Install the program for downloading from Odnoklassniki. How to download music from classmates: the best ways. How to download Skyload music downloader

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to download mp3s and videos from a social network using its own functionality. But we will help correct this annoying misunderstanding and tell you how to download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer using third party programs or even a regular browser. Also below you can read how this is done on the phone.

Program for downloading music to computer

In order to download media content from this social network, you can use the following programs:

  • OK Saving audio;
  • OkTools;
  • Skyload.

It will also be possible to download the song OK and without third-party software - we will also talk about this below. Let's figure out how to get content from your favorite social network to your computer using each of these programs.

OK Saving audio

This plugin can only be used on Google Chrome. You can download it from the browser extension store. We do the following:

  1. Open Google Chrome, click on the image of the three dots, then select "Additional Tools" and "Extensions".

  1. Next, scroll down the page and select the item.

  1. Enter the request OK Saving audio and press Enter.

  1. Click on the button.

  1. We confirm the installation of the plugin by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. The extension is installed. Let's move on to downloading music.

  1. Visit the audio recordings page and you will see that there is a button with a floppy disk icon. Let's press it.


This extension is capable of downloading not only songs from Odnoklassniki, but also videos, and from other social networks Same. Below are step-by-step instructions that will teach you how to properly download music from OK via There is also a button here where you can download latest version programs.

  1. When the program is downloaded, extract it from the archive and run the installer. This must be done as an administrator. First of all, we will have to accept the license.

  1. Now you need to place the checkboxes as we did in the screenshot. Otherwise, you will download a lot of unnecessary junk onto your computer or laptop.

  1. The installation is complete. In the program window, click “Finish”.

  1. A notification will appear in the browser (in our case Chrome) that you need to enable installed extension. Let's do it.

  1. Now you can go to the music page and download any song. When you hover your mouse over it, a green arrow and information about the quality of the composition appear.


Here is another effective option for downloading songs from Odnoklassniki. Let's look at an example of installing the extension and working with it.

  1. Go to the official Oktools website and click on the button indicated in the screenshot.

Depending on the browser from which you accessed the download site, you will be automatically redirected to that browser's store and the Oktools download page. Press the button.

  1. Confirm the installation of the extension by clicking on the designated button.

  1. Now you can go to and download music from there. Each song will have a download arrow.


This is another extension for downloading music from OK. Let's take a closer look at how to work with it, using Google Chrome as an example.

  1. Open the extensions menu (we described how this is done a little higher) and enter search bar request: "Skyload".

  1. In the list of found results, select the one we need and click the installation button.

  1. Confirm the installation by clicking on the button pointed to by the arrow.

Ready. Now you can download music in just one click. A green loading arrow will appear next to the name of each song.

How to download music to our desktop

To download songs directly to your desktop, simply change the save path in your browser. However, if you do this, then not only the music, but also all other downloaded files will begin to be saved to the desktop.

Download music without programs

Yes it is possible. You can download music from OK using one browser. And anyone. This is done like this:

  1. Go to the music page, but don't play any songs yet. Next, right-click anywhere on the page and select "Examine Element"(depending on the browser you are using, the name may be different. For example, in Google Chrome it is - "View code").

  1. Now we need to go to the “Network” tab and, having launched the song we need, sort the files by size. It is mp3 that will be more than others.

  1. Next, you need to right-click on the line with the largest file size and mpeg type, then open it in a new tab.

  1. The song opened in the browser. Click right click and save it in a convenient place. After this, the mp3 file will be on your computer.

How to download music to your phone

If we talk about downloading music on iOS and Android, it can be noted that users of the latter are much more fortunate. After all, you can download music on iPhone only through iTunes, but on Android you can download any files from anywhere.

You can download songs to your phone in three ways:

  • via PC;
  • using cache;
  • using the program on your phone.

Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Download on Android via cache

This method works on Android OS due to the fact that it is on it that you can install programs with access to the file system.

Just like on a computer, when listening to music online, the file is still downloaded to the phone into the so-called cache. We will track this cache and download it as a song.

