
  • Built-in plugin to display a list of installed applications.
  • Root support (if you have rights).
  • Sketches for images.
  • Bookmarks, catalog history.
  • FTP and WebDav support via plugins.
  • Media player for playing multimedia files over a local network or WebDav.
  • Two-panel mode in horizontal orientation.
  • Customizable interface.

The Total Commander application has all the necessary functions for successfully working with files on a smartphone.

File Manager +

File Manager + from Flashlight + Clock - a simple and at the same time powerful file manager with a stylish, user-friendly interface.

In the main window of the file manager, clear buttons open to the user for quick access to the main functions of the program: “Main folder”, “SD card”, “Downloads”, “Photos”, “Audio”, Video”, “Documents”, “Programs” ", "New files", "Cloud", "Remote services", "PC access".

With File Manager + you can take advantage of the following functions:

  • Manage files on an SD card or connected USB drive.
  • View images saved in major graphics formats.
  • Manage audio and video files of major formats.
  • Management of any types of documents.
  • Stopping and deleting applications.
  • Removing cache and program data.
  • Access to cloud storage: Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Yandex.Disk.
  • Managing a mobile device from a computer via FTP.

File Manager + (from Flashlight + Clock) is an excellent choice for users, having everything they need to manage files.

Mi Explorer

Mi Explorer from the famous Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi electronic equipment - file manager for Android in Russian. The file manager is pre-installed on Xiaomi smartphones Despite this, Mi Explorer works on any phone models from different manufacturers.

The main window of the program contains buttons for accessing the most popular categories, and information about recent actions is displayed.

Mi Explorer has the following features:

  • View the last directories you worked with on the device.
  • Distribution of files into categories for easy access and management.
  • Group operations with files.
  • Working with APK files.
  • Clearing the device of cache and unnecessary data.
  • Support for ZIP and RAR archives.
  • Mi Drop is a function for transferring files to another device located nearby, without the Internet turned on.

Mi Explorer is a good choice for those who need only basic functionality on their mobile device.

ASTRO File Manager

ASTRO File Manager is a popular application for working with files in the Android operating system. The program implements the basic necessary features that will suit most users.

In the main window, two panels contain buttons for accessing file types and storage locations, connected cloud services and recent files. ASTRO file manager works without advertising.

The main functionality of the ASTRO file manager:

ASTRO File Manager is a good choice for a file management program on your mobile phone.

File Manager (File Explorer)

File Manager (File Explorer) is a file manager ASUS ZenUI FileManager, created for installation on devices of the famous Taiwanese computer company ASUS. The application works on any smartphone running Android.

On home page Categories have been placed to quickly navigate to necessary functions, Information about internal storage and the connected MicroSD card.

File Manager (File Explorer) features:

  • Access files by category.
  • File Manager.
  • File transfer over local network, SMB (Samba) protocol support.
  • Access to files in cloud storage: Google Drive, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk, ASUS Web Storage.
  • Transfer of streaming multimedia data.
  • Support for archives in ZIP and RAR formats.

Dispatcher files File Manager (File Explorer) has the necessary minimum capabilities for working with files.

GM File Manager

File Manager from General Mobile Official. GM File Manager - completely free application Without advertising.

The main window displays “Quick Categories” for easy navigation to the desired section of the program. Below you can see the memory status on the device itself and the SD card.

GM File Manager has the following features:

GM File Manager is quite suitable for working on a mobile device.

Conclusions of the article

The article presents the best free file managers for Android that have the necessary functionality for productive work with files and folders on a mobile device: phone or tablet. I included the following applications in the list of the best file managers: ES Explorer, X-plore File Manager, Total Commander, File Manager +, Mi Explorer, ASTRO File Manager, File Manager (File Explorer), GM File Manager.

If you have anything to add to this list of file managers installed on Android, share interesting information and write about it in the comments to this article.