What to do if you forgot your apple id password. Apple iD password recovery via email or phone number on iPhone. Recovering a forgotten Apple ID via computer

And you can’t download apps, buy music, or access iCloud on your iPhone, iPad or Mac? It's okay - everything can be fixed. Just go to the special page Apple and show that... You have not forgotten everything :). Our article will tell you in detail about all the methods of password recovery.

1. IN address bar browser enter the address iforgot.apple.com .
2. Enter the Apple ID for which you want to recover the password and click Continue.

3. On the next screen, select the option " I want to reset my password" and press Continue.

4. Next, as a method to reset (recover) your Apple ID password, select the option “ Receive a message by e-mail" and press Continue.

5. Open the drawer Email, to which the Apple ID is linked, click on the link “ Reset the password«.

6 . On the page that opens, enter and confirm the new password and click on the button Reset the password. The password must contain at least 8 characters, have uppercase (uppercase) and lowercase (small) letters and at least one number.

How to reset your Apple ID password using security questions

1. Go to the site iforgot.apple.com .
2 . Enter the Apple ID for which you want to recover the password and click Continue.

3 . On the next screen, select the option " I want to reset my password" and press Continue.

3. Select the option " Answer security questions" and press Continue.

4. Please enter your date of birth.

5. Enter the answers to two security questions (you entered 3 security questions when registering your Apple ID) and click Continue. If you find it difficult to answer one of the questions, then try to go through steps 1-4 again so that the system offers to answer another pair of questions. Click Continue.

6. Enter and confirm the new password and click on the button Reset the password. Keep in mind that the password for Apple ID must contain at least 8 characters, have uppercase (uppercase) and lowercase (small) letters of the Latin (English) alphabet and at least one number.

Be sure to read the section on control questions.

If your account is activated, use the instructions below. We also strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials.

How to recover Apple ID through two-step verification

1. In your browser's address bar, type iforgot.apple.com.
2. Enter your Apple ID.

3. If you have two-step verification enabled, enter . You received it the very first time you set up two-step verification.

4. Select the device that will receive the 4-digit verification code. Most likely this is your phone number.

5. After the SMS has arrived on your phone, enter the code in the special fields and click “ Continue».
6. Enter a new password. Please note - this must be different from the old password that was used within the last 12 months.

7. Confirm the new password and click " Reset the password».

Important! If you have forgotten your password and cannot find the recovery key, you will NOT be able to recover your password even if you have a verified device!

Users of iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and Macs can sometimes encounter the following problem - they forgot their Apple ID password, and there are no recovery options.

This happens due to Apple’s special security policy, which requires you to come up with a complex account access code - consisting of capital letters and capital letters, numbers and other symbols.

It is quite easy to forget, which leads to the need to immediately solve the problem.

If the situation is even more problematic - the user has forgotten his Apple ID login and password, and now cannot even find out his account number.

Question for mobile device The solution is simple - by going to iCloud settings, App Store or iTunes.

There you can see the email address specified when registering your Apple ID.

Now that the e-mail (which is also the account identifier) ​​is known, you can proceed to one of the ways to recover your password.

Apple has provided three options for users to regain control of their account.

Consequences of not having a password

No. 1. Recovery via email

If you still have access to the one you used during registration mailbox, this method is how to change forgotten password, will be the simplest and fastest. To use it you should:

  1. Go to the appropriate address (appleid.apple.com);
  2. Select “Reset your password”;
  3. Enter email address for your ID and select “Next”;
  4. Select email authentication and click Next.

Now a letter from Apple should be sent to the specified e-mail address with a link that you should follow and recover your lost password by following the instructions on the screen.

As a rule, after this the problem is solved.

Advice! Knowing how to unlock an apple with a lost password, it is worth considering some of the nuances that arise in the process of restoring access. Sometimes you don't receive an email with your password or you simply can't find it. If the second option is correct, check:

  • Are you opening the wrong mailbox?
  • Did the letter end up in the Spam folder or was it accidentally deleted for another reason?

The text of the message from Apple usually looks like this:

If the wrong address is specified for your account, and you can change both your email and password only after restoring the latter, you should move on to other methods.

No. 2. Control questions

Recovering a password by answering questions is no more difficult than doing it using email.

In order to delete Old Password, you need to go to the same address (appleid.apple.com) and select “Reset Password”.

