How to do polls in a telegram channel. Voting in the Telegram channel - how to do it and the best bots. Built-in Telegram feature

An important mechanism for promoting channels in Telegram are surveys and voting. They allow you to attract an audience and increase its reach. They can also be used to assess the satisfaction of subscribers with the channel’s content.

Poll or voting - what's the difference?

Survey is a tool that allows for broad analysis information field. It may include several different answers. When answering questions, the user is interested in statistics based on the survey results. For example, a music survey.

Vote- a simpler tool. Thanks to it, you can quickly analyze the information field. In most cases, voting includes one question and two (three) answer options. In this case, the user is not interested in the answer itself, but in end result voting. For example, voting for a competition entry.

Using both tools in Telegram is very simple. This article will discuss this.

Voting with PollBot?

To find this bot, you need to enter search bar@pollbot and select the most popular top query. After clicking on the chat and the start button, you can start creating a vote:

Video: How to create a poll using Votebot

Survey using QuanBot?

QuanBot is searched in a similar way as PollBot ( search query: @quanbot ). This bot, when you start working with it, allows you to select a language. On this moment 8 languages ​​available.

The telegram application provides its users with a lot of opportunities. Therefore, the functionality of the messenger is not limited to the exchange text messages and media files. It’s easy and simple to develop your own blog (channel) or public page here. You can even conduct business by advertising and promoting your website or online store. At the same time, while doing all this (and more), you often have to organize a vote in order to get an objective review or opinion about some product, event, etc.

So in this article we decided to tell you how to launch a survey in Telegram, and what tools can help with this.

Let's start with the easiest option, which will take you very little time and effort. It involves using a voting bot. Everything that needs to be done will be described below point by point:

That's all. The poll has been created. No complicated steps were required. That's a plus. That is, in this way, you can easily start a survey with mobile version. The only caveat is that using @PollBot somewhat limits the user in functional terms. For example, the question itself cannot exceed 128 characters.

Creating a poll with advanced functions

If you need to create a full-fledged survey, then the method described above is unlikely to work. Therefore, we will introduce you to another option that allows you to start voting in a telegram. It is based on the use of the @QuAnBot bot. Does it have any advantages over @PollBot? Certainly. This bot provides the user with much wider functionality:

  • You can send results and statistics by email.
  • It is not prohibited to add and insert various multimedia files (photos, videos, audio, etc.).
  • It is possible to set an almost unlimited number of answer options.
  • Any participant can offer their own answer or select several items from the list at once.
  • If desired, you can activate the option in which each voter will be asked phone number(that is, those who really need and are interested will participate in the survey).

IN in social networks There is the ability to create surveys. This function is very popular and is intended to perform many tasks: obtaining consumer opinions about a specific product, service or product, identifying current demand among various groups of people, developing a group and obtaining new subscribers. And this list is far from complete. How to make a vote in Telegram will be discussed in the article.

An easy way to create polls

One of the most simple ways creating votes is to use a special bot ( @PollBot). To do this, just complete five simple steps:

It is worth taking into account the fact that the functionality of the robot in terms of creating surveys is somewhat limited. But @PollBot is great for creating simple polls because it’s quick and easy to set up.

Advanced survey design

If a user is looking for a way to make a poll in Telegram with advanced settings, he will be interested in the functionality of the bot @QuAnBot. Using it, you can specify various nuances in more detail.

Advantages of the @QuAnBot robot:

  • The voting user can propose his own answer. If it receives approval from the author, it will be included in the general selection list.
  • It is possible to request a person's phone number before they have the opportunity to select an answer.
  • The user can specify several answers from the list at once.
  • When creating, you can use media content (images, audio and video recordings).

To create a survey, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Find @QuAnBot.
  2. Enter /newpoll in the dialog box.
  3. Send the text of the question (there is a 128 character limit).
  4. A list will open, click on “Add option”, enter the option to choose from in the window.
  5. Repeat step four until all options are entered for selection.
  6. If you want to add audio, video, or images to questions or answers, select the appropriate tab. You can also change the current settings in the menu.
  7. When everything is specified, click on “Finish”.

How to make a vote in Telegram - after all, with the help of polls, the main task is solved - involving the audience in the conversation and analyzing its interests. Subscriber preferences, collecting feedback on products, products or published materials - all this is available when creating a survey.

