Theoretical foundations for the formation of information competence in schoolchildren. "formation of information competence among junior schoolchildren" The concept of information competence

Formation of information competence of students in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards in the discipline “Law”

The transition to the information society makes changes in all spheres of human life, which leads to changes in the requirements for a modern specialist. One of the solutions to the current situation is the transition from a knowledge-based to a competency-based model. specialist The implementation of this model ensures the training of a person who not only has knowledge, but also knows how to apply it in various situations. Information competence presupposes, in particular, knowledge both in the field of ICT and in the field of their effective use in the process of one’s direct activities, focused on the use of an information resource.

During the study of the designated topics, we identified contradictions between the need of society for specialists with a high level of information competence in the field of law, and the insufficient theoretical development of this problem in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards, on the one hand; on the other hand, the need of students to master information competence and the uncertainty of the mechanisms of its formation; the need during teaching practice for scientific and methodological support for the process of developing students’ information competence based on the application information technologies and the lack of development of organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at preparing students for this kind of information activities.

The above contradictions are expressed in the form scientific problem: What are the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students in law lessons in terms of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards?


  • identify, theoretically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students based on the use of information technologies, and experimentally test the effectiveness of their implementation.

An object:

  • the process of developing information competence of students based on the use of information technologies in the context of the introduction of new generation standards.


  • organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students based on the use of information technologies.


  • The process of developing information competence of students based on the use of information technologies will be effective if: the organization of the information and educational environment is ensured by saturating it with information resources; diagnostics and subsequent monitoring of the educational needs, motives and level of knowledge of students were carried out; V educational activities students actively use information technology; independent educational and cognitive activity of students occurs on the basis of the use of ICT.

The work consists of four stages and includes the period from September 2012 to May 2014. The second stage (December 2012 - January - April 2013) includes the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students based on the use of information technologies and the determination of scientific and methodological tools for their implementation; identifying criteria for the effectiveness of the selected organizational and pedagogical conditions; implementation, testing of the main provisions of the study in the form of presentations at scientific and practical conferences varying levels of significance.

Review of information

1. The concepts of “competence” and “key competencies”.

Ideas for modernizing education on a competency-based basis are actively discussed and developed in scientific circles by V.A. Bolotov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.N. Dakhin, E.M. Dneprov, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.A. Kalney, S.V. Kulnevich, O.E. Lebedev, E.A. Lenskoy, A.A. Pinsky, V.V. Serikov, A.P. Tryapitsina, I.D. Frumin, V.D. Shadrikov, S.E. Shishov, A.V. Khutorskoy, B.D. Elkonin and others. It should immediately be noted that there is still no established single definition of the content of the concept of “competence” or “key competence”.

Competence is a characteristic given to a person as a result of assessing the effectiveness/effectiveness of his actions aimed at resolving a certain range of tasks/problems that are significant for a given community.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy Andrey Viktorovich Khutorskoy gives his understanding of today’s term “ Competence is an alienated, predetermined social requirement (norm) for the educational preparation of a student, necessary for his effective productive activity in a certain field.”

2. The concept of “information competence”.

To specify the competency-based approach, and therefore organize the learning process for students in the discipline “Law”, great importance has an expression of types of competencies. For students in Law lessons, it is better to express them in two groups: key (basic) competencies and special (subject-specific) competencies. When studying Law, subject competencies can be considered as the implementation of key competencies. They are successfully formed in the context of all four key competencies - information, communication, cooperative and problem-solving.

In a study on improving the subject training of NGO students when studying the discipline “Law” Special attention addressed the formation of information competence.

In scientific research, the concept of “information competence” is interpreted as: complex individual psychological education based on the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal attitude in the field of innovative technologies and a certain set of personal qualities; new literacy, which includes the skills of active independent processing of information by a person, making fundamentally new decisions in unforeseen situations using technological means.

In the structure of the category “information competence” the following components are distinguished: cognitive, value-motivational, technical and technological, communicative, reflective . Thus, the properties of the category “information competence” are the following: dualism, relativity, structuredness, selectivity, accumulation, self-organization, “multifunctionality”.

  • educational;
  • communicative;
  • adaptive;
  • normative;
  • evaluative (informative);
  • interactive.

Thus, in the process of studying the discipline “Law”, the formation of information competencies is of great importance. With the help of real objects and information technologies, the skills of independent search, analysis and selection of necessary information, its preservation and transmission, self-organization, and transformation are formed.

3. Characteristics of information competence of students in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards in the discipline “Law”

The main goal of the discipline “Law” is the formation in students of legal consciousness and legal culture, social and legal activity, internal conviction in the need to comply with the rules of law, awareness of themselves as a full member of society, having rights and freedoms guaranteed by law.

Thus, for quality training of students it is important teach them how to search legal information: find distinctive features in regulatory documents, reference books, encyclopedias, electronic databases of the meaning of terms and concepts. Can't do without formation of skills communicate - listen to your interlocutor, analyze what others have said, argue your position, exchange information, formulate conclusions in different forms. As a rule, communication and joint learning activities can be more effectively organized when students are united in pairs, units and groups. The group nature of training helps to optimize the process of mastering legal knowledge. Each group of skills has a specific competency composition.

