Download programs for Vista. Programs and utilities for configuring Windows Vista

Striving for perfection is a good thing, and in the case of an operating system it is just as important. Among my friends, only one person said that he likes Vista and working with it is a pleasure. It’s not surprising, because he completely optimized it for himself, turned off all unnecessary warnings and auto-updates, in short, he dealt with everything unnecessary and slow, and he did it all manually.

Would you like not to see endless messages asking you to confirm this or that action? Would you like your OS to brazenly stay away from the Internet and download its updates? Would you like your computer to run faster? Or maybe you would like to give your operating system the familiar look of good old XP?

A lot can be achieved by doing the settings manually, digging and understanding all sorts of intricacies of the OS. Don't have the time or desire for this? Then you will need optimizer programs (so-called tweakers from English to tweak - to adjust) for Windows, which will help you do whatever you like with your Vista, and not the other way around.

TweakVI basic

A good versatile program for deep customization operating system. With its help, you can not only optimize, but also accurately adjust all kinds of parameters.

TweakVI continues the glorious traditions of tweaker for Windows XP - Tweak-XP Pro. The program is equipped with such functions and capabilities as cleaning the registry, providing complete information about the system, optimizing the processor, memory and Internet connection speed.

There are also cleaning modules hard drive and access to hidden system parameters. You will need more than one hour to go through all the “keys” of this tweaker. Well, the program interface is very pleasant and understandable although there is one thing. When I tried to select the Russian language on the computer under test, all the words were replaced with abracadabra. But in the English version the program performed well.

As for free stuff. Indeed, TweakVI basic absolutely frivolous, but some settings in it are inactive. Because there are other versions Ultimate and Pro which are already paid and we, according to the title of the article, will not dwell on them. It is clear, of course, that the settings in them are more expanded and tuning the OS with their help will be deeper.


A small free program, despite its size, is very useful and functional. It is also the successor of the tweaker program xpy for Windows XP. It does not require installation, although at first glance it may seem that what you are seeing is an installation wizard - such is the unusual style of this tweaker.

Vispa has several built-in settings that you can select and then make adjustments if necessary.

With this application you can easily tune Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player and Windows Messenger, disable annoying messages, speed up computer shutdown. And also in the services section you can disable automatic update, program Windows Defender, firewall, error reporting and remote registry usage.

On the program's website, the author recommends it experienced users Vispa, like, in principle, any tweaker, requires some knowledge of what you want to configure. For greater security, Vispa will prompt you to return the old system settings when you restart it.

It's a pity that the application does not have Russian language.

Another Vista enhancer with an unpronounceable name. Here, unlike the previous one, the interface is in a more familiar form.

We can say that Thoosje Vista Tweaker is professional tuning tool for non-professionals. With more than 50 settings, you can

  • configure the OS interface
  • configure Internet Explorer
  • configure system security
  • gain access to control the hidden capabilities of the system

There are also restore, backup and import functions, thanks to which you can easily save registry settings and quickly change them to configure your computer for specific purposes.

The general impression is good, everything is quite simple, but, again, I would like to ask the manufacturers: where is the Russian language and why is it not in standard installation, when the program supports as many as 8 other languages?

An interesting version of the optimizer, previously intended for XP. Don't be surprised that the title of the program says XP Tweaker, version 2.0 is intended specifically for Vista.

Does not require installation, and lo and behold! In Russian! therefore, everything is much more clear, and a pleasant interface contributes to this.

All basic settings are available: managing auto-updates, controlling startup, permission to launch programs, and much, much more.

A tweaker that does not require installation and is written in visual basic 2005. Easy to use, provided you know some English.

The interface is made in the form of tabs. It’s convenient that using special buttons you can uncheck or check boxes either on the current tab or in the entire program. In terms of functions, it is in no way inferior to the previously reviewed programs.

You can also see a description of the settings in the special Description field when you hover the cursor over the desired parameter.


Buying a computer with Windows Vista or after installing it on a computer, many are happy with what they have and do not grab the stars from the sky. They probably don’t yet know that they can make working with it much more pleasant and convenient using different programs, such as those discussed in this review. But now you know!

