Administrative installation 1s 8.3. Installing and updating the platform on a large number of computers through a shared network directory. Adding an infobase to the list of infobases

A bad specialist is the one who has to run to all the workplaces and work with his feet. You need to work with your head :)

Install the platform on each client computer can be done manually.

But then the administrator will have to go through all the computers sequentially.
If there are 2-3 computers, then this is not a problem. But if there are a dozen or more computers, then this process may take a long time.

Updating the platform on client computers will also be a challenge.

To automate this process, you can use the ability to install the platform on a large number of computers through a shared network directory.

This method can be used when client computers have Windows installed.
The administrator places platform distribution kits and a set of configuration files in a common network directory.
To update the platform, you only need to place the new platform distribution in the common directory.

Mass installation and update of 1C: 9 videos and PDF

We invite you to look at more detailed materials:

Shared directory structure

This video describes how a network directory with platform distributions should be organized so that it can be used for installation on a large number of computers.
It is explained in what form the platform distributions should be uploaded and what configuration files are needed.

Preparing a shared directory on the server

This video discusses in practice how to fill out a network directory with platform distributions. The platform distribution is uploaded and the configuration launch is edited. Shows how to find the launcher for the desired release.

Actions on the client computer

This video discusses the features of installing the platform from a shared network directory on a client computer.

Platform update

This video explains how to correctly place the distribution kit of a new release platform in a common network directory. It describes what actions need to be performed on the client computer for the platform to be updated.

Configuration file defining the location of the shared network directory

This video explains where the network share settings are stored on the client computer, which should be accessed to check for a platform update.

Access rights when installing the platform through a shared network directory

This video explains the most common error that occurs when working with a network shared directory.

Working as a user without administrative rights

This video describes how you can install the platform on a client computer for a user without administrative rights. Attention is drawn to the disadvantages of this method.

Potential security issues when using the AlwaysInstallElevated policy

This video explains why the AlwaysInstallElevated policy is a serious problem for computer security and why you should avoid using it in practice if possible.

And the last day of starting discounts.

This course will cover ALL deployment and support challenges. information systems on 1C.

Here are some topics from the course:

  • Installing and updating the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform – manual and automatic, for Windows and Linux
  • Automatic start to perform routine operations
  • Updating configurations from user mode
  • Update atypical configurations. How to avoid problems when updating modified standard configurations
  • Create your own delivery cfu files
  • BSP tools: external forms, processing of filling out documents, etc.
  • Usage free DBMS PostgreSQL
  • Installation and launch server cluster 1C:Enterprise 8
  • Administration Utility for setting up a cluster and worker servers
  • Settings RLS using the example of UPP 1.3 and ERP 2
  • What to do, if data in information security is corrupted
  • Settings data exchanges between configurations
  • Organization group development
  • Setup and use hardware protection keys
  • 1C software licenses: installation and binding to external equipment

In any case, at some point you will have to deploy 1C, configure reservations, access rights, various launch modes, test the integrity of the databases, ensure the operation of servers, etc.

And it’s better to do it right right away.

So that it doesn't happen later “...! Well what the...! Yours...!” – and other expressions of regret :)

  • How to install the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform on a large number of computers?
  • How to support current version platform “1C:Enterprise 8.2” on large quantities PC?
  • How to give users the right to update the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform without granting administrator rights?
  • How to automate the installation and update processes of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform on a corporate network?

In this post I will try to answer these questions based on personal experience.

Administrative installation of the “1C:Enterprise 8.2” platform

There are several options, so to speak administrative installation platforms “1C:Enterprise 8.2”:

  1. Installation recommended by 1C from a shared network resource with a specially configured structure.
  2. Installation using the “Program Installation” policy of Windows group policies.
  3. Installation using the logon script assigned group policies Windows.

Each method has its pros and cons.

Method 1: Administrative installation of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform from a shared network resource.