4. The development of information competence of students in the discipline “Law” can be ensured by the use of such techniques as:

  • the use of computer textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, Internet resources that form the ability to independently engage in acquiring knowledge and developing skills. Using multimedia products even within several lessons is a powerful tool individualization of training;
  • a system of special exercises that stimulate the active mental activity of students, necessary for the formation of general information competence. In addition, developmental exercises, cases, envelope cards, as well as crosswords and puzzles are used, which, in addition to the above, create conditions for increasing interest in the study of law, and also allow for person-centered learning;
  • organization of project activities: this methodology is the most obvious way to develop students’ key competencies, including information ones, since it is universal in relation to the subject content, for example, on the topic “Labor Law”;
  • non-traditional forms of classes: lesson-problem on solving cases, lesson-competition “Legal Olympiad”, lesson-game “Legal Tournament”... These forms allow you to solve problems such as: developing interest in information objects, increasing students’ motivation to study the discipline “Law”, formation of information, communication and technological skills. Non-traditional forms of classes are conducted within the framework of the Decade of Humanities or within the framework of the program of the Sector of Civil-Patriotic Education.

Since work on this research continues, it is planned to develop automated systems control, for example, the test shell MyTest. Based on this study, apply a rating assessment method, which makes it possible to increase the objectivity of knowledge assessment.


1. Aksenova M.V. Implementation information processes in preparing specialized school students for continuing education// Preparing specialized school students for continuing education: Monograph/ Ed. prof. IN AND. Zemtsova. - Orsk: OGTI Publishing House, 2004. - 122 p.

2. Akulenko, V.L. Formation of ICT competence of a subject teacher in the system of advanced training [Text] / V.L. Akulenko // Application of new technologies in education: Materials of the XV International. Conf., June 29-30, 2004, Troitsk, Moscow region: Trovant Publishing House, 2004. - P.344-346.

The report was prepared by: Korshunova Svetlana Stanislavovna, GBOU SPO ChTPTiU

The computer science teacher plays a direct role in the formation of students’ information competence. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in computer science lessons allow students to solve problems that they encounter throughout the entire educational process.

Here are a few examples that help develop these skills.

Lesson No. 1 - 7th grade

Lesson topic: “Information and its types.”

Lesson objectives:

1. Developmental:

development of mental qualities of students: thinking (analytical, synthesizing, analytical-synthesizing, abstract), skills to apply knowledge in practice;

development of cognitive skills (highlight the main thing, take notes);

development of general labor and polytechnic skills (communicative and technical);

development of educational skills: the ability to work at the proper pace (read, write);

development of will, independence (initiative, self-confidence, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the intended goal, the ability to control oneself and act independently).

2. Educational:

to ensure that students master the concepts of information, types of information, information carriers;

improve skills in using software application Microsoft Office Word;

practice construction skills Microsoft charts Excel;

ensure that students understand the features various types information.

3. Educational:

nurturing learning motives and a positive attitude towards knowledge;

education of discipline;

education of aesthetic views.

Lesson equipment: demonstration material, Microsoft presentation PowerPoint.



for groups;

with homework.

Projection equipment:

interactive board;



Lesson plan:

self-determination for activity (organizational moment);

updating knowledge;

formulation of the problem;

building a project to get out of the difficulty. “Discovery” of new knowledge;

primary fixation;

independent work with verification using a sample;

inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition;


Lesson No. 2 - 8th grade.

Lesson summary on the topic “File. File extension and attributes."

Objective of the lesson: to develop the ability to describe and change file attributes; develop information competence of students.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: introduce file attributes and extensions, file archiving algorithms; teach how to change file attributes, open files in the appropriate application; master the skills of archiving files with setting archiving parameters;

Developmental: formation and development of mental work techniques and logical techniques (analysis, synthesis, generalization);

Educators: formation of personal communicative qualities, perception of the computer as an information processing tool.

Lesson equipment: projector, local computers- 12, Polyvision electronic board, stationary table with file types.

Software: 7-Zip and WinRAR archivers, file manager Total Commander, Webster software for interactive whiteboard, presentation for interactive whiteboard.

Lesson plan:

Checking homework:

Oral report on practical work (using a projector and electronic board).

“Disk defragmentation” (demonstrating the results in the form of copies of monitor screen images saved by the student).

“Formatting a floppy disk” (Execution and accompaniment with the student’s story).

"File size in different file systems» ( Comparative characteristics files saved on various media).

Updating knowledge using presentation:

Creating a problematic situation.

What is superfluous in each of these logical chains? (Why?).

Problematic issues:

What is the relationship between a file extension and the application in which the file was created?

Is it possible to change the application that a file is associated with?

Explanation of new material

Slides accompanied by an explanation from the teacher and student notes in workbooks.


Instruction before performing practical work.

Practical work

File extension and attributes. Archiving files.

Lesson summary

Grades for students' oral responses.

Lesson No. 3 - 9th grade

Lesson topic: “Spreadsheets. Entering formulas. Relative and absolute addressing."

Lesson objectives:

educational - remember the concept of “graph”, types of graphs, properties of graphs from a mathematics course, introduce students to the stages of constructing graphs using Microsoft Excel, expand students’ understanding of the possible areas of application of spreadsheets, show the application of acquired knowledge from other disciplines in computer science;

developing - develop cognitive and research abilities, develop skills and abilities in the practical use of spreadsheets in solving specific problems, develop and practice the ability to analyze;

educational - to cultivate interest in the subject, to Microsoft program Excel.

