Which browser is better for windows 7 reviews. Choosing the best browser for Windows

Windows 7 remains the most popular operating system, used by tens of millions of users. We will try to determine which browser is best for them. Perhaps they chose the wrong one?

IN new version Ya. Browser developers decided to implement an unusual interface background - it will become animated. Unlike other browsers, the thumbnails here are represented by recognizable site logos, rather than screenshots of pages. This makes it much easier to understand. Other advantages include a minimalist interface. The program's panels take up at least 20% less space than can be seen in Firefox. What else can please you is the synchronization of open tabs with other devices.

You will also probably be pleasantly surprised by the answers that appear as you type in the address bar. For example, when asking: “What’s the weather like in Arkhangelsk...”, you will already see that it’s raining in Arkhangelsk right now, and the air temperature is +19.

Another plus is integration with Yandex.Disk, mail and other company services.

Simple and fast. Actually, that's all you need to know about the most popular browser in the world. And this is precisely why millions of users chose him. Tabs open at lightning speed, there are no unnecessary elements in the interface

It is perfect for a weak computer because it requires little RAM. Moreover, the program determines each open tab as a separate process.

Chrome's place in the Google ecosystem deserves special attention. If you use Android, GMail, Hangouts, Google Drive, YouTube - then this is your browser.

Firefox impresses with its personalization capabilities. How beautiful a browser it will be, and what it should be able to do, is up to you to decide. Thousands of plugins to help! The second reason to download Firefox to your computer is the security system that the program developers have paid Special attention. Built-in anti-virus and anti-phishing monitors, instant ID verification, tracking protection - all this has already been implemented and is ready to serve you.

And if you are a gamer, then you should probably look at the Fire Fox. The fact is that in online games this browser demonstrates more high speed responses than analogues. It also has fewer crashes.

Opera is considered an advanced browser “for those who understand.” It has a number of built-in options that will be of interest to web developers and designers. In addition, it is convenient to watch videos online - if your Internet is unstable and the speed drops from time to time, you are unlikely to notice it. The situation is the same with loading pages - they shrink and open faster if the Internet connection fails. User protection here is also at the proper level - Opera will not allow unscrupulous sites to steal your passwords and other personal data or install a virus on you.

22/12/2015 14:24

Each person has unique tastes, preferences, and requirements. If one thing gets tested by a hundred people, each will give a different result. Some opinions will be similar, others will differ and this is natural. In the software field everything is exactly the same. A browser is a program that a person uses to surf the Internet. We run it every day, so it’s important to choose a convenient browser that will meet all the requirements.
Using the browser, you can search for any information, listen to music, watch movies, and play your favorite games. Any rating will be controversial, but let's try to rank the best browsers. In this article you will look at the criteria for choosing a good browser for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. We will study in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Based on our rating, you will be able to choose a good browser for yourself.

Google Chrome 1st place

This is the most popular browser that exists today. The program can be called the best and fastest on the Windows operating system. Its opening took place in 2008. Chrome was based on the popular Safari browser at that time, made on the WebKit engine. Formally, it was crossed with the V8 javascript engine. Subsequently, this hybrid was renamed Chromium. Such famous companies as Google, Opera Software, as well as Yandex and several other large developers participated in further development. Google was the first to create its own version of the browser on Chromium. A year later, it was installed on 3.6% of computers worldwide. He began to quickly gain popularity, today he is the undisputed leader and occupies 42.21%. It is worth noting that the majority are smartphones that come with a pre-installed browser.


  1. High speed. Chrome is significantly superior to its competitors in terms of browser speed, as well as processing of displayed resources. In addition, there is a convenient function for preloading pages, this further increases the speed of work.
  2. Safety. The company has implemented reliable technologies that ensure the safety of using the browser. They continue to actively develop. The browser has a database of phishing and malicious resources, which is updated regularly. The browser works according to a unique scheme in such a way that not a single process is used, but several at once, but with lower privileges. Downloading files with .bat, .exe or .dll resolution requires additional confirmation, which reduces the chances of downloading a virus.
  3. There is an "Incognito" mode. This is a very convenient feature when you need to view a large number of sites, but not leave traces of their visit on the computer.
  4. Thoughtful interface. It is quite simple and contains everything you need, without unnecessary elements. Chrome is the first browser to offer the ability quick access. On the panel you can see the most visited resources. Another feature is sharing address bar and search engine. Later this feature was implemented in other browsers.
  5. Stable work. Recently, there have been no such cases when at work Google Chrome there were malfunctions or it slowed down a lot. This can only happen if there are viruses in the system. In many ways, security and stability are improved by using multiple processes that are separated from each other. If one of them stops working, the others continue to function.
  6. There is a task manager in the "Additional tools" menu. Almost no one knows about this feature. Thanks to convenient tool you can track how many resources an entire tab or a separate plugin takes up. You can find and fix the source of the problem if the application starts to slow down.
  7. Large selection of extensions, many of which can be downloaded for free. There are also many plugins and themes available. The browser can be customized depending on personal preferences, which is very convenient.
  8. I have an opportunity automatic translation pages. Google Translator is used for this.
  9. The program is updated in automatic mode without disturbing the user.
  10. Search queries can be specified by voice, for this purpose the service “ OK Google».
  1. Starting with version 42.0, support for NPAPI plugins was stopped, including the fairly popular Flash Player.
  2. For smooth operation of the application, at least 2 GB is required random access memory.
  3. Most of the extensions and plugins are made in a foreign language.
  4. A significant load on the hardware contributes to the short battery life of laptops and smartphones.
I've been using Chrome for quite a long time, and as my main browser. During the entire period of work, he did not cause any serious complaints. Its integration into the system of other Google services is very convenient. One Account can connect your computer and mobile device, there is the possibility of continuous synchronization.
I don’t like the fact that all user data is stored on American servers (most likely now the data is stored on Russian servers). Mail, personal contacts and search information are stored there. True, we should not exclude the possibility that other browsers do the same. You need to take precautions whenever possible, then you will have nothing to fear. If you do not want to disclose your own data, but still continue to use Chrome, then use SlimJet or SRWare Iron, we will talk about them below.