In the “1C:Enterprise 8.2” administrator’s guide, it is recommended that users of the platform create a public network resource with the following file location for installation:











In the above diagram:

  • \\Server\1CEDistr – directory on Server, which contains the files needed to deploy the system.
  • 1CEStart.exe – launcher. For initial installation it is enough to launch the launcher from this network directory.
  • ibcommon.v8i – list of common information bases if it exists (the name is conditional and optional)
  • 1CESCmn.cfg – general configuration file. It is recommended to specify the following parameters:

CommonInfoBases=ibcommon.v8i – if it is necessary for users to have a list of common information bases at startup.
InstallComponents – specify those components that are necessary for installation on user computers. Example:

InstalledLocation=C:\Program Files\1cv82


  •, and 8.2.xx.xx – directories with distribution kits of the corresponding versions of “1C:Enterprise 8”
  • Setup.exe – program to launch the installation of the 1C:Enterprise program system
How it works.
  1. Initial installation. After creating the above-described network share, the user must run the launcher 1CEStart.exe for the initial installation, which will install the latest one present in this catalog version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, the components specified in the InstallComponents parameter of the 1CESCmn.cfg file will be installed.
  2. Platform update. After release next version platform “1C:Enterprise 8” you need to add to the shared network resource the corresponding directory of the form 8.2.xx.xx with the distribution kit of this version. When the user next launches the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, automatic installation new version.
The advantages of this method:
  • can be used in workgroup-based networks;
  • To install a new version, just copy the corresponding distribution kit to a shared network resource, i.e. there is no need for additional actions on the part of the administrator;
    This method, in my opinion, is convenient where users have sufficient rights, or in small networks when the administrator is able to bypass all workstations and run an update on his behalf.

This article will discuss in detail the algorithm for installing the client part of the 1C:Enterprise system. 8.3 (for versions 8.2 , 8.1 And 8.0 The installation algorithm is similar to the one about installing the 1C:Enterprise system 7.7 I wrote) in operating systems of the . Typical options for working with 1C:Enterprise are considered, and it will also be given short description all components of the system.

0. Basic information about the 1C:Enterprise system

The 1C:Enterprise system is a set of software modules designed for the development and use of application solutions ( configurations) - on accounting and automation of economic activities of enterprises. The software modules of the 1C:Enterprise system are universal and can work with any configuration. R Working with information bases is possible as in file, and in client-server option.

In the case of working with a file information base, the database files are located either directly on the computer of the user working in the program "1C:Enterprise", or on network resource, to which “1C:Enterprise” is connected to work with the information base. The figures below show the most common scenarios for the 1C:Enterprise system working with file databases.

This mode of operation is only suitable for information bases with which a small number of users work simultaneously.

If it is expected that a large number of users will work with the information base simultaneously, or a significant load on the information base is expected, you should use server cluster "1C:Enterprise". In this case, the database files will be located in a separately installed DBMS (database management system), and the server cluster will interact with this DBMS for the end user. In general, the operation scheme of the 1C:Enterprise system will then be as follows:

I wrote in detail about installing a 1C:Enterprise server cluster in the article. Next we will talk only about installation client application the 1C:Enterprise system, i.e., system modules necessary to work with file information databases or to connect to an existing 1C:Enterprise server cluster. For this we need:

  1. A computer capable of installing a client application of the 1C:Enterprise system running Windows OS.
  2. Local administrator rights on this computer.
  3. Distribution kit for installing modules of the 1C:Enterprise system. IN in this example version used . Installation of modules of the 1C:Enterprise system of earlier versions is similar.
  4. or , suitable for the required 1C:Enterprise operating mode.

1. Installation of 1C:Enterprise system components

Open the directory with the 1C:Enterprise installation files and run the filesetup.exe.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 installation assistant will start, click “ Further" on the first page.

On the next page you can change the folder for installing 1C:Enterprise modules by clicking the button Change"and specifying a new path for installation, and you also need to select the components that will be installed. The list of components depends on what needs to be installed. Depending on the distribution type, not all components may be available for installation. If you need to install a component (or cancel the installation), you need to mark it by clicking the icon to the left of the component name (or the Space), in the menu that appears, select one of the options:

  • This component will be installed on your local hard drive.
  • This component will not be available.