Lesson objectives:

show the stages of plotting using Microsoft Excel;

consider several examples of plotting graphs using Microsoft Excel;

cultivate interest in the subject and in the Microsoft Excel program in particular.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material.

Type of lesson: combined.

Lesson format: story, practical work, independent work.

Form of student work: group work, individual work.

Technology: ICT, problem-based learning, integrated lesson “mathematics + computer science”.

Cabinet preparation:



presentation for teacher;

Microsoft Excel program.

Lesson plan:

organizational moment - 1 min;

updating and checking the assimilation of the studied material - 5 min;

explanation of new material - 15 min;

independent work at the computer (consolidation of the studied material);



The pedagogical experiment consisted of 3 parts:

developing lessons using ICT;

conducting lessons;

analysis and interpretation of lesson results.

The general goal of the lessons was to analyze the formation of information competence skills in schoolchildren, therefore, to analyze the results of the lessons, we determined whether schoolchildren use this or that skill to solve educational cognitive problems

Lesson topic: Practical work. Working with WWW.

Searching for information on the Internet. The information obtained as a result of the work performed will allow students to:

form an idea of ​​the means of transmitting information in the life of mankind;

understand that the means of transmitting information have improved every year, which has made it possible to increase the speed of information transfer;

analyze the advantages of information transmission media;

evaluate the contribution of outstanding scientists to the development of means of information transmission.

This task, from the point of view of ICT competence, is aimed at identifying skills in searching, evaluating and creating information. Competence is determined through the task of evaluating information from a database using the provided search mechanism, selecting those resources that can be used for reference or those that meet certain requirements.

Time to complete: 30 minutes.

Revealed skills:



creation of information products.

Topic “Actions with information” 7th grade

Exercise 1.

Formed competence: information competence (aspect: primary information processing, level I - transfers complex (multidimensional) information from a textual representation to a formalized one).

Formed competence: information competence (aspect: extraction of secondary information, level I - independently formulates grounds based on the nature of the task received, extracts and systematizes information on two or more given grounds with elements of primary information processing).

The study of celestial bodies is one of the tasks that astronomy solves. Knowledge of astronomy allows you to: navigate the terrain, determine geographical coordinates, study the movement of bodies, explore cosmic phenomena. Carefully study the information provided in the source. Compare 4 objects, highlighting 4 parameters (properties, characteristics) for comparison. Present the results of your work in the form comparative table. Draw a conclusion about which of the planets of the solar system presented in the sources do not have satellites.

Source 1.

Planets of the Solar System.

The distance from Jupiter to the Sun is 778 million km. The diameter of the planet Jupiter is 142,800 km. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million km. The diameter of the planet Mercury is 4,880 km. Jupiter's orbital time around the Sun is 12 years. The distance from Mercury to the Sun is 58 million km. The Earth's revolution around the Sun is 365 days. Mercury's orbital time around the Sun is 88 days. Venus's orbital time around the Sun is 225 days. The diameter of planet Earth is 12,756 km. The diameter of the planet Venus is 12,100 km. The distance from Venus to the Sun is 108 million km. The orbital time of Mars around the Sun is 687 days.

Source 2.

Satellites of the planets of the solar system.

According to modern data, Mercury has no satellites. According to modern data, Venus has no natural satellites. The Earth has only one satellite - the Moon. Jupiter has 63 known satellites.

Table 2.1

Satellites of the planets of the solar system

Table 2.2

Grading scale

Conclusion: The two planets of the solar system presented in the sources, Mercury and Venus, do not have satellites.

Scale for converting points to marks:

  • 24 points - mark “5”
  • 21-23 points - mark “4”
  • 17-20 points - mark “3”

The proposed task can be used at the stage of assimilation of new knowledge. Along with the assignment, students are offered a grading scale and a scale for converting points into a grade.

I will give the development of a lesson on the formation of student competencies, such as information and communication.

Lesson topic: “Computer. Software. Windows OS. Binary coding of information. Processing of graphic and text information”

Lesson form: business game.

Dominant didactic goal: Development of information competence on the topic: “Computer. Software. Windows OS. Binary coding of information. Processing of graphic and text information.”

educational: create conditions for the formation of an integral system of knowledge on the topic: “Computer. Software. Windows OS. Binary coding of information. Processing of graphic and text information”;

developing: create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity: developing skills of independent work with a source of information, tools and technologies; development of communication skills in information exchange, in role interaction; development of mental activity skills in planning, analysis, synthesis, structuring, introspection, reflection;

educating: create conditions for nurturing a culture of educational work, instilling organization, responsibility, and concentration.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: group, individual.

Teaching method: creative-problem-based.

Lesson equipment:

projector, personal computers with Windows OS installed on them, Microsoft Word word processor, Microsoft Power Point;

presentation file Application1.ppt, located on the teacher’s computer;

a folder for each company on the students’ computer with seven files: file Accounting Journal Money.doc, file Crossword.doc, file Additional questions.doc, file Scanword.doc, Firm evaluation criteria. doc, Company employee evaluation sheet. doc, Summary assessment table of the expert. doc.

During the classes.

At the beginning of the lesson, the class is divided into groups of 8-10 people, the teacher suggests forming companies. Each company has a name and employees: four programmers, a financier, a manager, a designer and a president. Each company is provided with “ownership” of four computers. The guys come up with all the attributes of the company themselves. 3-4 independent experts are selected from among the best students.