Yandex.Browser 2nd place

The browser has the shortest history; it was opened in 2012. It is extremely popular in Russia. The browser supports integration with Yandex services, which are very convenient to use. The default search engine is Yandex. The interface turned out to be quite original, even though it was created on the Chromium engine. The panel immediately catches your eye quick launch. It is made in a tiled style.

The user can place up to 20 tiles. The browser uses a “Smart String”, which not only transmits the entered phrase to the search engine, but also automatically selects the required site if the name matches. Unfortunately, for now this function works only with large resources. Mouse manipulation is supported, with which you can control the viewing of web pages with simple movements.



  1. Not everyone will like the original interface.
  2. Linking to various Yandex services. Without them, the program is deprived of many features.
  3. Rarely, but still problems arise with transferring settings and history.
Not everyone will like the new interface, because it is radically different from its competitors. It will take some time to get used to such features.

Mozilla Firefox 3rd place

Now Mozila is the most popular foreign browser, and in Russia it ranks third. Over the past few years, it has begun to lose ground, but only slightly. The first version of the program appeared in 2004, since then there have been many changes. The application engine is Gecko - it is located in free access and continues to be improved by developers. Formally, this is the first browser that had huge database extensions before Chrome even existed. He was among the first to implement the maximum confidentiality regime that Google invented.


  1. A simple and very convenient interface with no unnecessary details.
  2. A convenient settings system that allows you to radically change your browser, customizing it to your liking.
  3. A large number of various plugins. They can be chosen to suit every taste, because at the moment there are more than 100,000 of them.
  4. Cross-platform. The browser can be downloaded for any operating system that is used on modern technology.
  5. Reliability. I have found myself in situations where the user caught a banner that blocked all browsers, but Firefox continued to function.
  6. Maximum level of security and privacy of personal data.
  7. Convenient bookmarks bar.
  8. The program may refuse to allow various websites to track information about you. Can be customized private browsing pages. In addition, there is a Master Passwords feature that further protects your entries on certain resources.
  9. Updates occur in background without the need for user intervention.
  1. Compared to Chrome, the interface is a little slower and takes longer to respond to user manipulations.
  2. Performance is average;
  3. Lack of script support on some resources, as a result of which the content may not function properly.
  4. The application requires a large amount of RAM to run.

Opera 4th place

This is the oldest browser, which was opened back in 1994. I started using it about 15 years ago, and I still use it as needed. Until 2013, Opera had its own engine, but now Webkit+V8 is used. The exact same technology is used in Google Chrome. In 2010, the company opened a mobile version of the program. Now it is the fourth most popular browser in Russia, and in the world it ranks sixth.


  1. Excellent speed of operation and page display. The browser's features include a turbo mode, which significantly increases page loading speed through the use of cloud technologies. At the same time, traffic is significantly saved, which is very important when using mobile version.
  2. There is a convenient express panel with saved bookmarks. This is a modified tool Speed ​​Dial, which we saw in previous versions of the browser.
  3. Opera Link technology, which is needed to synchronize different devices.
  4. Lots of hotkeys for easy control.
  5. Opera Unite Internet browser.
  1. For efficient work A large amount of RAM is required. If you open several tabs at the same time, Opera will start to slow down. Even the reliable Chrome engine does not improve the situation.
  2. On many sites it is observed incorrect work scripts and various forms. There are a large number of complaints when working with WML.
  3. Stability cannot be called the browser's strong point. The company was never able to get rid of periodic crashes and freezes.
    4. Own bookmarking system, nicknamed “Piggy Bank”. This is quite an interesting solution, but it is poorly implemented.
I use opera only as a additional browser. The "Turbo" function is useful when working with a modem, because in this case it combines high page display speed and savings in traffic consumption. Using Unite technology, you can turn your browser into a real server. On it you can provide access to a variety of files, exchange SMS notifications and photographs. The files are stored on the PC and become accessible only when the program is launched. This is an excellent replacement for Chrome if for some reason you do not want to use it.

K-Meleon 5th place

This application began to be developed back in 2000. In fact, it is a relative Mozilla Firefox, they use the same engine. You may ask why he was included in the rating if they are practically the same? The point is that they have strong differences. For example, today K-Meleon is the easiest browser for Windows systems. Such results were achieved thanks to the features of its development. Initially, the program was only supposed to demonstrate the capabilities of the new engine. As a result, the company was able to achieve economical consumption of PC resources.


  1. Small requirements for PC resources, including a low amount of RAM.
  2. Using the native Windows interface, which significantly saves time and resources spent on the interface.
  3. High speed.
  4. Good personalization options, and you don't need to use third-party extensions for this. Everything is arranged using macros. It will be difficult for a beginner to master, but free time we can sort this out.
  5. There is a large selection of assemblies. You can choose an extension with the desired set of functions.
  6. You can create multiple profiles for different users.
  1. Quite a clumsy interface. If you compare it with the Top 5 leaders, then this browser has a too simple design.
  2. Rarely, there are problems with displaying the Cyrillic alphabet, but the situation has been corrected in recent updates.
This is the best option for weak PCs. The browser will function normally on an old laptop running an operating system Windows systems XP. You will be able to enjoy comfortable Internet surfing. And it will work even better on modern hardware. Many professionals use it, considering it the best browser. This should not be surprising, because in some respects K-Meleon is superior to its competitors.