Voting or polling - what's the difference?

The difference is small - when voting, the user chooses from a proposed list of answers, while the poll allows for its own answer. As a rule, surveys offer several ready-made options and provide the opportunity to give your own answer.

Services are implemented in Telegram using bots; it is important that the bots be participants in the chat (channel) in which the questionnaire will be published (sometimes conditions require making the bot an administrator).

How to vote in Telegram using PollBot

A Telegram voting bot like PollBot (@PollBot) creates a question and answer options for the group, adds the poll to the chat, and then processes the results. You should start working with the bot by adding it to the group:

  1. Find a bot in Telegram.
  2. In the conversation feed, click on the name PollBot.
  3. Click on the button in the form of three vertical dots.
  4. In the menu that appears, select “Add to group.”
  5. Select the one you want from the list of chats and confirm your decision.

It should be taken into account that PollBot cannot work with several votes at the same time - while one is open, another cannot be added to the group.

How to create a simple poll in a group or channel

In order to create a poll in a group, chat or channel on your computer or smartphone, just follow the instructions and that’s it.

It is important that in a group or chat, a survey can be created by any of the participants who are members of this group. In a channel, a poll can only create

For PC

How to create a survey from an Android or iOS smartphone

To create a survey, take your phone and open the channel we need.

How to make a poll in Telegram using @QuanBot

Advantages of QuAn:

  • Can do a simple like/dislike in chat.
  • Has the “add mini-chat” function.
  • You can do both a poll and a vote using the “Custom answer” button.
  • The ability to add “multi-choice” (several answers from one voter at the same time) and/or “change vote” has been implemented.
  • Adds questionnaires not only to groups, but also to Telegram channels.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that the organization of control buttons and commands is not the simplest.

QuAn will not be able to add a survey to a group if you are not a member of the group. The process of adding it to a Telegram chat (channel) is the same as for PollBot.

  • You need to click “Start” in the conversation window with the bot. @QuanBot will respond with a list of available commands.

  • Send the command “/newpoll”. In the response message, the user will see a “Create from template” button (it should be used if the user wants to make a mini-chat or add “like/dislike” buttons). If the goal is to make a poll or poll, then the button should be ignored and the text of the question should be sent in a message or file.

  • Click on the “+Add option” button and submit the first answer option. Before each next answer, you must click the “+Add option” button. When all the answers have been typed, the user needs to click “Settings” (you can click “Finish” first, and then only “Settings” - there is no difference).

  • To make a poll out of a vote, you need to leave a checkbox next to an item such as “Suggest an option.” Also in the settings menu you can configure the ability to select multiple answer options, change selections, etc. After completing the settings, you need to click the “Back” button.

Social networks have the ability to create surveys. This function is very popular and is intended to perform many tasks: obtaining consumer opinions about a specific product, service or product, identifying current demand among various groups of people, developing a group and obtaining new subscribers. And this list is far from complete. How to make a vote in Telegram will be discussed in the article.

An easy way to create polls

One of the easiest ways to create votes is to use a special bot ( @PollBot). To do this, just follow five simple steps:

It is worth taking into account the fact that the functionality of the robot in terms of creating surveys is somewhat limited. But @PollBot is great for creating simple polls because it’s quick and easy to set up.

Advanced survey design

If a user is looking for a way to make a poll in Telegram with advanced settings, he will be interested in the functionality of the bot @QuAnBot. Using it, you can specify various nuances in more detail.

Advantages of the @QuAnBot robot:

  • The voting user can propose his own answer. If it receives approval from the author, it will be included in the general selection list.
  • It is possible to request a person's phone number before they have the opportunity to select an answer.
  • The user can specify several answers from the list at once.
  • When creating, you can use media content (images, audio and video recordings).

To create a survey, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Find @QuAnBot.
  2. Enter /newpoll in the dialog box.
  3. Send the text of the question (there is a 128 character limit).
  4. A list will open, click on “Add option”, enter the option to choose from in the window.
  5. Repeat step four until all options are entered for selection.
  6. If you want to add audio, video, or images to questions or answers, select the appropriate tab. You can also change the current settings in the menu.
  7. When everything is specified, click on “Finish”.