To do this, follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, let's install it on our gadget file manager X-Plore. You can download it at Google Play by entering an advice request.

  1. Now open mobile app Odnoklassniki and listen to the song you want to save in it. Then follow the path:
Device memory/Android/Data/

This is where the tracks we need will be cached.

  1. We hold our finger on the track and thereby call up the context menu, in which we press "Copy to clipboard".

  1. Go to the directory that will become the destination for the mp3 and click “Insert”.

  1. The file we pulled out from the cache does not yet have an extension. Rename it by adding . mp3. To do this, call up the context menu again by holding your finger on the file name.

  1. Ready. Our mp3 file can be played. Any music player will do this.

After we have learned how to download music from Odnoklassniki, we can move on to the second method. It will be no less interesting.

Phone program

Using the program, you can listen to songs in OK or download them, and do this even where there is no Internet connection. You just need to click the green plus sign and download the mp3 cache.

If the application does not suit you, you can solve the problem differently. Just download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer and transfer it to your phone via a cable, infrared port, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. In the same way, you can download any music from Odnoklassniki to a flash drive.


Each of you received an answer to the question that everyone was so interested in: “How to download music from the Odnoklassniki website for free to your computer from my page?” To top it off, we also suggest watching a thematic video.

Odnoklassniki is a popular social network in which it is possible, in addition to correspondence and exchange of pictures, to share videos with friends. Often we are not able to connect to the network to watch a video online. This is when it becomes necessary to download a video from your favorite social network. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to download content using the site itself, so below you will find detailed step-by-step instructions on how to download videos from Odnoklassniki to your computer, laptop and phone for free.

Download the video

In order to download a video from Odnoklassniki, there are several ways. Each of them will be discussed in detail below. Let's get started.

We use browser extensions

The add-on for downloading videos from OK is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to download videos from a social network. There are many such extensions. There is no point in talking about everyone, because there are several best. These are the ones we will use.

This is undoubtedly the best plugin that is capable of downloading videos and music not only from Odnoklassniki, but also from any other resources for storing multimedia content. Let's figure out how to install it in your browser and start downloading clips. Step-by-step instruction will be conducted using the example of the most popular browser Google Chrome - in other browsers everything is done by analogy.

  1. First you need to download the extension (you can find it on the website Follow the link and click the button that we have circled in red in the screenshot.
  1. Once the installer file is downloaded to our computer, run it.

  1. We accept the license by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, you need to configure the installer, or rather, remove foreign software from it in the form of Yandex browser, browser manager, etc. To do this, place the checkboxes as we did in the picture below and click “Next”.

  1. If the browser into which the extension will be installed is launched, the program will ask you to close it. Save your session and do this.

  1. After this, our installation will be completed. Click the “Finish” button and proceed to integrating the desired plugin into the browser itself.

  1. When we open Chrome, a notification about installing a new extension will appear. Sometimes this is a pop-up window, in our case it’s just Exclamation point on the panel. Click on it and click on the line indicated by the number “2”.

  1. Enable the extension by clicking on the designated button.

Ready. Now we can easily download videos from Odnoklassniki. A corresponding button appeared next to each of them, with a choice of quality.

This method allows you to download videos in Odnoklassniki not only from the corresponding section, but also from any other place. For example: feed, messages, etc. Downloading music is also supported. You can even download videos from messages.


Another very convenient and functional extension, which will help us download videos from Odnoklassniki. You can install this plugin directly from the browser store - now we will show how this is done.

  1. Open the browser menu (by clicking on the button in the form of three dots), select the item "Additional Tools", and then - “Extensions”. The same can be done by entering address bar browser URL: chrome://extensions/ (again, instructions are shown using Google Chrome as an example).

  1. Next, simply press the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Enter the word Oktools in the search bar and press Enter.

  1. Now that the plugin we need has been found, click the button labeled “Install”.

  1. And we confirm the action.

  1. When our extension is successfully installed, we will see a pop-up notification about this, and the Odnoklassniki icon will appear on the browser panel.

