Service unlimited minutes promotion megaphone. “Unlimited Communication” service MegaFon in Russia. How to activate the Megafon Unlimited communication option

The “Unlimited Communication” service from Megafon will be an excellent option for subscribers who communicate a lot on their network. For a small daily subscription fee, the client will communicate with network numbers completely free of charge. If you have not yet heard about this profitable option from Megafon, we invite you to read the detailed description of the “Unlimited Communication” service.

Option Description

The “Unlimited Communication” option on MegaFon works throughout Russia, with all telesystem tariff plans. As part of the package, the subscriber has access to unlimited communication within the network. He is also given 100 minutes to talk with Megafon users throughout the country. International roaming, this service does not provide.

The cost of product activation, as well as its subscription fee will depend on the subscriber’s place of residence. For example, for residents of the capital and region, you will have to pay 30 rubles to enable the function on your phone, the daily subscription fee will be 10 rubles. For residents of St. Petersburg, a daily fee of 9.50 rubles is provided. You can check the prices for your region on the website mobile operator, as well as by phone 0500 or 8-800-550-05-00. Calls within the country are free.

The Megafon Unlimited Communication service is provided in the region of connection under the following conditions:

The subscriber is credited with 1440 minutes (24 hours) per day to communicate with internal network numbers. It turns out that for just 10 rubles a day, a client can carry on conversations all day, even without coffee breaks.

Important! The subscription fee indicated above is relevant only for Moscow and residents of the region.

For communication outside the borders of the native region, the option is provided under the following conditions:

For conversations with MegaFon subscribers outside the home network, 100 free minutes per day are credited. If you use a conference call, minutes will be charged for each interlocutor separately. For example, with a five-minute conversation with three subscribers, 15 minutes will be spent.

This function can be connected to any tariff plan of the television system. However, it will not function with some additional options (see Limitation Terms). There are several ways to activate the product:

  1. Personal Area. If you have managed to register in the telesystem’s personal account, then it will not be difficult for you to activate the option on your page. To do this, after logging in to the site, go to the “Tariffs and Services” category, select the desired product and click the “Connect” button next to it.
  2. Mobile operator website. The connection can also be made through a special website: After following the link, press the “Enable” button on the screen, then enter your phone number and press the “Enable” key again.
  3. SMS. To enable the service via text message, send empty message to number 0500982. After sending, a notification will be sent to your phone informing you that the package has been successfully activated.
  4. USSD request. To activate the option using a system request, dial the digital combination * 105 * 0082 # on your mobile phone and press the “Call” key. Immediately after this, the service will be activated on your phone, about which you will receive a corresponding notification.

If you leave your home network for a long time, it would be better to disable the function. To turn off the service, you can use several methods:

  1. Technical support. To deactivate the package, call 0500 or 88005500500. After connecting, inform the operator about the purpose of your call. Keep in mind that the company manager may ask you a codeword, invented when registering online, and may also require personal data (passport details). Therefore, even before making a call, you should have all the necessary information ready.
  2. Personal Area. The function can also be turned off in the personal account of the television system. To do this, go to the “My Services” category, find unnecessary functionality in the list and click the “Disable” button next to it.
  3. USSD command. If you don't have free access to the Internet and do not want to call anyone, deactivation can be done by sending a special request. To do this, dial the digital combination * 105 * 0082 * 0 # on your mobile phone and press the call key.

Important! Whichever deactivation method you choose, in any case, after it is completed, an SMS will be sent to your phone informing you that the option has been deleted.

As mentioned above, call rates, as well as connection costs, will vary slightly for different regions of the country. Besides this, like any other mobile service, the “Unlimited Calls” feature has its own rules and restrictions. There are not many of them here, but nevertheless you need to know about them:

  • the service does not work with such options as: “Carefree Weekend”, “Own Network”, “Hour”, “Mega Calls”, “Mega Calls+”. These packages already provide quite favorable conditions for communication in their region, so it makes no sense to install anything additional to them;
  • after the limit on calls outside the network has been exhausted, calls will be charged in accordance with the current tariff rates;
  • minutes are accrued every day at 00.00 Moscow time;
  • An unused package of minutes expires 24 hours after accrual. At the beginning of the next day, a new accrual occurs;
  • within the package, unlimited communication is possible only in home region within the network.