With each new Microsoft operating system, new tools have appeared and improved existing programs; Windows Vista was no exception to the rule. This section covers both the new programs that were introduced in Windows Vista and how the good old programs that were used in the previous version of Windows XP have changed.

The first thing you will see after Windows boot Vista, - window . In this window, you can view the version of Windows Vista and its activation status, as well as basic information about the configuration of your computer (such as the name and frequency of the processor, the amount of installed random access memory, the name assigned to the computer, etc.). In the window Provides several links and icons to navigate to various programs and settings in Windows Vista. In particular, in this window you can go to settings various devices computer, user accounts, transfer files and settings from your old computer, explore new features in Windows Vista, and much more.

Control Panel

In Windows XP, the Control Panel has been significantly redesigned compared to previous versions of Windows. In the window Control Panel There were 10 icons located, each of which belonged to a category of system parameters, for example Network and Internet connections, Design and themes, Installation and removal of programms. Window interface Control Panel liked by beginners Windows users, who did not have to search for the desired icon from more than 30 icons presented in the window. In turn, more experienced users were often extremely dissatisfied with this interface, since they preferred to immediately click on the desired icon rather than navigate between different categories. In any case, the user could switch from the classic window view Control Panel to a more modern one and vice versa.

In Windows Vista, an attempt was made to redesign the appearance of this window again, and it is not surprising since the window Control Panel contains more than 50 icons. Even experienced users will have a hard time making sense of so many icons, so to solve this problem we needed to use new methods of organizing them. Fortunately, Microsoft decided not to just add new categories that will be used by newbies and confuse experienced users, but to make categories relevant to both types of users.

In a new window Control Panel Windows Vista has a total of 11 categories (including a category with laptop options). All categories have additional links that allow you to launch specific programs or go to configure various functions. For example, in the category System and its maintenance You can click both the category icon and additional links such as Getting started with Windows(allows you to open a window Center bootstrap ) And Backing up your computer data. There are additional links in each of the 11 categories.

Some icons appear in several categories at once, which makes working with them easier. For example, the icon Windows Firewall can be found in both categories Safety, and in the category Network and Internet. After opening any selected category, the left pane of the window will list all available categories. If you mistakenly open a category, just select the one you need in the left area of ​​the window. Also in the left area of ​​the window in the field Recent Quests The categories you worked with most often will be displayed.

New window Control Panel gives a better impression than the same window in Windows XP. The window will appeal to both beginners and experienced users. However, many users may prefer the classic window option Control Panel, containing many icons, to which you just need to click on the link Classic look in the left area of ​​the window.

Windows Calendar

The Windows operating system is gradually acquiring all those functions necessary for many users, which were previously available only after installing various third-party programs. For many years Windows has had text editor, programs for working with graphics, multimedia, browser, program for working with e-mail, data backup programs and much more. Windows XP Service Pack 2 introduced a firewall, and Windows Vista added security not only to an improved firewall but also to Windows Defender.

The list of new programs in Windows Vista doesn't end there. Many users desperately need a program to organize their daily activities, with which they can record upcoming meetings, create a list of tasks, use a calendar, etc. In Windows Vista, user wishes are taken into account, and the operating system contains the program by default Windows Calendar. Despite the fact that this program is completely free, its capabilities in some aspects are not inferior to those of many paid programs with similar capabilities.

The Windows Calendar program has a visual interface and allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • to plan business meetings, single or multiple times;
  • plan events for the whole day;
  • plan solutions to various tasks with the ability to use priority and completion flags;
  • set reminders for future meetings and tasks;
  • view reminders for different days, weeks and months;
  • import calendar data from other programs and Web sites, as well as export this data from the calendar (iCalendar standard is supported);
  • create multiple calendars.

Windows Calendar will be yours an indispensable assistant to manage time and coordinate your schedule with family members, friends and colleagues. This program also allows you to exchange e-mail agreements on meetings and invitations.