Internet Explorer

This is a free browser that comes with integrated Windows software. Microsoft has been developing it since 1995 to this day. Therefore, the browser was one of the most popular in Russia, but then Chrome appeared. Now he has lost a lot of his position and ranks 5th in popularity. The reason can be considered the completion of its development. Together with Windows 10, the company's development - Spartan - was released.
Throughout the history of the browser, it was never considered the best; everyone knew about a large number of vulnerabilities that were exploited by various viruses. For a very long time it was the weak point of every computer running the Windows operating system. The situation changed for the better with the release Internet Explorer 10, it is included with Windows 8. All the holes in it were fixed and, subject to certain rules, the browser was considered safe.
Version 11 appeared along with Windows update 8.1, it is the latest in the line. In terms of speed, it can be compared with its competitors, but is still slightly inferior to them. Now there is a privacy mode, a preliminary rating, and caching is also supported, which allows you to increase the speed of the browser. Despite successful innovations, the browser is only losing its position. In my work, I use Internet Explorer only to log into the web interface home router and other network equipment. There is a simple explanation for this: this is the browser developers use, so the markup is designed for it. It is better to use another browser to view Internet resources.

Now there are many browsers that we did not mention in our review. We've presented our picks for the best browsers, but everyone may have a different opinion. The review includes only those reviewers that I have encountered. They are completely free to download and use without any restrictions. Current version can be found on the official website. If you can suggest decent browsers that should be in the Top 5, then indicate your options in the comments.

Good afternoon.

A browser is one of the most important programs on a computer (laptop, phone, etc.) connected to the Internet. Perhaps that is why their number is in the hundreds - and making a choice is not always easy! Especially if the computer is not completely new, or the problem is some specific (which cannot be solved in the first web surfer you come across), or the selected program is slow and you want a faster program.

In this New Year's article, I want to focus on some of the best and fastest reviewers who have won the trust of thousands of users around the World! The article is not the ultimate truth, the information is current at the beginning of 2016.

The table below shows the most popular Internet surfers on the Runet. Each of them is capable of solving most of the problems of an “average” user. In general, when looking for a browser, I recommend that you try each of them (if you are not already familiar with one).



Google Chrome

The most popular reviewer today! More than half of PCs, phones and tablets use this browser to surf the Internet! The benefits are obvious:
  • good speed - pages open instantly;
  • synchronization of bookmarks and settings;
  • support for all popular Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits);
  • search from the address bar;
  • tooltips;
  • instant page translation (for example, from English to Russian);
  • minimalism: there is nothing superfluous, all “extra” settings are hidden from novice users;
  • ability to quickly block ads ().


It may slow down on insufficiently powerful PCs, as well as after installing plugins (especially if there are too many of them...).

Yandex browser

It is rapidly gaining popularity due to its close integration with the most popular services of the Yandex search engine. It is also great for use on: PCs, phones, tablets. Main advantages:
  • the presence of a turbo mode: allows you to speed up the opening of some Internet pages and speed up video playback on sites where it slows down;
  • synchronization of your bookmarks and settings (if you reinstall your Windows OS, all your bookmarks will remain in place);
  • comfortable address bar: in it you can immediately see hints for the search query you are typing;
  • the ability to change the appearance of the browser beyond recognition (for example, using large number backgrounds);

Otherwise, we have to admit that the program partially copies the capabilities of Chrome (after all, it is built on the same engine). Recommended to all users without exception, and especially to those who use Yandex services.

O pera

Once one of the most popular browsers, but now it has somewhat lost its audience. Some believe this happened due to the fact that the developers abandoned their native engine. However, in my opinion, the reviewer is still able to overtake many!Advantages:
  1. Opera turbo is a very cool feature that allows you to compress loaded pages, thereby increasing the speed of opening sites. By the way, Opera was one of the first to introduce this technology;
  2. Amazing speed even on weak (relatively weak) computers. The web surfer is well optimized for working on slow computers with not the fastest hard drives;
  3. more than 1000 extensions to change the browser (change appearance+ adding new options to the functionality);
  4. high degree of security (according to some experts, the browser is safer than the first two combined);
  5. recommendations in Opera: an option that allows you to see interesting sites.

Otherwise, there are almost the same options as in previous programs. By the way, if Opera is configured correctly, it will not be inferior to Chrome in speed, and in some cases will even outperform it!


One of the most feature-rich browsers. If it loses to Chrome in speed (although the issue is debatable), then in the ability to solve various kinds of problems it won’t lose to anyone! Thousands of plugins for solving a wide variety of problems: downloading videos from different sites, images, password master, etc.

Advantages :

  1. a huge number of plugins and add-ons;
  2. convenient work with bookmarks (Ctrl+B), their synchronization (relevant if you reinstalled Windows, for example);
  3. high speed (at least on a “clean” browser without extensions and plugins);
  4. “fine” tuning, literally, down to the smallest detail (the settings are hidden from the eyes of novice users; to get into them, go to the about:config page);
  5. ability to edit the toolbar: you can leave only what you need and remove the rest from view.

In some cases, you can’t do without it! I recommend having it on your PC, if not as the main one, then at least as a reserve...

Internet Explorer

In general, IE is a good browser, but it is popular primarily because it comes bundled with Windows. No matter how funny it sounds, in order to download an Internet surfer, you need a browser (i.e., to download, say, Chrome, you need to Windows installations launch IE at least once)...By the way, I can’t help but say that in Windows 10 IE has been replaced by the very fast Microsoft Edge. It’s too early to draw conclusions on it (the application is crude and opens some sites crookedly), but it has good prospects.

Alternative: interesting and promising web surfers


Maxthon cloud browser is developed on the basis of two engines: Webkit and Trident. Thanks to this, the developers managed to ensure that the web surfer quickly opens pages developed in a variety of programs.