Now enter the identifier, click “Next” and proceed to answering the questions.

The user is now required to enter their date of birth (which they should have entered before activating their Apple ID) and answer correctly.

A new password is entered - and if it is not lost again, the problem is solved.

No. 3. Double check option

The method is intended for people who have set the maximum level of security with verification in 2 stages.

And, if, for example, the owner of an iPhone forgot her password, she will now need to remember the recovery key, which should have been written down or printed in advance.

The page to start checking is already different - iforgot.apple.com. But you still have to enter your Apple ID.

After entering the code, an SMS with a four-digit number should be sent to the phone number specified in the account. It should be entered into the appropriate field on the screen.

The final stage of recovery is activating a new password.

It is entered twice, and the main requirement is that it is different from all passwords used during the previous year.

What should I do to avoid forgetting my password?

Trying to remember a new password for your iPhone 4s, 5s or 6s Plus, so as not to forget it the same way as a lost one, will become easier if you use the following technique:

  1. A simple word is selected first (eg Mac)
  2. Using the word "Mac" a more or less complex combination is created - for example, MAC2olya or OLYA2mac.

Nothing difficult to remember - but:

  • Firstly– this is quite difficult to select;
  • Secondly - easily entered from the keyboard on an iPhone;
  • Third– fully complies with the requirements for Apple security(capital and small letters, numbers).

It is very important to keep your iPhone, iPod or other device well protected from Apple. After all, expensive and prestigious devices are often the target of attackers. And the main protection here is the password for your Apple ID account.

Using Apple ID

Apple ID is your account to use Apple devices. The device itself is tied to it, and it is used to access the store or change important settings. If you lose your Apple ID password, you won't be able to:

Roughly speaking, whoever owns an Apple ID also owns a phone. That is why, after stealing a device, the first thing a criminal will do is try to find out the Apple ID password, otherwise it won’t be of much use to him. It is worth understanding that the Apple ID password is also the password for other services. That is, if you are asked to give your iCloud password, it will be the same password and he can give it to the fraudster full access to your device.

Apple ID password requirement

Of course, Apple developers understand how important your Apple ID password is. That is why it is subject to a number of requirements that are not the easiest for the user:

  • The password must contain more than seven characters - the longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack;
  • the password must contain at least one digit - more are allowed, but if at least one is missing, the password will not be accepted;
  • one of the letters must be capitalized - more capital letters are also allowed;
  • the password must be different from the apple ID login itself;
  • if we are talking about changing the password and not creating a new one, it should be different from the previous one.

At the same time, while entering a password, the dynamic input system will tell you which of the conditions you have not met.

The “online password generator” will help you create a unique password, check its reliability and answer how long it will take attackers to crack it: https://calcsoft.ru/generator-parolei

The Apple ID password has a number of prerequisites

In addition to the above conditions, the verification system also requires that the password does not match a common combination of characters. Roughly speaking, it must be unique:

  • 12qWer34ty is an example of a non-unique password. It fits all the rules perfectly, but it's just a few symbols and numbers from the keyboard entered in order;
  • fDs5543qcJG - and this is a unique password that no longer has any meaning or pattern.

Once you come up with a password, it is extremely important to remember it. After all, the safety of your personal data, photos, or even the device itself depends on it. It is worth taking care that ill-wishers do not find out this password. Well, if you yourself have forgotten it, then you will need to use the password recovery procedure.

Do not save your device password on the device itself. This is the easiest way to give an attacker access to it.

Recovering your Apple ID password via a Windows computer

There are many ways to recover your password and, depending on your situation, you should choose the best one. The following password recovery methods can be distinguished:

  • password reset via two-step recovery;
  • by answering security questions;
  • using the email address you entered when registering your account.

Recovering your Apple ID password via email on your computer

It is extremely important to maintain access to your phone if you lose it. email address. If a fraudster gets it, he will have every chance of finding out your password. Therefore, it is important that the password for your email account is not only different from your password for your Apple account, but also quite complex. To recover your password using email, you need to do the following:

Of course, this is the easiest way to recover your password. But it will be completely impossible if you no longer have access to your mail.

Recovering your password using security questions

When you created your Apple ID account, you were required to answer security questions. These are questions on neutral topics to which you should know the answers. And now with the help of these answers you can recover your password:

Not everyone succeeds in this recovery method precisely because they do not approach it conscientiously enough during registration. But if you gave intuitive and simple answers to all the questions when creating your account, then restoring it will not be a problem.