Windows Media Player 11

Windows Media Player is well known to all Windows users. You can use it to play music various formats(such as .mp3 or .wma), manage your music, photo and video libraries, view video files including DVD movies, and much more. Windows Vista includes a new version of Windows Media Player that addresses many users' concerns about ease of use, access to options, player controls, and more. Both the look and functionality of Windows Media Player 11 are vastly different from Windows Media Player 9 found in Windows XP. Let's take a closer look at the main innovations in Windows Media 11.

  • Improved interface. New Windows interface Media 11 is more visual and easier to use than previous interfaces Windows versions Media. To see this, just look at the image above and compare this image with your Windows Media Player window in Windows XP or previous versions of Windows.
  • Burn files to DVDs or CDs. Ability to record music and video files on optical discs was seriously redesigned in Windows Media. Windows Media 11 has a special Recording tab, with which you can specify the recording speed, volume level, select the recording list format, and specify the quality of the recorded files.
  • Album covers. For each album, the Windows Media 11 window displays the cover art (assuming you scanned or downloaded the cover art from the Internet).
  • Sorting files. All music files can be sorted into different groups depending on the artist, genre and year of performance.
  • Search field. Like most others Windows windows Vista, the Windows Media Player window (in the upper right corner) has a search box that can help you find the music and video files you want by name or properties such as genre or artist.
  • Advanced property editor. You can download properties for many music and video files directly from the Internet, or you can set them yourself using the advanced properties editor.
  • Copying data from optical audio discs. Windows Media Player 11 makes it easy to rip audio data from music CDs and convert them to the format you need. In this case, you can configure various copying parameters, such as the type and type of file format, quality final files and much more.
  • Sharing a library of files. A file library in Windows Media 11 can be shared with other users just like a file, folder, or printer.
  • Play DVD. When playing a DVD, a special button is added to the Windows Media Player 11 control panel. Clicking this button will open a menu from which you can select various commands related to playback and setup of work with DVD. In other words, working with DVDs in Windows Media Player 11 is carried out at a completely different level than in Windows Media Players 9 and 10 used in Windows XP.

As you can see, the capabilities of Windows Media Player 11 have greatly increased compared to the same player in Windows XP. Many Windows Vista users will likely enjoy the new player and will not need to purchase and install video and audio players third party developers. On the other hand, you can, say, play music files using a program like Winamp, and watch DVD movies with using Windows Media 11.

For a long time, the Internet Explorer 6 browser installed by default in Windows XP was not updated. Frustrated users began to look for better alternatives, which led to a gradual decline in the popularity of Internet Explorer. In its turn, alternative browsers Mozilla Firefox and Opera began to win more and more fans.

In addition, several special “add-on” programs appeared on the basis of Internet Explorer, which endowed Internet Explorer with the functions that it lacked for so long, for example, the ability to use separate tabs for Web sites, block ads, and control the browser using special movements mouse, etc. Such popular add-ons include, in particular, Maxthon (formerly MyIE) and Avant Browser. In Windows Vista, a new version of the Internet Explorer 7 browser appeared, the task of which was to catch up with its competitors. And to some extent, Internet Explorer 7 succeeded.

The main and main innovation of Internet Explorer 7 is the use of tabs to open pages. As already mentioned, this “innovation” has been successfully used in several other browsers for a long time, but we can’t help but be glad that Internet Explorer has finally joined them. And if previously opening each new Web site in Internet Explorer led to the opening of a new window, now all Web sites open as tabs in one window.

To manage multiple open tabs in Internet Explorer 7, use the Quick Tabs. With its help you can simultaneously see the thumbnails of all open tabs, for which you need to left-click on the icon Quick Tabs, located to the right of the icon Add to favorites. In the window Quick Tabs You can open any tab by clicking on its image. The Quick Tabs page scales based on the number of open tabs. For example, if you have 10 tabs open, then thumbnail thumbnails of all 10 tabs will be displayed in one window.

Tabs in Internet Explorer also have a Quick View feature available. Let's assume that there are more than 5 tabs open in the Internet Explorer window, and it is already difficult for you to remember which Web pages are open in which tab. The solution to this problem is simple: just move the mouse pointer to the desired tab, after which a window will appear with a thumbnail image of the Web site of this tab.