Here is a brief description of the installed components:

  • 1C:Enterprise— the main components of 1C:Enterprise, including components for administration, configuration, thick and thin clients.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client— thin client components only for working in client-server mode.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client, file version— thin client components, including components for working with the file version of the infobase.
  • Server 1C:Enterprise— components of the 1C:Enterprise server (read more about installing the 1C:Enterprise server).
  • Web server extension modules— web server extension modules required for the operation of the web client and Web services (read more about setting up web access to 1C:Enterprise databases).
  • Administration of the 1C:Enterprise server— additional components for administering a cluster of 1C:Enterprise servers.
  • Interfaces in different languagesuser interfaces in various languages.
  • 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server— components of the 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server.
  • Converter IB 1C:Enterprise 7.7— information base converter.

Having selected the necessary components for installation, click “ Further».

At the next step, you need to select the interface language to be used in the future (the default language is operating system). Having specified the interface language, click “ Further».

Click " Install" to start the installation of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Upon completion of the installation process, the assistant will offer to install the protection driver - HASP Device Driver. It is necessary to install the protection driver only if the USB port given a HASP4 NET hardware protection key will be installed on the computer (the driver installation can be performed later using the menu item " Start» — « Programs» — « 1C Enterprise 8» — « Installing HASP Device Driver"). Leave or remove the flag "Install protection driver" and click " Further».

If the installation is successful, the final page of the installation assistant appears. If you leave the flag " Open Readme file", then a file will be opened with information that seems to be recommended to be read before using this version of the system. Click " Ready» to complete the wizard.

2. Adding an infobase to the list of infobases

During installation, a shortcut to launch 1C:Enterprise will be created on the desktop. If you launch it, the 1C:Enterprise launcher will open with an empty list of infobases and a proposal to add a new infobase to the list.

The next steps depend on the specific situation:

  • If you need to create a new database to start accounting, click " No"and first of all we set the template typical configuration, and only then based on the template we create a new information base. Read more about this in the article
  • If you need to connect to an existing information base, click “ Yes"and add this database to the list of information bases. Read the article on how to do this.

3. Installing a 1C:Enterprise license

Software products "1C:Enterprise" version 8can be protected from copying by hardware LPT or USB keys type HASP4 Net from the company Aladdin , or using a software licensing system. It is also possible to use both types of protection simultaneously. After installing the system "1C:Enterprise" and creating information databases, all that remains is to install a license to operate "1C:Enterprise".

  • I wrote about installing and configuring HASP protection keys in the article “”
  • I wrote about the software licensing system in the article “”, as well as about the case of obtaining a license for the first time in the article “”.

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system component.

If you have an additional multi-user license, the installation of 1C:Enterprise 8.0 must be carried out on all workstations, so it is recommended to perform a sample installation or an administrative installation, and then perform the installation on the workstations.

Normal installation and update

A typical installation of the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 platform involves a separate installation on each user computer. Further platform updates are performed only on each user computer.

The new version of 1C:Enterprise 8.0 is released as a full distribution and as an update distribution. Any of them can be used to update the installed 1C:Enterprise 8.0.

For the client-server use case 1C:Enterprise 8.0, client and server applications different versions, so it is necessary to update both the server application and the client applications.

Administrative installation

The administrative installation of the system is intended for installing the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system in local network. When using this mode, the local network administrator is able to install 1C:Enterprise 8.0 from a single source on the network, and then update the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 version only in the administrative installation location. Users themselves will be able to update versions on local workstations.

To perform an administrative installation, you must run the setup.exe installation program with the /a switch. After launch, a dialog appears on the screen in which you must specify the administrative installation directory. A set of files required for installation on local workstations will be created in the specified directory. To install the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system on local workstations, you must run the setup.exe program from the administrative installation directory.

Model installation

If you need to install the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system on several computers of the same type (for example, to prepare a computer lab), you can install it on one computer, and then install it on the remaining computers according to the first example.

To do this, you need to run the installation program setup.exe from command line indicating the keys.

