Install the best browsers. What is the fastest browser

I decided to write an article and choose the best browser of 2016 (and it doesn’t matter that it’s just the beginning of the year). The principles and criteria by which we used to select a browser do not work today, and in this article I will tell you what has changed and why.

Best browser 2016

If you are interested in this topic, then you most likely know that in the last couple of years, Google Chrome has been and is the clear leader. Indeed, the Google browser is good, even very good, but, as it turned out, not everything is so simple.

Thanks to Moore's law (according to him, the power of computers will double every 2 years), a recently purchased computer is not so good after a year. Accordingly, companies that create programs for working on the Internet adapted to the power of computers and added more and more cool features to their creations.

However, recently the rapid growth has begun to subside, and all this is perhaps due to the fact that a bar is already visible, above which we cannot yet jump. In this situation, optimization comes to the fore (drum roll).

Optimize your browser too - find out how to increase your browser cache in our other article.

Now every manufacturer is trying to make sure that everything works better on its operating system and in its program than its competitors. Therefore, we will choose the best browser for several platforms (Mac, Windows, mobile operating systems).

The best browser for Mac OS

In the article where I talked about how to speed up a Mac, I already mentioned that it is best to use the Apple solution, namely Safari. The essence of this conclusion is that the browser is deeply integrated into the system, which allows it to use it to the maximum. If you enable system diagnostics and run google chrome in parallel with safari on mac, you can visually understand how much more economical safari is in using system resources.

It's just in disrepair. And now, I will play the video on youtube in 1080p in both browsers and here is the result:

In addition, Apple did a good job and made safari much faster than others (at least on Mac OS):

Well, what can we say about appearance, He's great:

However, there are also disadvantages to all this. No matter how hard everyone tries to give up flash, it won’t be possible to do it so quickly... And as we remember, thanks to Steve Jobs, Apple does not work with flash and safari is no exception, so, in most cases, if you want to watch a movie (if Of course, you are not using any service where everything is supported) you will have to open another browser.

And in general, you won’t see everything related to flash... But I don’t consider this a problem, since this year Google will abandon Flash, and after them the whole world. So at the end of the year you won’t even remember this pain.

In general, we have a winner! The best browser for Mac OS is Safari.

The best browser for Windows

Unfortunately, in Windows not everything is as good as in Apple, because, as we all know, Internet Explorer was a cool guy until version 6, after which he, for some reason, stopped developing and only came to his senses in version 9, when the entire world of web programmers and people under 40 was proclaimed shit.

While IE was missing the opportunity to take a leading place in the world (due to the number of installed Windows operating systems), companies such as Mozilla, Google, Yandex released their solution, which was many times superior to the native one from Microsoft. In these circumstances, we have been observing a fierce struggle for the right to leadership between Google Chrome and Firefox for several years now.

Both browsers are good, some are liked more by some, some by others, but, in general, they are almost equal in functionality (although in latest versions Chrome has taken a significant lead). Apple's Safari has virtually nothing on the Windows market, because at some point they decided to stop supporting the Windows version of Safari.

Yandex Browser, which just recently appeared, has not yet become so popular, but it is rapidly gaining momentum in the Russian segment of the Internet and it is really good. It's nice when Russia produced something worthwhile.

At this stage, the best browser of 2016 for Windows is Google Chrome.

The best browser for mobile devices

Unlike desktop computers, mobile devices developed almost in parallel and, in short, everything works approximately according to the following laws:

  1. On Android it is convenient and pleasant to use google chrome (because everything is promoted by one company);
  2. Safari is convenient to use on iOS for the same reasons;

I don’t consider other OSes, because they are of no use. It is clear that there are many different nuances, each company comes up with new, convenient features that do not work for competitors, and so on. To consider this in more detail, you need to write a separate article about this, so the meaning can be contained in the 2 statements above.


In 2016, all manufacturing companies set a course for optimizing their solutions, and not for endless improvement. So, no matter which option you choose, you will most likely be satisfied, because everyone wants to do something better than everyone else, and we only benefit from it. So now the choice is only about your taste and nothing more. Thank you everyone, use your browsers and enjoy life (and you can also leave comments and express your opinion).

Today, almost all leading browser manufacturers have improved the efficiency and performance of their products to meet modern web standards. Internet users conduct discussions, form the top "Most fast browser" on forums and blogs, and manufacturers and interested people publish benchmark results using specialized programs- benchmark.