Main advantages (in my opinion):

  • high speed of operation: in fact, the browser works quite quickly, and, in some cases, much faster than Chrome;
  • low consumption of PC resources (relatively);
  • reading mode and night browsing mode (allows you to conveniently view Internet pages, especially those with an abundance of advertising, awkward fonts, or dark backgrounds);
  • removing advertisements from the page in 1-2 clicks;
  • notepad for notes (quick notes, which, by the way, are also synchronized in the cloud, along with bookmarks and settings, so you can quickly access them from any PC connected to the Internet);
  • a large number of extensions;
  • the ability to take screenshots;
  • good level of security.


A Vietnamese browser that is rapidly gaining popularity. It is distributed free of charge, is quite fast, does not consume many PC resources, allows you to bypass site blocking, and download files in multiple streams.


  • full support for the newfangled HTML 5;
  • search bar in the address bar;
  • downloading files into multiple threads (after closing and opening, downloading files will resume from where it stopped);
  • support for all add-ons developed for Chrome;
  • incognito mode - allows you to anonymously visit websites;
  • its own engine for processing Java script codes (increases page processing speed).

In general, a very interesting observer who deserves close attention. I recommend testing and using it.


Relatively new browser, which is rapidly gaining popularity. I noted it in my review a year ago. A distinctive feature is its high operating speed and relatively low system requirements(even when opening a dozen tabs, the program does not consume many resources and loads pages quite quickly).

Another distinctive feature is its versatility. If you need to install plugins in other Internet surfers so that additional options appear, then SlimBrowser has a lot already built in! For example: blocking ads, auto-filling forms, downloading videos from YouTube, translating text and web pages, blocking pop-up windows, etc.

In general, a very, very good browser.


The review presents browsers from Google and Yandex, where would we be without Mail.ru? This browser is built on the Chromium engine, which means it is quite fast and flexible. Supported OS Windows Xp, 7, 8, 10.

Main advantages:

  • music player: a very cool thing for music lovers. This player allows you to very quickly find music on social networks, allows you to search for music by words, etc.;
  • news feed: you see everything new that is connected with your friends (an interesting option);
  • chat with your friends from everyone social networks- now in one place!

Overall, a very good browser with support for all basic options. I would recommend it to those users who spend a lot of time on social networks and love to listen to music...

Rambler Browser

Quite a convenient web surfer for those who like to use the Rambler search engine, read the news, and keep abreast of the latest affairs in the World. The program has several built-in widgets: weather, letters in the mail, bookmarks, etc.

In addition, the browser will show interesting news and expert opinions (as the developers say, the news will become “personal” over time - that is, it will track what you are interested in and will show you more news on a specific topic).

If we take it as a whole, it is not possible to single out any rare features - everything is the same as everyone else. A very average reviewer (or a little higher), but calling him bad is hard to come by...


Enough interesting browser, especially for owners of not the most powerful PCs. Doesn't consume as much RAM as say Firefox or Chrome.

Among the main advantages:

  • There is a portable version that does not require installation;
  • support for all modern versions of Windows (including Windows 10);
  • built-in ad blocking option (although a plus can sometimes be a minus - often such things block not only ads, but also elements of the site you are visiting);
  • support for a huge number of platforms (see program download page).


This is not a standalone browser, but just a modified version of Firefox. But there is one small “BUT”: a number of internal changes have been made to it in order to increase the speed of operation (extended support for modern processors, new security patches).

By the way, most add-ons and plugins for Firefox will work in Pale Moon. The source code is open and freely distributed.


A very fast and very lightweight browser that was developed on the Gecko engine. Distributed with open source code. By the way, the web surfer was specially designed to work in the Windows environment.

Among the main advantages:

  • super-light and minimalistic;
  • fast operating speed even on weak computers;
  • the ability to disable the loading of pictures, Java scripts, advertising, etc. in one click (very important for weak PCs, or with limited Internet access).
  • A new web surfer based on the Chromium engine, making it quite fast and flexible. The main advantage is anonymity: VPN and TOR protocols are used for encryption. The developers claim that the program allows you to remain anonymous in any situation and on any site (the statement on the one hand is very controversial...).

    By the way, what is convenient is the choice of the redirect country (i.e., intermediary) - just press one button in the browser (and you will view the site as if you were a user from Brazil or Chile (for example))!

    The developers have also introduced an encryption function into the browser. Wi-Fi networks(which are very popular lately), Firewall - secure scanning of your IP address. In general, this browser is a good replacement for Tor (or an addition to it)...

    PS. That's all for me. I will be grateful for constructive additions. Good luck with your choice:)

    Social buttons.

All people have their own preferences and interests. Everyone has their own requirements and wishes and it is very difficult to find the same ones. It is for this reason that the same thing, tested by different people, with rare exceptions, will receive the same or similar characteristics. The same is true with software. One of the most popular programs is a browser and is designed for surfing the Internet.

Therefore, the faster and smoother the browser works, the easier and more comfortable surfing will be. After all, with the help of a browser you will not only browse websites, listen to music, watch movies and even play games.

Of course, compiling ratings is not a rewarding task, because everyone has their own opinion and preference, but still highlight the best browsers based on their functionality and the opportunities that they provide to their users.

The basis is taken from browsers that work reliably in operating systems ah Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Their advantages, as well as their disadvantages, will be brought to your attention. Let's hope that thanks to our rating, you will choose the browser that satisfies your needs, if not 100, then certainly 90%.

1st place - Google Chrome browser

What kind of browser is this? First of all, it differs in that it is the most common and is even included in many programs. Of course, this is one of the fast browsers running on the Windows operating system.