Internet Explorer 7 also supports RSS Web feeds. RSS technology has become so popular that it is used by almost all Web sites that regularly update information. First of all, RSS refers to news sites where information is updated every minute. In order to keep track of updates, you do not need to visit this or that Web site every half hour. Simply subscribe to the RSS feed, after which Internet Explorer will regularly display all updates that have occurred on the Web site. Subscriptions to RSS feeds are stored in the Feeds folder, which you can open by clicking the Favorites Center icon and going to the Feeds tab. You can also view your browsing history and Web sites in the Favorites folder in the Favorites Management Center window.

Internet Explorer 7 now offers the ability to delete all data associated with your Internet browsing. Such data constantly accumulates and not only takes up too much space, but can also become a security threat to your computer. Delete data such as temporary files, cookies, browsing history and saved passwords are just one click away.

Another one interesting feature Internet Explorer is able to specify up to eight home pages. After starting Internet Explorer or clicking the button Homepage Each of the Web pages specified as home will be opened in a separate tab. This way, you can preset your favorite Web sites, and they will be opened immediately after launching the browser.

Don't expect super-fast launch times from Internet Explorer with its eight home pages. The more home pages specified, the slower the browser will start.

Finally, Internet Explorer has new security features that are relevant to all home users. In particular, a phishing filter and pop-up blocker have been added. In addition, Internet Explorer 7 has Protected Mode enabled by default, which reduces the risk of picking up any kind of “infection” from an infected Web site.

Phishing is a fraud technology used on the Internet. It is used to lure users to Web sites created by cyber fraudsters to extract confidential information about passwords and access codes.

You can download and install various add-ons for Internet Explorer. These add-ons include, for example, new toolbars such as Google Toolbar. To work with add-ons in Internet Explorer, you use the Manage Add-ons dialog box, in which you can turn various add-ons on and off and installed elements ActiveX.

    DTweak 1.3- Program for setting up and optimizing the operation of the operating room Windows systems Vista. DTweak allows you to clean the system registry, as well as make it backup, configure firewall, web browser, email client, UAC (User Account Control) settings, optimize cache size, and perform other tweaks. Program website:

    vLite- A utility for removing unnecessary components from the Windows Vista distribution in order to reduce the size of the installation disk, and the operating system installed with its help. In addition, vLite allows you to apply various settings and also automate the process Windows installations Vista. vLite can work with Windows distribution Vista in any language. Requires .Net Framework 2.0 to work. Program website:

    TweakVI Basic Edition 1.0 build 1050- Tweaker (customizer) of the Windows Vista operating system. Supports features of the new operating system for diagnostics fine tuning not only the system itself, but also some applications, as well as the addition of plugins that expand the capabilities of the program. Program website:

    SBMAV Disk Cleaner- a tool for cleaning disks from various information garbage that does not contain any important information and clutters up the space. Using this utility, you can search and delete temporary files and folders not only of the system, but also of other programs, search for and delete incorrect shortcuts (referring to non-existent files and folders), uninstall software, delete unnecessary Cookies, search for duplicate files.

    SBMAV Disk Cleaner 3 has a radically different interface from previous versions. Besides, minor changes included in the set functionality. The new version is also compatible with Windows Vista.

    The third version of the program includes a new unique self-learning system MAVQSM, which allows you to scan disks in a matter of seconds. A security system has also been implemented to prevent novice users from losing important information.

    Updated function for searching for duplicate documents in new version works much faster - found duplicates are displayed in a convenient list, divided into groups. The automated recognition system for outdated duplicate copies of documents greatly simplifies and speeds up work.