The teacher invites students to pay attention to the topic of the lesson and asks the question: What do we know about this topic? What can we do? Invites students to formulate the purpose of today's lesson. The goal of the lesson is set, i.e. the goal of the business game.

Next, the teacher informs us that in order to start our game, companies need to earn initial capital by answering quick crossword questions. To do this, programmers need to find a ready-made file with a crossword puzzle on one of the company’s four computers (the path to the game folder is indicated, but the difficulty is that it also contains “unnecessary” ones). this moment time files), jointly fill it out, and present the finished product in printed form to the experts. The crossword puzzle contains 16 word terms, the price of each word is 100 USD, that is, the maximum initial capital can be 1600 USD.

The results of the blitz survey are summed up. Experts announce the money earned, the financiers of each company take the conventional units, write them down in a journal available in the game folder as a file.

Journal of funds in the bank's personal account (for the financier of the company) (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3

Cash accounting

At this stage of the game, the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it using real objects: a computer, a printer is formed. Consequently, the information competence of students is formed. Experts track the number of open “unnecessary” files and the number of correctly guessed words-terms. The teacher, based on expert data, determines the level of competence and builds a diagram.

Horizontal crossword questions:

  • 4. The type of program to which the Laser Player belongs.
  • 5. One of the standard programs.
  • 8. Information input device.
  • 10. Synonym for hard magnetic disk.
  • 11. Type of program to which Word Pad belongs.
  • 12. A button that, when pressed, will display the main menu on the screen.
  • 13. Device for storing, processing, transmitting information.
  • 16. Information about the surrounding world that increases the level of human awareness.


  • 1. Folder intended for temporary storage deleted files, folders, shortcuts.
  • 2. One of the multimedia programs.
  • 3. This device can be matrix, inkjet, laser.
  • 6. Type of memory that stores programs and data processed by the processor at a given time.
  • 7. One of utilities for working with the disk.
  • 9. Type of program to which System Information.
  • 14. Device for exchanging information via telephone communication channels.
  • 15. The storage medium with the least information capacity.

Crossword Computer Windows OS software is presented in accordance with Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. Crossword

Crossword answers:

Horizontal: multimedia, notepad, microphone, hard drive, standard, start, computer, information.

Vertical: recycle bin, sound recording, printer, operational, defragmentation, service, modem, floppy disk.

Next, the company that will have greatest number initial capital, begins to be the first to “test” its employees (subordinates) to see how they understand their president (boss). Half of the company's employees participate in this check: a programmer, manager, financier, president, the rest of the employees: three programmers and a designer prepare answers to additional crossword questions, which are located in the game folder as a file. (At the same time, another company answers additional crossword questions.)

A programmer, manager, financier, together with the president, can choose any three sections from 1 round computer presentation. A slide with the 1st round of the computer presentation is open on the teacher’s computer monitor; only the president of the company will see it. Having chosen one of the sections of the 1st round, the president takes a seat at the teacher’s computer, the rest of the company’s employees do not see what is happening on the monitor screen. He can use words, gestures, and facial expressions to explain as accurately as possible the words presented in the selected section, and the company employees must guess the word being explained. For each correctly guessed word, the team receives 100 USD. to the company's personal account. Each section “hides” five terms, that is, the capital can increase maximum by 1500 USD. Words-terms can be purchased for 100 USD. each, in case of an incorrectly guessed term.

In the presentation, when you select each section via a hyperlink, you go to a slide with the words-terms of this section. Terms appear on the slide one word at a time with a mouse click. Using the return button you can return to the slide with 1 round.

When the three sections of the 1st round are solved, the company employees return to their “ workplace” and help answer additional crossword questions. The finished product (answers to additional questions) is provided to the experts in printed form. There are eight additional crossword questions, that is, the maximum increase in the company’s capital will be 800 USD. (At the same time, another company guesses word terms from the remaining three sections of the 1st round of the computer presentation.)

Additional questions for the crossword:

list all additional computer devices used in the crossword puzzle. Define each of them;

draw a diagram of the functional organization of a computer. Enter the devices indicated in the crossword puzzle, according to their type, into the required blocks of the diagram;

formulate pairs of words from the terms proposed in the crossword according to the principle: adjective - noun. The adjective is a type of program, and the noun is one of the programs of this type. Provide a few more examples of programs for each type;

name examples of multimedia programs not listed in the crossword puzzle. The presence of which devices makes it possible to work with this type of program;

List the media from the crossword puzzle in descending order of their volume. For the last media, indicate its information capacity;

indicate the media that were not used in the crossword puzzle, dividing them into groups with a common characteristic;

name the Worker's objects Windows desktop, used in crossword puzzle. Specify objects that can still be placed on the Desktop;

List the words from the crossword puzzle that were not used in questions 1-7 and their answers. Define one of these word terms so that the remaining words “sound” when explaining the term.

Answers to additional questions for the crossword puzzle:

1. Printer - output device graphic information on paper. Microphone is a device for inputting audio information. Modem is a device for exchanging information via telephone communication channels. Computer devices are presented in accordance with Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Computer devices

  • 3. Standard - notepad, service - defragmentation. Standard: calculator, Word Pad, Paint. Service: disk check, system information, disk cleanup, data archiving, disk conversion to FAT 32, data compression.
  • 4. Laser player, volume control, universal player. Required: sound card with microphone and speakers, and CD-ROM drive.).
  • 5. Winchester, floppy disk. The information volume of a 3-inch floppy disk is 1.44 MB.
  • 6. Option 1: groups based on the principle of working with information on the medium:



Answer option 2: groups by type of storage medium:


  • 7. Folder Recycle Bin, Start button on the Taskbar. You can place other folders, documents, shortcuts.
  • 8. Words: operational, computer, information. Definition: RAM computer - memory that stores information that the processor processes at a given time.