Google Chrome appeared in 2008, based on the Safari browser, which was very popular at that time, running on the WebKit engine. The prototype of this browser appeared after connecting the V8 javascript engine and was called Chromium. It was only later that the newly formed browser was processed and developed in such large companies as Google, Opera Software and Yandex. One of the first manufacturers to release their brainchild based on Chromium was Google. Quite quickly it spread across the Internet, rapidly gaining popularity. Needless to say, almost all smartphones have the Google Chrome browser pre-installed out of the box.

Main advantages of Google Chrome:

  1. Google Chrome is desperate for high speed. In this indicator, it is significantly superior to its competitors. For greater convenience, users have access to such a convenient function as preloading pages, which has significantly increased loading speed.
  2. Google Chrome is one of secure browsers. This is achieved thanks to the latest technologies, including thanks to an updated database of phishing and other malicious resources. In addition, downloading files with a “.bat”, “.exe” or “.dll” permission will require additional user confirmation, which can significantly reduce the threat of virus infection.
  3. Google Chrome allows its users to use Incognito mode, which is very useful for those users who need to browse a lot of sites without leaving traces of their visit on their computer.
  4. Google Chrome uses a simple and well-designed interface that allows its users comfortable work and the absence of less important elements. It was in this browser that the quick access panel was first used, thanks to which users were able to quickly find the sites they needed. For the convenience of users, the address bar began to serve not only for entering addresses of sites and resources, but also as search system. It was from Google Chrome that this ability migrated to other browsers.
  5. Google Chrome is stable and reliable. And this is exactly so, because unlike other browsers, Google Chrome does not generate a critical error and does not slow down. If this happens, then first of all you should look for viruses in the system and only then start blaming your Chrome.
  6. Google Chrome has its own task manager, which is a “More tools” menu, which allows you to track how many system resources an entire tab or a separate running plugin takes up. Using this, you can identify the braking element and neutralize it in time.
  7. Google Chrome offers its users a fairly extensive list of all kinds of extensions, most of which are free. In addition, there are own plugins and themes for design. The user gets the opportunity to adjust the browser to his needs and wishes, which makes it very convenient to use.
  8. Google Chrome has its own built-in translator, thanks to which you can translate entire pages from different languages.
  9. Google Chrome updates automatically and most often the user simply does not notice it.
  10. It is possible to create search queries using voice using the “OK, Google” service.

The main disadvantages of Google Chrome:

  1. In Google Chrome, as of version 42.0, NPAPI plugins have ceased to be supported, including Flash Player, which is popular among users.
  2. For Google Chrome to work without distortion and lag, your computer must have at least 2 GB of RAM.
  3. There are very few Russian-language extensions and plugins in Google Chrome.
  4. Using the Google Chrome browser puts a significant strain on the hardware, which ultimately leads to reduced battery life on laptops and smartphones.
  5. Most of the data Google users Chrome is stored on American servers. However, today, some of them are transferred to Russian servers.


During Google work Chrome has proven itself to be one of the most stable and fairly fast browsers. It will be convenient and practical to have various services from Google integrated into the system. At the same time, one account allows you to quickly connect both a computer and a mobile device. In addition, it is possible to organize synchronization of these two devices.

2nd place Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser has a very short history. It was born in 2012, developed on the Chromium engine. In a short time it gained popularity throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS countries. It has full integration with all Yandex services, which makes its use very convenient. Naturally, the Yandex system is used as the default search engine.

Yandex.Browser has an original interface; it has its own quick launch panel, made in a tile style, which allows the user to use up to 20 tiles.

Yandex.Browser is equipped with the “Smart String” function, which not only transmits the entered phrase to the search engine, but also automatically helps the user select the site necessary for his request, taking into account the coincidence of the name. It is worth saying that this function can only work with large resources. There is support for mouse manipulation to improve browsing of website pages.

The main advantages of Yandex.Browser:

  1. Yandex Browser has a fairly high level of security. This is achieved due to the fact that the browser system has its own antivirus, which will check files, links and sites for harmful viruses and Trojans. It has its own updated database of fraudulent and phishing sites.
  2. The presence of Yandex.Browser's own ad blocker allows you to automatically close all pop-up banners. It is possible to disable all flash advertising and videos, which can significantly increase the speed at which pages open.
  3. There is a built-in system that allows you to view documents various formats, including books.
  4. There is a built-in translator developed by the Yandex system.
  5. There is a version specifically for smartphones that already has built-in services “ Quick links", as well as the ability to make calls.
  6. The presence of the “Turbo 2.0” mode allows you to significantly increase the speed at which website pages will load, while significantly saving traffic.
  7. Yandex Browser compresses online video, which also saves traffic.
  8. There is its own mobile version of Yandex.Browser.

The main disadvantages of Yandex Browser:

  1. Despite the original interface, not everyone will like it, as it takes time to get used to.
  2. The fact that Yandex.Browser is tied to Yandex services, as a result of which, in their absence, the browser loses most of its advantages.
  3. Although rare, problems do arise during the transfer of settings and history.

3 Place Mozilla Firefox

To date, Mozilla browser Firefox is one of the most popular foreign browsers. At the same time, according to polls in Russia, it takes an honorable third place. It first appeared in 2004. After that, a lot has changed. The application uses Gecko as an engine, which is freely available, but continues to be modernized thanks to the efforts of the developers. At one time, it was the first browser that had a large base of extensions and worked stably long before the advent of Chrome. The Mozilla Firefox browser was among the first to use the maximum privacy mode, which was later used in the Google browser.