When installing for the first time, you must specify the /r switch. As a result of the installation, a setup file will be created in the Windows system directory. iss, which contains the user's answers to the installer's questions. This file can be used during subsequent installations by specifying the /s switch - setup. iss must be in the same directory as setup.exe or its location must be specified with the /f1 switch. In a sample installation, the installer will create a setup.log file containing records of the installation's progress - this file will be created in the same directory as setup. iss

Launch Modes

Launch dialog

The 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system can be launched in one of the following modes:

To start the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system, you must select the appropriate line in the "1C:Enterprise 8.0" menu (Start - Programs). A launch dialog opens, which can be customized. Clicking the "Settings:" button in the launch dialog opens the launch settings dialog window.

If the "Display as a tree" checkbox is selected in this window, then the list of infobases is shown as a tree.

If the "Sort by name" checkbox is checked, the list is sorted by name within each group.

If the "Show last selected infobases" checkbox is checked, then the number of last called infobases is indicated in the "Remember last selected" field. The list of last selected infobases is shown at the top of the general list. The names of information bases are highlighted in bold. This the list is displayed in order of selection - the base selected last is at the top of the list. Setting the list sorting does not affect the order of the databases in the selected list. IN this list Only choice is allowed. Editing and deleting an infobase becomes available when you select it in the general list of databases.

The "Directory of configuration templates and updates" field specifies the directory of configuration templates and updates. Changing this field changes the catalog of used templates.

To install the platform, in general, it is enough to run the setup shortcut of the distribution package:

And select components to install:

The configuration is even easier to install - the template is unpacked into the selected directory:

The installation order is not important, but without the platform the configuration will not work.

Question 09.01 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. In what order is the platform and configuration installed?

  1. You need to install the platform first, then install the configuration based on the template
  2. You must first install the configuration, and then the platform
  3. Installation order does not matter

The correct answer is third.

Question 09.02 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Typical installation of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

  1. involves separate installation on each user computer; further platform updates can be performed automatically from the server
  2. involves separate installation on each user computer; further platform updates can only be carried out on each user computer
  3. involves installation on a server with further copying necessary files to user computers, further platform updates can be performed automatically from the server
  4. involves installing a local version for one user

The correct answer is the second one.

Question 09.04 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Administrative installation...

  1. involves installing the platform on each individual user computer
  2. involves installation of the platform by the Administrator on one computer, with further copying of executable files from it to the workstations of local network users
  3. involves installing a configuration on a 1C:Enterprise server, defining a user with Administrator access rights

The correct answer is the second, apparently this means group policies.

Question 09.03 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. What needs to be done to update the technology platform during a normal 1C:Enterprise installation?

  1. In configurator mode, specify the update file
  2. Run the installation program included in the distribution package
  3. In configurator mode, specify the delivery file

The correct answer is the second, the configurator has nothing to do with updating the platform.

Question 09.05 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. When updating the technology platform during the administrative installation of 1C:Enterprise...

  1. the administrator only needs to update the platform in the administrative installation location, updating the platform on local computers users themselves can produce
  2. the administrator must update the platform in the administrative installation location and on all computers on the local network; users do not have the right to update
  3. the administrator must update the platform only on local network computers, users have the same opportunity
  4. the administrator must update the platform only on local network computers; users do not have this option

The first answer.

Question 09.06 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Is it possible, during a normal installation of 1C:Enterprise in the client-server version, to run client and server applications of different releases of the technology platform?

  1. Allowed
  2. Not allowed, it is necessary to update both the server application and client applications
  3. Allowed, it is necessary to update the server application

The correct answer is the second - it is not allowed under any circumstances, otherwise comparability is lost.

Question 09.11 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Configuration templates...

  1. serve as prototypes of the created infobases and are installed in the template directory specified by the user
  2. meet the parameters current configuration and are responsible for compliance of releases, installed in a template directory specified by the user
  3. determine deviations of the modified configuration from the standard one and are installed in the template directory specified by the user

The correct answer is the first one, configuration templates are standard solutions.