At this stage of the game, communicative competencies are formed, including knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with surrounding people and events, skills of working in a group, knowledge of various social roles a team. Students’ information competence is also being developed. Experts track the number of correctly guessed word terms. The teacher, based on the experts’ data, determines the level of competence and builds a diagram.) Next, the company that will have the largest amount of capital at a given time begins to be the first to “test” its employees (subordinates) to see how they understand their president (boss). This check involves three programmers, a designer and a president, the rest of the employees: a programmer, a manager, a financier, prepare answers to the scanword, located in the game folder as a file. The finished product is presented to the experts in printed form. In the scanword there are twelve words-terms, that is, the maximum increase in the company’s capital will be 1200 USD. (At the same time, another company solves the scanword.)

A slide with the 2nd round of the computer presentation is open on the teacher’s computer monitor. Appendix 1.ppt. Everything is similar to the 1st round; the company’s capital can increase to the maximum by 1500 USD.

In the scanword, companies need to find encrypted words-terms on a specific topic presented in accordance with Figure 2.3. From letters not used in the names of terms, create the name of another term; it is possible to use one letter in different words. Scanwords are offered in two versions: in option 1 - the words are arranged horizontally (from right to left or left to right) and vertically (from bottom to top or top to bottom), and in option 2 - in a snake pattern.

Option 1

Option 2

Figure 2.3. Scanword Processing of text and graphic information

Crossword answers (both options): paragraph, font, pixel, format, palette, list, rotation, object, file, fill, page. The name of the word-term, composed of unused letters - highlighting.

Next, the company with the least amount of capital at a given time chooses either the place of the student who will explain the word-term, or the place of the one who must guess the given word. A slide with the final round of the computer presentation is open on the teacher’s computer monitor. Presidents of companies participate in the finals. The cost of six words-terms in the final is different: 100 USD, 150 USD, 200 USD, 300 USD, 350 USD, 500 USD

In the final, the correct explanation of the word-term and the correct answer are assessed by adding a certain number of currency units, in accordance with their value. If the explanation of the word-term or the answer is incorrect, then a certain amount of currency is subtracted in accordance with their value. The company's capital can be increased to the maximum by 1600 USD.

The final result of the game: the play money is counted and the best company is announced.

Table 2.4.

Firm evaluation criteria

The President enters each employee's ratings into the score sheet.

Company employee evaluation sheet


President of the company:________________

Figure 2.5. Evaluation paper

Experts evaluate the work of each president of the company, make a complete conclusion on the entire game, note the best company, give grades with comments, fill out a summary evaluation table.

Expert summary table


Table 2.5. Summary score table

At the end of the entire game, the teacher gives the floor to the students and reflection is carried out.

To test the development of the ability to apply one’s knowledge in a standard situation, the following skills are included:

calculate the information volume of a message;

carry out translation from one number system to another;

carry out arithmetic operations in binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems;

create and transform logical expressions;

generate a truth table and a logic diagram for a logical function;

evaluate the results of well-known software;

formulate queries to databases and search engines.

  • 1. Automatic device carried out the recoding of an information message in Russian, originally written in 16-bit Unicode, into 8-bit KOI-8 encoding. At the same time, the information message was reduced by 480 bits. What is the length of the message in characters?
  • 2. 119 athletes participate in cyclocross. A special device registers each participant's passing of the intermediate finish, recording its number using the minimum possible number of bits, the same for each athlete. What is the information volume of the message recorded by the device after 70 cyclists have completed the intermediate finish?
  • 70 bit
  • 70 bytes
  • 490 bit
  • 119 bytes
  • 3. Given: a=D716, b=3318. Which of the numbers c written in binary system, meets condition a
  • 11011001
  • 11011100
  • 11010111
  • 11011000
  • 4. To encode the letters A, B, C, D, we decided to use two-digit sequential binary numbers(from 00 to 11, respectively). If you encode the sequence of characters BAVG in this way and write the result in hexadecimal code, you will get
  • 5. To encode the background color of an Internet page, use the attribute bgcolor="#ХХХХХХ", where in quotation marks the hexadecimal values intensity of color components in the 24-bit RGB model. What color will the page specified by the tag have?

The material for testing the development of skills to apply one’s knowledge in a new situation includes the following complex skills:

analyze the program text from the point of view of compliance of the written algorithm with the task and change it in accordance with the task;

implement a complex algorithm using modern systems programming.

  • 1. The Calculator performer has two commands, which are assigned numbers:
    • A) add 3
    • B) multiply by 4

By executing the first of them, the Calculator adds 3 to the number on the screen, and by executing the second, it multiplies it by 4. Write down the order of commands in the program for obtaining the number 57 from number 3, containing no more than 6 commands, indicating only the command numbers.

For example, program 21211 is program

multiply by 4

add 3

multiply by 4

add 3

add 3

which converts the number 2 to 50.)

  • 2. Describe in Russian or one of the programming languages ​​an algorithm for obtaining from a given integer array of 30 elements another array that will contain the modules of the values ​​of the elements of the first array (without using a special function that calculates the modulus of a number).
  • 3. For 6 letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are specified (for some letters, two bits, for some, three). These codes are presented in the table:

00 100 10 011 11 101

Determine which sequence of 6 letters is encoded by the binary string 011111000101100.