The main advantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Mozilla Firefox has a simple and user-friendly interface, devoid of anything that interferes with normal work on the Internet.
  2. The browser has a convenient system of settings, using which you can customize it for yourself, making it more convenient.
  3. Mozilla Firefox has a large number of built-in plugins - more than 100,000.
  4. The browser is famous for its cross-platform compatibility. It can be used on any operating system.
  5. Mozilla Firefox is famous for its reliability. It will work even when other browsers freeze.
  6. The browser guarantees the maximum degree of security, as well as the privacy of users' personal data.
  7. Mozilla Firefox has a convenient bookmarks bar.
  8. If necessary, you can give the task not to leave information about yourself on various sites. It is possible to use private browsing of website pages. There is such useful feature, as a “Password Master”, thanks to which you can protect all your records.
  9. There is a convenient feature that allows you to update the browser in the background without requiring user intervention.

Main disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Mozilla Firefox, compared to Google Chrome, is inferior in terms of stability and speed.
  2. Despite constant updates, browser performance remains at an average level.
  3. Mozilla Firefox lacks support for a number of scripts, as a result of which information may not be displayed correctly on some sites.
  4. For normal operation, Mozilla Firefox will require a lot of RAM.

4th place Opera

The history of the Opera browser began back in 1994. If until 2013 the Opera browser worked on its own engine, now it has started using the Webkit+V8 engine, just like Google Chrome. Since 2010, the company launched a mobile version of the program. In Russia it ranks fourth in popularity, and in the world it is sixth.

Opera's main advantages:

  1. The Opera browser has a fairly high speed and displays pages well.
  2. There is a “turbo” mode, thanks to which you can significantly increase the loading speed of website pages using cloud technologies. This allows you not only to save traffic when working in the mobile version of this application.
  3. There is a very convenient express panel that allows you to save bookmarks. This modified instrument, called the Speed ​​Dial, survives from previous versions Opera browser.
  4. Using Opera Link technology allows you to synchronize different devices.
  5. The Opera browser has many hotkeys that greatly simplify control.
  6. There is an Internet browser Opera Unite, with which you can turn your browser into an analogue of a server. For example, you can access various files that are located on your computer. It is possible to exchange SMS notifications and even photographs.

Opera's main disadvantages:

  1. Opera is a memory-intensive application. Therefore, if several tabs are open, then the slowdown begins. At the same time, the use of the new and reliable Google Chrome engine does not help him.
  2. Some scripts may not work correctly in the Opera browser. In addition, there are complaints about working with WML.
  3. The Opera browser is not the most stable; crashes and freezes are quite common.
  4. And although the Opera browser has its own bookmarking system, called “Piggy Bank,” it was very poorly implemented.

I use Opera only as an additional browser. The "Turbo" function is useful when working with a modem, because in this case it combines high page display speed and savings in traffic consumption.

5th place K-Meleon

The K-Meleon browser is one of the relatives of the Mozilla Firefox browser. Both use the same engine. K-Meleon allows you to become a lightweight browser for Windows systems. It was supposed to provide an opportunity to demonstrate all the capabilities of the new engine. However, the result is a browser that allows you to save the consumption of your computer’s resources.

This browser is ideal for weak computers. At the same time, when working on modern systems, this browser will work even better, since in a number of parameters it allows you to get ahead of your competitors.

Main advantages of K-Meleon:

  1. The K-Meleon browser allows you to economically use computer resources and its RAM.
  2. The K-Meleon browser uses the native Windows interface, allows you to save time and resources that programs spend on their interface.
  3. Provides fairly high speed.
  4. There are excellent options for user personalization. It’s worth saying that you don’t have to use various extensions for this. The maximum effect is achieved using macros. Of course, for a beginner it will be somewhat difficult, but if you have a little free time, you can get the hang of it.
  5. Several assembly options are available to users, allowing them to choose the one that suits them best.
  6. Supports multiple profiles for use by different users.

The main disadvantages of K-Meleon:

  1. Users note the clumsy execution of the interface. Unlike the leaders, this browser has a very simple design.
  2. The K-Meleon browser may have problems when working with Cyrillic. Wherein Latest updates allowed us to partially correct the situation.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a free browser. He is in everyone Windows versions from 1995 to the present day. It was popular in Russia for quite a long time, at least before the advent of Google Chrome. Now he has lost his position. As a result, Microsoft stopped development and already Windows 10 there is a new one free browser Spartan. Of course, this browser was never considered the best. It always had many “holes” through which viruses penetrated. The situation was somewhat corrected by Internet Explorer 10, which was part of Windows 8. They tried to fix all the “holes” in this browser, but its time has already passed.

Internet Explorer 11 came with Windows 8.1. What can you say about him? Only that in terms of speed, it is not inferior to other browsers. It has a privacy mode, supports caching and much more. Most often, Internet Explorer is used by developers of various software, but it is still not worth using Internet Explorer to surf the Internet.


In the world ranking Safari browser is in 4th place. It was developed by Apple. Often integrated into iOS. It is the company's proprietary browser. Later it was adapted for Windows. However, since 2012 Apple company stopped development and all download links were erased on the official website. According to tests, Safari shows quite good results. The only negative is the lack of updates. For this reason alone, it should not be used.

SRWare Iron

This browser is a good alternative for Google Chrome fans who want to try something similar. This browser does not have built-in services from Google, with the exception of the search engine. The Chromium database was taken as a basis, but the browser does not include a copy identifier, which sends data to the server after installation and continues to monitor search queries. Since error statistics are not sent to the server, it will be difficult to fix them. But there is a completely reliable ad blocker. This browser does not have automatic updates and all updates will have to be installed manually. But this will be a minor disadvantage, since system resources are saved.


The SlimJet browser is another version of Google Chrome. Of course, it is based on the Chromium platform. However, it is not linked to Google services. The main features of this browser are, first of all, a practical password manager, and integration with FaceBook allows you to quickly use this social network. In addition, it has its own photo editor that allows you to compress photos. Security is guaranteed by its own antivirus and phishing protection. The speed of work is also quite real, in addition, there is automatic updates. SlimJet is an excellent option for those who want to change Google Chrome without losing their usual speed.