    Users will appreciate improvements in the ability to analyze disk occupancy - this process is carried out in less time in SBMAV Disk Cleaner 3. In addition, working with this function has been simplified. Program website:

    Vista Manager- Optimizer for Vista. Includes more than 20 utilities designed to speed up the system and increase its stability and security. The program issues detailed information about all computer components and running processes. Using Vista Manager, you can speed up system startup and shutdown, search for unnecessary and duplicate files and delete them, fix errors in the registry, defragment the registry, disable system updates and error reports. In addition, many customization operations are available appearance systems: you can change the contents of context menus, set up alert messages, and set automatic wallpaper changes. Program website:

    Mz Vista Force 1.2- programs for configuring and optimizing the Windows Vista operating system. Mz Vista Force 1.2 contains many different options divided into categories. In the system performance improvement category, you can set the size of the second level cache of the processor, adjust priorities for background and active applications, and also disable various not very necessary system functions that slow down the computer. System settings include optimization of the Start menu, the ability to enable/disable the user account control (UAC) panel, customization of the browser and Windows Media Player, the ability to clean up the temporary files folder and other options. In addition, there is a section for optimizing the Internet connection, and Mz Vista Force 1.2 can itself set the optimal settings for the user-selected connection. The program has a built-in saving system backup copy registry The new version has updated the mechanism for activating selected settings.

    Super Utilities for Vista 7.63- Pack of 27 utilities for daily use: search and deletion unnecessary files, cleaning and optimization system registry, startup manager, folder protection, backup, folder analysis, useful extension context menu Conductor, means for complete removal became unnecessary programs, Process Manager, IE Privacy Manager and much more. The estimated period of work is 14 days. Program website:

    Vista Smoker Pro- The tweaker makes it possible to change OS settings, increasing its performance. The program allows you to start and stop services, carry out automatic tuning using the One Button Autotuner tool, and also change security-related settings. With the Vista Smoker Pro User Account Control option, you can customize the User Account Control settings in Windows Vista, making this OS feature less annoying, but just as functional. In addition to tools designed to configure the system, Vista Smoker Pro also includes tools for removing temporary and outdated files. A new DriveFreeze option has been introduced, which allows you to make some devices inaccessible in Windows - disk drives, floppy drives, etc. Developer's website:

    XdN Tweaker- contains many settings for various system components, which are divided into convenient categories. There is an option to remove some elements of the Control Panel, settings Windows settings Media Player, hiding Explorer context menu items, removing associations different types files from certain programs, disabling search assistants and much more. XdN Tweaker has an option to disable the splash screen on startup mail clients Outlook Express and Windows Mail, as well as the ability to hide the search bar and enable the File menu in Internet browser Explorer 7. The new version of XdN Tweaker has updated the interface and improved the functionality of options for configuring folder settings in Windows Vista.

    WinTuning Vister is a tweaker utility for configuring and optimizing operating systems Microsoft Windows Vista. The program is a fast and reliable software product containing several dozen system settings and utilities. The program includes settings for hidden parameters of the Start Menu, Desktop, System, etc. WinTuning Vister contains options to improve Windows security Vista and unlock the undocumented capabilities of your hardware. In addition, utilities for working with the system are included: Auto shutdown, Changing the desktop, etc. All options are divided into groups - Sections, which greatly facilitates navigation through the settings. When you hover over a checkbox in the program, detailed information about the functional purpose of this option is displayed at the bottom of the window, and an image is displayed at the top (you can see what the system will look like after checking the checkbox). The description of each of the parameters is a strong point of the program, especially considering that it has a Russian interface. Developer's website:

    Vista Services Optimizer is a free but very useful application that can improve the performance of the Windows Vista operating system and make working with it more secure.

    The optimizer will disable services that are unnecessary for everyday work, but at the same time consume processor and RAM resources. This procedure can be carried out in automatic mode, while Vista Services Optimizer will take into account a number of important factors, including how you use your specific PC, installed hardware, software, etc.

    Of course, advanced users will also be able to disable unnecessary services manually. Built-in reference system will provide detailed information about the purpose of each service, and if the information provided is not enough, Vista Services Optimizer will allow you to use the popular search engines Google or Yahoo.

    In the event that the optimization has led to unstable operation of the OS, the user can return the system to its original state using the Smart Rescue Center with one click of a button. The utility can be downloaded for free from the website: