How to turn off VKontakte notifications. Disabling sound notifications on VKontakte How to remove sound from messages on VK

The VKontakte social network allows millions of people from all over the globe to communicate and interact with each other. However, sometimes communication can become boring or distract from important matters. In the case of inappropriate people, it is enough to blacklist them, but what if you need to distance yourself from your friend (especially if he is one of those who likes to send almost one word at a time instead of detailed and thoughtful messages)?

In this article you will learn how to turn off sound notifications about messages that you receive on VKontakte and become a little less dependent on Internet communication.

There are several ways to mute VKontakte messages on your computer. If you want to turn off sound from a specific user, go to “messages”, find a dialogue with him, go to it, move the cursor to the three dots at the top and click on the “mute notifications” button:

However, this will only mute one user. If you want to remove notifications from everyone altogether, you can do this in two ways. Or go to the page settings (they are located in context menu under the avatar on the top right) in the “notifications” section and uncheck the corresponding box:

Or go to the dialogs and click on the “disable sound notifications” button:

However, please note that in this case, sound notifications will be turned off for all events on the site, and not just for messages. To return them, click on this button again or go to settings and check the box here:

All this concerned the computer, but how to turn off the sound of VKontakte messages on your phone? On this moment do it on a special mobile version, unfortunately, is not possible. This can only be done in official mobile applications for operating systems. Android systems, iOS and Windows Phone. It all depends on your smartphone, however, as before, it all comes down to a few checkboxes in the settings.

How to mute VKontakte sound in a conversation?

This question should be especially relevant, because at conferences people write a lot and often, and not all of these messages are addressed specifically to you. This is also easy to do: to do this, go to the desired conversation and turn off notifications in the same way that you turn them off for a person.

That's all. Now that you have mastered these simple settings, no persistent interlocutor will be able to bother you and distract you from important matters.

On the new smartphone, sound notifications began to irritate me: SMS, mail, available Wi-Fi appeared. Notifications from various applications. You can turn off the sound, but then all notifications will be turned off. And I need the arrival of SMS. Finally, after twenty minutes of wandering around the settings, I gave up and went online. The answer turned out to be very simple.

In Android 5 (before that I had a device with Android 4.4), the notification system was redesigned. Opens through the sound control buttons. You will see three modes: Do Not Disturb, Important and All. By default, the latest (standard) mode is enabled, so you receive all notifications.

If you turn on Important mode, you will only receive notifications from the services and applications that you choose. I only have calls and SMS enabled. You can set the operating time of this mode (indefinitely, select the number of hours, set days, start and end times).

To manage notifications for specific applications, you need to go to the menu Sounds & Notifications > Notifications > App Notifications. You can enable notification blocking, include it in the list of important ones, or activate the “Confidential” mode (confidential data will not be shown in notifications on the locked smartphone screen).

Developers social network VKontakte made sure that users receive notifications about any change that occurs in their account. In this regard, you can hear a characteristic sound when we receive messages or someone likes our posts or photos. We receive letters by mail if someone wants to be added to us as a friend or if it’s someone’s birthday.

Some people like it, but others may be infuriated. In this regard, I decided to write this article so that you can learn how to turn off some notifications and not listen to sounds coming from your phone or laptop at night.

How to turn off VKontakte notifications in the full version

Let's go to our page. Click on Top Menu in the right corner and from the drop-down list select “Settings”:

A new menu appears on the right side, in which we need to click on the “Alerts” item:

Now the settings window has opened. Let's look at the first section. These are “Site Alerts”.

Here we have types. If we just want to turn off the sound of notifications, then remove the checkbox next to the “Enable sound notifications” item. If you want to turn everything off completely, then, naturally, we remove all the birds.

There are also "event types". If, for example, you want not to be disturbed by the sounds that are made after someone has liked your next photo, then simply remove the bird next to the “Like” item.

Now we go down below and go to the section “Alerts for e-mail" We may need it if we want to avoid receiving messages about certain actions by email.

If we want to disable any item, then we remove the bird in front of it.

If you want to disable this function by mail altogether, then opposite the “Notification frequency” item, select “Never notify”:

Disable notifications in the mobile application on your tablet or phone

Launch the application and in the left menu click on the “Gear” icon, which in our case means “Settings”

At the next stage, in the settings, click on the “Notifications” section:

All types of notifications are loaded. To disable some of them, simply move the slider to the left. If, for example, you are annoyed by message notifications in a conversation, then click on the “Messages in conversations” item:

Move the slider to the left opposite notifications, and we will no longer receive notifications about new messages in conversations.

By the way, if you don’t know how to create VKontakte conversations, you can follow the link and read.

Today we will tell you how to turn off notifications in conversations in which many social network users participate. This information will be useful for those who like to chat in chats with a large number of participants, but are tired of constant notifications about new messages. And today you will learn how to remove notifications and new messages altogether.

If you participate in the chat a large number of people, and you are on VKontakte, but do not want to take part in the conversation at the moment because you are busy with other things, then you know how annoying or disturbing sound notifications about new messages can be. Today you will learn how to turn off notifications .

Disable notifications in conversations

So, now in VKontakte it is possible to turn off pop-up visual and audio notifications in chats where a large number of network users are sitting. To remove alerts, you need to click on the “Actions” button in the dialog. In the menu you will see the “Turn off notifications” function. Hover your mouse over this item and left-click on it. You can see new messages in the chat itself. Today you will learn not only how to remove notifications , but also how to turn them back on.

A chat in which you have disabled notifications for new messages will be marked with an icon with a crossed out speaker. You can see this icon when you scroll through the list of all dialogues, and also, if you enter this chat, you will see an icon next to the name of the conversation. As you can see, it's even easier than .

Turn on notifications in conversations

To re-enable sound notifications in Contact that a new chat message has arrived, you must again go to the “Actions” section, which is located in the upper right corner and select “Enable notifications”. But dialogues have improved not only in this, but also in displaying the search when you select an interlocutor. The size of user avatar thumbnails has also changed; dialogues are now displayed using a special icon.

How to turn off notifications for all messages

And now we will tell you what to do if you want to remove notifications about new messages completely. To prevent you from getting bored with the intrusive sound of messages or text notifications, you need to go to “My Settings” and select the “Alerts” section. In this section you will see: “Instant notifications on the site.” Just below are the items: “Show message text” and “Enable sound alerts”.

You will see check marks opposite the items. Uncheck the box next to the item that interests you. If you turn off sound notifications completely, you will no longer hear when you receive a new message. If you uncheck the box next to “Show message text,” new messages will no longer be displayed in the lower left corner. Check the boxes next to these two items or one of them.

Here you can also adjust notifications about other events. If you click on the “Notify about all events” link, a drop-down window will open in front of you in which you can completely or partially turn off notifications in Contact. You can set up alerts for things that interest you, such as messages, friend requests, replies in comments, likes, and more. This will make using VKontakte even more convenient.

The VKontakte social network has an internal notification system that includes sound alerts, for example, when receiving personal messages. If necessary, this can be disabled via standard settings site or mobile application. Further, within the framework of the instructions, we will consider both options in sufficient detail.

In the desktop version of the VKontakte website, there are only two ways to implement the task: both using standard parameters and through the Internet browser settings. Each of these methods has a number of limitations in terms of application, and therefore can only be useful in certain situations.

Method 1: Website Settings

The official website of the social network in question is known to provide the most complete set of functions and parameters, including those related to notifications. To mute the sound in this version, you will need to visit one of the sections.

Option 1: Message Settings

Option 2: Site Settings

Regardless of the section used, alerts will be disabled in a completely similar manner, blocking all system sound, but without affecting media playback. Please note that the settings only apply to personal messages, while any other notifications do not have sound by default.

As a complementary solution to the previous method you can use individual settings any dialogue in private messages to mute the sound. The advantage of this method is that this does not require getting rid of all notifications, which are often necessary for timely reading of mail.

As you can see, the method is perfect for deactivating sound in the most active dialogues such as conversations, allowing you to get rid of unnecessary irritants. However, if there are a lot of correspondence, it is better to use the first method, since if necessary, you can cancel actions only on an individual basis.

Method 3: Browser Settings

Any Internet browser provides its own settings that allow you to disable certain elements of the site, including sound. VKontakte is no exception, and therefore you can deactivate notifications by simply blocking the playback of any sound on the social network site. Note: Steps may vary depending on different browsers, however we will only consider .

The fastest and easiest way to turn off the sound on just one tab with a site, in this case VK, is by right-clicking on this tab and selecting "Mute the sound on the site"(relevant for Chrome; for other browsers the name of the parameter will be slightly different). The ban on playing sounds applies only to a specific tab and lasts until it is closed. This feature is not supported by all web browsers and turns off ANY sound that is played inside the tab, so be careful when trying to watch video or listen to audio.

This approach, as you can see, deactivates all sounds on the social network, not just notifications. Therefore, the method should be used only in rare cases, for example, if changing the site settings for some reason did not bring the expected results.

Disabling VK sound notifications on your phone

You can deactivate from a mobile phone in the same way with two main and one additional ways. However, differences in the process may depend on the used operating system, proprietary shell and even from the official client version.

Method 1: Application Settings

Sound notifications for any events in the VK application can be deactivated through the parameters in a separate section. This method is basic because it only applies to alerts, leaving any other sounds untouched.

After making all the changes, just click "OK" and close the settings section. Unfortunately, functionality can only be checked during certain events.

Method 2: Notifications in dialogue

An additional method of deactivating VK alerts comes down to using a menu of individual dialogues, including regular correspondence and conversations. This, as a rule, will be enough to turn off all irritants, since sound signal accompanied mainly by personal messages.

As is the case with full version, the method should only be used to deactivate specific dialogs in small quantities. However, unlike the website, the application settings are saved in the device memory, and not in the user profile, which allows you to cancel all changes by simply clearing or reinstalling VK.

Method 3: Turn off notifications

Alert settings on mobile devices Regardless of the platform, they are significantly superior in variety to those on a computer. Because of this, through the system parameters it is quite possible to deactivate all notifications for VK or limit yourself to sound.

Unlike Android, which works with different proprietary shells, on the iPhone, regardless of the version of the operating system, the settings are always located in a similar way. Therefore, having dealt with everyone possible options, we conclude this instruction.

When using another equally popular lightweight version of the VKontakte website, you can turn off sound notifications only on mobile phone exactly the same as in the official application. In general, the procedure should not raise any questions on any platform if the instructions are strictly followed, and therefore this article comes to a close.