Tor Browser

Program Tor Browser its properties resemble the Mozilla Firefox browser. However, the main difference is that it has a system that ensures anonymity Tor networks. Thanks to this, you can visit even the most blocked Internet projects. Today, the popularity of this browser is very high and continues to gain momentum. Blocking torrent sites helps him with this. Tor Browser easily obtains proxy access to almost all resources around the world, allowing the user to bypass the blocking. Using Tor Browser, the user surfs sites in complete anonymity without saving browsing history. However, it does not have flash, cookies, or even a cache. The main disadvantages of this browser are its slow operation. In addition, it only allows you to surf. However, you cannot watch movies or listen to music. You should only use Tor Browser when you want to remain anonymous or visit a private site.


This browser was developed by the Russian company Mail.ru Group. It is presented as one of the best browsers, specially designed for social networks. However, this is still the same standard Chromium, which has built-in services from the Mail.ru company. The only convenience of this browser is the built-in module that makes it convenient to communicate on social networks without visiting them. However, the Amigo browser received anti-advertising primarily due to its intrusive distribution method. You can get it in addition by downloading the program. AND main question, which can most often be found on computer forums - how to erase (get rid of) the Amigo browser. At the same time, only one search engine is used as a working one, which cannot be replaced. In general, Amigo is inferior to its competitors in a number of parameters.


Comet Browser is free program with a commercial focus. It's worth saying. that the developer of this browser remains unknown. Most often used in conjunction with a browser is a search engine, which is not particularly convenient. It is worth saying that Comet is distributed in the same way as Amigo - intrusively and not always honestly. However, it is very difficult to remove it. This browser also has the ability to work with social networks. Along the way they use advertising module, which after certain moments displays simply huge advertising banners. This interferes with normal operation.

Today, there are a large number of different browsers, many of them are not included in this rating. Only the best browsers were listed here, but as you know, every sandpiper praises his swamp. All browsers presented in the review can be installed on your computer completely free of charge and used without any restrictions. If you can suggest your TOP 5 browsers, then leave your rating in the comments.

Subjective article about best browser for Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7, I’ll probably start with the following: at the moment, we can distinguish only 4 browsers that are truly fundamentally different - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. You can add Apple Safari to the list, but as of today, development of Safari for Windows has ceased, and current review This is the OS we are talking about.

Almost all other popular browsers are based on Google developments (the open source Chromium, to which this company makes the main contribution). And these are Opera, Yandex Browser and lesser-known Maxthon, Vivaldi, Torch and some other browsers. However, that doesn't mean they aren't worth a look: even though these browsers are based on Chromium, they each offer something that Google Chrome or others don't.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular Internet browser in Russia and most other countries, and for good reason: it offers the highest speed (with some caveats, which are discussed in the last section of the review) with modern types content (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript), thoughtful functionality and interface (which, with some modifications, were copied in almost all browsers), and is also one of the safest Internet browsers for the end user.

This is not all: in fact, Google Chrome today is more than just a browser: it is also a platform for running web applications, including in offline mode (and soon, I think, they will bring it to fruition). And for me personally, the best browser is Chrome, although this is subjective.

Separately, it should be noted that for those users who use Google services, are owners of Android devices, this browser is truly the best, being a kind of continuation user experience with its synchronization within the account, support for offline work, launch Google applications on the desktop, notifications and functions familiar from Android devices.

Some more points that can be noted when talking about Google browser Chrome:

  • A wide range of extensions and applications in the Chrome Web Store.
  • Theme support (this is available in almost all Chromium browsers).
  • Excellent in-browser development tools (something better can only be seen in Firefox).
  • Convenient bookmark manager.
  • High performance.
  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android).
  • Supports multiple users with profiles for each user.
  • Incognito mode to exclude tracking and saving information about your Internet activity on your computer (implemented later in other browsers).
  • Block pop-ups and malicious app downloads.
  • Built-in Flash player and PDF viewer.
  • Rapid development, in many ways setting the pace for other browsers.

In the comments, from time to time I see messages that Google Chrome is slow, spy, and generally not worth using.

As a rule, “Slowdown” is explained by a set of extensions (often not from the Chrome store, but from “official” sites), problems on the computer itself, or simply a configuration in which any software has performance problems (although I note that there are also some inexplicable cases with slow Chrome).

But about “follows”, here it is: if you use Android and Google services, there is no particular point in complaining about it, or refusing to use them together. If you don’t use it, then, in my opinion, any fears are also in vain, provided that you work on the Internet within the bounds of decency: I don’t think that displaying advertising based on your interests and location will cause you much harm.

Download for free latest version You can always Google Chrome from the official website https://www.google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html

Mozilla Firefox

On the one hand, I put Google Chrome in first place, on the other hand, I am aware that the Mozilla Firefox browser is no worse in most respects, and in some it is superior to the above-mentioned product. So what to say which browser better -Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, difficult. It’s just that the latter is a little less popular here and I personally don’t use it, but objectively these two browsers are almost equal and, depending on the tasks and habits of the user, either one or the other may be better.

In terms of performance, Firefox is slightly inferior to the previous browser in most tests, but this “slight” is unlikely to be noticeable to the average user. However, in some cases, for example, in the WebGL, asm.js tests, Mozilla Firefox wins by almost one and a half to two times.