Fastest browser according to benchmarks

Browser performance evaluation includes several criteria:


The faster the JavaScript scripts load, the more information the browser can process. The fastest browser in the world, according to testing by the KRAKEN benchmark, is clearly Chrome, which processed the largest amount of information in a certain amount of time. Firefox and Opera are not far behind. Internet Explorer and Safari browser, developed by Apple.

HTML5 test

Internet Explorer almost completely failed the test for processing and high-quality display of html programming languages, CSS tables, and ACID. Chrome, Opera and Safari are equal to 100% for CSS processing. Firefox is a little weaker.

Flash - test

The Flash test determines the speed of processing and playback of games, animations, audio and video files, as well as loading banners. According to the results of GUIMARK 2 FLASH, the medal goes to Internet Explorer, which is slightly ahead of such titans as Chrome, Opera and Firefox.

Internet Explorer performed much faster than its competitors when testing the gaming capabilities of browsers. Safari is sent to the bench.

Correct operation of the browser

More on initial stage development of Internet technologies, each browser had its own home interface that supported reading HTML language and CSS tables. As a result, this approach has made it much more difficult for Internet users to read and process documents. Experts from an international consortium solved this problem by developing a unified interface standard for all browsers.

According to the DROMAEO DOM and MAZE SOLVER benchmarks, the Safari browser became the most correct and punctual, surpassing Google Chrome and Mozila Firefox for 2.4 seconds. Opera is 9 seconds behind. Internet Explorer remains out of the picture with a lead of 36 seconds.

At this point the race is over. Based on testing results modern browsers benchmarks, the medal in the category “The best and fastest browser” goes to the youngest participant in the race - Google Chrome, which has proven itself positively in all tests.

Second place goes to Safari, which proudly takes its place from Opera thanks to the latest browser test. In principle, it's not so bad to be the second fastest browser when Firefox and Internet Explorer are trailing behind.

Such a phenomenon in human life as the Internet is always in motion. Manufacturers are constantly working and competing with each other to develop new technologies. Therefore, we, users, will be able to evaluate new products more than once modern technologies and discuss which is the fastest browser for Windows.

Which browser is the fastest, according to users?

When analyzing browser performance using benchmarks, we often lose sight of the importance of the opinions of the users themselves. After all, assessments and calculations using specialized programs are carried out in milliseconds. The human eye is simply incapable of visually distinguishing which browser will load the searched material faster in a few milliseconds, except for factors such as lack of Internet traffic.

Let's look at the pros and cons of each browser. Since Google Chrome became the leader in the previous race, we give it the right to start first.

  • The fastest browser, according to benchmarks.
  • Ergonomic in the use of system resources.
  • It opens quickly when the computer starts, and also does not slow down when there are multiple open tabs.
  • Convenient browser interface. All panels are in place, settings are neatly hidden in the menu.

No significant disadvantages were found.


  • Loads pages quickly and efficiently.
  • Provides the ability to download many extensions and add-ons for the browser.

As of February 2014, Firefox has between 12 and 22% of global usage, making it, according to various sources, the third most popular web browser. According to Mozilla, as of December 2014, Firefox has one and a half billion users worldwide. This browser has managed to achieve significant success in Indonesia, Iran, Germany and Poland, where it is the most popular browser with 55% of users.

The disadvantages include significant consumption of PC resources and interruptions in operation when there are a large number of open tabs.


  • The browser speed is not inferior to that of Opera.
  • Smart interface: convenient bookmarks bar, automatic filling web forms.
  • Ability to download plugins and extensions.

On Mac OS X Safari is a Cocoa application. It uses Apple's WebKit to render web pages and run JavaScript. WebKit consists of WebCore based on the Konqueror KHTML engine and JavaScriptCore - originally based on KDE's JavaScript engine called KJS. Like KHTML and KJS, WebCore and JavaScriptCore are free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Some of Apple's improvements to the KHTML code are being merged back into the Konqueror project. Apple also releases additional code under the open source code 2-p BSD-like licenses. Until Safari 6.0, it did not include a built-in web feed aggregator that supported RSS and Atom standards. Current features include private browsing (a mode in which no information about a user's web activity is recorded and is not retained by the browser).

No significant disadvantages were also found, but in terms of speed it is in many ways inferior to Chrome. Fans of Apple electronic products can be rightfully proud of it.