Ready. Now you can download videos from Odnoklassniki. In addition, the Oktools extension has a number of other useful functions, which we will talk about another time.

Video Download Helper

The next extension we'll talk about is Video Download Helper. In order to install it, again using Chrome as an example, do the following:

  1. Similar to the previous point, open the Google Chrome extension store and enter the request Video Download Helper into the search field, and then press Enter.

  1. Click the “Install” button.

  1. Confirm the installation of the add-on by pressing the indicated button.

Now a plugin icon will appear in the upper right part of our browser; clicking on it will bring up a context menu with buttons for downloading all found videos.

All Video Downloader

For variety and freedom of choice, let's consider one more plugin. This will be All Video Downloader. To install it and start downloading videos from Odnoklassniki, follow our step-by-step instructions.

  1. Go to the browser store (ours is Google Chrome, yours may be different) and enter search query V the desired line. When the word is in place, press Enter.

  1. Next, we need to click the button with a plus sign and the words “Install”.

  1. We confirm the installation of the plugin by clicking the corresponding button.

After this, a download button will appear on the browser panel. If we click on it on a page where there is video content, we will see several entries, one of which will contain the video we need.

After we looked at several plugins for downloading videos from Odnoklassniki, it was time to move on to another method - online services for downloading such content.

How to download a video online using a link

Above we talked about a plugin called Tampermonkey, which was downloaded from The same resource allows you to download videos from Odnoklassniki using a link. Let's figure out how this is done.

  1. In order to download a video from a link, you first need to copy it. If this is a video from a website, click the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. If from YouTube, then click on the site logo.

  1. Now go to the website and paste our link into the designated field. Then press the button

If necessary, you can select the download quality. Moreover, not only the resolution, but also the format of the downloaded video is configured.

Now let's turn to a foreign service called telechargerunevideo. The site allows you to download videos from Odnoklassniki and YouTube.

  1. Just go to the download page and paste the link to the video in OK.

  1. Here you need to select a format and click the link generation button.

  1. The preparation will begin, which can sometimes take up to 10 minutes. We are waiting for the process to complete.

  1. Ready. After clicking on the indicated button, the video download from Odnoklassniki will begin.

Among the shortcomings of this service The only things we can highlight are the English-language interface and the long time it takes to generate a link. But you can download videos directly from Odnoklassniki.

Programs for downloading videos

Download Master

The application is capable of downloading videos not only from, but also from almost any site. Moreover, there is own search. A nice feature of this downloader is the ability to receive FullHD content. Here you can download a program for uploading videos from Odnoklassniki, and then we’ll look at how to work with it:

  1. Once the app is downloaded, install it. As soon as the program starts, we will be asked to specify the connection type. In the future, this data will be taken into account for the most comfortable video downloading.

  1. Now we open the browser with our social network and copy the link to this or that video.

  1. Back to Download Master and click the “Add” button.

  1. A small window will intercept the link automatically. If this does not happen, insert the link yourself. Next click “Start downloading”.

  1. As a result, our video will be downloaded to your computer or laptop.

Again, our program only supports videos uploaded to OK from YouTube. It is this feature that can be called its main drawback.

How to download without programs

There is nothing easier than downloading a video from your favorite social network without programs, extensions or online services. Just follow a few simple steps in our instructions and see for yourself.

  1. Open the page in any browser and go to the section. Then add the letter m to the URL in the address bar - just as we did in the screenshot - and press Enter.

  1. We got to mobile version site and now we need to select the content that interests us.

  1. Next, right-click on the video and select "Save video as...".

As a result, the video will be downloaded to specified place.

Now that you know how to download a video from Odnoklassniki to your computer, you can move on to working with your phone.

Downloading video to your phone

If we talk about downloading videos from Odnoklassniki to your phone, you will notice that working with online services has not been canceled here either. You can use the same But there is a possibility direct download. Let's look at how this works.

Via mobile version

Open the Odnoklassniki website through your phone or smartphone browser and go to the video you are interested in. An icon will appear in the lower right corner that you need to click. As a result, the video will begin downloading. Exactly what we needed.

Program for phones

You can also download videos from Odnoklassniki to your phone using an Android application, which is not allowed on Google Play. But it doesn’t matter - at your service.

  1. Download the file from your phone and launch it with a simple tap.
  2. Further, depending on Android versions, the picture may change. Here is an example of how to start installation for Android 7. One way or another, click “Install”.

  1. The installation of the APK file will begin. It will not take much time, we are waiting for the process to complete.

  1. It says here that when you open your page in OK, the videos will be downloaded immediately by tap. Let's check - click on the Odnoklassniki icon.

  1. Now let's open sidebar and click on the item.

  1. Tap on any video in the list to start downloading.

  1. A small window will appear asking us if we want to download the video. We answer in the affirmative.

After this, the download of the video will begin, after which the clip will be available for playback. Q.E.D.

After we have discussed in detail the main ways to copy a video from Odnoklassniki to a computer, laptop and phone, we can move on to summing up the results. It is important to choose the simplest and convenient way. Try it and decide what is best for you.

If after reading you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments. We, in turn, will try to give an intelligible answer as soon as possible. One way or another, below you will find a video on how to save a video from Odnoklassniki to your computer and phone.

Video instruction

Often there is a need to download a musical composition from the Odnoklassniki website. But the social network does not allow this standard means, so as not to violate the rights of musicians and recording studios. It’s good that in such cases there is always an alternative in the form of applications from third-party developers. Today we’ll look at which programs allow you to download music from Odnoklassniki. For ease of operation, detailed instructions are provided for each of them.

Let us immediately note that we will not get acquainted with individual programs, but with small add-ons for browsers - plugins. In order to use at least one of them, you need to register on If you don’t have an account on a social network, you can create one right now.


The most popular extension among social network users for downloading multimedia content and entire photo albums from Odnoklassniki and VK. The plugin supports all popular and little-used web browsers based on Chromium and more.

Open the address in the browser and click on the “Download for...” icon.

We allow the file to be downloaded and indicate its storage location if requests for appropriate actions appear. We execute the received file, allowing the security system to launch it.

We accept the terms of use of the software.

Choose installed browsers and refuse to install Yandex if a new web browser is not needed.

Close the web browser window and click “OK”.

Close the installer window.

Open the browser again and click “Check status” to make sure the installation was completed successfully.

If everything is in order, go to the “Music” menu on the social network website. Move the cursor to the track name. As a result, information about its bitrate, size, and an icon in the form of a down arrow will appear. When we find a track with a bitrate that satisfies us, click on the arrow icon to download the song.

Clicking on the TamperMonkey plugin icon will open a list additional features such as loading a playlist or all songs located on the current page.

OK Tools

The second famous add-on designed for downloading audio from Odnoklassniki and changing appearance site. Working with it is practically no different from using the SaveFromNet assistant. Go to the program support site using the link and click on the “Install now” icon.

This action will redirect us to the browser store, so instead of completing the first two steps, we can go to the plugin store and find OKTools. On the program page, click “Install” or “Add to...”, depending on the web browser.

Allow the plugin to integrate with the browser.

Go to the “Music” menu on the page or update it. Move the cursor to the track name to obtain data about its volume and bitrate. To download a track, click on the green icon with an arrow pointing down.

Download Helper

The mini-program, which dates back to before Chrome, is designed exclusively for downloading media through FireFox. Launch Fire Fox and visit the page Click on the “Add to FireFox” button, then click on “Install” to download the plugin for free.

Open the “Music” section in Odnoklassniki and click on the first track in the list to download the song being played.

To save a song, you must manually specify its name and save location.


The ability to listen to audio tracks from your favorite social networks offline is priceless, so many people want to know how to download music from Odnoklassniki to their computer. The site itself offers to buy each song for 10 rubles, which will make compiling a playlist quite an expensive undertaking, but fortunately, there are free alternatives.

You can copy the name of the audio into the search bar and download it through the first site you come across, but doing this is time-consuming, inconvenient and unsafe. It is better to use proven methods that allow you to quickly and easily access social networks without fear of viruses and deception.

  • through special programs, applications, extensions;
  • through certain manipulations with the browser.

The listed methods are universal and allow you to quickly download songs not only from, but also from other social networks and platforms. Songs saved to your computer can be transferred to a flash drive by connecting your phone or tablet via a USB port.

How to install and use downloadable programs

You can quickly and easily download mp3 files from Odnoklassniki using specially developed extensions, the most popular and proven of which are “”, “OkTools”, “Skyload”.

Installation instructions through the “” application are as follows (other utilities are installed in the same way):

To use the application, just open Odnoklassniki, go to the music section and click on the green arrow next to the composition you like. The download will begin automatically, and the downloaded file will be saved to the desktop, the Downloads folder, or any other pre-specified location on the device’s hard drive.

All of these extensions function almost identically, differing only in some capabilities. Thus, the program “” allows you to download several songs at once. To start simultaneous downloading, you need to check the boxes next to all selected songs.

Reference! To download songs from directly to mobile device, it is recommended to use a special application. You can find the right one among the free ones by searching on Google Play and iTunes (for example, “GetThemAll”, “Download music from Odnoklassniki”, “Music OK”).

How to download music from Odnoklassniki without programs

A third-party program for downloading music from Odnoklassniki is not needed if you understand a little about the hidden capabilities of your browser. Principle this method consists of “fishing” songs from the cache, for which you do not need to install additional utilities. The instructions in Google Chrome are as follows:

Important! The downloaded file will have a name from a random set of numbers. It is easy to change after the download is complete.

Why can't I download music from Odnoklassniki?

An error in downloading music from can appear for several standard reasons, which in most cases are easily resolved:

  • The extension does not work or the download arrow does not appear - restart the computer, update or reinstall the plugin;
  • There is not enough memory on the device - free up space;
  • The downloaded music is in an inappropriate format - set the file extension to “.mp3”.

Reference! If a non-standard situation arises with the downloadable program, it is recommended to contact support or write comments in specially open topics on the websites of the extensions discussed above (it is better to post a screenshot with the error along with the text of the complaint).

Listening to music in Odnoklassniki only in online mode It’s not always convenient, so it’s better to organize an extended music library on your computer or phone, which can be easily edited, supplemented and systematized over time. Now, to do this, you don’t need to spend money on the official purchase of songs or download each song through a search engine - just install special extension or understand the hidden capabilities of the browser.

Often, after watching a video or music video on Odnoklassniki, we want to save it to a computer or mobile device in order to watch it without connecting to the network or to add to our video collection. However, installing unreliable programs from the Internet is very risky, so many are interested in the question of how to use Odnoklassniki online for free and safely.

  • through a special resource;
  • via browser extension;
  • via an online service.

Important! All of these methods are universal and are suitable for downloading videos not only from, but also from other resources (Vkontakte, YouTube, Facebook).

How to copy the download link

In any method, you must first copy the link to the video file downloaded from Odnoklassniki, which is done as follows:

Reference! If you have difficulties playing the video, you can copy the link through the address bar: open the video, left-click on “http...”, then hold down the “Ctrl” and “V” keys.

Using a special resource

Among the most quick methods— downloading videos through the free media converter “TelechargerUneVideo”, which offers to save the file in MP4 or MP3 format without registration. It’s easy to use the site’s services:

Via online assistant

You can also download videos from classmates via a link online without programs using the online assistant “”, and the saving procedure is similar to the previous method. You just need to paste the previously copied link into a special field on the site and click “Download”. True, you will first have to find the video you like on YouTube through a search engine.

Via browser extension

For those who regularly save video files to their computer, it is better to use a suitable browser extension. After installing it on the web browser on Odnoklassniki and all other sites you visit, the “Download” button will automatically appear in the player.

To set up this function in the Google Chrome browser, do the following:

No additional actions are required - immediately after installation, the download function will be built into the browser interface, and the format and size of the downloaded video file can be selected after clicking the “Download” button.

Reference! Some extensions operate on a slightly different principle: you need to click on the program icon and select the downloadable video from all the files found by the system.