Mozilla Firefox does not lag behind Chrome in the pace of its development (and does not follow it by copying functions); literally once a week you can read news about improvements or changes in the functionality of the browser.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  • Supports almost all the latest Internet standards.
  • Independence from companies that actively collect user data (Google, Yandex), this is an open non-profit project.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Excellent performance and good security.
  • Powerful developer tools.
  • Synchronization functions between devices.
  • Own solutions regarding the interface (for example, groups of tabs, pinned tabs, currently borrowed from other browsers, first appeared in Firefox).
  • An excellent set of add-ons and options for customizing the browser for the user.

Download Mozilla Firefox for free in the latest stable version can be found on the official download page https://www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new/

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is a relatively new browser that is included in Windows 10 (not available for other operating systems) and there is every reason to assume that for many users who do not require any special functionality, installing a third-party Internet browser in this OS will eventually become irrelevant.

In my opinion, Edge is the closest developers have come to achieving the goal of making the browser as simple as possible for the average user, but at the same time functional enough for the experienced (or developer).

And finally, the new browser from Microsoft has created one trend that is useful for all users: after it was stated that Edge is the most energy-efficient browser that provides the longest time battery life battery-powered devices, other developers began optimizing their browsers, and within a few months, positive progress in this regard was noticeable in all major products.

Yandex Browser is built on Chromium, has a simple and intuitive interface, as well as synchronization functions between devices and close integration with Yandex services and notifications for them, used by many users in our country.

Almost everything that has been said about Google Chrome, including support for multiple users and “surveillance,” applies equally to the browser from Yandex, but there are also some nice things, especially for a novice user, in particular, integrated add-ons that you can quickly enable it in the settings without searching for where to download them, among them:

  • Turbo mode to save traffic in the browser and speed up page loading on a slow connection (also present in Opera).
  • Password manager from LastPass.
  • Yandex Mail, Traffic and Disk extensions
  • Add-ons for safe work and ad blocking in the browser - Antishock, Adguard, some of our own security-related developments
  • Synchronization between different devices.

For many users, Yandex Browser can be a good alternative to Google Chrome, in some ways more understandable, simpler and closer.

You can download Yandex Browser from the official website https://browser.yandex.ru/

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is the browser that you always have right after installing Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 on your computer. Despite the prevailing stereotypes about its slowness and lack of support for modern standards, now everything looks much better.

Today, Internet Explorer has a modern interface and high operating speed (although in some synthetic tests it lags behind its competitors, in tests of page loading and display speed it wins or is on par).

Additionally, Internet Explorer is one of the best in terms of security of use, has a growing list of useful add-ons (add-ons) and, in general, there is nothing particularly to complain about.

True, the future fate of the browser against the backdrop of the release of Microsoft Edge is not entirely clear.


Vivaldi can be described as a browser for those users for whom simply browsing web pages is not enough; in reviews of this browser you can find a “browser for geeks”, although it is possible that regular user will find something for himself in it.

The Vivaldi browser was created under the leadership of the former manager of Opera, after the browser of the same name switched from its own Presto engine to Blink, among the tasks during creation were the return of the original Opera functions and the addition of new, innovative features.

Among Vivaldi's features that are missing in other browsers:

And this is far from full list. Some things in the Vivaldi browser, judging by the reviews, do not work as we would like (for example, according to reviews, there are problems with the work of the necessary extensions), but in any case, it can be recommended to those who want to try something customizable and different from the usual programs of this kind.

You can download the Vivaldi browser from the official website https://vivaldi.com

Other browsers

All browsers in this section are based on Chromium (Blink engine) and essentially differ only in the implementation of the interface, a set of additional functions(which can be enabled in the same Google Chrome or Yandex Browser using extensions), sometimes - to a slight extent in performance. However, for some users these options turn out to be more convenient and the choice is given in their favor:

  • Opera was once a unique browser powered by its own engine. Now on Blink. The pace of updates and the introduction of new features is not what it used to be, and some updates are controversial (as was the case with bookmarks that cannot be exported, see). What remains original is, in part, the interface, the Turbo mode, which first appeared in Opera, and convenient visual bookmarks. You can download Opera at com.
  • Maxthon - by default it is equipped with ad blocking functions using AdBlock Plus, site security assessment, advanced anonymous browsing functions, the ability to quickly download video, audio and other resources from the page and some other “goodies”. Despite all of the above, the Maxthon browser consumes less computer resources than other Chromium browsers. Official page downloads - maxthon.com.
  • UC Browser - a popular Chinese browser for Android is also available for Windows. From what I managed to note - my own system visual bookmarks, a built-in extension for downloading videos from sites and, of course, synchronization with the mobile UC Browser (attention: installs its own Windows service, I don’t know what I’m doing).
  • Torch Browser - among other things, includes a torrent client, capabilities for downloading audio and video from any site, a built-in media player, Torch Music service for free access to music and music videos in the browser, free games Torch Games and a “download accelerator” of files (warning: was found installing third-party software).

There are other browsers, even better known to readers, not mentioned here - Amigo, Sputnik, Internet, Orbitum. However, I don't think they should be on the list of the best browsers, even though they have some noteworthy features. The reason - the unethical distribution scheme and subsequent work is that most users are interested in how to remove such a browser, and not install it.

Additional Information

You might also be interested in some additional information about the browsers reviewed:

In general, for the vast majority of users there will be no significant difference between the described browsers, and the answer to the question which browser is the best cannot be unambiguous: they all work decently, they all require a lot of memory (sometimes more, sometimes less) and sometimes slow down or crashes, have good security features and perform their main function - browsing the Internet and ensuring the operation of modern web applications.

So in many ways, the choice of which browser is the best for Windows 10 or another version of the OS is a matter of taste, requirements and habits of a particular person. New browsers are also constantly appearing, some of which, despite the presence of the “giants,” are gaining a certain popularity, focusing on some specific necessary functions. For example, beta testing of the Avira browser (from the antivirus manufacturer of the same name) is currently underway, which, as they promise, can become the safest for a novice user.