In addition, it is worth considering that attackers also sometimes use this method. Usually they will try to get answers from you under various pretexts (under the guise technical support or friends), which means that you should be vigilant and not tell them to anyone.

Two-step confirmation for password recovery

This method is available if you have enabled it in advance in your account settings. You need to do the following:

The difficulty with this method is that you must take care of your safety in advance. But hacking using this method is impossible, unless you yourself provide the recovery code to the attacker.

Video: recovering Apple ID password via computer

Resetting your password on a Mac OS computer

On an Apple computer, it is also possible to recover your Apple ID password. To do this, you need to click the password recovery button in one of the following places:

After you click it, you will need to enter your email address, which is your login login to your Apple account. And after entering, you will be sent an email with a link to reset your password.

Another way to recover your password via Mac OS is using any browser:

Resetting your Apple ID password via any smartphone

You will need a phone with any operating system and a stable Internet connection. The recovery methods themselves remain the same.

Recovering your password using email on your smartphone

To recover your password from your mobile device, do the following:

  1. Anywhere where an Apple ID password is required (for example, when logging into iCloud or Store Apple applications) click on the line “Forgot your Apple ID or password”.

    Tap "Forgot Apple ID or Password" on your device

  2. You will be asked to enter your recovery email. This must be exactly the email to which the account is registered.

    Your email is your Apple ID login, enter it

  3. There will be only two recovery methods available. Select reset by email.

    Select reset by email to receive a recovery link

  4. The message will be sent to the email address that was specified as the primary or secondary email address during registration. Go there.

    Close the email notification and go to your email

  5. You will find an email with a recovery link. Follow it.

    Follow the link to reset your password

  6. Enter the new password twice, following all the rules for creating it.

    Enter the new password twice after resetting the old one to replace it

After this, the password is guaranteed to be changed and you will be able to use it.

If you see the message “Password changed”, then you can log into your account using the new password

Password recovery via smartphone using security questions

To recover using security questions, you must do the following from your phone:

Password recovery at Apple Service Center

This method of restoring access to the device is not recommended. The reason is simple - employees service center They take an extremely responsible approach to checking the owner of the phone. When applying, you will need to prove that you are the owner of the device. And for this you need to provide the following information about the purchase.

Apple ID is a unique number that allows you to use all Apple functions and services. Because the company's priority is security, many services will not be available without this information. Today we will tell you what to do if you have forgotten your Apple ID.

I forgot my Apple ID: what are the dangers?

If you suffer from forgetfulness, you may encounter an activation lock that will prevent you from using your Apple device normally. When you try to log into your account on an iPhone, the entire identifier is not shown, only the first character and many asterisks, so it is almost impossible to guess it that way. But there are other ways to find out this information.

How to find out Apple ID?

You can see the identifier in different mobile applications:

  • App Store, where you need to go to the “selection” page and scroll down
  • iTunes Store app on the Music, Sounds, and Movies pages
  • in podcasts
  • in the iCloud menu

If you have also forgotten your password and controls account seriously complicated, you should use one of the recovery methods offered by Apple. Which one you use is up to you - how serious measures have been taken to protect your account.

Password recovery methods

If you have access to the mailbox that you used during registration, then this method password recovery will be the fastest and easiest. Go to the official Apple website, select the password reset option, enter your email address and click “Next”. Then you will be asked to select an authentication method. We use the email option and wait for a letter from Apple. It will contain a link that you can follow to reset your password. If the letter did not arrive, but the mailbox was specified correctly, look in the Spam folder.

If you have forgotten your email address, you should choose another password recovery method. This is the test question method. We go to the Apple website, select password reset, but we are interested in a different recovery method. It is important to answer correctly - you set the answers to these questions yourself during registration, and after that you will be given the opportunity to set a new password.

Double check

We will highlight the method for people who have set the highest security level with two-level verification separately. Now the owner has to remember the recovery key, which was previously required to be written down. In this situation, you will be required to enter a code from an SMS that will be sent to your phone. And it will only come in that situation if you remember the recovery key.

Take care of information about your IDs and passwords - without it, access to using the services may become limited. And when you choose a method that will allow you to remember the codes, click on the one with which it will be easier to recover the data.