The current stage of development of society is characterized by rapid development of production. We see that the greatest successes have been achieved by those states that have chosen the path of information and intellectual development as their general direction. Awareness of this fact forces us to take a fresh look at the system of teacher training. Any educational institution today puts forward a clear requirement: from the educational institution it must receive a well-trained specialist who will immediately join the labor process. For a long time, pedagogical systems were focused on students’ assimilation of ready-made knowledge acquired by humanity. But is this possible today, when the volume of knowledge is growing like an avalanche? The answer is obvious: there is no need to talk about any quality in the training of a specialist. There is a clear need to modernize the education system. In almost all developed countries of the world there is a turn in development pedagogical technologies during the reform of the education system, the focus was on teaching the ability to independently extract necessary information, identify problems and look for ways to solve them rationally, be able to analyze acquired knowledge and apply it to solve new problems. The assimilation of ready-made knowledge should not be a goal, but one of the auxiliary means in the training of a specialist. Thus, modern society needs a person who is independent, critically thinking, able to creatively solve problems that arise, and also has self-sufficiency skills.

One of the strategic directions for the development and modernization of domestic education is a competency-based approach, personality-oriented in nature.

The basis of the global process of informatization of society is the informatization of education. At the same time, it should be ahead of the informatization of other areas of social activity, since it is in the learning process that the social, psychological, and general cultural prerequisites of an information society are formed. The new needs of society and the individual have identified information competence as one of the basic, key ones.

In addition, this competence has some distinctive features:

1. Priority (information activities are increasingly included in the activities of a modern specialist).

2. Dynamism (when preparing a graduate, it is not enough to take into account only the current state of informatization; it is necessary to focus on trends in information development).

3. Optimality (in a situation of rapid development information sphere it is necessary to prepare the graduate for optimal information activities; competence should be neither too much nor too little, but just enough to cope with the assigned professional tasks).

In the process of informatization of society and education, certain traditions, stereotypes of informatization behavior, priority sources of information and methods information exchange, personal values ​​and meanings are updated; all this is reflected in the formation of the modern level of information culture.

Then we can conclude that information culture is a fairly broad and general concept, covering a significant area of ​​scientific and practical information knowledge and experience. We consider information culture as a component in the structure of personal culture. The concept of information culture is often identified with the concept information literacy.

Information literacy is defined as “the ability of a future specialist to identify the type of necessary information, search for it, carry out its selection and analysis, and use it effectively in professional activity" Thus, the concept of information literacy covers, first of all, the technological side of working with information. The choice of operating technology is largely determined by the available technical means. Knowledge and skills of working with modern computer equipment defined as computer literacy (technical side of work). But the main difference between literacy and competence is that a literate person has knowledge, and a competent person can actually and effectively use knowledge in solving practical problems.

From the above, we can determine the main content of information competence, which combines information technology and information technology components:

§ Possession of specific skills to use technical devices(from telephone to computer to computer networks);

§ Ability to use computer information technology in one’s activities;

§ The ability to extract information from various sources (both from periodicals and from electronic communications), present it in an understandable form and use it effectively;

§ Knowledge of the basics of analytical information processing;

§ Ability to work with various information;

§ Knowledge of the features of information flows in your subject area.

Information competence is multifaceted, i.e. To develop the appropriate abilities, significant intellectual development is required, the manifestation of such qualities as abstract thinking, algorithmic thinking, self-reflection, determining one’s own position, etc. (for example, selecting meaningful information requires the development of personal qualities such as independence and criticality). Required Various types actions: the ability to act autonomously, use interactive modes, enter various social groups and function in them. It should also be emphasized that it is multifunctional: the formation of information competence is one of the goals of education, but, at the same time, it is the leading means of the learning process.

Since information competence is key, its formation occurs at all levels of education, and the principles of continuity and continuity must be met. It is important to find out what competencies will be developed at each stage of education. That is, it is necessary to design key, interdisciplinary and subject competencies, thereby we can determine the content of education in a competency-based approach.

A survey of students showed that about 50% of respondents easily work on the Internet with by email, at the same time, only 20% are fluent in using the keyboard and text documents. Thus, the level of preparedness of applicants varies from zero to professional. In addition, the information inequality of students is increasingly evident: more than 60% of students have a computer on their desktop at home, while the rest have access to this technology on average 1-4 hours a week. From the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to design information competence not according to a single scenario, but based on the level of initial training of students.

One of the requirements when developing software is intuitive ease of use. As a result, the essence of computer solutions to professional problems is hidden from the user, and this gives the student a false feeling that the computer itself solves everything. Therefore, there is no need to study fundamental concepts and methodological approaches in the study of information technology. Thus, the educational process should not be built on the principle of “press the button - you will get the result”, but based on the task at hand, discussing possible methods of solution in general view, determining the optimal approach. The development of these competencies is impossible without knowledge of the fundamental principles of computer science.

It is especially necessary to dwell on the role of the teacher in the formation of student information competence. As a survey of applicants showed, about 60% of respondents believe that the main reason for poor information training is the low qualifications of computer science teachers. Teachers of information disciplines and teachers of special disciplines are often “disconnected” from each other, i.e. a computer science teacher has a weak understanding of the subject area of ​​other disciplines, and a special discipline teacher has a weak understanding information training. Close contact between teachers is also hampered by the system of the educational process, which is mainly based on the classroom-lesson system. In this case, the teacher can impart to the student the necessary knowledge on the subject, but there is no longer any need to talk about a competency-based approach.