The key to MegaFon's success is favorable rates for users. For example, the “All Inclusive” series allows you to communicate a lot and inexpensively. However, “many” does not mean “unlimited”. In order not to keep track of time and chat for your own pleasure, you can activate the special “Unlimited Communication” service from MegaFon.

“Unlimited communication” - description of the service

Usually, tariff plans provide favorable conditions for customers mobile network, their resources are often insufficient. Therefore, to expand the functionality, various options for long conversations come to the rescue, unlimited SMS, Internet traffic. In addition, such services save a lot of money, since per-minute billing is always wasteful.

“Unlimited Communication” from MegaFon was developed as an additional service for some old tariffs, which provide a limited number of minutes for on-net calls. The option is designed for users:

  • “MegaFon – All inclusive L 2012”;
  • “MegaFon – All inclusive M 2012”;
  • “MegaFon – All inclusive S 2012” + as well as a modification of the above “CITY” tariffs;
  • “MegaFon – All inclusive VIP 2012”

Tariffs from the list are archived. That is, now it is impossible to connect them, but many subscribers still use them. In order to provide the most comfortable conditions for communication, MegaFon has created the “Unlimited Communication” option.

Note: “Unlimited communication” is not an independent tariff plan, but just an additional option.

To those who connected this service, absolute intranet unlimited within the network is provided - conversations throughout the day! Also, for calls to everything Russian license plates MegaFon subscribers are given 100 minutes daily. The cost is affordable - 10 rubles per day. Activation price: 30 rubles.

Note: if you are interested in absolute unlimited access throughout Russia, then you should pay attention to the tariffs of the “All Inclusive” series. Special service providing unlimited calls throughout the country, no.

Some details of “Unlimited Communication”:

  • charging period - from 00:00 to 23:59:59;
  • if you haven’t used the minutes during the day, they burn out;
  • if you called the subscriber around midnight, you need to hang up the call and call back - this is how free minutes are activated;
  • the option stops working if you leave the boundaries of your home network;
  • free minutes do not apply to forwarded calls and other types of calls - in this case, the charging provided for in the tariff is carried out.

The “Unlimited Communication” service is very useful and beneficial for users who communicate a lot within the network and make calls to different regions of the Russian Federation. Of the minuses: it is not available for the operator’s newer tariffs.


There are several ways to connect to “Unlimited Communication” on MegaFon. First: activate the command *105*0082#. Second: call 0500982 (free call). Third: send an SMS with any text to the same number - 0500982. Fourth: connect through “Personal Account” or a special mobile application.

Disable “Unlimited communication” on MegaFon

The operation of disabling options is also carried out different ways. You can do this in “Personal Account”; using the code *105*0082*0#; by contacting help desk by number 0500. Disconnection is also carried out in service centers operator.

Majority modern people when it comes to choosing an operator cellular communications, carefully approaches the issue of determining the ideal option. The key aspect in this choice is the conditions under which operators their relatives and friends, friends and colleagues use cellular services. Of course, if your relatives or colleagues use Beeline services, the decision to connect to MTS, for example, is unlikely to be correct, and vice versa.

Despite the statement above, when the question of choice arises tariff plan, most users no longer pay attention to call quotas, but directly to Internet traffic. There is no doubt that the 21st century is the era of the Internet, so everyone mobile subscriber wants to receive as much traffic as possible for use from his mobile devices. That is why sometimes we make a choice in favor of Internet tariffs, even sacrificing access to other services or their profitable provision.

This is how we came to the “Unlimited Communication” option from MegaFon, thanks to which any client of the operator can optimize the tariff they use as profitably as possible.

"Unlimited communication" from MegaFon: detailed description

This option offers subscribers who have activated it to make calls to numbers within the MegaFon network for more favorable conditions than those provided by their standard tariff. Calls to MegaFon numbers are offered on favorable terms not only in your home region, but throughout Russia.