"Yandex browser"

Another contender for the title of “Fastest browser for Windows.” Like Google Chrome, it was once a newcomer among its peers, but in terms of performance since its release it has surpassed its competitors. Developed on the WebKit engine, like Chrome.


  • Integration with the Yandex search engine and its services.
  • Improved virus protection system.
  • Ability to open pages in turbo mode.

Like Google Chrome, "Yandex. Browser" accompanies search query hints, performs transliteration in case of input in the wrong language.

Yandex is great for search engine lovers.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can say that all of the named browsers are capable of competing for the title of “The fastest browser in the world.” Each of them is worthy of attention and positive evaluation from users.

However, answering the question of which browser is the fastest of all, the first place is definitely awarded to Google Chrome, which wins the second competition in a row.

Modern technologies are growing and developing. Every day today's users acquire more and more opportunities.


The browser is as fast as Firefox, but consumes fewer PC resources.

Has many built-in useful extensions, which are partially present in other browsers, such as: a panel of frequently visited sites; quick import and export of bookmarks; Password saving wizards are provided. There is a turbo mode, thanks to which you can increase download speed and reduce Internet traffic.

The only negative, according to users, is the unreliability of the browser.

The best browser for XP

When choosing the fastest browser for XP, you should first of all take into account the amount of PC resources consumed when information processing. The lower the indicator, the more efficient and faster the browser will work. Based on testing results and technical specifications The fastest browser for XP is Chrome, followed by Opera.

Modern technologies are growing and developing. Every day modern users gain the opportunity to choose. Some people remain loyal to their taste and use one browser or another out of habit, while others prefer to skim the cream of the best electronic products of our time.

What other browsers could compete in the “Fastest Browser” category if they weren’t inferior in popularity?

SeaMonkey is a multifunctional browser for advanced users and IT workers. It is a set of tools for various jobs with built-in HTML editor, messenger. Very simple and easy to use.

Its information processing speed is twice as fast as Google Chrome and Firefox. And if SeaMonkey were tested on par with Google Chrome, then it would receive the title of the fastest browser in the world.

Browsers are fickle things. Updates, fixes and patches for certain versions are released very often. Something new is added, and what has become obsolete disappears. Because of this, every year you can choose again which browser was the best. And very often leaders change due to the fruitful work of developers or the mistakes of competitors. That's why there is an annual TOP-5. What is the best browser in 2016?

K-Meleon is another relative of the “Fire Fox”, which uses its engine in its work. But it would seem that there is no point in including two identical browsers in the rating? But there are differences, and quite big ones.

For example, saving resources personal computer user. Based on this indicator, we can safely award the title of “Best Browser 2016” to Kameleon. It follows from this that high speed information processing. Separately, it should be noted that the browser is convenient - you can customize it “to suit you” if you know how to work with macros. Well, if this is not enough, many extensions will help in the matter.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Cyrillic in Kameleon is not always displayed adequately. This small flaw can seriously ruin the nerves of users who use this layout. But in latest updates Such a bug practically never appears.
  • The interface is stuck in the past. It is too simple and even outdated. Conservative users will like it, but when compared with the leaders, it definitely loses on all counts.
  • Personalization is quite difficult. For users who don't want to mess around with macros, this can be inconvenient.

The oldest modern browser, occupying the TOP 5 year after year. It stays so high not only because of user habit and trust.

Since 1994, when it was created, with each update, developers have been bringing something new, convenient and allowing for increased productivity to Opera. And the use of the engine with the addition of some of its “bells and whistles” (since 2013) made it possible to make Opera even more functional. The browser has many advantages:

  • Excellent operating speed. Even with a slow Internet connection, Opera is able to quickly display pages due to the “Turbo” mode.
  • Ease of use thanks to the so-called “hot keys”.
  • Availability of express panel. This, however, will not surprise anyone - but it is worth recognizing the increased convenience.
  • You can synchronize multiple devices using exclusive Opera Link technology.

But with such an abundance of advantages, there are also several significant disadvantages that did not allow it to become best browser this year:

  • The eternal “disease” of Opera is the lack of stability. Just as it did not exist in 1994, it did not appear later either.
  • Opera has a high “appetite” for computer resources. This is not suitable for weak cars.
  • Interaction with scripts and forms of some sites has not been fully developed. Because of this, they may not work or display incorrectly.

It was once the best browser, according to most Russian-speaking users. But over time, he lost ground and ended up only on the third step of the podium. Although it is still in demand abroad.