To obtain a professional level of information competence, it is necessary to create conditions for training in qualifying work on a PC. It is quite obvious that the student must have the skills to work with the most modern equipment and software(corresponding to his future professional activity).

It is important to involve students in independent work with elements of research activities with active use of information technology capabilities.

It is also necessary to ensure the implementation of the principle of continuity and consistency. Cooperation between secondary school teachers and teacher training college teachers is necessary.

To implement individual educational trajectories in curriculum elective disciplines related to the information block should be provided, taking into account the degree of preparedness and leading the student to a given level of information competence.

The information technologies used must comply with the principle of technical adequacy, i.e. during the learning process it is necessary to support technical and software at the modern level. Available information resource must be used effectively and efficiently.

XXI century - the century of high computer technology. A modern child lives in a world of electronic culture.

The role of the teacher in information culture is also changing - he must become the coordinator of the information flow. Therefore, the teacher needs to master modern techniques and new educational technologies to communicate in the same language with the child.



Formation of information competence of students using ICT

Text of the speech

Performance accompaniment

For the teacher a computer -this is no longer a luxury - this is NECESSITY .

The 21st century is the century of high computer technology. A modern child lives in a world of electronic culture.

The role of the teacher in information culture is also changing - he must become the coordinator of the information flow. Consequently, the teacher needs to master modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate in the same language with the child.

Today, when information becomes a strategic resource for the development of society, and knowledge is a relative and unreliable subject, as it quickly becomes outdated and is required in the information society constant update, it becomes obvious that modern education is a continuous process.
For primary schools, this means a change in priorities in setting educational goals: one of the results of training and education in a first-level school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, there is a need to apply different strategies for teaching younger schoolchildren in the practice of primary school teachers, and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and educational process.

Lessons using computer technology make them more interesting, thoughtful, and mobile. Almost any material is used; there is no need to prepare a lot of encyclopedias, reproductions, audio accompaniments for the lesson - all this is already prepared in advance and is contained on a small CD or flash card.

The organization of the educational process in primary school, first of all, should contribute to the activation of the cognitive sphere of students, the successful assimilation of educational material and promote the mental development of the child. Consequently, ICT should perform a certain educational function, help the child understand the flow of information, perceive it, remember it, and, in no case, undermine their health. ICT should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not the main one. Considering psychological characteristics younger schoolchildren, work using ICT should be clearly thought out and dosed. Thus, the use of ITC in the classroom should be gentle. When planning a lesson (work) in primary school, the teacher must carefully consider the purpose, place and method of using ICT.

It is obvious that ICT is a powerful pedagogical tool in the hands of a teacher; it must be mastered and widely used in your subject lessons.
Informatization of primary education takes place in the following areas:
use of ICT as didactic tool training (creation of teaching aids, development and use of ready-made computer programs in various subjects, etc.);
introduction training course“Informatics” as an academic subject for primary schoolchildren;
conducting a lesson using ICT (using ICT at certain stages of the lesson, using ICT to consolidate and control knowledge, organizing group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents).

Computer technology can be used in almost any school subject. One thing is important - to find the line that will make the lesson truly developing and educational. The use of information technology allows me to implement my plans and make the lesson modern. The use of computer technologies in the learning process affects the growth of the teacher’s professional competence, this contributes to a significant increase in the quality of education, which leads to the solution of the main task of educational policy.
Analyzing the experience of using ICT in various lessons in primary school, we can confidently say that the use of information and communication technologies allows:
provide positive motivation for learning;
conduct lessons at a high aesthetic and emotional level (music, animation);
ensure a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);
increase the amount of work performed in class by 1.5 - 2 times;
improve knowledge control;
rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson;
develop skills of genuine research activity;
provide access to various help systems, electronic libraries, other information resources.
So, we see that with the use of ICT in the classroom, the educational process is aimed at developing logical and critical thinking, imagination, and independence. Children are interested and involved in creative exploration; and not only children, but their parents too; everyone's mental activity is activated. The process becomes not boring and monotonous, but creative. And the emotional background of the lesson becomes more favorable, which is very important for the child’s educational activities.

In conclusion, I would like to draw the following conclusion:The teacher currently needslearn to use computer technology, just as he uses a fountain pen or chalk today to work in class,master information technology and skillfully apply acquired knowledge and skills to improve lesson techniques.

For the teacher a computer -this is no longer a luxury - this is NECESSITY .