By activating the “Unlimited communication within the network” service, the operator’s subscribers receive 24 hours of unlimited calls in their home region, as well as 100 minutes for calls to numbers throughout the country.

It is worth noting one very important nuance. It was not for nothing that we said that within the home region, subscribers are provided with 24 free hours of calls every day, and not complete unlimited. The fact is that in the case of communication via conference call, each individual line is charged separately, and accordingly, the quota of provided minutes is consumed in a larger volume. That is, for example, if you talk for 12 hours on a conference call with two subscribers, you will completely use up the 24-hour quota provided as part of the “Unlimited Communications” for the day.

The cost of the “Unlimited Communication” service is 10 rubles daily. The option activation fee is charged upon direct activation of the service and amounts to 30 rubles.

How to activate “Unlimited communication” on MegaFon

You can activate it in five different ways:

  • In the personal account interface, which can be accessed both on the operator’s website and through an optimized application for smart devices;
  • Using the USSD format command *105*0082# ;
  • When sending an SMS with empty text to a number 0500982 ;
  • When calling the number

By enabling this setting in your Personal Account, you will be able to communicate with other Megafon subscribers without restrictions. If you use the favorite number service, it is not compatible with this option.

Attention! This setting Not compatible with all tariffs and other settings. You can check the compatibility and availability of this setting on your number with other options and tariffs in your Personal Account: or consult the Megafon support service at 0500.

The “Unlimited Communication” option is not available on tariff plans of the “MegaFon - All Inclusive” line (with the exception of tariff plans MegaFon - All Inclusive L 2012, MegaFon - All Inclusive M 2012, MegaFon - All Inclusive S 2012) and the “Turn on!” line. - “Write”, “Speak”, “Chat”, “Listen”, “Watch”, “Premium”.

Region selection – Home region (Subject Russian Federation in the territory of which the user entered into an agreement with Megafon for the provision of communication services).

Payment is per minute. Connections less than 3 seconds are not taken into account and are not charged.

In the event of insufficient funds for debiting, the user fee is not taken into account, the setting is blocked until the account is replenished sufficiently for the user fee to be debited, and the Subscriber's user plan comes into effect.

This option provides you with the opportunity, for a subscription fee, to make calls within the network (outgoing connections) to the numbers of Megafon subscribers of connection objects daily/every day for 24 hours/1440 minutes (except for calls to the numbers of subscribers with the Rodnoy tariff plan) and 100 minutes of outgoing connections with MegaFon numbers of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If the daily volume of minutes ends, then the Subscriber’s tariff plan comes into effect before the start of a new day.

How to activate "Unlimited communication" on a megaphone

Connection methods:

Log in to your Personal Account

Send an SMS with the text “YES” to the number: 0500982.

How to disable the "Unlimited communication" option

Disabling the option:

Send an SMS with the text “STOP” to the number: 0500982.

Send a short command *105*0082#.

Megafon support service dial the number: 0500

You can also contact a specialist at your nearest MegaFon communication salon.

Links to conditions and costs in regions

The cost of the service depends on the region, for example, in Moscow the connection cost is 30 rubles, and the subscription fee is 10 rubles per day. In Tatarstan, the cost of connection is 20 rubles, and the subscription fee is 7.5 rubles per day. There are usually no connection or disconnection fees.

People who use communications from MegaFon now do not have to worry about how much a minute of conversation will cost. After all, now each client can connect a special option and not spend a lot of money from the budget just on communication. The “Unlimited Communication” service from the communications company MegaFon allows you to use unlimited on-network calls and a certain amount of free daily minutes to communicate with other telecom operators. With this option you can forget about communication restrictions.

Option Description

Subscribers who activate this service will have to pay a daily subscription fee. For this, subscribers will receive complete unlimited conversations within the network in their home region. Also, for a subscription fee, 100 free minutes per day are provided for communicating with other available numbers in Russia.

There are some restrictions on the option that do not allow you to use the service. For example, such restrictions include the tariff plan used or Additional services. It is recommended to check more detailed information on the company’s website or with the MegaFon operator.