It was this browser that made many breakthroughs in its industry - the extension store, privacy and much more. We can talk for a long time about positive aspects"Fire Fox":

  • Simplicity and convenience. There is nothing superfluous in the interface, and a large number of settings will allow you to customize it in a way that is convenient for a particular user. The bookmarks bar does not create any problems. You can find more than 100,000 plugins for additional customization in the browser store - for every taste.
  • Browser security. It is almost impossible to track information about a user who uses Firefox. The browser prohibits monitoring activities on the site. But besides this, you can completely hide yourself from sites by setting up private mode. And the “Password Master” function can additionally hide the owner’s passwords and logins from any reading scripts and viruses. In addition, in some cases, locker viruses do not even pick it up.
  • Independence. It is able to update itself without dragging the user into its problems. Also, without dancing with a tambourine and searching for a special assembly, it can be run on any operating system.

But there are also a lot of negative things:

  • Low productivity coupled with demand large quantity random access memory ruin the face of Firefox.
  • There is some sluggishness - the interface responds to user actions with some unpleasant delay.
  • Scripts are not supported on all sites; they are displayed incorrectly or refuse to work at all.

A very unexpected appearance on the market of the best new (2012 release) browser. Previously, users did not take domestic products seriously, preferring more advanced competitors. But during this time he was able to get ahead, overtaking competitors and only falling short of the first step. Perhaps this is due to aggressive promotion, but the fact is clear.

This browser offers a large number of fresh and innovative features that were not included in older competitors. It’s worth figuring out why they loved him so much:

  • Convenient tiled panel quick launch with support for up to 20 tile sites. The user can add absolutely any resource here.
  • Well thought out security. Every downloaded file is checked for malware. Yandex.Browser can also check links and sites using a special catalog of fraudulent and phishing resources. This also includes the built-in AdGuard.
  • Ability to preview documents, PDFs and many other formats before downloading directly in your browser.
  • Turbo 2.0 mode. It works much better than the similar one in Opera. At the same time, it is able to compress videos played on the Internet, saving traffic.
  • Unusual, fresh and updated interface with the ability to personalize.

We should also highlight mouse gestures, which are implemented in this browser much better than in its competitors. They allow you to perform a large number of functions without using the keyboard.

However, there are several small flaws that negatively affect the perception of the program by users. For example, many people do not like the unusual and therefore unusual interface. And without being tied to Yandex, many browser capabilities are simply lost.

For many years now, this titan of its industry has retained the love of users and never ceases to occupy, if not the top of the ratings, then the approaches to it. It, without a doubt, deserves to be called the best among all other browsers for operating system Windows. Since 2008, Chrome has been actively developing and strives to maintain its position and user loyalty.

Overall, the product turned out to be excellent, even taking into account the use of the new and not fully tested Chromium engine, which was assembled from the then popular Safari with the addition of V8. And all this - with a beautiful and convenient interface, in which there is nothing superfluous - everything you need is in plain sight. And the excess is hidden deeper so that the user does not accidentally spoil anything.

The popularity of Google Chrome is no coincidence. It has more than enough advantages:

  • Highest operating speed. There is a function for preloading pages. The speed of work seriously exceeds that of competitors.
  • Granite safety. Newest technologies provide browser protection. It contains directories of all known phishing resources. In addition, it is no longer so easy to download a virus, even on purpose - if the file has the extension *.bat, *.exe or *.dll, then you will have to give it additional confirmation.
  • Incognito mode. The name speaks for itself - the user is free to go anywhere, but not a trace of visiting these sites will remain on the computer.
  • Enviable stability. It starts to slow down only on weak PCs, the system is heavily loaded or it is infected with viruses. Errors may also occur when opening a large number of tabs and/or launching many plugins.
  • Own “Task Manager”, which allows you to monitor the work of each individual tab. Convenient when you need to understand how much memory a particular process inside the browser “eats”. Useful for optimizing work - after all, who doesn’t have something superfluous in their pinned tabs?
  • A whole store of extensions, each of which can bring enormous benefits. You can also find additional personalization tools there.
    Deep integration with all Google services, including voice search, Translator, Google Docs and much more.

The only drawback is that it is demanding on computer resources - it requires at least 3 GB of computer RAM. What, however, for modern device not so much. But if you run some at the same time, it’s not too old game, MS Word and Google Chrome on a PC with average capabilities - problems may begin.