Formation of information competence of junior schoolchildren in lessons and in extracurricular activities. the main objective modern education– is to teach how to learn and use the acquired knowledge, i.e. as formulated by French politician. figure Jacques Delors - learn to know, do, live and live together. The task of education in the information society is to raise a student with information competence, i.e. capable of solving various problems related to the search, transformation, and use of information. The school should teach this, and at the first stage, because the primary experience of working with information is laid down precisely at this stage and becomes the key to successful learning in the future. The learning process in the information society becomes a joint, purposeful activity of the teacher and students, unfolding in the information-educational environment. Those. the role of the teacher from being led turns into guiding, consulting, supporting, and the role of the student from being led by the teacher - into the role of a partner in the learning process. The guiding, informational, controlling function of the traditional learning process in the information society is transformed into an orienting, presentational function, a function of pedagogical support. Federal State Educational Standards of NEO change of educational paradigm Instead of transferring the sum of knowledge - development of the student’s personality based on mastering methods of activity. The main direct result of educational activities is the formation of key competencies. Formation of key competencies in students educational process called the competency-based approach. The implementation of this approach is important condition improving the quality of education. And one of the main key competencies in the approach is information competence.  What is the “information competence” of a schoolchild? Information competence is the ability and ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information using oral and written communication information technologies. In other words, information competence is a personality trait, manifested in the ability to find, store and apply information in its various forms (verbal, graphic, symbolic, digital).  What kind of reflection this problem received in the relevant documents the Federal State Educational Standard? The “Federal State Standard of Primary General Education” names the meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program primary general education. It is said that meta-subject results should reflect: use in various ways search (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collection, processing, transmission of information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the educational subject. In addition, it is noted that the subject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, taking into account the specifics of the content of subject areas, including specific academic subjects, should reflect: the ability to independently select literature of interest: use reference sources to understand and obtain additional information. Thus, information literacy in the new educational standard is considered as a component of meta-subject and subject results.  How to develop information competence in a primary school student?

The formation of the foundations of information competence should be considered through both classroom and extracurricular activities, since these types of activities complement and mutually enrich each other. In my work I use a large number of different forms, techniques and methods aimed at developing this competence. Let me introduce you to some of them. The technique of “6 questions” is for the student, while reading or listening to a scientific or popular science text, to identify the answers to 6 main questions: Who? What is he doing? Where? When? How? Why? As a result, students structure the text and subsequently rely on the highlighted structure in preparation for the retelling. This technique allows you to cope with the flow of information, save, systematize and reproduce it. The technique of “anticipation”, anticipation, intuitive foresight of possible future events. Students are asked to read the title of the story and guess what the text will be about? After reading, find out whether the assumptions coincide with the content. Using this technique, students establish a correspondence between their own experience and the information received. The “cluster” technique is a graphic organization of material showing the semantic fields of a particular concept. The technique is that the student writes down a key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows and rays in different directions. This technique is especially convenient in the 1st grade, children are still slow to read, but draw well. Reception "syncwine". This is a poem of five lines, which is built according to certain rules. This technique allows you to draw brief conclusions based on the results of processing the presented information, prepares for research work in the future and ensures the development of the reflexive component. The technique of reading with “stops” involves the reproduction and presentation of information in accordance with the task. For example, in a lesson on the surrounding world, children read a text and mark with a “tick” the information that is already familiar to them, a “+” sign for something new, a “” sign for something they didn’t know, and put a question mark next to the information that raised questions and requires additional study. The technique of “keeping a diary or logbook” allows students to record their thoughts, observations, and impressions while studying a topic. The environment is convenient for lessons and group work. Each group identified the necessary information in the text and voiced it to the class, the rest of the students listened carefully and wrote it down in the logbook. That. students present information in the form of a coherent oral or written text, explaining the logic of the choice of grounds, and demonstrate the operational component of information competence.

And the method of discrepancy between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge, thanks to which a discussion arises. (for 4th grade) The result of using this technique is the ability of students to formulate their own reasoned position, based on their own experience and information received, which develops the motivational and operational component. Reception “Selecting a task”. A series of numbers (words) is given. What task would you suggest? Why are we going to do it? Offer another task with these numbers (words). The technique allows students to reproduce existing information and use it for analysis and ranking on independently specified grounds. Technique “Thick and thin questions.” The following methods allow you to implement the listed techniques:    problem-dialogical; research; design The problem-dialogue method ensures the creative assimilation of students' knowledge through dialogue with the teacher. The main thing in the problem-dialogical method is the creation of a problem situation. We became familiar with this method in detail at courses conducted by Elena Leonidovna Melnikova. is the application of the research method of teaching. The main result of research activity is an intellectual product, which must be socially and practically significant. (“What indoor plants do you have at home?” “What animals and plants are listed in the Red Book?”) Very important for the formation of information competence effective method the formation of information competence is the project method. A project is understood as a set of actions specially organized by a teacher and independently performed by children, culminating in the creation of a product consisting of an object of labor manufactured during the design process and its presentation as part of an oral or written presentation. It should be noted here that they help maintain a high level of student motivation and contribute to the development of the communicative aspects of skills in working with information. MS Word, MS Power Point editor; MS Excel, learned to work on the Internet. The use of ICT opens up new opportunities not only in teaching the subject, but also in extracurricular activities. For example, participation in the Reading Leader competition, class presentation. At the end of the year, everyone prepared their own presentation and presented it to the class.  classes? At this stage, work was mainly carried out on the formation of information competence. In 4th grade I will continue to work on this topic and for diagnosis I will use the method of E.A. Khasyanov and S.Yu. Prokhorova. We will also continue to work using " Typical tasks on the formation of UUD. Working with information." for grade 4 and "Complex works", which consist of a text and 12 tasks that are meaningfully related to the text. Completing tasks based on situations from real life, will help the child determine how effectively he can learn. Information space Each work is organized so that the student gains experience not only in independently completing tasks, but also in control and evaluation activities, which is ensured by the availability of answers to the tasks. Formation of information competence is one of the urgent tasks of primary education. The success of socialization of students in the future depends on the extent to which this task is implemented into school practice today.