It is worth noting that if you create a conference call, the minutes that are accrued daily will be spent faster due to double billing.

The option is not limited to any period. Its effect will stop only if you switch to an incompatible plan or option, as well as when you disable the “Unlimited Communications” service at the request of the subscriber. The function's coverage area only applies to your home area.

The “Unlimited Communication” tariff option will be activated only if there are enough funds on your balance to activate it. If the required amount is not available at the time of activation, then the option will not be activated.

It is also necessary to note that the option will not work if the other client to whom the call is made uses the “Just for communication” tariff.

Conditions and cost of the provided option

If we talk about the tariff schedule for the service, it is very transparent and simple. To activate the service, each subscriber will have to pay an amount, which today is 30 rubles. Then every day the client will be debited with funds in the amount of 10 rubles. This amount is the subscription fee for using the privileges. You also need to know that when connecting, the account must have the amount for connection and the amount of the subscription fee. Otherwise, the connection will not occur.

As mentioned above, clients who have activated “Unlimited Communication” will receive not only free on-net communication, but also 100 minutes per day for calls within the MegaFon network outside their home region.

If there is not enough money in the account to pay the subscription fee, the service will not be active until the account is replenished.

When free minutes run out, payment according to the tariff plan begins. To prevent wasting all your minutes, you need to check your balance. To do this, enter the service combination *558# on your phone .

How to activate the “Unlimited Communication” service

If it is necessary to use this option, it is recommended to activate “Unlimited Communication” using the following methods:

  1. The standard way to connect any tariff or option is to use the ussd command. To send such a command, dial *105*0082*0# . After entering it, you need to press the call button and wait for activation tariff option. When 30 rubles are debited from the account, then the connection will occur. The subscriber will learn about this through a sent message.
  2. For people who are used to communicating directly with company representatives, it is recommended to contact employees of MegaFon salons. Consultants will definitely make the transition to the option and provide all the necessary data on it. You don’t need to pay to connect with the help of a consultant, but you will need to have a passport or driver’s license. Thanks to them, employees will be able to confirm their identity.
  3. More advanced people are recommended to use the Service Guide on the company’s website. After all, with its help you can quickly and easily enable the service and control all expenses for mobile communications. Also, the subscriber will be able to control and manage the entire SIM card and number. When you first log in, you need to go through a quick registration.
  4. Using hotline numbers, you can ask telecom operators for help in connecting. To do this you will need to call short number 0500 or 88005500500. These numbers are suitable for MegaFon subscribers and other numbers, respectively.
  5. Connection is also possible on the MegaFon website itself under the description of the “Unlimited communication” option. For a simplified search, it is recommended to use the link:
  6. You can independently activate the service via voice menu by number 0500982. By calling it you need to listen to the robot’s prompts and select the necessary items to proceed to activation. You can also send a message to this number. You don't have to write anything in the body of the letter. So, activation will be faster.

It is worth noting that connecting using any method takes a little time. As a rule, up to 5 minutes from the moment the request is submitted.

Disabling the option

If this option is no longer needed, then it is recommended to deactivate it so that the subscription fee is not charged. The deactivation process is simple, fast and free. So, methods for disabling:

  • Go to the nearest MegaFon branded salon and, having your passport with you, ask the consultants to disable the service. The location of branded stores can be viewed on Megafon’s official website.
  • If you don’t want to go anywhere or you need to disconnect immediately, then it’s better to use the service combination that looks like *105*0082*0# . After dialing it, you need to make a call that will send a request for processing.
  • The ability to disable is provided through the use of the Service Guide. With its help, you can disable the service in just a couple of button presses.
  • Naturally, mobile operators will always help you deactivate the option. But the call is on hotline can take quite a lot of time, and you will also need to provide your passport details for deactivation. But if this method is the most suitable, then you should call 0500.

Disabling the “Unlimited Communications” service may not occur immediately, but no later than 24 hours from the moment the request is submitted.

Finally, it must be said that the service provided was discussed in the article for Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of services in other regions may be different, usually lower. For more detailed information You should contact the appropriate services (call center, company showroom, MegaFon website).