All available ways to delete an account from classmates. How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever How to completely delete a page in Odnoklassniki

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki permanently? How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever? Today there are very few people left who do not have their own page in any (ours or imported) social network. "Odnoklassniki" is one of those social "webs" that is most popular in our country. I think many have noticed that in Odnoklassniki today there are many identical pages, that is, the user for these pages is simply the same. People sometimes just abandon one of their pages and start another. This is how you get several pages from one person. Sometimes, however, this forgotten page many are trying to delete, but do not know how to do it. Let's try to delete the page you don't need in Odnoklassniki together with you. There is one reliable way delete your page in Odnoklassniki, and do it forever. This method is completely working today and when it is applied, your page is immediately deleted. It is clear that those people who create such social networks try to provide a lot to make it convenient for the user to work in such a network. In Odnoklassniki, experts have provided the ability to delete your page. Maybe you just don’t want to be there anymore (the reasons can be completely different). This is only your right and you, of course, can do it at any time. The whole question here is to know how to implement it. And this is exactly the problem for many. Indeed, not everyone can study their favorite page on Odnoklassniki for a long time and carefully in order to finally find exactly the menu there that will help the page to be successfully deleted. Sometimes you still need to get to this point, and this is also not easy if you do not know where to start. And you need to start deleting the page from the “Regulations” item, which is also very difficult to find. Let's take a step-by-step look at where this item is located, and how to proceed further in order to successfully and without "troubles" retire from Odnoklassniki. It should be said that in order to successfully delete your account, you need to know your login and be sure to also have a password. After all, only after their introduction, you will be able to bring this removal to the end. Also, with such a deletion of the page, you will forever lose everything that you have ever uploaded to your profile, that is, the same photos, music, videos, and more. But, I think, the page is being deleted just so that there are no traces of being on the social network, and you are well aware of this. So, if you understand all this, then you can move on after successful authorization in Odnoklassniki. So, you have visited your page for the last time. Then you go down quietly to its very bottom, and you see a menu there on a gray background. This menu occupies the entire bottom of the page. It won't be difficult for you to find it. There (in the right column) find the item you need, which is called “Regulations”. You will need to click on it. As a result, you will be transferred to the page with the "License Agreement". Each social network has such an agreement and it introduces you to the rules for using it. But, you do not need this agreement now, because you are not registering, but on the contrary, you want to delete your page. Therefore, you can safely scroll the page to the very bottom. There already, under the agreement itself, you will find the item “Refuse services”. It is on this point that you will need to click to go further and delete your page without a trace. If you haven’t changed your mind (it happens, after all, this happens), then we press, and then you will be asked to indicate the reasons why you want to do this. You can safely take the item that is closest to your reason for deleting your page. Such surveys are the norm for serious projects, because they are constantly working to keep their users. Each user of any social network is, first of all, money, and the entire audience taken together, this is already huge money. That is why no one wants to let you go just like that. Further, if you again have not changed your mind about deleting your page, feel free to move to the end. Enter your password again and boldly click "Delete forever". After this last decisive action of yours, your page will disappear from Odnoklassniki and you will breathe a sigh of relief, because you wanted it so much. If the account you just deleted was with a phone (that is, it was linked to it), then you can create a new account on the same phone only after 3 months. It won't work before. Sometimes people, after deleting an account, think: “But I didn’t do it in vain! Maybe it can be restored somehow? No, you won’t be able to do this today, which is why you need to think before deleting your page from Odnoklassniki forever. You will also not be able to restore this page, even if it was not you who deleted it at all, but someone “helped” you do this (your same ill-wishers). Everything that was in your profile will also disappear forever. So, if there are any personal photos there that you only have in Odnoklassniki, it’s better to pull them out and save them on your computer. If you want to delete the page through mobile version, then do not try, you will not succeed today. You won't find this feature there. But, you can do it differently. To do this, you will need to switch from the mobile version of Odnoklassniki to the full version. Again, we “crawl” to the very bottom of your page and find the link “Full version of the site” there. We press, and now you can do everything that we have already said. Bottom line - Your page will be deleted!

Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete your profile from a social network. The reasons for this decision can be very different - lack of time for virtual communication, the pursuit of annoying fans, the account was hacked and unsightly spam was sent to the list of friends. But pay attention: along with the page, your photos, correspondence, comments, contacts and friends list are erased.

If you do not want to solve the problem in another way (close your account, connect invisibility, contact the administration), then read on how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki quickly and without hassle. Before deleting a profile, copy information from it that may be useful in the future.

On the computer

If you are using the full version of OK, follow the steps below to delete your personal page. Go to your profile from your computer and click on "Regulations" in the bottom menu. It is convenient to do this from the Help section - news is constantly loaded in the Feed, so it will be difficult to scroll to the very bottom.

Scroll the text of the agreement to the end, there find the link "Refuse services" and click on it. Check the box for the reason for deleting your account. You can specify any - this is required for OK statistics.

Enter the password and click the "Delete" button. The social network leaves the opportunity to restore the account within 90 days after the moment of destruction. The data is not immediately erased - they become inaccessible to all users, including the page owner. If in 3 months you changed your mind and decided to resume communication on the old profile, then go to Odnoklassniki, select "Registration" and enter the phone number associated with the deleted page.

Confirm account renewal with the code from the received SMS. If you want to delete and immediately create a new profile, keep in mind that you will need to enter a different phone number and address Email. Old data cannot be used to register a second page within a period of 90 days after the destruction of the first.

On the mobile version

From a smartphone and tablet, you go to a version of the site adapted for small screens. The OK branded application for iOs and Android is arranged in a similar way - for the convenience of users, only the main functions of the system are collected here. Let's see if it is possible to delete a profile from the mobile version?

Unfortunately, at the moment, deleting accounts is not implemented on the truncated version - neither in the browser nor in the application. But there is one trick - if you go to Odnoklassniki from your phone through an Internet browser, you can go to the full version of the site and erase the information there.

Scroll down sidebar, find the jump button.

Loading full version, where you can delete the page in the same way as on a computer. It will be more difficult to scroll through the usual OK on the phone screen, but all system functions will work in full. Find the text of the Regulations and refuse to use the services of the system.


Social networks have entered our lives relatively recently. Having learned about the new opportunities, you could “recklessly” start a profile in several of them at once, and having finally stopped the choice, you are now trying to delete your pages from sites you don’t like.

The administration prudently introduced special functionality that allows users to permanently delete a page.

It is important to understand that all data will be deleted along with your page, including correspondence, saved photos and video materials. You will not be able to restore them in full. Deletion in progress permanently - temporarily deleting an account does not work.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer

Have you finally decided to cut off all ties with Odnoklassniki? Great, let's get started, but remember - there will be no turning back.

Deletion of old pages, as well as communication with the site support service, is carried out through the "Regulations" functionality, available to authorized users.

1. Go to the website and use your login and password to log in.

If access to your account has been lost, use our password recovery instructions -.

2. Under the menu located on the left of the page, find links to the mobile version, help, etc. Among them there is an inscription - "More". Hover over the mouse, select "Regulations" in the drop-down list.

3. You will see the user agreement with which you agreed upon registration. Scroll to the bottom of the page, find the item "Refuse services".

4. In a new window, you will be asked to name the reason for deletion (optional) and re-enter your account password.

Before deleting, carefully review your profile, save the necessary photos and videos, and do not forget to inform your friends about your intention.

After pressing the "fatal" button, your profile will no longer be viewable by other members of the social network and will be completely deleted within 90 days.

Studying the instructions posted on third-party sites, I often noticed a method related to substitution to the url address of the profile, additional code- "?amp;st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile". I hasten to assure you this method if he was a worker, then a few years ago, it is not relevant at the moment.

Deletion process on mobile phones

Deleting an account with mobile phone, is complicated by the fact that many users access the site through the official application from the social network. If you open the "Regulations" in this application, then you will not find the item "Refuse services".

How to be? In addition to the application, there is a mobile version of the site with a reduced number of graphics and scripts - this reduces the amount of traffic consumed and the download speed. You can access the mobile version through any installed browser on your phone. No matter how paradoxical it may sound - in the mobile version, there is also no way to erase the profile, but from it you can get to the "Full version" and finally, carry out your plan.

1. Go to Odnoklassniki from your smartphone and log in. I immediately opened the version for phones -

3. Once on the full version of the site, you can remove Odnoklassniki by repeating the steps described for personal computers.

Account blocked or lost access to it

In difficult situations, when your account was blocked by the administration for violations or simply hacked and access cannot be restored, there is the same opportunity to delete it. This process will take longer and require evidence of your involvement in the account - from the old login and password, to photos.

1. Open the main, in the upper right corner, find the "Help" section.

2. Go to the "Regulations" available at the end of the page.

4. Select the message subject "Profile deletion" and click "I have another question". Enter the required information one by one, in the "Message text" section, describe the situation in detail.

It is important to indicate a valid e-mail, a decision or, possibly, additional questions and instructions will be sent to it.

It takes about two weeks to process messages - please be patient and wait for a response.

How to restore a deleted page

In Odnoklassniki, although it is possible to delete an account immediately, in order to avoid errors, all data is completely erased only after 90 days - this time is necessary for the user to "think about it." Accordingly, page recovery is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • No more than 90 days have passed since the deletion;
  • You remember your username and password for your profile.

Is everything covered? We start recovery.

2. After the transition, you will be taken to the standard registration page, where you will specify the data for authorization.

If everything goes well, you will be taken to your old page, if not, feel free to write a letter to the support to solve the problem.

In the article, I provided comprehensive information on how to delete pages in Odnoklassniki. Before you start - do not forget to thank me by putting a "thumbs up". 🙂

What could be easier than registering on a social network? A couple of mouse clicks, binding phone number and… welcome to the trap, baby. You've been caught in a net and you're not going anywhere from here. Never-yes-ah-ah!!!

In reality, everything is not so terrible, and no one will forcibly keep you on social networks. However, the creators of such resources are interested in ensuring that users do not leave, so closing an account is far from being as easy as registering. Today I will share the secret of how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki in several ways - from a computer, phone, and even if it is not available to you. Forever.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki different ways

Delete the page through the "Regulations"

You are tired of Odnoklassniki to death, and you decided to leave this site. You know that the profile will be permanently erased, and you have nothing against it. It's like that? Then let's go.

  • Log in to "OK", open your page and rewind it down. In the blue-grey list, click the " Regulations».
  • The license agreement will open in a new window. Those who do not agree with him are invited to refuse services and stop being a network user. Just the second we need, so click on the link highlighted in the screenshot " Refuse».

  • Next, we will be asked to indicate the reason for leaving. You can choose any - it doesn’t affect anything, it’s just the way the site creators collect statistics. If you agree to the deletion of all materials stored in your profile (personal photo albums, comments, correspondence, etc.), enter the password in the appropriate field and click " Delete permanently».

Your account will cease to exist, but if you change your mind within 2-3 days, the chance to restore it is not lost yet. Write to Odnoklassniki support with postal address, under which you registered on the network, and explain why you changed your decision. If you convince the support staff, it is possible that your profile will be restored.

If you delete a page to create a new one, be aware that the phone to which it is linked will not be available for registration for about 2-3 more weeks.

If the "Regulations" section does not open

When the "Regulations" menu is not available, a direct link to the removal section will help get rid of the hated profile.

If it doesn't open either, replace [=PopLayer&tkn=] in this snippet 0000 &st.layer.cmd=] separated zeros as digits from your ID - the sixth, seventh and last two (in some cases, the last 2 characters need to be swapped). To find out your ID, click on the first and last name next to your photo - the number will be displayed in address bar browser.

Delete your page from a mobile gadget

The mobile version of Odnoklassniki and the OK app have reduced functionality and do not contain a delete function. To delete from the social network from your phone or tablet, open the full version of the site, log in, go to " Regulations and do the same as above.

To quickly switch to the full version from mobile, open the side navigation menu and select the item shown in the screenshot.

Two ways to delete from "OK" when there is no access to the profile

If you decide to demolish your page because it fell into the wrong hands, or you changed your phone and can’t remember your login and password, one of two things will help:

To file a complaint with support, register a new profile under your real name and open the old page. In the menu below the photo, click " Other actions" And " Complain».

Please enter " Registration with someone else's data» .

Unfortunately, Odnoklassniki support does not always promptly resolve such issues. If there is no response for a long time, ask all your friends to send a complaint to this page. The more attention you get, the faster you will get results.

And now, your profile has been deleted - you got out of the network and breathe freely. I hope your friends treated this with understanding and do not hold a grudge against your departure. And you do not regret that you are no longer in Odnoklassniki. Yes, and there is no need to regret: after all, networks are networks to always be ready to take us back. So welcome to the real world, baby!

Social networks are a useful and enjoyable pastime, but only as long as they do not become a psychological drug. At some point, visiting Odnoklassniki can become an obsession, some may visit their page every fifteen minutes and anxiously expect updates. If OK in life has become too much, it's time to retire. On the other hand, the reason for deletion may be a desire to start a new profile, as well as fears that the profile has been hacked or a desire to switch to another social network.

Where is the delete button

It is impossible to leave Odnoklassniki by accident. The profile settings management tab does not contain such a key; the main menu on the site does not offer such an option. Even knowing where the right link is located, it is not too easy to get to it. You can use admin help.

To make it easier - in the upper right corner of the page there is a "Help" link. Follow the link and ask a question in the "Search for an answer" column. There is no need to wait for the administration to write. The standard answer is in the system. You will be offered an algorithm of actions and will be given a link to go to the desired page. Look for the button "Refuse services", click on it. It is necessary to indicate the reason why it was decided to leave Odnoklassniki. To confirm the operation enter your personal password in the window that opens and click "delete" again.

The algorithm of actions at the finishing stage is the same for all cases:

  • refuse services;
  • indicate the reason for the refusal;
  • enter a password;
  • delete permanently.

How to remove yourself from Odnoklassniki on a PC or laptop

To get to the menu for deleting a personal account, you need to log into your account on OK and scroll the page that opens to the end. This is the most difficult moment, because the event feed constantly continues to open and the page is reloaded. But you need to be persistent, sooner or later the download will end.

A menu bar on a gray background will open at the bottom of the page - “footer”. In the basement in the lower right corner you need to find the "Regulations" menu tab. Click on it with the mouse and go to the next page. Find the column "refuse services", go to the tab and in the list provided, select the reason for leaving Odnoklassniki. Then enter the password again and click "delete".

Deletion really takes place completely and forever, although the system gives a chance for some time to change your mind and cancel the decision. If the chance to return is real, then attach your phone number to the profile before deleting - without it recovery is impossible.

How to remove yourself from Odnoklassniki on a smartphone or in an application

At the moment, the Odnoklassniki website has disabled the ability to delete an account through an application for smartphones, iPhones and iPads or the mobile version of OK. Perhaps the situation is temporary, so let's remind you how you could leave Odnoklassniki earlier on a smartphone or tablet.

To get started, log in to your account and get to home page. You can do this by clicking on the little man icon in the upper left corner of the screen. In the profile settings, select the "full version" value. Scroll down the page to the end and go to the "Regulations" tab. In the tab you will see the rules of the site. This is a rather long list, scroll to the bottom and click on the "unsubscribe" button. A window will open asking you to select the reason for the failure. Enter the password again and click "permanently delete".

Note that not all tablets use the mobile version of the site. If you can’t delete your account from your phone now, but you can try it from a tablet.

What you need to know about deleting your profile

In the process of moving from page to page, many questions arise, numerous warnings are heard. Pay attention to them - they contain important information. Since you are leaving on your own, without the help of specialists, experts and consultants, you do not have to pay for anything. After deletion, you will automatically be transferred back to start page OK.

If you decide to register again, remember that within the next three months, with the same mobile phone number and email address, you will receive new registration impossible. They will still be listed behind the deleted page. Account recovery is allowed within the next three months (90 days) and only if the phone number was specified in the profile.

When deleting from Odnoklassniki, all data and albums that you uploaded will be erased. Photo albums, contacts, list of friends, correspondence with them, music, comments and ratings. Groups, if you have created them, will be deleted. Achievements in games, received prizes and gifts will be erased. Before deleting a profile, save the data in another location, for example, in cloud service Warn your friends that nothing bad has happened to you.